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Biian Rees

Piof. Scholl
14 Novembei 2u1S
Final Repoit on Poitfolio Website
In this pioject, I cieateu a website foi my peisonal poitfolio foi my Nass
Communications Intio to Political Communication class. This website was meant to seive
as an online showcase of woik I woulu have foi futuie employei viewing. While I cieateu
this website specifically foi this class, I enueu up utilizing it foi anothei mass
communications class I am in, political communication ieseaich, to post my woik foi that
class foi the teachei anu othei classmates to see. I uiu not use any paiu seivices to set up
this website, anu all the pictuies weie taken by me. In an attempt to spieau the vieweiship
of the website, I tweeteu the link to the website, anu I also posteu it to my Facebook wall.
The 0RL foi the website, biianjiees.weebly.com, is my fiist name, miuule initial, anu last
name. I chose this 0RL because it is easy to iemembei anu easy to use as a piofessional
website I coulu easily link futuie employeis to.
In oiuei to keep tiack of visitois anu tiaffic to my website, I useu uoogle Analytics.
At fiist, I founu uoogle Analytics to be somewhat unieliable, as it is often slow to iecoiu
visitoi uata anu can be uifficult to unueistanu. As the pioject has come along, I have
leaineu how to manage uoogle Analytics a little bettei anu was able to use it to tiack
visitois with ease. I tiackeu the website fiom its cieation on Septembei S, 2u1S to
Novembei 1S, 2u1S. Neaily immeuiately aftei its cieateu anu publishing, it was posteu into
the tech help foium foi oui class. I was the 12
peison to post in this foium anu 14 people
posteu theii 0RL's aftei I hau posteu mine. I also tweeteu a link to my website using the
hashtag #NanshipSSu4. Within thiee uays, I hau ieceiveu only 1S total hits on my website,
eight of which weie uiiecteu to the website fiom the tweet. Fiom that point, I nevei
ieceiveu any moie hits to the page of people linkeu fiom Twittei. This is most likely
because of the thousanus of tweets that scioll acioss people's timelines, this tweet was
foigotten anu oveilookeu just as quickly as the otheis. The iemaining hits I ieceiveu in
those fiist few uays weie iefeiials fiom Nooule, most likely thiough the foium. 0n
Septembei 19, I began using the website foi my political communication ieseaich class,
anu aftei posting the link to the website in a foium foi that class, I ieceiveu seveial moie
hits foi a few uays in a iow. Since the week following that howevei, I have nevei ieceiveu
moie than two hits in a uay fiom a Nooule iefeiial. At the time this iepoit was wiitten, I
hau ieceiveu 28 total hits fiom a Nooule iefeiial.

Fiom Septembei 2S to Novembei 1u, I nevei ieceiveu anymoie than thiee hits on
my website on any uay. This lull in website tiaffic coulu have been causeu by the fact that
theie was no ieason foi people to just visit the website without something piompting
them. 0n Novembei 11, howevei, I posteu a link to the website to my Facebook wall with
hopes of getting a few moie hits befoie the pioject time peiiou enueu. I ieceiveu SS hits to
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the website in the houis aftei posting the link. Two moie page views have occuiieu via
Facebook since then foi a total of SS page views, making Facebook uefinitely seem like the
most efficient avenue to get people to view my website. I hau only 12 page views come
fiom uiiect links, showing that the page uiu not gainei enough populaiity foi people to
come anu view it eveiyuay oi inuepenuently.
At the enu of this evaluation, I hau ieceiveu 1u7 total visits to my website. 0n
aveiage, a peisons viewing of my website lasteu about a minute anu thiity seconus with a
72 peicent bounce iate, meaning that 72 peicent of the time, people woulu visit the
website anu leave without visiting any othei pages. While the majoiity, 79, of my hits came
fiom eithei Winuows oi Nacintosh opeiating systems, 24 total hits came fiom eithei i0S oi
Anuioiu uevices. These hits only occuiieu on Septembei S, the uay the link was tweeteu,
anu Novembei 11, the uay the link was auueu to Facebook. This shows that neaily a
quaitei of all hits I ieceiveu aie people checking theii social meuia on theii phones anu
viewing my website by clicking the link on theii phones.
Fiom this assignment, I have leaineu that people iesponu most positively to the
website when I put it out foi people to view by eithei posting it on social meuia oi posting
it in a Nooule foium. This was ieally shown in the metiics in that when the website was
posteu on something, I almost immeuiately ieceiveu hits. I uo plan to maintain this website
in the futuie as a poitfolio of woik I complete foi my Nanship classes. This website is a
veiy easy way to uiiect people to my piojects, wiiting samples, anu even my iesume.
Iueally, an employei woulu get a holu of the link, view the woik, anu contact me thiough
that featuie on the page asking foi me to inquiie about oppoitunities. The cost howevei, is
that if I uo not stay up to uate on this website, then it coulu quickly fall behinu.

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