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Kim Davis

Lesson Plan: Science Introduction Lesson topic: Webquest, Living Systems Length of Lesson: Five days: 45 minutes a day, except for Day Five. Day Five has two separate 45 minutes sessions: one for work, one for presentation. VA SOL Science 4.5: The student will investigate and understand how plants and animals, including humans, in an ecosystem interact with one another and with the nonliving components in the ecosystem. Key concepts include a) plant and animal adaptations; b) organization of populations, communities, and ecosystems and how they interrelate; c) flow of energy through food webs; d) habitats and niches; Context: This is the second week in the Living Systems Unit. This project will wrap up the unit and provide the students an opportunity to showcase their knowledge. Global Themes: Students will demonstrate their ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to the world around them.

Content Objectives Students will Design a zoo bio-dome, developed by applying their knowledge of ecosystems, plants, and animals. Assess and determine the needs of an ecosystem (biome) and provide plans to construct that environment. Recommend and justify animals to the specific ecosystems that can live, based on their habitat needs, adaptations, and the cycle of their food web.

Assessment Aligned to Objectives Formative Students will collaborate on a group project resulting in a presentation of a created zoo bio-dome, demonstrating their understanding of ecosystem and living things. Summative Students will demonstrate their understanding of ecosystems (biomes) by proving the plans to create a specific biome. Students will determine which animals live in a specific ecosystem (biome) and how that ecosystem (biome) supports their habitat needs. Students will interpret an animals adaptations for their environment Students will dissect the flow of energy in a food web for a specific animal in their habitat.

Kim Davis

Materials/Technology and Advanced Preparation Smartboard Webquest : Classroom laptops, one per student Printer access for computers Paper Posterboard Markers Assorted art supplies Zoo folder, one per group pencils Copies of all worksheets for zoo project for students Earth bag: brown paper bag with earth picture. Inside are colored slips of papers with the names of different ecosytems/biomes on them. Each color is a biome. Youtube clips (listed under days and references)

Teaching and Learning Sequence


TIME Introduction/Anticipatory Set



10 minutes

Bring students in from recess and prepare for Science lesson. .Ask students who has ever been to a zoo? What did they see there? Ask students has anyone ever been somewhere where they thought they were in a different environment, like at Lewis Ginter Botanical

Students come in from recess and prepare for science lesson.

Students raise hands and respond to the

questions. Students raise hands and respond to the

Gardens in the greenhouse with the tropical plants? Ask what if you could visit different ecosytems or biomes in one place?

questions. Students raise hands and respond to

Kim Davis

questions. Show Youtube clip: Intro to Biomes: 3:10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIy0ZlyPPDg Lesson Development Students watch video.

5 minutes

Explain it is time for the students use their knowledge for the last week of studying

Students listen

ecosystems and living things. Explain that the class is going to work on a webquest, in assigned groups to create a

presentation. Explain that a webquest is a project using the internet to research information and work on a problem. This project will take five days, mostly during the Science time, except for Friday when you will use the empty resource block also. Let the class know that the end of the project will be an oral presentation by the group, supported by visuals. 10 minutes Open the webquest on the Smartboard and share with the students the home page and the goal page which explains their task: Virginia wants to be the most popular state in the country for animal lovers to visit. The state government is investing millions of dollars to develop the perfect zoo, all enclosed in a biodome. A bio-dome is a very large greenhouse or similar structure with a controlled internal environment in Students listen and follow/read along with the webquest on the Smartboard. Students

ask questions if they are confused.

which plants and animals from much warmer or colder regions are kept in conditions similar to

nature. Scientist want to build the world's largest biodome structure that will house a large zoo. The zoo will provide for itself by the animals relying on the ecosystems to provide the habitat needed to survive. A new-discovered technology will be used to perfecting recreate any ecosystem in the world and the bio-dome will be broken into 4 different ecosystems or biomes,

Kim Davis

each featuring and supporting 3 animals. You and your team have been selected to help design this exciting new zoo.

Tell the students that you have selected their groups for them and let them know which group they are, named by color group, which matches the Zoo folder they will need from the classroom work station. Students listen for their name and group

5 minutes

Call out groups and students names. Have groups come to workstation, one at a time. They will get their folder and pick a spot in the room to gather. The folder has pockets for the each group member well as a team pocket and a turn-in pocket.

assignment. Students get together with their group, get their zoo folder and find a spot in the room to meet. Students webquest review on the the

Show the students the Day by Day tab on the Webquest page using the Smartboard and read over the page and review the contents in their Zoo folders.

Smartboard and their zoo folders along with the teacher.

10 minutes Have groups begin working on their group contract page while walking around the room with the Earth bag to each group. When at each group, the group members reach in the bag and pick a colored slip, each member gets a different color. This tells them their specific ecosystem/biome for the project.




group to go over and fill out the group contract page. When teacher comes to their student group, will each draw a

colored slip of paper of out the Earth bag,

making sure to choose Once groups have completed their group contract, they may get the laptops and begin their biome research. Walk around and check in with each group, asking if they are any questions and make sure everyone is on task. a different color than their group members. Students get laptops

and begin fill out their ecosystem/biome research page.

Kim Davis




students stop working At 2:05, ring the chimes to indicate it is time to have the closing group meeting. Tell students that the closing group meeting is a time to come back together and share information or ask questions of the group members. Remind students about the Zoo folders and that all papers go back in it every day. Instruct students to be sure to return the folders to the workstation as you will look them over every afternoon and check on deadline requirements. and listen to teacher.


5 minutes

Have groups begin their closing meeting. Monitor groups as they have their closing meeting. Walk around and listen, interjecting when

Students gather back together group. with their

necessary. Have groups clean up, putting away folders and laptops. Have students prepare to leave for day.

Students discuss their project and the

individual work they did today. Students make sure all papers are in folder. Students clean up and put the Zoo folder and laptops away. Students prepare to

After the school day, review the zoo folders. Looking at the work done by students and check on deadline requirements. Leave any necessary notes in the folder for the group/students to see the next day.

leave for day.


TIME Introduction/Anticipatory Set



Bring students in from recess and prepare for

Students come in from

Kim Davis

5 minutes

Science lesson. Remind students that they are going to work on their group webquest. Show Youtube clip: Video clip talking about the 6 major biomes and animals in them found on Earth. Clip is four minutes long and covers Tundra, Taiga, Grasslands, Rainforest. http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/scie nce/ecosystems/biomes.htm Deciduous Forest, Desert, and

recess and prepare for science lesson. . Students watch video.

Lesson Development

5 Minutes

Open up the webquest on the board and pull up Day Two and review it together, Instruct it is time for the groups to get together. Have groups get together: getting their zoo folder, laptops, and meeting somewhere in the room.




follow/read along with the webquest on the Smartboard. Students ask questions if they are confused. Students laptops, with get and folder, gather to

5 minutes

Have groups start their opening meeting. They are to review any notes left in their folder by the teacher and look over the deadline page. Groups also should review what each member is working on.



While groups are having their meeting, walk around and check in with each group, asking about their process and if there are any questions.

have opening meeting. Groups have opening meeting. Students begin their individual work: either on their biomes or their animals.

20 minutes

Remind groups that once they are done with their opening meeting, they need to get started on their daily work. Encourage the students to work with and support their team members.

As students are working on project pieces, walk around and check on their progress. Look over work, answer any questions, give guidance where needed, and ensure students are on task. Todays assignments are to finish ecosystem (biome) page and work on their animal graphic organizers. Students hear chime and stop work, prepare for group meeting.

Ring Chime at 2:05 to announce it is time for closing group meetings.

Kim Davis

Closure 10 minutes

Groups gather back together. Tell students to look over the presentation role sheet in their zoo folder as you go over the sheet, explaining each role. Each student should have one. They are to look them over and rank the roles in order of what they would like to do. Groups will decide who has what role in tomorrows opening meeting.

Students get back together with their groups.

Students review presentation role sheet with teacher.

Students rank the roles in order of what role they would like.

Remind students about todays deadline: the ecosystem/biome sheet. Remind students about the Zoo folders and that all papers go back in it every day. Instruct students to be sure to return the folders to the workstation as you will look them over every afternoon and check on deadline requirements.

Students/Groups hold their closing meetings. Students/Groups make sure all papers are put into folder.

Students hold closing meetings. Walk around and check in with each group. Have students clean up, put folders and laptops away, and prepare to leave for day.

Students clean up and return folders and laptops.

After school, review the zoo folders. Looking at the work done by students and checking deadline requirements. Leave any necessary notes in the folder for the group/students to see the next day.

Students prepare to leave for day.


TIME Introduction/Anticipatory Set



5 minutes

Bring students in from recess and prepare for Science lesson. Remind students that they are working on their group webquest project.

Students come in from recess and prepare for science lesson. .

Kim Davis

Show Youtube clip:

World ecosystmes, 1:52

Students watch video.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90XU0B_ya 6g
Lesson Development 5 minutes

5 Minutes

Open up the webquest on the board and pull up Day Three and review it together, Instruct it is time for the groups to get together. Have groups get together: getting their zoo folder, laptops, and meeting somewhere in the room. Have groups start their opening meeting. They are to review any notes left in their folder by the teacher and look over the deadline page. Groups also should review what each member is working on.




follow/read along with the webquest on the Smartboard. Students ask questions if they are confused. Students laptops, with get and folder, gather to



While groups are having their meeting, walk around and check in with each group, asking about their process and if there are any questions. During todays opening meeting, groups are to assign presentation roles to each member. They are to complete that form and return it to the zoo folder

have opening meeting. Groups have opening meeting. Groups are to assign the roles for the presentation and fill

out the presentation role form for the zoo folder.

Remind groups that once they are done with their opening meeting, they need to get started on their daily work. Encourage the students to work with and support their team members.

Students begin their individual work: either on their animals or begin to work on the presentation.

20 minutes

As students are working on project pieces, walk around and check on their progress. Look over work, answer any questions, give guidance where needed, and ensure students are on task. Todays assignments are to finish their animal graphic organizers and start working on their specific presentation role contributions.

Students hear chime and stop work, prepare for group meeting.

Ring Chime at 2:05 to announce it is time for closing group meetings.


Kim Davis

10 minutes

Groups gather back together. Remind students about todays deadline: the animal sheets and the presentation role sheet. Remind students about the Zoo folders and that all papers go back in it every day. Instruct students to be sure to return the folders to the workstation as you will look them over every afternoon and check on deadline requirements.

Students get back together with their groups.

Students/Groups hold their closing meetings. Students/Groups make sure all papers are put into folder.

Students hold closing meetings. Walk around and check in with each group. Have students clean up, put folders and laptops away, and prepare to leave for day.

Students clean up and return folders and

After school, review the zoo folders. Looking at the work done by students and checking deadline requirements. Leave any necessary notes in the folder for the group/students to see the next day.

laptops. Students prepare to leave for day.


TIME Introduction/Anticipatory Set



5 minutes

Bring students in from recess and prepare for Science lesson. Let students know it is times to work on their group webquest project. Show Youtube clip: Biomes of the World, 2:33 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYF6CKU8AfM

Students come in from recess and prepare for science lesson. .

Students watch video.

Lesson Development

5 Minutes

Open up the webquest on the board and pull up Day Four and review it together. Remind students the group presentation is




follow/read along with the webquest on the Smartboard. Students

tomorrow, and pull up the presentation rubric on the

Kim Davis


forms page and discuss it with the class. Instruct it is time for the groups to get together. Have groups get together: getting their zoo folder, laptops, and meeting somewhere in the room. 5 minutes Have groups start their opening meeting. They are to review any notes left in their folder by the teacher and look over the deadline page. Groups also should review what each member is working on. Todays task is getting the parts prepared and organized for the group presentation tomorrow. Each team member has a specific role in the presentation. While groups are having their meeting, walk around and check in with each group, asking about their process and if there are any questions. During todays opening meeting, groups are to assign presentation roles to each member. They are to complete that form and return it to the zoo folder Remind groups that once they are done with their opening meeting, they need to get started on their daily work. Encourage the students to work with and 20 minutes support their team members. As students are working on project pieces, walk around and check on their progress. Look over work, answer any questions, give guidance where needed, and ensure students are on task. Todays assignments are to work on their specific

ask questions if they are confused. Students laptops, with get and folder, gather to



have opening meeting. Groups have opening meeting. Groups are to assign the roles for the presentation and fill

out the presentation role form for the zoo folder.

Students begin their individual work: the

presentation: parts/role organization

specific the the

and of

overall presentation.

Students hear chime and stop work, prepare for group meeting.

presentation role contributions. Ring Chime at 2:05 to announce it is time for closing group meetings. Closure

10 minutes

Groups gather back together. Remind the students that tomorrow is a two-part day for the group project. In the morning, you will work on it during the empty resource block, finalizing and practicing the presentation. Presentations will be

Students get back together with their groups.

Kim Davis


given I the regular afternoon Science block. Remind students about the Zoo folders and that all papers go back in it every day. Instruct students to be sure to return the folders to the workstation as you will look them over every afternoon and check on deadline requirements. Students hold closing meetings. Walk around and check in with each group. Have students clean up, put folders and laptops away, and prepare to leave for day. Students/Groups hold their closing meetings. Students/Groups make sure all papers are put into folder. Students clean up and return folders and laptops. Students prepare to leave for day. After school, review the zoo folders. Looking at the work done by students and checking deadline requirements. Leave any necessary notes in the folder for the group/students to see the next day.


TIME Introduction/Anticipatory Set



2 minutes

Have students put away math and clear desk. Remind students that this is the last chance to prepare their Zoo bio-dome presentation.

Students come in from recess and prepare for science lesson. .

Lesson Development

5 Minutes

Open up the webquest on the board and pull up Day Five and review it together. Remind students that this morning time is part one. It is a time to put the finishing touches on the presentation and practice it.




follow/read along with the webquest on the Smartboard. Students ask questions if they are confused. Students laptops, with get and folder, gather to

5 minutes

Instruct it is time for the groups to get together. Have groups get together: getting their zoo folder, laptops, and meeting somewhere in the room. Have groups start their opening meeting. They are



have opening meeting.

Kim Davis


to review any notes left in their folder by the teacher 20 minutes and look over the deadline page. Groups also should review what each member is working on. While groups are having their meeting, walk around and check in with each group, asking about their process and if there are any questions. The objective in this session is to be ready to present this afternoon. Go to each group and make sure they are about ready for the presentation later. Discuss their process and review their notes and documents. 13 minutes Have groups practice their presentation and put final project together in folder. If any group is done and would to present this morning, allow time the last 10 minutes of this session. Ring chimes at 11:35. Have groups get out their zoo folders and each team member should get a copy of the team evaluation form. Explain the form and have each student fill it out. Students are to give you the form when they are finished with it. While students are filling out form, collect all the zoo folders and put them away. Have students who are finished the form can begin their DEAR time while waiting for everyone else. Teacher collects evaluation forms. This is the end of part one. Part two begins at 1:30




meeting. Groups are to check over the


Groups practice their presentation and make sure the zoo folder has all the materials in it that are to be turned in.

Students hear chime and stop work, prepare for group meeting.

.Students fill out the team evaluations and turn into the teacher.

Start time.



Part two, 1:30 5 minutes Have students get into their groups. They are to get their folders and presentation materials together. Each group will present their Zoo Bio-dome to the class. Presentations are to be between 6-10 minutes long. Groups present. Students get together with their groups and prepare for the


40 minutes




presentations to their classmates.

Kim Davis



5 minutes

Have students put all the project materials on the back table. Let them know how much you enjoyed their presentations. Tell students to end this unit, you wanted to share with them a student video you found on youtube about the desert biome.

Students put projects on back table and return to seats.

Students watch video.

Students clean up and prepare to leave for day.

Show video: Youtube; Student Rap on Biomes, 3:16 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0zIQjzmnT8 Have students clean and prepare to leave for day.


Day One: Youtube clip; Intro to Biomes, 3:10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIy0ZlyPPDg

Day Two: Youtube clip; Biomes, 4:00 http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/ecosystems/biomes.htm

Day Three: Youtube clip; World Ecosytemes, 1:52


Day Four: Youtube clip; Biomes of the World, 2:33


Day Five: Youtube clip; Student Rap video on Biomes, 3:16 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0zIQjzmnT8

Kim Davis


Lesson Organizer

Prior Knowledge and NEW Instructional Content

Students have a basic understanding that all living organisms are interrelated and dependent in some way on other living organisms and their environment. Plants and animals in ecological systems live in a web of interdependence in which each species contributes to the functioning of the overall system. Organisms live in a habitat to which they are structurally and behaviorally adapted. Certain conditions within environments determine which organisms and communities succeed there.

In order to meet this standard, it is expected that students will distinguish between structural (physical) and behavioral adaptations. investigate and infer the function of basic adaptations. understand that adaptations allow an organism to succeed in a given environment. explain how different organisms use their unique adaptations to meet their needs. describe why certain communities exist in given habitats. illustrate the food webs in a local area. compare and contrast the niches of several different organisms within the community. Main Events of Instruction Instructional Modifications to CHALLENGE Students

Instructional Modifications to ASSIST Students

Students work in assigned groups on a team project designing a zoo bio-dome. Students are on a four-person team. Teacher selects group members, pairing particular students together.

Students work in assigned groups on a team project designing a zoo bio-dome. Students are on a four-person team.

. Students work in assigned groups on a team project designing a zoo bio-dome. Students are on a four-person team. If the team is missing a person, students will help take

Students have individual task: researching and completing

over the extra research.

Students have individual task: researching and completing graphic organizers on a specific ecosystem (biome) and three animals. The ecosystem is drawn on a colored slip of paper.

graphic organizers on a specific ecosystem (biome) and three animals. The ecosystem is drawn on a colored slip of paper. The animals are of their choosing, they are animals found

Students have individual task: researching and completing graphic organizers on a specific ecosystem (biome) and three animals. The ecosystem is drawn on a colored slip of paper.

Kim Davis


Each color has a different biome listed on it. Student will be given a choice of two specific colors, for the less difficult biomes and animals.

in their biome.

Each color has a different biome listed on it. Student will be given

Students have specific task on a group presentation: there are four different roles. Groups will choose roles themselves.

a choice of two specific colors, for the harder biomes and animals.

Team members will help and support one another with meetings at the start and close of each session. Groups put together an oral presentation with visual components and written summary of bio-dome Teacher will conference with each group and a few specific members each day. ecosystems and animals.

Team members will help and support one another with meetings at the start and close of each session.

Teacher will conference with each group and a few specific members each day.

Teacher will leave feedback and suggestions for students in their pocket of the Zoo folder which is checked every day.

Teacher will leave feedback and suggestions for students in their pocket of the Zoo folder which is checked every day.

Students have specific task on a group presentation: there are four different roles. Groups will choose roles themselves and the teacher can help students choose role that best suits them.

Students have specific task on a group presentation: there are four different roles. Groups will choose roles themselves and the teacher can help students choose role that best suits them.

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