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Questi on Pa per Code 53013
Fifth Semester
Aeronautical Engineering
(Regulation 2008)
Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks
(Gas Tables permitted)
Answer ALL questions
PART A -00 x 2 = 20 Marks)
I. Differentiate perfect gas from real gases.
2. Why do you need a convergent-divergent nozzle to accelerate the flow from
subsonic to supersonic speed?
3. Define characteristic Mach number and give its maximum value for air.
4. Define sbock strength and express it in terms of Mach number for a normal
5. State the limiting values of shock wave angle in a supersonic flow for zero flow
G. Explain Mach reflection.
7. What are Riemann invariants?
8. Wntc down the Prandtl-Glauert similanty rule for pressure coefficient and
9 What IS cntlcal M.ach number?
10. Descnbe boundary layer fence and state Its purpose.
PART B 16 :: 80 Marks)
11. (a) (i) Deri ve the one dimensional adiabatic steady state energy equation
and deduce the ise ntropic relations for a perfect gas. (8)
(ii) Air fl ow is di scharged to atmosphere at sea level through a sonic
nozzle. If the air storage at the reservoir is 40 )(
determine the preSS\lre, tem)Jerature and density at the exit of the
nozzl e. Assume that the reservoir air is at sea level temperature. (8)
(b) (i) Explain the phenomenon of choking in a nozzle fl ow and show that
the mass flow of a choked nozz.l e ca n be expressed as

(Li) A storage chamber of a compressor IS maintamed at 1.8 atmosphere
ahsolute a nd 20 degree C. If the s urroundmg pressure IS
I atmosphere, calculate the velocity with which au' fl ow takes place
from the chamber to outside thro\lgh a umt area hole. Also,
calculate the mass fl ow per unit area, Assume ai r as a perfect gas.
12. (a) (i) Derive the Raylei gh supersonic Pitot formula. (8)
(ii) A Pitot tube is inserted in to an ail' flow of Mach 2 where the stati c
pressure IS 1 atmosphere. Calculate the total pressure measured by
the tube a nd the loss of total pressure experienced. (8)
Derive a relation between flow turning angle, shock
Free-stream Mach number for oblique shock waves
angle and
(ii) Consider a Mach 2.5 s U)Jersoni c flow over a compression corner
with a deflection angle of 14 degree. Calculate t he Increase m shock
s trength if the defl ection angle IS doubled 10 28 c!'gree and give
your oomments on the shock wa\'e characteri stics (8)
13, (a) (i) Explam the concept of PrandllMeyer expa nSIOn around a convex
cornel' and represent It in Hodograllh plane (8)
(li) A s npersomc fl ow at MI = and P I = 1 atmosphere expands
around a sharp corner. If the pressw'e downstream of the comer IS
0.1306 atm., calculate the defl ection angle of the cornel' . (8)
2 53013
(b) (i) Explain the procedure to obtain supersonic nozzle contour
given Mach number using Method of characteristics.
for :l
(ii) An incident shock wave angle of 35 degree impinges on a straight
walL If the upstream flow properties are M = 3, P = 1 atm. and
T = 300 K, calculate the reflected shock wave angle with respect to
the wall and the flow properties M, P and T downstream of the
reflected shock wave. (8)
14. (a) (i) Slate the assumptions made In small-perturbation potential theory
and show that the linearized pressure coefficient IS a function of the
perturbation veioClty in the mam flow directIOn only.
Describe Prandtl-Glauert affine tranafofll1ation
over airfoils and hIghlight its significance.
for subsonic flow
(b) (i) Derive suit able expressions for lift and drag coefficients of a flat
plate aufoil at small angles of attack using hnearized supersomc
flow theory. (8)
(ii) A flat plate of 1 01 x 0.2 m size is kept in an air stream of velocIty
1800 kmph at an angle of attack of 5 degree. Calcul ate the lift usmg
supersomc linear theory. Assume that the static pressure and
temperature of the free-stream air are 2 x 10
N/m! and 288 K
respectively. (8)
15. (a) (i) Describe the transonic flow regime with suitable sketches of flow
pattern over a two-dimensional airfoil. (6)
Explam how large drag increase takes place at transonic flow. What
arc the control measures adopted at the design stage? (6)
(iIi) What are the flows detrimental effccts expcl'lcnccd in sweep back
~ 00
(b) (i) Write a note on transonic area rule. (8)
(ii) Discuss the major dIfferences between Rayleigh and Fanno flows.(S)

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