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Brian Matthew Sperry Kirk Blake Presidential Ambassadors Leadership Paper Throughout history leaders have come in many

different styles showing us that there are many different ways to lead! There were fearsome leaders like Attila the "un who struck fear into those he led and those he con#uered! There were visionaries who planned to change the world $ohn %! Kennedy was a good e&ample of this fighting for human rights and those less fortunate! There were also courageous leaders like 'inston (hurchill who even in the face of inhalation hold true to what they believe and give their people hope! Although these leaders had different styles of leading there are two traits )at least* that all of them have+ likeability and the power to command an audience! Although these traits do not fit the ,leadership trait mold- perfectly that is to say that most leadership #ualities talked about are usually nouns that describe in broad terms some non physical )and in some cases non see. able* character trait )for e&ample integrity or courage* / believe they are among the most important traits a leader can hold! /f one was to take a close look at many of the famous and infamous leaders of the past / think they would see )#uite easily* that one trait )if not the only trait* they all seem to have in common is likeability! 'hether it be by a small but influential portion of the population or by the masses every influential leader was likeable in his or her own way! Likeability is the foundation for leading a leader in most cases must be liked by those he or she is leading and in.fact when they are not history has shown us that things such as revolution or treason )being two sides of the same coin* are likely to occur! Likeability can come in many different forms 0ust like leaders are not all cut from the same cloth! This is perhaps where the standard traditional leadership traits that were aforementioned come to light that is simply put why is someone likeable! 1ne may be obliged to say 2/ like (hurchill because he has courage2 or 2Adolf "itler is likeable because he is intelligent!2 These traits may or may not make someone a great leader but they will and do make someone likeable at least to a certain number of the population! Showing that a leader need not be politically or morally correct have any intellect what so ever or even have the best interests of those he or she leads at heart+ however a leader must first and foremost to get their foot in the door have in their own way some sort of likeability! The power to command an audience is one of the most important and in many cases one of the most dangerous traits a leader can have! Like most traits the power to control an audience lies on a foundation built by likeability but not like most traits it is the second half to the ,leading e#uation!once some influential person is liked he or she must in.fact to become an influential leader be able to rally behind him or her those who follow him! The power to command an audience is made up of two other traits the first is public speaking ability the second can be summed up in one word3 charisma! /n order to command an audience a leader in this case the speaker must be able to convince his or her audience that what they are saying is important! Perhaps not 0ust simply important but so important that they will react to it preferably in a positive manner! The power to command an audience has been used by leaders throughout time to influence the world for the good and in some cases influence the world in a negative manner! %or e&ample Adolf "itler $ohn %! Kennedy and Malcolm 4 0ust to name a few leaders that possessed this trait! Likeability and the power to command an audience are the two most important traits a leader can have! They lay the foundation for character traits and other traits to have a lasting effect on a leader and those he or she leads! Although these traits are important they can be #uite dangerous and can be used for good or bad! /t is important that as leaders and as followers we can recogni5e not only these traits in someone else but also the intentions someone using these traits has!

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