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Metropolitan Model United Nations Conference XLII African Union Pan-Africanism as a Means of Economic Diversification

Many African nations rely on their own independent and separate economies with little collaboration between African nations. This disjointed African economic system has led to a number of economic issues throu hout the continent. !an Africanism" the ideolo y that Africans should unite to achie#e solutions to many of the issues their nations collecti#ely face" may act as a means of unitin but on production of a reater number of modern Africans on a oal to de#elop an economy not solely based on creation of raw oods" oods" which can be e$ported. This model would help nations support themsel#es. Trade with other nations in Africa will also unite the African people under the oal thri#in cultures. %isjointed African economies ha#e de#astated Africa&s economy as a whole. Indi#idual countries are o#erproducin materials that other countries also produce" creatin a reat surplus within the re ion. %i#ersification of these African economies could lead to the 'African Century(. This term refers to the belief that the )*st century will be a time of pro ression and moderni+ation for Africa and its industry. %i#ersification of the economically and becomin a successful collection of

different sectors of the economy of each nation is need because ri ht now each nation focuses on only one area. It would allow for each nation to produce different raw materials and not be dependent on just one. These raw materials from all across Africa would then be produced into economy. Africa,s economy as a whole has been impro#in with an a#era e of a -../ ross domestic product 01%!2 increase per year. 3owe#er" not all of this is due to the de#elopment of a stron er economic infrastructure in African nations. 4ther temporary influences such as a rise in the price of oil may be the cause of this economic success. Many sectors of the economy in Africa" notably industry" ha#e not been fully de#eloped. Certain nations such as 5 ypt" 6outh Africa" Tunisia" and Morocco ha#e di#ersified their economies" with the majority of their 1%! made up of manufacturin and ser#ices. This has increased the number of citi+ens with professions and led to reater urbani+ation" the increase of city population. These nations pro#e that with a focus on moderni+ation" it is possible for African nations to create thri#in economies. 7y encoura in concept supportin of !an8Africanism the African people to unify under the with separate nations and peoples oods that would be traded and boost the African

each other" the African people will be moti#ated to further reat <uantity

de#elop parts of their economy which ha#e been o#erloo9ed. Nearly :;/ of the world,s unused fertile land is in Africa and a of its natural resources. 6tudies ha#e shown that a *=/ increase of a nation&s 1%! often leads to a near double in the a#era e income per person.

The African Union should encoura e !an Africanism as means to economic di#ersification in order to better the li#es of all citi+ens of Africa. In order for this to occur" the African nations need to wor9 to ether to" in time" reach the 'African Century.

Questions to Consider: >hat resources does your country ha#e" and what materials does it produce? >hat role could your nation play in de#elopin and implementin for an 'African Century(? 3ow could tour nation di#ersify its economy?

http@AAnews.bbc.co.u9A)AsharedAsplAhiAafricaA;=AafricaBeconomyAhtmlApo#erty.stm http@AAwww.africaeconomicanalysis.or A

http@AAwww.mc9insey.comAinsi htsAeconomicBstudiesAwhatsBdri#in Bafri casB rowth

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