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' REGULATIONS : 2007 SEVENTHSEMESTER 070290086 SYSTEMS - EMBEDDED (coMMoN TO ECE/ MEDICAL ELECTRONTCS) TIME :3 Hours PART - A (2Ox2 = 40 MARKS) ANSWERALL QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. System? What is an Embedded What is meant by HardwareArchitecture? of an Embedded System. Give some of the applications System. List out some of the testingtools used in an Embedded System. Enumerate some of the data typesin programming of an Embedded System. Write some of the l/O devicesin an Embedded passing? What do you mean by parameter List out the featuresof productivitytool. modesare there in a PIC Microcontroller? What are the variousaddressing List some of the l/O portsin a PIC Microcontroller. Programming? What do you mean by AssemblyLanguage What are the usesof timersin PIC microcontrollers? Define:Kernel. What is Task? ServiceRoutine. Write shortnoteson Interrupt What are the timersare there in a RTOSconcepts? List out some of the usesof the UCOS - ll. What do you mean by adaptivecruise control? Max.Marks:100

19. 20.

Writethe featuresof smartcard. Listout some of the Operating Systems. Systemsin an Embedded PART - B 15x12 = 60 MARKS) ANSWERANY FIVE QUESTIONS

21. ' ZZ. -

Describe in detailaboutthe specifications of an Embedded System. Discuss about the recent trends in Embedded System with suitable examples.

23. 24.

System. Explainin detailaboutmemorymanagement in an Embedded How memory mapped lO devicesare accessed? Explainwith necessary sketch.

25. 26t 27.

and explain. Drawthe architecture of any one of the PIC Microcontroller List out some of the interrupts and explain. in PIC Microcontroller Discuss in detail about the memory managementin RTOS with suitable sketches.


vendingmachineusingpCOS Drawthe architecture of automatic chocolate RTOSand explainin detail. *****I'HE END****

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