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Christian Salt Professor Massey ENC 1101 14 November 2013 Deforestation During the early times of civilization, humans have always utilize the hunting and gathering skill for food and resources. However, this skill will then begin the expanding threat to plant and animal species loss. The surrounding predicament of deforestation lies within the human mind and its contradictions. Since earlier humans did not foresee the consequences of decreasing populations in plants and animals, there was no such form of precaution. There is a presence of a theory surrounding how generations of humans act upon issues such as those regarding and relating to global warming: a bystander effect. The bystander effect can affect a variety of issues for instance instinction or pollution because humans may have a tendency to react to a situation regarding these lines, someone else will eventually fix it. Therefore, government associations should influence the public with enforcing ideals of what should be right and what should be wrong. Starting the human population with education can help todays problems in the Amazon, the polar ice caps, and endangered species. The beginnings of countering global warming should be caused by different environmental services. Governments around the world are working in coalition regarding such expenses for projects that aid the decreasing of greenhouse gasses. There are various sacrifices that should be made from many countries regarding such expenses, but the outcome will help

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future generations to come for a safer living environment. Many intelligent authors of Global cost estimates of reducing carbon emissions through avoided deforestation (Kindermann, Obersteiner and Sohngen), created equations and algorithms to complete solutions and to predict the outcome of necessary inputs to find the desirable outputs. For example, one such organization named the World Wildlife Fund helps create foundations across the globe to work in unison for assisting the environment. Foundations help awareness on global issues while also bringing people of various cultures and backgrounds together to learn from and help each other. With group work, anyone could overcome any obstacle including big problems like carbon emissions, which could be handled first with a small step. The small step of tackling this issue is to aware communities both small and large to consider a switch of vehicle choices, from normal fossil fuel running-automobiles to more energy efficient automobiles. The effect that can be produced from the saving of forests can lead endlessly through time, and the future of humans and the environment coexisting is not too far from reality. A small change can make a big difference because gradually carbon emissions would decrease and help put an end to global warming. With todays technology, the world has the potential to become a better, faster, and safer place to live peacefully. One creation known as the General Circulation Models (GCMs) were created to research the temperature of any location on a global map, mostly used for tropical forested areas (Moraes, Franchito and Rao). Therefore, in todays standards there should not be an excuse for delivering a message across the globe asking for assistance because as see with such technological advancements. With the usage of GCMs, humans can observe which areas in

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the world are in much need of reducing its temperature levels. Planting trees can help lower carbon dioxide in the atmospheres perimeter therefore subtracting from the overall carbon percentage. With new technologies coming arise, the preservation of environment can be more safe and cleaner for those willing to invest the time of a greater tomorrow. Sooner or later, a cause must be needed to allow a paradigm shift in the views of government to create a selfsustaining world of the future. Currently, corporations are seeking for land opportunities to create investments on land with industries to take up land plot. However, these same corporations are destroying forested areas to build infrastructure which is a major red flag to the environmentalists. The question posed to these investors is, why would there should be any form of land-clearing when there is much land in other countries with unused vast plains. For example, in the continental United States, much of the mid-west is unoccupied of wildlife or human agriculture; so, why is there the need to clear forests when there is already the land. Corporations then indirectly hurt biodiversity upon plants and animals making the impending extinction situation worse than it already is. Various politicians are continuing to argue with each other on the future of deforestation and its lasting impact on the rest of the world. When should be the breaking point of the planet to say enough-is-enough against harmful human acts? One topic involving the positives from forests include two of the biggest resources for humans: agriculture and medicine. Without extracting resources from certain plants, there wouldnt be such advancements in modern medicine. Human population couldnt increase from the zero population growth threshold if it wasnt for medicine retrieved from plants and created

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with the great minds of doctors at the time. Moreover, fruits and vegetables were first founded in forests with exploration of humans to be later grown in farms and controlled areas. Destroying forests defeats the purpose of gaining food for the already poor and hungry who live off the planets natural resources. For example, in the Amazon forest there is a mass amount of resources that sustain the regions of Brazil and surrounding countries that shouldnt be depleted because of what devastating results were to come. In Sub-Saharan Africa the problem with its people who are starving would be from the non-fertile soil for the implication of agriculture, the world should not gain another suffering region. One experiment calculated the overall effectiveness the Amazon has on the world, which showed drastic results. The people of Brazil and surrounding countries that rely on the water and food supply would be surprised to see when there is a drought in the area. Scientists have kept enforcing the importance of the Amazon as a whole because it holds the biggest impact on global temperature, calculated about 2.5 degrees Celsius. Countless economists are working together developing deforestation modelling which expands the inspiration for preservation. These models can serve as displaying various negative consequences of resulting benefactors for gaining easier sense of the problem as a whole (Kaimowitz and Angelsen). There are necessities that the model answers with the precise measurements and configurations that portray aspects not normal for a human to observe like topography. Forests lie in a variety of areas across the globe, therefore, no human being can possibly visit the majority of the subjects. As learned from precedent, political policies have their

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impact on forest cover tremendously; with the utilization of models, the citizens of countries can then get alarmed for the issues occurring. Deforestation can not only affect people but also animals in that the carbon in the atmosphere increases creating the world to heat up unnaturally, or also known as global warming. This then affects the animals living in the polar ice caps such as the polar bears, snow foxes and owls, etc. These animals live on sea ice which is an unstable platform because now with global warming, it can begin to melt. It is a high priority to save these animals because there is an importance for humans and animals to coexist and live together. There can be a theory that if one animal has been extinct, the rest of the food chain with the other animals would get disrupted and get effected by the event. This will then cause a chain reaction for other food chains and can potentially disrupt the way of life between humans and animals. Therefore, declaring that humans can have the power and authority to change and alter a whole planet with living substances or the biosphere. Earth is a planet that is very delicate, but everyone has the power to change the planet in a positive manner, whats missing in humans is the motivation to help and realize the situation. Conservationists keep pushing the fact that communities should start working together in planting multiple trees to decrease the amount of plant loss (DOCKSAI). During the 1980s there seemed a big increase of deforestation but with the help of government inactions, today deforestation decreased drastically. Regardless of the decreasing deforestation and its positive outcome, Sub-Saharan has continued to decline with its depleting resources three times faster than the worlds average. They are sign of remediation with groups

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lie non-profit organizations who team up to stop harmful human activities and to retain the forest cover back and improving methods altogether. Poor and developing countries are unequal from the distribution of wealth and power directed from the corrupt governments that are vulnerable to resource damage. For example, in the country of Indonesia many wealthy families have ties with the government to purchase land for the valuable profit of timber. This leads to an immense amount of destruction of trees especially when there is no plan of the government to take action apart from this, there is no sense of recovery for the forest loss. Therefore, the ground soil is exposed to the rich families for agriculture production so the biodiversity of animal and plant species originally living in the forest become endangered, and without help, eventually extinct. As one may not know, forest loss is the direct effect from causes such as population pressures, profits, and internal social and political forces. Healthy forests absorb and reduce the amount of carbon emissions released by humans, which in the end can contribute greatly toward global warming. Nevertheless, without trees and forests carbon emissions can only be speculated to increase to a horrid number creating a sense of disaster. The reduction of trees involving cutting, burning, or removing can also be a part of the general addition of even more carbon in the atmosphere. Another speculation created is if plants become closer to non-existence then the water cycle would weaken enough for the overall global climate to become dryer (Szalay). When there is something harming others like species or ecosystems the resulting effect would harm humans once more resembling a cycle. The list could eventually continue of all the possible harmful effects to humans but as soon as the issue becomes more alarming then there would

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never be an end to the precaution. People as a whole should nevertheless give some part of their time to restore the planet that makes life habitable and be grateful for all resources freely obtainable in this modern day.

Salt 8 Works Cited

Docksai, Rick. "Disapearing Forests?" Disapearing Forests? 1 September 2013: 1-8. Document. Kaimowitz, David and Arild Angelsen. "Economic Models of Tropical Deforestation: A Review." Kaimowitz, David and Arild Angelsen. Economic Models of Tropical Deforestation: A Review. Bogor: CIFOR, 1998. 1-5. Document. Kindermann, Georg, et al. "Global cost estimates of reducing carbon emissions through avoided deforestation." PNAS vol. 105 no. 30 (2008): 1-5. Michigan, University of. Global Deforestation. 4 January 2010. Document. 31 October 2013. Moraes, E. C., Sergio H. Franchito and V. Brahmananda Rao. "Amazonian Deforestation: Impact of Global Warming on the Energy Balance and Climate." Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology (2013): 1-9. Nobre, Carlos A., Piers J. Sellers and Jagadish Shukla. "Amazonian Deforestation and Regional Climate Change." Journal of Climate (1991): 30. Szalay, Jessie. Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects. 6 March 2013. Document. 31 October 2013. Yasuoka, Junko and Richard Levins. IMPACT OF DEFORESTATION AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT ON ANOPHELINE ECOLOGY AND MALARIA EPIDEMIOLOGY. 6 August 2006. <http://www.ajtmh.org/content/76/3/450.full>.

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