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Muscles of the Floor of the Mouth

These muscles are part of the suprahyoid (above the hyoid) group of muscles. Together with the infrahyoid muscles these muscles fix the and this enables the hyoid bone to serve as a firm base for the attachment of the . As a group these muscles also elevate the hyoid bone, the floor of the oral cavity, and tongue during swallowing.

igastric ( ouble !elly)



#rigin" Anterior belly from mandible $osterior belly from temporal %nsertion" &yoid Action" 'levates hyoid and(or depresses mandible


Muscle" )tylohyoid #rigin" Temporal (styloid process) %nsertion" hyoid Action" 'levates *arynx


Muscle" Mylohyoid #rigin" Mandible %nsertion" &yoid Action" 'levates hyoid and floor of mouth+ depresses mandible





-homboid Minor

-homboid Ma.or


*evator $alpebrae )uperioris

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