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Otot Rangka (skelet) Otot Jantung Otot Polos

Otot Rangka
Long cylindrical cells Many nuclei per cell Striated Voluntary Rapid contractions

Cardiac Muscle
Branching cells One or two nuclei per cell Striated Involuntary Medium speed contractions

Smooth Muscle
Fusiform cells One nucleus per cell Nonstriated Involuntary Slow, wave-like contractions

Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle

Z line

Z line

H Band

Sarcomere Relaxed

Sarcomere Partially Contracted

Sarcomere Completely Contracted

Binding Site




Neuromuscular Junction

Acetylcholine Opens Na+ Channel

Kontraksi Otot
Impuls saraf Myoneural Junction Motor neuron Asetilkolin

Reseptor + Ach Na masuk sel Na Potensial Aksi (Sarkolemma)

Potensial Aksi Tubula T

Retikulum Sarkoplasma Ca
Ca + Troponin Tropomyosin complex Binding sites filamen aktin exposed

Binding sites + Myosin head Kontraksi ATP Myosin head Kontak lainnya Potensial aksi terhenti Otot relaksasi

Motor Unit
All the muscle cells controlled by one nerve cell

Motor Unit Ratios

Back muscles

Finger muscles

Eye muscles


Molecule capable of storing ATP energy Creatine + ATP Creatine phosphate + ADP

Creatine Phosphate
Molecule with stored ATP energy Creatine phosphate + ADP Creatine + ATP

Kelelahan Otot
Kekurangan Oksigen defisit ATP Pernapasan anaerobik penumpukan asam laktat

Atrofi Otot
Otot lemah & mengecil Penyebab :
Immobilisasi Hilangnya stimulasi saraf

Hipertrofi Otot
Pembesaran otot Kapiler Mitokondria Penyebab :
Latihan beban Hormon steroid stimulasi muscle growth & hypertrophy

Muscle Tonus
Tightness of a muscle Some fibers always contracted

Sustained contraction of a muscle Result of a rapid succession of nerve impulses


Refractory Period
Brief period of time in which muscle cells will not respond to a stimulus


Refractory Periods

Skeletal Muscle

Cardiac Muscle

Isometric Contraction
Produces no movement Used in
Standing Sitting Posture

Isotonic Contraction
Produces movement Used in
Walking Moving any part of the body

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