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This lesson focuses on modern music and the integration of history in order to understand why composers of the twentieth

century use different techniques to create different emotions. Strengths of this lesson include strong connections to other subject areas, high levels of student discussion and participation, and a strong hook. Weaknesses include no accommodations for different learners, leaving out state standards, and weak discussion questions between phases. Following the Lecture-Discussion model, in phase one, the teacher introduced the concept of modern music by having the students listen to an excerpt of a recording, then defining what modern music is to them. During phase two, the teacher presented concepts on what defines music, that makes it separate from everyday noise or sounds. For phase three, the teacher asked students to determine whether or not this definition of music fits with what they are hearing as an example. During phase four, the teacher integrated this new definition of music into a historical context to show students what events were happening at the time and why these composers used these modern techniques to portray emotions felt during those events. In phase five, the teacher summarized the broader concept of rejection of differences by showing students examples of how new music was initially received during different time periods. This lesson deviates from the model by constantly switching between phases, not in order. Presentation of material is often followed by integration instead of comprehension monitoring. During the middle of the lesson, concepts of elements of music were reviewed that should have been reviewed in the beginning. For future lessons, a clear introduction that included a review of traditional terms for defining music should be stated in the beginning. Connections between the different examples could flow better if connections were made by examining the emotions portrayed in each example. The closure could include a summary of the definition of modern music and could also review some of the examples listened to previously in the lesson.

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