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References: Raven EL (2000). "Peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of ascorbate. Str ct ral! s"ectrosco"ic and #ec$anistic correlations in ascorbate "eroxidase". S bcell.

%ioc$e#.. S bcell lar %ioc$e#istry &': &()*+,. -./R/-0ER1S01-S 23 0.E PL/40 /S-2R%/0E PER2516/SE 3/71L8!9R/:84/ 6;%R2<S=/! /LE=S/46R/ =/0/! /44/ 92-! 7/96/LE4/ S>E-.8?S=/-.E%6/! /46 E680/ S=R>8PE=! /-0/ %12L291-/ -R/-2@1E4S1/ Series %otanica +,A(: )*()! 200) 718/=E -! and /S/6/ =. (,,B. 1nactivation #ec$anis# of ascorbate "eroxidase at loC concentrations of ascorbateD $ydroEen "eroxidase deco#"oses co#"o nd of ascorbate "eroxidase. Plant and -ell P$ysioloEy &): +2&*+&0. /sada! =. (2000). 0$e Cater-Cater cycle as alternative "$oton and electron sinFs. P$ilos. 0rans. R. Soc. Lond. % %iol. Sci. &''! (+(,*(+&(. 7ano! G.! 2$no! -.! 6o#ae! 8.! and /sada! =. (200(). -$loro"lastic ascorbate "eroxidase is t$e "ri#ary tarEet of #et$ylvioloEen-ind ced "$otooxidative stress in s"inac$ leaves: 1ts relevance to #onode$ydroascorbate radical detected Cit$ in vivo ESR. %ioc$i#. %io"$ys. /cta('0+! 2)'*2H). S$ol"an 6ayletova! L d#ila Riz$sFy! .onEiian LianE! >$onE S$enEEianE! 6avid I. 2liver! Gesse -o t ! @aldi#ir S$ laey! =aren Sc$la c$ and Ron 7ittler -ytosolic /scorbate Peroxidase ( is a central co#"onent of t$e Reactive 2xyEen 9ene 4etCorF of /rabido"sis. Plant -ell. 200' Gan aryD ()((): 2BH*2H(.

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