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Addressing Principal Competencies


Competency 001
The principal knows how to shape campus culture by

facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

I have been working with various staff members to achieve this competency. With Troy Scott (Assistant Principal), I have assessed disciplinary situations, honor code violations, attendance matters and am aiding in the facilitation of the Latitude to Learn distribution. With Sandi Bicknell (Student Council Advisor), I have facilitated a campus beautification project that will be ongoing to update the landscaping on the campus.

Competency 002
The principal knows how to communicate and

collaborate with all members of the school community, respond to diverse interests and needs, and mobilize resources to promote student success.

I am in constant communication and collaborative efforts with the Administrative Team to aid in counseling of students, disciplinary procedures and professional development of staff. I have collaborated with Lucy Van Borssum to train the campus for ELL (English Language Learners) education of all students. The Latitude to Learn project is going to be an ongoing implementation of technological tools that I will cofacilitate with Troy Scott for the remainder of the school year.

Competency 003
The principal knows how to act with integrity,

fairness, and in an ethical and legal manner.

I have taken part in the investigation of various disciplinary matters so that students can be given adequate and fair judgment on their actions. My participation in Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) meetings has taken place on numerous occasions to ensure that SPED, ELL and 504 students are receiving the accommodations and modifications outlined in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). I have also counseled students in matters of proper behavior, manners and social conduct.

Competency 004
The principal knows how to facilitate the design and

implementation of curricula and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance.

I have taken part in the development of curriculum for Career & Technology Education (CTE) courses. My facilitation and training of campus personnel for ELL constituted my own training and allocations of resources to ensure that the staff were adequately prepared. I have shared the various assessment strategies that I have utilized and have been privy to, so that I may aid staff members in accessing a myriad of ways to evaluate their students progress. I will also be working with the Administrative Team to provide other professional development opportunities for the campus staff.

Competency 005
The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and

sustain an instructional program and a campus culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

I have taken part in evaluative training, so that I may aid the administrative team in walk-through and formative evaluations. This will allow me to offer constructive criticism to teachers so that they may provide our students with exceptional educational opportunities. I have also facilitated the beautification of our campus through landscaping installed by our Student Council and FFA organizations. I have also participated in CIIC (campus improvement committee) meetings.

Competency 006
The principal knows how to implement a staff

evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management.

I have been trained as an ELL trainer, then allocated the resources for staff development and trained the campus staff in district guidelines for ELL education. I have also been trained and certified in PDAS evaluation, and participated in district level administrative training for walk-throughs and formative evaluations. I have assisted the administrative team on my campus with these evaluations.

Competency 007
The principal knows how to apply organizational,

decision-making, and problem-solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment.

I have aided the administrative team in the hiring process of staff members. Provided input for classroom allocation. I have also aided in the distribution/collection of textbooks and am co-facilitating the distribution of the Latitude to Learn program on our campus.

The Latitude to Learn program is designed to supply every student in the district with a Dell Latitude, which is a computer tool that is much like an Apple I-Pad.

Competency 008
The principal knows how to apply principles of

effective leadership and management in relation to campus budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management, and technology use.

I have been a part of numerous interviewing and hiring processes for campus staff. I have consulted with the Administrative Team on budget matters for the Campus Beautification Project. For this project, I utilized a community business to aid in the allocation of landscaping plants, tools and design. The local business also donated landscaping plants to the school. I am co-facilitating the deployment of the Latitude to Learn program for our campus.

Competency 009
The principal knows how to apply principles of

leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.

I provide administrative support in the hallways to ensure safe student passage to class. I have evaluated the speed control devices (speed bumps) in our parking lots and aided in the control of parking lot exiting procedures. I have participated in CIIC meetings. I have placed maintenance orders to improve the exterior lighting on our campus to provide students and staff with early arrival and late departure.

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