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Katie Rose
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
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Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
The brilliant white snow stands out on the
tips of the mountains; making it seem like the
mountains have pointed hats. The sky, a vivid
light blue, is almost cloudless. The trees here
are found only in bunches, so close to each
other, it looks like they are huddling from the
cold. The tall, yellow dry grass waves in unison
at the base of the mountain. The sweet smell of
pine oats around me. The crisp, clean air is eve-
rywhere, surrounding me like a swarm of bees.
The sour smells of animal carcasses ruin the
sweetness and freshness.
I feel the course tree bark under my hand,
giving me splinters that last for weeks in my
skin. On the bark, the pine needles poke my
hands like hundreds of tiny swords. Only the
warm animal hide is protecting me from the
hazards of frostbite and hypothermia. The only
bearable liquid here is water. It rushes down
your throat like a river in winter, one that is fast
and seems to never end. The fresh meat taken
from an animal, and cooked over a small re, is
still warm, waking my taste buds up from the
harsh, cold day. I hear the cries of animals, echo-
ing through the mountains. The freezing snow
crunches beneath the feet of animals and peo-
ple alike. In the distance, the loud, crashing
sound of a tree being cut down to make a home
is heard throughout the land. Although it is
hard to survive here, everyone does his best.
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
I will insert a quote on environmental modications here and include a screen shot (above) from
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
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The fiist step in builuing a successful civiliza-
tion is to secuie basic human neeus such as
foou anu watei. Bue to its geogiaphy, the majoi
challenges the civilization of Ceiemontoiot
faces in achieving a basic foou anu watei sup-
ply incluue the following:
Figure 1.1
insert caption later
Human Changes to the Land
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
1. Bigh Altituue Nountains aie a uifficult
place to builu a civilization. Fiist of all, the lanu
is oveilaiu with mountains, which leaves veiy
little faiming space. The only flat lanu is cov-
eieu with uiy giass. To make faiming space in
the flat lanu, we woulu have to buin the giass.
If we uo this, the soil will tuin veiy pooi anu it
will be teiiible foi faiming. If we weie to hunt
foi animals, some of the laigei uangeious ani-
mals might fight back, anu people coulu get in-
juieu oi killeu if they get too close. If we pick
too many beiiies that have giown natuially
theie, oi kill too many animals, theie woulu be
a scaice amount of foou foi the people in Ceie-
montoiot. If this happens, my civilization will
ciumble, anu it will not be like it once was.
2. Anothei pioblem in maintaining a success-
ful civilization in Bigh Altituue Nountains is
getting the snow fiom the tops of the moun-
tains to oui society. If no canal oi aqueuuct
weie built, the people of Ceiemontoiot
woulu have to make a veiy exhausting anu
uangeious mission to the tops of the moun-
tains. In the summei, all of the watei will
melt. The watei on the mountains will iace
uown the steep slopes anu will eithei floou
oui city. 0i, as the watei comes uown, it
might soak into the mountains, leaving noth-
ing behinu foi Ceiemontoiot. So, we woulu
have no watei anu this can cause my civiliza-
tion to cease.
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
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To be able to builu a civilization, you neeu to
mouify the aiea. Nouification is when a peison
changes the enviionment to fit his oi hei own
neeus. Foi example, if you builu uam to stop the
melting watei, you aie mouifying the aiea to fit
youi iequiiements. This is impoitant because it
makes living easiei in any place you want to stait
a big civilization. It helps us suivive in any conui-
}ust like the ancient uieeks, we aie going to
builu eaith steps into the mountains to cieate
moie flat lanu foi faiming (Fiey 249). We will con-
stiuct bow anu aiiows anu speais to kill animals
fiom a uistance. These weapons will be maue
fiom woou, shaipeneu stone, anu maybe an ani-
mal bone. So we uon't iun out of foou, people can
only kill a ceitain amount of animals anu pick a
ceitain amount of beiiies. "Insteau of cattle,
which neeus a lot of flat lanu foi giazing, they
|the ancient uieeksj iaiseu sheep anu goats,
which can giaze on the siue of mountains." (Fiey
249) We plan to uo the same thing. These animals
can give us foou, such as cheese, milk, yoguit, anu
meat. The sheep can give us wool foi clothing.
To get the watei fiom the tops of the moun-
tains to Ceiemontoiot, we will builu aqueuucts
anu canals. The watei will tiavel uown to the
houses anu faiming iegions. The ancient Sumeii-
ans built uams to block watei anu foice it to col-
lect in pools, (Fiey S6) anu we plan to uo this too.
The watei with gathei in tains to cieate a fiesh
watei ieseivoii we can use uuiing the summei.
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Add a picture and caption later QUOTE
Law & Government
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Part I - Lessons on Democracy
The Spartans may have been cruel, but when
it came time for government, they were at
the top. They had an oligarchy, and the Coun-
cil of Elders debated on laws. The Council of
Elders was a group of two kings and twenty-
eight men. The kings inherited their throne
Figure 2.1
Add caption later
Maintaining Civil Order
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
and shared equal power, while the Assembly
elected the twenty-eight men. The Council of
Elders prepared laws to be voted on and had
the power to overthrow any law the Assem-
bly. I might use this way of government to
run my civilization because one person
doesnt rule all, and the bad or unfair laws
can be shot down by a trusted group of peo-
The Athenians ended up as a direct de-
mocracy. Everyone could vote and all citizens
could think of laws to be voted on. Although
this may seem great, there are some setbacks.
Laws and be changed or removed after just a
couple of weeks. Also, women couldnt vote.
A huge number of the population was the
women. So Athens is not basing laws on the
voices of the people, it was just listening to
the male citizens. If I were to make my civili-
zation a democracy, I would make it so
women, slaves, and men could all vote. This
way all the laws would be voted on equally
and laws would be determined on the voices
of the people.
Rome ended up as a republic. At rst, the
Plebeians had very little political rights and
the Patricians had a whole lot of rights. After
many years of complaining, Plebeians gained
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
many rights and life in Rome became fair at
last. The Senate, a group of 300 men, and the
Tribunes of the Plebs, 10 Plebeian men who
spoke for the Plebeians and their interests in
the Senate, determined laws in Rome. I dont
think Ill use this type of government in Cere-
montorot. Not enough people from the lower
class citizens have a say in what laws are go-
ing to be made. I want my civilization to have
laws that are made from the voices of all the
Part II - Code of Law
Although my civilization is thriving,
many threats are starting to cause the col-
lapse of Ceremontorot. Weapons are not be-
ing used for animals, but for people. The
population used to be perfect, but now, it is
dropping way too fast. We need these laws to
ensure that all citizens of my civilization are
safe. If they are harmed, the people who
harm others have to face big punishments.
Every civilization needs laws to keep order,
and to keep people safe.
I. Only those who are educated may have a
high pay job or government position.
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
If one lies and takes a job in government or a
job with a high pay, then one shall be
stripped of ones job and must take a lower
job. I think this law is important because with-
out it, people who dont have the knowledge
to work with the government, work in the
II. All those who have committed a crime
will be subject to trial and a ne if necessary.
If they dont go to trial, then they have 30
days to attend. If they dont come, they are
called guilty and must face the nes. I need
this law because if there was no punishment
against crimes, people could do whatever
they want, when they want, because they
wouldnt have to face punishment. Some of
my best laws are about equality.
III. Both the rich and the poor have a say
in government and laws.
If one denies this and does not let the poor at-
tend, one must be ned immediately.
IV. Both the rich and the poor are eligible
for jobs.
If the boss does not let the poor work for him,
he will be stripped of his title and will work
for others.
V. Both men and women have equal rights.
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
If a man does not let a women do anything of
some sort, he will have to pay a small ne.
These last couple laws seem really good to
me. In most ancient civilizations, women and
the poor had very little rights. These laws al-
low women and the poor to have equal rights
and feel like citizens.
With these laws, no one will get harmed.
Ceremontorot will remain in order, and noth-
ing will get too chaotic. I do not want my civi-
lization to be like Hammurabis Code. These
laws were all about revenge. An eye for an
eye; a tooth for a tooth. Hammurabis Code
was very harsh. If you accidentally kill some-
one by trying to save his or her life in surgery,
then you would die. The Twelve Tables were
about keeping order and letting the bour-
geois have more rights. This is how I want
my civilization to be. All citizens will have
equal rights and my laws will keep Ceremon-
torot in order.
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Part III - Political Leadership Lessons from
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was a great ruler and my
civilization of Ceremontorot can learn many
things from him. Julius Caesar was named
dictator for ten years after his victory at the
battle of Pompeii. However, he died in the
rst year of his reign. While he was dictator,
he provided many things for the poor. To
keep the poor happy, he staged gladiator con-
tests they could watch for free. (Julius Cae-
sars Rule as Dictator) He provided jobs for
the poor by limiting the number of slaves es-
tates could employ. He gave work to thou-
sands of Romans by starting projects to make
new roads and public buildings. (Julius
Caesars Rule as Dictator) Julius reduced the
taxes and when tax collections can around, he
made them fairer.
Although Julius made the poor very
happy, the wealthy were not happy with the
results. They had to pay their workers be-
cause of the reducing of slaves. Without the
poor putting in loads of taxes, they werent
getting as much money. The aristocrats of
Rome and many senators feared that if Cae-
sars power continued, the republican govern-
ment would never be restored and Caesar
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
would hand down his leadership to an heir.
(Julius Caesars Rule as Dictator) This
caused the wealthy to rebel. They killed Cae-
sar and the Republican government re-
The main thing to learn from Julius Caesar is
to keep the poor and the wealthy happy. Ju-
lius kept the poor very happy, but failed with
the wealthy. This is what killed him. In Cere-
montorot, I plan on making it so that the poor
stay happy, and wealthy content. I will do
this by reducing taxes, and using a portion of
the civilizations money to help pay for some
of the slaves. This will keep both the poor
and rich happy with their lives.
Rose, Kaitlyn Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:03 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51

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