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1 A B C D 2 A B C D 3 A B C D 4 A B C D ( A B C D & A B C D

Which of the following will increase the depth of field increase the shutter speed decrease the shutter speed increase the F number decrease the F number Which of the following will increase the field of view of a lens long focal length short focal length decrease the aperture increase the shutter speed Colours will disappear as light travels through seawater because of which of the following absorption scatter reflection refraction What would be the e pected voltage for a structure! which has sufficient protection if it is compared to an Ag"AgCl half#cell $%%mv to 11%%mv #&4%mv to '$%%mv #$%%mv to '11%%mv over '11%%mv Which of the following would be the e pected potential of a )inc anode when compared to a Ag"AgCl half#cell 1%%%mv to 1%(%mv $%%mv to 11%%mv #1%%%mv to '1%(%mv #11%%mv and above Who is responsible for ensuring that sufficient inspection is carried out on an offshore structure *lo+ds register of shipping the independent verification bod+ the dut+ holder none of the above

, A B C D $ A B C D / A B C D

When inspecting welds using close visual inspection how far either side of the weld must be cleaned to at least -A 2.( (%mm either side of the weld 1%%mm either side of the weld 2%%mm either side of the weld ,(mm either side of the weld When will the most comprehensive inspection be carried out on an offshore structure during fabrication post installation in service none of the above 0ow man+ groups does B-4// put metal and weld defects into 2 4 & $

1% What is the most common radiographic isotope used offshore toda+ for weld inspection A B C D caesium 13, iridium 1/2 plutonium radium 11 1f using radiograph+ offshore what will be the most important consideration A B C D cost li2el+ defects test procedures safet+ 12 What t+pe of defects will radiograph+ locate most effectivel+ A B C D surface brea2ing defects all sub surface defects volumetric defects planar defects

13 Which of the following would be described as a volumetric defect A B C D crac2s porosit+ lac2 of root fusion lamellar tearing 14 What is a planar defect A B C D a two dimensional defect a three dimensional defect a solid inclusion undercut 1( Which of the following would be termed a miscellaneous defect according to B-4// A B C D undercut lac2 of sidewall fusion lamellar tearing spatter 1& Which of the following would be the most li2el+ location for a fatigue defect in a offshore structure A B C D the weld cap the heat affected )one the root the toe 1, 1n the case of a 3(mm camera what does the 3(mm relate to A B C D the width of the film the diagonal of the film the length of the negative the width of the negative 1$ What is focal length A B C D the distance to the sub3ect the distance either side of the sub3ect which is opticall+ clear the length of the film the distance light travels from the front of the optics to the film plane 1/ Which of the following could be used as a sacrificial anode on a steel structure A B C D )inc aluminium less noble materials all of the above

2% Which terminal of the impressed current power suppl+ should be connected to the structure A B C D the negative the positive either neither 21 Which of the following is not a techni4ue which would normall+ be used to locate defects on a structure A B C D digital thic2ness meter ACF5 C6 meter radiograph+ 22 What is the ma3or limiting factor of a digital thic2ness meter A B C D it cannot be used on a steel structure it can onl+ read on thin steel it cannot read through paint coats it will onl+ show a distance to the ma3or reflector 23 Which of the following best describes the pie)o electric effect A B C D changes electricit+ into sound energ+ changes sound energ+ into electrical energ+ changes sound into light energ+ and vice versa both A and B 24 Which of the following techni4ues does a digital thic2ness meter use A B C D tandem probe double wall single image pulse echo none of the above 2( From the point of view of inspection on a offshore structure! which of the following would be considered to be the ma3or advantage of CC78 A B C D it will show sub surface defects it gives ver+ high resolution it gives real time pictures it can be used to si)e sub surface defects

2& What is the main advantage of photograph+ over CC78 A B C D it will show sub surface defects it gives ver+ high resolution it gives real time pictures it can be used to si)e sub surface defects 2, When carr+ing out a visual inspection which of the following would be described as gross structural damage A B C D a missing bolt from a riser clamp a small dent in a hori)ontal member blisters on a paint coating all of the above 2$ Which of the following is the most common radiographic source used for weld inspection offshore toda+ A B C D caesium 13, iridium 1/2 plutonium 9#ra+ 2/ 1n photograph+ how would the F number be wor2ed out for an+ given lens A B C D aperture divided b+ focal length focal length divided b+ the aperture diameter depth of field divided b+ the film si)e none of the above 3% What would a silver "silver chloride half#cell be used for A B C D ma2ing the tea measuring the thic2ness of a structure measuring the corrosion protection of a structure measuring the depth of a defect 31 Which of the following is the general definition of stress A B C D stress : stress : stress : load area area *oad weight 0eight

none of the above

32 Which of the following describes compressive stress A B C D load pulling on a member load twisting a member load pushing a member load being removed from the member 33 What is meant b+ a stopper hole or arrestor hole A B C D a hole drilled tat either ends of a crac2 to stop its propagation a hole which does not penetrate the member a hole with a rope stopper through it none of the above 34 What is meant b+ fatigue A B C D progressive overloading of a solid snatch load brea2ing a brace c+clic stress causing local hardening of the material loading be+ond the +ield stress 3( What is the underside of a concrete beam called A B C D the bottom the underside the invert the soffit 3& What name is given to the anchor point of a pre#stressed tendon used to reinforce a concrete structure A B C D cachetage point anchor point ducting point tremie tube 3, What is the main problem when using putt+ to ma2e a cast on an offshore structure A B C D obtaining the material the putt+ will dr+ out in water the cast will deform when removed and transported none of the above

3$ Which of the following could be used to assess the depth of a surface brea2ing defect in a steel structure A B C D D75 F5D 561 AC6D 3/ Which of the following best describes photogrammetr+ A B C D ta2ing photographs at intervals of lapsed time in order to assess changes in seabed conditions stereo photograph+ with computer assessment stereo photograph+ sub sea photograph+ 4% Which of the following cold be used to protect a steel structure against corrosion in the splash )one A B C D 0enderson rings cathodic protection anodic protection coatings 41 What occurs during the anodic reaction A B C D the atom gains an electron the atom loses electrons the atom becomes a negative ion none of the above 42 What is meant b+ a c+cle in ultrasonics A B C D one complete particle vibration one hert) the speed with which the sound travels in the material none of the above 43 What is meant b+ anaerobic corrosion A B C D corrosion with the aid of o +gen corrosion without o +gen corrosion inside a pipe corrosion in a droplet of water

44 Which of the following are factors affecting marine growth A B C D depth temperature water flow rate all of the above 4( What would be the ma3or effect of soft marine growth on a structure A B C D increasing the mass so reducing the natural fre4uenc+ decreasing the li2elihood of finding C81 defects increases the drag on the structure Bloc2s inta2es and outfalls 4& 1f the velocit+ of water flow were doubled how would the drag force be affected A B C D sta+ the same it will be doubled it will be trebled it will be four times increased 4, Which of the following t+pes of marine growth would be most affected b+ depths outside the photic )one A B C D plants soft growth animals hard growth 4$ how often should risers and conductors be inspected A B C D at least ever+ ( +ears post incident decided b+ the dut+ holder both B ; C 4/ Which of the following best describes a butt weld A B C D a weld in which the bul2 of the weld material lies outside the planes or thic2ness of the parent plate a weld in which the bul2 of the weld material lies within the planes or thic2ness of the parent plate a weld where the parent plates are brought together end to end a weld where the parent plates are 3oined with some overlap

(% Assuming access to both sides of the weld which of the following would never be found b+ a visual inspection A B C D lac2 of penetration in a single 8 butt weld lac2 of penetration in a double 8 butt weld surface brea2ing porosit+ undercut (1 When reporting a defect on a weld which of the following should be reported A B C D distance to datum length of the defect orientation of the defect relative to the weld all of the above (2 When diving on a structure which is protected b+ a platform based impressed current protection s+stem how should the s+stem be A B C D full+ active turned off locall+ isolated none of the above (3 A diver emplo+ed to carr+ out 561 must have which of the following certificates A B C D 3.1u 3.2u 3.3u 3.4u (4 0ow does a concrete structure protect its reinforcement cage A B C D concrete is waterproof paint coats anodic protection passivation (( Which of the following metals can be used as sacrificial anodes for the protection of a steel structure A B C D iron platinum magnesium all of the above

(& At what stage of the structures life will the most complete inspection be carried out


during fabrication post launch in service none of the above (, <nder current <= legislation who will be responsible for ensuring safe levels of inspection are carried out on a offshore structure


the certif+ing authorit+ the verification bod+ the 0-> the dut+ holder ($ What is meant b+ inherent defects


defects which the structure inherits from the welding defects which the structure inherits from the raw material defects which the structure will develop in service defects on an offshore structure (/ 1f a load is found to be pulling on a brace which of the following t+pes of stress will the brace be under


compressive shear tension all of the above &% Which of the following best describes drag


fluid flow attempting to move the ob3ect in the opposite direction to the flow fluid flow attempting to move the ob3ect in the same direction as the flow a tiring swim the structure being moved &1 What would happen if a structure were loaded be+ond the +ield stress


the structure would fail the structure would return to normal as soon as the load was relieved the structure would be unaffected the structure would become permanentl+ deformed

&2 Which of the following would +ou e pect to see if a structure has failed through ductile failure A large local deformation


no local deformation paint coat removal none of the above &3 What is meant b+ a 3arlan hole


a hole in the metal a hole through which a cable is passed a perforation in a brea2water wall the underside of a concrete beam &4 Which of the following will increase the rate of marine growth on a offshore structure


localised increases in pressure localised increases in temperature 0enderson rings wave action &( Which of the following is least detrimental to an offshore structure when it is being cleaned


needle gun h+draulic wire brush water 3et scrapper && According to 1-? $(%1#1 which of the following best describes cleaning to paint coat


-A1 -A2 -A2.( -A3 &, What is meant b+ scour


removal of paint coat removal of weld metal during defect e amination removal of marine growth removal of seabed

&$ 1f a blister is located on an offshore structures paint coat what should be done A B C D burst it and inspect underneath burst it and leave it burst it and repaint leave it alone

&/ Which of the following could be the effects of debris A B C D impact damage galvanic corrosion overloading of the cathodic protection s+stem of the structure all of the above ,% What is meant b+ the term soffit when applied to concrete inspection A B C D the top of the beam the underside of the beam the side of the beam none of the above ,1 0ow man+ defect t+pes are there in concrete inspection A B C D 2 4 & $ ,2 0ow does concrete protect the reinforcement cage against corrosion A B C D cathodic protection anodic protection paint coats passivation ,3 1f the term soldier is applied during concrete inspection which of the following would best describe the feature A B C D a shutter a tie rod a shutter support reinforcement

,4 When inspecting concrete which of the following would be described as a blemish A B C D construction 3oint hone+combing cast in soc2et water 3et damage

,( What is meant b+ a cachetage point A B C D an anchor point of a pre#stressed tendon an anchor point of re#bar an anchor point of the structure an+ of the above ,& Which of the following best describes a fillet weld A B C D a weld where the bul2 of the weld metal lies within the planes or thic2ness of the parent plates a weld where the bul2 of the weld metal lies outside the planes or thic2ness of the parent plates a weld which is onl+ welded from one side a weld which is not completed ,, What is meant b+ a volumetric defect A B C D a defect which has no volume a defect which has large surface area but low volume a defect which has large volume for a relativel+ low surface area a defect which is on the surface of the weld ,$ 0ow man+ defects does B-4// group metal and weld defects into A B C D 2 4 & $

,/ Which of the following is classed as a cavit+ during weld inspection A B C D copper inclusion porosit+ tungsten inclusion laminations

$% Which of the following can detect surface brea2ing defects through non#conductive coatings A B C D AC6D digital thic2ness meter F5D electro magnetic detection techni4ues

$1 Which of the following will not be used in defect location during an offshore inspection program A B C D C6 meter 561 D75 visual inspection $2 Which of the following best describes the reason for filling out photo log sheets during photographic inspection A B C D to allow the photo tech to assess the film properl+ to record basic details as to the frame e posure sub3ect etc to send to the compan+ rep to help in engineering assessment $3 What is meant b+ brac2eting the e posure during photograph+ A B C D setting the correct e posure first time using the camera on auto mode ta2ing three pictures var+ing the e posure to ensure the correct result mar2ing the e posure down on the photo log and putting it in brac2ets $4 1f there is a need to increase the depth of field which of the following should be done A B C D increase the F number decrease the F number change the film increase the strobe output $( When using close up prods for an @D7 inspection which of the following should be done A B C D bisect the angle between the components include a scale ensure the inspection site is properl+ lit all of the above

$& Which of the following best describes film speed A B C D the speed with which the film can be advanced the length of time a film is e posed a numerical value relating to the sensitivit+ of the film none of the above $, What is bac2scatter


light reflected bac2 from suspended particles in the water light reflected bac2 from the sub3ect light not received at the camera light sent out from the strobe $$ What is the photosensitive part of a colour negative photographic emulsion


silver"silver chlorides silver halide cr+stals silver bromide cr+stals iridium 1/2 $/ Which of the following is the main advantage of an -17 video camera


it produces high 4ualit+ colour pictures it is ver+ robust it is ver+ small it wor2s in ver+ low light conditions /% When starting a CC78 inspection what should be done


a video log should be completed an introduction should be completed the camera should be centred properl+ all of the above /1 What is the significance of the order of materials in the galvanic series


an+ metal less noble will be protected b+ the more noble an+ metal less noble will become the cathode when connected electricall+ to a more noble metal an+ metal less noble will become the anode when connected electricall+ to a more noble metal none of the above /2 What does a C6 meter actuall+ measure


protection levels on all structures potential differences time and therefore distance wall thic2ness /3 What is galvanic corrosion


dissimilar metal corrosion crevice corrosion biological corrosion overloading of the protection s+stem

/4 Which of the following metals would normall+ be used for an impressed current au iliar+ node A B C D magnesium )inc aluminium platinum /( Which terminal of the impressed current protection power suppl+ would be connected to the au iliar+ node A B C D the positive the negative either both /& What would be the e pected reading for an Ag"AgCl half cell on an unprotected structure A B C D ((%mv ' &4%mv $%%mv ' 1%%%mv #((%mv # #&4%mv #$%%mv # #1%%%mv /, What reading would +ou e pect to see on a bath+corrometer when applied to an over protected structure A B C D #$%%mv #/%%mv #1%(%mv #11%%mv /$ Which of the following best describes the pie)o electric effect A B C D // a material which possesses this propert+ will when sub3ected to a mechanical vibration produce an electrical signal a material which possesses this propert+ will when sub3ected to a electrical signal produce an mechanical vibration a material which possesses this propert+ will when sub3ected to a electrical signal produce an mechanical vibration and vice versa none of the above Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using sacrificial s+stems of protection compared to an impressed current s+stem on offshore structures


With the aid of s2etches show a fillet welded 7 3oint with an included angle of 4(A and indicate on the drawing the followingB heat affected )one! throat thic2ness! cap! toe and leg length.


With the aid of s2etches show a butt#welded 3oint and indicate the followingB e cess weld metal! effective throat thic2ness! the weld )one! fusion )one and the root


Describe a complete procedure for the visual inspection of a submerged weld on an offshore structure


Discuss the factors affecting depth of field in an underwater photograph


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods which could be used to record the results of an underwater inspection


Discuss with the aid of s2etches where necessar+ the methods of protection against corrosion which can be used effectivel+ below the waterline of a steel structure


Discuss with the aid of s2etches where necessar+ the methods of protection against corrosion which can be used effectivel+ on the waterline of a steel conductor or riser


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of 561 over ACF5


Draw a bo diagram of a ultrasonic thic2ness meter


Discuss the methods of corrosion protection monitoring available offshore


With the aid of s2etches describe fre4uenc+ and indicate the followingB a c+cle! wavelength! high fre4uenc+ waves and low fre4uenc+ waves


-how with the aid of s2etches the parallel closed loop method used in 561 showing right hand rule and the flow of magnetism


-how with the aid of s2etches the flu lines of a bar and a horseshoe magnet


-how with the aid of s2etches the pie)o electric effect


Discuss with the aid of diagrams bac2scatter in photograph+


-how with the aid of s2etches compressive! tensile! shear stress on a member

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