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Summer Suggestions: 1. Reading Game: Your child made a reading word game with his/her 3rd grade buddy.

Your child needs to work on these words over the summer. To lay: !ach erson takes a turn to roll a dice. "ove the indicated number o# s aces. Read the 3 words. Summer $uest at the %ounty &ibrary 'brochure sent home this week( ). "ath: *ractice addition and subtraction #acts. *ractice identi#ying coins by name and worth. %ount sets o# coins. +ave your child use money when you go to the store. ,sk -uestions o# magnitude. e/am le: +ow many children are in the ool: 10 110 or 1112 +ow many cars are in our driveway2 )0 )1 or )11. 3 3riting: 4# your child received an 5T acket0 lease work on this over the summer. *ractice rinting name and hone number. 6ee a 7ournal to share in Se tember. '4# you go on a tri 0 save the literature to share(

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