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Analysis of Student Learning From the pre, and post-assessment, I can see that all students in Miss Ms first

grade class had great improvement in their understanding of maps (Pre and post-assessments are in Appendix A). I looked in depth at three students, student 1, student 5 and student 10. Student 1 is a borderline gifted and talented (GATE) student. She has not been tested yet, but my mentor teacher believes she will be tested in the third grade when they begin testing. She scored a, 4 out of 12 on her pre-assessment (Student pre-assessments are in Appendix C). This is not a great score, but because the lessons had not been taught I figured she would score better. She missed the first section of assessment about the cardinal directions and placing animals at certain points. From the answers she put I can tell she had an idea of where the cardinal directions were, but didnt understand how to count the spaces correctly. She also missed the questions about where the equator and the United States are located. On her post-assessment she got a score of 12 out of 12. Showing that she knows what direction the cardinal directions are and where the equator and United States are located. Student 5 is an English Language Learner (ELL). She does her best on all assignments but is distracted easily and very hard to motivate. She is in the reading recovery program and attends the Imagine Learn program every morning. On the pre-assessment she received a score of 1 out of 12. The only problem she got correct what outlining the state of Utah. On her postassessment she received a score of 9 out of 12. She missed the accurately locating the North and South poles, and the United States on a world map. She was able to locate the equator which was one of the most missed questions on the post-test. Student 10 is an on-level student but he gets distracted easily. He has a hard time staying focused on tasks. He received a score of 3 out of 12 on his pre-assessment. The problems he

missed were varied. He missed 3 out of 5 on the cardinal directions, both questions about map features on the United States map and all but coloring the oceans on the map features on the world map. His score on the post-assessment was much better. He received a score of 9 out of 12. He missed 2 of the 5 cardinal direction questions and the location of the equator. This shows me that he learned a lot from my lessons.

Whole Class Analysis I gave a pre and post-assessment on the geography standard of first grade. Scores on the pre-assessment were lower than the scores on the post-assessment, which is expected because the post-assessment was given after instruction of the topic. The tests were given in the same environment, with the same procedure for giving each. The tests were exactly the same assessment. Chart A1-1
Mapping Unit Students Q1 1x 2x 3x 4 5x 6x 7x 8 9x 10 11 x 12 13 x 14 x 15 16 17 18 x 19 x 20 x Total missed 13 Pre-Test Results Q2 Q3 x x x x Q4 x x Q5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 15 16 Q6 x x Q7 x Q8 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 11 19 correct Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 x Score out of 12 4 4 7 Absent 1 4 0 4 5 3 3 6 6 1 3 5 6 0 3 0 14

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 15

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 15 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 7

x x x x x x x x x

x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x 15

x x x 14

x x 9

x x x

x x x x x x

x x x


Chart A1-1 shows the results of the pre-test for the geography topic. Overall the class did not do very well on the pre-assessment. The highest score was 7 out of 12, and the lowest was a 0 out of 12. Question number 8 (location of the equator) was missed by every student. There were no questions answered correctly by every student.

Chart A1-2
Mapping Unit Students Q1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 total missed 0 Post-Test Results Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Score out of 12 12 11 12 10 9 9 11 9 11 9 10 10 11 11 10 10 9 9 11 9 7

x x 2 2 x 4 Incorrect x 2 Correct 0 0

x x x x


The results of the post-assessment show that every student bettered their score after instruction of the topic, and no students lowered their score. As seen when you compare Chart A1-1 and Chart A1-2. Chart A1-2 shows that 3 questions were answered correctly by every student. Question number 8 was missed by over half the class, which tells me they are still in need of instruction on the location of the equator. There were 2 students who received a perfect

score on the post-assessment and no student missed more than 3 questions on the postassessment. Sub-Group Analysis As seen on Chart B1-1, the girls in Miss Ms first grade class has a wider variety of scores among them. While be boys had a majority of boys get a 25% on the pretest, or missed 9 questions. The girls average score was 30%, while the boys average was 32%. The boys have fewer members but did better on the pre-test than the girls. Chart B1-1

Girls Score on Pre-Test

1 2 1 1 3 1 0% 2 8% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58%

Boys Score on Pre-Test

1 1 1 1 0% 8% 25% 33%




Chart B1-2 shows that the range of scores was far less varied on the post-test, having only 4 scores. The girls had the only 2 people that got 100% on the post-test and their average score was an 87%. The boys had no one get 100% and their average score was an 82%. This shows that all students improved their scores.

Chart B1-2

Girls Score on Post-Test

75% 83% 92% 100%

Boys Score on Post-Test

75% 83% 0 92% 100%

2 3


Chart B1-3 shows the breakdown of the ELL students scores compared to the rest of the class. ELL student 5 had the lowest pre-test score of all the ELL students, while student 15 had the highest. The chart also shows that none of the ELL students did better than the class average. It does show that 2 of the ELL students received a higher score than the class average on the pretest. The ELL students gained a lot of knowledge but not as much as the class as a whole. Chart B1-3
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Class Average ELL Student 5 ELL Student 8 ELL Student 9 ELL Student 15 8% 28% Pre-Test 42% Post-Test 91% 83% 83%




As seen in Chart B1-4, the borderline GATE student scored higher than the class average on both the pre and post-assessments. She was one of the only students to get a 100% on the post-assessment. This chart also shows that she increased her knowledge significantly. Chart B1-4

100% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Borderline GATE Student 1 Score Class Average 33% 28% Pre-Test Post-Test 84%

Chart B1-5 shows the score of the student with an IEP for communication issues. As seen there he increased his knowledge significantly. He was well below the class average on the pre-test by receiving a 0%. However, he was able to increase his knowledge from my lessons to be only 2% away from the class average. Chart B1-5

77% Class Average Score 30%

Post-Test Pre-Test 75% IEP Student 20 scores 0%











How evidence from the assessments supports or contradicts pre-assessment findings From the pre-assessment, I realized that very few students already had a basic knowledge of geography. Most of the students were not able to identify the cardinal directions. I noticed that more students struggled with the location of the equator than any other question the assessment. The main thing I realized from the pre-assessment was that no students fully understood map features or cardinal directions. Almost every student missed the questions pertaining to map features. Only 5 students answered the question about the location of the United States and only

8 knew the location of Utah. When I was assessing the progress of my students using their formative assessments, I realized that most students grasped the main concept of maps. The students did surprisingly well with the location of the equator on their formative assessment, but when we reviewed it during lesson 4, many students were unable to draw the location of the equator. The post-assessment results seemed accurate as to their knowledge dealing with cardinal directions and basic map features. However, the knowledge of the location of the equator seems to be out of their reach still, because over half the class still missed the question on the post-assessment.

Discuss the assessment instruments to determine the validity of questions used to measure learning The pre and post assessment include 5 questions pertaining to the cardinal directions, 2 questions pertaining to map features on the United States map and 5 questions pertaining to map features on the world map. The map feature questions are basic knowledge to some but difficult to first graders. The post-assessment also includes writing about everything the students know about the mapping unit from my lessons. These questions are valid because they are listed in the core standard for first grade and the assessment was developed by the school district. It is a district wide test that all first graders take in the first trimester of the school year. Lesson 1 included the pre-assessment as its formative assessment, because the test has to be given with explicit instructions and all students must follow along to complete the assessment. The formative assessment for lesson 2 includes 10 questions for students to show their knowledge of the cardinal directions. They are asked to write the name of the building in the

direction the question is asking. These are valid questions because they follow the objectives in the lesson and unit plan. Lesson 3 has a formative assessment that includes the students drawing the location of the equator, and the North and South poles. These are valid questions because they follow along with the pre and post-assessments. The formative assessment of lesson 4 includes the students locating Utah and the United States on various maps and a review of the location of the equator, North and South poles. These are all valid questions because they follow the unit plan and connect to the core standard of geography for first graders. Lesson 5 includes a formative assessment in the form a mini book where the students were asked to identify the 7 continents and 5 oceans. These are valid questions because they follow the core standard and objectives of the unit plan. The formative assessment for lesson 6 includes a book of Christopher Columbuss voyage where the students were asked to make a map of his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. They were also asked to color the oceans blue and the continents green. These questions are valid because they connect to the core standard in geography for first graders.

Analysis of Learning on Various Assessments Student 1 On the formative assessment of lesson 2, student 1 received a perfect score of 10 out of 10. She was able to answer each question pertaining to the cardinal directions. She was able to locate all places on the map and draw pictures in the direction the test asks. This shows me she met the objective of the lesson.

On the formative assessment of lesson 3, student 1 received a perfect score of 3 out of 3. She was able to label the North and South Poles, and draw the equator in its relative location, which is all that is required of first graders, and shows me that she met the objective of the lesson. For the lesson 4 formative assessment, student 1 received a score of 11 out of 11. She was able to identify Utah on various maps and identify the United States on various maps. She was also able to label the North and South Poles, and equator as a review. This shows me that she met the objective of the lesson. The formative assessment for lesson 5 was a mini book. The students were given full credit for following along and filling out every page that was required. Student 1 received full credit because he followed along and filled out all pages required. I also observed her during my lesson and I feel she gained the knowledge I intended the students to gain from this lesson. On the formative assessment for lesson 6, student 1 received 9 out of 10 points. She didnt finish coloring one Ocean on the map, but she was able to label the continents correctly and label Christopher Columbuss Voyage accurately. I can tell she met the objective because she followed along with my lesson and was able to finish the assignment.

Analysis of Learning on Various Assessments Student 5 On the formative assessment for lesson 2, student 5 received a perfect score of 10 out of 10. She was able to answer each question pertaining to the cardinal directions. She was able to locate all places on the map and draws pictures in the direction the test asks. With these results I can conclude that she met the objective of the lesson.

On the formative assessment of lesson 3, student 5 received a score of 1 out of 3. She was unable to label the North Pole and unable to draw the relative location of the equator. She seemed distracted during the lesson, and the assessment shows that she did not meet the objective of the lesson and may need extra help. For lesson 4, student 5 was absent. The formative assessment for lesson 5 was a mini book. The students were given full credit for following along and filling out every page that was required. Student 5 received full credit because he followed along and filled out all pages required. I also observed her during my lesson and I feel she gained the knowledge I intended the students to gain from this lesson, but she was a little distracted during the video at the beginning of the lesson. On the formative assessment for lesson 6, student 5 received 7 out of 10 points. She didnt finish coloring the Oceans on the map, but she was able to label the continents correctly and label Christopher Columbuss Voyage accurately. I can tell she met the objective because she followed along with my lesson but she was unable to finish the assignment because she became distracted when it came time to color on the assignment.

Analysis of Learning on Various Assessments Student 10 On the formative assessment for lesson 2, student 10 received a score of 9 out of 10. He was able to answer most of the questions pertaining to the cardinal directions, but he was unable to draw one picture in the proper place. Still, he increased his knowledge of the cardinal directions and met the objective of the lesson. On the formative assessment of lesson 3, student 10 received a score of 3 out of 3. He was able to locate the North and South Poles, and draw the equator in its relative location. He

did make a mistake and then had no eraser so he scratched it out and drew a new line. The results of this assessment show me that he met the objective of the lesson. For the formative assessment of lesson 4, student 10 received a score of 6 out of 11. He was unable to locate the United States on various maps. I believe this is due to him being distracted and unable to focus during the lesson. He was able to label the North and South Poles, and draw the equator. I feel he met a part of the objective but not the entire objective for the lesson. The formative assessment for lesson 5 was a mini book. The students were given full credit for following along and filling out every page that was required. Student 10 received full credit because he followed along and filled out all pages required. I also observed him during my lesson and I feel he gained the knowledge I intended the students to gain from this lesson, but during my lesson I noticed he was distracted. I had to get him refocused many times; however he was able to refocus faster each time. On the formative assessment for lesson 6, student 10 received 10 out of 10 points. He finished coloring the map and was able to label the continents correctly. He also labeled Christopher Columbuss Voyage accurately. I can tell he met the objective because he followed along with my lesson and was able to finish the assignment. I didnt have to refocus him because he likes to color, and it is much easier to keep him focused when he is interested in the activity.

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