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Wr|t|ng Desk

1he goa| of the wr|t|ng desk |s to prov|de a serv|ce -- v|rtua||y or |n person-- where students can come to |earn more
about the process of wr|t|ng and to |mprove the|r ab|||ty to create we||-organ|zed, accurate, and appropr|ate wr|tten
products accord|ng to the task at hand.
Cur ob[ect|ves:
1. Pelp sLudenLs ldenLlfy dlfferenL sLyles/genres of wrlLlng, and choose approprlaLe formaLLlng, grammar, and
vocabulary for LhaL sLyle.
2. Pelp sLudenLs organlze Lhelr ldeas Lo lmprove coherency ln Lhelr wrlLlng:
havlng a Lhesls sLaLemenL and concluslon
paragraph sLrucLure and sequenclng of ldeas
glvlng supporLlng deLalls
uslng llnklng words approprlaLely
3. ldenLlfy (buL noL flx") problems ln wrlLlng, lncludlng overall organlzaLlon, use of references/clLaLlons, and errors
ln verb Lense, grammaLlcal sLrucLures, word cholce, and spelllng/mechanlcs.
4. AsslsL sLudenLs ln uslng Lhe Lools avallable Lo Lhem (Word revlslon, dlcLlonarles, Lhesaurus, eLc.), Lo edlL Lhelr
own work.
3. Pelp sLudenLs use proper references and clLaLlons:
lnLegraLlng dlrecL quoLes lnLo LexL and paraphraslng
Pow Lo clLe references properly

now to Use the Wr|t|ng Desk

SubmlL asslgnmenLs Lo: wrlLlngdesk[lLeso.mx (See pollcles below).
Cur o||c|es:
1. lor asslgnmenLs submlLLed vlrLually (vla e-mall):
1here ls a mlnlmum 48-hour Lurnaround. Same-day or 24-hour requesLs wlll noL be accepLed.
1he flle MuS1 be ln MS Word so LhaL lL ls edlLable and we can lnserL commenLs. CLherwlse, Lhe requesL wlll
noL be accepLed.
1he flle MuS1 be physlcally aLLached Lo Lhe e-mall. SLudenLs should glve a brlef explanaLlon of Lhe
asslgnmenL so Lhe LuLor undersLands whaL Lhe expecLed flnal producL ls.
2. SLudenLs musL come wllllng Lo work wlLh LuLors on Lhe process of wrlLlng - Lhls ls noL abouL qulck flxes or
geLLlng Lhe answers".
3. We wlll use Lhe followlng code Lo correcL sLudenLswork (Lhe same whlch ls used by LuLors ln Lhe lab):
mw = mlsslng word
sp = spelllng mlsLake
nn = noL necessary
vt = verb Lense
g = grammar mlsLake
ww = wrong word
n = number (slngular Lo plural
or vlce versa)
wf = wrong form
wo = word order

wa = word agreemenL
c = caplLal leLLer
p = puncLuaLlon
I = separaLe Lhe words or

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