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IAS Syllabus | History of world notes | IAS MAINS


History of the world will include events from 18th century such as industrial revolution, world wars, redrawal of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc.their forms and effect on the society.

World History relevant to IAS general studies paper 1

Posted on July 20, 2013 by admin

Following are few sources that will help in understanding the topics. Start as follows 1. First download NCERT World History book that is class XI, Subject History and title Themes in World History from here. Unzip it and go through only last unit (kehs104.pdf). First three units are not relevant as they cover pre Industrial revolution history and is not in ias mains syllabus. It cover following topics Industrial revolution Colonization of North America, Australia and Africa Rise of Japan and aggressive nationalism Rise of communism in China 2. French Revolution from NIOS material 3. Nazism from NIOS material 4. Socialism and Russian Bolshevik revolution NIOS material 5. Download OLd NCERT world history relevant to gs from here good work by Mrunal.org..thanks to Mrunal.org..I combined all pages in one pdf http://db.tt/zU0EaNuu 6. For rest of the topics, search on wiki and google. I will add links as soon as I will cover them. Kindly reply in comments if you know any better online source. Posted in General Studies I, History of world | Tagged bolshevik, colonialism , french revolution, industrial revolution, nazism , socialism | Leave a reply
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IAS Syllabus | History of world notes | IAS MAINS

World History NIOS material Industrial revolution and others

Posted on June 9, 2013 by admin

Following topics are covered: Industrial revolution factors, spread across Europe, how it affected other parts of world and led to imperialism and other conflicts in world Colonialism Africa, Asia Japan, China Facism Rise of dictatorship in Italy, Germany and Spain World war -1 World War -2 Appeasement policy League of nations and United Nations Rewriting of boundaries in Europe as consequences of World wars

Key Points Main factors behind colonial expansion were 1. the needs created by IR, 2. growth in transport and communication ie invention of steam engine, railways, telegraph, telegram etc 3. Desire for power 4. Extreme nationalism 5. an urge to civilize men Japan was only Asian country to rise as an imperialist power. The intense imperialist rivalry among European and formation of military alliances (Triple entente England Russia France in 1907 and triple alliance pledging germany, austria and Italy -1882) resulted in outbreak of WW I in 1914 Assasination of Austrian Heir Archuke Francis was immediate cause of outbreak Consequences of WW I included 1. harsh and humiliation treatment to germany in the form of signing Treaty of Versailles, 2. defeated powers losing their colonies, 3. major territorial changes in Europe, 4. breaking up of Ottoman Empire, 5. independence of Hungary and 6. setting up of League of Nation by Woodrow Wilson.




IAS Syllabus | History of world notes | IAS MAINS

Growth of Fascism in Italy led by Mussolini and Nazism in Germany led by Hitler suppressed democracy, freedom, socialism and communism between 1919 -1939 Policy of appeasment by western powers toward Germany to contain communism backfired and culminated in WW II WW II consequences 1. Formation of UN 2. Division of Germany in four parts 3. Weakening of imperial powers 4. Emergence of independent states in Africa and Asia Post war situation witnessed the emergence of two super powers USA and Soviet Union and beginning of a longstanding Cold war which ended in 1990s with disintegration of Soviet Union in CIS.

Industrial revolution, world war 1, 2, Colonialism, facism, UN From World History NIOS notes, posted by Iasmains New Pattern on 6/09/2013 (19 items)

In du stri al rev ol u ti on -I

In du stri al rev ol u ti on -2

Cau ses an d factors th at faci l i tated IR

Coal an d Iron pl ay ed i m portan t Steam En gi n e rev ol u ti on i zed rol e tran portati on

Im peri al i sm i n A fri ca
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key poi n ts

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Cau ses of WW I

Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher 2

Posted in General Studies I, History of world | Tagged fascism , imperialism , industrial revolution, nazism , world wars | Leave a reply

World History Questions asked in previous years from this section in History optional
Posted on May 31, 2013 by admin

1. What do you understand by imperialism? State briefly its unique features in the case of Afric. 2. To What extent did Nepoleans economic war with England became his undoing? 3. Critically analyse dutch colonial policy in indonesia 4. Europe faced peace in 1945 politically disorganised and economically crippled. Elaborate

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IAS Syllabus | History of world notes | IAS MAINS

1. Hitler did not really want a world war. His intention was a small with Poland.Comment 2. Discuss emergence on neo-imperialism in late 19th century. 3. What was extent of industrialization in west europe by end of ninteenth century 4. How did Nepolean bonpart fuse the old France with the new? (asked twice in last 3 years) 5. Why did Vietnam go through thirty year of war after the second world war?

1. The railways instead of serving as a catalyst of an industrial revolution as in USA and Western Europe, acted in India as the catalyst of complete colonization. Examine 2. The connection between the philosophers ideas and the outbreak of French revolution is somewhat remote and indirect. comment. 3. The process of industrialization in some other countries of Europe were different from that in Britain. Comment 4. With the cold war over and the soviet union gone, the face of international diplomacy has undergone metamorphosis. Comment. 5. The impact of French revloution was confined to Europe whereas Russian revolution was global. Critically review. 6. Any single explanation for outbreak of first ww is likely to be too simple. An amalgam of factors, social, political and economic and diplomatic contributed to this horrifying conflict of monumental proportion. Comment

1. whoever say industrialism, say cotton. Comment 2. By 1914, sick men of europe was no longer just Turkey.It was Europe itself. Explain 3. How did policy of appeasement escalate problem of nazi aggrandizement?
Posted in General Studies I, History of world | Tagged question paper, world history | Leave a reply



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