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, (lfa) ------>a in father

, (vta) ------> v in vote

, (gma) -------> w in water
, (dlta) -------> th in there
, (psilon) -------> e in elegant
, (zta) ------> z in zoo
, (ta) ------> i in meet
, (thta) ------> th in theatre
, (yita) ------> i in meet
, (kpa) ------> k in cat
, (lmda) ------> l in lamp
, (mi) ------> m in mistake
, (ni) ------> n in not
, (ksi) ------> ks (x) in taxi
, (mikron) ------> o in decoration
, (pi) ------> p in parrot
, (ro) ------> r in rare but a little bit heavier cause english -r is kind of soft
, (sgma) ------> s in soft
, (tf) -------> t in teeth
, (psilon) ------> We prononce it like i in meet
, (fi) ------> f in fake
, (hi) ------> h in hat
, (psi) ------> ps in lips
, (omga) ------> o in decoration
------> g in game
------> It's the same with the
------> b in big
------> d in dog
------> g in gender
------> ch in chair but more clear and soft than the english one

e in elegant
i in meet
i in meet
i in meet

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