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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Annaliese Vander Baan Date 22 October 2013 """"""#th"""""" Subject/ Topic/ Theme Food hains !rade

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This is the second lesson in m$ unit plan on %cos$stems& This lesson 'ocuses on 'ood chains and ho( each animal and plant is totall$ dependent on each other&

Learners will be able to#

/denti'$ producers0 consumers0 and decomposers in an ecos$stem& Dra( 1(ith pictures2 a 'ood chain and illustrate the 'lo( o' ener)$ Describe ho( ener)$ is deri*ed 'rom the sun and is used b$ plants to produce su)ars and is trans'erred (ithin a 'ood chain 'rom producers to consumers ,eco)ni3e that i' e*ents a''ect one species in a ecos$stem0 this (ill ha*e either a positi*e or ne)ati*e e''ect on the other or)anisms in its 'ood chain& ,e*ie( the *ocab (ords 'rom last (ee4s lesson5 consumer0 carni*ore0 herbi*ore0 omni*ore0 ecos$stem0 producers0 decomposers See !od6s hand pla$ a role in the creation o' each species

co)niti*e+ , - Ap An % .

ph$sical de*elopment

socio+ emotional

,0 App App ,0 App

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# +7&% &0#&11 /denti'$ or)anisms as part o' a 'ood chain or 'ood (eb& +7&% &0#&21 %8plain ho( en*ironmental chan)es can produce a chan)e in the 'ood chain& +S&,S&0#&19 Describe the e''ect humans and other or)anisms ha*e on the balance o' the natural (orld& +7&O7&0#&1: Determine that plants re;uire air0 (ater0 li)ht0 and a source o' ener)$ and buildin) material 'or )ro(th and repair& +7&O7&0#&1< Determine that animals re;uire air0 (ater0 and a source o' ener)$ and buildin) material 'or )ro(th and repair
1=ote# >rite as man$ as needed& /ndicate ta8onom$ le*els and connections to applicable national or state standards& /' an objecti*e applies to particular learners (rite the name1s2 o' the learner1s2 to (hom it applies&2 .remember0 understand0 appl$0 anal$3e0 e*aluate0 create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

+Students (ill use the 4no(led)e o' last (ee4s lesson to build on this 4no(led)e o' 'ood chains& The$ (ill use their past *ocabular$ to learn more about 'ood chains&
Pre-assessment (for learning):

+,e*ie( (hat (e tal4ed about last (ee4?)o throu)h *ocab (ords to chec4 comprehension o' last (ee4s lesson Outline assessment activities 1applicable to this lesson2
Formative (for learning):

+As4in) ;uestions throu)hout the lesson about ecos$stems +>ere able to (or4 (ell in small )roups@
Formative (as learning):

+Students ha*e to 'ill out the (or4sheet durin) the *ideo Summative (of learning25 +,e*ie( student6s posters o' 'ood chains and be sure that the$ are )raspin) the material& + at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation Aro*ide options 'or perception+ making information perceptible +*isuals (ith the pictures and *ideo clips 'or students (ho learn better *isuall$ Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression Aro*ide options 'or ph$sical action+ increase options for interaction +Banipulati*e +Bo*in) around the room to (or4 on small )roup acti*ities Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement Aro*ide options 'or recruitin) interest+ choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats +As4in) students ;uestions a'ter the *ideo +%n)a)in) the students (ith thou)ht pro*o4in) ;uestions


Aro*ide options 'or lan)ua)e0 mathematical e8pressions0 and s$mbols+ clarify & connect language

Aro*ide options 'or e8pression and communication+ increase me ium of e!pression

+Aictures o' animals +'ood chains students to do t is lesson"

Aro*ide options 'or comprehension+ activate, apply & highlight

+Small )roups (ith partners

Aro*ide options 'or sustainin) e''ort and persistence+ optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

+Students (or4in) (ith partners to learn about 'ood chains to)ether&

Aro*ide options 'or sel'+re)ulation+ e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

Aro*ide options 'or e8ecuti*e 'unctions+ coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

+ omputer to pla$ the *ideo +Smart board to do the 'ood chains +>or4sheet 'or the *ideo on 'ood chains +Bread 'or students to understand ener)$ loss 110D2 +Eni'e to cut bread +Arinted pictures o' animals and producers +The classroom (ill be set up the same (a$ that it is no(&

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 6#78 Com!onents /otivation 1openin)/ introduction/ en)a)ement2 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. +As4 students (hat (e tal4ed about last (ee4@ +Students ans(er the ;uestions / la$ be'ore them +As4 students (hat the$ had 'or brea4'ast@ Sort items in t(o cate)ories on smart boardFplants *s& animals


3evelo!ment 1the lar)est component or main bod$ o' the lesson2

6#:8 6#:9


+As4 students (hat (e need to eat@ >here do co(s )et their ener)$ the$ need to build muscles and produce mil4 (e drin4@ >here do plants )et the ener)$ the$ need to ma4e lea*es@ +/ntroduce (hat a 'ood chain and (here it all be)ins 1sun2 +Gandout (or4sheet on *ideo +Sho( the 'ood chains *ideo 'or students to learn a little more about 'ood chains +Aause *ideo to tal4 about (hat (e call each le*el o' the 'ood chain +Transition into ener)$ lost in 'ood chain +Sho( e8ample o' cuttin) the bread and ho( $ou loose 10D on each le*el +Gold up a slice a bread and tell students that one

+Students ans(er ;uestions +Students 'ill out (or4sheet durin) *ideo +Students are assi)ned small )roups to (or4 on 'ood chains poster acti*it$&



6#<9 6#<91 78#89

slice o' bread contains appro8imatel$ 100 calories o' ener)$& /' the$ eat the bread0 the$ (ill )et all 100 calories o' ener)$ to use 'or mo*in)0 )ro(in)0 and ma4in) heat& +=o( cut the bread into10 pieces& %8plain that i' a co( eats the bread instead0 and students then eat a bur)er made 'rom that co(Hs meat0 the$ (ould )et onl$ 10 percent o' the ener)$ 'rom that slice o' bread& +1Gold up one o' the bread pieces&2 ThatHs because the co( uses C0 calories or C/10 1C0D2 o' the ener)$ in the bread to mo*e0 )ro(0 and ma4e heat& Onl$ 10 calories or 1/10 110D2 o' the ener)$ 'rom the bread )ets stored in the co(Hs meat and is a*ailable to students (hen the$ eat the hambur)er& +%ase students into the acti*it$ o' 'ood (ebs& Do an e8ample 'irst on the boardF)rass+Imouse+ Isna4e+IGa(4& Sho( ho( this can also be a 'ood (eb because the Ga(4 can eat the mouse and the sna4e& +Aair students up (ith a partner and ha*e them (or4 to)ether at their des4s or around the room ;uietl$ or)ani3in) the 'ood chains b$ dra(in) arro(s (ith a pen or pencil in the direction that the ener)$ is 'lo(in)&

78#891 78#78

Closure 1conclusion0 culmination0 (rap+up2

+!o bac4 to their des4s and ha*e students re*ie( (ith me (hat their 'ood chains loo4ed li4e& +,e*ie( the di''erent le*els o' the 'ood chain and (here all 'ood chains be)in&

+Students ans(er ;uestions and sho( their 'ood chains

=our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 1>rite this a'ter teachin) the lesson0 i' $ou had a chance to teach it& /' $ou did not teach this lesson0 'ocus on the process o' preparin) the lesson&2 1Overall- I t oug t t at is lesson also went well. I t in* t at I was able to establis m( !osition as t e teac er better. I did a better job ringing t e bell and transitioning t e students into t e science lesson b( counting down wit t e bell li*e /rs. >tegin* does. 2 e students seemed to reall( understand t e materials based on t eir food c ain !osters and discussing ever(t ing at t e end of class. 2 e( filled out t e wor*s eet to t e video well and com!re ended t e material based on m( assessment of t eir !osters. If I were to re1teac t is lesson I would ave *e!t t e same names as t e video for t e levels of t e food c ain- it made it too difficult to call t e levels different names t en t e video. I would ave also just cut out t e bread activit( totall(. In t e big !icture of t ings- t is is not im!ortant and wasn?t one of t e main t ings I wanted t em to learn an(wa(s. Overall- I t in* t e students understood e.actl( w at I wanted t em to teac and I t oug t I was able to *ee! t em well engaged in t e material.


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