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The Director Northern India Engineering College New Delhi 9 September 2013 SUB !

ermi""ion to become the ho"t in"tit#te $or C%&SI' &e"pected Sir I wi"h to in$orm (o# that o#r team ha" "#cce""$#ll( )#ali$ied $or the main e*ent o$ S%EINDI% B%+%,201-. and ha*e been ran/ed in the 0Top Ten College" in India1 at the *irt#al le*el2 Thi" i" the al"o the third con"ec#ti*e (ear o$ o#r "election. a $eat achie*ed b( no other college in Delhi2 To reward #" $or o#r top ten ran/. 3IT%DE4 and 'EC5%NIC%4 S64UTI6NS ha*e o$$ered to pro*ide #" with a $ree 7 month licen"e o$ their 'BD 8'#lti Bod( D(namic"9 "o$tware C%&SI'2 The mar/et *al#e o$ the licen"e i" appro:imatel( IN& 30. 00.0002 The "o$tware will be in"talled in one o$ the comp#ter" in the comp#ter lab o$ 'echanical and %#tomation Department2 Thi" i" a golden opport#nit( $or #". a" o#r "t#dent" can learn and practi"e on thi" highl( pro*en and rated "o$tware2 B%+% S%EINDI% and 3IT%DE4. who ha*e gi*en #" thi" wonder$#l opport#nit(. al"o want other college "t#dent" to reap the bene$it" o$ thi" "o$tware2 ;or thi" p#rpo"e the( re)#ire #" to ho"t 12 college" 8$rom in and aro#nd Delhi9 in o#r premi"e" and allow them to #"e the abo*e mentioned "o$tware C%&SI'2 2 "t#dent" $rom e*er( college will be allocated a wee/ to ma/e #"e o$ the "o$tware2 There will be < team" $rom Delhi NC&. and = team" $rom o#t"ide Delhi2

The ho"t in"tit#te will ha*e to pro*ide $ood to the "t#dent" d#ring their *i"it2 82 meal" a da( : 2 "t#dent" : < da(" : 12 team"9

The ho"t in"tit#te will al"o ha*e to arrange $or the accommodation o$ "t#dent" arri*ing $rom o#t"ide Delhi2

;or the abo*e arrangement" we ha*e e"timated a total b#dget o$ IN& 1=.0>02 Price Total (INR) (INR) %ccommodat = wee/" 1.000?wee =.000 ion / ;ood 337 meal" 30?meal 10.0>0 Thi" i" a glorio#" opport#nit( $or the college. and ho"ting the"e C%&SI' "e""ion" will "#rel( bring pride to the college name2 The "o$tware it"el$ will bene$it the college "t#dent" in man( wa(". "peciall( the 2= member" o$ TE%' T5UNDE&B64T in*ol*ed in S%EINDI% B%+%,201-2 It will al"o pro*e to be a h#ge a""et $or college "t#dent" planning to ta/e #p a#tomobile pro@ect" in the $#t#re2 Aindl( grant permi""ion to cond#ct the abo*e mentioned "e""ion" in o#r college premi"e". and appro*e the b#dget $or the "ame2 Than/ing Bo# Bo#r" &e"pect$#ll( !aricha( Sa:ena Captain. Th#nderbolt Type Quantity

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