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Time Management

MMM Training Solutions

Time Management Manage the Now

"Time is the scarcest resource of the manager; if it is not managed, nothing

else can be managed.

Peter.F.Drucker, (1909-2005), Management Guru

Activity Time Limit

Do we feel this way often?

I wish I have more than 24 hours per day so that I can get more things done!

The Clock and the Compass

Activity Logs
Activity logs helps you to:
To audit the way that you use your time Identify and eliminate time-wasting or low-yield jobs

Organizing Your Time

Pareto Principle, Job Analysis

Activity Logs and Pareto Analysis

Compare the activity log that you have

just constructed with your Job Role chart and identify the 20% of your activities

that contribute to 80% of your results

Analyzing Your Activity Log

Which activities do I need to spend more time on or less time on? What time did I start my number one priority each day?

What did I do that could be eliminated or delegated to

someone else? What else should I be doing? How do these activities relate to my long term goals and objectives?

Activity Log
How would you like your activity log to look six months from now? Create this activity log for the future and identify the key areas where you need to spend more time and the areas that you need to spend lesser time

To Do Lists
An Effective Tool to Manage Time

The Time Management Matrix


Based on work by Stephen Covey

Time Management Matrix


Not Urgent
Tasks can be divided into 4 categories depending on importance and urgency

Quadrant 1

Quadrant 2

Not Important

Quadrant 3

Quadrant 4


Slot the activities of your To-do list into the 4 quadrants

Thank You
MMM Training Solutions

Mobile: +91 9840932894 Website: www.mmmts.com E-mail: Administration@mmmts.com

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