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Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart


Description of Student
1 is one of the brightest students in my class. He is currently medicated for A H . !rior to being medicated he had ma"or beha#ioral issues $re#enting him from staying on tas% in the classroom. & learned before he 'as medicated that he 'as a student that 'as constantly restrained and remo#ed from his classroom. & 'as shoc%ed to learn this information about him because he is one of my best students socially and academically. (arely is 1 off tas% or not ma%ing good decisions in the classroom. Socially 1 has no issues and a$$ears to get along 'ell 'ith his classmates. 1)s home life is not ideal and & belie#e school is his esca$e from reality. - is a ,itle 1 student for math and reading. She lea#es the classroom to 'or% on her math after the math lesson. She is also in the title 1 reading grou$ in our tiered reading grou$s. - 'or%s #ery hard on her school'or%. Ho'e#er* she often 'ill $roceed in her 'or% 'ithout 'aiting for directions or reading directions. Because of that* she constantly has to redo her 'or%. - is slightly o#er'eight and 'ears glasses. & can tell both of these com$onents 'ear on her confidence. Her mother has informed both .odi and & about the issue and as%ed that 'e remind her to 'ear her glasses at school.

How are you applying your knowledge and skills to meet the unique cognitive, behavioral, and/or cultural needs of each student?
1 is a #ery bright student* and because of that he usually finishes his 'or% $rom$tly. +hen he is done 'ith his class'or% & gi#e him the o$$ortunity to ma%e a decision on 'hat he feels he needs to 'or% on. ,his gi#es him the o$$ortunity to ma%e his o'n decisions. & belie#e it is im$ortant for him to ha#e a sense of control gi#en his home situation and he needs 'ith A H . He al'ays ma%es good decisions regarding his free time. 1 lo#es to read so he usually reads his accelerated reading boo% and ta%es his tests. 1 al'ays $artici$ates in class and understands the content being taught. Because he so bright* & often ha#e him 'or% 'ith other students that don)t fully gras$ the material being taught in class. 1 sits by a student that has s$ecial needs* and he does a good "ob hel$ing that student 'ith his math. ,his is a great 'ay for 1 to re#ie' the conce$ts he is learning* to continually use 'hat he is learning* and to a$$ly his %no'ledge. & belie#e that ha#ing him hel$ other students $re#ents him from any beha#ioral outbursts that he could ha#e because he is constantly 'or%ing on or to'ards something.



Because - is $ulled out for math and reading & don)t ha#e a lot of interaction 'ith her and her 'or%. Ho'e#er 'hen she is in the classroom finishing her 'or% she and & 'or% at my des%. +hen /mma does $oorly on assignments & ha#e her tal% me through her $roblem sol#ing thought $rocess. ,his 'ay & %no' 'here she is ma%ing a mista%e or 'hat area she does not com$rehend. ,hat 'ay if it is something & am failing to do & can fi0 it and find a ne' 'ay to relay material to her. &f it is something is she is missing or not doing $ro$erly & can then correct her and reteach. ,his 'or%s #ery 'ell for - because then & can $in$oint 'hat she is doing 'rong and & can guide her in the right direction. - is a bright young girl* and she usually finds her mista%es if she is #erbally com$leting her assignment. - 'as #ery embarrassed about ha#ing to 'ear her glasses. Constantly ha#ing to remind her to 'ear them 'asn)t hel$ing. &nstead* & began 'earing my glasses to school. ,he first day & 'ore them one of my students told me that they li%ed my glasses and didn)t %no' & 'ore them. & told them that - ins$ired me to 'ear mine. & mentioned ho' 1cool2 e#eryone)s glasses in class 'ere that 'ore them and that & 'anted to be "ust a 1cool2. After that* /mma hasn)t

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart - has a #ery su$$orti#e mother3 & do not belie#e her father is in#ol#ed in her life. 4 is a #ery smart girl 'ith an incredible imagination. Her 'riting is the best in the class. 4 is al'ays on tas% and ne#er causes distraction in class. Her home life is good3 she s$ends a lot of time 'ith her mother and grandfather. & recently found out her father is in $rison. 4 is a student & can count on to be a leader and guide her $eers in the right direction. Aurora challenges herself to ta%e her learning to the ne0t le#el. 4 needs #ery little assistance 'ith her school'or%. +hen she does she is not shy to as% for assistance. 6 struggles to stay on tas% during e#erything. He is constantly u$ and mo#ing* leaning bac% in his chair* messing around in his des%* tal%ing to students around him* and lost during lessons and class 'or%. He ne#er reads directions and is al'ays ha#ing to redo his 'or%. +ith that being said* 'hen he finally understands directions* he rarely misses ans'ers. He is a #ery smart boy* but he struggles to $ay attention in class. He seems to ha#e a good home life. His $arents are #ery in#ol#ed 'ith us* his teachers* communicating constantly to chec% on 'hat he is doing and ho' he is doing in class. : is #ery 5uiet. He is an a#erage student. He al'ays $ays attention in class and contributes to class $ro"ects. : has a s$eech $roblem and sees a s$eech thera$ist t'ice a 'ee% in the afternoon. He has been too 'orried about 'earing her glasses during class. 4 is a student that doesn)t re5uire #ery much assistance academically. Because of that* & am al'ays challenging her to go beyond 'hat she is learning. 4 has a great imagination* so & encourage her to use it 'hen she is 'riting. & ta%e ideas from her 'riting and ha#e her elaborate on them. +hen & edit her 'or% & ha#e her edit 'ith me so 'e can re#ie' the fe' mista%es she ma%es together. She almost ne#er re$eats her mista%es. uring math* 4 is my go to student to e0$lain 'hat 'e are learning to her classmates 'hen they are ha#ing $roblems com$rehending material. She sits by t'o students that ha#e a hard time 'ith math* and she al'ays hel$s them 'ith their 'or%. &n the beginning of school & 'ould tell her $artners to as% her to sho' them 'hat she 'as doing if & 'as hel$ing other students in the class. No'* 4 ta%es the initiati#e to hel$ her $artners that need it. Ha#ing a large class is tough* but ha#ing students li%e 4 hel$s. She usually finishes her 'or% first* but al'ays has someone she can hel$. 6)s only struggle in school is staying focused in class. His seat has been mo#ed three times this year so far. Most 'ee%s by the time 7riday comes around he is sitting in the bac% of the room by himself. He is grou$ed 'ith t'o other tas%8oriented students that do not li%e to get in trouble* 'hich seems to be %ee$ing him on tas%. +hen he is $aying attention and listening to instruction he misses nothing. 6)s ca$ability is limitless3 he "ust struggles to $artici$ate in the lessons. 9ccasionally 'hen the students are 'or%ing by themsel#es he stands at his seat and does his 'or%* and & let him. He is focused and doing his 'or% $roficiently. & com$liment his accom$lishments. My su$er#ising teacher and & ha#e set u$ an agenda to be com$leted e#eryday before he goes home that 'e sign and his mother signs and returns the ne0t day. ,his has hel$ed him com$lete all his home'or%. 6 is someone 'ho needs a schedule and tas%s listed for him to follo' or he does 'hat he 'ants. +hen there is a long list of items for them to com$lete & 'rite e#erything on a stic%y note for him so he can cross off 'hen one tas% is com$leted.




:)s s$eech $roblem doesn)t a$$ear to affect him in the classroom. Ho'e#er* 'hen 'e read aloud in class & as% my students if they 'ant to read* & ne#er ma%e them read. & thin% he a$$reciates that because he sometimes $asses on reading. & com$liment him on his accom$lishments in class and his creati#ity in his 'riting. He li%es to tell me stories about 'hat he does on the 'ee%ends so most Mondays & ma%e time during our snac% time to as% him ho' his

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart su$$orti#e $arents. ; is full of s$irit. She is an incredibly 'ell beha#ed and mannered young girl. Her mother is sus$ected to be in#ol#ed 'ith drugs. Ho'e#er* her aunt and uncle s$end a lot of time 'ith her and are the $eo$le that contact .odi and & about ;. She is #ery good at doing math but struggles 'ith language arts. She is in the title one reading grou$ and lea#es the classroom for e0tra hel$ 'ith her reading. +hen ; is confused she is a little timid to as% again for an e0$lanation because & belie#e she is embarrassed to al'ays be the one that doesn)t understand the $honics and /nglish s%ill lessons. She is a #ery social girl but it does not distract her from class. She is al'ays the first one ready for instruction and is a great role model in that sense for her classmates. = is a #ery smart student. She is a #ery nice girl and gets along 'ith all her $eers. ,rinity al'ays hel$s the students around her 'hen she has com$leted her 'or% and they ha#en)t. She ta%es initiati#e to hel$ out around the classroom and in the halls and lunchroom 'ith younger students. > has A H and is currently undergoing testing for title one reading. > al'ays a#oids reading aloud. His math s%ill is #ery high. He has ?ero $honemic a'areness* 'hich ma%es e#erything else hard for him to com$rehend. He is a #ery hard 'or%er in class and has 'ee%end 'ent and 'hat he did o#er the 'ee%end. /#en thought he is shy he seems to li%e 'hen & ta%e the time to tal% to him one on one. & ha#e enlisted ; to be my hel$er in class. & re'ard her 'ith that because she is al'ays $re$ared and ready for instruction. uring our reading time 'hen & am teaching & al'ays as% the students to close their eyes and $ut their heads do'n. ,hen* & as% if anyone is confused or doesn)t understand to raise their hands. ,his is something & im$lemented for my students li%e ; that are too scared to as% for e0tra hel$. /#ery time & as% that during our reading bloc% <oey raises her had indicating she needs further instruction. &f there is time & reteach the s%ill. &f there is not time then ; and & 'or% at my des% during free time. +e re#ie' 'hat she doesn)t understand. & either elaborate on 'hat she is ha#ing trouble 'ith or & find a different 'ay to teach 'hat she is struggling 'ith. & belie#e this hel$s her and %ee$s her confident in her ability. +hene#er 'e do 'riting in class & ma%e a $oint to go to ; and ha#e her e0$lain 'hat she is trying to say and s$ell. Her $honemic a'areness is #ery lo'. +e 'or% together* brea% 'ords do'n* and s$ell them out together.



= doesn)t a$$ear to struggle in any areas in school or in her social life. She li%es to be told that she is doing 'ell and she li%es to tal% about 'hat she is reading for her accelerated boo%s. +hen she $asses her accelerated reading te0t she lets .odi or & %no' and then & as% her about the boo% she is currently reading and 'hy she li%es it.


.odi and & s$end e0tra time 'ith Logan 'hen there are 'riting assignments in class & ha#e a lot of students that are lo' in language arts li%e Logan. Because of the amount of students that struggle 'ith language arts* & ha#e made u$ $honics games for one of my $honics lessons each 'ee% to differentiate traditional $honics lessons. & use 'hite boards to s$lit the 'ords u$* sound them out* and then blend them. Logan)s mother as%ed if there 'as anything free for Logan to access at home. & found a lot of different $honics a$$lications and 'ebsites for he and his mother to do at home. >)s language arts scores*

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart a great su$$ort system at home. grades and tests ha#e been #ery good. & ma%e sure to tell Logan 'hat a 'onderful "ob he has done on $ast assignments or tests. & belie#e it $ro#ides him reassurance that & belie#e in him and that he 'ill be able to be successful 'ith hard 'or%. @ needs e0tra lo#e and su$$ort. & gi#e it to her. School is a safe $lace from her reality in the 'orld. & ha#e to constantly remind myself of her situation before & react to her attention see%ing actions. &n the beginning of the year .odi and & did not %no' 'hat @ 'as going through in her $ersonal life. +e sus$ected something 'as not right and as%ed @)s $re#ious teachers and the guidance councilor about her home life. & s$end a lot of one on one time 'ith her during my $re$ and her recess. She needs the e0tra hel$ and she lo#es the attention. +hen @ finally begins to com$rehend 'hat she is doing she 'ants to do more. & %ee$ a folder of e0tra 1fillers2 for her. 9ccasionally she as%s to stay in at recess to do e0tra 'or% 'ith me and & let her. 9n days & thin% she needs a brea% & tell her to go outside and get fresh air. & $ay her a com$liment e#eryday to boast her confidence. She 'or%s e0tremely hard and is a $erfectionist. Some days are good for her and some aren)t. & ha#e seen a ma"or attitude im$ro#ement from the first day of school.



@)s home life is a mess. Her mother has been in and out of rehab* and in and out of @)s life. (ecently @ met her father for the first time. Last year her mother lost custody of her half'ay through the school year and she 'as sent to li#e 'ith her grandmother in 7lorida. Her mother seems to be ma%ing a solid effort to su$$ort her daughter and be there. According to @ is sounds as thought there are a lot of men in and out of her life. Academically @ struggles. She lea#es the classroom for reading grou$s. 7or math she is constantly struggling to com$rehend basic s%ills. @ is al'ays loo%ing for attention. She see%s a$$ro#al from her $eers and des$erately 'antsAneeds it from .odi and me. @ misses home'or% about once a 'ee%. She al'ays a$ologi?es for mista%es she ma%es on school 'or% and is easily frustrated to the $oint of tears in her school 'or%. 1B is ne#er in class e0ce$t for math. He s$ends most of his recesses inside because he fails to com$lete assignments. uring that time & 'or% one on one 'ith him. He is #ery la?y. 1B only has mom in his life but she isn)t #ery $roacti#e in his education. He has s$ecial needs and is medicated for school. His mother has been contacted about his lac% of moti#ation but uses his needs as a crutch for her son to sli$ through

1B doesn)t care if he misses recess so 'e ma%e him ta%e his afternoon recess. &nstead* he misses his s$ecials if he doesn)t com$lete his school 'or%. ,his 'as im$lemented last 'ee% and a$$ears to be moti#ating him to finish his assignments. His s$ecial education teacher started letting him sit on a bean bag chair in a closet to do his 'or% and she says he does 'ell 'ith that accommodation. & don)t see the results she does because 'hen he brings bac% math 'or% from her room it is al'ays 'rong. & sit 'ith him and run through directions and $roblem sol#ing. He a$$ears to understand and do better in his 'or%. & belie#e a teacher can do 'hat they can and the rest the $arents need to ta%e action 'ith. +hile he is in our classroom .odi and & hel$ him as much as 'e can* 'hen he is in the s$ecial education room & am unsure about 'hat assistance he recei#es there. His teacher said she can)t get him to 'or% for her. All & can do is to %ee$ trying to reach him3 ho$efully & find something that

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart the crac%s. & ha#e discussed this 'ith my su$er#ising teacher and his s$ecial education teacher. 11 has trouble hearing and she is #ery lo' academically. She has been suggested to be retained in %indergarten* first grade* and second grade. Her mother is a s$ecial education teacher. +e ha#e met 'ith her mother about 11)s needs on different occasions* and she said she sees them too* but 'hen she brings the sub"ect u$ to her husband he calls her cra?y. 11 is a s'eetheart and she tries #ery hard. & ha#e ne#er met a child more determined and hard 'or%ing than her. She is socially acce$ted and has a nice grou$ of girls that she hangs out 'ith. Her mother follo's u$ 'ith .odi and & e#ery 'ee% about 11. &t has been suggested to ha#e 11 tested* but her father is against it. Both s$ecial education teachers ha#e suggested it as 'ell. A#a sees a tutor t'ice a 'ee% and her mother hel$s her 'ith the rest of her school 'or%. She said she sees a $roblem in 11)s ca$ability to com$rehend material* but her husband is in denial. 1- is #ery smart* $olite* honest* hard 'or%ing* and creati#e. &f & had a class full of (iley)s & 'ould be a ha$$y teacher. He al'ays ta%es res$onsibility for his actions and the actions of his classmates. He is a great role model for his $eers and mentor to the younger classmen. His home life is good. His $arents are married and #ery $roacti#e in his schooling. moti#ates him. & ha#e had 11 come to my des% to do her 'or% so & can hel$ her. She en"oys doing her 'or% at my des%. & only hel$ her 'hen she as%s me to. &f she isn)t as%ing me for hel$ & continue doing 'hate#er & am doing at my des%. She told her mother she really li%es being able to 'or% at my des%. At times & 'onder if she is tired of ha#ing to s$end e0tra time on her school 'or%* so & as% her if she 'ants to finish or if she 'ould rather go out for recess. +hen she says she needs a brea%* & gi#e her a brea%. &f she 'ants to 'or%* & 'or% 'ith her. & read all her directions to her and 'e discuss 'hat she needs to do. & ha#e 11 re$eat bac% to me 'hat she is su$$osed to do so & %no' she heard me $ro$erly. +e sound out 'ords and & s$ell a lot of 'ords for her 'hen she is 'riting* other'ise she ta%es to long do com$lete her 'or%. 11 does #ery 'ell on her tests3 & thin% this is because of the e0tra tutoring she recei#es. +hen 11 does 'ell & $raise her because it is the one time she isn)t told to redo her 'or%. & don)t %no' if it is a$$ro$riate but it ma%es her feel better about herself so & do it. As for 11)s mother* 'hen she is in & tell her ho' 'ell A#a does e#en 'ith the struggles she faces in class. Mom cries a lot because she is #ery sad and scared for her daughter. & belie#e hearing from her daughter)s teacher that 11 is sho'ing some $rogress hel$s settle her ner#es 'hen she comes in for meetings.



& com$liment 1- on all his achie#ements #erbally or by gi#ing him a tic%et to'ards his beha#ior $unch card. He li%es to be told that his hard 'or% is $aying off. & gi#e 1- e0tra res$onsibilities around class and the school because & %no' he is mature. (iley lo#es to learn about anything and is constantly bringing in random things from the 'ee%end for sho' and tell. & let him sho' his classmates at snac%. His $arents bring him to museums and outdoors a lot. He is $roud of 'hat he learns on his 'ee%end ad#entures and 'ants to share 'ith an audience. & let him because he isn)t harming anyone by sharing during class brea%s. +hen he shares good 'riting ideas and details & tell him to share 'ith the class* "ust li%e & do 'ith any other student 'ith great ideas. He li%es to tal% to an audience. He isn)t hurting anyone and it ma%es him feel

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart 9ccasionally (iley struggles 'ith conce$ts but he al'ays as%s for hel$. +hen he does* he 'ants an e0$lanation and e0am$le to confirm 'hat you are saying. After that he doesn)t re$eat his mista%es. 14 has a #ery hard home life. Her mother and father recently se$arated. Her mother lost her "ob forcing them to mo#e in 'ith a friend* and 14 'as slee$ing on a lea%y air mattress for the first t'o months of school. 14 is struggling 'ith not seeing her father e#ery day. Last year she 'as ha#ing ma"or issues 'ith bullying* her being the bully. Socially 14 struggles. ,he issues in her $ersonal life se#erely affect her academics. 14 has no confidence in herself. At the beginning of the year there 'as a huge chi$ on her shoulder that has slo'ly been getting smaller. Her mother is #ery in#ol#ed 'ith .odi and & to %ee$ u$ informed 'ith 'hat 14 is facing at home. Also* in the beginning of the year she 'as constantly daydreaming missing most of the daily lessons. 14 is a title one math student. 16 is a "oy to ha#e in class. He is #ery hel$ful and a hard 'or%er. He struggles occasionally 'ith math and $honics. 9#erall* he thoroughly en"oys being at school. He has an acti#e imagination and lo#es to 'rite about his thoughts. He reads a lot of Magic ,ree House boo%s and al'ays tal%s about build Legos 'ith his dad. Both sets of $arents are #ery in#ol#ed 'ith us. im$ortant.


Coing into student teaching you ha#e these ideas of ho' you are going to a$$roach students li%e 14. & learned from my incredible mentor that in situations li%e 14)s lo#e* lo#e* lo#e* and more lo#e is a game changer. Her home life if far from ideal. & 'ant school to be a good $lace for her. & ma%e it a $oint to as% her ho' she is doing e#ery day and $ay her one com$liment throughout the day. +hen & tal% to her & al'ays remind myself to %ee$ a soft tone* because her mother said she has been around a lot of fighting in the last year at home. A 'ee% ago one of our #ocabulary 'ords 'as thrift sho$. & made it a $oint to tal% about ho' & go there and buy my children clothes and that 'hen & 'as little my $arents did the same for me. ,hen all the rest of the students tal%ed about ho' they too ha#e gotten clothes and other items from a thrift sho$. & sa' a sense of relief from 14 as she "oined in the con#ersation. & try to ma%e references to .odi or myself about things that student)s maybe battling in their $ersonal li#es. 14 is meeting 'ith the school councilor to discuss 'hat may be bothering her and to hel$ her social s%ills. 14 lea#es the room after the math lesson is com$leted and does her math 'or% in the title one room 'ith the title teacher. She began doing so about three 'ee%s ago. Her math scores ha#e been #ery good because of it.


16 struggles 'ith reading but he lo#es to read out loud. +hen 'e read as a class & let him read. His 1neighbor2 hel$s him 'ith 'ords he doesn)t com$rehend* and that 'or%s for him. & note 'ords he has trouble 'ith and 'e sound them out 'hen 'e ha#e free time. He al'ays 'ants e0tra hel$* and is not embarrassed to as% for it. He is li%e @ in that he lo#es to ha#e e0tra 'or%. & gi#e him e0tra 'or% 'hen he as%s for it or if his $arents email me and as% for some. ,hey 'or% a lot 'ith him at home 'hich ma%es my "ob easier. & ha#e seen a ma"or im$ro#ement in his math s%ill due to it. & use 16 for a classroom hel$er. He li%es to get out of his seat and say hi to his friends and as long as it isn)t distracting & let him.

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart 1: is one of my fa#orite students. She is a #ery lo' tester but & thin% she com$rehends more that 'hat her 1le#el2 is at. She is in s$ecial education math and reading. +e 'eren)t gi#en her &/! until the third 'ee% of school and she 'as managing 'ith the same 'or% load as her $eers. No' she scores high on her tests she ta%es in the s$ecial education room. Her $arents are se$arated. Her dad is an alcoholic but tries #ery hard to be an acti#e $arent. Dilee lo#es being com$limented and is #ery sensiti#e if she is left out of anything. 1; is one of the smartest students in my class. &f she misses a 5uestion she 'ants an e0$lanation and then she doesn)t ma%e the mista%e again. Her $arents are married and she has a good home life. 1; is #ery athletic and is constantly $laying s$orts 'ith the boys. She is the best soccer $layer in our class. She is #ery nice but has had a fe' incidents 'ith being rude to her fello' girl classmates. 1; is one of the hardest 'or%ing students in the class and if #ery good at e0$laining things. She is a student that & use to hel$ 'ith students that are falling behind in their 'or%. 1= is the e0em$tion to e#ery stereoty$e. Her home life is horrible and her $arents are #ery dysfunctional. !er#ious teachers ha#e said she recei#es not assistance at home. 1= is in the to$ three of her class* $atient and 'ell mannered* she has a lot of & 'or% 'ith 1: 'hen & ha#e the time. She s$ends half of her day in the s$ecial education room. +hen 'e do 'riting and she is $art of it & edit e#erything 'ith her. ,he great thing about Dilee is that she thin%s she is s$ecial and lo#es to share her 'or%. She is ne#er embarrassed about ma%ing mista%es and & al'ays commend her for her hard 'or% ethic and creati#ity. 1: li%es to share 'hat)s going on in her $ersonal life* so & listen to her stories. +hen it)s 'or% time & tell her to sa#e her thoughts for later. She is ne#er hurt about it. She al'ays remembers to tell me. & try to al'ays include my students 'ith s$ecial needs in all our class $ro"ects. & communicate 'ith their teacher and aides and send the 'or% 'ith them so they can contribute to our hall'ay murals. &f the students ha#e been able to $resent their 'or% during do'n time & ma%e sure to allo' Dilee the same o$$ortunity.



& ha#e learned that you can)t be e#ery'here as a teacher 'ith t'enty8eight students. Monica ma%es my "ob easier. 1; thoroughly en"oys hel$ing her $eers. 9ccasionally she gets an attitude and all & ha#e to do is $ull her aside and tal% to her about it. 1; is #ery sensiti#e to criticism so & try not to embarrass her in front of other $eo$le. &t is not effecti#e and ma%es her feel bad3 & don)t %no' 'hy anyone 'ould do that to a child. & re'ard her 'ith tic%ets for her beha#ior card 'hen she is $erforming 'ell* 'hich is often. & ma%e a $oint to tell 1; good "ob 'hen she e0cels in school. ,his %ee$s 1; moti#ated to 'or% hard. ,here 'as one time she 'as being caddy to the other girls at recess and & made her stay in for second recess. She li%es her outside free time. &t 'or%ed and & ha#en)t had an issue 'ith her since.


+hen 1= does 'ell* 'hich is almost al'ays* & re'ard her #erbally or 'ith tic%ets for her $unch card. She lo#es to be told she is doing 'ell. 1= li%es to read so 'hen she finishes 'or% & let her choose if she 'ants to hel$ others 'ith their 'or% or read a boo%. Most of the time she hel$s but there is al'ays the o$tion for her to "um$ into a boo% and lea#e the rest of the 'orld. ,here are t'o other students that ha#e a terrible home life that use reading to remo#e them form reality. 1= does the same. & don)t sto$ her. She is #ery attached to her sister so e#ery day & let her lea#e fi#e minutes early to go get her. Before &

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart friends* and she is #ery s'eet. She is in ad#anced reading and math. & thin% school is a $lace she can e0cel and feel normal. 1= is one of the best beha#ed students in my class and does a good "ob monitoring her $eers that aren)t. She isn)t bossy* "ust asserti#e. & en"oy ha#ing her in my class. 1> is the smartest boy in this class. Eou 'ould ne#er %no' it because he ne#er a$$ears to be $aying attention. His mother told us that he is 1Al'ays out in left field2. She is in#ol#ed in the !.,.9 and the homeroom mother)s s5uad. 1> interacts #ery 'ell 'ith others and sur$risingly does a great "ob assisting his classmates. &f he is daydreaming and called on he %no's the ans'er. At the beginning of the year & 'ould thin% he 'asn)t $aying attention* but that is "ust ho' he is. He is #ery $o$ular and has a lot of friends. He is %ind to e#eryone in the class. 1> doesn)t challenge himself enough. 1@ struggles 'ith e#erything. He has a bad attitude* lo' attention s$an* he is al'ays tired* and doesn)t ha#e many friends. /#ery morning he comes to school smelling li%e cigarettes and tells me he didn)t get much slee$. He doesn)t do his home'or% at least t'ice a 'ee%. &n class he is al'ays the last one done 'ith his 'or%. His home life is bad. +e ha#en)t had any contact 'ith is $arent3 not due to lac% of trying. & thin% he flies under the radar most of the time. %ne' about her* & noticed she 'as #ery an0ious at the end of the day if she 'asn)t ready to go fi#e minutes before the bell rang. & $ulled her aside and as%ed her 'hat 'as 'rong and she said she is 'orried her sister 'ill get lost and miss the bus. Nobody notices & let her lea#e and she isn)t as ner#ous.


1>)s only struggle is to $ay attention to 'hat is going on in class. & use $ro0imity 'ith him or & 'al% by and touch his boo% to get him bac% on tas%. & don)t %no' if it hel$s or if he does it to not be noticed. He ne#er struggles 'ith school 'or%* he aces e#ery test. & call on him to read out loud a lot in class and he lo#es it. & usually need to sto$ him so someone else can read. 1> and some of the other boys li%e to hunt and fish in their free time. & reference that in my e0am$les and lessons. +hene#er & tal% about the outdoors 1> focuses in. +hen 'e 'rite & let him 'rite about fishing.


& al'ays as% 1@ ho' his day going and if anything e0citing is ha$$ening. He 'ill tell me he is o% and that he is reading this or that boo% then tells me about his boo%. He li%es to tal% about 'hat he is reading and ho' he can relate to the characters in the boo%. & "ust listen to him tal%. +hen 1@ struggles in school 'e 'or% together at my des%. He does #ery 'ell 'hen he has a little hel$ reading directions. & ma%e 1@ re$eat directions to me 'hich & belie#e hel$s him remember 'hat he is su$$osed to be doing. &f & ha#en)t re#ie'ed the directions 'ith him he usually doesn)t %no' 'hat he is su$$osed to be doing. +hen he tells me he hasn)t done his home'or% & don)t get mad & "ust tell him he needs to finish it in his free time. & don)t belie#e he has much hel$ at home so 'hy rehash 'hy he doesn)t ha#e it done. & lea#e it alone and mo#e on. He ne#er com$lains about doing it in his free time* besides he al'ays needs hel$. !acey does 'ell 'hen he recei#es the hel$ he needs. & try not to nag on 1@ 'hen he is slouching or resting his head on his des% because & truly belie#e he is "ust tired and not trying to be disres$ectful. & thin%

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart that he li%es to be at school because at least he is recei#ing attention from an adult. +hen -B fidgets in class & let him. He com$rehends math 'ell and $artici$ates in classroom discussion. He a$$ears to en"oy math. & call on him often 'hen 'e are re#ie'ing ans'ers on the board. &f the students are $roblem sol#ing on the board & ma%e sure to ha#e him do a $roblem. He li%es to get u$ and mo#e. &f a$$ointed him as my hel$er 'hen & am $assing bac% $a$ers or out mani$ulati#e. & belie#e he li%es the brea% from sitting. & do a lot of grou$ 'or% and interaction in my math lessons for -B and my other s$ecial education students.


-B is not in my classroom often. He s$ends most of the day in the s$ecial education room. He is only $resent for the math lesson and for s$ecials. He has A H and fidgets a lot in class. His mother and father are se$arated.



-1 is a $o$ular girl* #ery social. She has a $roblem controlling her tal%ing in class. She has been se$arated from her grou$ of girls that she hangs out 'ith. -1 is an a#erage student. She often struggles 'ith math* does fairly decent in reading* but $oor in $roblem sol#ing in any sub"ect. & thin% she does not com$rehend 'hat she is reading. Her $arents are se$arated and & ha#e been told they don)t care about her school life. -- is an a#erage student. He has both $arents at home that are acti#e in his schooling. 9ccasionally .acob causes distractions in class because he is a social child. His grades are usually good unless he 'or%s ahead before recei#ing directions* 'hich he does often. He 'or%s #ery 'ell 'ith others. He seems to ha#e a lot of friends and $artici$ates in a lot of e0tra curricular acti#ities outside of school. has a terrible home life. He is constantly shuffled bac% and forth

-1 is my go to girl for class discussion* because she lo#es to tal%. & don)t belie#e she can sit 5uiet for long $eriods of time. & can relate to her in that manner so & understand she "ust needs to tal%. & ha#e a large class* so for her sa%e and the others & do a lot of thin%* $air* sharing in class. She li%es to get u$ and mo#e around to sociali?e. She is not a good reader so & li%e to ha#e her read and highlight directions in her 'or%. After 'e read directions together* & ha#e her e0$lain them to me in her o'n 'ords 'hen time allo's. & al'ays chec% 'ith her thought to ma%e sure she understands 'hat she needs to be doing. My su$er#ising teacher said she belie#es that it 'or%s 'ell for -1)s needs. She is not shy in as%ing me for hel$ so 'e do a lot of her $roblem sol#ing together. & ha#e her orally tell me 'hat she thin%s the ans'er is and & hel$ her condense her ans'er. 9ther'ise* she 'rites a lot more information than she needs to. +hen -- is chatty in class & "ust go by his des% and use $ro0imity as a tool* and it 'or%s #ery 'ell 'ith him. He li%es to be told 'hen he is doing a good "ob and tries #ery hard to get tic%ets for his beha#ior $unch card. & ma%e sure to re'ard him and any other students that are beha#ing li%e role models for the rest of the class. +hen -- 'or%s ahead and doesn)t follo' his directions & get him a ne' sheet of $a$er and ha#e him come to my des% and read me the directions. ,hen* he goes bac% to his seat and does his 'or% the correct 'ay. Besides the minor disru$tions -- is a model student.

& gi#e -4 e0tra lo#e and su$$ort at school because he is in serious need of it. +hen he has bad days he as%s me for a hug to or to tal% after the bell rings. &

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart



bet'een his mother)s and his grand$arent)s house. He is ha$$y 'hen he gets to go to his grand$arent)s house and do outdoor chores 'ith his grandfather. He en"oys reading boo%s. -4 is a smart boy. He is in medication for A H . Sometimes he has beha#ior $roblems or is absent due to his home life. 9ften -4 doesn)t get his home'or% turned in. ,here 'as one night during the 'ee% he had a rough night at home and missed school the follo'ing day. He told .odi and me he 'as u$ until 6 in the morning and had to mo#e into his grand$arent)s house for a 'hile. No' he is bac% at his mothers. -4 had a baby sister he often tal%s about in class. -6 is the class social butterfly. She is $retty* smart* and her family comes from a lot of money. She is nice to e#eryone and lo#es the attention she recei#es. 9ccasionally she tells a 'hite lie if she is trying to a#oid being in trouble. Her $arents are di#orced and remarried. Both sets of $arents are #ery in#ol#ed in her $rogress. Her father and ste$mother* 'ho is also a teacher* are #ery strict. Her mother is #ery lenient and rela0ed. -6 daydreams half of the day. She is al'ays turning around and tal%ing* "ittering in her chair* in her des%* and al'ays off tas%. -6 is afraid to fail. She feels a lot of $ressure to get good grades. -: is a #ery social boy. He has good manners and is al'ays

tal% to him in the hall'ay and gi#e him a hug 'hen he lea#es. -4 is obsessed 'ith the iary of a +im$y Did boo% series. & started reading the boo% during silent reading time and that is something 'e tal% about 'hen he is ha#ing a bad day. & belie#e that by sho'ing & care about him and am interested in his life that he has a $lace a'ay from home that he feels o% to come to. +hen -4 misses his assignments & don)t yell at him & "ust tell him he needs to com$lete them during morning recess and he res$onded by telling me that is a fair trade. -4 is #ery smart and & use that to aide his confidence. He hel$s other students around him 'hen he is finished 'ith his 'or%. 9ccasionally he has to be se$arated from his buddy because they tal% and "o%e around in class. He ne#er argues and "ust mo#es his des% because he understands 'hy. & ne#er ha#e to tell a#id 'hy he is being s$o%en to or re$rimanded. He is medicated at home for his A H .

-6)s seat has been mo#ed to the front of the class in the middle ro' to %ee$ her a'ay from the tem$tation to sociali?e 'ith the students around her. She 'as a ma"or distraction before her seat 'as mo#ed. She has been 'or%ing a lot better since the mo#e. -6 still struggles to $ay attention in class. Her $arents noticed this at home and 'e "ust had the first meeting 'ith them yesterday to ha#e their daughter tested. Fnless she is a distraction to other students if she 'ants to stand and do her class 'or% & let her do so. & al'ays com$liment her reading 'hen 'e read in class. -6 tries to read higher le#el boo%s for her accelerated reading. &nstead of discouraging her to challenge herself & suggest that she chec% out the higher boo% for her leisure read and chooses an accelerated reader boo% from her reading le#el.

& $oint out -:)s beha#ior in class as an e0am$le for other students. & re'ard him constantly 'ith tic%ets for his beha#ior $unch card. & al'ays com$liment

Marybeth (Boogren) Langin Student Needs Chart




res$ectful to adults and his $eers. /#en though he is social he is not a distraction in class. His $arents are #ery in#ol#ed 'ith his schooling. He doesn)t struggle 'ith anything academically or socially. -; is an abo#e a#erage student. His $arents told us at the beginning of the year that he is #ery self conscious of being 'rong. &f he 'as called on or raised his hand to ans'er a 5uestion and he 'as 'rong his entire face 'ould instantly turn beat red. +hen he already %no's material in class he still $artici$ates and leads the grou$ in class discussion. ,he times that -; doesn)t com$rehend material he isn)t afraid to as% for hel$. -= & only in the classroom for s$ecials* recess* lunch* and snac% time* and read aloud. -=)s mother told .odi and & at the o$en house that -= 'as born $remature and that interru$ted her de#elo$ment as a baby. -= is a student 'ith many s$ecial needs. She is A H * cogniti#ely im$aired* and ma"or hearing loss.

his creati#ity and imagination in his 'riting to %ee$ him enthusiastic about language arts.

-; is a #ery hel$ful student to ha#e in class. & use this to my ad#antage and ha#e him hel$ me 'ith other students 'hen they need assistance. ,his is hel$ful for me because & can focus on students that need e0tra hel$ and for him because it $re#ents him from getting bored. He absolutely lo#es to hel$ other $eo$le out it builds his confidence. & ha#e seen a ma"or change in his demeanor from the first day of school to right no'. At first* he 'as a #ery shy child. No'* he is #ery social and a$$ears to ha#e a lot more confidence in himself and is less embarrassed if he says an incorrect ans'er.

+hen -= is in the classroom & ma%e sure to $ersonally gi#e her instruction after the class has recei#ed theirs. & assist -= in any 'riting acti#ities she is gi#en in class. -= s$ends a lot of her time in our classroom reading $icture boo%s. ,he ma"ority of her academics ta%es $lace in the s$ecial education room.

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