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False friends

On time = puntual or sharp Ex: The flight arrived on time . In time = ( a temps,) : ..in time to do something . Ex: I went home in time . A lecturer = un professor dUniversitat o conferenciant A lecture = una conferncia . Fees = taxes de matrcula en escola o universitat A Student loan = un prestec del banc per estudiar A Scholarship = una beca . A pu lic school = una escola privada A state school = escola p!blica . "nsist on seeing his la#$er %onsist of en!o"ing a lot &epend on the weather insistir en veure el seu advocate. consisteix en disfrutar molt Depenent del temps

'ou lend me mone$ to me , and " orrow mone$ from "ou (

( tu em deixes diners I you et demano diners ) . To notice = adonar)se ) *e noticed that the child #as the first . To report = informar ) *e reported seeing the child ( Va informar haver vist el noi ) .

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