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A Glimpse with comparative study (Nosode of leprosy)

Introduction: In Biblical times leprosy was a name given to various cutaneous diseases, esp. those of a chronic or contagious nature, which probably included psoriasis and leukoderma. "Although leprosy resembles many diseases, it nevertheless produces a state of depression, either directly or indirectly, that is quite unique. This offers us the clinical prospect of carefully individualising our use of the nosode." [Vakil] Proved and introduced by Prakash Vakil. Compare : Syphilinum. Tuberculinum. Carcinosinum. Syphilinum and Leprominium. Depression; Syph.: leading to suicidal tendencies; Lepr.: leading to accepting one's fate and turning to God and religion. Recovery; Syph. despair; Lepr. hopeful. Fastidious; Syph. washing mania; Lepr. meticulous, want and keep things in order. Sleep; Syph. sleepless; Lepr. normal sleep, wakes refreshed. Generals; Syph. agg. at night; Lepr. agg. sun. Syph. craves alcohol; Lepr. craves spicy food, green chilies, meat, fish. Syph. salivation; Lepr. no salivation. Tuberculinum and Leprominium. Appearance; Tub. beautiful appearance, with long eyelashes, round face, and sparkling eyes;

Lepr. ugly appearance, with ugly face, oily skin, and waxy nose. Religion; Tub. not especially religious; Lepr. religious. Behaviour; Tub. kleptomania; Lepr. will not steal. Mood; Tub. very irritable; Lepr. usually mild in manner, sometimes irritable. Travel; Tub. desire to travel; Lepr. no particular desire to travel. Fears; Tub. fear of dogs; Lepr. fearless. Perspiration; Tub. profuse perspiration, esp. on face, nose, and upper lip; Lepr. perspiration not prominent, dryness of skin. Carcinosinum and Leprominium. Work; Carc. industrious; Lepr. indolence because of physical incapacity. Ailments from; Carc. anticipation, fright, and reproach; Lepr. chronic grief. Mood; Carc. anger over own mistakes; Lepr. usually mild in manner. Emotions; Carc. weeping from admonition and music, and while telling symptoms; Lepr. weeping not prominent. Consolation; Carc. consolation agg.; Lepr. consolation amel.. Fears; Carc. fear of animals, dogs, dark, crowds, examinations; Lepr. fearless. Travel; Carc. desire to travel; Lepr. no particular desire to travel. Skin; Carc. prone to moles; Lepr. prone to ichthyosis and psoriasis. Eyes; Carc. blue sclerae; Lepr. eyes excessively dry, and lustreless. Region SKIN. Mucous membranes [EYES; nose; mouth; throat]. Mind. Leading symptoms RELIGIOUS MELANCHOLY.ATTRIBUTES THE DISEASE TO FATE, and TURNS TO GOD. LOATHING OF LIFE YET WOULD NOT LIKE TO COMMITS SUICIDE. Hopeful of recovery. FEELS REJECTED and DEJECTED. Yet WOULD NOT LIKE TO BEG. Would rather die than beg. Meticulous. DESIRE TO PUT ON WHITE-COLOURED CLOTHES. Aversion to black-coloured clothes. Sympathetic and desiring sympathy "Yet in the initial stages secludes himself for he does not want others to know about his disease."

Tendency to haemorrhages, catching colds, and suppuration. Family history of tuberculosis, LEPROSY, or no history of leprosy. Medical history: Worms. REPEATED VACCINATIONS. Smallpox. Scabies. Should be useful in complaints that develop slowly but give rise to irreversible pathological changes. Favourable action of Lepr. "In most cases where Leprominium acted favourably, it was observed that the patients had loose stools with mucus after the administration of the nosode." agg. Radiating heat and sun. Scanty perspiration. Dryness of whole body. Desire for ICE-COLD WATER; SPICY FOOD; MEAT; FISH; green chilies; sour; sweets. Aversion to sweets and milk. agg. Sour. No desire for sex [in both males and females]. amel. Rest. Premature greying of hair. PHOTOPHOBIA. Lachrymation bland or acrid, agg. light and SUN. FLATTENED TIP OF NOSE. Obstruction of nose. Sense of smell affected. FACE WAXY or OILY. Outer one-third of eyebrows lost. LEONINE FACE. Thickened skin of face with permanent transverse and vertical wrinkling. "Ugly appearance yet a very nice person at heart." Sensation of something stuck in the throat. Pain in joints, esp. knee joints and back. Heat in palms and soles. Hypopigmented patches; thickened, well-defined, raised patches. Ringworm-like lesions. * All symptoms from The Emerging Picture of Leprominium: The Leprosy Nosode, presented by Prakash Vakil, in: Proceedings of the 1991 Professional Case Conference. This could be a great tool in the most difficult cases. I feel , this could be like panacea in Vitiligo and Leucoderma cases . Rearranged by Dr Sanjeev Aggarwal Courtesy: VERMEULEN F , SYNOPTIC MATERIA MEDICA

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