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DIRECTIONS: During this course you will be creating a portfolio to highlight what you have learned throughout this course. It will be counted as your final exam grade. You are to complete each section by the due date or be penalized. Remember, your final exam grade is worth 20% of your quarter grade! 1. Employment Resume You should have Reference Sheet 3 documents! Cover Letter *TIP: Use the ones we completed in class and make any necessary changes. ALL MUST BE ERROR FREE! 2. Follow Up A follow up letter is used to thank a potential employer for the taking the time to meet with you. It shows that you care and are very interested in the job. You are to create a letter, email, or handwritten note thanking the potential employer. REMEMBER TO KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL!

3. Word of the Day You should have Take the word of the day table that you created in 2 documents! class. Format as desired. Be sure to include shading, put your name in the header aligned left. Select at least 12 words and create one of the following: a story, jingle, poem, rap, song, etc. of your choice. Be sure to bold the word of the day words. You should have 2 print outs. 4. Spreadsheet and Chart Create a spreadsheet of your choice with a minimum of 10 rows and 3 columns. It should include: merged cells, wrapped text, auto fit to columns, use of a formula, use of 2 different cell formats, shading, print with a custom header with your name aligned right, gridlines and row/column headings. Print in portrait and create an embedded chart of your choice. The chart should have a title and the x and y axis should have a name. 5. Database You should have Create a database of your 3 documents! choice. It should include at least 4 columns and 10 rows. Print the original database. Sort the database by the first column in ascending order and print that. Select one other field and filter as desired and print it.

6. PowerPoint Create a PowerPoint of your choice. It should include a minimum of 10 slides, slide numbers, and a footer with your name. At least one slide should have a different design layout, include a table or chart etc., a different background, and at least 2 pictures. 7. Report You are to create a two page report comparing two articles. The report should include a review of each article, a comparison of the data, and a summary. Use MLA format. It must be at least a page and a half. It needs to have a title page and a works cited page. The Works Cited page must include the two articles cited properly.

8. Arrangement of Portfolio The Presentation Method: o The final portfolio can be put together in any way you choose. Consider the one of the following methods: paper, website, or online presentation. The Stapled Version: o Should have a cover sheet that can be placed on the top of the portfolio. Include all parts in order of the rubric, printed correctly. o Include: 1. Personal Portfolio for then your name 2. Current School Year 3. HCRHS a border or graphic of your choice. 4. Remember BE CREATIVE!

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