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Name: Stephanie M. Flaherty

School: Clemens Crossing ES, Howard County, MD Grade: Elementary

The experience log is a detailed account of the levels and types of activities completed in the field. The candidates will objectively
document their experiences. The log will have the following parts: time spent on experience, detailed description of experience, role
played during experience, reflection on experience (what was learned during the experience), how experience impacts student
learning, relationships among factors that impact student learning with references to current research literature, relationships built via
the experience (when appropriate). This extensive log provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate best practices and make
connections between current research issues and school-level practice. An entry into the experience log will be completed at the end of
every day. The cooperating SLMS will have access to the final log and use it in addition to the final checklist to evaluate the
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10/14 8:13-8:30 Arrlval , slgn ln,
walked Lhe school,
Was lnLroduced Lo
Leachers and goL orlenLed
Lo bulldlng.
CoL orlenLed Lo Lhe
school layouL. MeL a few
of Lhe Leachers l may be
worklng wlLh.
SLudenLs wlll see Lhe
medla speclallsL and
Leachers worklng
LogeLher and wlll
beneflL from
relaLlonshlps wlLh
Leachers ls an
lmporLanL sLep leadlng
Lo collaboraLlon.
collaboraLlon. (Cooper, eL. Al, 2011)
10/14 8:30- 9:00 8evlewed medla
schedule for Lhe
SaL wlLh menLor llbrarlan
and revlewed class
schedule for Lhe week.
ulscussed dlfferenL
classes and how Lhey are
Learned Lhe busy
schedule for Lhe LMC aL
Lhls school. Less Lhan 1
hour per day was free
from class or book
checkouL Llme.
SLudenLs have access Lo
Lhe LMC aL leasL once
per week for regularly
scheduled lessons and
book checkouL. 1he flrsL
grade classes were spllL
lnLo 2 because of
schedullng lssues and
Lhese klds have medla
2x per week. Cnce for
an lnfo llLeracy lesson
and once for book
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. LsLabllshlng
relaLlonshlps wlLh
Leachers ls an
lmporLanL sLep leadlng
Lo collaboraLlon.
(1opper, 2003)
10/14 9:00- 9:10 Pall uuLy SLood ln hallway wlLh
menLor llbrarlan Lo
ensure sLudenLs wenL Lo
class ln an orderly
Learned some of Lhe
sLudenLs' names.
Learned LhaL oLher
duLles as asslgned ofLen
lnclude hall duLy.
SLudenLs see a carlng,
smlllng adulL ln Lhe hall
as Lhey enLer school
each day.
lL ls a responslblllLy of
Lhe school llbrarlan Lo
bulld relaLlonshlps
wlLh Lhe sLudenLs and
sLaff by belng acLlve ln
Lhe school communlLy.
10/14 9:10 -9:20 Learned abouL Lhe
auLhor board.
updaLed AuLhor
Learned abouL and
updaLed Lhe auLhor
board" ln Lhe LMC.
Learned menLor
llbrarlan keeps a whlLe
board wlLh Lhe auLhor
blrLhday (or oLher fun
facL) LhaL she Lhen
places books ln fronL of
for sLudenLs Lo learn
abouL cerLaln auLhors or
read abouL dlfferenL fun
SLudenLs are exposed Lo
dlfferenL auLhors and
Lhelr books Lhey mlghL
noL oLherwlse read.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.
10/14 9:20- 10:00 Cbserved 4
class lesson
Cbserved menLor
llbrarlan Leach 4
abouL uslng Lhe nooks.
Learned how Lo use Lhe
SLudenLs have access Lo
an alLernaLlve meLhod
of readlng books.
keeplng up-Lo-daLe
wlLh Lechnology ls
lmporLanL Lo ensure
LhaL sLudenLs and sLaff
have access Lo
approprlaLe resources.
(Calllson, 1999)

10/14 10:00 - 10:03 8ook Check-ouL Checked ouL books
sLudenLs. Pelped sLudenLs
selecL books.
Learned how Lo check
ouL books Lo sLudenLs.
Learned how books
were organlzed ln LMC
Lo asslsL sLudenLs ln
book selecLlon.
SLudenLs had an adulL
help Lhem selecL
approprlaLe level
maLerlals and Lhose of
lnLeresL for pleasure
8esources made
avallable Lhrough Lhe
llbrary medla program,
lncludlng Lhe medla
speclallsLs, should be
made wldely avallable
Lo ensure LhaL
sLudenLs and sLaff
have access. (8lshop,
10/14 10:03 - 10,13 Shelved books Shelved reLurned books. Learned how books
were organlzed ln Lhe
8ooks LhaL are shelved
qulckly allow Lhem Lo
be accessed by
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
10/14 10:13- 10:20 uL away Lhe nooks 1urned off and plugged ln
Learned how Lo sLore
Lhe nooks.
SLudenLs wlll have
access Lo a Lechnology
Lool LhaL ls charged and
ready for use.
keeplng up-Lo-daLe
wlLh Lechnology ls
lmporLanL Lo ensure
LhaL sLudenLs and sLaff
have access Lo
approprlaLe resources.
(Calllson, 1999)
10/14 10:23 - 10:43 Lesson lannlng SaL wlLh menLor llbrarlan
and we dlscussed
upcomlng lesson ldeas for
Lhe classes.
Learned some of Lhe
currlculum Loplcs belng
covered ln Lhe nexL
Lhree weeks.
SLudenLs wlll have
llbrary medla lessons
LhaL provlde
lnformaLlon llLeracy
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
skllls buL also Lle lnLo
classroom lnsLrucLlon.
smooLhly. (appas,
10/14 10:43-10:30 ulscusslon wlLh ArL
Leacher abouL auLhor
LlsLened and parLlclpaLed
ln dlscusslon wlLh arL
Leacher abouL upcomlng
auLhor vlslL.
Learned abouL
upcomlng auLhor vlslL.
SLudenLs geL Lo meeL an
auLhor of lnLeresL Lo
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

10/14 10:30-11:03 Lesson lannlng/prep
for class
ulscussed posslble lesson
ldeas wlLh menLor
llbrarlan. repped LMC
for upcomlng class.
Learned whlch Leachers
may wanL Lo work wlLh
me. Learned whaL Loplcs
would be covered Lhe
nexL couple of weeks.
Learned how Lo manage
Lhelr lapLop carL.
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from a collaboraLlve
lesson where
lnformaLlon llLeracy
skllls are Lled lnLo
classroom sub[ecLs.
SLudenLs have access Lo
moblle Lechnology
allowlng Lhem Lo learn
new Lools from
anywhere ln Lhe
Leachlng provldes
beneflLs Lo Leachers
wlLh lncreased access
Lo onllne resources.
8eneflLs Lhe sLudenLs
by havlng a wlder
varleLy of resources
and guldance by Lhe
LMS Lo access
ldenLlfled onllne
resources. (8uzzeo,
2008, pg. 9)
10/14 11:03-11:30 3
grade class LlsLened Lo menLor
llbrarlan Leach 3
Lhe 8lg 6. AsslsLed
sLudenLs wlLh logln,
accesslng Lhe AC" and
compleLlng asslgnmenL.
Learned abouL Lhe 8lg 6. SLudenLs learned Lhe
LranslLlon from Super 3
Lo 8lg 6 meLhod of
1he demands of Lhe
cenLury requlres
learners Lo develop
essenLlal lnformaLlon
llLeracy skllls Lo
evaluaLe and make
sense of rapldly
prollferaLlng, buL ofLen
blased and lnaccuraLe,
volume of lnformaLlon
belng publlshed."
(AASL SLandards for
Lhe 21
Learner ln AcLlon,
2009, pg. 17)
10/14 11:30-12:03 rep for class Made sure lapLops were
slgned off from prevlous
class. ulsLrlbuLed
worksheeLs Lo work
Learned how Lo
shuLdown and sLore
lapLops used ln Lhe
SLudenLs wlll have
access Lo a Lechnology
Lool LhaL ls charged and
ready for use. SLudenLs
have access Lo Lhelr
lesson upon enLerlng
Lhe class.
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
10/14 12:03- 1:00 4
grade class LlsLened Lo LMS prep 4

grade class for planeL
research lesson. AsslsLed
sLudenLs wlLh logln,
accesslng daLabase and
compleLlng asslgnmenL.
Learned whlch onllne
daLabases sLudenLs had
access Lo for Lhls
SLudenLs have access Lo
approprlaLe resources
ln order Lo ensure
quallLy work ls
Medla SpeclallsLs make
resources avallable
Lhrough Lhe collecLlon
LhaL are mosL relevanL
Lo Lhe needs of
sLudenLs and sLaff.
(uonham, 2007)
10/14 1:00 - 1:30 Lunch ALe.
10/14 1:30 -1:30 ulscusslon of
schedullng (flxed,
ulscussed menLor
llbrarlans unusual
schedule. llrsL grade
classes are spllL beLween
Lwo days. Cne 30 mlnuLe
lesson and one 13 mlnuLe
lesson/book checkouL.
Learned how a flxed
schedule ls someLlmes
ouL of Lhe conLrol of Lhe
LMS. Learned Lhe
schedule ls noL always
conduclve Lo learnlng.
SLudenLs have flxed
scheduled Llme ln Lhe
LMC guaranLeelng
access Lo books for
checkouL and Llme wlLh
LMS for lnformaLlon
llLeracy sklll lessons.
ln elemenLary
schools, Lhe weekly
vlslL Lo Lhe [school]
llbrary medla cenLer ls
very common.
(uonham, 2007, pg.
10/14 1:30-2:00 ulscusslon of spec. ed
ulscusslon wlLh menLor
llbrarlan on lnLegraLed
speclal educaLlon
Learned how LMS
modlfles some of her
lessons Lo accommodaLe
SLudenLs wlLh speclal
needs sLlll have access
Lo LMC: books and

sLudenLs lnLo regular
classrooms. ulscussed
how Lo modlfy lessons for
Lhelr beneflL.
speclal needs sLudenLs.
Learned how Lo read an
Lechnology, buL lessons
and access are modlfled
based on Lhelr ablllLles.
10/14 2:00-2:13 8rowsed ldeas for
mlnl-lessons on web
MenLor llbrarlan
menLloned needlng mlnl-
lessons for unusual
schedule days-when
class Llmes were
shorLened. l looked for
lesson ldeas LhaL could be
LaughL qulckly, would
have value and could be
LaughL ln lsolaLlon.
Learned LhaL school
schedullng for speclal
evenLs, shorLened days,
eLc. wreak havoc on a
flxed schedule. Learned
mln-lessons are a greaL
way Lo ensure
shorLened Llme ln LMC ls
sLlll valuable Llme.
SLudenLs sLlll have
access Lo LMC for
quallLy lessons even on
days when schedule
confllcLs creaLe
shorLened Llme ln Lhe
ln elemenLary
schools, Lhe weekly
vlslL Lo Lhe [school]
llbrary medla cenLer ls
very common.
(uonham, 2007, pg.
10/14 2:13- 2:30 8rowsed upsLarL
CaLalog for
LMS suggesLed l revlew
caLalogs for maLerlals.
8rowsed upsLarL aL her
Learned abouL Lhe many
caLalogs LhaL show up aL
your school.
SLudenLs are more llkely
Lo vlslL and en[oy a well-
deslgned and well
decoraLed LMC.

10/14 2:30-2:33 Lesson rep uL ouL worksheeLs for
sLudenLs on Lhelr Lables.
Learned havlng
ouL for younger sLudenLs
saves a loL of Llme.
SLudenLs galn class Llme
when Lhey do noL have
Lo geL up Lo grab
worksheeLs or flnd
sharpened penclls.
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
10/14 2:33-3:10 llrsL Crade Lesson AsslsLed flrsL graders wlLh
nooks. Worked ln groups
of 3.
Learned LhaL Lhe nook
lnLerface came naLurally
Lo many of Lhe sLudenLs.
SLudenLs have access Lo
an alLernaLlve meLhod
of readlng book.
keeplng up-Lo-daLe
wlLh Lechnology ls
lmporLanL Lo ensure
LhaL sLudenLs and sLaff
have access Lo
approprlaLe resources.
(Calllson, 1999)
10/14 3:10-3:13 uL away Lhe nooks 1urned off and plugged ln
Learned how Lo sLore
Lhe nooks.
SLudenLs wlll have
access Lo a Lechnology
keeplng up-Lo-daLe
wlLh Lechnology ls
Lool LhaL ls charged and
ready for use.
lmporLanL Lo ensure
LhaL sLudenLs and sLaff
have access Lo
approprlaLe resources.
(Calllson, 1999)
10/14 3:13-3:43 Shelved books Shelved reLurned books. Learned how books
were organlzed ln Lhe
8ooks LhaL are shelved
qulckly allow Lhem Lo
be accessed by
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

10/13 8:30-9:00 Arrlval/ually
dlscusslon of day
Pelped Lo open llbrary.
updaLed auLhor board.
ulscussed dally schedule
wlLh menLor llbrarlan.
Learned procedure for
Lurnlng on llghLs,
unlocklng doors, Lurnlng
on mac's, updaLlng Lhe
auLhor" board.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well- organlzed and
lnvlLlng llbrary.

9:00-9:20 Pall uuLy/Pelped
sLudenLs wlLh book
WaLched sLudenLs as Lhey
walked Lo class. Pelped a
few sLudenLs selecL
books. Checked ouL books
Lo Lhem.
Learned some of Lhe
sLudenLs' names.
Learned LhaL oLher
duLles as asslgned ofLen
lnclude hall duLy.
AsslsLed sLudenL selecL a
book for pleasure
SLudenLs see a carlng,
smlllng adulL ln Lhe hall
as Lhey enLer school
each day.
lL ls a responslblllLy of
Lhe school llbrarlan Lo
bulld relaLlonshlps
wlLh Lhe sLudenLs and
sLaff by belng acLlve ln
Lhe school communlLy.
9:20- 9:30 1
grade -2 classes
book checkouL
AsslsLed sLudenLs selecL
books for pleasure.
erformed readers
advlsory and asslsLed
sLudenLs flnd books for
SLudenLs were able Lo
check-ouL books Lo
learn more abouL Loplcs
LhaL lnLeresL Lhem.
relaLlonshlps wlLh
sLudenLs and sLaff
allows Lhe medla
speclallsL Lo be beLLer
able Lo selecL
approprlaLe resources
for Lhem Lo access.
9:30-10:13 Learned abouL
Pad a lesson on Lhe
PCSS clrculaLlon sysLem.
Learned how Lo use Lhe
Alfresco clrculaLlon
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng an onllne, easlly
searchable caLalog
sysLem avallable 24/7.

10:13-10:23 Pelped/observed
helplng Leacher flnd
resources for unlL on
1ar 8each
Cbserved menLor
llbrarlan asslsL Leacher
wlLh maLerlals for her
class. Pelped a Leacher
selecL maLerlals for a
AsslsLed a Leacher flnd
resources for her class.
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng a professlonal
selecL resources for
classroom research
Medla SpeclallsLs make
resources avallable
Lhrough Lhe collecLlon
LhaL are mosL relevanL
Lo Lhe needs of
sLudenLs and sLaff.
(uonham, 2007)

10:23-10:30 rep for Wed Leam
mLg. 8evlew of
week-ldeas on 3

grade lesson
MenLor llbrarlan shared
wlLh me whaL happens ln
her weekly sLaff mLg.
ulscussed whaL prep
needed Lo happen for Lhe
week. ulscussed ldeas for
upcomlng 3
Learned whaL
preparaLlons l would be
asslsLlng wlLh for Lhe
week. Learned LhaL 3

graders had no planned
lessons for Lhe followlng
week and we needed a
mlnl-lesson for Lhem.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS LhaL prepares and
plans for her classes ln
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
10:30-11:03 rep/break repared LMC for
lncomlng 4
unplugged and seL up
lapLops for Lhelr use.
1urned on llghLs, Lurned
on mac's. unlocked C
carL and unplugged and
seL up lapLops on Lable.
SLudenL beneflL from
learnlng/Leachlng Llme
by havlng access Lo
Lechnology, maLerlals
and resources readlly
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
12:00-12:30 4
grade lesson on
AsslsLed menLor llbrarlan
wlLh 4
grade lesson on
planeL research.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
compleLe a graphlc
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

12:30-1:03 rep repared LMC for
lncomlng 2
grade class.
Lnsured maLerlals and
supplles were avallable
for sLudenLs lesson.
SLudenLs beneflL from
class Llme saved by
belng prepared ln
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
1:03-1:30 2
grade lesson on
Super 3
AsslsLed menLor llbrarlan
wlLh Super 3 lesson for
graders. Worked one-
on-one wlLh sLudenLs as
Lhey compleLed Lhelr
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

1:30-2:20 Lunch/dlscusslon
abouL changes ln
uurlng lunch dlscussed
changes ln Lechnology ln
Lhe counLy and how lL ls
expecLed Lo be used ln
Lhe classrooms and LMC.
Learned LhaL compuLers
are noL locaLed ln
classrooms. 1echnology
ls used and LaughL
Lhrough medla and Lhe
Lechnology classes.
SLudenLs do noL have
access Lo compuLers ln
Lhelr classrooms. 1hey
are expecLed Lo use
Lechnology ln Lhe lab ln
pro[ecL based lessons
only. Cr ln Lhe LMC for
research based lessons.
1he no Chlld LefL
8ehlnd (nCL8) AcL
requlres LhaL every
chlld b< Lechnology
llLeraLe aL Lhe end of
8Lh grade (Anderson
13). As Lechnology use
becomes lncreaslngly
lnLegraLed lnLo day-Lo-
day learnlng. Lveryone
ln a school musL learn
how Lo use lL. lL ls noL
posslble for one school
llbrarlan Lo Leach all
Lhe lnformaLlon
llLeracy skllls LhaL are
needed by all sLudenLs
ln a school. 1hls musL
be done ln
collaboraLlve efforLs by
school llbrarlans,
Leachers, and supporL
sLaff. (8lshop and
Cahall, 2012, pg. 83)

2:20-3:30 8ead 8LS plcLure 8ead 8LS plcLure books ln 8ead 8LS plcLure books SLudenLs wlll beneflL lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
books preparaLlon Lo wrlLe
Leasers for each one.
ln order Lo know Lhe
books well enough Lo
dlscuss Lhem wlLh
sLudenLs and Lo make an
lnLeresLlng and enLlclng
bulleLln board Lo
promoLe Lhem.
from havlng an LMS
who can speak Lo Lhese
nomlnaLed books and
wlll be exposed Lo
llLeraLure for pleasure.
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

10/16 8:00-8:13 Cpened Lhe llbrary 1urned on llghLs. updaLed
auLhor board. 1urned on
C's and clrculaLlon C.
Learned procedure for
Lurnlng on llghLs,
unlocklng doors, Lurnlng
on mac's, updaLlng Lhe
auLhor" board.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well- organlzed and
lnvlLlng llbrary.

8:13-8:30 rep for day 8evlewed class schedule
and made sLacks of
maLerlals for Lhe days
8evlewed class schedule
and sLacked maLerlals
for Lhe days lessons.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
prepared medla
speclallsL. Class Llme ls
maxlmlzed when
maLerlals and resources
are prepared ln
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
8:30-9:00 8elaLed ArLs uepL.
ALLended and llsLened Lo
Lhe relaLed arLs
deparLmenL mLg of whlch
menLor llbrarlan ls lead.
LlsLened and learned
abouL sLudenL lssues,
schedullng lssues and
concerns and upcomlng
speclals" schedule.
SLudenLs beneflL from
Leachers who work
LogeLher Lo mlnlmlze
schedule dlsrupLlons
and from sharlng besL-
pracLlces ln Lhe
classroom and
dlfferenLlaLed learnlng

9:00-9:10 Pall uuLy SLood ln hallway as CreeLed sLudenLs. SLudenLs see a warm lL ls a responslblllLy of
sLudenLs walked ln and
wenL Lo class.
and carlng adulL greeL
Lhem as Lhey begln
Lhelr school day.
Lhe school llbrarlan Lo
bulld relaLlonshlps
wlLh Lhe sLudenLs and
sLaff by belng acLlve ln
Lhe school communlLy.
9:10-9:20 ulled ChocolaLe
books for dlsplay
ulled books abouL
chocolaLe for Lhe
auLhor/sub[ecL dlsplay
area. (lL was naLlonal
chocolaLe day)
Learned how Lo use
Lhelr caLalog Lo search
for books abouL
chocolaLe. ulled books
from varlous areas ln
LMC. osed Lhem ln Lhe
SLudenLs are exposed Lo
books Lhey may have
noL consldered readlng
when puL on dlsplay.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

9:20-10:00 3
grade lesson on
LlsLened Lo menLor
llbrarlan glve a book Lalk
on Lwo Avl books.
Learned Lechnlques
used ln glvlng a book
SLudenLs were exposed
Lo books Lhey mlghL noL
have dlscovered.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

10:00-11:00 Pad a check-
ouL/check-ln lesson
on sysLem.
ueclded on splder
lesson for klnders.
Learned how Lo use
clrculaLlon sysLem for
check-ln and check-ouL by
medla asslsLanL. ueclded
on whaL l would llke Lo
Learned how Lo use Lhe
cenLrally purchased
clrculaLlon sysLem.

ueclded upon a lesson
SLudenLs beneflL from
Lhe use of a real Llme
clrculaLlon sysLem.

SLudenLs beneflL from
Leachlng provldes
beneflLs Lo Leachers
wlLh lncreased access
Lo onllne resources.
Leach Lhe klndergarLen
classes nexL week.
for Lhe klndergarLeners
based on dlscusslons
wlLh Lhe Leachers.
collaboraLlve plannlng
wlLh lessons ln Lhe LMC
LhaL correlaLe and
enhance Lhelr
classroom experlence.
8eneflLs Lhe sLudenLs
by havlng a wlder
varleLy of resources
and guldance by Lhe
LMS Lo access
ldenLlfled onllne
resources. (8uzzeo,
2008, pg. 9)
11:00-12:00 4
grade space/planeL
AsslsLed menLor llbrarlan
wlLh 4
grade planeL
research lesson. AsslsLed
sLudenLs one-on-one as
Lhey conducLed Lhelr
research and compleLed
Lhelr worksheeLs.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

10/17 8:30-9:00 Arrlval/rep/lan/She
Arrlved and revlewed
dally schedule. Shelved
reLurned flcLlon books.
Cpened LMC. 1urned on
Mac's. Shelved reLurned
8ooks LhaL are shelved
qulckly allow Lhem Lo
be accessed by
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
9:00-10:00 8ook 1alk on ClfLed
klds/ 8ook CheckouL
LlsLened Lo menLor
llbrarlan glve a book Lalk
on glfLed klds sLory.
Pelped a sLudenL flnd a
book based on her
Learned Lechnlques
from menLor llbrarlan on
how Lo promoLe a book
Lhey mlghL noL
oLherwlse ever know
SLudenLs beneflL from
exposure Lo books LhaL
can enrlch Lhelr llves.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

10:03-10:20 8ead 8LS plcLure
8ead 8LS nomlnaLed
plcLure books so l could
wrlLe revlews of Lhem.
8ead 8LS plcLure books
ln order Lo know Lhe
books well enough Lo
dlscuss Lhem wlLh
sLudenLs and Lo make an
lnLeresLlng and enLlclng
bulleLln board Lo
promoLe Lhem.
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng an LMS
who can speak Lo Lhese
nomlnaLed books and
wlll be exposed Lo
llLeraLure for pleasure.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

10:20-11:00 4
grade space/planeL
AsslsLed sLudenLs wlLh
research and compleLlon
of worksheeL on planeLs.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

11:00-12:00 Shelved/helped wlLh
graders dolng
graphlc organlzer for
super 3
Shelved books and Lhen
helped several 3
compleLe Lhelr graphlc
organlzer for Lhe Super 3
Shelved reLurned books.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
8ooks LhaL are shelved
qulckly allow Lhem Lo
be accessed by
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

12-12:30 Lunch ALe.
12:30-3:00 8ead 8LS books and
for Lhe dlsplay board
8ead remalnlng 8LS
plcLure books and began
wrlLlng annoLaLlons for
my dlsplay board.
8ead 8LS plcLure books
ln order Lo know Lhe
books well enough Lo
dlscuss Lhem wlLh
sLudenLs and Lo make an
lnLeresLlng and enLlclng
bulleLln board Lo
promoLe Lhem.
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng an LMS
who can speak Lo Lhese
nomlnaLed books and
wlll be exposed Lo
llLeraLure for pleasure.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

10/18 8:30-3:30 MASL ALLended Lhe Maryland
AssoclaLlon for School
ALLended and presenLed
aL Lhe Maryland
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who sLays on Lop
8ecause Lhe fleld of
llbrary medla ls dlverse
Llbrarlan Conference.
resenLed aL Lhls
AssoclaLlon for School
Llbrarlan Conference.
of Lrends and learns
from oLher
professlonals ln Lhe
and changlng, llbrary
medla speclallsLs musL
engage ln consLanL
learnlng." (uonham,
2007, pg. 316)
10/21 8:33-9:00 Arrlval, 8uddy
8eadlng dlscusslon
Arrlved, opened LMC,
dlscussed Lhe 8uddy
8eadlng program wlLh
menLor llbrarlan.
1urned on llghLs, Lurned
on mac's. Learned abouL
Lhe 8uddy readlng"
program Lhls school
SLudenLs ln 3
plck a book Lo read Lo a
klndergarLener Lhey
have been palred wlLh.
1hey learn Lo read a
book Lo anoLher chlld,
pracLlclng Lhelr readlng
and language and Lone.

9:00-9:10 Pall uuLy SLood ln hallway wlLh
menLor llbrarlan Lo
ensure sLudenLs wenL Lo
class ln an orderly
CreeLed sLudenLs as Lhe
walked Lhe hallway Lo
Lhelr class.
SLudenLs see a carlng,
smlllng adulL ln Lhe hall
as Lhey enLer school
each day.
lL ls a responslblllLy of
Lhe school llbrarlan Lo
bulld relaLlonshlps
wlLh Lhe sLudenLs and
sLaff by belng acLlve ln
Lhe school communlLy.
9:10-9:20 3Lh grade prep ulscussed lesson ldeas for
upcomlng 3
pro[ecL wlLh menLor
Learned abouL
upcomlng pro[ecL for 3

grade class. SuggesLed
lesson ldeas for Lhe
SLudenLs beneflL from
collaboraLlon and Lhe
sharlng of ldeas where
lessons becomlng more
engaglng and
lnLeresLlng and have
more value.
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
9:20-10:03 3Lh grade AC lesson AsslsLed menLor llbrarlan
and dld one-on-one
asslsLance for sLudenLs as
Lhey compleLed Lhelr
worksheeL on how Lo flnd
maLerlals ln Lhe caLalog.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
pro[ecL. Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

10:03-11:00 Worked on Lhe klnder
lesson plan
Worked on my
collaboraLlve lesson plan
for klndergarLen classes.
Worked on my
collaboraLlve lesson plan
for Lhe klndergarLen
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from a llbrary-medla
lesson where
connecLlons Lo Lhe
classroom lessons are
Leachlng provldes
beneflLs Lo Leachers
wlLh lncreased access
Lo onllne resources.
8eneflLs Lhe sLudenLs
by havlng a wlder
varleLy of resources
and guldance by Lhe
LMS Lo access
ldenLlfled onllne
resources. (8uzzeo,
2008, pg. 9)

11:00-11:30 3
grade PlsLory of
LlllcoLL ClLy
Cbserved and llsLened Lo
menLor llbrarlan Leach 3

grade classes abouL Lhe
hlsLory of LlllcoLL ClLy.
Learned as l llsLened Lo
menLor llbrarlan Leach
grade classes hlsLory
of LlllcoLL ClLy.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who has lnvesLed
ln Lhe communlLy ln
whlch her school
resldes and has learned
hlsLory Lo share.

11:30-12:33 4
grade planeL AsslsLed sLudenLs one-on- AsslsLed menLor SLudenLs beneflL from 1he school llbrary ls a
research one as Lhey compleLed
Lhelr planeL research.
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

12:33-12:30 Worked on klnder
lesson plan
Worked on developlng
klndergarLen lesson plan.
8esearched onllne
Leachlng vldeos on
SLudenLs beneflL from
lessons LhaL exLend
Lhelr classroom

12:30-1:20 Lunch ALe.
1:20-3:43 Worked on klnder
Lesson lan. MeL wlLh
MeL wlLh klnder Leachers
Lo dlscuss and show Lhem
my lesson. Lnsured lesson
was approprlaLe and meL
Lhe collaboraLlve needs.
MeL wlLh Lhe klnder
Leachers Lo show Lhem
my lesson plan and
ensure LhaL lL worked
wlLh Lhelr ldeas and
would be approprlaLe
for Lhe age level.
SLudenLs beneflL from
Lhe Leacher-llbrarlan
and classroom Leacher
collaboraLlve lesson,
where sLudenLs have
Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
exLend Lhe lesson and
add value Lo Lhelr
classroom experlence.
Leachlng provldes
beneflLs Lo Leachers
wlLh lncreased access
Lo onllne resources.
8eneflLs Lhe sLudenLs
by havlng a wlder
varleLy of resources
and guldance by Lhe
LMS Lo access
ldenLlfled onllne
resources. (8uzzeo,
2008, pg. 9)
10/22 8:30-9:00 Mornlng prep,
dlscussed wrlLlng sub
Cpened up LMC.
ulscusslon wlLh menLor
llbrarlan abouL how Lo
wrlLe sub plans. Pow
many Lo have on hand.
ldeas for sLand alone
Cpened LMC, unlocked
doors, Lurned on llghLs.
ulscussed how Lo wrlLe
sub-plans wlLh menLor
llbrarlan. Learned her
LhoughLs on how many
Lo have avallable and we
dlscussed how Lo even
vldeo your lessons for
emergency slLuaLlons.
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng a LMS LhaL ls
prepared and Lrles Lo
mlnlmlze dlsrupLlons Lo
medla llLeracy lessons
when emergency or
planned absences have
Lo occur.
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
9:00-9:20 Worked on dlsplay
Worked on my 8LS
dlsplay board.
CuL crepe paper lnLo
sLrlps Lo creaLe flowers,
leaves and sLems for my
8lack Lyed Susan
bulleLln board.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
warm and lnvlLlng LMC
wlLh llvely dlsplays LhaL
encourage sLudenLs Lo
read lnLeresLlng books.

9:20-9:30 Check ouL for 1

Pelped sLudenLs flnd
books Lhey were
lnLeresLed ln. Checked
ouL books Lo 1
AsslsLed sLudenLs uslng
Lhe ac and helped
Lhem flnd books based
on lnLeresL. Checked ouL
books Lo Lhe 1
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng an adulL asslsL
and gulde Lhem Lo flnd
pleasure readlng books
of lnLeresL Lo Lhem.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

9:30-11:00 Worked on klnder
llnlshed up my
klndergarLen lesson plan.
CompleLed my lesson
plan for my
klndergarLen lesson on
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from a lesson LhaL was
carefully planned and
Leachlng provldes
beneflLs Lo Leachers
splders. developed wlLh Lhelr
learnlng ob[ecLlves ln
wlLh lncreased access
Lo onllne resources.
8eneflLs Lhe sLudenLs
by havlng a wlder
varleLy of resources
and guldance by Lhe
LMS Lo access
ldenLlfled onllne
resources. (8uzzeo,
2008, pg. 9)

11-11:43 3
grade LlllcoLL ClLy LlsLened Lo menLor
llbrarlan lesson on LlllcoLL
ClLy hlsLory for 3
Learned as l llsLened Lo
menLor llbrarlan Leach
grade classes hlsLory
of LlllcoLL ClLy.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who has lnvesLed
ln Lhe communlLy ln
whlch her school
resldes and has learned
hlsLory Lo share.

11:30-12:03 klnder book checkouL AsslsLed klndergarLen
class wlLh book selecLlon
and weekly checkouL.
AsslsLed sLudenLs flnd
books Lhey were
lnLeresLed ln and Lhen
checked ouL Lhe books
Lo Lhem.
SLudenLs were able Lo
check-ouL books Lo
learn more abouL Loplcs
LhaL lnLeresL Lhem.
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

12:03-12:43 4
grade planeLs AsslsLed sLudenLs as Lhey
compleLed Lhelr planeL
research worksheeL.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

12:43-1:03 Worked on dlsplay
Worked on 8LS dlsplay
Worked on maklng an
awesome and enLlclng
bulleLln board. Learned
how Lo use Lhe dle cuL
SLudenLs beneflL from a
warm and lnvlLlng LMC
wlLh llvely dlsplays LhaL
encourage sLudenLs Lo
read lnLeresLlng books.

1:03-1:30 2
grade super 3 AsslsLed sLudenLs one-on-
one as Lhey compleLed
Lhelr Super 3 worksheeL
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

1:30-2:20 Lunch ALe.
2:20-3:30 Lesson rep for
repped for klndergarLen
repared my documenLs
and maLerlals for my
lnLeracLlve lesson on
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from a lesson LhaL was
carefully planned and
developed wlLh Lhelr
learnlng ob[ecLlves ln
Leachlng provldes
beneflLs Lo Leachers
wlLh lncreased access
Lo onllne resources.
8eneflLs Lhe sLudenLs
by havlng a wlder
varleLy of resources
and guldance by Lhe
LMS Lo access
ldenLlfled onllne
resources. (8uzzeo,
2008, pg. 9)

3:30-4:00 Worked on dlsplay
Worked on 8LS dlsplay
Worked on maklng an
awesome and enLlclng
bulleLln board. Learned
how Lo use Lhe dle cuL
SLudenLs beneflL from a
warm and lnvlLlng LMC
wlLh llvely dlsplays LhaL
encourage sLudenLs Lo
read lnLeresLlng books.

10/23 8:30-9:00 8elaLed ArLs
ueparLmenL MLg
ALLended and
parLlclpaLed ln Lhe
8elaLed ArLs weekly
deparLmenL meeLlng.
ALLended and
parLlclpaLed ln Lhe
relaLed arLs depL. mLg.
SLudenLs beneflL from
Leachers who work
LogeLher Lo mlnlmlze
schedule dlsrupLlons
and from sharlng besL-
pracLlces ln Lhe
classroom and
dlfferenLlaLed learnlng

10/23 9:00-9:10 8us uuLy Was asked Lo asslsL wlLh SLood ouLslde Lo asslsL SLudenLs beneflL from
bus duLy. SLood ouLslde
and asslsLed sLudenLs as
Lhey un-boarded Lhe
sLudenLs as Lhey goL off
Lhelr buses and enLered
Lhe school.
havlng a carlng adulL
asslsL Lhem as Lhey
arrlve for school.
10/23 9:10-9:20 8evlew day's
8evlewed class schedule
and planned lessons for
each for Lhe day.
8evlewed class schedule
for day. 8evlewed lesson
plans for Lhe day.
SLudenLs beneflL from
class Llme saved by
belng prepared ln
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
9:20-10:03 3
grade AC lesson AsslsLed 3
sLudenLs as Lhey
compleLed Lhe worksheeL
on how Lo use Lhe
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

10/23 10:03-11:03 Lesson rep and
llrsL dld lesson prep: seL
up maLerlals for nexL
class. 1hen worked on
dlsplay board.
repared maLerlals for
Lhe days lessons.
Worked on maklng an
awesome and enLlclng
SLudenLs beneflL from a
warm and lnvlLlng LMC
wlLh llvely dlsplays LhaL
encourage sLudenLs Lo
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
bulleLln board. Learned
how Lo use Lhe dle cuL
read lnLeresLlng books. smooLhly. (appas,
11:03-11:20 Crade 1 checkouL AsslsLed sLudenLs wlLh
book selecLlon and
erformed readers
advlsory and asslsLed
sLudenLs flnd books for
SLudenLs were able Lo
check-ouL books Lo
learn more abouL Loplcs
LhaL lnLeresL Lhem.
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

10/23 11:20-12:03 4
grade sclence-
planeL research
Worked one-on-one wlLh
grade sLudenLs as Lhey
compleLed planeL
research worksheeLs.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

12:03-12:13 uL away Lhe lapLops 1urned off and plugged ln
30 lapLops ln Lhe carL.
1urned off and
unplugged and Lhen puL
away Lhe 30 lapLops.
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng equlpmenL LhaL
ls properly cared for

and ready for use when

12:13-12:20 Lesson rep repared for nexL class. repared maLerlals for
Lhe nexL lesson. laced
maLerlals on sLudenL
SLudenLs beneflL from
class Llme saved by
belng prepared ln
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
12:20-1:03 2
grade -Super 3 AsslsLed sLudenLs as Lhey
compleLed worksheeL on
Super 3.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

1:10-1:23 Lunch ALe.
1:23-2:03 Lesson rep for
repared LMC for
klndergarLen lesson.
1urned on Lhe smarL
board. SeL up my
compuLer Lo use Lhe
SmarL board.
SLudenLs beneflL from
class Llme saved by
belng prepared ln
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
10/23 2:03-2:33 1aughL klnder
lesson-helped wlLh
book selecLlon and
(Solo) 1aughL Lhe
klndergarLen lesson on
1aughL Lhe klndergarLen
class a lesson l
developed on splders.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
lesson LhaL ls deslgned
Lo enhance and exLend
whaL Lhey are learnlng
ln Lhe classroom.

10/23 2:33-3:03 ulled vldeos for
pumpkln run
ulled vldeo Lapes 30
mlnuLes or less for gym
Leacher Lo show as
sLudenLs flnlshed Lhe
pumpkln run".
ulled 30 mlnuLe vldeo
Lapes for Lhe gym
Leacher Lo show
sLudneLs who had
flnlshed Lhe pumpkln
run". Pad Lo deLermlne
whaL was approprlaLe
and noL offenslve.
SLudenLs would have a
selecLlon of
movles/shows Lo waLch
carefully selecLed for
conLenL and lengLh and

3:10-3:43 8ead 4-6 8LS book
several of Lhem
Sklmmed several of Lhe 4-
grade 8LS books.
Made noLes.
Sklmmed several of Lhe
books nomlnaLed for Lhe
8LS award ln Lhe 4-6

grade caLegory. WroLe
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng an LMS
who can speak Lo Lhese
nomlnaLed books and
wlll be exposed Lo
llLeraLure for pleasure.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

10/24 8:30-9:10 rep for
day/8evlewed 8LS
Arrlval, opened LMC,
revlewed schedule of
classes for Lhe day.
8evlewed a couple of 8LS
grade books.
Cpened LMC. 1urned on
llghLs. Sklmmed a couple
of Lhe 8LS 4-6
nomlnaLed books and
wroLe noLes on Lhem.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well- organlzed and
lnvlLlng llbrary.

SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng an LMS
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
who can speak Lo Lhese
nomlnaLed books and
wlll be exposed Lo
llLeraLure for pleasure.
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

9:10-9:23 Shelved books Shelved reLurned books. Shelved reLurned books
accordlng Lo sLandard
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng books qulckly
reLurned and avallable
for checkouL.
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

9:23-9:30 uellvered 1v's Lo gym hyslcally moved
Lelevlslons on carLs Lo Lhe
gym room.
hyslcally moved
Lelevlslons Lo Lhe gym
room on requesL.
SLudenLs wlll waLch Lhe
vldeos prevlously
selecLed on Lhese
Lelevlslon/vC8's afLer
Lhey flnlsh Lhe
pumpkln run".

9:30-9:43 ulscusslon abouL how
Lo dlsLrlbuLe new
dlsplays? need for
ulscusslon wlLh menLor
llbrarlan on how Lo
dlsLrlbuLe Lhe newly
arrlved books so LhaL lL ls
falr and equlLable.
Learned Lhlngs Lo
conslder when newly
purchased books
arrlved. Pow do we
dlsLrlbuLe Lhem so lL's
falr and equlLable?
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng a falr and
equlLable dlsLrlbuLlon of
new and anLlclpaLed,
popular books avallable
for checkouL.

9:43-11 8ead and revlewed
8ead and revlewed grade
8LS books.
Sklmmed several of Lhe
books nomlnaLed for Lhe
8LS award ln Lhe 4-6

grade caLegory. WroLe
Leasers for Lhe bulleLln
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng an LMS
who can speak Lo Lhese
nomlnaLed books and
wlll be exposed Lo
llLeraLure for pleasure.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

11-11:20 8evlewed Lhe MSuL
S Annual Llbrary
CollecLlon reporLs
MenLor llbrarlan prlnLed
off and had me revlew
her MSuL annual reporL
from Lhe prevlous year.
8ead and made noLes on
Lhe MSuL annual reporL
for Lhls elemenLary
school for Lhe prevlous
year. repared me for
Lhe Lypes of quesLlons l
would be asked once
assumlng Lhls role.
SLudenLs beneflL from
an LMS who evaluaLes
her program and
servlces each year
reflecLlng on posslble
changes LhaL could be
made Lo enhance and
lmprove servlces.
Lven good medla
programs can be
lmproved, and
plannlng ls Lhe key Lo
lmprovemenLs large
and small. rogram
plannlng for medla
speclallsLs ls an
opporLunlLy Lo be
proacLlve and
lmplemenL change
from Lhe boLLom up.
Always remember LhaL
your program lmpacLs
Lhe enLlre school. lf lL
ls noL havlng Lhls level
of lmpacL, Lhen change
ls lmperaLlve.
(llLzgerald and
WalLrlp, 2004)

11:20-12:20 8ead 8LS books/
Worked on dlsplay
Sklmmed remalnlng 8LS
books 4-6
. Worked on
dlsplay board.
Sklmmed several of Lhe
books nomlnaLed for Lhe
8LS award ln Lhe 4-6

grade caLegory. WroLe
Leasers. SLarLed maklng
color coples of book
SLudenLs beneflL from a
warm and lnvlLlng LMC
wlLh llvely dlsplays LhaL
encourage sLudenLs Lo
read lnLeresLlng books.

12:20-1:00 2
grade super 3 AsslsLed sLudenLs as Lhey
compleLed Lhelr Super 3
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

1:00-1:20 Lunch ALe.
1:20-2:03 Lesson rep repared for
klndergarLen lesson.
1urned on SmarL board.
repared Lo Leach my
lesson Lo Lhe
klndergarLeners. 1urned
on SmarL board.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who has carefully
planned Lhe lesson Lo
exLend classroom
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
2:03-2:30 1aughL klnder class 1aughL Lhe klndergarLen
splder lesson.
1aughL Lhe klndergarLen
class Lhe lesson l
developed on splders.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who has carefully
planned Lhe lesson Lo
exLend classroom
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
2:30-3:03 Worked on dlsplay
Worked on my dlsplay
rlnLed color coples of
Lhe books covers.
LamlnaLed Lhem. SLarLed
sLapllng Lhem Lo Lhe
bulleLln board.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
warm and lnvlLlng LMC
wlLh llvely dlsplays LhaL
encourage sLudenLs Lo
read lnLeresLlng books.

3:03-3:33 1
grade uav llkey
auLhor Lalk
LlsLened Lo menLor
llbrarlan as she dld a book
Lalk on auLhor uav llkey.
Learned by llsLenlng Lo
menLor llbrarlan how Lo
creaLe and perform an
awesome auLhor/book
Lalk LhaL glves sLudenLs
lnLeresL ln books Lhey
may noL have known
SLudenLs are exposed Lo
dlfferenL auLhors and
genres expandlng Lhelr
poLenLlal lnLeresL ln
dlfferenL books.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

3:33-4:00 Saved flle from lesson
Lo share wlLh Leacher,
revlewed schedule for
Saved Lhe flle creaLed ln
my lessons wlLh
klndergarLen classes so l
could share wlLh Lhelr
Leachers (assessmenL).
8evlewed Lomorrows
repped and saved Lhe
smarL board lesson
creaLed as l dld Lhe
lesson wlLh Lhe klnders
Lo share wlLh Lhe
classroom Leachers.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well prepared lesson Lo
exLend Lhelr classroom
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,
10/23 8:40-9:00 Mornlng prep repared LMC for Lhe
day. updaLed auLhor
1urned on llghLs.
updaLed Lhe auLhor
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well-organlzed and well
malnLalned LMC.
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

9:00-9:10 Pall uuLy SLood ln hallway and CreeLed sLudenLs as SLudenLs see a carlng, lL ls a responslblllLy of
greeLed sLudenLs as Lhey
walked Lo class.
Lhey walked Lo class for
Lhe day.
smlllng adulL ln Lhe hall
as Lhey enLer school
each day.
Lhe school llbrarlan Lo
bulld relaLlonshlps
wlLh Lhe sLudenLs and
sLaff by belng acLlve ln
Lhe school communlLy.
9:10-9:20 Pelped sLudenLs wlLh
searchlng for
AsslsLed sLudenLs flnd
books Lhey were looklng
for uslng Lhe caLalog.
Checked Lhem ouL.
erformed readers
advlsory and asslsLed
sLudenLs flnd books for
SLudenLs were able Lo
check-ouL books Lo
learn more abouL Loplcs
LhaL lnLeresL Lhem.
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

9:20-10:03 3
grade AC lesson AsslsLed sLudenLs one-on-
one as Lhey compleLed
Lhelr caLalog worksheeL.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

10:03-10:13 uL away lapLops 1urned off, plugged ln 1urned off, plugged ln SLudenLs beneflL from
and puL away all 30
and puL away all 30
lapLops used ln Lhe
prevlous lesson.
havlng equlpmenL LhaL
ls properly cared for
and ready for use when
10:13-10:30 Clrc sysLem revlew SaL wlLh menLor llbrarlan
as we revlewed Lhe
clrculaLlon sysLem.
Learned from menLor
llbrarlan how Lo use Lhe
clrculaLlon sysLem Lo run
a cusLom reporL.
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng maLerlals
avallable for use LhaL
are accuraLe and up Lo
lrom Weed
Whacklng ln Lhe
School Llbrary,
-+0604,D?$7'" BEF
BCCEF -4"'+$
3$9'$/G H
LllmlnaLes sexlsL,
raclsL, and
Lmphaslzes quallLy
noL quanLlLy : lull
llbrary shelves =
adequaLe fundlng,
LmpLy llbrary
shelves =
fundlng, Shelves
fllled wlLh books of
no value are Lhe
equlvalenL of
panLrles full of
empLy cereal

10:30-11:40 8an reporLs Lo ldenLlfy
900's ln need of
ueveloped and ran a
reporL on her 900
secLlon-anyLhlng older
ueveloped and ran a
cusLom reporL LhaL gave
me a llsL of all maLerlals
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng maLerlals
avallable for use LhaL
lrom Weed
Whacklng ln Lhe
School Llbrary,
Lhan 1997. ln Lhe 900 secLlon LhaL
was more Lhan 13 years
are accuraLe and up Lo
-+0604,D?$7'" BEF
BCCEF -4"'+$
3$9'$/G H
LllmlnaLes sexlsL,
raclsL, and
Lmphaslzes quallLy
noL quanLlLy : lull
llbrary shelves =
adequaLe fundlng,
LmpLy llbrary
shelves =
fundlng, Shelves
fllled wlLh books of
no value are Lhe
equlvalenL of
panLrles full of
empLy cereal

11:40-12:00 Lunch ALe.
12:00-12:20 rep for 2
grade repared LMC for
lncomlng second graders.
repared Lhe LMC by
placlng maLerlals ouL for
Lhe sLudenLs ln
preparaLlon for Lhelr
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng maxlmlzed class-
Llme by havlng
maLerlals and resources
avallable for lessons ln
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,

12:20-12:30 2
grade Super 3 AsslsLed sLudenLs one-on-
one as Lhey compleLed
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
Lhelr Super 3 worksheeLs. one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

12:30-1:03 rep for Lesson repared for
klndergarLen classes,
Lurned on SmarL board.
repped for my lesson
Lo Lhe klndergarLen
classes LhaL afLernoon.
SLudenLs beneflL from
maxlmlzed class Llme
when LMS ls prepared
for Lhe days lessons.
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,

1:03-2:30 1aughL 2 classes of
1aughL back Lo back
klndergarLen classes my
splder lesson.
1aughL my developed
lesson on splders Lo Lwo
klndergaLen classes.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who has carefully
planned Lhe lesson Lo
exLend classroom
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

2:30-3:00 uocumenL uay/prep WroLe up lessons Lo glve
Lo classroom Leachers.
repped for Lomorrow.
Saved Lhe sLudenL
producL for Lhe Lwo
classes Lo share wlLh Lhe
classroom Leachers.
SLudenLs had Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo share
Lhelr learnlng wlLhln a
group and wlLh Lhelr
classroom Leacher.

3:00-4:00 Worked on dlsplay
Worked on dlsplay board. 1yped up mlnl-one llne
Leasers for each of Lhe
books ln Lhe Lwo
caLegorles we were
SLudenLs beneflL from a
warm and lnvlLlng LMC
wlLh llvely dlsplays LhaL
encourage sLudenLs Lo
read lnLeresLlng books.

10/28 8:40-9:20 Cleaned up
owerolnL for
8evlewed and cleaned up
a owerolnL
presenLaLlon l had
creaLed over Lhe
weekend for a book Lalk
on Among Lhe Pldden".
Learned LhaL lL ls
someLlme helpful Lo
make a owerolnL
presenLaLlon Lo
accompany a book Lalk
Lo make lL even more
appeallng Lo Lhe
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from an enLhuslasLlc
and lnLeresLlng book
Lalk, exposlng Lhem Lo
an auLhor/serles Lhey
mlghL noL have
consldered for pleasure
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

9:20-10:03 uld a bookLalk on
Among Lhe Pldden Lo
uld my flrsL book Lalk on
Paddlx book Among Lhe
uld my flrsL book Lalk"
for Among Lhe Pldden
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from an enLhuslasLlc
and lnLeresLlng book
Lalk, exposlng Lhem Lo a
auLhor/serles Lhey
mlghL noL have
consldered for pleasure
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

10:10-12:00 Worked on 8LS
ulsplay board
Worked on 8LS dlsplay
1yped up mlnl-one llne
Leasers for each of Lhe
books ln Lhe Lwo
caLegorles we were
SLudenLs beneflL from a
warm and lnvlLlng LMC
wlLh llvely dlsplays LhaL
encourage sLudenLs Lo
read lnLeresLlng books.

12:00-12:40 4
grade AsslsLed sLudenLs one-on-
one wlLh 4
grade planeL
research worksheeL.
AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan and worked
one-on-one wlLh
sLudenLs as Lhey used
onllne resources Lo
compleLe a graphlc
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng anoLher adulL Lo
provlde lndlvlduallzed
lnsLrucLlon and
personallzed aLLenLlon
Lo ensure Lhey
undersLand Lhe learnlng
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

12:40-1:00 Lunch ALe.
1:00-3:43 ulsplay board llnlSPLu my dlsplay
llnlshed sLapllng and
poslLlonlng my deslgn on
Lhe bulleLln board. 1ook
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from a lnvlLlng and
lnLeresLlng dlsplay
promoLlng new and
award wlnnlng books
for Lhem Lo read.
lndlcaLor 4.3.2 ALA
SLandards for Lhe 21

CenLury Learner:
8ecognlze LhaL
resources are creaLed
for a varleLy of
purposes. And 4.3.3
Seek opporLunlLles for
pursulng personal and
aesLheLlc growLh.

3:43-4:00 ulscussed plans for
ulscussed plans for
Lomorrows lessons. rep
for Lomorrow.
ulscussed plans for
Lomorrows lesson wlLh
menLor llbrarlan.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well prepared LMS.
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,

10/29 8:33-9:00 rep for day Mornlng prep for classes. laced ouL maLerlals for
lessons. uL ouL
neLbooks for sLudenL
SLudenLs beneflL from
maxlmlzed class Llme
when LMC ls prepared
for Lhe days lessons.
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,

9:00-2:43 Weeded 900's 8evlewed and weeded
enLlre 900 secLlon.
ulled all books older
Lhan 13 years ln Lhe 900
secLlon and revlewed
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng currenL and
accuraLe maLerlals ln
lrom Weed
Whacklng ln Lhe
School Llbrary,
Lhem for
approprlaLeness and
deLermlned lf Lhey were
sulLable Lo remaln on
shelves or should be
Lhe collecLlon from
whlch Lo use for
research and pleasure
-+0604,D?$7'" BEF
BCCEF -4"'+$
3$9'$/G H
LllmlnaLes sexlsL,
raclsL, and
Lmphaslzes quallLy
noL quanLlLy : lull
llbrary shelves =
adequaLe fundlng,
LmpLy llbrary
shelves =
fundlng, Shelves
fllled wlLh books of
no value are Lhe
equlvalenL of
panLrles full of
empLy cereal

2:43-3:03 Shelved Shelved reLurned books. Shelved books accordlng
Lo sLandard pracLlce.
8ooks LhaL are shelved
qulckly allow Lhem Lo
be accessed by
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

3:03-3:13 8evlewed procedures
for closlng
8evlewed procedures
wlLh menLor llbrarlan for
Learned how my menLor
llbrarlan llked her LMC
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well Lralned and
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
closlng Lhe LMC. closed up. organlzed LMS. for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,

3:13-4:00 SLaffed LMS,
supervlsed sLudenL
workers, shelved,
checked ouL, checked
ln, closed up medla
Worked alone Lo close
Lhe LMC. Supervlsed
sLudenL workers as Lhey
shelved and organlzed.
1urned off llghLs, mac's
and closed and locked
Worked by myself as l
closed up Lhe LMC.
Supervlsed sLudenL
workers as Lhey shelved
and organlzed books.
1urned off llghLs, mac's
and LMC.
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng responslblllLles
and learnlng Lo care for
Lhlngs. SLudenLs beneflL
from havlng an adulL
provlde Lhem supporL

10/30 8:13-11:30 rofesslonal
uevelopmenL aL
PCSS Llbrary Medla
rogram LS
ALLended and
parLlclpaLed ln
professlonal developmenL
for PCSS LM.
Learned abouL sLudenL
learnlng ob[ecLlves and
how Lo wrlLe Lhem and
how Lhey have been
lncorporaLed aL PCS.
Shared new ldeas and
Llps ln Lhe fleld.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who sLays on Lop
of Lrends and learns
from oLher
professlonals ln Lhe
8ecause Lhe fleld of
llbrary medla ls dlverse
and changlng, llbrary
medla speclallsLs musL
engage ln consLanL
learnlng." (uonham,
2007, pg. 316)
11:30-12:30 neLworklng Lunch ALe and neLworked. ALe lunch wlLh LMS's
and asked Lhem
quesLlons abouL Lhelr
poslLlons. 1rends Lhey
see happenlng. 1hlngs
Lhey llked and Lhlngs
Lhey wlshed would
SLudenLs beneflL from
an LMS who sLays on
Lop of Lrend ln her fleld
and Lhen lncorporaLes
Lhem lnLo Lhe LMC.
8ecause Lhe fleld of
llbrary medla ls dlverse
and changlng, llbrary
medla speclallsLs musL
engage ln consLanL
learnlng." (uonham,
2007, pg. 316)
12:30-3:30 rofesslonal
uevelopmenL MeeLlng
(PCSS Medla
ALLended and
parLlclpaLed ln
professlonal developmenL
for PCSS LM.
Learned abouL sLudenL
learnlng ob[ecLlves and
how Lo wrlLe Lhem and
how Lhey have been
lncorporaLed aL PCS.
Shared new ldeas and
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who sLays on Lop
of Lrends and learns
from oLher
professlonals ln Lhe
8ecause Lhe fleld of
llbrary medla ls dlverse
and changlng, llbrary
medla speclallsLs musL
engage ln consLanL
learnlng." (uonham,
Llps ln Lhe fleld. 2007, pg. 316)
10/31 8:43-9:00 Arrlval and dlscusslon
of day's schedule
Arrlval. ulscussed days
lessons wlLh menLor
Learned Loday's
schedule was odd due Lo
Palloween fesLlvlLles ln
Lhe afLernoon.
SLudenLs someLlmes
have less Llme for
medla due Lo schedule

9:00-9:10 Pall uuLy Pall uuLy. SLood ln
hallway and greeLed
sLudenLs as Lhey walked
Lo class.
CreeLed sLudenLs and
compllmenLed Lhelr

9:10-9:33 8evlewed 900's 8evlewed llsL of 900's l
had creaLed for posslble
Learned LhaL you have
Lo carefully selecL books
for weedlng on several
crlLerla. Weedlng ls very
dlfflculL and Lhere are
many resLrlcLlons Lo
how many lLems you can
weed from your
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng resources
LhaL are currenL and
accuraLe ln Lhe
lrom Weed
Whacklng ln Lhe
School Llbrary,
-+0604,D?$7'" BEF
BCCEF -4"'+$
3$9'$/G H
LllmlnaLes sexlsL,
raclsL, and
Lmphaslzes quallLy
noL quanLlLy : lull
llbrary shelves =
adequaLe fundlng,
LmpLy llbrary
shelves =
fundlng, Shelves
fllled wlLh books of
no value are Lhe
equlvalenL of
panLrles full of
empLy cereal

9:33-9:43 SeL up lapLops for 3

grade lesson
SeL up lapLops from carL
on Lables for 3
sLudenLs Lo use ln lesson.
1ook lapLops ouL of carL.
SeL Lhem on Lables and
Lurned Lhem on for
sLudenL use.
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng maxlmlzed class-
Llme dedlcaLed Lo Lhe
lesson and noL havlng
Lo spend Llme seLLlng
up Lhe C's.
reparaLlon and
plannlng ls necessary
for Lhe llbrary medla
program Lo run
smooLhly. (appas,

9:43-10:20 8evlewed 900's and
asslsLed 3
graders as
Lhey compleLed Lhelr
Craphlc organlzer.
8evlewed my selecLlon
suggesLed for weedlng.
Pad Lo deLermlne whaL
lLems l would
recommend for
weedlng. MenLor
llbrarlan asked for Lop
23, buL l had more Lhan
170 lLems l felL should
be removed.
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from havlng resources
LhaL are currenL and
accuraLe ln Lhe
lrom Weed
Whacklng ln Lhe
School Llbrary,
-+0604,D?$7'" BEF
BCCEF -4"'+$
3$9'$/G H
LllmlnaLes sexlsL,
raclsL, and
Lmphaslzes quallLy
noL quanLlLy : lull
llbrary shelves =
adequaLe fundlng,
LmpLy llbrary
shelves =
fundlng, Shelves
fllled wlLh books of
no value are Lhe
equlvalenL of
panLrles full of
empLy cereal

10:20-11:20 Worked on punchlng
leLLers and flnlshed
Lhe board. 1ook
used dle cuL machlne Lo
punch leLLers ouL for
bulleLln board and
Learned how Lo masLer
Lhe dle cuL machlne.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well decoraLed and
lnvlLlng LMC.

11:20-11:23 8ead Lhe MysLerles of
Parrls 8urdlck on LMS
8ead Lhe MysLerles of
Parrls 8urdlck on menLor
llbrarlans suggesLlon.
8ead a book l'd never
heard of buL learned
would make a greaL
lnLro Lo a lesson.
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng an LMS who ls
always looklng for
lnLeresLlng books Lo use
ln lessons LhaL exLend
classroom ob[ecLlves.

11:23- 11:30 Cleaned up Lesson
lan 1emplaLe Lo
share wlLh menLor
Cleaned up lesson plan
LemplaLe Lo share wlLh
menLor llbrarlan for her
ulscussed my lesson and
evaluaLed my lesson and
noLed whaL we would
change lf LaughL agaln.
SLudenLs beneflL from
an LMS who ls wllllng Lo
evaluaLe and make
changes Lo lesson based
on measurable and
seen daLa on
effecLlveness of Lhe
Lven good medla
programs can be
lmproved, and
plannlng ls Lhe key Lo
lmprovemenLs large
and small. rogram
plannlng for medla
speclallsLs ls an
opporLunlLy Lo be
proacLlve and
lmplemenL change
from Lhe boLLom up.
Always remember LhaL
your program lmpacLs
Lhe enLlre school. lf lL
ls noL havlng Lhls level
of lmpacL, Lhen change
ls lmperaLlve.
(llLzgerald and
WalLrlp, 2004)

11:30- 12:20 AsslsLed menLor
llbrarlan wlLh 4

grade lesson.
AsslsLed menLor llbrarlan
wlLh 4
grade lesson.
AsslsLed sLudenLs by
provldlng one-on-one
help as Lhey worked Lo
compleLe Lhelr graphlc
1he school llbrary ls a
very lmporLanL
learnlng cenLer. lL can
dramaLlcally lmpacL
learnlng and
lnsLrucLlonal dellvery
for sLudenLs and
Leachers allke. kaLhryn
8lackeLL and uon A.
kllnger's research well
documenLs a poslLlve
relaLlonshlp beLween
school llbrarles
operaLed by
professlonals and
sLudenL achlevemenL
=BCC6). (8lue and ace,

12:20-1:00 Shelved and organlzed
Shelved and organlzed
Shelved and organlzed
SLudenLs beneflL from
havlng books reLurned
qulckly for accesslblllLy.
SLudenLs and sLaff
musL be able Lo access
resources ln an
efflclenL manner. ln
dolng so, Lhey wlll be
more llkely Lo
repeaLedly use Lhem.

8:30-8:43 Arrlval. rep for day. 1urned on llghLs. 1urned on llghLs and
made sure Lhe room
looked nlce for Lhe sLaff
no sLudenLs were ln
school Lhls day.

8:43-9:43 ln-school rofesslonal
uevelopmenL on
recognlzlng and
adapLlng lessons Lo
sLudenLs wlLh learnlng
l aLLended and
parLlclpaLed ln ln-school
uevelopmenL on
recognlzlng and adapLlng
lessons Lo sLudenLs wlLh
learnlng dlsablllLles
l learned abouL how Lo
dlfferenLlaLe for
sLudenLs wlLh learnlng
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well Lralned LMS who
works closely wlLh
speclallzed Leachers Lo
dlfferenLlaLe lnsLrucLlon
and modlfy lessons for
sLudenLs wlLh speclal
8ecause Lhe fleld of
llbrary medla ls dlverse
and changlng, llbrary
medla speclallsLs musL
engage ln consLanL
learnlng." (uonham,
2007, pg. 316)
9:43-10:43 CreaLed
CreaLed a dlsplay for
'lall/1hanksglvlng" Lo
decoraLe Lhe LMC.
Learned how Lo use
decoraLlons and books
Lo creaLe a dlsplay LhaL
enllvens Lhe LMC.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
well-organlzed and
lnvlLlng LMC.

10:43-11:30 Weedlng pro[ecL on
WroLe up reporL of my
suggesLed Lop 23 for
weedlng from Lhe 900's.
Learned you cannoL
always weed everyLhlng
LhaL should because of
resLrlcLlons on how
much you are allowed Lo
remove each year!!
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from an accuraLe and
currenL collecLlon of
resources avallable Lo
Lhem ln Lhe LMC.
lrom Weed
Whacklng ln Lhe
School Llbrary,
-+0604,D?$7'" BEF
BCCEF -4"'+$
3$9'$/G H
LllmlnaLes sexlsL,
raclsL, and
Lmphaslzes quallLy
noL quanLlLy : lull
llbrary shelves =
adequaLe fundlng,
LmpLy llbrary
shelves =
fundlng, Shelves
fllled wlLh books of
no value are Lhe
equlvalenL of
panLrles full of
empLy cereal

11:30-12:20 Lunch wlLh menLor
LasL neLworklng lunch
wlLh menLor llbrarlan.
Learned some flnal Llps
and suggesLlons from
my menLor llbrarlan.
SLudenLs beneflL from
LMS's who share and
learn from one anoLher.

12:20-2:30 Mlscellaneous
AdmlnlsLraLlve Lasks
Crganlzed Lhe vldeo
collecLlon. Shelved books.
llled lesson plans we had
recenLly compleLed.
ulled books for a
Leacher/checked Lhem
ouL Lo her.
Learned how Lo organlze
Lhelr vldeo Lape
collecLlon accordlng Lo
Lhelr sysLem. Learned a
meLhod of flllng lessons
LhaL l could poLenLlally
SLudenLs wlll beneflL
from a well organlzed
LMC. SLudenLs wlll
beneflL from havlng an
LMS who has a well
organlzed LMC and ls
prepared for lessons
each week.

2:30-2:30 ulscusslon wlLh
Leacher on llLeraLure
for sclence flcLlon.
Pad a falrly anlmaLed
dlscusslon on whaL
sclence flcLlon books and
movles would be a good fl
for a lesson/dlscusslon for
Lhe 3
grade C1 classes.
arLlclpaLed ln
dlscusslon. Made
suggesLlons of
cllps/books LhaL mlghL
be approprlaLe.
SLudenLs beneflL from
Leachers uslng Lhe
LMS/LMC as a resource
Lo creaLe excepLlonal
and lnLeresLlng lessons.
Medla SpeclallsLs make
resources avallable
Lhrough Lhe collecLlon
LhaL are mosL relevanL
Lo Lhe needs of
sLudenLs and sLaff.
(uonham, 2007)

2:30-3:00 8evlewed evaluaLlon
of lesson plan wlLh
menLor llbrarlan.
8evlewed evaluaLlon of
my lesson plan wlLh
menLor llbrarlan.
LlsLened Lo menLor
llbrarlans feedback and
lncorporaLed lL lnLo my
evaluaLlon of lesson.
SLudenLs beneflL from a
LMS who Lakes Lhe Llme
Lo evaluaLe and reflecL
on Lhe lessons Lhey
provlde and make
ad[usLmenLs as
necessary Lo lmprove
Lhe learnlng experlence
Lven good medla
programs can be
lmproved, and
plannlng ls Lhe key Lo
lmprovemenLs large
and small. rogram
plannlng for medla
speclallsLs ls an

for Lhe sLudenLs. opporLunlLy Lo be
proacLlve and
lmplemenL change
from Lhe boLLom up.
Always remember LhaL
your program lmpacLs
Lhe enLlre school. lf lL
ls noL havlng Lhls level
of lmpacL, Lhen change
ls lmperaLlve.
(llLzgerald and
WalLrlp, 2004)

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