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loading a n d structural layout From paragraph it will be noted that when there is no disturbance in the pitch angle of the

aircraft, the derivative is zero, that is, the coefficient in Eqn. is zero. Thus Eqn. is simplified to:

is a function of the yaw angle, However, it will also be noted that the derivative and thus a simple analytical solution to Eqn. is not possible. Preferably a simulation technique should be used. Even if this term is assumed to be zero so that becomes zero in Eqns and there is still coupling between the rolling modes since the yawing derivative due to motion and the other the change in thrust. will cause a disturbance in both the sideslip and yaw rate with a consequent rolling effect through the derivatives and L,. coefficients and respectively. It is unlikely that the change in consequent upon the failure of an outboard powerplant will result in a critical structural loading case. An approximate estimation of the loads occurring during such an event may be obtained by assuming: that the roll interaction may be neglected; that the side force effect, is that the change in thrust is instantaneous. Then, replacing the control being zero. Eqn. in Eqn. by and with the equivalent of


Comments on special configurations of aircraft

The development of the equations thus far in this chapter is based on the assumption that the aircraft is of conventional configuration. This is defined as a having located horizontal and vertical surfaces. There are other possibilities deserving comment. Very few aircraft dispense with the conventional aft vertical stabilizing surface as this is required to confer directional stability. Vertical surfaces may be located at the extremities of a swept-back wing this does not basically alter the analysis developed in Section 4.7. A few more recent designs do dispense with the vertical surfaces for reasons of low and the control system is used to confer artificial stability. this, comparatively rare, situation the comments in Section are applicable.

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