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TRdn ed PROGRESSIVE.” REHABILITATION — Personalized care. Exceptional results. — TEAM MEDICAL CARE POLICY Dear Parent, For injury care and medical counseling, all student athletes at RHS have available to them the services of our team certified athletic trainer. Your son / daughters trainer is: __Richie Poblacion, ATC, LAT __. Mr. Poblacion can be reached at Progressive Step Rehabilitation of Orange Park from 8:00 am — 5:00 pm at ( 904 ) 276-7881. In the event of an injury, our ATC will contact you to inform you of your chile’s status and give input regarding physician referral. Our team physisian is Dr. Michael Edwards, family practice physician. Your child's health and safety are cur primary coneer. if your insurance plan dictates a spectfic doctor whom you must visit other than our team physician, please contact your athetc trainer to coordinate mecial care and re-entry to athletic competition. In cases requiring physical therapy, our ATC at Progressive Step Rehabiitation of Orange Park can monitor rehabilitation and coordinate re-entry to athietic competition with our coaches. Please callvsit Progressive Step. Rehabiitations of Orange Park for a FREE evaluation at any time. They will assess the athletic and advise you conceming necessary care at no cost We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to working with your chld this season. Please call our ATC if you have any questions regarding your child's health. Sincerely, Medical and Coaching Staff age ae: 1580 Buses Cot Die Sue B (ange aks: 454 ann Saeed Suite ening ant 32003 range Pak FL 22073 (cal 90264-4004 «Fax 904-254-6005 (cal 904-276-7851 «Fox 904-276-7568

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