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Isom 1

Tyra Isom Professor Harcourt WRT 1010 Section 22 2 December 2013 Palliative Care Me ical a vances !ave allo"e !umans to live increasin#ly lon#er lives$ even in t!e face of serious illness an isease% T!ose "!o are facin# a life&t!reatenin# illness are in nee of a

multi&facete a''roac! in or er to ensure t!eir continue life$ !o"ever lon# or s!ort it is$ "ill be of #oo (uality% Palliative care$ as efine by t!e Worl Healt! )r#ani*ation$ is +an a''roac! t!at im'roves t!e (uality of life of 'atients an t!eir families facin# t!e 'roblems associate "it! life&t!reatenin# illness, -Worl Healt! )r#ani*ation$ 200./% 0nli1e en &of&life care "!ic! eals "it! issues surroun in# t!e very en of an in ivi ual2s life$ 'alliative care see1s to im'rove (uality of life for in ivi uals an families facin# life&t!reatenin# an terminal illness from onset t!rou#! to t!e family2s bereavement% T!is is one usin# an !olistic a''roac! "it! focus on easin# '!ysical$ 'syc!osocial$ an s'iritual iscomfort% Palliative care is a carin#$ not a curin#$ a''roac! t!at is 'rovi e re#ar less of t!e a#e of t!e 'atient% T!e !istory of 'alliative care be#ins "it! !os'ice% Hos'ice$ li1e most ot!er social su''ort$ "as first 'rovi e by reli#ious #rou's$ but !as #ra ually become an im'ortant 'art of t!e !ealt!care system% T!e first !os'ices$ St% 3ose'!2s an St% C!risto'!er2s Hos'ice$ "ere starte in 4n#lan in 1567 by a "oman name Cicely Saun ers "!o is consi ere t!e foun er of t!e !os'ice movement -8eresfor $ 9 s!ea $ Croft$ 2007/% Saun ers i ea ma e it to t!e 0nite States "!ere$ after nearly t"o eca es$ le#islation "as 'asse a''rovin# fe eral fun in# for !os'ice 'ro#rams% Palliative care #re" from t!e !os'ice settin# as it "as reali*e t!at 'atients

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an t!eir families is'laye a nee for a more !olistic treatment 'lan% T!rou#!out t!e s!ort time since its be#innin#$ 'alliative an en &of&life care !ave ma e #reat 'ro#ress in obtainin# su''ort from t!e #overnment an t!e 'ublic in t!e effort to 'rovi e better care for t!ose "it! terminal illness% In 2007$ t!e Worl "i e Palliative Care 9lliance "as forme : one can ascertain t!at its creation is in res'onse to t!e #ro"in# number of c!ronic illnesses$ suc! as cancer an HI;<9IDs$ an me ical a vances t!at are e=ten in# life s'ans% W!ile many ifferent 'rofessions an isci'lines are involve in 'rovi in# 'alliative

care$ social "or1ers !ave a s'ecial role to 'lay in t!is area% >irst$ social "or1ers ai in t!e irect 'rovision of services by "or1in# closely "it! t!e 'atient an families to obtain 'syc!osocial$ s'iritual$ an financial #ui ance urin# t!e s'an of t!e illness% In a ition$ t!e social "or1er also !as t!e means to raise a"areness an im'rove t!e (uality of services offere % 8ecause of social "or1ers2 often very irect contact "it! 'atients an t!eir families urin# times of nee $ t!ey are able to "itness first&!an t!e areas of stren#t! an "ea1ness "it!in t!e carin# system% 9rme "it! t!is 1no"le #e$ a social "or1er serves t!e a itional 'ur'ose of +c!an#in# t!e society, -Morales$ S!eafor$ Scott$ 2007/% 9lt!ou#! t!ere are a #ro"in# number of or#ani*ations ? #overnment an ot!er"ise ? t!at are evotin# researc! fun in# to t!is to'ic$ social "or1ers are traine to be action&oriente in ac!ievin# c!an#e in society to assist vulnerable 'o'ulations: t!ey are not merely oin# t!e researc! for results<confirmation sa1e% Social "or1ers are able to create iscussion in society t!at "ill !ave t!e 'ossibility to lea to 'olicy<la" creation an c!an#e% T!e Worl Healt! )r#ani*ation$ in t!eir 'ublication +T!e Soli >acts, about 'alliative care$ mentions multi'le areas of nee $ suc! as cultural sensitivity$ reac!in# economically re'resse 'o'ulations$ an trainin# +across all settin#s, -Worl Healt! )r#ani*ation$ 200./% Social "or1ers are a e't at "or1in# "it! culturally iverse 'o'ulations "!ic! allo"s t!em to

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!el' !ealt!care teams to cater to 'atients2 s'ecific nee s "it!out interferin# "it! t!eir cultural beliefs an values% In a ition to "or1in# "it! culturally iverse 'o'ulations$ social "or1ers are also familiar "it! assistin# economically&c!allen#e in ivi uals an families "!o may not 1no" 'alliative care services are available to t!em$ or o not 1no" !o" to #o about obtainin# t!em% Currently$ Me icare an most insurance com'anies cover 'alliative care costs -Palliative Care$ 2010/: !o"ever$ financially&straine families may nee a itional assistance for t!in#s suc! as funeral costs an ealin# "it! loss of income "!en a family member 'asses a"ay% T!e State of

@e" Aor1 recently enacte a bill calle t!e @e" Aor1 Palliative Care Information 9ct "!ic! re(uires '!ysicians to tell t!eir terminally ill 'atients about 'alliative care o'tions -8ro y$ 2010/% W!ile t!e la" is an im'ortant ste' to 'alliative care bein# more "i ely iscusse an available$ t!e article mentions t!e same nee for trainin# t!at t!e Worl Healt! )r#ani*ation i entifie % Social "or1ers !ave an et!ical obli#ation to obtain suc! trainin# an 1no"le #e if t!ey are #oin# to "or1 in suc! a settin#$ an t!ey coul !el' an encoura#e ot!ers in t!e !ealt!care "orl to obtain suc! trainin#% Social "or1ers$ by necessity t!rou#! t!eir 'rofession$ !ave e ucation an trainin# in "or1in# "it! iverse 'o'ulations on an in ivi ual$ family$ community$ an 'olicy&ma1in# level: t!erefore$ t!ey !ol a uni(ue an im'ortant 'osition "it!in t!is #ro"in#$ s'eciali*e fiel % T!e @ational 9ssociation of Social Wor1ers !as 'ublis!e Stan ar s for Palliative an 4n &of&Bife Care as a #ui e for social "or1ers "it!in t!is fiel % 4ac! stan ar liste $ "!ile tailore to s!o" its relations!i' to 'alliative an en &of&life care$ encom'asses all facets e='ecte of a social "or1er in t!eir c!osen fiel % To'ics suc! as et!ics$ 1no"le #e$ assessment$ treatment 'lannin#$ em'o"erment$ team"or1$ cultural com'etence$ lea ers!i'$ an trainin# are all "it!in t!e realm of social "or1ers vast s1ill&set% T!rou#! t!is broa sco'e of stan ar s$ social "or1ers are able to

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ste' into t!eir role "it!in a 'alliative care settin# to assist clients -in ivi uals an <or t!eir families/ an ot!er !ealt!care 'ractitioners$ "it! a variety of issues in "!ic! t!ey are "ell& verse %

Isom 5

Wor1s Cite 8eresfor $ P%$ 9 s!ea $ B%$ C Croft$ S% -2007/% Palliative care, social work and service users: Making life possible% Bon on: P!ila el'!iaD 3essica Ein#sley Publis!ers% 8ro y$ 3ane% -2010$ 9u#ust 23/% >ran1 Tal1 9bout Care at Bife2s 4n % The New York Times. Retrieve from !tt'D<<"""%nytimes%com<2010<0F<2.<!ealt!<2.bro %!tmlG HrI1CrefI eat!an yin#

Histor of Hospice !are% -2010$ 3anuary 25/% Retrieve )ctober 12$ 2010 from T!e @ational Hos'ice an Palliative Care )r#ani*ation WebsiteD !tt'D<<"""%n!'co%or#<i.a<'a#es<in e=%cfmG'a#ei I32FJ Morales$ 9%$ S!eafor$ 8% W%$ C Scott$ M% 4% -2007/% "ocial work: # profession of man faces -11t! e %/% 8oston$ M9D Pearson 9llyn an 8acon% @ational 9ssociation of Social Wor1ers% -200./% N#"$ "tandards for Palliative and %nd of &ife !are. Was!in#ton$ DC% Palliative Care% -200F/% In %nc clopedia of "ocial $ork. Retrieve )ctober 12$ 2010$ from !tt'D<<"""%o=for &nas"social"or1%com Palliative !are% -2010$ May 1J/% Retrieve )ctober 12$ 2010 from 0niversity Healt! Care System WebsiteD 'niversit Health !are " stem% !tt'D<<"""%university!ealt!%or#<bo y%cfmG i I35265 $hat (s Hospice )#bout Hospice*. -n% %/ Retrieve )ctober 12$ 2010 from Hos'ice >oun ation of 9merica WebsiteD !tt'D<<"""%!os'icefoun ation%or#<'a#es<'a#e%as'G'a#eHi I.70JJ Worl Healt! )r#ani*ation% -200./% The "olid +acts: Palliative !are. Co'en!a#en$ Denmar1%

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