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I. Objectives State what students will be able to do as a result of this experience. Students will be able to organize pictures into two categories, good citizen and badcitizen. List national ( !SS, !"#, or S"$%, state (SOL% objectives. !SS the&es i. !ivic ideals and practices' ii. (ower authorit) and governance' iii. "i&e, !ontinuit), and change #ath *.+, - "he student will sort and classif) objects according to attributes. -ealth *.. - "he student will identif) expectations for personal behavior in school and social settings. *e) concepts/s0ills include b) respect for the property and rights of others. !ivics *.1 - "he student will de&onstrate that being a good citizen involves e% practicing honest), self-control, and 0indness to others. Science *.+ - "he student will de&onstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic,
and the nature of science b) planning and conducting investigations in which d% a set of objects is separated into two groups based on a single ph)sical characteristic 2eograph) *., - "he student will develop an awareness that &aps and globes c% show the position of objects.

II. #aterials for Learning $ctivities List the texts, e3uip&ent, and other &aterials (including teacher &ade &aterials% to be used b) the students. Ghandhi A March to the Sea b) $lice 4. #c2int) 5or0sheet with two colu&ns Scissors (ictures depicting violence and non-violence (good citizen bad citizen% List the &aterials, including e3uip&ent or technolog) used b) the teacher in presenting the experiences. Ghandhi A March to the Sea b) $lice 4. #c2int) Martins Dream 4) 6ane *urtz

III. (rocedures for Learning $ctivities Introduction 7 outline procedures for activating prior 0nowledge and student interest. o 4ring students to carpet area for read aloud o "ell students that we learned about #artin Luther *ing and his fight (non-violent protest% for e3ualit). ow we are going to learn about a &an that influenced #artin Luther *ing. Show picture of 2andhi in the boo0 Martins Dream.
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o $s0 students if the) 0now who 2andhi is. $s0 students to share an) infor&ation the) 0now with the rest of the class. o 2o over si&ilarities of 2andhi and #artin Luther *ing. o Show students the cover of the boo0. $s0 students what the) thin0 the stor) will be about. Instructional strategies 7 outline what the teachers and students will do. o 4egin reading boo0. (age one has an introduction to 2andhi and his non-violence &ove&ent. 8xplain to students that his non-violent &ove&ent was called Sat)agraha (soul force%. o 8xplain that India was part of the 4ritish 8&pire. 2andhi wanted to free India fro& 2reat 4ritain without using violence. Show students where 2reat 4ritain and India are on the world &ap. "hen show where the 9nited States is. o (age : - $s0 students wh) he &arched and wh) people joined hi& on his &arch. (;reedo& and a better life% o $s0 students what the) notice about the people in the boo0. -ow are the) different fro& people we see toda)< o (age = -"ell students, >!an )ou believe that 2andhi was a 3uiet child, once a law)er to sh) to tal0?@ $s0 students wh) it is so hard to believe that 2andhi was too sh) to tal0. o (age ++ 7 5h) did 2andhi teach villagers to &a0e their own cloths and &a0e salt to eat. o (age +. 7 $s0 students who the untouchables are. (Outcasts of the -indu faith, dirt), ragged, poor people% o (age +1 7 5h) did the villagers not li0e 2andhi tal0ing to the untouchables, drin0ing fro& the untouchableAs wells and washing his bod) with the untouchables water< o (ages += 7 $s0 students wh) does 2andhi tell #usli&s, -indus, and 9ntouchables that the) are different but the sa&e and wh) do the) need to wor0 as one. o (age B= 7 $s0 students wh) do )ou thin0 that there are so &an) people and journalists that want to ta0e pictures of 2andhi< o $s0 student wh) is 2andhi arrested and wh) is he let go. o Cead infor&ation on pages DE and D+. Show students the &ap of India. "al0 about the different &ap features. Su&&ar) 7 outline how )ou will close. o "ell students that )ou can fight without using )our fists. #artin Luther *ing 6r. and 2andhi fought without using violence. "he) used peaceful protests and their words to fight for e3ualit) and freedo&. o $s0 students to choose words that describe 2andhi and his actions. !onnect his actions to being a good citizen ((oint out his non-violence protests.% !onnect this to the #artin Luther *ing lesson. o (ass out activit) wor0sheet and explain directions to students. 2ive esti&ated ti&e for each phase of the experience (introduction, instruction, su&&ar)%. o Introduction 7 D #inutes o Instruction 7 +, #inutes o Su&&ar) 7 +, #inutes Fescribe extensions or connections to other lessons.

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o !onnect to 2eorge 5ashington. "ell students that 2eorge 5ashington helped free our countr) fro& 2reat 4ritain just li0e 2andhi helped free India fro& 2reat 4ritain. o !onnections can be &ade between 2andhi and $braha& Lincoln. "ell students that both &en fought for freedo& and e3ualit). Infor& students that 2andhi was able to use non-violence while $braha& Lincoln had to use force. IG. $ssess&ent Outline the procedures and criteria that will be used to assess each of the stated objectives including for&ative and su&&ative. o 5or0sheet will be used to assess students G. Fifferentiation List adaptations that will be &ade for individual learners. $ssess&ent has pictures for 8LLs. "ranslate for Spanish spea0ing students -ave pieces to be sorted and glued pre-cut for students with fine &otor s0ill issues. 5or0 one on one with students having difficult) "he lesson wor0s well for linguistic and visual learners. "he boo0 has colorful illustrations and vocabular) that will entertain both t)pes of learners. Logical 7 #athe&atical learners will be address through the sorting assess&ent.

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