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Kids do you know the 4 Parts of Prayer????

There once was a spoiled girl who just wanted to TELL God
what she wanted all the time...every time she prayed....


Instead, we can thank God a lot first and tell Him sorry when
we mess upThen askThen listen to HIM.He loves
to Yak with us too!

1. Praise God (worship) Thank Him for who He is, it can

include singing, listening or dancing to songs

2. Repent Say Sorry God - God forgives us when we apologize

for doing stuff that is wrong...no problem...just try not to do it
again & turn away from bad habits.... ask God to help you.
3. Ask & Thank This is when you ask God for your needs and
desires. And thank Him for doing His will in our lives. He loves to
answer our prayers & waits to hear from us!!

4. Listen to hear what God has to say

(He talks thru the bible, He talks directly to usremember the
verse My sheep HEAR my voiceand follow me)
If you practice and ask God to talk to you He will because HE

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