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The Donkey and the Little Dog

A man has a little dog, and he is very fond of it. He takes it for a walk and and talks to it. He gives him food like oranges, sausages and bread. A donkey looks in at the window and sees the man and the dog. "Why does he not make a pet of me?" said the donkey. "It is not fair. I work hard, and the dog only barks and jumps on its master s knee. It is not fair." !hen the donkey says to himself, "If I do what the dog does, he may make a pet of me." "o the donkey runs into the room. It brays as loudly as it #an. It jumps up in the air tries to jump on to its master s knee. !he master thinks the donkey is mad, and he shouts, "Help$ Help$" %en #ome running in with sti#ks, and they beat the donkey until it runs out of the house. "I only do what the dog does," says the donkey," and they make a pet of the dog, and they beat me. It is not fair." Exercises: &. 'ind the words that mean the following( m)gar* mi#* m+n#are* animal de #ompanie ,#as)-* a s)ri* a fugi* me.ter* ajutor* /u este #ore#t$* 0. 'ind the antonyms( man* little* jump* run* 1. Write senten#es with the following words( pet, dog, food, donkey, shout, run, window,

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