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Year Plan for Social Studies 9 Month/Chapter September (first half)

Chapter 1 Pages 16 55

The Federal Political System (9. .!) Students examine the structure of Canadas federal political system and analy"e the role of media and lobbyists in Canadas political processes by e#plorin$ and reflecting upon questions and issues regarding: ho! federal la!s are passed branches of the federal go"ernment selection of #Ps and Senators accountability of #Ps and Senators the role of federal political parties the role of media in political issues lobby groups and go"ernment decisions extent to !hich political and legislati"e processes meet the needs of Canadians The %ustice System (9. .&) Students analy"e the role of citi'ens and organi'ations in Canadas (ustice system by e#plorin$ and reflecting upon questions and issues regarding: participation in Canadas (ustice system citi'ens legal roles and responsibilities the Youth Criminal Justice Act Canadian Charter of )i$hts and Freedoms * +ndi,idual )i$hts (9. .-) Students critically assess the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on le$islati,e processes in Canada by e#plorin$ and reflectin$ upon questions and issues regarding: recognition of indi"idual rights exercising indi"idual rights conditions in the !or*place rights and responsibilities of citi'ens Collecti,e )i$hts in Canada (9. ..) Students analy"e ho! increased demand for reco$nition of collecti"e rights has impacted legislati"e processes in Canada by e#plorin$ and reflectin$ upon questions and issues regarding: recognition of collecti"e rights the needs of ,rancophone minorities the needs of ,rancophones in -u.bec the rights of official language minorities ho! the Indian Act recogni'es the status and identity of /boriginal peoples 0reaty 61 0reaty &1 and 0reaty % legislation and #.tis cultures and rights +mmi$ration (9. .0) Students critically assess ho! legislati"e processes address issues of immigration by e#plorin$ and reflectin$ upon questions and issues regarding: factors influencing immigration policies changes to Canadian policies on immigration and refugees immigration and /boriginal peoples pro"incial immigration policies immigration policies in -u.bec immigration policies and the Charter ho! Canada benefits from immigration

September (last half)

Chapter $ Pages 56 %&

'ctober (first half)(

Chapter ) Pages %% 11&

'ctober (last half)

Chapter + Pages 11% 161

/o,ember (first half)

Chapter 5 Pages 16$ 12)

This ends the first 12' (9. 3 1o,ernance * )i$hts) of the Pro$ram of Studies. There 4ill be a midterm before pro$ressin$ to the ne#t 12' (9.5 3 6conomic Systems in Canada and the 7S)



/o,ember (last half)

Chapter 6 Pages 12+ $)&

6conomic 8ecision Ma9in$ (9.5.!) Students analy"e principles and practices of mar*et and mixed economies by exploring and reflecting upon questions and issues regarding: principles of a mar*et economy go"ernment inter"ention Canadas mixed economy the role of consumers in mar*et and mixed economies consumer indi"idual and collecti"e identity the economic impact of labour unions go"ernment inter"ention in the economy in Canada and in the 3nited States the basic economic question of scarcity Consumerism: ;uality of 2ife: and Political 8ecision Ma9in$ (9.5.&) Students critically assess the relationship bet4een consumerism and <uality of life in Canada and the 3nited States and the interrelationship bet4een political decisions and economic systems by exploring and reflecting upon questions and issues regarding: indicators of quality of life indi"idual consumer beha"iour ho! mar*eting affects consumerism consumerism and quality of life consumerism as a po!er of a collecti"e consumerism and economic gro!th

8ecember (first half)

Chapter & Pages $)% $65

8ecember (last 4ee9)

'ne 4ee9 of buffer time before Christmas holidays be$in to allo4 for re,ie4 and e#tra time spent on topics or pro=ects

Chapter Tas9s 14 $4 )4 +4 54 64 &4 Chapter Political System 5ustice System 6ndi"idual 7ights Collecti"e 7ights 6mmigration <conomic Systems Consumerism Chapter 0as* Political Campaign #oc* 0rial Create / 8oard 9ame :Common Craft; "ideo 6mmigration 8rochure <conomics 8oo*let /d"ertising Spoof
Social Studies 9 Order of Lessons T'P+C > 3 1o,ernance * )i$hts 7nit 3 Canada?s Political System =esson 1 >hat is the relationship bet!een the executi"e1 legislati"e1 (udicial branches of Canadas federal political system? =esson $ @ Ao! are la!s passed in the federal political system? =esson ) >hat processes are used to determine #embers of Parliament and Senators and to !hom are they accountable? =esson + >hat is the role of political parties !ithin Canadas federal political system? =esson 5 Ao! is a political partys philosophy reflected in its platform? social programs1 specific taxes1 taxation model

=esson 6 >hat is the role of the media in relation to political issues? =esson & @ Ao! do lobby groups impact go"ernment decision ma*ing? =esson % 0o !hat extent do political and legislati"e processes meet the needs of all Canadians? 7nit 5 3 Canada?s %ustice System =esson 1@ 5ury Buty =esson $ Cno!ing the =a! and legal roles and responsibilities =esson ) @ /d"ocacy =esson + 5ohn Ao!ard Society =esson 5 <li'abeth ,ry Society =esson 6 >hat is the intention of the youth (ustice act? 7nit @ 3 Canadians Charter of )i$hts and Freedoms on the le$islati,e process =esson 1 6n !hat !ays has the Canadian Charter of 7ights and ,reedoms fostered recognition of indi"idual rights and freedoms in Canada? =esson $@ Ao! does the CC7, support indi"iduals in exercising their rights? =esson ) 6n !hat !ays had the CC7, affected conditions in the !or* place issues1 age1 race1 religion =esson + >hat is the relationship bet!een the rights guaranteed in the CC7, and the responsibilities of Canadian citi'ens? 7nit & 3 Ao4 has le$islation attempted to address emer$in$ issues of immi$rationB =esson 1 >hat factors influence immigration policies in Canada DiEeE economic1 political1 health1 security4 =esson $ Ao! are the changes Canadian policies on immigration and refugees a reflection of !orld issues? =esson ) >hat impact does increasing immigration ha"e on /boriginal peoples and communities? =esson + Ao! is the implementation of immigration policies in -u.bec an attempt to strengthen the ,rench language in Forth /merica? =esson 5 Ao! are pro"incial go"ernments able to influence and implement immigration policies? =esson 6 >hat is the relationship bet!een immigration policies in Canada and the rights guaranteed in the CC7,? =esson & 0o !hat extent does Canada benefit from immigration? 7nit -3 Ao4 demand for reco$nition of collecti,e ri$hts has impacted the le$islati,e process in Canada =esson 1 6n !hat !ays has the CC7, fostered recognition of collecti"e rights in Canada? =esson $ 6n !hat !ays does the CC7, meet the needs of ,rancophone meet the needs of the ,rancophones in the minority setting? =esson ) 0o !hat extent does the CC7, meet the needs of ,rancophones in -uebec? =esson + 0o !hat extent should federal and pro"incial go"ernments support and promote the right of official language minorities in Canada? =esson 5 Ao! does legislation such as 0reaty 61 & and % recogni'e status and identity of aboriginal peoples? =esson 6 Ao! do go"ernments recogni'e #etis cultures and rights through legislation treaties1 go"ernance1 land claims and #etis settlements in /lberta? T'P+C C 3 6conomic Systems in Canada and the 7nited States 7nit 3 Compare and contrast principles and practices of mar9et and mi#ed economies. =esson 1 >hat are the principles of a mar*et economy? =esson $ >hy do go"ernments inter"ene in the mar*et economy? =esson ) >hy is Canada "ie!ed as ha"ing a mixed economy? =esson + >hat is the role of the consumer in mar*et and mixed economy? =esson 5 0o !hat extent do consumer actions reflect indi"idual and collecti"e identity? =esson 6 Ao! has the emergence of labour unions impacted mar*et and mixed economies?

=esson & >hat are some similiarities and respecti"e differences in the !ay go"ernments in Canada and the 3nited States inter"ene in the mar*et economies? =esson % Ao! do the economic systems of Canada and the 3nited States difference in ans!ering the basic economic question of scarcity? 7nit 5 3 Consumerism and <uality of life in Canada and the 7S =esson 1 >hat are the indicators of quality of life? =esson $ Ao! does indi"idual consumer beha"iour impact quality of life? =esson ) Ao! does mar*eting impact consumerism? =esson + Ao! does consumerism pro"ide opportunities for and limitations on impacting quality of life? =esson 5 Ao! is consumerism used as a po!er of a collecti"e? boycotts =esson 6 0o !hat extent do perspecti"es regarding consumerism1 economic gro!th and quality of life differ regionally in Forth /merica? =esson & >hat societal "alues underlie Canadian social programs in Canada and in the 3nited States? =esson % Ao! does the underground economy impact the federal and pro"incial tax base and social programs?

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: GLO 9.1 Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how Canadas political processes impact citizenship and identity in an attempt to meet the needs of all Canadians. GLO 9.2 Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how economic decision making in Canada and the United States impacts quality of life, citizenship, and identity.

Stage 2 Assessment Eviden e

Assessment !rea"do#n: Assignments/ asks/!ro"ects # $$% &performance tasks will 'e weighted more hea(ily) *uizzes/ ests # +,% &midterm will 'e weighted more hea(ily) Current -(ents assignments &.ct, /o(, 0ec) 1 $% of o(erall grade $$% & '(% & $% ) 1((% o* ourse grade Other Assessments2 !A &3anuary) 1 4,% +er*orman e ,as"s -b. ha/ter0 1ha/ter 1 -2ederal +oliti s0: Political Party Portfolio (9.1.4) Students will create their own political party, along with a sym'ol, a motto, roles for mem'ers within their parties, a platform, a proposal for a new law, a 5top ten list6 &top ten reasons to (ote for your party), a campaign speech &which must 'e presented to the class) he contents of the portfolio must address certain issues that ha(e 'een discussed in class 1ha/ter 2 -3usti e S.stem0: Mock Trial (9.1.5) Students will 'e assigned roles in a fake youth criminal case and participate in a mock trial, requiring them to analyze Canadas "ustice system and the action taken in the court case in a formal piece of writing his may 'e done indi(idually or in a group

1ha/ter 4 -5ndividual Rights0: Create a Board Game (9.1.6) Students will create a 'oard game &any style as long as it is creati(e and playa'le) that connects to concepts from the chapter. 7roup pro"ect8 students will ha(e the opportunity to play others games 1ha/ter ' -1olle tive Rights0: Common Craft Video (9.1.7) Students will create a Common Craft 5!lain -nglish6 (ideo presentation using cameras, recorders, and images to (isually articulate concepts from the chapter 7roup pro"ect8 students will ha(e the opportunity to (iew others (ideos 1ha/ter $ -5mmigration0: mmi!ration Broc"#re (9.1.$) Students will create a 'rochure aimed at informing potential immigrants a'out our countrys immigration policies and how immigration affects Canada his may 'e done indi(idually or in partners 1ha/ter 6 -E onomi S.stems0: %conomic& Booklet (9.'.4) Students will create a 5pocket 'ook6 on the principles of market and mi9ed economies his will 'e done indi(idually 1ha/ter 7 -1onsumerism0: (d)erti&ement *+oof (9.'.5) Students will create a (ideo or radio ad(ertisement for a fake product 'ased on the principles we ha(e discussed in class and present them to their peers his will 'e done as a group Assignments -b. t./e0 Summative Assessment 8ritten: Case study Current e(ents :ritten con(ersation :e'*uests Artisti 9:isual: !olitical cartoon Comic strip Story'oard ;apping 7raphing &i.e., <enn 0iagram, concept map) imelines Oral91ommuni ation: 0e'ate Speech !odcast Skits a'leaus 3igsaws

=ole play

Reading 1om/rehension: :e'*uests 3igsaws Current e(ents S-->? ,e hnologi al: :e'*uests <ideos/ad(ertisements !ower!oints/!rezis !odcasts/radio plays =esearch presentations

2ormative Assessments @:A charts ;ystery Bo9es 5Snow'all Cights6 !lacemat acti(ity hink/pair/shares Cour Corners Comprehension charts/flowcharts -9it slips D>4>E charts ?n>class o'ser(ation Compare/contrast 5? Can6 checklists Student Sel*;Assessment Self>e(aluation for each performance task su'mitted !eer e(aluation/self>assessment sheets su'mitted after some group acti(ities !eriodic 5? Can6 statements to check the progress of their own learning &matched up with outcomes)

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