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Author Study Tomie DePaola

By Andrew Borrani

Table of Contents Auto Biography- Pages 2-4 Summary of Books- Page Con!ept "eb- Pages #-$ Content %utline- Page & 'esson Plans- Pages ()-(& Culminating A!ti*ity- Page 2) 'ist of other books- Pages 2(-22 +uotes- Page 2, Closing Statement- Page 24 -esour!es- Page 2

Ameri!an author and illustrator Tomie dePaola was born Thomas Anthony dePaola on September ( . (&,4 in /eriden. Conne!ti!ut0 At an early age his lo*e for books was e*ident. and he knew by the age of 4. he wanted to be a writer and an illustrator0 1is mother would read to him and he would often make illustrations too the stories she read0 By the time he was () years old. he was writing books for his younger sister0 During his s!hool years. dePaola be!ame interested in tap dan!ing and performed through out /eriden with his partner Carol /orrissey0 1e still had a strong lo*e for art though and !ontinued taking art !lasses0 1is work !ould be found in e2hibitions. theater produ!tions. and posters0 After graduating high s!hool. dePaola attended Pratt 3nstitute where he honed his artisti! ability and graduated with a Ba!helors Degree in 4ine Arts0 1e then attended the California College of Arts and Crafts where he re!ei*ed his /asters of 4ine Arts0 3n (&# dePaola re!ei*ed his first big break when he got the opportunity to illustrate the !hildren5s book 6Sound7 by 'isa /iller0 Then in (&##. dePaola wrote and illustrated his first book 6The "onderful Dragon of Timlin70 %*er the ne2t 4$ years. dePaola has written and8or illustrated nearly 2 ) books0 Some of his most belo*ed books in!lude 6Strega 9ona7. 6The Art 'esson7. and 62# 4airmount A*enue7. the last being a !olle!tion of autobiographi!al stories about his !hildhood0 dePaola has in!orporated his family life in other books he has written besides his autobiographies0 4or e2ample in 6"at!h %ut for the Chi!ken 4eet in :our Soup7. dePaola modeled the grandmother in the story from aspe!ts of his 3talian grandmother0

Tomie dePaola is not only a gifted writer. whose !lean straightforward style makes his books relatable and *ery !hildren friendly. but he is also an a!!omplished artist in his own right0 1a*ing pursued the fine arts for almost his entire life dePaola has !ome to be asso!iated with his signature style0 Though his graphi! work looks simple and minimalist; the bold lines. the water!olors. and the linear !omposition are all *ery hard to a!hie*e in a !lean and !on!ise way0 1is illustrations perfe!tly a!!ompany the written words in all the books they appear in. be!ause he takes the time to interpret what the story is about0 Tomie dePaola has won numerous awards for his work in !hildrens literature0 1e has re!ei*ed The Calde!ott 1onor Award for his book 6Strega 9ona7. the 9ewbery 1onor Award. The 9ew 1ampshire <o*ernor5s Arts Award for 'i*ing Treasure. The =erlan Award form the >ni*ersity of /innesota. and The >ni*ersity of South /ississippi /edallion0 1e was nominated for the 1as Christian Anderson /edal for 3llustration in (&&). and has been honored by. the Catholi! 'ibrary Asso!iation. the Smithsonian 3nstitute. and the So!iety of Children5s Book "riters and 3llustrations0 Tomie dePaola is !urrently li*ing in 9ew 'ondon. 9ew 1ampshire where he !an be found in a 2))-year-old reno*ated barn. most likely working on his ne2t great !hildren5s book0 1e has also teamed up with the So!iety of Children5s Book "riters and 3llustrations to !reate the Tomie dePaola Award0 The winner of this award will re!ei*e a trip to the 2)(4 SCB"3 9ew :ork Conferen!e to !laim their award. ha*e their illustration featured with the poem 6Snee?e7 in dePaola5s up !oming book. and best of all. the winner will be able to ha*e lun!h with Tomie dePaola0

Book Summaries
2# 4airmount A*enue This book is an autobiography about the author5s !hildhood0 The book took pla!e with his family building a house a!ross town from where they li*ed originally0 1e in!ludes all the stories and ad*entures he has during this time in his life0 Tomie dePaola does not disappoint with his !ra?y ad*enture that follows him0 "e are introdu!ed to many family members of Tomie dePaola with more to !ome later in the series0 The 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush The 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush 3 must say is my all time fa*orite0 'ittle <opher wanted to @oin his fellow tribesman as warriors. but yet he was too small to follow along with his friends0 1e was not sure what his purpose was until he had a *ision0 The Alders tell of how he will be!ome a great painter0 %ne day he was blessed with a gift of magnifi!ent paints and brushes and !reated the most beautiful painting for his *illage0 1e fulfills his destiny by bringing the !olors of the sunset down to his people0 The 'egend of the Bluebonnet The 'egend of the Bluebonnet tells of a young orphan girl who is refered to as 6She "ho 3s Alone7 1er story unfolded as she is *isited by the Alder spirits of her tribe0 They foretold a great drought would !ome and it would not stop0 The drought !ame to an end when the young girl offers her spe!ial gift of her fa*orite doll0 The spirits be!ome pleased and return the land to its former glory !o*ered with bluebonnet flowers0 AdelitaB A /e2i!an Cinderella Story Adelita is a twist on the !lassis Cinderella story0 This story is about a young woman named Adelita who is mistreated by her stepmother and two stepsisters0 Adelita attends the fiesta of Ca*ier. and falls madly in lo*e with her0 Adelita lea*es the fiesta at night and lea*es behind the robo?o shawl she wore0 "ith this !lue Ca*ier is able to find Adelita and li*e happily e*er after0 The Pop!orn Book "ho !ould ha*e e*er thought there was so mu!h information about pop!ornD "hen two brothers !ook their fa*orite sna!k. they start to wonder and think deep about this simple delight0 Author Tomie Depaola takes you along with his brother to learn about the history of pop!orn0 This blends both fi!tion and non-fi!tion gi*ing the history of pop!orn and few funny stories about him and his brother with pop!orn0



2# 4airmont A*enue

Te2t to Self


-eading Comprehension


The 3ndian and the PaintBrush

9ati*e Ameri!an Culture Te2t to Self

Conne!tions 1istory -eading Comprehension

The Pop!orn Book


-eading Comprehension

Te2t to Self

The 'egend of the Blue Bonnet


9ati*e Ameri!an Culture




-eading Comprehension


Content Outline
2# 4airmont A*enue 'itera!y -Culture

-4amily 'ife -"riting -Analy?e The 3ndian and the Paintbrush So!ial Studies -9ati*e Ameri!an Culture 'itera!y - Conne!tions -Analy?e -3nterpreting The Pop!orn Book 'itera!y -Conne!tions -Analy?e So!ial Studies -Culture -"orld 1istory The 'egend of the Blue Bonnet So!ial Studies -9ati*e Ameri!an Culture 'itera!y -Conne!tions Ete2t to selfF -3nterpreting -Analy?e Adelita So!ial Studies -/e2i!an Culture 'itera!y -Compare and Contrast -Analy?e -3nterpret 'esson Plans

'esson one- 2# 4airmount A*enue Purpose- The purpose of this lesson is to introdu!e the !lass to whom Tomie Depaola is0 This lesson will fo!us on learning the differen!es between a biography and autobiography0 Students will also write their own autobiography with a drawing to mat!h their story0 Skills- "riting. Conne!tion. 'istening 'esson %b@e!ti*es- Students will be gi*en an introdu!tion for the star of this Author Study Tomie dePaola0 By reading this story based on the author5s life. students will ha*e a better understanding on who Tomie is0 They will learn to write a short autobiography on themsel*es0 Their story !an !ontain a funny or spe!ial moment that happened in their li*es0 Core Standards- CCSS0A'A-'itera!y0-'040# Compare and !ontrast the point of *iew from whi!h different stories are narrated. in!luding the differen!e between first- and third-person narrations Pre-Assessment- To start the lesson off the tea!her will first dis!uss about what is a biography0 The tea!her will write the students responses on the Smartboard0 After dis!ussing what a biography the tea!her will ask the students if they know what an autobiography is0 This will allow students to prepare for the read aloud story 'esson Presentation Set 3ndu!tion- The tea!her will ha*e the students meet at the rug0 %n!e the students are settled the tea!her will dis!uss who Tomie dePaola is0 The tea!her will list a few of his books to see if any students ha*e read his material before0 The tea!her will then announ!e that they will be doing an author study based on Tomie Depaola work0 After dis!ussing him the tea!her will introdu!e the book 62# 4airmount A*enue70 Pro!edure (0 The tea!her will ask students what is shown on the !o*er0 20 The tea!her will then des!ribe how this is the story of the author when he was a !hild0 ,0 The tea!her will then begin to read the story0 40 As the tea!her reads the book students will be asked if they !an make a !onne!tion with Tomie throughout the story0 0 As the story !ontinues the tea!her will get students5 thinking !aps started by asking !an you see any similarities in your life with Tomie5sD #0 As the tea!her !ompletes the story the students will be gi*en instru!tions for the a!ti*ity G0 Students will be told to write a story about their life0 $0 Their stories !an be spe!ial or funny0 &0 The tea!her will tell them that their story !an be either one or two paragraphs0

()0 The tea!her will go around !he!king students work to make sure their stories are appropriate to the lesson0 ((0 As the students finish they will be asked to !ome ba!k to the rug to share their stories0 (20 %n!e the stories are finished being presented the tea!her will wrap up the lesson0 Closure- The tea!her will ask for student !omments on reading Tomie dePaola5s work0 After listening to students !omments the tea!her will inform the !lass they will work on Tomie dePaolo for the ne2t week or two0 /aterials -62# 4airmount A*enue7 -Smart board -Pen!ils -"orksheet 4ollow-up A!ti*ity To follow up the start of their Author Study students will be!ome an artist for homework0 The students are to draw a sket!h showing their stories in a!tion0 They are to draw and make it as !olorful to hand in0 Aa!h lesson will ha*e work to be hung up on the wall of the !lassroom and hallway0 Assessment Students will be assessed formally0 They will be assessed on not only how they understand Tomie Depaola stories but his uniHue art work0 Students will be assessed on how !olorful their drawings will be0 Students will also be assessed on how well they wrote about themsel*es for their autobiography Differentiated Students who are both *isual and audio learners will greatly benefit from this lesson0 Students will be allowed to e2press their artisti! ways as well as !reati*e writing skills0 3 belie*e this will work well for *isual learners0 They will not be left out0 Audio learners will be able to benefit from testing their listening skills0 They will be to benefit from listening to the story as well as their !lassmates work0

'esson two- The 3ndian and the Paintbrush Student Ba!kground- There is twenty se*en students within the fourth grade !lass0 The !lass has number of ethni!ities among the students with ma@ority of students being white0 There are about two Asians students. thirteen white students. three bla!k students. and nine 1ispani! students0 The reading le*el of students has a range of a*erage to abo*e a*erage0 The ma@ority of students reading si?able !hapter books Purpose- The students will be introdu!ed to the author Tomie Depaola retelling of folklore tales0 The lesson will also pro*ide students the opportunity to learn about other !ultures as well as their myths and beliefs0 Skills- Conne!t. Analy?e. 3nterpret 'esson %b@e!ti*es- The ob@e!ti*e of this lesson is to gi*e students an insight of 9ati*e Ameri!an !ulture0 Students will also be gi*en the opportunity to learn the symbols of 9ati*e Ameri!an Culture0 They will do this by !reating their own deer skin painting using 9ati*e Ameri!an symbols0 Core Standards- CCSS0A'A-'itera!y0-3040G 3nterpret information presented *isually. orally. or Huantitati*ely Ee0g0. in !harts. graphs. diagrams. time lines. animations. or intera!ti*e elements on "eb pagesF and e2plain how the information !ontributes to an understanding of the te2t in whi!h it appears0 Pre-Assessment- The tea!her spark prior knowledge about 9ati*e Ameri!ans by ha*ing students list what they know0 The tea!her will then introdu!e the author Tomie Depaola and how we will read a book based on 9ati*e Ameri!an folklore0 'esson Presentation A0 Set 3ndu!tion The tea!her will introdu!e the !lass to 9ati*e Ameri!an !ulture asking what they know0 The tea!her will then introdu!e the book by Tomie DePaolo 6The 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush07 B0 Pro!edure (0 The tea!her will perform a pi!ture walk to the !lass while they are at the rug0 20 After the pi!ture walk the tea!her will ha*e students make predi!tions0 ,0 %n!e the students ha*e finished their predi!tions the tea!her will then begin reading 6The 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush70 40 "hile reading the story the tea!her will stop at !ertain points to allow students to gi*e their insight upon the book0 0 %n!e the story is finished the tea!her will then gi*e a hand out of 9ati*e Ameri!an symbols and brown !onstru!tion paper !ut in the shape of deer skin0 #0 The tea!her will then tell the students they will be able to !reate their own deer skin painting telling of a story of their !hoosing0 G0 The tea!her will e2plain the students must use the symbols to tell of a story0

$0 After !ompleting their painting the students will write one paragraph des!ribing their story0 &0 %n!e finished the tea!her will tell the students to return to their desks0 ()0 The tea!her will pi!k se*eral helpers to hand out the markers. glue. pen!ils. s!issors. !rayons. rulers and !onstru!tion paper on!e the students are seated at their desk0 ((0 "hile the students work on their deer skins the tea!her will pull up the 6The 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush7 up on the bla!kboard to inspire their !reati*ity0 (20 Students will be able to see a real life deer skin painter work on his art in the *ideo0 (,0 "hile the students work the tea!her will be walking around to help the students and to make sure their stories are appropriate for the !lassroom0 (40 %n!e finished the tea!her will !all ba!k the students to the rug with their !ompleted deer skins0 Closure- Students will able to share their art work on the smart board through the use of the Almo0 Students will be able to tell their deer skin stories to their !lassmates0 >pon finishing presenting the tea!her will ha*e the students fill out a sheet for homework0 They will write what they en@oyed the most about today5s lesson and story0 /aterials -6The 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush7 - Constru!tion paper !ut out to look like deer skin - /arkers - <lue - Pen!ils - S!issors - Translation of 9ati*e Ameri!an symbols - Smart board 4ollow-up A!ti*ityAfter finishing presenting the tea!her will gi*e the students a sheet for homework0 They are to write on the sheet what they en@oyed the most about today5s lesson and story0 A*aluation8Assessment Students will be assessed informally based on how they !reated their deer skins0 They will be graded on how well they !onstru!ted their deer skin0 They will be assessed on how they !onstru!ted their story0 DifferentiatedStudents who are *isual learners will be able to benefit from the story0 By re*iewing the story and making their deer skin *isual learners will be able to benefit greatly0 As well as audio learners they will be able to benefit from the story being read0 The tea!her will also use a *isual reading from the internet for the students to follow along while making their deer skin0

'esson Three- The Pop!orn Book Student Ba!kground- There is twenty se*en students within the fourth grade !lass0 The !lass has number of ethni!ities among the students with ma@ority of students being white0 There are about two Asians students. thirteen white students. three bla!k students. and nine 1ispani! students0 The reading le*el of students has a range of a*erage to abo*e a*erage0 The ma@ority of students reading si?able !hapter books Core Standards- CCSS0A'A-'itera!y0-3040, A2plain e*ents. pro!edures. ideas. or !on!epts in a histori!al. s!ientifi!. or te!hni!al te2t. in!luding what happened and why. based on spe!ifi! information in the te2t Purpose- The Purpose of this lesson is to spark prior knowledge within students about !ultures0 Students will be able to learn how something as simple as pop!orn has deep roots within different !ultures0 Skills- 'istening. Conne!tions 'esson %b@e!ti*es- The lesson will tell the history of pop!orn0 This will allow students to tra!e the history of pop!orn through different !ultures o*er time0 This will allow students to make !onne!tions through prior knowledge0 Pre-Assessment- The tea!her will begin the lesson with a ="' !hart0 The tea!her will go o*er what a ="' !hart is0 "ith the help of ="' !hart the students will fill find out new information about pop!orn0 %n!e finished dis!ussing the tea!her will des!ribe how the author Tomie Depaola was !urious about pop!orn0 'esson Presentation Set 3ndu!tion The tea!her will then present 6The Pop!orn Book7 and tell the students about the author5s !uriosity0 1is !uriosity inspired him to find out more about the history of pop!orn0 Pro!edure (0 The tea!her will !all the students o*er to the rug 20 The tea!her will perform a pi!ture walk to help spark ideas for the ="' !hart0 ,0 %n!e students gi*e few ideas for the " se!tion the tea!her will begin to read0 40 As the tea!her reads 6The Pop!orn Book7 he will pause at !ertain points to allow prior knowledge to be a!ti*ated0 0 %n!e finished reading the tea!her will ask students what they learned about pop!orn from the story0 #0 The tea!her will then hand out a small ="' !hart to the students G0 The tea!her will then break the students up into small groups0 $0 %n!e broken into small groups they will return to their desks &0 The tea!her will e2plain that he wants them to write things they know. want to know and learned about pop!orn0

()0 "hile students are working the tea!her will walk around to assist any student who needs it0 ((0 %n!e finished the tea!her will !all the groups ba!k to the rug0 (20 They will !ome together to help fill out the ="' !hart0 Closure After sharing their answers and filling out the !hart the tea!her will re*iew the new fa!ts about pop!orn0 %n!e finished re*iewing the tea!her will then pro*ide the students with a gift of pop!orn for them to eat0 /aterials -6The Pop!orn Book7 -="' !hart -="' worksheet -Pen!il - Pop!orn 4ollow-up A!ti*ity 4or homework the tea!her will ha*e the students5 resear!h interesting fa!ts about the author to bring in to !lass tomorrow0 Assessment The tea!her will informally assess the students based off their group work0 By re*iewing ea!h groups ="' !hart response the tea!her will able to pin point whi!h students struggled and whi!h su!!eeded within the lesson0 Differentiated Students who are *isual learners will benefit from the !olorful pi!tures from the book0 They will also be a!!ommodated through the use of the ="' !hart on the board0 Audio learners will be able to benefit from being able to hear the story as well as the response for the ="' !hart0

'esson plan 4our- The 'egend of the Blue Bonnet Student Ba!kground- There is twenty se*en students within the fourth grade !lass0 The !lass has number of ethni!ities among the students with ma@ority of students being white0 There are about two Asians students. thirteen white students. three bla!k students. and nine 1ispani! students0 The reading le*el of students has a range of a*erage to abo*e a*erage0 The ma@ority of students reading si?able !hapter books Core Standard- CCSS0A'A-'itera!y0-'040, Des!ribe in depth a !hara!ter. setting. or e*ent in a story or drama. drawing on spe!ifi! details in the te2t Ee0g0. a !hara!ter5s thoughts. words. or a!tionsF0 Purpose- The purpose of this lesson is to introdu!e more myths about different !ultures0 This lesson will !onne!t theme of !ultures0 Skills- 'istening. Conne!t. Te2t to Self 'esson %b@e!ti*es- The students will able to !reate their own *ersion of the story by retelling the story in their own words0 They will ha*e to dig deep when they put themsel*es in the shoes of the main !hara!ter0 Students will be to learn the elements of the story that will assist them in making a su!!essful retelling0 Pre-Assessment- The tea!her will spark prior knowledge by referen!ing 6The 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush70 The tea!her will then e2plain how students will be reading another 9ati*e Ameri!an folk tale !alled the 6The legend of the Blue Bonnet70 'esson Presentation Set-3ndu!tion The tea!her will dis!uss how we pre*iously learned about a 9ati*e Ameri!an folklore 6The 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush70 This will lead into the introdu!tion for 6The 'egend of the Blue Bonnet70 The tea!her will then present the story through a pi!ture walk0 Pro!edure (0 The tea!her will then ha*e the students make predi!tions off the pi!ture walk0 20 During the reading of the story the tea!her will stop at !ertain points to dis!uss what is happening within the book0 ,0 The tea!her will !ontinue reading the book0 40 The tea!her will then pause to ask students !ertain Huestions based from what was read0 0 After the story is finished the tea!her will then e2plain the a!ti*ity0 #0 The tea!her will then e2plain how he will ha*e the students retell the story but with their own twist0 G0 The tea!her will ha*e the students pretend to be 6She "ho 3s Alone7 if they were her what would they offer to sa*e their people0 $0 The tea!her will then pass out a sheet for the students to work on0

&0 As the students work the tea!her will then walk around to !he!k on their progress0 ()0 %n!e !ompleted the students will meet at the rug0 ((0 Aa!h student will be gi*en a !han!e to show their retelling of what they would sa!rifi!e to sa*e their people0 Closure "hen the students ha*e finished presenting the tea!her will ha*e the students hand in their stories0 The tea!her will then ask the students to dig deep by thinking why did she sa!rifi!e something so spe!ial for her people0 The students will ha*e to refle!t on the de!ision 6She "ho 3s Alone7 made0 /aterials -6The 'egend of the Blue Bonnet7 -Smart board -Pen!ils -"orksheet 4ollow-up A!ti*ity "hen tea!her wraps up the lesson he will ha*e students write their thoughts about the Huestion gi*en for homework0 Based off reading 6The 'egend of the Blue Bonnet7 do you think 6She "ho 3s Alone7 de!ision to sa!rifi!e her doll was easy for her or was it hard e2plain whyD Assessment The students will be assessed formally and informally0 The tea!her will *iew how the students understood the story by asking Huestions0 Based on the amount of responses gi*en and depth the tea!her will be able to informally assess students0 The tea!her will formally assess students one on one by !he!king their stories if they were the girl0 By !he!king what would they gi*e to sa*e their peopleD As well as determining and how spe!ial is that something is to that student0 Differentiated Students who are *isual learners will be able to benefit from the pi!ture walk during the story0 Audio learners will be able to benefit from this as well sin!e students will be sharing their work0 By *iewing their fellow !lassmates work they !ould refle!t on how they would sa!rifi!e something spe!ial to them for their people0

'esson Plan 4i*eB Adelita Student Ba!kground- There is twenty-eight students within the fourth grade !lass0 The !lass has number of ethni!ities among the students with ma@ority of students being white0 There are about two Asians students. fourteen white students. three bla!k students. and nine 1ispani! students0 The reading le*el of students has a range of a*erage to abo*e a*erage0 The ma@ority of students reading si?able !hapter books Purpose- 4or our author study we are using the theme of folklore among different !ultures0 The purpose of this lesson is to gi*e students a different perspe!ti*e on an old fairytale !lassi! Cinderella0 Skills- 'istening. Compare8Contrast. Conne!tion %b@e!ti*es- Students will !ompare and !ontrast between Adelita and Cinderella0 "ith the use of a Ienn diagram they will be able to see the similarities and differen!es of the story0 Students will also dig deep about Adelitas feelings throughout the story0 Core Standards- CCSS0A'A-'itera!y0-'040& Compare and !ontrast the treatment of similar themes and topi!s Ee0g0. opposition of good and e*ilF and patterns of e*ents Ee0g0. the HuestF in stories. myths. and traditional literature from different !ultures0 Pre-Assessment- Students will ha*e prior knowledge a!ti*ated by referring to the tale of Cinderella0 The tea!her will the students gather at the rug0 %n!e there they will make a list about the story of Cinderella0 The tea!her will then tell the students the book they will read today is a new *ersion of the !lassi! tale0 'esson Presentation Set 3ndu!tion- The tea!her will show the students the story 6Adelita70 Cust from the !o*er the tea!her will ask what predi!tions !an they make based off the !o*er0 The tea!her will listen to a few responses take note on the smart for later after the story0 The tea!her will then introdu!e a Ienn diagram0 The tea!her will go o*er the Ienn diagram to *erify students understand what it is used for0 Pro!edure (0 %n!e finished taking note of student responses the tea!her will then being to read 6Adelita70 20 As the tea!her reads along the story he will pause to see if students ha*e made any !onne!tions so far0 ,0 The tea!her will not go into depth about the !onne!tions they see from the story 40 The tea!her will go into depth about the !onne!tions later on in the lesson 0 "hen the tea!her finishes reading 6Adelita7 the tea!her will hand out a Ienn diagram sheet to students0 #0 Students will be broken up into partners by the tea!her0 G0 The tea!her will then ha*e the students work on their Ienn diagram sheet0 $0 As the students work the tea!her will walk around to make sure students understand what is to be listed0

&0 Students will list not only the differen!es between the two stories but the !ultural differen!es within them0 ()0 %n!e finished the tea!her will !all the students ba!k to the rug0 ((0 The tea!her will then ha*e students help fill out the Ienn diagram on the board0 Closure- %n!e the Ienn diagram is !omplete the tea!her will ha*e the students gi*e !omments about the story0 The tea!her will ask what did they like the most about 6Adelita70 The tea!her will also !ome ba!k to the theme about different folklore and myths ea!h !ulture has0 4ollow-up A!ti*ity The students will then be asked to write what they think about Tomie Depaola stories0 Are they en@oying them do they dislike them and why if they do0 This will allow the tea!her to know how the kids are en@oying the lessons0 Assessment The students will be assessed using an informal assessment0 By re*iewing their answers gi*en for the Ienn diagram the tea!her will be able to determine who was able to dig deep and see how Adelita and Cinderella5s feelings !ompared0 Students will be assessed on how well they made the !onne!tions between both stories0 Differentiated Students who are *isual learners will be able to benefit from the pi!ture walk during the story0 Students who are both *isual and audio will be able to benefit from use of the Ienn diagram0 Iisual learners will be able to benefit from *isual diagram on smart board0 Audio learners will be able to benefit listening to the responses gi*en by their !lassmates0

Culminating A!ti*ity
Tomie Depaola has written a great amount of books throughout his !areer0 The theme 3 used within my lessons tra!e ba!k to the !ulture of different people0 "ith the first lesson first introdu!ing the author 3 wanted to let the students take front row seat and be their own author of their own story and write about their !ulture0 Then by using two 9ati*e Ameri!an folklore tales 3 wanted to show them the beliefs of the 9ati*e Ameri!an Cultures0 Then 3 wanted to show them the similarities we ha*e with different !ultures but how they put their own twist on traditional stories0 To bring all these !on!epts about !ultures and folklore tales 3 belie*e that a trip to a museum would tie them all well0 A trip to the 9atural 1istory /useum will allow them to look at different !ultures espe!ially the ones that we had !o*ered within the lessons0 The students will able to get a better glimpse at the lifestyle of different !ultures0 %n!e they finish their trip they will write two paragraph summary of what they learned0

'ist of %ther "orks

Strega 9ona Strega 9ona 1er Story Strega 9ona /eets 1er /at!h Strega 9ona Takes a Ia!ation Strega 9onaJs /agi! 'essons Bra*a. Strega 9onaK Strega 9onaJs 1ar*est Big Anthony 1is Story Big Anthony and the /agi! -ing /erry Christmas. Strega 9ona Strega 9onaJs <ift Bill and Pete Bill and Pete <o Down the 9ile Bill and Pete to the -es!ue *ersion of Cinderella Andy ThatJs /y 9ame Charlie 9eeds a Cloak The Cloud Book Comi! Ad*entures of %ld /other 1ubbard CookieJs "eek Days of the Bla!kbird ArandiJs Brainds 4in /JCoul 4our 4riends at Christmas 4our 4riends in Autumn 4our 4riends in Summer 4our Stories for 4our Seasons 1ey Diddle Diddle and %ther /other <oose -hymes 1unter and the Animals 3 'o*e :ou. /ouse Camie %J-ourke and the Big Potato Camie %J-ourke and the Pooka =night and the Dragon 'egend of the Bluebonnet 'egend of the 3ndian Paintbrush 'egend of the Persian Carpet 'ittle <runt and the Big Agg /i!e SHueak "e Speak /r0 Satie and the <reat Art Contest /ysterious <iant of Barletta 9ow %ne 4oot. 9ow the %ther %li*er Button is a Sissy Pan!akes for Breakfast

The Pop!orn Book The +ui!ksand Book The +uilt Story Smart about ArtB 4rida =ahlo Shh. "eJre "riting the Constitution T--e2 3s /issing The Tale of -abbit and Coyote The "ind and the Sun. a retelling of the fable The 9orth "ind and the Sun

+uotes and "hy Chosen

2# 4airmont A*enue 6"orkers pour the !ement down a !hute that look like a long sliding board 3 pretended that the !on!rete gushing down was la*a !oming out of a *ol!ano 3 had seen that in a mo*ie with my mother7 3 !hose this Huote be!ause it reminds me of my !hildhood0 3 would always use my imagination when 3 would see things outside0 Sometimes 3 would pretend 3 am a giant and buildings far away would seem tiny in !omparison to me0 Anything that looked different or uniHue from anything else 3 saw would @ust broaden my imagination e*en further0 The 'egend of the 3ndian Paint Brush 6/y son these are the tools by whi!h you should be!ome great among your people7 This Huote is *ery spe!ial to me0 The reason 3 !hose this Huote. is that it truly speaks to me0 3t reminded me of what 3 am doing here with my life0 <od has gi*en me many tools0 3 ha*e been presented with these tools to help me tea!h0 3 belie*e that <od wants me to be!ome a tea!her and 3 will use the tools that 3 ha*e been gi*en to help me be!ome a tea!her0 Adelita 6and @ust like Ceni!ienta and her Prin!ipe. Prin!e we shall li*e000happily e*er after-tooKL 3 !hose this Huote for a few reasons0 3 am a su!ker for lo*e stories something that many people would not know from knowing me0 This Huote has a spe!ial pla!e in my heart0 %ne that 3 feel is worth writing about0 Also 3 lo*e to hear a happy story and the fa!t that this is a Spanish *ersion of Cinderella 3 must say it really tou!hed my heart0 The 'egend of the Bluebonnet 6People must sa!rifi!e we must make a burnt offering of the most *alued possession among us7 3 !hose this Huote be!ause it really got me thinking0 3t had me thinking about what people would do and would they gi*e up their most pri?ed deep possession for the sake of others0 3 thought to myself how this Huote applies to me0 3 know without a se!ond guess 3 would gi*e anything to sa*e my family and lo*ed ones0 3 !are deeply for my family and lo*ed ones and 3 would do whate*er it takes for the greater good0 The Pop!orn Book 6Pop!orn was dis!o*ered by the 3ndian people in the Ameri!ans many thousands of years ago07 3 !hose this Huote be!ause sin!e reading this book 3 found things about pop!orn that 3 myself ne*er knew0 The fa!t that the author was so intrigued by pop!orn my !uriosity was peaked0 3 found myself learning more and wanting to learn more about pop!orn0 Also the way that Tomie dePaola !aught my !uriosity is the same way 3 want to !at!h my students5 !uriosity0 The history of pop!orn also intrigued me and 3 ne*er knew pop!orn was traded and dis!o*ered before Ameri!a was0

Closing Statement
The reason why 3 !hose Tomie Depaola was 3 got to *iew an author study of his up-!lose while working at summer s!hool0 3 must say 3 was ama?ed at reading his stories and learning about him as a writer and artist0 3 belie*e he knows how tor ea!h kids by being a kid himself0 1e wrote about his !hildhood to ha*e young readers !onne!t with the author in some degree0 3 know 3 was hooked on Tomie Depaola when 3 read his !lassi! Strega 9ona book series0 3 must admit they had me smile. laugh and refle!t upon myself0 /y first lesson 3 belie*e determine from first person narrations sin!e it was the author himself des!ribing about his !hildhood0 3 belie*e my se!ond lesson use of the deer skin was the perfe!t *isual diagram for students to grasp the tale of the paintbrushes0 /y third lesson 3 belie*e ties a lot of history and !ulture and this is all !onne!t by something as simple and small as pop!orn0 The history of pop!orn is ri!h in fla*or and history0 /y fourth lesson allows students to go indepth with the story by putting themsel*es in the story0 "hat would they do if they were 6She "ho 3s Alone70 3 thought this would be appropriate for this standard0 4or my final lesson !omparing the similar themes of Ameri!an and /e2i!an *ersion of Cinderella shows how ea!h !ulture has their own take on similar themes and stories0 Comparing both allows them to see what is !ommon among many !ultures0 3 belie*e my lesson tou!hed upon many of the !ommon !ore standards for today0 1is books are not limited to rea!hing @ust !ore standards for one grade but multiple grades0 -anging from (st to 4th grade. 3 belie*e that many !hildren and adults !an benefit from a Tomie Depaola story0 3t makes you feel like a kid0

httpB88www0!orestandards0org8A'A-'itera!y8-'84 httpB88www0s!holasti!0!om8tea!hers8lesson-plan82#-fairmount-a*enue httpB88readaloudto!hildren0blogspot0!om82))#8)&8adelita0html httpB88bethgismondiblog0tumblr0!om8post8 (G,$, ),,8illustration-heroes-tomie-depaola httpB88*oi!es0yahoo0!om8tomie-depaola-!loser-look-su!!essful-!hildrens-4G,)G)0html httpB88*oi!es0yahoo0!om8tomie-depaola-!loser-look-su!!essful-!hildrens-4G,)G)0html httpB88www0tomie0!om8aboutMtomie8inde20html httpB88www0tomie0!om8aboutMtomie8bio0html httpB88www0s!holasti!0!om8tea!hers8!ontributor8tomie-depaola httpB88www0s!bwi0org8Pages0asp28Tomie-dePaola-Award httpB88en0wikipedia0org8wiki8TomieMdePaola

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