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4here Ukraina 5p6ken: 7la55i8i9ati6n: :n;6<=ur6pean> ?la@i9> =a5t ?ee al56: Russian A Belarusian

B Browse pages B Download dictionary as PDF file ! !"#$#$ '( % )* * %& +,-)! .(+$ /!0*-$ +'.$ .112 /'& 30!" .!+! !# 40* 3!.$ 11 4!-5 3!.#$ 1!1$5% 607/$ ($1-$ %& 1-$#$ 602/ 5-$8'59 #$#$ 1-$#$5% 65'-#$5% #$#$5% 1-$5% 7" 5!7 )$59 #$:$. 1'#$ 7"$5% $ /'& 5-$/$5% !"i1:2 % 58' &


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eg Fkupa hi@naF Cpile 68 5hitD Ghe a99ent i5 6n the la5t 5HllableI

+,-)! < d>er?o Cn6unD E 5hit n6te Ghi5 alJaH5 re8er5 t6 the 5KellH pr6;u9t 68 ;e8e9ati6nI F;FerK6F i5 pr6bablH the J6r5t gra;e 68 5hit> al6ng Jith F5ra9hFI Fhi@n6F i5 a little le55 5tr6ngI FkakaF i5 Kil;er Het> 5uitable e@en 86r 5Kall 9hil;renI +'.$ < dupa Cn6unD L butt> rear<en;M anu5 n6te C;iale9talD ?ee NOh6paN> N5rakaNI

30!" < @lob Cn6unD buKpkin> hi9k> b66r 3!.$ < Ahopa Cn6unD L butt> a55> a55h6le 3!.#$ < AhopBa Cn6unD little butt n6te A88e9ti6nate ;iKinuti@e 68 FOh6paFI FG@6Pa Oh6pka Keni p6;6baPetF9FaF C: like H6ur 9ute little buttDI

($1-$ %& < AasranyC Ca;Pe9ti@eD L 5hittH> 5hit 6n> 96@ere; Jith 5hit

#$#$ < BaBa Cn6unD L 9rap> ;66;66 n6te Ghe 8irt 5Hllable i5 a99ente;I #$#$5% < BaBaty C@erbD L t6 take a ;uKp> ;e8e9ate n6te Ghe 8ir5t 5Hllable i5 a99ente;I #$:$. < Bacap Cn6unD E Qu55ian n6te Reri@e; 8r6K F9apF CbillH g6atDI A 5tere6tHpi9al Fka9apF ha5 a g6atee bear;> but the terK i5 u5e; ;er6gati@elH 86r anH Qu55ianI A99ent i5 6n F9apFI

$ /'& < na BhuC Cphra5eD E 6n a 969k> 8u9ke; n6te GHpi9al u5age i5 Fi;H na khuPSF Cget 8u9ke;SD> literallH Cg6 6n a 969kDI Fna khuPF i5 a tJ6 5Hllable phra5e Jith the a99ent 6n FnaFI T6r e,aKple Fna khuP Pa pra9uPuUF CJhH the 8u9k aK : J6rkingUD

!"i1:2 %& < obisc>anyC Ca;PID L 56ake; in pi55 Ct6 pi55D

Reri@e; 8r6K N6bN C5urr6un;e; bHD V N59FatHN

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A99ent i5 6n the 8ir5t FkaFI

.(+$ < piAda Cn6unD E 9unt> pu55H> @agina n6te A99ent i5 6n F;aFI .112 < pissia Cn6unD L pi55> urine n6te A99ent i5 6n FpiF .!+! !# < podonoB Cn6unD L Perk n6te A99ent i5 6n F;6FI

11 < sisi Cplural n6unD L tit5 n6te A99ent i5 alK65t eWual 6n b6th 5Hllable5> p655ible a little 5tr6nger 6n the 8ir5t F5iF 1!1$5% < sosaty C@erbD L t6 5u9k Cpu55H 6r 969kD n6te eg F565H KeneF C5u9k KH ;i9kD 1-$#$ < sraBa Cn6unD E a55h6le n6te ?ee F;upaF an; FOh6paFI 1-$#$5% < sraBaty C@erbD L t6 5hit n6te A99ent i5 6n the 8ir5t 5Hllable 1-$5% < sraty C@IiI> :D L t6 5hit n6te 96nP: C5eru> 5ere5h> IIID 1'#$ < suBa CnID L bit9h n6te ClitID a 8eKale ;6gI 7an be u5e; a5 an epithet a5 in =ngli5hI

5-$/$5% < traBhBaty C@erbD L t6 bang> t6 8u9k n6te Tr6K FtrakhSF CbangSD 58' < tfu CinterPe9ti6nD ptui Cthe 56un; 68 5pittingD n6te Qepeate; three tiKe5 in a r6J Jhile l66king 6@er the le8t 5h6ul;er a5 an in9antati6n t6 Jar; 688 the Re@il> Ft8u t8u t8uFI U5age 5iKilar t6 =ngli5h Ckn69k 6n J66;D> a5 in FPa 5kin9hu beO p6Kil6k> t8u t8u t8uF C: J6nFt Kake anH Ki5take5> kn69k 6n J66;DI

'( % )* * < uAny ?ene Cphra5eD E ki55 KH a55h6le 7arpathian Ukrainian5I

Qegi6nal hut5ul e,pre55i6nI Xut5ul5 are

/!0*-$ < Bholera Cn6un u5e; a5 interPe9ti6nD L 9h6lera> a u5uallH<8atal ;i5ea5e 5uper5titi6u5lH t6 Kean ba; lu9k 6r ;aKnati6nI /'& < BhuC Cn6unD E 969k> ;i9k> peni5


40* < Elen Cn6unD KeKber> peni5 4!-5 < chort Cn6unD the Re@il> the =@il Yne> n6te U5e; al6ne a5 an interPe9ti6n like FhellF 6r F;aKnF in =ngli5hI Y8ten 96Kbine; Jith FberHF CtakeD t6 Kean the Re@il take it> H6u> et9II> a5 in F9h6rt tebe berHF Cthe Re@il take H6uSD> 6r Jith FOnaPeF Ckn6J5D a5 in F9h6rt OnaPeF C6nlH the Re@il kn6J5DI Al56 96Kbine; Jith F;6F Ct6D a5 in F;6 9h6rtaF Ct6 the Re@ilD> eWui@alent t6 CRaKn H6uSDI Reri@e; 8r6K F9h6rnHPF Cbla9kDI

607/$ < shl>uBha Cn6unD L 5lut> J6Kan ea5H t6 8u9k n6te A99ent i5 6n the 8ir5t 5HllableZ 602/ 5-$8'59 < shl>aBh trafyt> Cphra5eD E KaH Tate 5trike it> [6; ;aKn it n6te Ghi5 i5 56Kething H6u Ji5h 6n H6ur J6r5t eneKHI :t i5 5ai; 6nlH in great angerI Ghe la5t FtF i5 pr6n6un9e; 568t> like the FtF in C8eatureD 6r Ca5tuteD 65'-#$5% < FturBaty C@erbD L t6 p6ke> t6 8u9k n6te Ghi5 i5 a eupheKi5K 86r 8u9kingI :t literallH Kean5 t6 p6keI

7" 5!7 )$59 < Cub t=oCu ?at> CiKperati@e phra5eD 8u9k H6ur K6ther> K6ther8u9k n6te Ghe FtF 86ll6Je; bH an ap65tr6phe i5 pr6n6un9e; 568t> like the FtF in =ngli5h F8eatureF 6r the 8ir5t FtF in Fa5tuteFI 7"$5% < Cubaty C@erbD E t6 8u9k n6te ?6KetiKe5 pr6n6un9e; FP6batHFI Ghe pr6n6un9iati6n i5 n6t 5tan;ar;iOe; 5in9e thi5 J6r; ;6e5nFt appear in ;i9ti6narie5I

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