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Design Process alignment Levi Villarreal 12/3/13 A2 The design process is a twelve step plan that aids engineers

when designing a solution to a problem. will be showing how each part o! the design process relates to a step we too" in the cube pro#ect. Throughout the pro#ect$ we care!ull% did each step$ until we graduall% !inished the !inal pro#ect. 1. Define the Problem- n this speci!ic pro#ect$ we were given a design brie!$ which gave us a !ictional %et realistic problem. The problem was that a local o!!ice !urniture compan% was wasting mone% b% throwing out & in. wooden cubes$ so to counter that$ we were to create a des"top novelt% item. 2. Brainstorming- 'or this part o! the design process$ we generated concepts in our head$ (uic"l% s"etching them i! we had good ideas. considered how the pieces would interloc" how the% would loo"$ etc. 3. Research and Generate Ideas- )hile in the process o! thin"ing o! how to ma"e our cube$ we loo"ed at past pro#ects to give us ideas o! how we might want to tr% and ma"e our own cube. also tal"ed with others that had done the pro#ect be!ore !or help and advice. *. Identify Criteria and Specific Constraints- )hen s"etching our cubes in our engineering #ournal$ we needed to !ollow criteria and constraints. )e had constraints and criteria such as the pu++le must have !ive pieces$ no two pu++le pieces can be the same$ pieces need to interloc" well$ etc.. ,. Explore Possibilities- )hile we were deciding on the best cube to ma"e$ we drew isometric la%ers !or two di!!erent cubes$ loo"ing at which would be better suited to our purposes. )e also did an obli(ue s"etch !or each o! the cubes. -. Select an Approach- A!ter we had planned our two cube options$ we made a decision matri. to help us decide the cube we would eventuall% use. used criteria such as which is the hardest to assemble$ which has the most variet% o! shapes$ etc.. /. De elop a Design Proposal- n our #ournals$ and on Autodes" nventor$ we created/s"etched our parts as well as creating multi0views. This would be the proposal !or our !inal cube design. 1. !a"e a !odel or Prototype- 2sing plastic cubes$ we created a model that was similar to our !inal design that we used !or testing and to help us with other stages o! the pro#ect. Also$ we created our !inal cube model on Autodes" nventor. 3. #est and E al$ate the Design $sing Specifications- 4n a computer so!tware$ "nown as Autodes" nventor Pro!essional 2513$ we made each piece o! our cube$ dimensioned multi0 views !or each piece$ and a !inished assembl% !ile. )e made these 3d models using e.act dimensions a speci!ications given to us. 15. Refine the Designs- A!ter we had created our di!!erent parts o! the pro#ects$ we had our peers as well as our teachers chec" our progress and give us !eedbac". ! we received negative

!eedbac"$ we changed it to improve our design. 11. Create or ma"e Sol$tion- A!ter ma"ing our drawings and nventor !iles$ we made a wooden cube !or our completed pro#ect. )e glued$ sanded and painted wooden bloc"s to ma"e this cube. 12. Comm$nicate Processes and Res$lts- A!ter had completel% completed m% pro#ect$ too" man% pictures o! the di!!erent steps that we too". then posted them on m% online port!olio to communicate m% wor" to others.

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