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Lehrstuhl fr Energiewirtschaft und Anwendungstechnik

Ordinarius Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Wagner Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Hamacher (komm.) Technische Universitt Mnchen

Energy Systems & Energy Economy Exercise 1 Fixed and Variable Costs, Annuity
The following data refers to a 800 MW coal fired power plant: Overall efficiency g: Investment costs CInv: Demolition costs CDem: Personnel Costs CPer: Maintenance costs CMa Insurance costs CIns: Fuel costs cFuel: 46 % 1200 Mio. 300 Mio. 10 Mio. /a 14 Mio. /a 1 % of investment costs per year 9.60 /MWhfuel

Depreciation period TDep: 40 years Calculatory interest Xcal: 5 % pa

CO2 allowances cCO2:

4.80 /tCO2

CO2 emission factor fCO2: 330 kgCO2/MWhCoal

1. Calculate the annual fixed costs and variable cost with reference to the utilisation time for this power plant.

2. Calculate the specific electricity production costs in dependence of the utilisation time of 100, 1000, 5000 and 8000 hours a year and visualise the results in a chart.

3. Now assume that the power plant is already depreciated. Calculate the specific electricity production costs in dependence of the utilisation time of 100, 1000, 5000 and 8000 hours a year and visualise the results in the same chart.

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