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Bill Kilpack Comm 1020 Jamie Armani

Bill Clinton as Public Speaker.

William Jefferson Clinton may be one of the reatest public speakin Presi!ent"s of all time. #e has mastere! the art of speech i$in an! chan e! the format for %hat an! ho% to i$e a phenomenal public speech. Politics or not& Clinton is someone that !eser$es to be stu!ie! because his public speakin techni'ues an! !eli$ery are amon the reatest of all time. Charisma an! e!ucation are key in re!ients to bein a reat speaker. Appearance an! authority contribute to the $isual of the speech. Capti$atin the au!ience is essential an! necessary in the o$erall !eli$ery an! reception of the topic. Accor!in to Sam #arrison& (astCompany.com) #is three most po%erful tools are as follo%s& 1. #e kno%s %hen to stop an! o. Clinton uses har!*stop pacin to a!! emphasis to lines like+ ,We-re oin to keep Presi!ent .bama on. the. /ob.0 an! ,Presi!ent .bama starte! %ith a much. Worse. economy.0 1n those moments& he s'uee2es e$ery %or! for ma3imum impact. An! Clinton has no fear of !ea! air& usin fre'uent pauses to arner attention an! ain !rama+ 45isten to me no%. 6pause7 8o presi!ent& 6pause7 not me& 6pause7 not any of my pre!ecessors& 6pause7 no one coul! ha$e fully repaire! all the !ama e94 2. #is

estures sink %ith his %or!s. Clinton-s best $isual ai!s are his han!s. #is arm mo$ements are open an! %i!e& relayin an ima e of accessibility an! authenticity. :o ui!e the au!ience-s emotion an! attention& he often e3ten!s his han!s %ith palms facin up or out+ ,5et me ask you somethin 6palms up790 or ,(olks& this is serious 6palms out790 #e-ll also o$erlap han!s in front of chest to reinforce intimate statements such as& ,:his is personal to me90As in earlier years& his in!e3 fin ers ser$e as tireless pointers& but he uses less of the short& /abbin motion familiar in the past. #e no% lets his in!e3 fin er flo% throu h the air& %ith an element of inclusion& as he says thin s like+ ,An! 1 hope you e$ery American remembers90 .r he-ll brin one in!e3 fin er !o%n%ar! as a lon & slo% !eclarati$e action %hen sayin ,9an! far more important& it passes the $alue test.0 ;. 1ts ho% he says it& as much as %hat he says. 1f you subscribe to Mehrabians formula of communications as <= $erbal& ;>= $ocal an! ??= $isual& then you-ll appreciate ho% Clinton uses facial e3pressions to put his %or!s on !isplay. #e offers a small& kno%in smile %hen sayin & ,an! that brin s me to health care90#e raises his chin in !efiance %hen sayin & ,let-s take a look at %hat-s actually happene! so far90 Clinton bites his bottom lip %ith frustration after statin & ,an! they refuse! to compromise90An! he s'uints his eyes %ith !etermination %hen !eli$erin lines like& ,!emocracy !oes not ha$e to be a bloo! sport90 1ts essential for any lea!er of a company an! in the case of Clinton& the 5ea!er of the free %orl! to ha$e sharp& e3cellent public speakin skills. :he skill an! mastery of public speakin can seal a Presi!ential can!i!ates fate. @epetition makes his speeches memorable. Clinton often use!

the pronouns ,%e&0 ,us0 an! ,y-all&0 an! the phrase ,my fello% Americans.0 :he lan ua e ma!e his messa e inclusi$e an! emphasi2e! partnership o$er partisanship. :he role of inclusi$e lan ua e is $ital %hen connectin %ith a public au!ience. Another successful

in re!ient for Clinton is The rule of Three. Writers often rely on the rule of three to a!! rhythm to their %ritin an! emphasi2e points they %ant to make. Clinton relie! on it se$eral times throu hout his speech. The power of One Wor!s hol! %ei ht %hen they stan! alone. :%o %or!s in particular stuck out !urin Clinton-s speech A ,2ero0 an! ,arithmetic.0 :hey %ere po%erful all on their o%n because Clinton pause! before sayin them& enunciate! them an! repeate! them. #umor& 1ts not easy to incorporate humor into %ritin . especially %hen talkin about hea$y sub/ects. But Clinton mana e! to et a fe% lau hs. :he /okes emphasi2e! his points& an! balance! the seriousness of his speech. Instructional language. Clinton often instructe! $ie%ers to listen to %hat he %as sayin . 1nstructional lan ua e is especially effecti$e on :B %hen people mi ht be !istracte! an! in lon er speeches because it helps re!irect our attention if it-s been !i$erte!. C3planatory lan ua e. 5ike oo! e3planatory /ournalism& Clinton-s speech ma!e complicate! sub/ect matters easy to un!erstan!. #e %as con$ersational %hen talkin about issues such as health care reform& an! use! the phrases ,here-s %hat it !oes0 an! ,here-s %hat really happene!.0

Duestions an! Ans%ers. Clinton !i!n"t /ust pose 'uestions ) he ans%ere! them. An! like a oo! /ournalist& he aske! a lot of ,%hy0 'uestions. #is ans%ers con$eye! confi!ence an! hope. :he en!. Stron %ritin ties to ether be innin s an! en!s. Clinton be an his speech %ith the refrain ,1 %ant.0 #e en!e! it %ith the same $erb& but place! the emphasis on the American people+ ,1f you %ant America...10 rhetorical strate ies that ma!e Bill Clinton-s E8C speech effecti$e by Fallory Jean :enoreG www.Poynter.com. Fost @epublicans %oul! a ree that Bill Clinton is a superb public speaker. Cssential to ettin the American people to listen an! feel like they can belie$e in their lea!er. Clinton"s speakin abilities helpe! him to %in the Presi!ential election for t%o terms an! e$en to!ay he is usin his brilliance in this public format to reach au!ience all across the country. Fy $ie% about Clinton is his charisma an! presence comman! the tele$ision screen. 8o% 1 reali2e the other elements an! styles of public speakin he is usin to reach that au!ience. #e is polishe!& confi!ent& an! persuasi$e. 1 a ree that he is one of the reatest speakers. 1 ha$e %atche! an! notice! other political fi ures attempt a similar format an! fail because they lacke! the charisma an! the presence of Bill Clinton. #e also usin the techni'ues note! here that persua!e the American au!ience. 1t is fascinatin ho% most people !o not reali2e the !etail an! styles that are use! to i$e a outstan!in speech. 1n stu!yin his style an! researchin his history as a speaker& 1 ha$e come to the conclusion as to ho% an! %hy former Presi!ent Clinton is still $ery rele$ant to!ay. We the people still

listen to his a!$ice an! follo% his a!monition. 1n conclusion 1 fin! it compellin ho% Clinton use! the tone of his $oice an! the rhythm of his speech an! the tone of his %or!s to con$ey his messa e to the au!ience. :he reason %hy 1 am takin this class is because 1 possess se$eral of these 'ualities an! it is effortless in my e$ery!ay life. Het as 1 stan! before a au!ience an! publicly speak those same 'ualities seem to !isappear completely. 1 am fascinate! by Presi!ent Clinton for his charisma an! ho% he can capti$ate his au!ience. C$en scan!al !i! not keep him !o%n. #is trans ression %hile in the White #ouse has almost been completely for otten an! for i$en because of ho% comman!in an! charmin he truly is to%ar! the public. #e e$en recently a!$ice! the @epublican Party to stop fi htin o$er .bama Care. #is style of public speakin ha$e been emulate!& an! !iscusse! in reat !etail. #e is a master of public speakin . 1 think 1 can master the art of public speakin in time. 1t %ill take buil!in confi!ence in the area. 1t %ill take practice an! /ust to rela3 an! be myself. 1 %ant to succee! so that nothin is lost in translation from the %ay 1 am in person one on one %ith others. Clinton is a class act in this area of public speakin . 1 belie$e anyone can master the art. :hou h 1 !o think it helps to ha$e natural charisma an! sta e presence. 1t is like anythin & once you put your min! to somethin you can fi ure out a %ay to succee! at it. 1 ha$e %atch se$eral Presi!ent"s speak an! 1 think Bill Clinton is the top of my list of the best. When you ha$e an important messa e to share it is hi hly important to learn an! be able to !eli$er that information

in a %ay that %ill lea$e your au!ience impacte! an! chan e! by your performance.


http+II%%%.fastcompany.comI;0010><I;*techni'ues*bill*clinton*uses*%o%*au!ience Sam #arrison. 10 rhetorical strate ies that ma!e Bill Clinton-s E8C speech effecti$e by Fallory Jean :enoreG %%%.Poynter.com

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