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Sample solution 1: Question: Calculate the de Broglie wavelength (in pm) of a hydrogen atom traveling at 475 m/s !

olution: "he de Broglie relation relates the wavelength of an electron to its mass and velocity:

h m

$here h % &lanc'(s constant # * *+* ,-)4 . s / m is the mass of a hydrogen atom and % velocity of hydrogen atom # 475 m/s , mol of hydrogen atoms weighs , --0 g% and , mol of any gas contains * -++ ,-+) particles !o the mass of one hydrogen atom , --0 g m# * -++ ,-+) ,-) 'g # , *74 ,-+4 g g # , *74 ,-+7 'g

1n su2stituting the values in relation we get%

h m * *+* ,-)4 s s+ 'g 475 m / s 'g m +

, *74 ,-+7

# 0 )) ,-,- m 3ence the wavelength of a proton traveling at 475 m/s is 0 )) ,-,- m

Sample solution 2: Question: Calculate the fraction of empty space in cu2ic closest pac'ing to five significant figures !olution: Cu2ic closest pac'ing structure has 4BC4BC structure i e every fourth layer aligns with the first 4lthough not simple to visuali5e% the unit cell for cu2ic closest pac'ing is the face6centered cu2ic unit cell "herefore the cu2ic closest6pac'ed structure is identical to the face6centered cu2ic unit cell structure 7CC structure can 2e visuali5ed as eight atoms% one at each corner and one on the center of each face of a cu2e 8a( represents the edge length of a cu2e and 8r( represent the radius of an atom


+r r 1

, 0 , + , +

"he contri2ution of corner atoms #

"he contri2ution of face centered atoms #

(9ach surface is common to two cu2es% so contri2ution of a surface to one cu2e will 2e )

!o% effective num2er of corner atoms #

, 0 = , 0 , * (faces) = ) +

9ffective num2er of corner atoms (face centered) # "otal num2er of atoms # 4

4 ) "hus volume of the spheres present in the unit cell # 4 r ) "herefore : &ac'ing fraction # ;olume occupied 2y the atoms "otal volume 4 4 r) ) = a)

7rom 14B% 14 + # 1B+ < B4 + (4r ) + = a + + a +

"a'ing s=uare root and cross multiplying% 4r =a + !u2stituting the value of 8a( in the pac'ing fraction e=uation% 4 4 r) ) &ac'ing fraction # ) 4r + # 4 4 r) ) ( 4r )

( +)

) 4 # - 74-70 "herefore fraction of empty space in the unit cell # , - 74-70 = - +5>++

( +)

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