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Analyze the guiding principles and the five developmental domains related to the Wi Early Learning Standards Early

childhood years are filled with staggering growth and development. There are five main areas of development that occur all at the same time. First there is Cognitive development and cognitive skills are appropriate to the school situation, for they are concerned with knowing and thinking. Cognitive development focuses on how children learn and process information. It is the development of the thinking and organizing systems of the mind. It involves language, mental imagery, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and memory development. A child enters this world very poorly equipped. The knowledge a child needs to become an individual is not dormant, it is not lurking in them. Everything the child eventually knows, or can do, must be learned. This of course excludes natural body functions, such as breathing, as well as the reflexes, for example the involuntary closing of the eye when an object approaches it. Everything else however, must be learned. Remember cognitive development is not an automatic process. Example of toys would be: puzzles, blocks, pegs, etc. An estimated 6-10 percent of all children develop serious emotional or personality problems at some point. These problems tend to fall into two groups: those characterized by symptoms of extreme anxiety, withdrawal, and fearfulness, on the one hand, and by disobedience, aggression, and destruction of property on the other. Give your child the opportunity to interact with other children and adults in an active environment. Example: mirrors, active play-pretend play games, etc. Many definitions of language have been proposed. Henry Sweet, an English phonetician and language scholar, stated: Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sound combined into words. Words are combined into sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into thoughts. Literacy is key, engage your child in reading and conversations. Example: language video and books Fine motor skills can be defined as small muscle movements: those that occur in the finger, in coordination with the eyes. Teaching fine motor skills requires patience and understanding. Fine motor skills wont develop over-night, but with time and patience. All fine motor activities are built upon four important skills. They are: Grasping objects, reaching out to objects, releasing objects deliberately, and turning the wrist in various directions. The term skill denotes a movement that is reasonable complex and the execution of which requires at least a minimal amount of practice. Thus skill excludes reflux acts. One does not become skilled at sneezing or at blinking the eyes when an object approaches. Children benefit from activities that help achieve gross and fine motor control. The following are some activity ideas that can be used in the home or classroom environment. Puzzles with small pieces, peg board games, painting, drawing, cutting, stringing and lacing activities, buttons, snaps, typing, and other fasteners Gross Motor skills involve the larger muscles in the arms, legs and torso. Gross motor activities include walking, running, throwing, lifting, kicking, etc. These skills also relate to body awareness, reaction speed, balance and strength. Gross motor development gives your child the ability to move in a variety of ways, the ability to control their body and helps promote your childs self-esteem. Different gross motor activities make multiple demands beyond muscle movements. The following are some activity

ideas that can be used in the home or classroom environment. Walk on toes, heels, toes pointed in or out. Kickball, tetherball, balloon volleyball, basketball. Children exhibit a range of skills and competencies within any domain of development. Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards support the development of optimal learning experiences that can be adapted for individual developmental patterns. The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards reflect the belief that children should be provided with opportunities to explore and apply new skills through child-initiated and teacher-initiated activities, and through interactions with peers, adults and materials. Teachers and families can best guide learning by providing these opportunities in natural, authentic contexts. Positive relationships help children gain the benefits of instructional experiences and resources.

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