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Phase 1: Internal Changes Phase II: Denial Phase III: Avoidance and Defensiveness
1. Increased stress 1. Worry 1. Belief-I’ll never use again
2. Changes in thinking 2. Denial of worry 2. Worry about others, not self
3. Changes in feeling (euphoria/depression) 3. Defensiveness
4. Changes in behavior 4. Compulsiveness
5. Impulsiveness
6. Loneliness
Phase IV: Crisis Building Phase V: Immobilization Phase VI: Confusion and Overreaction
1. Tunnel vision 1. Daydreaming and wishful 1. Difficulty thinking clearly
2. Minor depression thinking 2. Difficulty managing emotions
3. Loss of constructive planning 2. Feeling overwhelmed 3. Difficulty remembering
4. Failure of plans 3. Immature wish to be happy 4. Periods of confusion
5. Difficulty in managing stress
6. Irritation with others
7. Easily angered
Phase VII: Depression Phase VIII: Behavioral loss of control Phase IX: Recognition of loss of control
1. Irregular eating habits 1. Irregular attendance at meetings 1. Difficulty with physical
2. Lack of desire to take action and treatment coordination and accidents
3. Difficulty sleeping restfully 2. I don’t care attitude 2. Self-pity
4. Loss of daily structure 3. Reject help 3. Thoughts of social use
5. Periods of deep depression 4. Dissatisfaction with life 4. Conscious lying
5. Complete loss of self-confidence
Phase X: Option reduction Phase XI: Alcohol and drug use
1. Unreasonable resentments 1. Attempting controlled use
2. Discontinue all treatment and 2. Disappointment, shame, guilt
meetings 3. Loss of control
3. Overwhelming loneliness, frustration, 4. Life and health problems
anger, and tension
4. Loss of behavioral control

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