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Fall Spanish II Semester Speaking Exam 2013 Katy ISD

You will be asked to speak about one topic from Group A and one topic from Group B. You will be allowed to look at this paper as you speak, but will not be permitted to have any notes with you. This is 20% of your exam grade. Group A 1. Cmo eres t? Hola me llamo Ashwin Jaikishore. Soy de katy y tengo quince anos. Tengo pocos amigos porque soy reservada y no me hago muchas.Tengo mis cinco mejores amigos por seis aos. Estamos muy cerca porque nos reunimos mucho. Me gusta jugar videojuegos como Mario y yo gusta jugar al ajedrez con mis amigos.Tambien me gusta jugar al basketball y el futbol. 2. Cules son las reglas de la escuela? This could include (but is not limited to) discussion of things that should and should not be done at school, specific classroom rules, projects you do for teachers, materials you need, what to do if you dont understand something. 3. Cmo te preparas para un evento especial? This could include (but is not limited to) discussion of the type of clothes you wear (material, style, brand, color), how you get ready (using reflexive verbs), things you use to get ready (cologne, deodorant, make-up, etc.). Reflexive verbs are required in this prompt. Group B 4. Qu hiciste el fin de semana pasada? This could include (but is not limited to) discussion of where you went (multiple locations), what you did there, who went with you, chores you helped with around the house and around town. 5. Cundo fue la ltima vez que fuiste a un evento deportivo o viste un evento deportivo? This could include (but is not limited to) discussion of the sport you saw, important players in the game, the score, the winners, words such as championship, league, trainer.

6. Adnde fuiste la ltima vez que hiciste un viaje? This could include (but is not limited to) discussion of who planned the trip, how you got there, where you went, what you saw, what you did, who went with you, suitcases.

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