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0nit 1: Computei Basics Evelyn Lopez

Lesson 0ne vocabulaiy

Lesson 1: 0nueistanuing Computeis anu Computei Liteiacy Noiiis, 2u1S
Pages S - 19 B0E: Fiiuay, Nov. 8
"#$%&'#()*: 0sing the textbook, !"#$%&'( !"*+'$&, -.,/+,, complete the vocabulaiy
chait below. B0 N0T CBANuE TBE F0NT, SIZE 0R TABLE LAY00T. When you aie
uone with the chait, tuin it in on SchoolLoop into the assignment submission

+(&,-./,$0 1%$2
1%6'-((7 "%8#)#'#()
1. Clients 12
Computeis on a netwoik aie calleu noues oi
2. Computei 6
An electionic uevice that ieceives uata (/*$%&),
piocesses uata, stoies uata, anu piouuces a
iesult ("%&$%&).
S. Bata 6 Bata is text, numbeis, sounu, images, oi viueo.
4. Besktop
A uesktop computei is uesigneu so that all
components fit on oi unuei a uesk.
S. Electionic
Electionic communication is the technology
that enables computeis to communicate with
each othei anu othei uevises.
6. Extianet 1S
Extianet aie systems that allow outsiue
oiganization to access a company's inteinal
infoimation system.
7. Baiuwaie 6
The actual machine, wiies, tiansistois, anu
ciicuits aie calleu haiuwaie.
8. Icon 9
A small image that iepiesents a file, commanu,
oi anothei computei function.
9. Infoimation 6
The computei ieceives uata though an input
uevise, piocesses the uata, stoies the uata on a
stoiage uevise, anu piouuces
1u. Inteinet 14
The woilus laiges netwoik evolveu fiom
11. Intianet 1S
An intianet is a netwoik foi the exclusive use if
woikeis within an oiganization anu contains
company infoimation.
12. Nainfiame
The mouein mainfiame computei is a laige,
expensive computei, capable of suppoiting
hunuieus oi even thousanus of useis.
0nit 1: Computei Basics Evelyn Lopez
Lesson 0ne vocabulaiy
Lesson 1: 0nueistanuing Computeis anu Computei Liteiacy Noiiis, 2u1S
Pages S - 19 B0E: Fiiuay, Nov. 8
1S. Niu-iange
8 The Niu-iange Seivei (also calleu a
14. Nobile
Nobile computeis aie peisonal computeis such
as notebook computeis (also calleu a laptop)
anu a tablet pcs.
1S. Nobile Bevices 8 Nobil uevise fit into the palm of youi hanu.
16. Netwoik 12
A netwoik is a gioup of two oi moie computeis
system linkeu togethei via communication
17. Noues 12
Computeis on a netwoik aie calleu noues oi
18. Peisonal
Besktop anu notebook computei aie touays
most wiuely useu peisonal computeis (PCs).
19. Seiveis 12
Seiveis aie computeis that allocate iesouices
on a netwoik.
2u. Softwaie 6
The instiuctions, oi piogiam foi contiolling the
21. Supeicomputei 8
A supeicomputei is the fastest type of
22. 0seis 6
The usei is the people who use computeis, also
aie pait of the system.

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