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Archive of the diagrams published for solvers on the site from 11.01.

M.Havel, 1954

1...Bb2 2.Ne8
1...Re4 2.Qe4
1...Rf4 2.Ke7
1...Kf4 2.Nf7
P.Arestov, original

1.Rf8!! [Thematic try: 1.e8Q+? Kxe8 2.Rxf5 Ke7!! zz, wtm 3.Ka7 Kd6! zz, wtm 4.Ka6 Kc5 zz, wtm 5.Ka7 Kd4!
6.d6 Ke3! 7.d7 Rd2 8.Rf7 Rxd7++; 1.Rxf5? Kxe7! zz, wtm 2.Ka7 Kd6 zz, wtm 3.Ka8 Kc5 zz, wtm 4.Ka7 Kd4!
5.d6 Ke3 6.d7 Rd2 7.Re5+ Kf3 8.Rf5+ Ke2 9.Re5+ Kd1 10.Rf5 Rxd7++] 1...Kxe7 2.Rxf5 zz, btm 2...Kd7 3.Rf6!
Kc7 4.Rc6+! Kd8 5.Rf6 Ke7 6.Rf5! zz, btm 6...Kd6 7.Ka7! zz, btm 7...Kc5 8.Ka8!! [8.Ka6? Kd4 9.d6 Ke3 10.d7
Rd2 11.Re5+ Kf4 12.Re7 f1Q++] 8...Kd6 9.Ka7 positional draw
M.Garcia, 1994


1...,Kf3; 2) 0-0,Kg4; 3) Rf4++; If 2),Ke2; 3.Nf4++ ; If 2,Ke4; 3.Nc5++
1...,Kd3; 2) 0-0-0,Kc4; 3) Qa4;++ If 2),Ke2; 3)Nd4++; If 2,Ke4; 3)Ng5++
1...,Re6; 2) Qe6,Kf3; 3) Qd5++; If 2,Kd3; 3.Nb4++

1...,g5; 2) Ke2, Re6; 3) Qe6++

1...,R~; 2) Ng5/c5,Kf3/d3; 3) Qe4++
I.Akobia, 2005

BTM, draw
1...Kg3 2.Rh1! [Thematic try 2.Ra2? h2 3.Ra1 Re4!! 4.Kg7 Rg4+ 5.Kh8 Rh4+] 2...Kg2 [2...Re4 3.Rg1+!=] 3.Ra1!!
[Thematic try 3.Rb1? h2 4.Kg7 Rg3+ 5.Kh8 Rh3 6.Rb2+ Kf1 7.Rb1+ Ke2 8.Rb2+ Kd1 9.Rb1+ Kd2! 10.Rh1 Ke2 11.Kg7
Kf2 12.h8Q Rxh8 13.Kxh8 Kg2+] 3...h2 4.Kg7 (Kg8) 4...Rg3+ 5.Kh8! Re3 [5...Rh3 6.Ra2+ and main line; 5...Ra3 6.Rxa3
h1Q 7.Kg7=] 6.Kg7 (Kg8) 6...Rg3+ 7.Kh8 Rh3 8.Ra2+ Kf1 9.Ra1+ Ke2 10.Ra2+ Kd1 11.Ra1+ Kd2 12.Ra2+ perpetual
check, or 12...Kc1 13.Ra1+ Kb2 14.Rh1 Kc2 15.Kg7 /Kg8 and bK to far. Draw
M.Wrobel, 1947

1...Bb6, Bc5, Bd4
2.Rb8, Re5, Re4
I.Akobia, 2010

1.Nb3+ Kb4 2.Nd2 Kc3 3.Nb1+ Kd3 4.Bf5+ Ke3 5.Bg1+ Ke2 6.Bxh3 [6.Be6? Kf1! 7.Bxd4 h2 8.Bc4+ Re2=] 6...d3
7.Nc3+ Ke1 8.Kb1! Ra8 9.Bh2! [try 9.Be3!? d2 10.Kc2 Ra2+ 11.Kd3 d1Q+ 12.Nxd1 Kxd1 13.Bg4+ Ke1=; try 9.Ne4!? Re8
10.Bf2+ Ke2 11.Bg4+ Kf1 12.Bh3+ Ke2 positional draw] 9...Rh8 10.Bg3+ Kd2 11.Bf4+! Kxc3 12.Be5++

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