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Rhetoric Culminating Activity (75 points)

Directions: Choose one of the following projects to complete for the summation of this unit.

1.) Presenting a Persuasive Speech Orally present a speech attempting to persuade your audience to take a stance or to adopt a certain belief. (Ex. Students should have to pay an extracurricular activity fee. OR All people should attend a four year college.) After deciding on a topic, an outline should be drawn up, following the format of essay writing discussed in class. You should use evidence and research to support your argument. Your speech must include 3 rhetorical devices, identified after the speech. You must record your speech in either iMovie or Garage Band and submit the final product to the Google drive. The length of the speech must be at least 2 minutes, not including the rhetorical device quotes at the end of the speech. You must also turn in the outline.

The project will be graded upon the following: ______ 2 minute speech recorded in either iMovie or Garage Band (30 points) ______ The use of 3 rhetorical devices, identified and quoted after the speech (21 points) ______ At least 3 examples of research or evidence to support your argument (15 points) ______ Outline of speech (9 points)

______ TOTAL (75 points)

2.) Analyzing a Historical Speech Write a 6 paragraph analysis paper on a historical speech, taken from www.americanrhetoric.com.top100speechesll.html. You will need to include the following paragraphs: introduction, historical background, summary of speech content, audience analysis, rhetorical devices used, and conclusion.

The project will be graded upon the following: ______ A speech from www.americanrhetoric.com.top100speechesll.html (5 points) ______ A complete introduction and a complete conclusion (20 points) ______ Paragraph analyzing the historical background (10 points) ______ Paragraph summarizing speech content (10 points) ______ Paragraph analyzing the audience of the speech (10 points) ______ Paragraph analyzing the rhetorical devices used in the speech (10 points) ______ Correct Spelling and Grammar (10 points)

_____ TOTAL (75 points)

3.) Creating an Advertisement Pick an item to create an advertisement for. Try to sell this product. The item must be school appropriate. You will need to design a poster on poster board, including both visuals and text. The advertisement needs to include the use of 3 rhetorical devices and appeal to a specific audience, both identified on the back of the poster. In order to pull your thoughts together, an outline will need to be submitted as well.

The project will be graded upon the following: ______ School appropriate item to be advertised (10 points) ______ Poster including both visuals and text (30 points) ______ 3 rhetorical devices, identified on the back of the poster (15 points) ______ Intended audience, identified on the back of the poster (10 points) ______ Outline of text (10 points)

______ TOTAL (75 points)

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