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ISO 9001:2008

1) The Purpose of ISO 9001:2008 certification to the organization. It is the ISO for QMS custo#ers' re"uire#ents. It $ou%& (eep Manage#ent ) e#p%o*ees focuse& on Qua%it*. I#pro+e the Pro&uct or Ser+ice "ua%it*. ,chie+e internationa% Qua%it* recognition. !e"uire#ents. It $ou%& he%p us to #eet

2) -n&erstoo& the Qua%it* Manage#ent S*ste#. It is a set of po%icies. processes ) proce&ures re"uire& for p%anning an& e/ecution in the core 0usiness area of an Organization 1i.e.. the area that can i#pact the organizations a0i%it* to #eet custo#er's re"uire#ent). 2) -n&erstan& the &ifference 0et$een Qua%it* 3ontro% ) Qua%it* ,ssurance. Quality Assurance It is a process of e+a%uating the o+era%% pro5ect 4efinition perfor#ances on a regu%ar 0asis to pro+i&e confi&ence that the pro5ect $i%% satisf* the re%e+ant "ua%it* stan&ar&s. 6ocus on It is to Pre+ent &efects. Proacti+e Qua%it* Process. To i#pro+e the &e+e%op#ent 7oa% an& test processes so that the &efects &o not arises. Quality Control It is a process of #onitoring pro5ect resu%ts to &eter#ine if the* co#p%* $ith re%e+ant "ua%it* stan&ar&s an& i&entif*ing $a*s to e%i#inate causes of an* unsatisfactor* perfor#ances. It is to i&entif* &efects. It is reacti+e process. I&entif* the &efects in e+er* process steps 0efore the pro&uct is re%ease&.

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