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Easier To Be by hgfan1111 Storylink: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4641003/1/ Content: Chapter 1 to 17 of 17 chapters Source: FanFiction.net Summary: Two strangers. ne!

a re"#ctant an$ "one"y hero trying to fin$ a p#rpose in "ife. The other! a yo#ng wo%an who wants to fin$ herse"f an$ co%e to ter%s with her ha#nte$ past. &hat wi"" happen when these two get to 'now each other( &i"" they he"p each other

*Chapter 1*: Chapter 1: Serendipity

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. A/N: Welcome to another story. This one is the most AU I've written, but it's by far the least angsty, I thin . I'll as you to be !atient as the bac story unfol"s in the cha!ters. This one is rate" as it is for a reason. There will be mature content as we go along. If that's not your thing, that's fine. The story title is from a song by #ifehouse. Than s to my ama$ing beta team on this one: %lla, &eb an" 'el. I coul"n't have "one it without you la"ies. #ove you all. (a!!y rea"ing) Chapter One: Serendipity The soreness in his si$e ha$n6t gone away! e+en tho#gh the hea"ers sai$ it wo#"$. 3arry rotate$ his ar% against the stiffness an$ grow"e$ to the e%pty f"at when it ca#ght. 1t ha$ been a co%p"ete"y chance c#rse that %a$e it thro#gh his shie"$7 the trainee ha$ been "#c'y. The "oo' on the 'i$6s face! howe+er! when he rea"i2e$ he6$ str#c' 3arry 4otter8 that was the on"y thing that ha$ stoppe$ 3arry fro% reta"iating. 3arry shoo' his hea$! sti"" seeing the wi$e! panic'e$ eyes "oo'ing $own at hi%! hearing the breath"ess apo"ogy. Three br#ise$ ribs. That6s what this "ast assign%ent ha$ got hi%.

3e $efinite"y fe"t o"$er than his twenty9one years to$ay. *n$ the e%pty f"at when he6$ co%e ho%e ha$n6t i%pro+e$ his %oo$. The bare wa""s see%e$ to c"ose in on hi%! e+en as they e:pan$e$ to be %ore than he co#"$ han$"e. That %a$e no sense! he to"$ hi%se"f. ;et it $i$. 1t was <#st another of his %oo$s! he $eci$e$. 3is eyes reste$ on his "arge entertain%ent #nit an$ he pon$ere$ watching a %o+ie. There were se+era" action f"ic's that he ha$ been intereste$ in seeing. *n$ %aybe so%e ta'e9o#t8 *n ho#r "ater! 3arry sat "ow in his sofa! his feet proppe$ on the coffee tab"e in front of hi%! his bo: of Chinese ta'e9o#t resting in his "ap as he p#she$ b#ttons on his re%ote contro". The %o+ie wasn6t ba$! he s#ppose$! b#t it $i$ "itt"e to ease the rest"essness in his syste%. =aybe a "ate night wa"' wo#"$ he"p! he $eci$e$. 1t was beco%ing rather a habit of his! these %i$night wa"'s aro#n$ 0on$on. 1t probab"y wasn6t the safest i$ea! b#t 3arry co#"$ han$"e hi%se"f in a fight. 3e6$ pro+e$ that ti%e an$ ti%e again o+er his who"e "ife. B#n$"e$ #p against the frigi$ ,an#ary air! 3arry na+igate$ the streets aro#n$ his f"at! wi$ening his #s#a" ro#te an$ fina""y en$ing #p at a coffee ho#se that was open a"" night. 1t was beco%ing as %#ch ro#tine as 3arry ha$! en$ing #p here. B#t in the %i$$"e of the night! it was >#iet! an$ he co#"$ sit near the win$ow an$ watch the $ar' streets! an$ won$er why on earth he was in Eng"an$ at a"". 3e or$ere$ a c#p of strong coffee! foregoing any s#gar an$ sa+oring the bitter taste of the hot "i>#i$ on his tong#e. 1t ha$ been si: %onths since he6$ %o+e$ to 0on$on on nothing %ore than a whi%. E+en he co#"$n6t e:p"ain his reasons to hi%se"f! "et a"one to his fa%i"y. /iri#s ha$ been the %ost +oca""y oppose$ to the %o+e! whi"e .e%#s ha$ <#st "oo'e$ tho#ghtf#""y at 3arry an$ no$$e$ his acceptance. /o%ething in Eng"an$ <#st see%e$ to8ca"" to hi%. &hen he6$ first $eci$e$ to co%e bac' after being gone for eighteen years! he6$ con+ince$ hi%se"f that it was to connect to his heritage! to "earn %ore abo#t where he6$ co%e fro%. 3e $i$n6t necessari"y co#nt the %onths he6$ been in Eng"an$ for the war?it ha$n6t fe"t "i'e he6$ been anywhere! rea""y! other than he"". 3is $ays an$ nights ha$ b"en$e$ together into a r#nning batt"e to $estroy 3orcr#:es an$ stop )eath Eaters. The "one"iness wasn6t so%ething that he6$ consi$ere$. 1t he"pe$ that his <ob with the 1nternationa" Confe$eration of &i2ar$s 'ept hi% b#sy at "east three wee's o#t of the %onth. E+ery <ob they offere$! 3arry too'. .et#rning bac' to his 0on$on f"at a"ways p#t hi% in a f#n'! tho#gh. 3e6$ on"y been there two %onths the first ti%e he6$ pac'e$ his bags an$ stoo$ staring at the $eserte$ f"at! trying to con+ince hi%se"f that he rea""y sho#"$ "ea+e. 3e %isse$ the 4ort'ey bac' to the @nite$ /tates! sitting on his sofa! staring at his bags.

0ast %onth ha$ been the c"osest he6$ co%e to act#a""y "ea+ing. 3arry ha$ gone bac' to the @./. an$ spent a few $ays at /iri#s6 ho#se on the regon Coast! con+ince$ that he sho#"$ <#st stay there! B#t sitting there in the @./. %a$e hi% fee" a bit "i'e a >#itter7 "i'e a cowar$ for ta'ing the easy way o#t of so%ething! e+en when he wasn6t >#ite s#re what it was. *t the en$ of a few $ays of %oping! 3arry ha$ pac'e$ his bags an$ ret#rne$ to 0on$on. 3arry watche$ a co#p"e wa"' $own the street! ho"$ing han$s an$ sn#gg"ing into each other for war%th. They wa"'e$ the "ength of the b"oc' an$ $isappeare$ aro#n$ the corner. 3arry sighe$ an$ r#bbe$ his sore ribs. )a%n! he was in a %a#$"in %oo$. 3e hate$ fee"ing "i'e this. 1t wasn6t e+en a re"ationship that he cra+e$! rea""y. 5o $o#bt! he %isse$ se:! b#t it was so%ebo$y! anybo$y! to ta"' to that he nee$e$ the %ost. 1t $i$n6t e+en nee$ to be in a ro%antic way. 3e""! it was probab"y better if it wasn6t. 3arry6s "#c' on that front ha$ ne+er been a"" that i%pressi+e. A.efi""(A 3arry snappe$ o#t of his %#sing an$ stare$ at the yo#ng wo%an who stoo$ in front of his tab"e! the on"y occ#pie$ one in the $eserte$ p"ace! ho"$ing #p a pot of rich b"ac' coffee. A1 probab"y sho#"$n6t!A 3arry shoo' his hea$! >#ir'ing a s%a"" s%i"e. A16"" ne+er s"eep as it is.A /he no$$e$! b#t ca#ght his eye! so%ething f"ashing in her "oo'. 3arry shifte$ #nco%fortab"y! fee"ing "i'e he was being teste$ in so%e way. A16"" see yo# "ater!A he hasti"y sai$! gathering #p his hea+y woo" coat an$ swinging it o+er his sho#"$ers! wincing as his ribs proteste$. A;eah!A she %#%b"e$! a $isappointe$ "oo' on her face. n his way o#t the $oor! 3arry stoppe$ in the s%a"" entry to p#"" on a 'nit hat?snow ha$ beg#n to fa"" again. 3is eyes "ifte$ to the notice boar$ on one wa"". Co"orf#" papers a$+ertising a"" sorts of ser+ices an$ nee$s were st#c' to the wa"". * con+ersation with .e%#s $#ring his +isit to the /tates ca%e bac' to hi%. A;o# %ight try fin$ing a f"at%ate!A his %entor ha$ s#ggeste$ when 3arry ha$ "et it s"ip how >#iet the f"at was?eeri"y so at ti%es. 3arry ha$ scoffe$ at the i$ea! p#shing right past it an$ a"%ost forgetting it co%p"ete"y. A* f"at%ate!A he sai$ soft"y now! r#nning his finger a"ong a wrin'"e$ a$+ertise%ent for a yo#ng wo%an to chi"$%in$.

The tho#ght intrig#e$ hi% the who"e way bac' to the f"at. 3e wa"'e$ s"ow"y! watching "arge snowf"a'es $ance thro#gh the air! so%e to %e"t on the roa$s an$ si$ewa"'s! so%e to pi"e #p on benches an$ "a%p posts. The so#n$ of his 'ey echoe$ thro#gh the $eserte$ roo%s! %a'ing it so#n$ ho""ow on the insi$e. 3arry sighe$ an$ h#ng #p his coat! br#shing the co""ecte$ %oist#re $rops fro% the hea+y fabric. 3is eyes sett"e$ on the c"ose$ "aptop sitting on his co#nter. The bright b"#e "ight fro% the screen %a$e hi% s>#int an$ he r#bbe$ his tire$ eyes! wincing at the $ryness of the%. E+er since he6$ ha$ "aser s#rgery to correct his +ision! his eyes see%e$ to be $ry a"" the ti%e. 3is fingers c"ic'e$ o+er the 'eys! his %in$ a %i""ion %i"es away as wor$s an$ phrases for%e$ in front of hi% on the screen. &hen he6$ fina""y printe$ the paper! he he"$ it in front of hi% an$ rea$ it to hi%se"f. /hr#gging! he $eci$e$ that he6$ thin' abo#t it to%orrow. 3e co#"$ a"ways change his %in$. &ho 'new! %aybe he6$ get so%eone interesting to rep"y to it. *nything wo#"$ "i+en #p this p"ace! he tho#ght as he set the paper on the co#nter an$ c"ose$ the "aptop. 3arry $i$n6t bother to t#rn on any "ights as he %a$e his way $own the ha""! #n$resse$ in his be$roo% an$ craw"e$ in between the co"$ sheets! ro""ing so that he was on the si$e that wasn6t br#ise$. #tsi$e! a "one siren wai"e$ in the $istance! the bright "ights f"ashing thro#gh 3arry6s win$ow an$ "ighting #p the roo%. 3e watche$ the% fa$e an$ c"ose$ his eyes on the si"ence. Twenty year9o"$ Bine+ra &eas"ey b"ew the thic' c"#%p of re$ hair that ha$ fa""en in her face away fro% her eyes. The win$ that g#ste$ in an$ o#t of the $oorway f"#ttere$ the papers an$ a$+ertise%ents tac'e$ to the boar$ that she was searching. nce again! they "ifte$ an$ shifte$ in their spots as a gro#p of peop"e! b#n$"e$ #p against the co"$ o#tsi$e! wa"'e$ past her. Binny sighe$ in fr#stration. /he ha$n6t been "oo'ing for anything specific on the boar$! <#st so%ething that wo#"$ catch her eye an$ %aybe gi+e her a "itt"e so%ething to thin' abo#t whi"e she sat an$ sippe$ her $ai"y c#p of tea with "e%on. There were a$+ertise%ents for the "atest weight "oss cra2e! f"yers showing pets #p for sa"e! a han$written note on a nap'in begging for so%eone to ca"" if they "ocate$ a "ost te:tboo'! bright"y "ettere$ s"ips showing <ob openings an$ sa"es for the s%a"" shops that s#rro#n$e$ the b#sy coffee ho#se. Binny "et her eyes s"i$e o+er the sa%e o"$ things an$ sighe$ to herse"f again. /he fingere$ a photograph of a "ost tabby cat an$ s%i"e$ at the offer for a yo#ng wo%an to

chi"$%in$. *nother person entere$ an$ the papers r#ff"e$ again as the %an he"$ the $oor open for his co%panion to enter. * sing"e notice! typewritten on pa"e b"#e paper! "ost its batt"e with the win$ an$ f"#ttere$ to the f"oor! getting st#c' <#st #n$er the e$ge of Binny6s shoe an$ soa'ing #p a bit of the %#$$y water that ha$ been trac'e$ in. A3%%!A Binny %#ttere$ to herse"f as she pic'e$ #p the paper an$ "oo'e$ for the p"ace it ha$ co%e fro%. A* f"at%ate!A she %#se$ as she searche$ in +ain for the spot it ha$ fa""en fro%. There were no b"an' spots on the wa"" where the paper ha$ co%e fro%. /he shr#gge$ an$ +owe$ to tac' it #p after her tea an$ once she in>#ire$ insi$e abo#t a tac' or pin to ho"$ it #p. /he forgot a"" abo#t the b"#e paper stic'ing o#t of her poc'et a few secon$s "ater when .ebecca! a frien$ fro% wor'! b#st"e$ in the $oor an$ the two sat at a tab"e an$ gossipe$ abo#t the two store %anagers! who were r#%ore$ to be ha+ing a hot9an$9hea+y affair. *pparating ho%e to the B#rrow! Binny $ragge$ her feet wa"'ing in the bac' $oor. /he 'new her %other wo#"$ be waiting! probab"y with a "ist of chores "onger than her ar%. 1t was /at#r$ay! an$ the who"e fa%i"y wo#"$ be co%ing ear"y to%orrow %orning for the Tra$itiona" &eas"ey /#n$ay Br#nch. 3onest"y! they a"" ca""e$ it that. Binny ro""e$ her eyes. *"" of her brothers wo#"$ be there! e+en Char"ie! who was reco+ering fro% another nasty b#rn an$ ha$ agree$ to co%e ho%e to rec#perate. /he 'new he wo#"$ be gone the %o%ent the 3ea"er prono#nce$ hi% we"" eno#gh. Binny ha$ seen the secret! panic'e$ "oo's the )ragon Ta%er wore whene+er their %other %entione$ %arriage or chi"$ren to hi%. Thin'ing abo#t it %a$e her ch#c'"e. =aybe she co#"$ e:p"oit that wea'ness an$ t#rn it aro#n$ so that the foc#s of the %ea" wo#"$n6t be on Binny6s "ac' of a "ife. A;o#6re ho%e "ate!A her %other obser+e$! "ess than cas#a""y! as she pointe$ her wan$ at the bric's in the firep"ace! syste%atica""y re%o+ing soot fro% their worn faces. A/orry! =#%!A Binny ro""e$ her eyes! biting her tong#e before she sai$ so%ething that wo#"$ ca#se another arg#%ent. 1nstea$! she re%o+e$ her scarf an$ h#ng her coat on the peg by the bac' $oor. A1s there anything 1 can $o to he"p(A /he grit her teeth an$ hope$ that if she act#a""y +o"#nteere$ to $o so%e chores! %aybe her %other wo#"$n6t b#ry her a"i+e in the%. *n$ it wor'e$! beca#se her %other6s eyes went wi$e an$ she stare$ open9%o#the$ at her $a#ghter. A h8we""! then yo# can <#st c"ean the bathroo%s then.A />#ashing the rise of fr#stration! Binny no$$e$. A/#re! 1 can $o that.A C#ic'"y gathering the c"eaning s#pp"ies she wo#"$ nee$! Binny h#rrie$ o#t of the 'itchen. =aybe if she $aw$"e$ "ong eno#gh on the two bathroo%s in the ho#se! her %other wo#"$ forget abo#t a$$ing to her "ist. 1t was si""y an$ chi"$ish! Binny 'new! an$ it wo#"$ ne+er wor'? beca#se it ha$n6t e+er wor'e$ on =o""y &eas"ey?b#t she co#"$n6t he"p b#t try again.

/"ipping into the "i+ing roo% an$ hea$ing for the bathroo% on the first f"oor! Binny ha$ to ch#c'"e at the sight of her father. Fre$ an$ Beorge ha$ presente$ hi% with a p"#sh! =#gg"e rec"iner for his birth$ay this past year an$ it >#ic'"y beca%e the %ost i%portant piece of f#rnit#re in the ho#se. To Binny! her father6s enth#siastic! an$ e+en chi"$"i'e! reaction to the gift was eno#gh to he"p her co+ert"y fight against her %other6s atte%pts to $isp"ace the 6#nsight"y! strange beast6 fro% the "i+ing roo%. ,#st "ast wee' she ha$ co%e #pon the chair t#c'e$ in the bac' of an e:tra be$roo% at the B#rrow! $rape$ with an o"$ be$sheet. Binny ha$ "e+itate$ it bac' $own the stairs an$ app"ie$ a per%anent stic'ing char% to the feet on the botto%. 1t was a si""y "itt"e war to ha+e! b#t one that both of her parents secret"y en<oye$. A;o# "oo' co%fortab"e!A she ca""e$ to her father now! as he perche$ in his chair! "egs "ifte$ high an$ the )ai"y 4rophet sprea$ a"" aro#n$ his "ap. AE+ening! Binny!A he greete$ her with a "arge grin. A3a+e a goo$ $ay to$ay(A A1 $i$!A she no$$e$! shifting the b#c'et of c"eaning s#pp"ies to her hip. AThe si""iest o"$ %an ca%e into the store to$ay. 3e was "oo'ing for a boo' on *#to .epair.A The way her father6s face "it #p when she share$ these stories fro% wor'ing in the =#gg"e wor"$ %a$e Binny try to fin$ one s%a"" thing to re%e%ber to te"" hi% e+ery e+ening. /he finishe$ the story an$ her father ch#c'"e$. A ne of these $ays 1 nee$ to co%e bac' in an$ see yo# there.A A16$ "o+e to ha+e yo#!A Binny "a#ghe$. 3is "ast +isit! with her %other in tow! ha$n6t t#rne$ o#t we"" as he6$ been so ena%ore$ by the si2e an$ se"ection of the =#gg"e boo' store that he6$ acci$enta""y tippe$ o+er a h#ge $isp"ay of tra+e" boo's. 1t was one of the f#nniest things that Binny co#"$ re%e%ber. A&e""! 16% off to c"ean the bathroo%s!A she infor%e$ hi%! in$icating the b#c'et in her ar%s. 3e raise$ an eyebrow at her! b#t ch#c'"e$. A)on6t gi+e her too %#ch arg#%ent.A A1 won6t!A Binny soothe$. * stab of g#i"t shot thro#gh her as she tho#ght of the $istance that e:iste$ between %other an$ $a#ghter. 1t ha$n6t a"ways been this way. There was a ti%e when the &eas"ey wo%en were inseparab"e?stan$ing #p against a"" those boys! yo# nee$e$ an a""y! Binny 'new. 65othing 1 can $o abo#t it now!6 she sighe$ to herse"f. C"eaning the bathroo%s too' %#ch "ess ti%e than Binny ha$ hope$. 1n "ess than ha"f an ho#r! she was bac' in the 'itchen.

A3e"p %e with this brea$ $o#gh(A her %other as'e$! #sing the bac' of her han$ to p#sh a piece of hair o#t of her face! ina$+ertent"y wiping f"o#r o+er the si$e of her face. A/#re!A Binny shr#gge$. The brea$ co#"$ be 'nea$e$ by %agic! b#t her %other a"ways preferre$ to $o it by han$! c"ai%ing that it <#st taste$ better that way. A1t6"" be so goo$ to ha+e e+eryone together again.A A1t wi""!A Binny sai$. /#rprising"y! her ani%osity towar$ her %other ha$ been so%ewhat e:orcise$ by casting c"eaning char%s. For now she was content to be in the war%th of the 'itchen! s%e""ing the won$erf#" s%e""s an$ "etting the co%fort of ho%e sin' in. ABeorge is bringing a $ate!A her %other obser+e$! %#ch too ca#sa""y. *n$ the %o%ent of content%ent was bro'en. A3%%!A Binny %#r%#re$! wi""ing her irritation to stay hi$$en. /he channe"e$ it into the pi"e of p"iant white $o#gh in front of her! p#nching it $own an$ ro""ing it co%p"ete"y before beginning the process again. A*n$! of co#rse! .on is bringing 3er%ione.A Binny co#"$n6t he"p b#t s%i"e at the tho#ght. &ho wo#"$ ha+e e+er tho#ght that her shy! boo'ish frien$ wo#"$ ha+e fo#n$ her %atch in Binny6s o"$er brother! the C#i$$itch9 obsesse$ prat! .on. *n$ now they were engage$ to be %arrie$. A;o#6re we"co%e to bring a $ate as we""! Binny! $ear.A The %otion of her han$ fa"tere$ an$ the p#nch she "ai$ into the $o#gh ha$ %ore force than she wante$! sen$ing #p a s%a"" c"o#$ of f"o#r fro% the co#ntertop. A r if there6s so%eone e"se specia"!A her %other contin#e$! ob"i+io#s to the sha%e"ess %#r$ering of brea$ that was happening besi$e her. AThere6s no one specia"! =#%!A Binny bit o#t thro#gh her teeth. A h!A she sighe$. A&e""! 1 <#st won$ere$ if yo#6$ ha$ a chance to ta"' to =ichae" "ate"y. 1 ran into hi% the other $ay in )iagon *""ey an$ he as'e$ after yo#.A * coy s%i"e appeare$ on her face an$ Binny ro""e$ the $o#gh har$er sti"". A=ichae" an$ 1 are o+er! =#%! yo# 'now that.A A1 'now!A she sighe$ $ra%atica""y! sweeping #p her own $o#gh an$ p"opping the perfect for% into a grease$ "oaf pan. Binny "oo'e$ $own at her own pathetic "#%p! gri%acing at the in$entations an$ %isshapen for%. AB#t 1 ha$ a"ways hope$ that yo# %ay <#st nee$ ti%e8A

1t was a"ways the sa%e arg#%ent! or c"ose to it anyway. 1f it wasn6t abo#t her $#%ping =ichae"! it was abo#t her career choices?or "ac' of! the way her %other saw it. =o""y &eas"ey was a +ery hea$strong wo%an who ha$ $efinite i$eas abo#t what she wante$ for her on"y $a#ghter to $o in "ife. @nfort#nate"y! Binny6s i$eas were %#ch $ifferent. /he ha$ not ta'en any of the =inistry positions that were offere$ to her once her 5.E.&.T. scores ha$ been recei+e$. The offer of a position at 3ea"er6s /choo" went #nhee$e$ an$ #nanswere$. A1t6s ti%e for yo# to %a'e a $ecision abo#t yo#r "ife! yo#ng "a$y!A =o""y a"ways sco"$e$. B#t the on"y ti%e that Binny ha$ %entione$ that she %ight want to p"ay C#i$$itch! =o""y ha$ f#sse$ an$ f"ai"e$ an$ near"y hyper+enti"ate$ #nti" Binny "eft to her roo% to a+oi$ the scene a"together. /he wasn6t co%p"ete"y s#re 4rofessiona" C#i$$itch was what she wante$ to $o anyhow. 1t was a $ecent i$ea! tho#gh! an$ her frien$s ass#re$ her that they tho#ght she wo#"$ %a'e it. B#t her fa%i"y was another story. E+en Char"ie! who ha$ ha$ the shot at a professiona" career hi%se"f! showe$ reser+ations. =aybe it was the fact that Binny ha$ bro'en things off with her "ong ti%e boyfrien$ that =o""y ob<ecte$ to %ost of a"". The &eas"ey %atriarch ha$ been h#%%ing the &e$$ing =arch for %onths before Binny fina""y ca""e$ it >#its with =ichae". =o""y ha$ crie$ %ore than Binny ha$ afterwar$s. A3e <#st isn6t what 1 want!A Binny ha$ e:p"aine$ to her fa%i"y9her entire fa%i"y9at $inner the night she ha$ to"$ =ichae" she wo#"$n6t %arry hi% an$ she $i$n6t want to see hi% again. A&hat is it yo# want! firef"y(A Bi"" as'e$. Binny ha$ "oo'e$ at his scarre$ face an$ s%i"e$. A16% not s#re! b#t 16"" "et yo# 'now when 1 fin$ it.A A1 <#st worry abo#t yo#! Binny!A her %other sai$ now! co%ing o+er to "oo' at her wor'. A h! Binny! what ha+e yo# %anage$ to $o to that poor brea$(A Binny threw #p her han$s! bits of $o#gh an$ f"o#r raining $own. A1 $on6t 'now. 1 can6t $o this. 1 ha+e a8brea$ b"oc'! or so%ething. =ine ne+er t#rns o#t we"".A 3er %other g"are$ at the offen$ing "#%p before +anishing it co%p"ete"y an$ h#ffing as she p#""e$ o#t the ingre$ients to begin again. &itho#t another wor$! Binny c"eane$ her han$s an$ p#""e$ her coat an$ scarf fro% the peg. A16"" be bac' "ater!A she %#%b"e$ before $isappearing o#t the $oor.

The co"$ night air on her face as she race$ her broo% aro#n$ the orchar$ fe"t refreshing an$ he"pe$ to ca"% her anger. * $ar' sha$ow f"oate$ o#t fro% her be$roo% win$ow an$ $rifte$ a"ong! stan$ing o#t against the o+ercast s'y. 1t was her ow"! *r%strong! the +ery first thing she6$ bo#ght with her first paychec'. 3er %other ha$ ca""e$ the p#rchase si""y as Binny $i$n6t ha+e %any peop"e to correspon$ with at a"". B#t Binny "o+e$ the s%a"" barn ow" a"" the sa%e. Besi$es! he 'ept 4ig in "ine with a sharp rap on the hea$ when the e:citab"e ow" nee$e$ one. That! a"one! was reason eno#gh to 'eep hi% in Binny6s %in$. A&hy can6t she "et %e "i+e %y own "ife(A she $e%an$e$ to the night air. E+en as the >#estion escape$! the answer f"oate$ forwar$ in her %in$! %a'ing her chee's f"#sh. A/he $oesn6t tr#st %e.A 1t was a si%p"e state%ent! b#t one that Binny be"ie+e$ co%p"ete"y. *n$ %aybe it was a bit harsh! b#t for si: years it ha$ been the sa%e thing. 3er fingers on the broo% han$"e were white! both fro% her tight grip an$ the frigi$ ,an#ary air. /"owing her f"ight! Binny ho+ere$ near the gro#n$! the toes of her shoes s'i%%ing the snowy gro#n$. /he shi+ere$ an$ t#c'e$ her han$s into the poc'ets of her coat! cr#%p"ing so%ething insi$e when she $i$. /cow"ing! Binny t#gge$ the paper o#t an$ "ay it on her 'nee! pressing the wrin'"e$ corners an$ br#shing off a bit of the $ry %#$ that obsc#re$ the writing a bit! %a'ing it s%ear towar$ the e$ge of the paper. A&ante$: c"ean an$ responsib"e person to share a three be$roo% f"at in $owntown 0on$on.A Binny rea$ the wor$s in a %#%b"e an$ g"ance$ #p at the b"ac' night s'y! stars twin'"ing high abo+e her. /he6$ try to re%e%ber to repost it the ne:t ti%e she went in to the coffee shop! otherwise! this in$i+i$#a" wo#"$ ne+er fin$ a f"at%ate. The ne:t %orning Binny trie$ to s"eep in. B#t the so#n$s of her fa%i"y $ownstairs were eno#gh to raise the $ea$! she $eter%ine$! wincing when so%eone ran #p the stairs! two at a ti%e! th#%ping "o#$"y the who"e way. AFre$!A she %#%b"e$ into her pi""ow! fo"$ing it o+er her hea$ to try an$ grasp the "ast precio#s few %o%ents of s"eep. * 'noc' at the $oor force$ the% away howe+er. ACo%e in! 3er%ione!A Binny ca""e$ fro% the be$. 1t ha$ to be 3er%ione?her brothers ne+er 'noc'e$! an$ her %other was far %ore forcef#" when she po#n$e$ on the woo$ to get Binny o#t of be$. A*re yo# hi$ing!A 3er%ione pee'e$ her hea$ aro#n$ the $oor! Aor <#st being "a2y(A ABoth!A Binny sighe$! staring #p at the cei"ing.

3er%ione ch#c'"e$ an$ ca%e into the roo% f#""y! g"ancing aro#n$ at the hapha2ar$ pi"es of organi2ation that were Binny6s stan$ar$ atte%pt at c"eaning her be$roo%. A h! co%e on! it6s not that ba$.A A5o offense! 3er%ione! b#t yo#6re not fa%i"y.A A;o#6re so $ra%atic! Binny!A 3er%ione ro""e$ her eyes an$ sat $own on the e$ge of the be$! caref#""y a+oi$ing the teetering stac' of schoo" boo's that Binny sti"" ha$n6t fo#n$ a ho%e for since her gra$#ation fro% 3ogwarts. *r%strong! in his perch by the win$ow! f"#ttere$ his $ar' brown feathers in annoyance an$ t#rne$ his bac' on the two wo%en. 3e! apparent"y! was not a %orning person either! 3er%ione note$. A;o# 'now how they treat %e!A Binny sighe$! s"ow"y p#""ing herse"f #p to "ean on 3er%ione. A0i'e 16% sti"" fo#rteen an$ they6+e <#st fo#n$ o#t8A her +oice bro'e an$ she h#ffe$ o#t the rest of her breath in fr#stration. ABinny?A A5o!A she p#she$ away fro% the be$! an$ away fro% 3er%ione6s "oo'! f#"" of pity. /he $i$n6t want to $ea" with this right now. The g#i"t an$ h#rt we""e$ #p in her! %a'ing her throat thic'. A16% <#st being8$iffic#"t to$ay. 16"" be fine.A A;o# 'now if yo# e+er want to ta"' abo#t it?A A1 'now! 3er%ione!A Binny sai$! sitting at her +anity an$ "ifting a br#sh to her tang"e$ hair. /he ca#ght 3er%ione6s eyes in the %irror an$ s%i"e$ gratef#""y. A;o# 'now 1 wi"".A 3er%ione st#$ie$ her for a "ong %in#te before shr#gging an$ co%ing behin$ her! ta'ing o+er br#shing Binny6s hair. A.on an$ 1 fina""y set a $ate!A she s%i"e$ wi$e"y. Binny grinne$. A&hen(A A=ay thirtieth!A 3er%ione sai$! gigg"ing <#st a bit. Binny sighe$! happy to ha+e so%ething safe to ta"' abo#t! rather than the $ar' sha$ows of the past. AThat6s perfect!A she agree$. ATe"" %e e+erything yo# ha+e p"anne$.A A&e""8A The two wo%en gigg"e$ an$ gossipe$ "i'e schoo" gir"s whi"e Binny got rea$y for the $ay ?ta'ing entire"y too "ong. .on6s hea$! pee'ing in the roo%! fina""y bro'e the% fro% their p"anning.

A.on!A 3er%ione sco"$e$! Ayo# sho#"$ ha+e 'noc'e$. &hat if yo#r sister ha$ been changing(A .on s%ir'e$! br#shing shaggy re$ fringe o#t of his eyes. ABin 'nows that we $on6t 'noc'8A 3er%ione h#ffe$! crossing her ar%s in front of her an$ stan$ing in front of a f#""y $resse$ Binny. A/he6s sti"" entit"e$ to pri+acy! .ona"$ &eas"ey.A A1t6s a"right!A Binny soothe$. A16% rea$y to go $own an$ face the hor$e.A .on "a#ghe$ an$ c"appe$ her on the sho#"$er as he wrappe$ an ar% aro#n$ 3er%ione6s waist. A;o#6$ better be rea$y. =#% sai$ she won6t ho"$ things for yo# any "onger.A A0et6s <#st get this o+er with!A Binny gr#%b"e$! her ear"ier fee"ings of happiness fa$ing >#ic'"y as she tr#$ge$ her way $ownstairs. Co%p"ete be$"a% reigne$ in the 'itchen! $ishes of eggs an$ brea'fast %eats "e+itate$ o+er the tab"e! an$ ten $ifferent con+ersations were going on at once. 6;o# can $o this!6 she stee"e$ herse"f an$ too' her #s#a" spot in between her father an$ Fre$. A=orning! e+eryone!A she sai$! pasting a fa'e s%i"e on her face. 3er brothers an$ their significant others ret#rne$ the greeting an$ contin#e$ with their chatter. +er it a"" was =o""y &eas"ey6s gent"e sco"$ing an$ $irections to 'eep the foo$ rotating aro#n$ so that e+eryone co#"$ ser+e the%se"+es. A3ow6s the <ob! Binny(A Bi"" as'e$ fro% his spot opposite her. Binny6s hea$ shot #p fro% her where she was fi""ing her p"ate an$ st#$ie$ her o"$est brother. A1t6s goo$!A she sai$ ca#tio#s"y. 3onest"y! none of the% rea""y #n$erstoo$ abo#t her $esire to wor' in a =#gg"e boo'store?or in the =#gg"e wor"$ at a"". /he 'new they were a"" h#%oring her #nti" she fig#re$ o#t what she wante$ to $o in "ife. A/ti"" thin'ing abo#t C#i$$itch(A he as'e$ after he"ping hi%se"f to the frie$ eggs. A=aybe!A she shr#gge$! ignoring her %other6s "ow grow" at the >#estion. AThe 3arpies are ha+ing open tryo#ts in the /pring. 1 tho#ght abo#t trying then.A Bi"" no$$e$! b#t she co#"$ see he was thin'ing $eep"y abo#t the i$ea.

AThe 0aw Enforce%ent ffice is "oo'ing for a fi"e c"er'!A 4ercy sai$ hesitant"y. 3e "oo'e$ at her for a %in#te before "oo'ing bac' $own at his foo$. Binny fo#ght the #rge to ro"" her eyes an$ shr#gge$ one sho#"$er. A1 $on6t thin' that rea""y s#its! 4erce! b#t than's anyway.A 3er re"ationship with 4ercy ha$ ne+er been great! so his s#ggestion s#rprise$ her. B#t the st#ffy =inistry <#st wasn6t the p"ace for a witch "i'e Binny. A&e %ight nee$ so%eone in a few wee's!A Fre$ offere$ ha"f9hearte$"y. Binny shoo' her hea$! 'nowing that they rea""y co#"$n6t affor$ a$$ing anyone right now. Their first shop ha$ <#st opene$ this s#%%er! an$! whi"e it was a s%ash s#ccess! costs of starting #p were sti"" high. A1 ha+e no $esire to spen$ the $ay with rabbit ears or spo#ting tropica" feathers!A Binny answere$ $ry"y. Fre$ per'e$ #p! snapping his fingers at Beorge. A*re yo# writing this $own( Those are great i$eas! Bin9Bin.A Binny ro""e$ her eyes. A1f yo# $o #se the%! 1 get ha"f.A 3er wor$s fe"" on $eaf ears as the twins were "ost in a ha2e of whispere$ wor$s an$ >#i"" scratching. A&ay to go! ha"f9pint!A Char"ie "a#ghe$. A;o# co#"$ a"ways co%e bac' with %e to the .eser+e?A A/he6"" $o no s#ch thing!A her %other h#ffe$ fro% the far si$e of the tab"e! her %o#th $ropping agape at Char"ie6s s#ggestion. AThat6s o'ay!A Binny sai$ to hi%! ignoring her %other6s o#tb#rst! A1 $on6t thin' 1 can 'eep #p with $ragons.A A1f yo#6re so set on C#i$$itch!A .on sai$ after he swa""owe$ his bite! Awhy $on6t yo# app"y at the )epart%ent of =agica" /ports an$ Ba%es.A Binny was i%presse$ at his increase$ tab"e %anners! b#t stif"e$ a "a#gh. /he n#$ge$ 3er%ione6s foot #n$er the tab"e. AThan's! .on! 16"" thin' abo#t it!A she "ie$. nce again! sitting in an office a"" $ay $i$n6t so#n$ right either. Bi"" c"eare$ his throat! staring at the piece of toast he was syste%atica""y $estroying on his p"ate. A16% "ea+ing for Egypt again.A Binny watche$ hi% contin#e to pic' at his brea'fast whi"e their parents?rather their %other?gri""e$ hi% on e+ery reason he %ight be "ea+ing. 1n a way! Binny en+ie$ hi%! being free eno#gh to tra+e" when he wante$7 not tie$ $own to any one p"ace. /he

#n$erstoo$ his reasons! tho#gh! an$ $i$ not en+y hi% for the% at a"". Bi"" an$ Char"ie ha$ seen too %#ch $#ring the war an$ neither ha$ f#""y reco+ere$! in Binny6s opinion. 5ot that she co#"$ ca"" herse"f f#""y reco+ere$ either. nce! in the %i$$"e of her %other6s tears o+er his i%%inent $epart#re! Bi"" ca#ght Binny6s eye an$ win'e$ at her. /he si"ent"y than'e$ hi% for sacrificing hi%se"f so that the foc#s shifte$ fro% her. 3e was goo$ abo#t that. A)on6t "et the% p#sh yo# aro#n$!A he whispere$ to her "ater as they sat in the "i+ing roo%! bent o+er the worn chessboar$. ATa'e yo#r ti%e! when yo# fin$ the right thing! yo#6"" 'now it.A Binny "oo'e$ #p fro% her %o+e! her finger not "ea+ing the piece. Bi""6s scarre$ face was painte$ with sha$ows fro% the s#n strea%ing in the win$ows. A;o# as we""!A she sai$ soft"y! t#rning her foc#s bac' to her %o+e. A1s there a reason that yo# "i'e being o#t there(A he as'e$ a few %in#tes "ater. Binny $i$n6t ha+e to thin' har$ to #n$erstan$ his >#estion. *"" of the o$$ <obs she ha$ ta'en o+er the past years ha$ been in the =#gg"e wor"$! %#ch to her father6s p"eas#re an$ her %other6s chagrin. There was the three %onths she wor'e$ in the 1ta"ian resta#rant! the e:cr#ciating si: %onths as a $ay nanny! the eight %onths in a ba'ery an$ +ario#s other <obs. 3er c#rrent position in a "arge retai" boo' store see%e$ the %ost pro%ising beca#se it a""owe$ her great +ariety in what she $i$. A1 $on6t 'now!A she sai$. 1t wasn6t that she $i$n6t want anything to $o with the %agica" wor"$7 it was %ore that she wante$ to e:perience %ore than was in her s%a"" tight9'nit co%%#nity before she sett"e$ $own! if she e+er $i$. A3er%ione an$ 1 were ta"'ing abo#t =#gg"e @ni+ersity the other $ay.A A1s that so%ething that interests yo#(A he as'e$! s#rprise in his tone. Binny sighe$! "oo'ing away fro% the ga%e an$ staring at the $#st %otes that swir"e$ in the %orning s#nshine. A1 $on6t 'now. .on tho#ght the i$ea was f#nny.A AB#t what $o you thin'(A Bi"" as'e$! watching her intent"y. A1t6s so%ething to thin' abo#t!A she answere$ nonco%%itta""y. A16% s#re 16"" fin$ so%ething o#t there. For now! 16% content where 1 a%. 1 get to %eet new peop"e an$ see new things.A ADariety is a goo$ thing!A Bi"" agree$! pro$$ing his >#een forwar$ with his wan$. AChec'%ate.A

AB#gger!A Binny grow"e$ >#iet"y. 3er s%a"" twin be$ <#st wasn6t co%fortab"e that night as she stare$ at the crac'e$! fa$e$ cei"ing an$ won$ere$ what to $o with her "ife. )own the ha""! she co#"$ hear the twins %#%b"ing an$ the c"in'ing of what so#n$e$ "i'e a "a$"e on the si$e of a ca#"$ron9she $eci$e$ that it was better that she not 'now what they were wor'ing on! especia""y since it %ight in+o"+e her participation if she showe$ any interest at a"". 3er parents ha$ been %ore than a "itt"e ner+o#s when the two ha$ as'e$ to stay for a few $ays! b#t #"ti%ate"y! they co#"$n6t t#rn $own their chi"$ren. The $oor $own the way opene$ an$ "ight po#re$ in #n$er the gap at the botto% of her own $oor. /o%eone h#rrie$ by in the ha""way >#ic'"y eno#gh to %a'e a bree2e co%e in thro#gh the crac's. Binny watche$ as the pa"e b"#e paper she ha$ fo#n$ again this e+ening an$ p"ace$ on her $es' f"#ttere$ to the f"oor. A* f"at%ate8A Binny tho#ght! for the first ti%e in her "ife! that %aybe "ea+ing the B#rrow to "i+e e"sewhere %ight be the answer. /he tho#ght bac' to the a$. The price for rent was a bit %ore than she sho#"$ probab"y pay! b#t it wasn6t o#t of her %eans. Binny ha$ sa+e$ %ost of the %oney she6$ %a$e fro% e+ery <ob she6$ wor'e$ an$ ha$ a hea"thy s#% pi"ing #p in a Bringotts +a#"t. 3er "i+ing e:penses wo#"$ be %eager! she 'new. /he co#"$ %a'e $o witho#t %any e:tras. 3#rrie$ footsteps bac' #p the stairs an$ $own the ha"" again %a$e the paper s'i$ towar$ her a"ong the bare har$woo$ f"oors. Binny watche$ with interest as the paper stoppe$ %o+ing. /he co#"$ <#st %a'e o#t the $ar' "etters! b#t not rea$ what they sai$. A#umos!A she %#ttere$ an$ her wan$ tip brightene$. AAccio.A *nother spe"" bro#ght the paper into her han$ an$ Binny rea$ the a$ again. =aybe this was the answer for her right now. =aybe she nee$e$ to get o#t on her own an$ e:perience "ife witho#t a fa%i"y %e%ber "oo'ing o+er her sho#"$er. /he6$ ha+e to ta"' to 3er%ione abo#t it to%orrow. /he $ar'ene$ her wan$! p"ace$ the paper on the s%a""! #nstea$y be$si$e tab"e an$ "ay bac' $own into her be$! p#""ing the ho%e%a$e >#i"t #p to her sho#"$ers. * s%a"" s%i"e p"aye$ on her "ips as she no$$e$ off to s"eep. *s it t#rne$ o#t! it too' two $ays for 3er%ione to s>#ee2e eno#gh ti%e in her sche$#"e between wor' at the =inistry an$ we$$ing p"anning for Binny. 6*fter a""! Binny! there are on"y si: %onths to get this whole we$$ing p"anne$E6 They %et at a new resta#rant in )iagon *""ey not too far $own fro% her brothers6 new store. nce the waiter ha$ $e"i+ere$ their "#nch! Binny too' a $eep breath.

A1 was thin'ing of %o+ing o#t!A she b"#rte$! wincing at how abr#pt it so#n$e$. 3er%ione stare$ at her! pa#sing in chewing her %o#thf#". /he s"ow"y swa""owe$ an$ wipe$ her %o#th with a nap'in! as she scr#tini2e$ Binny. A&e""(A Binny as'e$! her han$ $arting forwar$ in ner+o#sness to finger the sa"t $ispenser. A=o+ing o#t of the B#rrow.A 1t was %ore a state%ent than a >#estion! an$ Binny watche$ the $ifferent e:pressions cross her frien$6s face. AThat6s a "arge step.A A16% rea$y for it!A Binny ass#re$ her. A1 <#st81 can6t $o this any%ore! 3er%ione. 1 nee$8A A;o# nee$ to fin$ o#t who yo# are.A 3er%ione no$$e$. /y%pathy! b#t not pity! fi""e$ her face. Bri%acing <#st a bit at the c"ichF! Binny no$$e$. A1 g#ess so. =ore "i'e 1 nee$ the space to %a'e s#re who 1 thin' 1 a% is who 1 really a%.A 3er%ione "oo'e$ at her again! tho#ghtf#""y cata"oging e+erything. A16% sorry it6s been so har$ for yo#.A A)on6t apo"ogi2e! 3er%ione!A Binny f"#she$! g"ancing aro#n$! worrying who co#"$ o+erhear their con+ersation. 1t ha$ on"y been si: years! after a"". Bringing a"" that #p again wo#"$ <#st %a'e a %ess. A;o# 'now how 1 fee" abo#t it.A A/ti""!A 3er%ione contin#e$! Ait isn6t right how they treat yo#. 16+e spo'en to .on abo#t it ?A A.on(A Binny scow"e$ $own at her so#p! fighting the fee"ing that her appetite ha$ <#st $isappeare$ co%p"ete"y. A1 'now!A 3er%ione p"acate$! ho"$ing her han$s #p in front of her before $ropping the% an$ sighing. A;o# were fo#rteen! Binny8A A&hat $o yo# thin' abo#t %e %o+ing o#t(A Binny ro$e o+er the top of her! p#shing the #nco%fortab"e panic bac' $own to where it "i+e$! $eep beneath the s#rface. 3er%ione hesitate$! biting her "ip in the way she $i$ when she was $e"iberating research or practica" e:peri%ents. /e+en years of frien$ship %eant that Binny 'new the "oo' we"". A1 thin' it6s a great i$ea!A she conc"#$e$! "etting a gen#ine"y enth#siastic s%i"e creep #p on her. A*n$ it6s +ery character b#i"$ing to s#pport yo#rse"f. B#t can yo# rea""y affor$ a f"at on yo#r own(A Fee"ing a bit g#i"ty! b#t not "etting it show! Binny s%i"e$. A1 was thin'ing abo#t getting a f"at%ate! or %aybe fin$ing so%eone who nee$e$ one.A

AThat6s an i$ea!A 3er%ione conce$e$ as she pic'e$ at her brea$. A1 co#"$ chec' at the =inistry an$ see if anyone6s hear$ anything.A A1 was thin'ing 16$ "oo'8o#tsi$e )iagon *""ey! act#a""y!A Binny sai$ as she n#$ge$ her so#p bow" bac' an$ forth in front of her. Fina""y! she too' a s%a"" taste an$ sa+ore$ the rich f"a+or. =aybe her appetite ha$ ret#rne$ after a"". 3er%ione s%i"e$ an$ shoo' her hea$. A;o# an$ the =#gg"e wor"$.A A&hat(A Binny >#estione$ with a s%i"e. /he an$ 3er%ione ha$ ha$ this con+ersation %any ti%es. A1 <#st thin'81 $on6t 'now. 1t6s "i'e we on"y "i+e in this s%a"" "itt"e corner of the wor"$ an$ there! <#st beyon$ is this who"e h#ge p"ace that we har$"y 'now anything abo#t.A 3er%ione "a#ghe$. A1 agree with yo#! Binny. 1n fact! 1 wish .on were %ore open to $oing things the =#gg"e way or tra+e"ing %ore or8we"" anything beyon$ what he6s a"ways 'nown. 1 %ean! the c"osest he6s rea""y co%e to anything $ifferent is when 1 force hi% to go to %y parent6s ho#se! or the ti%e he trie$ to be frien$s with )ean Tho%as when the two of yo# were $ating.A A)on6t re%in$ %e!A Binny scr#nche$ #p her nose. ABesi$es! 16+e a"ways fe"t this8p#"" when 1 thin' abo#t the =#gg"e wor"$.A /he threw #p her han$s in fr#stration. A1 can6t e:p"ain it. 16+e trie$ a tho#san$ ti%es to #n$erstan$ it %yse"f. 1t6s <#st "i'e81 fee" that there6s so%ething o#t there for %e an$ 1 nee$ to $isco+er it for %yse"f.A A;o# a"ways were the %ost a$+ent#ro#s &eas"ey!A 3er%ione shoo' her hea$. A3ar$"y!A Binny snorte$! g"ancing aro#n$ the roo% again. ABi"" an$ Char"ie tra+e"e$ a"" o+er in the war! Fre$ an$ Beorge $o who 'nows what in that shop of theirs! he""! e+en .on has an e:citing <ob with his C#i$$itch. 16% <#st "itt"e Binny &eas"ey.A 3er%ione raise$ an eyebrow. A0itt"e Binny &eas"ey( .ecor$ ho"$er for the %ost $etentions at 3ogwarts! winner of the pri2e for %ost $etentions e+er gi+en by 4rofessor /nape7 yo# are the twin6s sister in e+ery way.A A;eah! yeah! yeah!A Binny gigg"e$. A1 ha$ to $o so%ething! schoo" wo#"$ ha+e been $ea$ boring if 16$ on"y st#$ie$ an$ rea$ boo's.A 3er cha""enging "oo' %a$e 3er%ione b"#sh a bit. A/choo" was for snogging as %any boys as 1 co#"$! b"owing #p a few potions an$ escaping the cast"e any way possib"e.A A&e""! 16% certain"y g"a$ yo# achie+e$ a"" yo#r goa"s in "ife!A 3er%ione sai$ $ry"y. A1t6s not "i'e anyone e+er "et %e $o anything he"pf#"!A Binny gr#%b"e$. The past we""e$ #p insi$e her an$ she str#gg"e$ to contro" it. There was a +ery goo$ reason that e+eryone wante$ to wrap her in cotton woo" an$ on"y ta'e her o#t on specia" occasions. B#t they

ne+er spo'e of it. 4rotect Binny?that6s what they a"" $i$?e+en tho#gh she fo#ght against it constant"y. 3er%ione reache$ o#t an$ p"ace$ a war% han$ o+er Binny6s co"$ one. A&e a"" fe"t a bit #se"ess! $i$n6t we( /t#c' in that cast"e whi"e yo#r brothers went off to war. 16% <#st g"a$ it6s o+er an$ e+eryone ca%e bac' a"i+e.A Binny no$$e$ absent"y! her %in$ pict#ring each of her fa%i"ies6 faces one by one. A&e were +ery "#c'y.A /he wince$ as she tho#ght of Bi""6s scarre$ face an$ the fact that they6$ a"%ost "ost hi%. 3er%ione %#st ha+e fe"t the past br#sh c"ose again too! as she shoo' the %e%ories o#t of her hea$ a bit an$ ret#rne$ to their ear"ier topic. A&hen are yo# going to brea' the news to yo#r parents(A A5ot #nti" 1 $eci$e for s#re!A Binny sai$. /he hesitate$ before pro$#cing the s%#$ge$ paper an$ passing it o+er to 3er%ione. The br#nette rea$ thro#gh it an$ raise$ her eyes to %eet Binny6s. A;o# ihave/i tho#ght this thro#gh.A Binny s%i"e$ an$ no$$e$. A1 ha+e. 1t was act#a""y an acci$ent that 1 en$e$ #p with that paper! b#t it is what got %e thin'ing abo#t it.A AThis was written by a %an!A 3er%ione state$. A3ow can yo# te""(A Binny as'e$ as she snatche$ the a$ an$ rea$ it again. The tho#ght ha$n6t occ#rre$ to her an$ it sent her p"ans into a spin. A1 can6t for s#re. 1t6s <#st a fee"ing 1 get. The sentence str#ct#re?the way it6s written is fair"y for%a". 16$ say yo#6re "oo'ing at an e$#cate$! yo#nger %an. 1t is possib"e that it co#"$ be a wo%an! b#t she6$ probab"y be +ery for%a" an$ stiff.A Binny bit the insi$e of her "ip for a %o%ent before shr#gging. A1t ha$n6t e+en entere$ %y %in$ that it %ight be a %an. 1 g#ess 1 <#st got this pict#re in %y hea$ an$8 &e""! 16% not s#re what to $o now.A A&o#"$ it rea""y %atter(A 3er%ione as'e$! rebe""io#s"y. * s%a"" s%i"e grace$ her "ips an$ Binny a"%ost "a#ghe$. A1 %ean! it6s <#st sharing a f"at.A A1t6s not %e that wo#"$ ha+e a prob"e% with it!A Binny proteste$. 3er%ione no$$e$ an$ sippe$ at her ice water. A;o#6re right. 1 thin' yo#6$ ha+e si: rather "arge prob"e%s.A

AEight!A Binny confir%e$ with a hea+y sigh. A1 $on6t see =#% or )a$ being too accepting of it.A A&e""! <#st 'eep "oo'ing aro#n$!A 3er%ione s#ggeste$. AThere6s bo#n$ to be so%eone o#t there "oo'ing for a f"at%ate.A Binny no$$e$ hesitating"y an$ g"ance$ $own at the b"#e paper again. A1 thin' 16"" ca"" on this one anyway. 1t wo#"$n6t h#rt to %eet hi%! wo#"$ it(A A5ot at a""!A 3er%ione proteste$. A*n$ yo# %ay fin$ it6s <#st what yo# nee$.A Binny ret#rne$ the rather %ischie+o#s s%i"e of her f#t#re sister9in9"aw! gratef#" that so%eone in the fa%i"y #n$erstoo$ her rebe""io#s spirit a bit. A0et %e 'now how it t#rns o#t.A 3arry was <#st abo#t to ta'e a bite of his foo$ when his ce"" phone b#22e$ an$ sang in his poc'et. /ighing an$ "oo'ing $own at the rapi$"y coo"ing sa#sage! wrappe$ in thic' brea$ an$ c#rrent"y "ea'ing grease thro#gh the f"i%sy paper an$ onto his <eans! he f#%b"e$ for the phone. A3e""o(A Dery few peop"e ha$ this n#%ber an$ 3arry won$ere$ who wo#"$ be ca""ing hi% in the %i$$"e of the $ay. A3e""o!A a p"easant! fe%a"e +oice answere$ an$ then hesitate$. A1 fo#n$ yo#r a$ abo#t a f"at%ate.A /he hesitate$ again an$ 3arry opene$ his %o#th to respon$. A*re yo# sti"" "oo'ing for so%eone(A 3is "#nch "ay forgotten in his "ap. 3arry6s eyes scanne$ the par' in front of hi%. 1t was a war% eno#gh $ay in the %i$$"e of ,an#ary for hi% to escape his f"at an$ wa"' the streets! searching for so%ething to 'eep his free ti%e fro% $ri+ing hi% insane. A;eah!A he answere$! a"%ost witho#t thin'ing. 6* wo%an(6 his brain proteste$! b#t his %o#th wasn6t "istening. A;eah! 16% sti"" "oo'ing.A A h!A she sai$! so#n$ing as if she were as shoc'e$ at the answer as he was. A&e""! 16% intereste$.A 3e fo#n$ hi%se"f s%i"ing at her ner+o#sness7 it echoe$ his own perfect"y. A1 ne+er rea""y tho#ght yo#6$ be8we""!A she contin#e$. A* g#y!A 3arry s%i"e$.

A;eah!A she ch#c'"e$! re"ief f"oo$ing her +oice. A1 <#st got this pict#re in %y hea$ an$8 we""! it $oesn6t rea""y %atter. 1 %ean8it $oesn6t.A A 'ay!A 3arry agree$! a%#se$ at her f"#stere$ speech. Ta'ing a $eep breath! he contin#e$! A&e""! the f"at is in 0on$on! ob+io#s"y. Three be$roo%s! with one "oo. There6s a washing %achine an$ c"othes $ryer.A 3e fe"t e:tre%e"y st#pi$ for carrying on "i'e this! b#t his brain wasn6t in contro" of his %o#th it see%e$ an$ he fe"t hi%se"f fee"ing %ore co%fortab"e with the i$ea of a f"at%ate as he ra%b"e$ on. A1t so#n$s goo$!A she agree$. A1 won$er8is there a ti%e?A A&e can %eet!A 3arry no$$e$! interr#pting her. A/#re. @%8A A16% at wor' now!A she contin#e$. AB#t 1 ha+e to%orrow off8if yo#6re a+ai"ab"e.A A/#re! yeah!A 3arry b"#rte$! fee"ing his chee's heat at his own enth#sias%. ATo%orrow wo#"$ be goo$.A 3e 'new the a$$ress of the coffee shop she ga+e we""?it was the one he +isite$ a"%ost e+ery night! an$ where he6$ poste$ the a$+ertise%ent. A16"" be there!A he agree$. A 'ay!A she agree$. They sat for se+era" secon$s in aw'war$ si"ence before both of the% sai$ 6goo$bye6 at the sa%e ti%e. They ch#c'"e$ an$ then en$e$ the ca"". =echanica""y! 3arry s"i$ his phone bac' into the poc'et of his coat an$ stare$ $own at his grease9staine$ pants. 3e pic'e$ a bit at the brea$ s#rro#n$ing the sa#sage! nibb"ing at it. 3arry wasn6t s#re what %a$e hi% tac' the notice to the boar$ at the coffee ho#se at a"". 3e6$ ta'en it with hi% one night! $ran' his coffee an$ a+oi$e$ the open"y f"irtatio#s "oo's of the wo%an ser+ing hi%. n his way o#t that night! he6$ pa#se$ at the notices! his eyes ta'ing a"" of the% in. The paper crin'"e$ in his coat poc'et an$ he p#""e$ it o#t! g"ancing at it an$ then bac' at the boar$. &hat wo#"$ happen if he <#st tac'e$ it #p there( 5othing! rea""y! he ass#re$ hi%se"f. /o%eone %ight ca""! b#t he co#"$ easi"y t#rn the% $own. 3e co#"$ say it was rente$! or he6$ change$ his %in$8 /o he wasn6t co%%itting to anything by si%p"y p#tting #p the a$+ertise%ent. ;et! so%ehow! it fe"t "i'e a big co%%it%ent! p#tting hi%se"f o#t there "i'e this. 3arry ha$ ne+er been partic#"ar"y c"ose to anyone besi$es /iri#s an$ .e%#s. Training as a so"$ier $i$n6t a""ow %#ch ti%e for frien$s! gir"frien$s or anything "i'e it. *""owing so%eone into his +ery c"ose$ "ife wo#"$ be a h#ge step.

6;o# can a"ways say no!6 he to"$ hi%se"f. * pict#re of what waite$ for hi% at ho%e entere$ his %in$?e%pty f"at! si"ent as the gra+e?an$ he too' a $eep breath. Fin$ing an #nocc#pie$ p#sh pin! 3arry p#t the notice #p on the boar$. That ha$ been a"%ost a %onth ago! 3arry %#se$ as he too' a s"ow bite of his "#nch an$ chewe$ tho#ghtf#""y. 3e6$ co%p"ete"y forgotten a"" abo#t it #nti" now. *n$ no one e"se ha$ ca""e$. 3e co#"$ sti"" te"" her no! he ass#re$ hi%se"f once %ore. 3e wo#"$ be po"ite an$ %eet with her. 1n a"" the ti%e he6$ spent pon$ering p#tting the f"yer #p! the tho#ght that a wo%an %ight answer it ha$n6t entere$ his %in$. 1t was co%p"ete"y "ogica"! tho#gh! gi+en that he ha$n6t specifie$ that he was %a"e! or that he was e:pecting a %a"e f"at%ate. Then again! what $i$ it rea""y %atter( The chances of this person being intereste$ eno#gh! an$ the two of the% getting a"ong we"" eno#gh for 3arry to a""ow her to %o+e in were probab"y ne:t to nothing. /o! he $eci$e$ with a cas#a" shr#g to hi%se"f! he6$ gi+e it a try.

*Chapter 2*: Chapter 2: Clicking

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Author's Notes: Than s to everyone who has rea" an" reviewe". An" than s to %lla, &eb an" 'el for their wor . (o!efully, some of your *uestions will be answere" with this one. Not all, of course, since the story is longer than two cha!ters. +, %n-oy) Chapter Two: Clicking

Binny straightene$ her thigh "ength coat one %ore ti%e as she wa"'e$ towar$ the coffee ho#se an$ then c#rse$ herse"f for fi$geting so %#ch. /he was on"y %eeting the %an! for hea+en6s sa'es! not $ating hi%. The phone con+ersation she6$ ha$ with hi% ha$ been p"easant eno#gh. 3e6$ see%e$ s#rprise$ by the tho#ght of a fe%a"e f"at%ate as we""! an$ then ha$ "a#ghe$ an$ %o+e$ on with the con+ersation as if he6$ co%p"ete"y accepte$ the possibi"ity witho#t another tho#ght. &hat s#rprise$ her %ost was the co%p"ete"y *%erican accent e+en tho#gh he #se$ ter%s "i'e 6f"at%ate!6 an$ 6"oo6 an$ things of that sort. /he $i$n6t %ention anything to hi% then! hoping not to offen$ hi% co%p"ete"y. 1n fact! Binny tho#ght it was rather f#nny in a >#ir'y sort of way. There was a story there! she was s#re! an$ %aybe she6$ get to $isco+er it for herse"f. The war%th of the s%a"" shop we"co%e$ her an$ she g"ance$ aro#n$! searching the $ar'er e$ges of the roo% for where he %ight be. /he fo#n$ hi% se+era" tab"es away near the win$ow an$ he %et her ga2e an$ s%i"e$ in ret#rn. 3er first i%pression was that he was rather goo$ "oo'ing. *"%on$ shape$ eyes were his the %ost stri'ing feat#re7 they were a %#$$y ha2e" co"or. B"ac' hair that was c#t short an$ precise. * thin face with ang#"ar chee' bones an$ a straight nose. The rich co"or of his face s#ggeste$ that he spent reg#"ar ti%e o#t$oors as we"". 3is sho#"$ers were broa$! b#t not o#t of proportion to his tri% hips. Binny fo#ght the #rge to b"#sh when he stoo$ fro% his seat an$ interr#pte$ her appreciation of hi%. ABinny &eas"ey.A /he st#c' o#t her han$ an$ shoo' the thin one he"$ in front of her! noticing that it was soft! yet ca""#se$ in so%e p"aces. A3arry 4ar'er!A he rep"ie$ an$ Binny was i%%e$iate"y intereste$ in his #ni>#e accent. 3e gest#re$ to the other seat at the tab"e an$ e+en he"pe$ her to re%o+e her coat an$ $rape it a"ong the bac' of the chair. They sat an$ Binny c"eare$ her throat fee"ing her chee's heat again as he st#$ie$ her. AForgi+e %e!A he ch#c'"e$. A1 $i$n6t e:pect8A A&hat(A Binny as'e$! s%i"ing at his "opsi$e$ s%i"e in ret#rn. A;o#6re +ery pretty!A 3arry co%p"i%ente$! an$ then %otione$ to the waitress across the roo% that they were rea$y to or$er. AThan' yo#!A Binny ga+e in to the b"#sh an$ c#rse$ herse"f si"ent"y for it. 1t wasn6t often that she recei+e$ a co%p"i%ent "i'e that. Fee"ing e+en %ore f"#stere$ as his eyes ret#rne$

to her! Binny $eci$e$ that h#%or %ight be the best $efense against her b"#shing ten$encies. A;o#6re not abso"#te"y horrib"e to "oo' at yo#rse"f.A 3arry6s rich "a#gh fi""e$ the area aro#n$ their tab"e an$ Binny re"a:e$ a bit. A16% hoping that was a co%p"i%ent.A A;o# sho#"$ ta'e it as one!A she no$$e$. A&e""! 1 g#ess that answers %y >#estion abo#t yo# ha+ing a sense of h#%or!A 3arry sai$. A&hat6"" it be! $#c'y(A Binny "oo'e$ #p to fin$ the waitress waiting with her pa$ of paper. A h! <#st a tea for %e! p"ease. * bit of "e%on a"so! if yo# ha+e it.A A*nother coffee!A 3arry gest#re$ towar$ the c#p. A ne crea%! two s#gars.A A16"" be right bac'!A she no$$e$ an$ "eft the two a"one. Binny notice$ the appreciati+e "oo' that the o"$er wo%an ga+e 3arry as she wa"'e$ away. /he won$ere$ if that happene$ often to hi%. A/o!A 3arry starte$ again. 3is han$s fi$gete$ on the tab"e in front of her! tracing the e$ges of a s%a"" nap'in. ATe"" %e abo#t yo#rse"f!A he shr#gge$ one sho#"$er! his eyes %eeting hers again. Binny raise$ an eyebrow at hi% an$ s%i"e$. A&hat! e:act"y $o yo# want to 'now(A A*nything!A 3arry shr#gge$. A0i'e why yo#6re "oo'ing for a f"at%ate(A Binny tho#ght abo#t this for a %o%ent before $eci$ing on how %#ch to re+ea" to hi%. A&e""! that6s a rather in+o"+e$ >#estion. 1 g#ess 1 ha+e to te"" yo# a bit %ore abo#t %yse"f to e+en answer it. A/ee! 16% the yo#ngest of se+en!A she pa#se$ as 3arry whist"e$ "ow an$ shoo' his hea$. A1t gets better!A she contin#e$ with a s%a"" s%i"e! Athe others are a"" boys.A A1 thin' 16% beginning to get the pict#re!A he sai$ with another "opsi$e$ s%i"e. A1 went to a boar$ing schoo" for se+en years an$ gra$#ate$ when 1 was se+enteen!A she contin#e$. A/ince then 16+e "i+e$ at ho%e. E+eryone wants to see %e get on with %y "ife! fin$ a career! or a h#sban$ or whate+er. E+eryone 'nows e+erything abo#t %e an$ e+erything abo#t %y b#siness! or thin's they 'now anyway.A 3er chee's heate$ again as the wor$s ca%e spi""ing o#t of her. C#ic'"y she t#rne$ her attention to r#nning the tip of her finger in the scarre$ woo$ of the tab"e top between the%.

3arry "a#ghe$ at her s"ight"y $isgr#nt"e$ e:pression an$ $raine$ the rest of his coffee. A5ow the story co%es o#t. * h#sban$! h#h( 1s that what yo# want(A 1t was Binny6s t#rn to "a#gh as 3arry st#$ie$ her. A)on6t worry! this isn6t an a#$ition.A 3e see%e$ to sag a bit in re"ief an$ preten$e$ to wipe the sweat fro% his brow. 1t %a$e Binny s%i"e wi$er. A1 $on6t want a h#sban$?not now! anyway. 1 <#st want a bit of space for %yse"f. Free$o% to $o what 1 want witho#t ha+ing to report e+ery %o+e%ent to %y %other! father or! hea+en forbi$! one of %y brothers. A&hat abo#t yo#!A she as'e$! gi+ing hi% a grin! Awhy are yo# "oo'ing for a f"at%ate(A 3arry %et her eyes for a %o%ent an$ Binny fe"t the nee$ to "oo' away as his ga2e was so penetrating. The waitress bro'e the %o%ent by arri+ing with their $rin's. A1 $on6t 'now!A he a$%itte$ once she ha$ gone. A1 g#ess it6s %ore <#st to ha+e so%eone e"se aro#n$! if that %a'es any sense. The %oney rea""y isn6t an iss#e. B#t! 16% here a"one in this co#ntry an$ $on6t rea""y 'now anyone.A A;o#6re "one"y!A she s#ggeste$ si%p"y. A1 can #n$erstan$ that.A A1 g#ess so!A he shr#gge$. 3is face f"#she$ an$ she won$ere$ if there was %ore to the story. 3arry 4ar'er $efinite"y see%e$ intrig#ing. A*nyway! it was an i$ea that a frien$ ha$ an$! 1 $on6t 'now! it <#st see%e$ "i'e it %ight wor'.A 3e trai"e$ off an$ sippe$ his coffee! g"ancing o#t the win$ow. Binny! sensing so%ething a bit off! bac'e$ away fro% the >#estion. ATe"" %e abo#t the f"at.A /he "eane$ forwar$! ignoring the tea in front of her as 3arry6s face re"a:e$ an$ his easy! croo'e$ s%i"e ret#rne$. A1t6s a three be$roo%! secon$ f"oor f"at abo+e a wareho#se. The wareho#se is #se$ for storage on"y so there6s +ery "itt"e noise. The neighborhoo$ is nice. There6s this "itt"e par' <#st $own the way where 1 so%eti%es go to rea$ or wa"'. There6s a fair"y s%a"" 'itchen an$ "i+ing roo% area. 1 #se the s%a""est be$roo% for %y wor'o#t roo%! b#t yo#6$ ha+e yo#r own roo%. * sing"e "oo!A his nose scr#nche$ a bit. A/o we6$ ha+e to share that.A Binny wa+e$ a han$ showing that it $i$n6t concern her. A16% #se$ to sharing. &ith that %any peop"e "i+ing in one ho#se! free bathroo% ti%e wasn6t easy to co%e by growing #p.A 3arry stare$ at her in awe. A1 sti"" can6t be"ie+e there were nine of yo# in one ho#se.A Binny shr#gge$. A1t6s an o"$er! s%a"" ho#se an$ we rea""y $i$n6t ha+e %#ch %oney when we were yo#nger. B#t we were happy.A *n$ it was tr#e. &hat the B#rrow "ac'e$ in roo%iness an$ %o$ern a%enities! it %a$e #p for in char% an$ "o+e.

A*nyway!A he contin#e$ after no$$ing. A1t6s rather spacio#s fro% what 1 hear abo#t the f"ats in 0on$on.A A*n$ what $i$ yo# ha+e in %in$ for the perfect f"at%ate(A she as'e$ with a s%i"e as she a$$e$ the "e%on to her tea an$ stirre$. 3arry s%i"e$ at her! >#iet as he consi$ere$ his answer. A/o%eone rather neat. 16% not a s"ob! b#t 1 $on6t rea""y fancy $oing ho#sewor' a"" $ay "ong. /o%eone >#iet. 16% not into parties an$ s#ch! rea""y. 1f yo# can coo'! that wo#"$ be great. 16% a"right with a few $ishes! pasta an$ the "i'e! b#t 16% a"ways open to new things. =y wor' ta'es %e o#t of the co#ntry >#ite a bit! so 16% not a"ways there either.A A/o#n$s reasonab"e!A Binny conce$e$. A16% not o+er"y neat by nat#re! b#t 1 thin' 1 co#"$ confine any %ess to %y roo%.A /he raise$ an eyebrow as 3arry grinne$ $own into his coffee. A1 $on6t ha+e that %any frien$s so 1 can pretty %#ch g#arantee no parties. 1 $o a"right in the 'itchen!A she si"ent"y praise$ 3er%ione6s coaching on #sing =#gg"e app"iances. A=y %other is an e:ce""ent coo' an$! $espite %yse"f! 1 %#st ha+e inherite$ a bit fro% her.A A/o#n$s a"right so far!A he no$$e$. A&here $o yo# wor'(A AThe "arge boo'store <#st $own the street act#a""y!A Binny no$$e$ her hea$ towar$ the win$ow an$ 3arry g"ance$ #p! e+en tho#gh the +iew $i$n6t ta'e in the boo'store. A/o the "ocation is fine.A A*n$ yo#r fa%i"y( They "i+e in 0on$on as we""(A ATwo of %y brothers $o!A she no$$e$. A=y parents an$ two brothers "i+e in )e+on! whi"e the other two brothers "i+e abroa$.A 3arry no$$e$. A&hat abo#t yo#( 1s yo#r fa%i"y aro#n$ here(A Binny i%%e$iate"y fe"t ba$ as a +isib"e sa$ness see%e$ to sett"e on hi% for a %o%ent. A1 $on6t ha+e any fa%i"y!A 3arry a$%itte$ as he ran his fingers aro#n$ the ri% of his coffee c#p. A1 was born here in Eng"an$! b#t was raise$ by %y Bo$father in the @nite$ /tates after %y parents $ie$.A A16% sorry!A Binny sai$ >#iet"y to the tab"e. A1t6s a"right!A he proteste$ an$ s%i"e$ tight"y. A1 act#a""y $o ha+e an a#nt an$ a co#sin so%ewhere o+er here!A he shr#gge$. AB#t 1 ha+en6t tho#ght abo#t the% in fore+er.A A&hat abo#t pets(A Binny as'e$! hoping to change the at%osphere bac' to the "ighter one of before. A4ets(A he >#estione$ an$ Binny "a#ghe$.

A;eah. 1 on"y as' beca#se 1 ha+e a bir$. 1f that6s a prob"e% tho#gh! 1 %ight be ab"e to pers#a$e %y parents to 'eep hi% for a whi"e. *"tho#gh 16$ rather ha+e hi% with %e.A The tho#ght of "ea+ing *r%strong! the on"y thing she was rea""y responsib"e for in her "ife! $i$n6t sit we"" with Binny. *"tho#gh! chances were she6$ probab"y get 3er%ione to ta'e care of hi% before her %other wo#"$. 5o $o#bt 3arry wo#"$ ha+e so%ething s#rprising to say if she act#a""y a$%itte$ to ha+ing an ow" for a pet?e+en tho#gh she so%eti%es won$ere$ if the strong9wi""e$ *r%strong tho#ght of her as his pet. 3arry see%e$ to thin' abo#t it for a %o%ent before shr#gging. A1 $on6t rea""y %in$ a bir$!A he sai$. A*s "ong as yo# 'eep it in yo#r roo%.A A f co#rse!A Binny no$$e$. A1t isn6t one of those "o#$ ta"'ing ones! is it(A he as'e$ with a strange "oo' on his face. Binny "a#ghe$ again. A5o! he6s +ery >#iet! har$"y e+er %a'es a so#n$ act#a""y. *nything e"se(A Binny as'e$. A@h%! 1 can6t rea""y thin' of anything8A he sai$. AThere6s no garage for yo#r car! b#t there are se+era" par'ing spots in the bac' of the b#i"$ing.A AThat6s fine!A Binny sai$. A1 $on6t ha+e a car anyway.A A 'ay.A The two "apse$ into si"ence for a bit an$ then their eyes %et! ca#sing the% both to s%i"e. A1 thin' this %ight act#a""y wor'!A 3arry sai$ fina""y! a hint of awe in his +oice. A1 thin' it %ight! too!A Binny s%i"e$ bac' at hi%. Binny too' a $eep breath! fee"ing the #nease of years s"ipping away. /he was rea""y going to $o this. *s cra2y as it see%e$! this fe"t so8right?a $ecision %a$e $eep insi$e of her that <#st8c"ic'e$. For so%eone so #se$ to a+oi$ing "arge! "ife changing $ecisions! this one ca%e with %#ch %ore c"arity than she e:pecte$. 5ow she <#st ha$ to fig#re o#t how she was going to hi$e the fact that she was a witch. 3arry t#rne$ the 'ey in the "oc'! snea'ing a "oo' bac' at Binny! who was st#$ying the narrow stairwe"" that they6$ <#st c"i%be$. 3e was sore"y te%pte$ to $o a >#ic' banishing spe""! sen$ing e+erything that $i$n6t be"ong bac' to his be$roo%! b#t the ris' was too great. 1f Binny saw8we6"" he6$ not on"y be o#t a possib"e f"at%ate! b#t she6$ probab"y ca"" the %en in the white coats to ta'e hi% away.

A1t6s not rea""y c"ean!A he e:c#se$! wincing at his tho#ght"essness at not at "east pic'ing #p his things before "ea+ing to$ay. Then again! when he6$ "eft to go to the coffee ho#se! 3arry ha$ "ow e:pectations for the %eeting. /ince her ca""! he6$ ta"'e$ hi%se"f o#t of! an$ then right bac' into! going at a"". Co%%on co#rtesy won an$ 3arry $eci$e$ to at "east %eet with her. *n$ he ha$ "itera""y been b"own away. This wo%an was8a%a2ing. /he was "i'eab"e an$ f#nny an$8so%ething8 3e co#"$n6t >#ite p#t his finger on it! b#t it was there. *n$ it $rew hi% towar$ her "i'e no one he ha$ e+er %et before. A16% s#re 16"" get o+er it!A she sai$ as she e$ge$ past hi% as he he"$ the $oor for her. 3e s%i"e$ an$ shoo' his hea$ as they ca%e in! b"in'ing at the $ar'ness of the interior in contrast to the bright s#n o#tsi$e. 3arry g"ance$ #p at her! won$ering what she tho#ght as she wan$ere$ away! her fingers trai"ing a"ong the bac' of his p"#sh! "eather sofa. /he "oo'e$ bac' o+er her sho#"$er! a s"ow s%i"e sprea$ing on her face. A1t6s nice!A she sai$. A.oo%y.A They both ch#c'"e$ as she sp#n in a circ"e! her ar%s he"$ o#t wi$e. 3e ch#c'"e$! t#gging at his scarf an$ #n$oing the b#ttons on his coat. A16"" show yo# aro#n$.A 3er s%ir' staye$ in p"ace as she fo""owe$ after hi%. A0i+ing roo%?A A b+io#s"y!A she "a#ghe$. 3arry fe"t a bit st#pi$! b#t her sense of h#%or p#t hi% %ore at ease. A*n$ the 'itchen!A he pointe$ to the s%a"" area that he"$ the sin'! sto+e an$ refrigerator. A0oo!A Binny co%%ente$ when they ca%e to the ne:t $oor. ABe$roo%! s%art ass!A 3arry >#ippe$! raising an eyebrow in cha""enge. 3er "a#gh echoe$ thro#gh the narrow ha""way. A;o#rs! if yo# s#r+i+e the to#r.A /he "a#ghe$ again an$ n#$ge$ past hi% to see the e%pty roo%. nce insi$e! she sp#n aro#n$ again. A1 can "i+e with it!A she sai$ with a fir% no$. 3arry co#"$n6t he"p b#t s%i"e at her enth#sias%. /trange?it fe"t as if the $ecision for her to %o+e in here was a"rea$y %a$e. 1n fact! it e+en see%e$ a bit o$$ that her things weren6t a"rea$y there! c"ai%ing the roo% as her own. A=y roo% is o+er there!A he pointe$ at his $oor! >#ic'"y reaching o#t to c"ose his $oor. 3e ha$n6t %a$e the be$ this %orning an$ there were se+era" c"#%ps of $irty "a#n$ry

"i+ing on the f"oor. Binny %#st ha+e seen so%e of it as she ga+e hi% a 'nowing "oo' an$ ro""e$ her eyes. AThe "oo at the en$ an$ the other be$roo%! where 1 'eep %y weights.A A3%%!A she no$$e$. Bree2ing past hi%! she inspecte$ the roo%s an$ then %et hi% in the 'itchen! "eaning her hip against the s%a"" ro#n$ tab"e there. A1 thin' 1 co#"$ %a'e so%ething of the p"ace.A 3arry snorte$ o#t a "a#gh. A16"" get a 'ey %a$e then.A *n$ as >#ic' as that! the $ecision was %a$e. A1 thin' 1 can be rea$y to %o+e in ne:t wee'!A Binny sai$. /he see%e$ happy with the $ecision?content wo#"$ be the wor$ 3arry tho#ght wo#"$ $escribe it best. B#t that see%e$ a bit si""y! since he rea""y $i$n6t e+en 'now her. A;o# s#re yo#r gir"frien$ won6t %in$ yo# ha+ing a gir" for a f"at%ate(A 3er >#estion! f#"" of teasing! ca#ght hi% off g#ar$ an$ 3arry shoo' his hea$ wry"y. A5o gir"frien$.A A*h!A she no$$e$. A;o#r boyfrien$ then.A 3e gri%ace$! b#t shoo' his hea$ at her teasing. AThan's! 1 "i'e gir"s <#st fine. &hat abo#t yo#r boyfrien$8or! yo# 'now! gir"frien$(A Binny "a#ghe$ %erri"y an$ shoo' her hea$. A5one of either. *n$! yo# 'now! <#st for reference! 16% rather partia" to b"o'es %yse"f.A ABoo$ to 'now!A 3arry no$$e$! his face fee"ing "i'e it %ight crac'. 3e ha$n6t s%i"e$ this %#ch since he6$ %o+e$ si: %onths ago. A*"right!A Binny sai$ with a fir% no$. A16"" "et yo# 'now when 16"" %o+e in. 1t6"" probab"y be ne:t wee'! "i'e 1 sai$.A AThat sho#"$ be fine.A * +ag#e sha$ow presse$ in on 3arry6s %in$ an$ he wince$. A1! er81 %ay be gone ne:t wee'! act#a""y. 1 ha+e a b#siness %eeting co%ing #p.A A&hat is it! e:act"y! that yo# $o(A Binny as'e$. 3er tone was cas#a" eno#gh! b#t 3arry6s heart rate spe$ #p. 3e hate$ "ying to peop"e! b#t it was part of who he was right now. 3arry 4ar'er was a who"e persona wor'e$ #p between 3arry! /iri#s an$ .e%#s years ago. 1t see%e$ a"%ost %ore rea" now than who he was #n$erneath the g"a%o#rs an$ the fa"se na%es. A1 wor' for the go+ern%ent!A he s#ggeste$ cas#a""y. A1! er! he"p with sec#rity cons#"ting.A A h!A Binny no$$e$ an$ see%e$ to br#sh off the infor%ation whi"e sec#ring her coat front. A&e""! either way8A

A16"" ca"" yo# if it6s going to be an iss#e!A 3arry shr#gge$. A/#re!A she sai$! fina""y wrapping her scarf aro#n$ her nec'. A1 nee$ to get going.A A 'ay!A 3arry no$$e$! r#ff"ing the bac' of his hair. A&e""! 1 g#ess 16"" see yo# here when 1 get bac'.A /he no$$e$. A;o# wi"".A A16"" get the 'ey %a$e this afternoon. *re yo# wor'ing(A A1 a%!A she no$$e$! g"ancing at her watch. A1n fact! 16% going to be "ate.A 3arry %otione$ her towar$ the $oor! opening it. A16"" $rop it by this afternoon to yo#.A A/o#n$s perfect!A she agree$. 3arry watche$ her wa"' $own the stairs an$ then fo""owe$ her with his eyes $own the si$ewa"'. The ,an#ary air chi""e$ hi% an$ he rea"i2e$ he6$ been stan$ing o#tsi$e with no coat on for at "east fi+e %in#tes! watching Binny wa"' away. C#rsing his own si""iness! 3arry went bac' insi$e. Binny fe"t on top of the wor"$ as she ret#rne$ ho%e fro% wor' that e+ening. /he ha$n6t stoppe$ s%i"ing a"" $ay an$ ha$ been force$ to %a'e so%e e:c#se to .ebecca! "est her frien$ 'eep #p the teasing abo#t Binny6s s#specte$ "o+e "ife. 5ot e+en the tho#ght of going ho%e to a f#"" B#rrow co#"$ $a%pen her spirits! a"tho#gh that %ight change when she act#a""y got there. Bi"" ha$ $eci$e$ that he was going bac' to Egypt! %#ch to her %other6s $is%ay! an$ tonight was his farewe"" $inner. Binny wasn6t s#re if she p"anne$ on te""ing e+eryone of her i%pen$ing %o+e now! or waiting #nti" "ater. /he s#ppose$ it a"" $epen$e$ on the %oo$ of the fa%i"y. The 'itchen win$ows shown "i'e fire in the fa$ing "ight of e+ening as Binny wa"'e$ fro% the *pparation point. There was certain"y eno#gh noise an$ "a#ghter going on! beca#se it was seeping thro#gh the c"ose$ win$ows an$ $oors! sett"ing on the s%a"" co+ere$ porch. Binny sighe$! accepting that as a goo$ sign an$ entere$ the ho#se. * ro#sing ga%e of E:p"o$ing /nap was in progress! a"tho#gh it see%e$ as if Fre$ an$ Beorge %ay ha+e sabotage$ the car$s as feathers f"ew o#t of the% e+ery ti%e so%eone "ai$ a car$ $own. A h! yo#6+e fina""y %a$e it! ha+e yo#(A her %other ca""e$! "e+itating a p"ate f#"" of foo$ towar$ her. E+en her %other6s #nintentiona""y biting re%ar' co#"$n6t $a%pen Binny6s %oo$ tonight! she $eci$e$.

AThan's! =#%!A she cheere$! ho"$ing #p a for'f#" of potatoes before she +oracio#s"y $#g into the foo$. .ebecca ha$ wante$ to chat a"" thro#gh their "#nch brea'! so Binny was star+ing. A=in$ yo# $on6t eat the for' an$ p"ate!A .on tease$! co%ing #p behin$ her an$ sett"ing his crosse$ ar%s on her hea$. Binny str#gg"e$ in annoyance! trying to get away fro% hi%. A=in$ 1 $on6t stab yo# with %y for'!A she grow"e$ with a s%i"e. A&hat6s with yo#(A he as'e$! $o$ging her p"ayf#" <ab with the #tensi". A;o#6re ne+er this happy.A A*% so!A she >#ippe$ bac' with a fa'e po#t. A1 <#st $on6t e+er show it to yo#. &hy waste a goo$ %oo$ on a git(A ADery nice!A .on grow"e$. 3e to#s"e$ her hair! "a#ghing when she trie$ to $o$ge o#t of reach of his "ong ar%s. Binny fina""y escape$ hi%! "eaning on the bac' of Bi""6s chair as he tosse$ his "ast car$ into the pi"e. The res#"ting e:p"osion sent #p a s%a"" %#shroo% c"o#$ of b"ac' s%o'e! which they a"" wa+e$ away. A.on6s right! Binny!A Bi"" grinne$. A;o#6re happier than nor%a".A Binny g"are$ at hi%! si"ent"y c#rsing his yet9to9be9concei+e$ chi"$ren Gthat she 'new of! anywayH an$ wi""ing hi% not to bring too %#ch attention to her. 5othing goo$ e+er ca%e of it. &hy! oh why! co#"$n6t they <#st "et her be happy in peace( A16% <#st happy to see yo# "ea+e!A she $raw"e$! stic'ing her tong#e o#t at hi%. 3er %other sco"$e$ her! b#t Binny on"y ch#c'"e$. Bi"" ro""e$ his eyes an$ reache$ for the new car$s that Fre$ ha$ $ea"t hi%. B#t he 'ept snea'ing "oo's at her when he tho#ght she wasn6t watching. 1t #nner+e$ Binny s"ight"y! an$ she won$ere$ whether he was sti"" trying to fig#re o#t her %oo$! or whether he wante$ so%ething fro% her. /ee'ing ref#ge fro% her nosy brothers! Binny fo#n$ 3er%ione ta"'ing with *nge"ina! Beorge6s gir"frien$. They were h#$$"e$ aro#n$ a thic' %aga2ine an$ Binny gri%ace$! recogni2ing it i%%e$iate"y. The boo'store stoc'e$ $o2ens of these sa%e g"ossy photo9 co+ere$ %aga2ines for p"anning the perfect we$$ing. A&hat are we p"anning tonight(A she as'e$! p"astering a s%i"e on her face. AF"owers!A 3er%ione s%i"e$ happi"y. A.on an$ 1 ha+e $eci$e$ to go with "ots of won$erf#" spring b"oo%s.A

*nge"ina co%p"i%ente$ her on the choice an$ Binny $rifte$ off! watching her brothers contin#e the ga%e a%i$ boistero#s c"ai%s of cheating an$ car$ ta%pering. ABinny(A A/orry!A she sw#ng bac' aro#n$! aware that both wo%en were "oo'ing at her. A3onest"y!A 3er%ione h#ffe$. A1 as'e$ what co"or yo# tho#ght yo#6$ "i'e to wear. *s =ai$ of 3onor! 16$ "i'e yo#r he"p in p"anning this.A * wa+e of g#i"t washe$ o+er Binny an$ she set her e%pty p"ate asi$e! "eaning onto the si$eboar$ where 3er%ione6s %aga2ine reste$. /he was right7 Binny ha$n6t rea""y been a part of any of the p"anning. The fact that p"anning so%ething "i'e this we$$ing %a$e Binny want to +o%it sho#"$n6t %atter at a"". 3er%ione ha$ as'e$ her to stan$ as =ai$ of 3onor! an$ Binny ha$ agree$. /he certain"y co#"$ spare fifteen %in#tes with her best frien$! e+en if it %eant ta"'ing abo#t things as re+o"ting as f"owers an$ "ace an$ we$$ing ca'e. A;o# honest"y want %y opinion(A she as'e$. A1 tho#ght it was #p to the bri$e an$ groo%.A 3er%ione ro""e$ her eyes. A1f 1 "eft it #p to .on! we6$ a"" be $resse$ in orange.A Binny co#"$n6t he"p b#t snort o#t a "a#gh at that. 1t was co%p"ete"y tr#e. A&e""! $i$ yo# ha+e any co"ors in %in$(A A4ossib"y pa"e ye""ow! or pin'! or "a+en$er!A 3er%ione shr#gge$! p#""ing o#t a s%a"" sa%p"e of each co"or of fabric. A3%%!A Binny conte%p"ate$ the%. A1 $on6t %in$ the ye""ow! hate the pin'! "o+e the "a+en$er.A They $isc#sse$ co"ors an$ correspon$ing f"owers for another few %in#tes before Binny fe"t the nee$ to wa"' away to sa+e her sanity. 3er%ione see%e$ satisfie$ with her inp#t! so Binny $rifte$ bac' to the tab"e. The ga%e ha$ en$e$ with Fre$ winning the entire pi"e of shiny bron2e 'n#ts. 3e was s%#g"y co#nting the% on one si$e of the tab"e! shie"$ing his pi"e e+ery so often when .on or Beorge wo#"$ try to "e+itate stray coins fro% his c"#tches. Binny ch#c'"e$! watching the p"ay. 1t ha$ a"ways been the sa%e! a"tho#gh when they were yo#nger! they6$ p"aye$ with pean#ts an$ Bertie Bott6s E+ery F"a+or Beans instea$ of %oney. 5one of the% ha$ been ab"e to scro#nge %ore than a few 'n#ts at any point in ti%e.

A1 see Fre$6s 'ept #p his winning strea'!A Binny co%%ente$! reaching o+er to stea" a choco"ate frog fro% the s%a"" pi"e of sweets near Bi""6s e"bow. A;eah!A he agree$! watching as she #nwrappe$ the choco"ate. A&ho6$ yo# get(A Binny g"ance$ $own at the car$! #nconcerne$. /he6$ gi+en away her entire co""ection on the $ay she6$ "eft 3ogwarts! %#ch to .on6s $is%ay. /o%e first year Bryffin$or boy ha$ been gifte$ the who"e set. A3arry 4otter!A she shr#gge$! t#c'ing the car$ in the bac' poc'et of her <eans. A1 ha$ abo#t twenty of those!A she %#se$! biting off the hea$ of the s>#ir%ing frog an$ en<oying the war%th as the choco"ate %e"te$ against her tong#e. A)i$n6t yo# ha+e a cr#sh on hi%(A Bi"" tease$. Binny s%ir'e$! n#$ging hi% with her e"bow. A;eah! when 1 was fi+e.A /he $rifte$ off! thin'ing abo#t 3arry 4ar'er! her new f"at%ate. 3%%! interesting how si%i"ar the na%es were. B#t that was <#st si""y. There was no way that 3arry 4otter wo#"$ e+er be posing as a =#gg"e in 0on$on! of a"" p"aces! an$ searching for a f"at%ate. 3e was a ce"ebrity! for =er"in6s sa'e! an$ spent his "ife fighting cri%e a"" o+er the wor"$. Besi$es! the two "oo'e$ nothing a"i'e. A3%%!A Bi"" raise$ his eyebrows an$ she batte$ hi% o+er the hea$. A&hen $o yo# "ea+e(A AEar"y!A he gr#nte$ o#t! g"ancing at the c"oc'! which pointe$ at 6sti"" too ear"y for be$6. ABoo$ ri$$ance!A Binny tease$! br#shing her han$s a"ong his sho#"$ers. The o"$est an$ yo#ngest sib"ings got a"ong we""! #sing h#%or to $ef"ect any tension in the fa%i"y. 1t was so%ething that they6$ re"ie$ a "ot on o+er the years. *fter the war! howe+er! it ha$ ta'en Bi"" a "ot "onger to fin$ that h#%or again. B#t Binny co#"$ re"ate to being in the sha$ows. /he was often there herse"f. A*$%it it! yo#6"" %iss %e!A he >#ippe$! win'ing at her. A=aybe!A she shr#gge$! finishing off her choco"ate. A;o# $o a"ways ha+e choco"ate aro#n$.A Bi"" "a#ghe$. A&hat6re yo# going to $o witho#t %e here(A he as'e$! <o'ing"y. Binny sobere$! thin'ing of e:act"y what she was going to $o. The nee$ to te"" so%eone ha$ been growing insi$e of her a"" e+ening! #nti" now! stan$ing here with Bi""! it straine$ to b#rst o#t of her. /he g"ance$ aro#n$ before "oo'ing bac' at hi%.

A1 ha+e so%e p"ans!A she sai$ %ysterio#s"y. A4"ans(A he wagg"e$ his eyebrows. A&hat 'in$ of p"ans(A Binny s%i"e$ an$ "eane$ towar$ hi% a bit. AEscape p"ans.A 3er <o'e! howe+er! $i$n6t %a'e hi% s%i"e. 1nstea$! a +ery serio#s "oo' sett"e$ on his scare$ face an$ he conte%p"ate$ her for a %o%ent. A*n$ what are yo# escaping(A /he sighe$ hea+i"y. AThis!A Binny no$$e$ towar$ the other si$e of the 'itchen where her %other was sco"$ing .on for nic'ing bisc#its an$ Fre$! Beorge an$ 4ercy were bic'ering o+er so%ething. A=o+ing o#t! are yo#(A Bi"" sai$! one si$e of his %o#th >#ir'ing in a s%i"e that "oo'e$ %ore "i'e a gri%ace. A;eah!A she no$$e$. They were both >#iet! watching the roo% before he n#$ge$ her. A;o#6re serio#s(A A;eah!A she confir%e$. A1 fo#n$ a f"at to$ay.A Bi"" whist"e$ "ow. A=#%6s going to go 6ro#n$ the twist when she hears that.A Binny shr#gge$! fee"ing a bit rec'"ess. &hat $i$ it %atter what her %other tho#ght( 1t was her "ife. A;o#6re the one who to"$ %e to go after what 1 wante$! Bi"".A A*n$ is this what yo# want( To %o+e o#t.A Binny sighe$! r#bbing her forehea$. Bi""6s "ast co%%ent ca#ght the attention of e+eryone in the roo% an$ her %other b#st"e$ o+er. A&ho6s %o+ing o#t( Binny! what is he ta"'ing abo#t(A The o+erwhe"%ing press#re of being the center of the roo% presse$ in on her an$ Binny shot a panic'e$ g"ance aro#n$ the roo%. E+eryone was watching7 e+eryone was waiting for her answer. A3e6s ta"'ing abo#t %e %o+ing o#t!A Binny sai$! her +oice >#a+ering at the start. A16+e been thin'ing abo#t it for a bit. 1 fo#n$ a f"at to$ay.A Chaos er#pte$ aro#n$ her as her %other wai"e$ an$ her bothers proteste$ for +ario#s reasons. Binny stoo$ %otion"ess! "etting it a"" wash o+er her. 1nstea$ of con+incing her otherwise! their arg#%ents an$ e:c#ses on"y stee"e$ her reso"+e. *bo+e it a""! Binny fo#n$

3er%ione6s eyes an$ ga+e a so"i$ no$ to her >#estioning g"ance. 3er%ione s%i"e$ soft"y an$ no$$e$ her #n$erstan$ing. 6=ight as we"" go for bro'e!6 Binny to"$ herse"f! 6they6"" fin$ o#t sooner or "ater.6 /he c"eare$ her throat! p#rpose"y $rawing the attention she6$ been a+oi$ing for the "ast si: years. AThe f"at is in 0on$on. =#gg"e 0on$on. *n$8A she p"o#ghe$ on! o+er the top of her %other6s %#tterings! A1 ha+e a f"at%ate. 3is na%e is 3arry 4ar'er.A )ea$ si"ence fi""e$ the roo% as the wor$s s#n' in. A3ow co#"$ yo# be so st#pi$(A .on snappe$! co%ing #p to stan$ in front of her! towering o+er as he "oo'e$ $own. A;o# ha+e no i$ea what yo#6re $oing.A A16% not fi+e years o"$! .on!A Binny hisse$ bac' thro#gh c"enche$ teeth. A16% a f#""y grown witch an$ 1 ha+e e+ery right to %a'e %y own $ecisions in "ife.A .on scoffe$ "o#$"y! crossing his ar%s across his wi$e chest. A;eah! we a"" 'now how yo#r $ecisions t#rn o#t.A Binny f"inche$ bac'! the wor$s stri'ing her as so#n$"y as a b"ow. A.on!A 3er%ione warne$! co%ing #p to grasp his bicep an$ p#"" hi% away. A5o!A he $is%isse$ her! Awe can preten$ a"" we want! b#t it $oesn6t %a'e it go away. The "ast ti%e she %a$e a $ecision this ba$ yo# a"%ost got 'i""e$! 3er%ione! an$ 4ene"ope $ie$.A /e+era" gasps were hear$ aro#n$ the roo% an$ Binny "oo'e$ $own at her shoes! rage an$ g#i"t fi""ing her #nti" she co#"$n6t ta'e it any%ore. The bac' $oor sh#t an$ Binny g"ance$ aro#n$! not s#rprise$ to see that it was 4ercy who ha$ "eft. A3ow $are yo# #se that against %e!A she whispere$. 3er +oice was "ow! b#t it sti""e$ e+ery %o+e%ent in the roo%. /he $efiant"y raise$ her chin #p an$ g"are$ at hi%. A1 was fo#rteen! for =er"in6s sa'e. .on swa""owe$ harsh"y. ABinny! 16% sorry. 1 $i$n6t %ean?A A h! yo# %eant e+ery wor$ of it!A she bit o#t! her eyes tra+e"ing the roo%. A;o#6+e a"ways tho#ght 1 co#"$n6t han$"e %yse"f. &e"" 16+e got news for yo# a""?16% stronger than 1 "oo'. 1 fo#ght the bastar$ off for a"%ost a year. *n$ 1 wonE I won) A1 can6t bring 4enny bac'! an$ 1 can6t gi+e 3er%ione bac' those %onths she was petrifie$. B#t 16$ gi+e e+erything 1 ha$ if 1 co#"$.A

Fee"ing the tight contro" she ha$ on her e%otions s"ipping! Binny sp#n on her hee" an$ ran #p the stairs! s"a%%ing her be$roo% $oor behin$ her. (ow "are he say that to me! Binny hisse$ to herse"f as she grabbe$ for o$$ ite%s! sho+ing the% hasti"y in a car$boar$ bo:. 3er han$ shoo' with rage an$ e%barrass%ent as she pac'e$ c"othing an$ boo's an$ photographs?a"" in the sa%e bo:. AThis a"ways happens!A she %#ttere$ to *r%strong as he eye$ her wari"y fro% his perch. AThey a"ways bring this #p.A 3is hea$ tippe$ to the si$e an$ she swore he was agreeing with her. /he 'new that wasn6t fair. They $i$n6t a"ways say it o#t "o#$! b#t Binny 'new the tho#ght was a"ways there! swir"ing #n$er the s#rface when they "oo'e$ at her. /he 'new they tho#ght it. E+eryone tho#ght it. They "on't trust me. *n$ for a "ong ti%e! Binny ha$ to a$%it! she $i$n6t tr#st herse"f. 1t ha$ ta'en a "ot of introspection an$ ti%e for her to get o+er that %istr#st an$ to begin to be Binny &eas"ey again. 1n fact! she was fair"y s#re she ha$ on"y %a$e the best progress since she ha$ "eft 3ogwarts. There at the cast"e! aro#n$ e+ery corner was a %e%ory! or so%eone watching her. (ow coul" you get over something when no one woul" let you forget it. Binny tort#re$ herse"f eno#gh abo#t it. There wasn6t a $ay she $i$n6t wa"' into the Breat 3a"" an$ wince at not seeing 4ene"ope there! seate$ ne:t to =a$a% 4o%frey! who% she ha$ been st#$ying with! or see 3er%ione c#$$"e$ into .on6s si$e! an$ not fee" g#i"t for attac'ing her frien$. /he shoo' away those %e%ories! intent on pac'ing a"" of her things tonight. /#re"y 3arry wo#"$n6t ob<ect to her crashing on his sofa tonight. /he6$ worry abo#t the be$ an$ the "arger f#rnit#re when she co#"$ thin' coherent"y. 1te% after ite% $isappeare$ into the bo: #nti" it was too f#"" to c"ose. Binny "e+itate$ it to the f"oor near the $oor an$ too' another off the pi"e she6$ banishe$ here fro% the bac' roo% of the boo' store when no one was "oo'ing. Dio"ent"y t#gging the $rawers in her b#rea# open! she sho+e$ han$f#" after han$f#" of c"othing into the car$boar$! her anger s"ow"y $i%inishing into tears as she wor'e$. ne %ore bo: <oine$ the first on the f"oor before Binny co""apse$ onto her be$! tears trai"ing $own her chee's.

/inny was sha ing violently when she wo e, staring u! at the high ceilings of the hos!ital wing. (er hea" !oun"e" an" she won"ere", momentarily, if she'" ha" a ba" broom acci"ent before she remembere" what ha" actually ha!!ene". 0hame an" revulsion mi1e" in her stomach, churning an" threatening to ma e her vomit. 2enelo!e's soft face, "ea" an" lifeless staring u! at her3 A'iss Weasley,4 2rofessor &umble"ore s!o e from her si"e, startling her. 0he flinche" away from his touch, scrambling u! to curl ne1t to the to! of the be". 4It's my fault,4 she manage" to get out, not meeting his eyes, but staring at the long, thin an" wrin le" han" that he still hel" out to her. 4I3I 5 ille" 2enny.4 ANo,4 the 2rofessor sai", his tone soft an" soothing. 46ou must not blame yourself, 'iss Weasley. The blame lies entirely with Tom 7i""le.4 /inny shu""ere" at the name of the boy she ha" thought was her frien". To%. It resonate" insi"e her em!tiness, careening off her insi"es an" going on forever. A(ow coul" I be so stu!i".4 she as e", voicing the *uestion that ha" been re!laying in her min" since the moment she reali$e" what was ha!!ening to her. 4I new.4 A8l"er an" wiser wi$ar"s an" witches have been foole" by Tom 7i""le, 'iss Weasley. The fact that you fought him for almost an entire year is a testament to your strength.4 0he shoo her hea", re!eating her wor"s. 4I new.4 Ta ing a chance, she glance" u! at him, seeing only acce!tance an" un"erstan"ing in his blue eyes. 4I new he was controlling me, hurting !eo!le.4 %ven though she "i"n't want to, her eyes foun" (ermione, stiff an" still in her be" across the hos!ital wing, -ust as she ha" been for months. Across from her was 2enny9"ear sweet 2enelo!e :learwater, who was training to be a (ealer an" ha" come to (ogwarts to wor with 'a"am 2omfrey. (er brother, 2ercy, sat at the foot of the be", his bac towar" /inny, while 2enny's !arents sat ne1t to her, sobbing into each other's shoul"ers. /uilt rose with bile in her mouth, an" /inny scramble" for the small bowl on her nightstan", vomiting into it. The 2rofessor con-ure" a small glass of water an" /inny "ran it gree"ily, trying to get the sour taste out of her mouth. A'iss Weasley, may I tell you a story.4 0he no""e" -er ily, staring "own at her han"s fol"e" on to! of the blan ets an" resting in her la!. Anything was better than seeing 2ercy refuse to loo at her, or 2enny's close" eyes, or (ermione's stiff bo"y.

AThere were once two young boys who were the best of frien"s. They went everywhere together, an" ha" such gran" !lans for their future. They were young an" full of life9but very na;ve about the worl" aroun" them.4 /inny listene", "rawn in by the soft tone of the (ea"master's voice, but not sure why he was telling her the story. ATheir ambitions were gran" an" they !lanne" to change the worl". <ut one boy's !lans were "ar er than the other's. An" the secon" boy starte" to rethin their goals. (e e!t his "oubts to himself, afrai" to "isa!!oint his frien". A0oon the "oubts began to grow until the secon" boy new that the first was hea"e" for ruin. <ut still he e!t *uiet. (e "i"n't fight li e he shoul" have, /inny.4 The *uaver in his voice ma"e /inny focus more intently on what he was trying to tell her. AIt wasn't until someone very "ear to the secon" boy was harme" that he was able to finally fight bac against the evil that the first boy was !lanning.4 A<ut he fought,4 /inny whis!ere", com!letely "rawn in now. A6es, he "i",4 the 2rofessor smile" sa"ly an" shoo his hea". 4<ut by that time, it was too late.4 /inny's eyes "arte" bac over to (ermione's be" before loo ing "own at her han"s again. AThe first boy continue" in his !lans9evil, horri" !lans, /inny. An" only the secon" boy coul" sto! him.4 A&i" he.4 A6es,4 the 2rofessor no""e". 4%ventually. It too years, but the first boy was sto!!e". The other -ust wasn't strong enough to s!ea u! when he shoul" have.4 /inny no""e", not sure if she un"erstoo" what he inten"e" for her to now from the story. A/inny, you were strong enough to fight Tom from the time that 'iss /ranger was !etrifie"34 AI trie",4 /inny sai", s!ea ing shamefully "own to her han"s. 4I thought I coul" control it. When I reali$e" what he was "oing3I was scare". An" Tom3he was so strong. I now now3I never coul" have controlle" it. (e !romise" that he woul"n't hurt anyone else. <ut he was so strong3an" now32enny34 A sob welle" u! in her throat as she thought of the *uiet, smart girl9her brother's girlfrien".

The (ea"master reache" out an" !lace" his han" on to! of /inny's. 0he was sur!rise" at the strength of his gri! as he too her fingers in his. 4No one can ever un"erstan" com!letely what you've gone through, /inny. 6ou woul"n't have been able to control him. Tom 7i""le was a very evil man, /inny. 8nce you were un"er his control, there was no going bac . <ut you must not allow him to win. 6ou fought his !ossession+ something no other living being has been able to say, /inny. An" you were able to bring the "iary to me. I "estroye" it, freeing you from Tom's gras!.4 0he continue" to cry silently, sniffling an" rubbing her chee s with the scratchy sleeves of the hos!ital !y-amas. 4Am I going to be e1!elle".4 she as e" in a low voice. (e smile", his li!s *uir ing u! on one si"e more than the other, an" shoo his hea". 4No, 'iss Weasley. There will always be a !lace at (ogwarts for you. (owever, the 'inistry will be hol"ing a hearing to in*uire into 'iss :learwater's "eath.4 /inny wince", !ulling her nees u! an" wra!!ing her arms aroun" them. 4Will I go to A$ aban.4 (er voice crac e" in the mi""le of the *uestion an" she su""enly felt four years ol", instea" of fourteen. ANo, /inny,4 he soothe". 4I will not allow that to ha!!en to you.4 AWhat if you can't sto! it.4 she as e", biting her li! an" wi!ing her runny nose on the sleeve again. A'iss Weasley, I ma e this !romise to you,4 his crystal blue eyes met hers, an" /inny felt li e he coul" see right into her, 4I will "o everything in my !ower to ma e sure that "oesn't ha!!en to you.4 0he no""e" -er ily, feeling as if she coul" "o no less. The %e%ory fa$e$ as Binny wipe$ her tears an$ stare$ at the pi"e of bo:es she ha$ finishe$ pac'ing. 3er anger an$ fr#stration with her fa%i"y ha$ ebbe$ away with each piece she p"ace$ in the bo:es. A1t6s not fair!A she to"$ the roo% again before sighing hea+i"y. *r%strong hoote$ soft"y! a$$ing his agree%ent. The rightness of her $ecision to %o+e o#t sett"e$ in again as she saw the pa"e b"#e paper of 3arry6s a$ pee'ing o#t fro% #n$er the %ess on her +anity. /tarting o+er again! where no one 'new her past! where it co#"$n6t stare her in the face e+ery %in#te of e+ery $ay an$ >#estion her <#$g%ent?that so#n$e$ perfect. 3er%ione too' a $eep breath an$ he"$ it as she 'noc'e$ soft"y on Binny6s $oor. Fa$e$ pin' f"owers painte$ on the $oor pee'e$ o#t fro% where Binny ha$ trie$ to paint o+er the% the s#%%er after8we""! that s#%%er.

A1 'now yo# $on6t want to see anyone right now!A she spo'e soft"y to the $oor! 'nowing that Binny co#"$ hear her! Ab#t 16"" on"y stay a %in#te.A The $oor han$"e c"ic'e$ an$ 3er%ione reache$ $own to open it! s"ow"y p#shing it inwar$ to re+ea" Binny! p"acing things se$ate"y into car$boar$ bo:es. A;o#6re pac'ing a"rea$y(A she as'e$! s#rprise$. AThere6s a "ot to pac'!A Binny "ie$. 3er%ione hear$ the thic' e%otion in her +oice an$ g#esse$ that she6$ been crying! e+en tho#gh Binny wo#"$ ne+er a$%it that to her. Binny ne+er a$%itte$ showing what she percei+e$ as wea'ness! e+en when it was p"ain"y on her face. A1 wo#"$ i%agine so!A 3er%ione conce$e$! 'nowing it wo#"$ be #se"ess to arg#e with Binny right now. .on! she co#"$ arg#e with fore+er7 b#t not Binny. 3er sto%ach ro""e$ at the tho#ght of .on! o#tsi$e right now banging aro#n$ in his father6s she$. /he6$ go bac' to hi% in <#st a bit an$ see if he6$ coo"e$ $own "ong eno#gh to ta"' to her. A3e6s sorry! yo# 'now!A she sai$ as she san' to the en$ of the be$! absent"y pic'ing #p a shirt fro% the pi"e ne:t to her an$ fo"$ing it. Binny hesitate$! her han$f#" of c"othing ho+ering o+er the bo: before she set it insi$e s"ow"y. A1t ob+io#s"y nee$e$ to be sai$.A A5o!A 3er%ione shoo' her hea$ an$ reache$ for another shirt. A1t sho#"$n6t ha+e been sai$. 3e regrets it! 1 'now he $oes.A /he ca#ght Binny6s eyes for a %in#te! start"e$ at how p#ffy an$ re$ they were. A*n$ e+eryone e"se(A Binny as'e$! an e$ge to her tone that %a$e 3er%ione wince. A)oes e+eryone e"se regret it being sai$ a"so( Beca#se they were a"" thin'ing the sa%e thing! 3er%ione. 1 see it in their faces e+ery %in#te of e+ery $ay. They $on6t tr#st %e. To the% 16% sti"" so%e "itt"e gir" who fe"" prey to that $a%ne$ $iary an$ got %y brother6s gir"frien$ 'i""e$ an$ another one petrifie$.A A1 wasn6t .on6s gir"frien$ at the ti%e!A 3er%ione note$ absent"y. Binny $i$n6t act "i'e she6$ e+en hear$ it. AThey watch %e constant"y7 e+ery thing 1 $o! e+ery wor$ 1 say!A Binny sai$! sin'ing $own to the be$! the bo: between the%. A1 a"ways ha+e to %eas#re %y wor$s before 1 say the%! <#st to %a'e s#re 1 $on6t te"" the% so%ething that wi"" %a'e the% secon$ g#ess e+erything. /o 16+e stoppe$ te""ing the% anything at a"". 1 can6t e+en te"" the% abo#t %y =#gg"e frien$s beca#se .on wi"" want to 'now a"" their na%es an$ a$$resses so he can chec' the% o#t. r 4ercy wi"" as' what boo's 16% rea$ing! <#st in case 1 st#%b"e across

another enchante$ $iary fi""e$ with so%e bit of Do"$e%ort. 3e can bare"y stan$ to "oo' at %e! 3er%ione.A 3er%ione wince$! hating that Binny was e:aggerating?an$ yet not. 3er fa%i"y $i$ ho+er! an$ that was a har$ thing to accept. AThey6re angry with the%se"+es!A 3er%ione sai$ as she force$ her han$s to contin#e fo"$ing. AThey fee" "i'e they "et yo# $own an$ they $on6t 'now how to %a'e #p for it.A Binny snorte$ an$ +io"ent"y ro""e$ a pair of tro#sers into a ba""! st#ffing it in the bo:. A.#ining what re%ains of %y "ife is not the way to %a'e #p for it.A 3er%ione sighe$! c"ose$ her eyes an$ tho#ght abo#t how to e:p"ain it to Binny. A1 fe"t "i'e 1 fai"e$ yo# too! Binny!A she a$%itte$ in a >#iet +oice. A3ow?A A;o# were one of %y on"y frien$s!A 3er%ione contin#e$! g"ancing to the si$e to see Binny6s p#22"e$ face staring at her in $isbe"ief. A*n$ 1 'new so%ething was wrong that year. 1 'new yo# weren6t8right. B#t 1 co#"$n6t he"p fast eno#gh. 1 $i$n6t see the right signs.A A1 'ept the% hi$$en!A Binny whispere$ $own to her han$s. A1 was +ery! +ery goo$ at it. To% %a$e s#re of that.A A;es! yo# were!A 3er%ione a$%itte$. A*n$ 1 thin' that6s why .on fee"s this a"" so $eep"y sti"". ;o# two were so c"ose growing #p! an$ then he went off to 3ogwarts an$ %et new frien$s! an$ ha$ great a$+ent#res. *n$ he "eft his "itt"e sister behin$.A Binny stiffene$ +isib"y an$ s"owe$ her han$s! act#a""y fo"$ing c"othing instea$ of ro""ing an$ st#ffing. A3e! of a"" yo#r brothers! sho#"$ ha+e seen that yo# weren6t right. *n$ he fee"s g#i"ty that he was too b#sy r#nning aro#n$ with )ean an$ /ea%#s! an$ 'issing 0a+en$er an$ 4ar+ati to see.A A1t6s not his fa#"t!A Binny sai$ soft"y. /he p"ace$ the "ast of the pi"e in the bo: an$ stoo$! sea"ing the car$boar$ with her wan$ an$ "e+itating it to the growing pi"e on the other si$e of the roo%. 3er%ione stoo$ an$ retrie+e$ another bo:! opene$ the "ast $rawer on the b#rea# an$ began to #n"oa$ it. 1f Binny was $eter%ine$ to go! 3er%ione wo#"$ stan$ by her frien$. A1t6s not his fa#"t!A Binny repeate$. A1t was %ine. 16% co%fortab"e with the b"a%e now. 16+e grown #p eno#gh to 'now the %ista'es 16+e %a$e! an$ 16+e ta'en f#"" cre$it for the% an$ accepte$ the conse>#ences.A

A.on to"$ %e how yo# went to 4ene"ope6s parents.A Binny6s %o+e%ents sti""e$ an$ 3er%ione "oo'e$ #p to fin$ her staring off into space. AThat was a"%ost as har$ as te""ing )#%b"e$ore!A she sai$ soft"y. A1 co#"$ fee" To% fighting insi$e %e as 1 st#%b"e$ to his office. 1 t#rne$ bac' at "east ten ti%es! b#t 1 'new insi$e %e that 1 ha$ to 'eep going. 5o one e"se co#"$ get h#rt beca#se of %e. 5o one e"se co#"$ $ie!A she finishe$ with a tort#re$ whisper. 3er%ione wante$ to c"ose the $istance between the% to h#g the yo#nger wo%an! b#t she hesitate$. Binny wasn6t %#ch for showing or recei+ing affection. Throwing #p her han$s! she chance$ it! wrapping her ar%s aro#n$ Binny6s sho#"$ers for a rather stiff h#g. A16% sorry.A A;o#6+e to"$ %e before! Binny!A she e:c#se$! awe$ that she co#"$ fee" Binny crying into her b"o#se. A1 'now.A A*n$ 16"" te"" yo# the sa%e thing now as 1 $i$ then. 1 was a"right. 1 wasn6t h#rt. *n$ 1 'now who is rea""y to b"a%e. E+erything co#"$ ha+e been so %#ch worse! Binny! if yo# ha$n6t been so strong.A 3er +oice bro'e an$ 3er%ione he"$ tighter when Binny trie$ to p#"" away. A1%agine that %onster set "oose on the who"e schoo". 6ou pre+ente$ that! Binny.A 3er%ione fina""y "et her go when Binny snorte$. A&hy won6t they see that(A Binny as'e$! g"ancing at the bac' of her $oor. 3er heart twiste$ at the yo#ng an$ +#"nerab"e "oo'ing Binny that showe$ thro#gh the ro#gh an$ t#%b"e e:terior of the won$erf#" wo%an in front of her. AThey 'now it!A 3er%ione e:c#se$. AB#t yo#6re "ea+ing. *n$ they6re afrai$ that yo#6re going to go an$8not 'now that they 'now.A AThey6re going abo#t it a"" wrong.A AThey are!A 3er%ione no$$e$. /he reache$ o#t to scoop #p the perfect"y fo"$e$ c"othing in the $rawer an$ $eposite$ it in the e%pty bo:! a"%ost fi""ing it co%p"ete"y. AB#t they $on6t 'now any other way.A AB#t yo# #n$erstan$ why 1 ha+e to go(A Binny as'e$. A1 $on6t thin' yo# have to!A 3er%ione shr#gge$. AB#t 1 thin' it6s a goo$ i$ea sti"". ;o#6"" a"" get so%e perspecti+e with being apart. They6"" "earn to "et go a bit %ore an$ yo#6"" "earn not to ana"y2e e+ery co%%ent they %a'e! searching for ways they $on6t tr#st yo#.A

Binny no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y. A1t6s not "i'e 16% %o+ing across the wor"$!A she ro""e$ her eyes. 3er%ione s%i"e$ an$ shoo' her hea$. A1t $oesn6t %atter where it is.A A*n$ 16% not going to forget to co%e o+er or ne+er ha+e $inner here. ;o# "ot are here %ore than not. 1 ha+e this horrib"e s#spicion that when 1 "ea+e 16"" act#a""y rea"i2e how %#ch this bro'en $own p"ace is ho%e.A 3er%ione s%i"e$ at the a$%ission! 'nowing that Binny tr#"y $i$ #n$erstan$. The B#rrow wo#"$ a"ways be ho%e to the &eas"eys?no %atter what. Binny 'new that! she <#st $i$n6t want to a$%it it. ATe"" %e abo#t yo#r f"at%ate!A 3er%ione sai$ with a s%i"e. A;o# see%e$ to $eci$e rather >#ic'"y.A Binny s%i"e$ an$ shr#gge$. AThere6s not a "ot to te"". 3e6s a nice b"o'e.A A;o#ng( "$( Co%e on! Binny! gi+e %e so%e $etai"s to wor' with.A Binny "a#ghe$ an$ the two fe"" into a rhyth% of pac'ing! an$ gossiping! an$ being goo$ frien$s again.

*Chapter 3*: Chapter 3: Finding Wings

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. A/N: Than s to everyone who is rea"ing, an" es!ecially reviewing. An" than s to that won"erful team of betas who ma e me loo so goo". #ove you all.

Chapter 3: Finding Wings 3arry *pparate$ to the woo$e$ area behin$ his Bo$father6s ho#se! start"ing se+era" bir$s who f"ew off! screeching their warnings. The pa"e "ight of e+ening was stretching into the trees! ha"f9"ighting the% into sha$ow. 1t fe"t "i'e <#st yester$ay that he6$ been here! yet years ago at the sa%e ti%e. 3a$ it on"y been a few wee's ago at Christ%as ti%e( 3e g"ance$ #p at the hea+y! snow9spotte$ canopy of pine bo#ghs abo+e hi% an$ shoo' his hea$. 3e sho#"$ ha+e 'nown it wo#"$ be raining here too. 3arry t#gge$ the hoo$ of his <ac'et #p! h#nching his sho#"$ers against the co"$ $ri22"e that fe"" fro% the s'y. 3is boots were %#$$y an$ his toes fro2en by the ti%e he reache$ the bac' porch of the s%a"" b"#e ho#se. A)i$n6t e:pect yo#!A /iri#s sai$ as he sippe$ fro% a bott"e of beer. 3arry g#esse$ that /iri#s ha$ seen hi% str#gg"ing thro#gh the %#$$y s"#sh. A;eah!A 3arry answere$ "a%e"y as he wa"'e$ in stoc'ing9c"a$ feet o+er to the sto+e! f"ic'ing on the b#rner an$ ho"$ing his co"$ han$s o+er the open f"a%e #nti" he co#"$ fee" the tips of the% again. ACo%ing or going(A /iri#s as'e$ as 3arry fina""y sat $own ne:t to hi%. 3e s#%%one$ a $ar' green bott"e fro% the fri$ge an$ it s'i$$e$ to a ha"t in front of 3arry! who ran his fingers #p an$ $own it! rather than opening it. ABoing!A 3arry shr#gge$. A,apan.A /iri#s no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y. A;o# ha+en6t been there in awhi"e.A 3arry ro""e$ the bott"e aro#n$ the tab"e a bit an$ shr#gge$ again. A0ast year!A he agree$ with a yawn. *pparating thro#gh two $ifferent go+ern%ent offices! an$ fi""ing o#t the paperwor' re>#ire$ a"ways %a$e hi% tire$. A;o# staying here tonight(A /iri#s as'e$. A1f 1 can!A 3arry no$$e$! fina""y opening the bott"e an$ ta'ing a "ong $rin' fro% the "i>#i$ insi$e. /ir#s "a#ghe$! a harsh bar'ing so#n$. A&hen ha+e yo# e+er nee$e$ an in+itation! c#b(A A5e+er!A 3arry share$ a s%i"e with his go$father. They sat in co%fortab"e si"ence for a few %in#tes before 3arry sighe$. A1 too' .e%#s6 a$+ice!A he %#%b"e$ o#t! hating that it too' so %#ch to open hi%se"f #p to so%eone he sho#"$ ha+e been so c"ose to. B#t there were so%e things that 3arry $i$n6t "i'e to share with anyone?not e+en /iri#s.

/iri#s ha$n6t been happy when 3arry $eci$e$ to %o+e to Eng"an$?in fact he6$ been fair"y set against the i$ea! warning 3arry against what he tho#ght was "i+ing in the past. *s the %onths went by an$ 3arry fe"t hi%se"f seeing %ore an$ %ore of /iri#s6 point of +iew?the nights when the "one"iness was at it6s worst! an$ when he >#estione$ his own <#$g%ent for $ragging hi%se"f ha"f9way across the wor"$ on a whi%?he won$ere$ if his Bo$father ha$ been right. *n$ how co#"$ he a$%it that he %ay ha+e %a$e a %ista'e( 3e g"ance$ #p to see /iri#s st#$ying hi% c"ose"y an$ f"#she$ #n$er the hea+y grey eyes. A*n$ what partic#"ar piece of a$+ice was that(A /iri#s fina""y as'e$. AEr%8"oo'ing for a f"at%ate!A 3arry sai$! trying to 'eep his +oice cas#a". A;o# 'now! so%eone to share e:penses with! so%eone to be there when 16% not.A * strange tri#%phant "oo' crosse$ /iri#s6 face for a secon$ an$ 3arry won$ere$ if his Bo$father si%p"y wante$ to be right abo#t 3arry being "one"y. B#t /iri#s schoo"e$ the "oo' an$ no$$e$. A*ny "#c'(A 3arry swa""owe$ thic'"y! won$ering how %#ch to a$%it. AEr%8yeah!A he sai$ with a cas#a" shr#g. A ne person.A /iri#s no$$e$ nonco%%itta""y an$ $raine$ the "ast of his $rin'. A&e""! 1 hope things wor' o#t. 1 'now it6s a "ot >#ieter aro#n$ here when =oony6s not here. /o%eti%es it6s eno#gh to $ri+e %e 6ro#n$ the twist. ;o# 'now8yo# co#"$ a"ways %o+e bac' here!A he s#ggeste$! a s"y s%i"e on his face. 3arry wasn6t s#re what to %a'e of that co%%ent. 0ogica""y! he 'new that /iri#s got "one"y. 3e ha$ no fa%i"y "eft! not aro#n$ here anyway! an$ =oony was his on"y rea" frien$. )#ring 3arry6s yo#nger years there were wo%en in an$ o#t of the ho#se perio$ica""y! b#t ne+er anyone reg#"ar"y an$ 3arry rare"y %et the% past an e%barrasse$ 6he""o6 in the %ornings at the brea'fast tab"e. *n$ /iri#s ha$n6t been happy abo#t 3arry %o+ing bac' to Eng"an$. 3e6$ arg#e$ that it was <#st as'ing for his na%e an$ photo to be in the papers constant"y. A&hen $oes he %o+e in(A /iri#s as'e$! stan$ing an$ noisi"y scooting his chair across the "ino"e#% f"oor. 3arry too' a $eep breath! not wanting to "ie! b#t 'nowing he co#"$n6t rea""y te"" the tr#th! either. /iri#s wo#"$ ne+er "et hi% "i+e it $own if he 'new abo#t Binny8 A&hi"e 16% gone! 1 thin'!A he a$%itte$! trying to 'eep his +oice cas#a". A5ee$e$ to get pac'e$ an$ st#ff.A

ABoo$!A /iri#s sai$ ca#sa""y as he ti$ie$ the 'itchen. A3opef#""y he6s $ecent at coo'ing! beca#se! fran'"y! C#b! yo#6re r#bbish at it.A 3arry s>#aw'e$ in$ignant"y. A1 a% notE 1 $o <#st fine! than' yo#.A A3ow %any ti%es $i$ yo# eat o#t "ast wee'(A /iri#s >#ippe$! "a#ghing o+er his sho#"$er. A3ow %any ti%es $i$ yo#(A 3arry $e%an$e$ bac' with a "a#gh. AThat6s not fair!A /iri#s proteste$! p#""ing his wan$ an$ shooting a stinging spe"" at 3arry! who batte$ it away with a %i"$ shie"$. 3e6$ $rawn his wan$ o#t of habit! a p#re"y instinct#a" %o+e%ent born of "i+ing with two =ara#$ers for %ost of his "ife. A&e both 'now 1 can6t coo' worth anything. 1t6s a goo$ thing =oony was aro#n$ a"" those years or we wo#"$ ha+e both "i+e$ off of pi22a $e"i+ery. 3arry "a#ghe$! shooting off his own attac'. ATwice!A he a$%itte$ after they tra$e$ spe""s for a few %in#tes. A1 ate o#t twice.A /iri#s6 "a#ghe$ s"owe$ an$ he shr#gge$. AThat6s not so ba$ then.A A;eah!A 3arry no$$e$! sighing an$ r#bbing the bac' of his hair. ABesi$es! Binny says she can coo' a few things. =aybe with hers an$ %ine together we can s#r+i+e.A 3e yawne$ again an$ pic'e$ #p his beer to finish it off! on"y rea"i2ing what he6$ sai$ once it was e%pty. /wearing si"ent"y! he g"ance$ o+er to see /iri#s staring at hi%! his ar%s crosse$ across his chest an$ his hip "eaning against the co#nter. A16% going to hea$ #p!A 3arry no$$e$ towar$ the other roo% where the staircase was. 3e banishe$ his e%pty bott"e to the recyc"ing bin an$ t#rne$ to go. A=in$ e:p"aining that! C#b(A 3arry fro2e %i$9step an$ swore +io"ent"y to hi%se"f. AE:p"ain what(A he as'e$! praying that /iri#s wo#"$ <#st "et the co%%ent s"i$e by. A)i$ yo# <#st81 co#"$ ha+e sworn 1 hear$ yo# say 6she6.A &incing! 3arry shr#gge$ an$ t#rne$ aro#n$. A)on6t %a'e a big $ea" of this!A he ha"f9 p"ea$e$! ha"f9sco"$e$. * fera" grin sprea$ across /iri#s6 face! white teeth showing. 3arry sighe$! 'nowing there was no way he6$ "et it go. A;o# $og!A /iri#s grow"e$ with a grin. A1 g#ess yo#r Bo$father act#a""y $i$ r#b off on yo# after a"".A

A/h#t #p!A 3arry grow"e$ bac'! ro""ing his eyes. 5ot wanting to ha+e this con+ersation! he wa"'e$ o#t of the roo%. @nfort#nate"y! /iri#s fo""owe$ hi%. A&hen yo# sai$ f"at%ate! 1 $i$n6t thin' yo# act#a""y %eant girlfrien"!A he sai$. 3arry sighe$ in fr#stration an$ $eter%ine$"y %a$e his way to the stairs! intent on ta'ing a "ong hot shower an$ stretching o#t in the be$ in his chi"$hoo$ roo%. A/he6s not %y gir"frien$!A 3arry sai$ tire$"y. A/he rea""y is <#st a f"at%ate.A AFrien$s with benefits then!A /iri#s wagg"e$ his eyebrows. 3arry stoppe$ ha"f9way #p the stairs an$ t#rne$! his sho#"$ers sin'ing <#st a "itt"e. 3e co#"$ fee" his face heat! b#t was $eter%ine$ to $efen$ both his an$ Binny6s honor. /he was $efinite"y attracti+e! he ha$ to a$%it! b#t he ha$n6t tho#ght abo#t her in that way? not rea""y! anyway. *"right! there was that one ti%e8b#t he was <#st "one"y. A/iri#s! $o yo# e+er thin' of anything besi$es se:(A 3is go$father "oo'e$ offen$e$ an$ then scratche$ the bac' of his hea$. A/#re. 1 thin' abo#t foo$.A 3arry ro""e$ his eyes b#t ch#c'"e$ a"" the sa%e. A1 on"y <#st %et her. /he6s s"eeping in the e:tra be$roo%. &e6re sharing a 'itchen! an$ a "i+ing roo%?A A*n$ a "oo!A /iri#s pointe$ o#t. AThere6s tons yo# can $o in the "ooE This one ti%e?A A/iri#sEA 3arry roare$! p"acing his han$s o+er his ears an$ gri%acing. AThere6s rea""y nothing going on. &e6re frien$s on"y?we <#st %et! for hea+en6s sa'e.A /iri#s "oo'e$ "i'e he %ight contin#e! a wi$e grin sti"" on his face! b#t then he bac'e$ away! han$s he"$ in front of hi%. A*"right! C#b! $on6t get a"" wor'e$ #p. 1 was <#st 'i$$ing.A 3arry stare$ at hi% a %in#te "onger! %a'ing s#re he wasn6t going to contin#e. 3e sighe$ an$ t#rne$ to contin#e bac' #p to re"a:. A)o 1 nee$ to gi+e yo# a refresher co#rse on 6the ta"'6! 3arry(A A;o# <#st can6t "et it go! can yo#(A 3arry grow"e$! sto%ping #p the stairs! sha'ing his hea$ the who"e way. 3e 'new better than to be"ie+e that /iri#s wo#"$ e+er "et so%ething "i'e that s"i$e. /iri#s s"ow"y opene$ the $oor! "ifting the han$"e <#st a bit so the o"$ hinge wo#"$n6t crea' "o#$"y an$ wa'e 3arry. 3is wan$ was he"$ rea$y?<#st in case. B#t no a"ar% so#n$e$! no "ights f"ashe$! no poof of s%o'e83arry ha$n6t set a war$.

/trange"y p"ease$ that 3arry was re"a:e$ eno#gh to not set the%! /iri#s stoo$ at the $oorway! "eaning his sho#"$er against the woo$ an$ "oo'ing into the roo%. The "ow "ight fro% the ha""way fe"" across 3arry6s face! %a'ing it possib"e for /iri#s to see a"" of his feat#res! accente$ in hea+y sha$ows. 3arry s"ept so#n$"y tonight! so%ething /iri#s 'new $i$n6t happen often. There were too %any horrors in his past to a""ow for peacef#" rest. /iri#s #n$erstoo$ that fee"ing a"" too we"". A&hy $i$ yo# e+er tr#st %e(A he whispere$ to the si"ence of the roo%. F"ashes of o"$ faces?faces he6$ not seen in %ore than twenty years ca%e to hi% an$ twiste$ his heart. A,a%es!A he whispere$ in a tort#re$ +oice! stepping insi$e the roo% an$ sin'ing into the chair in the corner. /iri#s 'new he ha$ fai"e$ as a Bo$father. 3arry ha$ a"ways been "o+e$! b#t not protecte$ as he sho#"$ ha+e been. There were those two years he spent at the )#rs"ey ho%e before )#%b"e$ore6s g#ar$ ha$ sent #p the a"ar% abo#t possib"e ab#se. /iri#s sh#$$ere$ at the tho#ght. The night )#%b"e$ore ha$ co%e to his f"at! stan$ing "i'e a g"ea%ing white stat#e of so%e Bree' go$?Ie#s or so%eone "i'e that! /iri#s tho#ght?an$ ha$ as'e$ /iri#s to ta'e c#sto$y of 3arry8 That night ha$ change$ e+erything. /iri#s ha$ gone fro% being a bro'en $own! $r#n'en wrec' of a %an?to being a father! or at "east a father9fig#re. That was twice that )#%b"e$ore ha$ sa+e$ /iri#s6 "ife7 the first when he6$ stoppe$ /iri#s fro% going after the traitoro#s rat! 4ettigrew. /iri#s was a$a%ant that 3arry ne+er ca"" hi% 6$a$6 whi"e growing #p. 1t fe"t! to hi%! "i'e an ins#"t to ,a%es6 %e%ory. ;et! he co#"$n6t ha+e "o+e$ 3arry %ore if he6$ been his act#a" father. *n$ he 'new .e%#s fe"t the sa%e. /iri#s an$ .e%#s ha$ ta"'e$ "ong an$ har$ abo#t %o+ing bac' to Eng"an$ for 3arry6s e$#cation. 1t ha$ been so >#iet for so %any years. *n$ they ha$ chosen right. The +isit to Eng"an$ ha$ been a $isaster. They6$ spo'en to 3arry abo#t the prophecy an$ %a$e p"ans for hi% to enro"" in 3ogwarts. *n$ then that $a%ne$ C#irre"" ha$ attac'e$! trying to 'i"" both 3arry an$ /iri#s. 4oor 3arry?<#st e"e+en years o"$ an$ a"rea$y seeing how e+i" the wor"$ co#"$ be. That %a$e the $ecision straight away for /iri#s. 3arry wo#"$ not be at 3ogwarts where he an$ .e%#s co#"$n6t protect hi%. 3e wo#"$ go to 5orthwoo$s! where he6$ be ho%e e+ery night. 3is e$#cation was the best /iri#s an$ .e%#s co#"$ gi+e hi%?genera" st#$ies $#ring the $ay! an$ pri+ate instr#ction in the e+enings an$ on wee'en$s. 1t $i$ "itt"e to gi+e 3arry a

socia" "ife! b#t he was prepare$ to face his $estiny?so%ething 3arry ha$ #n$erstoo$ an$ been preparing for since they6$ ta"'e$ abo#t the prophecy. E+erything ha$ a"" co%e crashing $own when 3arry was si:teen! tho#gh. The worst $ay of his "ife. /iri#s co#"$ easi"y say that $ay beat o#t 3a""oween of 1JK1 for %any reasons. The f"oo ca"" ha$ co%e $irect"y fro% the 3ea$%asters office at 5orthwoo$s. 3arry ha$ $isappeare$ between c"asses an$ ha$n6t been fo#n$ anywhere. /iri#s sh#$$ere$ e+en now <#st thin'ing abo#t how icy his b"oo$ ha$ r#n in that %o%ent. The wor$s were sti"" etche$ into his %in$! engra+e$ #pon his brain. 6=r. 4ar'er is %issing.6 /taring into the $ar' wo#"$ get nothing acco%p"ishe$! /iri#s 'new! an$ he ro#gh"y ran his han$ o+er his face! thin'ing he6$ better get to be$. 3arry wo#"$ be #p before $awn to begin his <o#rney again! an$ /iri#s rea""y wante$ to be ab"e to say goo$bye to his Bo$son. *s he stoo$! 3arry ro""e$ o+er in be$! t#rning away fro% /iri#s! the criss9cross of ragge$! white scars "oo'ing "i'e a net cast o+er the tight s'in of his bac'. The +isib"e re%in$er was too %#ch for /iri#s an$ he gro#n$ his teeth together harsh"y! t#rning to "ea+e the roo%. /"eep si%p"y wo#"$n6t co%e as /iri#s "ay in be$! tho#gh. The %attress <#st wasn6t co%fortab"e an$ his %in$ wo#"$n6t "et hi% "ea+e the past. 3e fina""y $rifte$ off with +ag#e #nsett"ing i%ages of how 3arry ha$ act#a""y recei+e$ those scars $rifting thro#gh his %in$. The room was "ar an" (arry coul" feel the col"ness !ressing in on him. The cement floor felt li e the insi"e of a free$er an" (arry was sur!rise" there wasn't a layer of ice on it. (e rubbe" his han"s along his aching arms an" then wince" when it !ulle" the remains of his white uniform shirt across the woun"s on his bac 9well, it ha" been white at one time. =ocus on something else, he tol" himself. A wee in this horri" !lace ha" certainly taught him that concentrating on the in-uries only ma"e them hurt more. 0urely someone new where he was9someone ha" to be out there loo ing for him. They woul" have tol" someone that he was gone3but (arry -ust coul"n't be sure.

It was his own stu!i"ity that ha" brought him here an" (arry new he woul" !ay with his life now. (e'" been "umb enough to believe the vision, an" what the note ha" sai" to him, an" worse, to chase off after 0irius. 6We have your /o"father, i",' he re!eate" to himself over an" over. (arry ha" fallen for the tra!, an" now he was in "ee! trouble. &on't thin about it, he remin"e" himself. =ocus on the training an" now that somewhere, someone was loo ing for him. The soun" of the heavy metal "oor scra!ing along the cement floor sent chills "own his bac an" he hunche" further into the "am!, col"ness of the wall, curling aroun" himself to !rotect his bo"y an" hea". A:heer u!, boy,4 the man sneere", 4I've come to ma e sure you've en-oye" our hos!itality so far.4 An evil, cac ling laugh bounce" off the walls an" "rove into his ears, ma ing (arry's em!ty stomach turn. 3arry awo'e with a screa% as the night%are change$ into so%ething e+en worse. 3e thrashe$ on the be$! trying to free hi%se"f fro% the tang"e of sheets an$ b"an'ets. The $oor crea'e$ open! bright "ight spi""ing fro% the ha""way. 3arry sp#n! cro#ching behin$ the be$! his wan$ ai%e$ o+er the top of it. A;o# a"right! C#b(A 3arry swore an$ $roppe$ to both of his 'nees! a$rena"ine r#shing o#t of hi% as his heart contin#e$ to race. A3arry(A A;eah!A 3arry sai$ sha'i"y! ro""ing o+er to sit on his botto%! the co"$ har$woo$ ca#sing hi% to shi+er an$ re%in$ing hi% of the ce%ent in his $rea%?yet it wasn6t a $rea%. 3e harsh"y r#bbe$ his face an$ "et his wan$ c"atter away fro% hi%! ro""ing on the f"oor. The crea' of the be$ ne:t to hi% %eant that /iri#s ha$ sat on the e$ge. A&ant to ta"' abo#t it(A The hesitancy in his +oice betraye$ hi% an$ 3arry shoo' his hea$. 5either of the% wante$ to ta"' abo#t it?e+er. AThe batt"e(A /iri#s presse$ on an$ 3arry swore. A1 sai$ no!A he grow"e$! p#shing hi%se"f #p fro% the f"oor an$ searching thro#gh his bag for a t9shirt to s"ip o+er his hea$. A;o# $on6t want that! an$ neither $o 1.A Fin$ing a shirt fina""y! 3arry yan'e$ it o+er his hea$. &hat he wante$ %ore than anything was to craw" bac' into be$ an$ h#nch hi%se"f aro#n$ his 'nees! p#shing the %e%ories f#rther an$

f#rther away fro% hi%. B#t years of e:perience in trying <#st that testifie$ that it wo#"$n6t happen. A5o! 1 $on6t "i'e thin'ing abo#t it!A /iri#s a$%itte$ with a sigh. 3arry g"ance$ o+er an$ notice$ the $ar' circ"es #n$er his eyes! an$ the $eepening wrin'"es that showe$ now %ore than e+er before. AB#t 1 wi""! if it wi"" he"p yo#.A A1t ne+er he"ps!A 3arry sighe$! sin'ing $own onto the be$ ne:t to his Bo$father. The scars on his bac' pric'"e$ as the scene f"ashe$ in front of hi% again an$ 3arry absent"y reache$ bac' to scratch at the%. A=ine was abo#t when yo# were ta'en!A /iri#s sai$ >#iet"y! his scratchy +oice c#tting thro#gh the si"ence of the roo%. A3ow frantic 1 was! trying to fin$ yo#8how it was %y fa#"t.A 3arry swore soft"y again an$ shifte$ in his spot. A1t was %ine?A A5o!A /iri#s $enie$. A1 was too arrogant. Things ha$ been too goo$ for too "ong. 1 <#st $i$n6t thin' it wo#"$ to#ch #s here.A This was s#ch an #nco%fortab"e s#b<ect for the% both an$ 3arry fo#ght hi%se"f against changing the s#b<ect?or te""ing /iri#s to forget it a"together. 1t was o"$ news. A;o# can6t ha+e 'nown!A he fina""y ga+e in. A1 $on6t81 $on6t b"a%e yo#! /iri#s.A A1 'now!A his Bo$father answere$. A1 carry eno#gh of %y own b"a%e! be"ie+e %e.A The two t#rne$ their hea$s at the sa%e ti%e! eyes %eeting an$ #n$erstan$ing passing between the%. A1t6s a"%ost fi+e!A 3arry obser+e$ after g"ancing at his watch. AFifteen %in#tes(A /iri#s as'e$. 3arry6s spirits i%%e$iate"y "ifte$. The o"$ ro#tine of spen$ing a few ho#rs in hea+y training so#n$e$ "i'e <#st what he nee$e$ to banish the o"$ %e%ories an$ rep"ace the% with the b#rn of we""9#se$ %#sc"es. ATen!A 3arry confir%e$ with a no$. * s"ow s%i"e stretche$ across /iri#s6 face an$ he stoo$. A3arry! yo# 'now yo# can a"ways co%e here.A The ran$o%ness of the co%%ent shoo' 3arry for a %in#te. 3e6$ been thin'ing abo#t how satisfying a rea"! br#ising wor'o#t co#"$ be. B#t the e:tre%e senti%ent behin$ the wor$s str#c' hi% $eep"y.

A1 'now!A he sai$ soft"y! searching /iri#s6 grey eyes #nti" he was s#re his Bo$father #n$erstoo$ that he $i$ 'now. Binny fi$gete$ at the $oor to her father6s she$. 1t was crac'e$ open an$ she co#"$ hear hi% whist"ing insi$e?a"ways a goo$ sign?so she too' a $eep breath an$ n#$ge$ it open with her sho#"$er. A=orning! )a$!A she greete$! e+en tho#gh it was a"%ost noon. 3er father t#rne$ away fro% where he was h#nche$ o+er his wor' bench an$ Binny ha$ to gigg"e. 3e was wearing so%e 'in$ of contraption on his hea$ that consiste$ of a "ight an$8so%e sort of g"asses that %agnifie$ his eyes to be at "east three ti%es "arger than they nor%a""y were. A;o# "i'e the%(A he grinne$! wagg"ing his eyebrows! which %a$e Binny c"#tch the $oor fro% "a#ghing har$er. A1t6s a%a2ing what these =#gg"es co%e #p with. Beorge fo#n$ these for %e so%ewhere an$ bro#ght the% by "ast wee'.A AThey6re "o+e"y!A Binny co%p"i%ente$! biting the insi$e of her "ip to 'eep her "a#ghter insi$e. A;o# co#"$ <#st #se a %agnification spe""! yo# 'now.A 3e t#rne$ bac' to what he was fi$$"ing with on the bench. A&here wo#"$ be the f#n in that( Besi$es! yo#r %other $oesn6t "i'e a"" these =#gg"e things "ying abo#t! so she har$"y e+er co%es in here.A * "ight went on in Binny6s hea$ an$ she %o+e$ c"oser to hi% #nti" their sho#"$ers reste$ si$e by si$e. A1s that why yo# ha+e this she$(A she as'e$ soft"y. ATo get away fro% =#%(A *rth#r c"ic'e$ off the "ight an$ sighe$ as he s"ippe$ the strange hat off of his hea$ with a sigh. A)on6t get %e wrong! Binny! 1 "o+e yo#r %other %ore than anything. B#t now that 16% ho%e %ore8A 3e trai"e$ off an$ his eyes g"ance$ o+er to the $oor. Binny no$$e$! thin'ing that she %ight #n$erstan$. A/he6s "i'e a %other hen!A he sighe$. A*"ways pec'ing aro#n$ e+erywhere! %a'ing s#re things are <#st how she wants the%.A Binny grinne$ at the pict#re an$ no$$e$. That6s e:act"y how she saw her %other as we"". 3er father t#rne$ to her! a %ore stern "oo' on his face. AThat $oesn6t %ean! yo#ng "a$y! that yo# can a+oi$ her "i'e yo#6+e been $oing for the past wee'.A Binny fe"t her chee's f"#sh an$ a $esire to ye"" bac' at her father swir"e$ in her be""y. B#t she co#"$ ne+er rea""y ye"" at hi%. *n$ he was right. /he <#st $i$n6t want to a$%it it.

A1 'now!A she fina""y conce$e$! sin'ing $own into a worn chair that wobb"e$ precario#s"y on what re%aine$ of its fo#r origina" "egs. A/he <#st gets %e so angry.A 3er father sighe$ an$ set $own his pro<ect?a <#%b"e$ %ess of wires that %a$e abso"#te"y no sense to Binny?to t#rn in his seat. A;o# two are %ore a"i'e than either of yo# wi"" e+er a$%it.A 3e "a#ghe$ when he saw how scr#nche$ #p Binny6s face ha$ beco%e. AThat was a co%p"i%ent! be"ie+e it or not.A Binny sighe$ hea+i"y! fee"ing %ore an$ %ore tire$ as the $ay went on. /he ha$n6t ha$ a f#"" night6s s"eep for a"%ost a wee' now?e+er since she an$ .on ha$ arg#e$. A;o#6re not angry with %e(A she as'e$. The entire speech she6$ wor'e$ on for ho#rs in her be$roo% abo#t how she nee$e$ the chance to sprea$ her wings an$ see if she co#"$ f"y on her own! how she wasn6t "ea+ing their "i+es! <#st %o+ing on with her own! f"ew right o#t the win$ow with that >#estion?the >#estion that %a$e her so#n$ "i'e she was ten again an$ as'ing for her father6s forgi+eness for stea"ing her brothers6 broo%s. A16% not %a$! Binny!A he sai$. /he "oo'e$ at hi% an$ co#"$ te"" he was te""ing the tr#th. 3e rare"y "ie$ to his fa%i"y! an$ if he $i$ in the past! it ha$ a"ways been <#stifie$ in so%e enor%o#s way. A)isappointe$(A she +ent#re$! t#rning away. 3er foot in+o"#ntari"y 'ic'e$ o#t an$ n#$ge$ a ragge$ bo: f#"" of #se"ess "ight switches?a gift fro% .on an$ 3er%ione when they6$ re%o$e"e$ .on6s f"at a few %onths ago. A/a$! act#a""y!A he a$%itte$! gi+ing her a "opsi$e$ s%i"e. /he hate$ that s%i"e. 1t was the one he6$ #se$ when he6$ sn#c' bac' into the hospita" wing at 3ogwarts in her fo#rth year. A1 'now yo#6re not rea""y "ea+ing #s!A he sighe$! n#$ging the sa%e bo: with his own foot. AB#t yo# are growing #p. *n$ yo# "ea+ing the ho#se "i'e this is <#st %a'ing #s both rea"i2e that we6re $one raising o#r chi"$ren.A Binny fe"t a 'nife twist in her heart. This was why she6$ a+oi$e$ ta"'ing to anyone %ore than a few wor$s this wee'. /he 'new they6$ t#rn on the g#i"t an$ she6$ be force$ to fee" e+ery inch of it pressing $own on her. /he hate$ fee"ing this way. A1 $o agree that it6s ti%e! tho#gh!A he sai$ soft"y! g"ance #p at her. Binny opene$ her %o#th to respon$! b#t c"ose$ it when the wor$s $i$n6t co%e o#t. This wasn6t what she6$ e:pecte$ at a"". A;o#8yo# rea""y %ean that(A 3e sighe$ an$ r#bbe$ his han$ o+er his hea$! ina$+ertent"y s%earing b"ac' grease o+er the %ost"y ba"$ s#rface. Binny "oo'e$ bac' $own at her shoes an$ bit her "ip.

A1 $on6t appro+e of how yo#6re $oing it! Binny! e+en if 1 #n$erstan$ the $esire to be on yo#r own.A 3er heart fe"" bac' to the botto% of her sto%ach an$ she no$$e$. AThe =#gg"e thing(A /#rprising"y! he ch#c'"e$. A;o# 'now that $oesn6t bother %e.A AThe %a"e thing!A she no$$e$. 3is sho#"$ers rose an$ fe"" se+era" ti%es as e%otions p"aye$ across his face. A1 <#st $on6t want yo# to %a'e a %ista'e that yo# can6t reco+er fro%! Binny9gir".A )efensi+eness roare$ to "ife insi$e her! b#t Binny ta%pe$ it $own. f a"" of her fa%i"y! her father ha$ been the one who ha$ treate$ her "i'e she co#"$ pic' her "ife bac' #p after the )iary inci$ent. The others see%e$ to thin' she was irre+ocab"y $a%age$. AThis isn6t a %ista'e!A she $efen$e$ soft"y. A*n$ 16% not fo#rteen any%ore.A A1 'now!A he sai$! reaching o#t to br#sh his han$ $own the bac' of her hea$. /he $i$n6t e+en f"inch! 'nowing his han$s were grease9co+ere$. /he co#"$ <#st char% it o#t. The co%fort he was con+eying in the to#ch was what she nee$e$. A*n$ e+en if it were!A she contin#e$. A1t6s %y %ista'e to %a'e! isn6t it(A 3e sighe$! a tort#re$ "oo' on his face. A1t sho#"$ be.A * pict#re of her brothers a"" stan$ing in front of her! faces angry an$ harsh! as they ha$ been when she6$ anno#nce$ her intentions! f"oate$ to the front of her %in$. A1t6s har$ to watch yo# get h#rt! Binny. &e a"" "o+e yo#! so %#ch that we on"y want to see goo$ things happen to yo#.A /he no$$e$! b"in'ing bac' the tears that ha$ we""e$ #p! #nbi$$en. AB#t so%eti%es yo# can6t 'now the goo$ if yo# ha+en6t seen the ba$!A she sai$ soft"y. They sat in si"ence for a few %in#tes! each pon$ering that state%ent. A;o#r brothers8A her father fina""y spo'e! Athey $on6t see yo# "i'e yo# want the% to.A AThey see %e as fo#rteen sti""!A she no$$e$. A r yo#nger!A he agree$. AB#t how can 1 fi: that if 1 $on6t ta'e chances8if 1 $on6t grow %yse"f(A 3e see%e$ start"e$ by her >#estion an$ c"ose$ his %o#th! swa""owing his rep"y. AThat6s a +ery goo$ >#estion! Binny.A

A4ercy sti"" won6t ta"' to %e.A 3er a$%ission start"e$ e+en her. The $epth of e%otion that ca%e with it a"%ost o+erwhe"%e$ her. Binny ha$n6t a""owe$ herse"f to thin' abo#t 4ercy %#ch o+er the years. 0ogica""y! she 'new he treate$ her +ery $ifferent. 3e was "ess protecti+e an$ %ore wary of her?as he ha$ e+ery right to be. /he6$ a"" b#t 'i""e$ the gir" he6$ been in "o+e with. /he shoo' her hea$! p#shing those tho#ghts bac' to their p"ace?#n$er "oc' an$ 'ey at the bac' of her %in$. A4ercy has a"ways been $ifferent.A 3er father6s hesitant wor$s %a$e her want to "a#gh. A1s that what yo# ca"" it(A ABinny! he $oesn6t b"a%e yo#8 B#t! he can6t he"p how %#ch his heart h#rts.A /he no$$e$ <er'i"y! #n$erstan$ing what he was te""ing her. A1 'now. *n$ no one 'nows how %#ch %y heart h#rts.A 3e reache$ o#t hesitating"y. Binny wasn6t %#ch for physica" affection fro% her fa%i"y. /he %#ch preferre$ a goo$ s"#g to the sho#"$er o+er a h#g fro% her brothers any $ay8 B#t this fe"t right?wrapping her ar%s aro#n$ her father. A;o# go o#t there an$ f"y! %y "itt"e bir$!A he whispere$! his +oice brea'ing in the %i$$"e. Binny6s tears ret#rne$ at his wor$s. They were the sa%e wor$s he6$ #se$ when he ha$ ca#ght her f"ying aro#n$ the orchar$ in the %i$$"e of the night on Char"ie6s broo%. A16"" try!A she rep"ie$ bac'! %irroring her own si:9year o"$ response fro% so "ong ago. Binny s#r+eye$ the e%pty roo% one "ast ti%e before gi+ing a fina" no$. There were on"y a few bo:es "eft! p#she$ against one wa"" in the p"ace where her be$ ha$ once sat7 those bo:es were staying! or being binne$?Binny $i$n6t rea""y care either way. The fa$e$ pin' f"ora" wa""paper bro#ght bac' %i:e$ %e%ories when Binny "oo'e$ at it now. /he re%e%bere$ he"ping her %other char% it onto the wa""s?we""! she wasn6t a""owe$ to ho"$ the wan$! <#st the paper?when she ha$ been se+en. *n$ here it was! thirteen years "ater! torn in so%e p"aces! fa$e$ an$ $irty in others! b#t a testa%ent to the fact that a gir" ha$ "i+e$ here. *r%strong was a"rea$y gone! to"$ to fin$ her in 0on$on "ater to$ay. 3e too see%e$ re"ie+e$ to get o#t of the B#rrow. 3e %#st ha+e been sensiti+e to the tension aro#n$ the past wee' as he6$ escape$ to go h#nting %ore ti%es than #s#a". ABot e+erything(A 3er%ione as'e$ fro% behin$ her! pee'ing o+er Binny6s sho#"$er an$ into the bare roo%.

A1 thin' so.A Binny shr#gge$ an$ sp#n on her hee"! an:io#s to get starte$ on her newest a$+ent#re. 3er %other ha$ been #p at the crac' of $awn! banging pots an$ pans aro#n$ the 'itchen. Binny co#"$ hear the +oices of se+era" of her brothers in the 'itchen as we"". /he h#nche$ her sho#"$ers as she wa"'e$ $own the stairs! preparing herse"f for an a""9o#t batt"e. Fre$ an$ Beorge sat at the tab"e! sho+e"ing foo$ into their %o#ths as fast as they co#"$. 3er %other was $ishing #p two %ore p"ates of frie$ eggs an$ toast! an$ there was one e%pty p"ate at the tab"e. *"" %o+e%ent in the roo% stoppe$ when Binny an$ 3er%ione entere$. The aw'war$ness began to sprea$ before 3er%ione p#she$ past Binny gent"y an$ accepte$ a p"ate fro% her f#t#re =other9in90aw. AThan' yo#! this "oo's $e"icio#s. 1 $i$n6t ha+e ti%e to eat to$ay before 1 "eft to pic' #p .on.A 3er face t#rne$ a $e"icate sha$e of pin' an$ Binny s%ir'e$ inwar$"y! g#essing that 3er%ione ha$ probab"y staye$ at .on6s "ast night. Binny 'new it happene$ %ore than they "et on to her parents. Binny >#iet"y accepte$ the other p"ate with a po"ite 6than' yo#6 to her %other. A;o#6re rea""y s#re yo# want to $o this(A Fre$ as'e$! peering at Binny c"ose"y. /he g"are$ at hi% o+er her bite of toast an$ eggs! an$ then ignore$ the >#estion as she chewe$ s"ow"y. A0ea+e yo#r sister a"one! boys!A her %other sco"$e$ soft"y fro% where she was ten$ing the hob. Binny near"y $roppe$ her for' #pon hearing her %other $efen$ her. /he g"ance$ o+er to see 3er%ione s%i"ing serene"y into her %orning tea. =aybe her father ha$ been ab"e to brea' thro#gh the =o""y &eas"ey to#gh e:terior. *n$ %aybe Binny wo#"$ ne+er 'now why her %other was not arg#ing with her #nti" the fina" secon$. ACan we go a"rea$y(A .on $e%an$e$! stic'ing his hea$ in the $oor. ATraffic in 0on$on is bo#n$ to be horri$. 1t6s going to ta'e #s three ho#rs as it is.A Binny whippe$ aro#n$ in her seat! an aci$ic rep"y on her "ips! b#t 3er%ione c#t her off. A.ona"$! re%e%ber why yo# wante$ to co%e(A 3er brother6s ears $ar'ene$ an$ he r#bbe$ the bac' of his nec'! "oo'ing $own at his shoes. A)on6t see why we can6t <#st *pparate there!A he %#%b"e$. Binny p#she$ the re%ain$er of her foo$ away. AThat wo#"$ be "o+e"y! wo#"$n6t it( 3ow abo#t we <#st pop right in! gi+e poor 3arry a heart sei2#re! sha"" we(A

Fre$ an$ Beorge snic'ere$! b#t si"ence$ at Binny6s "oo'. A;o# $on6t ha+e to co%e! .on! honest"y!A she sighe$! reaching #p to ta'e her coat off the peg behin$ the $oor. A1 $i$n6t as' for yo#r he"p.A .on g"ance$ at her! his chee's $ar'ening in co"or. A;o# $i$n6t ha+e to!A he %#%b"e$. ABinny818A 3e trai"e$ off an$ Binny stoo$ sti""! waiting for the wor$s he sho#"$ ha+e spo'en $ays ago. A;o# 'now 16% not goo$ at this 'in$ of thing!A he gri%ace$. /he watche$ hi% shoot a "oo' bac' o+er to 3er%ione! b#t $i$n6t ta'e her eyes off of hi%. A16% sorry! a"right!A he sai$ abr#pt"y. A&hat 1 sai$816% sorry.A Binny g"are$ at hi%! 'nowing that was probab"y the best apo"ogy she was going to get o#t of hi%. 4#""ing bac' her fist! she wrappe$ her fingers tight an$ p#nche$ hi% har$ in the sho#"$er before she t#rne$! a satisfie$ s%i"e sprea$ing across her face. .on! behin$ her! wince$! c"#tching his bicep. A16% rea$y!A she proc"ai%e$. 3er%ione hi$ a s%i"e behin$ her teac#p whi"e Fre$ an$ Beorge cheere$. 3er %other <#st shoo' her hea$ $isappro+ing"y. &hen the twins stoo$ #p! Binny scow"e$ at the%. A&here $o yo# thin' yo#6re going(A A&e6re co%ing with!A Fre$ shr#gge$. A1n$ee$!A Beorge sai$. A&e nee$ to chec' o#t this 3arry fe""ow! %a'e s#re he6s not #p to no goo$.A Binny ro""e$ her eyes an$ presse$ her fingers to her te%p"es. The hea$ache that ha$ been threatening for ho#rs fina""y starte$ to throb. A@nfort#nate"y!A she $raw"e$! A3arry is away on b#siness this wee'.A ACon+enient!A Fre$ grow"e$. A0#c'y hi%!A Binny >#ippe$ bac'. A1 rea""y $on6t thin' we nee$ yo#r he"p83er%ione an$ 1?A A*n$ .on!A 3er%ione a$$e$ with an #nhe"pf#" s%i"e. A*n$ .on!A Binny conce$e$ with an annoye$ no$! Acan %anage <#st fine.A A*n$ %iss .onnie'ins first ti%e $ri+ing(A Beorge as'e$! an e+i" grin on his face. Binny sp#n on her hee"! eyes wi$e at .on! who was sti"" r#bbing his ar%. A1 thin' not!A Fre$ a$$e$! co%ing #p to $rape his ar% o+er Binny6s sho#"$ers. A6ou're $ri+ing(A she $e%an$e$.

A1 ha+e %y "icense!A .on $efen$e$. A*n$ it6s not %y first ti%e $ri+ing.A *"" three brothers troope$ o#t the $oor whi"e Binny contin#e$ to stare at where .on ha$ been stan$ing. A3e rea""y isn6t ba$!A 3er%ione sai$ conso"ing"y as she s"i$ her ar%s into her own coat. A&hy are they $oing this(A Binny as'e$ soft"y! %ost"y to herse"f! b#t 3er%ione %#st ha+e hear$. ABeca#se yo#r %other as'e$ the% to!A 3er%ione sai$ soft"y! no$$ing to where Binny6s %other was #sing her wan$ to $irect the $ishes to wash the%se"+es. A/he as'e$ the%?A A5ot to chec' on 3arry!A 3er%ione $efen$e$ >#iet"y! Ab#t to he"p you.A Binny6s throat c"ose$ at the tho#ght. /he no$$e$ <er'i"y as 3er%ione ga+e her ar% a s>#ee2e. Binny watche$ her "ea+e o#t the $oor an$ an aw'war$ si"ence sett"e$ between the "ast two peop"e in the roo%. A1 %ay not appro+e! Binny!A her %other sai$ in a sha'y +oice! Ab#t that $oesn6t %ean 1 $on6t "o+e yo#.A A1 'now! =#%!A Binny sai$ soft"y. /he str#gg"e$ to force her feet across the roo%. 3er %other sniff"e$ when Binny6s ar%s c"ose$ aro#n$ her sho#"$ers fro% behin$. A;o#6re not "osing %e!A Binny whispere$ into her sho#"$er. A1 'now!A her %other patte$ her ar%. AThere6s a ha%per of foo$ ne:t to the $oor.A Binny co#"$n6t he"p the ch#c'"e that rose thro#gh her tears. 0ea+e it to =o""y &eas"ey. AThan' yo#! =#%.A A,#st $on6t forget who yo# are! Binny.A A1 won6t! 1 pro%ise!A Binny sai$ soft"y as she wi""e$ herse"f to "et go. The foo$ ha%per was hea+y eno#gh that Binny chose to "e+itate it o#t the $oor rather than carry it. The $oor c"ose$ behin$ her an$ she "oo'e$ bac'! fee"ing both e:hi"arate$ an$ sa$. 3arry "ay on the #nco%fortab"e %attress in the hote"! t#rning this way an$ that to fin$ the best spot to affor$ his sore bo$y the %ost co%fort. 1t was a nice hote"! rea""y7 one of the finest that the ,apanese =inistry ha$ e+er p"ace$ hi% in whi"e wor'ing with their *#rors.

3arry wo#"$ ha+e been fine staying at the *#ror 3ea$>#arters "i'e the recr#its he was training! b#t they ha$ a"rea$y pai$ for the hote". Training to$ay ha$ gone we"". /ince his "ast +isit! their *#rors were i%p"e%enting his training regi%ens we"". 3arry ha$ been i%presse$ at how %#ch wor' ha$ been $one. B#t there was sti"" p"enty to $o. Their han$ to han$ co%bat s'i""s were so%e of the finest he ha$ e+er witnesse$! b#t they sti"" str#gg"e$ to co%bine #sing %agic an$ %artia" arts together. 3e6$ act#a""y ha$ f#n this afternoon! "a#ghing with the instr#ctors an$ he"ping to correct the thirty or so *#rors who were ta'ing his training c"ass. 1t a%a2e$ hi% how re"a:e$ he act#a""y was on this assign%ent. 3is <ob wasn6t so%ething he nor%a""y en<oye$! it <#st8 iwas./i 3arry ro""e$ to his front! scr#nching a pi""ow #n$er his ar%s an$ propping hi%se"f #p onto it! re%e%bering how the $ay ha$ en$e$. (e was use" to being invite" to have a "rin after training classes. It ha!!ene" often, but (arry rarely acce!te". It -ust "i"n't seem3right to mingle !leasure with business. (e always worrie" about his !rofessional re!utation as well. (arry 2otter "rew crow"s an" !ress at the worst of times, he'" "iscovere". <ut this time (arry ha" answere" yes before he coul" even weigh the conse*uences. 0urely he coul" go out with a few guys an" have a few "rin s without causing !roblems. The !lan was going well, he thought, as the waitress seate" them at a large roun" table in the bac corner of the bar. <rett 'yers, the tough American former 'arine who hel!e" run the >a!anese Auror :or!s, or"ere" a bottle of the finest whis y. The si1 men were all laughing an" having a won"erful time, tra"ing stories of combat an" life as a sol"ier. (arry sat bac in his chair, feeling the bu$$ from the alcohol settle into his bloo" a bit, but en-oying the atmos!here immensely. All of the men new who he was, but it "i"n't seem to matter to them. Tonight he was -ust another sol"ier, li e them. (e'" -ust acce!te" his thir" shot when the flash of a camera lit u! the corner they were all sitting in. (arry's !ulse race" an" his throat tightene". (e loosene" the gri! he ha" on his wan" when 'yers stoo", !lacing his large bul in5between (arry an" the re!orter. Two more flashes went off before 'yers was able to e-ect the man. <ut the "amage ha" been "one. AI'" better go,4 he sai" *uietly, "owning the li*ui" in front of him *uic ly an" wincing as it burne" his stomach. The others !roteste", but (arry sa"ly shoo his hea". 4There will be ten others -ust li e him here in five minutes. It's best34

A@wahh!A 3arry gr#nte$ as he f"ippe$ hi%se"f o+er on the be$! propping the pi""ow behin$ his hea$ this ti%e an$ reaching for the re%ote. B#t the on"y thing on the te"e+ision was a ga%e9show that see%e$ to ha+e co%p"ete"y no point other than to h#%i"iate the contestants as >#ic'"y as possib"e an$ an o"$ *%erican %o+ie with horri$ so#n$9$#bbing o+er the top. 3e f"ic'e$ it off again >#ic'"y! crossing his bare feet at the en$ of the be$ an$ staring #p at the $#"" paste" paintings on the wa""s. Brief"y! he won$ere$ if Binny ha$ %o+e$ into the f"at yet. 3e %enta""y co#nte$ bac'war$! thin'ing that she ha$ sai$ to$ay wo#"$ probab"y be the $ay she was co%ing. * f"ash of an i$ea for%e$ an$ he g"ance$ at the c"oc'?on"y eight ho#rs $ifference. 1f it was one in the %orning here8it wo#"$ be fi+e o6c"oc' or so bac' in 0on$on. 3arry6s han$ ho+ere$ o+er the te"ephone before sighing an$ pic'ing it #p. A0on$on! p"ease!A he to"$ the operator! an$ then ga+e her the n#%ber. The phone rang se+era" ti%es before his own +oice pic'e$ #p. The %achine! he no$$e$! scratching his hea$. &e""! he6$ <#st8 3e was abo#t to hang #p when the %achine beepe$ in his ear! "ea+ing hi% "istening to si"ence. ABinny. 3i. Er%! it6s %e83arry. 1 <#st wante$ to say8we""!A he wince$ at his own sta%%ering an$ c"eare$ his throat. A1 hope yo#6+e %o+e$ in a"right an$ that e+erything went we"". Er%! he"p yo#rse"f to anything yo# fin$.A 3e trai"e$ off! trying to re%e%ber why this ha$ been s#ch a goo$ i$ea a few %in#tes ago. A&e""! if yo#6re not there! then 16% going to be +ery e%barrasse$ when 1 get ho%e. *n$ 16+e probab"y frightene$ yo# off co%p"ete"y with this %essage! an$ yo#6"" %o+e bac' o#t when yo# hear it.A 3e "a#ghe$ aw'war$"y! an$ ro""e$ his eyes. A*nyway!A he contin#e$. A16"" see yo# in a few $ays! 1 g#ess. r! we""! not! as the case %ay be. Bye.A 3anging #p the phone! 3arry ro""e$ o+er in be$ an$ fir%"y p#""e$ the pi""ow $own o+er his face! grow"ing into it. &hy $i$ he a"ways %a'e s#ch an i$iot o#t of hi%se"f( Binny han$e$ another bo: to Beorge an$ grabbe$ one %ore o#t fro% 3er%ione6s car before sh#tting the $oor an$ fo""owing the para$e of brothers #p the stairs to her new f"at. /he6$ ha+e preferre$ to #se %agic to %o+e! b#t they were in the %i$$"e of =#gg"e 0on$on an$ she was %o+ing into a =#gg"e f"at with a =#gg"e f"at%ate. @sing %agic was probab"y not the best i$ea. A/o %#ch for chec'ing this b"o'e o#t!A .on %#ttere$ to hi%se"f as he eye$ the f"at an$ the fair"y e:pensi+e f#rnishings. The twins were a"rea$y st#$ying the entertain%ent #nit stan$ing ne:t to the "arge te""y.

A3e6s fine! .on!A Binny h#ffe$ as she hefte$ her bo: higher an$ n#$ge$ the one Beorge ha$ aban$one$ a"ong with her foot. A1 to"$ yo# that a"rea$y.A A;eah! b#t how $o we 'now! $ear sister!A Fre$ as'e$ as he g"ance$ #p an$ o+er the choco"ate brown "eather sofa. A3e %ight be after on"y one thing!A Beorge a$%itte$ whi"e wigg"ing his eyebrows. A1 can ta'e care of %yse"f!A Binny ca""e$ o#t fro% the ha""way. 3er%ione! who was passing her! bent to retrie+e the bo: Binny ha$ p#she$ in with her foot. A3onest"y!A she %#%b"e$! Ayo#6$ thin' they $i$n6t 'now yo# were twenty.A Binny shr#gge$ an$ set the bo: $own onto the s%a"" $es' she6$ fo#n$ at a secon$ han$ store. 3er f#rnishings! inc"#$ing her twin be$ fro% the B#rrow! "oo'e$ rather o#t of p"ace in the posh f"at! b#t Binny p#she$ that tho#ght to the bac' of her hea$. A1s that e+erything(A 3er%ione as'e$. A1 thin' so. &e6"" ha+e to chec' the boot again to %a'e s#re! b#t 1 thin' we got e+erything.A A1t see%s that yo# an$ yo#r parents ha+e fo#n$ a sort of peace o+er this %o+e.A Binny gri%ace$ an$ sat on the e$ge of the be$. A&e""! it hasn6t been pretty. =#%6s been ignoring %e for a wee'. &e wa"' on eggshe""s aro#n$ each other. 1 rea""y $i$n6t ha+e the energy to start another arg#%ent. B#t )a$6s been goo$7 he sai$ he tho#ght it was a goo$ i$ea.A A.ea""y(A 3er%ione sp#n fro% where she was e%ptying boo's onto a she"f. A&e""!A Binny sighe$! Ayeah! he6s nat#ra""y not thri""e$ abo#t 3arry.A 3er%ione groane$ in co%%iseration an$ br#she$ her han$s together as she straightene$ the "ast "oa$ of boo's. AThat bit went o+er partic#"ar"y we""!A Binny sai$ $ry"y. A1 hear$ =#% start crying abo#t %e being a scar"et wo%an an$ f"a#nting %yse"f a"" o+er Eng"an$ "ater that night when they6$ gone to be$. /he forgets how thin the wa""s are at the B#rrow.A 3er%ione gaspe$. A/he $i$n6tEA Binny no$$e$. A/he $i$. *n$ )a$ gets this "oo' on his face8the one where his "ips $isappear.A

A h! .on hates that one!A 3er%ione no$$e$ as she <oine$ Binny in hanging #p c"othing in the war$robe. A;eah!A Binny contin#e$ an$ then s%i"e$ a bit e+i""y. A/o 1 <#st bro#ght #p the fact that yo# an$ .on practica""y "i+e together.A ABinnyEA A&hat(A she as'e$ innocent"y. A1t6s not as if it6s a secret! no one e+er brings it #p is a"". *n$ yo# 'now =#% wo#"$ ne+er ca"" iyou/i a scar"et wo%an.A A1t6s co%p"ete"y $ifferent tho#gh!A 3er%ione proteste$ as she gathere$ %ore c"othing an$ p"ace$ it besi$e the "ast batch. Binny ha$ to s%i"e to herse"f as 3er%ione co"or or$ere$ the "ong $resses! <#%pers an$ other b"o#ses. AThat6s what =#% sai$. /he sai$ yo# two were engage$ an$ that they rea""y co#"$n6t protest as yo# were a"%ost part of the fa%i"y. *n$ besi$es! yo# aren6t her $a#ghter.A ABoys wi"" be boys(A 3er%ione as'e$ with a 'nowing "oo'. A/o%ething "i'e that!A Binny no$$e$ as she tosse$ a "oa$ of #n$erwear an$ soc's hapha2ar$"y into a $rawer. A/o 1 co#ntere$ with the fact that sharing a f"at with 3arry is co%p"ete"y a b#siness re"ationship as it were. 3e6s har$"y e+er here anyway!A she offere$. A*n$ they agree$(A 3er%ione as'e$ as she c"ose$ the war$robe $oor an$ "eane$ bac' against it. A5ot rea""y!A Binny shr#gge$. A1 thin' they wo#"$ ha+e "i'e$ to %eet hi% first! b#t his sche$#"e is a bear to wor' aro#n$. 1 thin' it was %ore the fact that they 'new 16$ a"rea$y %a$e #p %y %in$ an$ was going to %o+e no %atter what.A A/o they <#st accepte$ it.A A/ort of!A Binny a$%itte$ an$ g"ance$ aro#n$ with a satisfie$ s%i"e. A1t "oo's nice!A 3er%ione prono#nce$. AThe who"e f"at is rather nice! isn6t it(A Binny no$$e$ as the two wo%en "eft the roo%. /he pointe$ to a c"ose$ $oor $own the ha"". AThat6s 3arry6s roo% there. *n$ this one!A she no$$e$ to the open $oor they were passing! Ais the e:tra roo% where 3arry 'eeps his wor'o#t things.A They g"ance$ insi$e to see a roo% f#"" of e:ercise e>#ip%ent. *"ong one wa"" was a trea$%i""! a weight bench an$ +ario#s other ite%s. A0oo's "i'e so%eone has a bit of an obsession!A 3er%ione obser+e$.

AThere are worse things!A Binny absent"y note$. AThe "oo6s <#st at the en$ of the ha"" an$ there are the "a#n$ry faci"ities in there too.A They entere$ the "i+ing roo% again where her brothers ha$ sett"e$ hapha2ar$"y on the f#rnit#re an$ were #sing the re%ote contro" to change the channe"s on the te""y. Binny was ha"f s#rprise$ that they e+en 'new how to #se it! b#t then again! .on ha$ been to 3er%ione6s parents reg#"ar"y. =aybe 3er%ione6s father ha$ gi+en hi% "essons. The tho#ght %a$e Binny s%i"e a bit. 3er%ione an$ Binny e:change$ a g"ance an$ ro""e$ their eyes. A&hat $oes this b"o'e $o again(A .on as'e$. A3e %#st be ro""ing in the %oney.A Binny crosse$ the roo% >#ic'"y an$ p#she$ .on6s feet off of the sofa! br#shing at it an$ g"aring at hi%. A3e wor's for the go+ern%ent!A she answere$. A16% not e:act"y s#re what he $oes! so%ething abo#t sec#rity! b#t he tra+e"s a fair bit! 1 'now.A A5ot %#ch in the way of persona" effects!A Beorge note$ as he g"ance$ aro#n$. Binny shr#gge$. A&e both agree$ that we6$ 'eep a"" o#r persona" things in o#r roo%s.A /he g"are$ at .on who ha$ straightene$ #p an$! fro% the "oo' he wore! see%e$ to be conte%p"ating searching 3arry6s roo%. A&e""!A Fre$ proc"ai%e$ with a "o#$ be"ch! Ahe6s a bit of a"right with #s! Bin9Bin.A A;eah!A Beorge chi%e$ in as he "ifte$ a $ar' green bott"e! Aany b"o'e that stoc's his fri$ge with this is fine by #s.A Binny snorte$. A;o# two ha+e certain"y change$ yo#r t#ne. *n$ yo# owe %e for that! prat!A Binny grow"e$ as she grabbe$ .on6s bott"e an$ g"ance$ at it. The "abe" $i$n6t %ean %#ch to her e:cept that she 'new it was a rather e:pensi+e type of beer. A/#re!A Fre$ gr#nte$ an$ $raine$ the rest of his bott"e. A&hy get a"" wor'e$ #p o+er so%eone who6s not e+en aro#n$ to see o#r perfor%ance(A A;eah! we6"" co%e bac' when o#r treats can ha+e %a:i%#% i%pact. ;o# thin' he6s got any crisps in there(A Beorge as'e$ with a raise$ eyebrow towar$ the 'itchen. A #tEA Binny be""owe$! a"tho#gh her "oo' of a%#se%ent softene$ the harshness. ACo%e on!A 3er%ione inter+ene$ an$ p#""e$ at .on6s ar%. A0et6s go get a pi22a! %y treat.A A h! yo# an$ Fre$ wi"" "o+e that! Beorge!A .on ass#re$ his brothers.

A1 thin' 16"" stay here! act#a""y!A Binny offere$! he"ping 3er%ione p#sh her brothers o#t the $oor. A16+e got a few %ore things to $o to get sett"e$. 4"#s 1 ha+e an ear"y shift at the store to%orrow.A 3er%ione t#rne$ bac' aro#n$ once .on! Fre$ an$ Beorge were c"o%ping noisi"y $own the stairs. A*re yo# s#re! Binny(A A;eah!A she no$$e$! shi+ering in the b"ast of co"$ air that b"ew thro#gh the $oor. /he st#ffe$ her han$s into the poc'ets on her <eans an$ s%i"e$. AThan's for yo#r he"p to$ay. 1 rea""y appreciate e+erything yo# $i$.A 3er%ione "eane$ forwar$ an$ ga+e her a >#ic' h#g. A;o# 'now %y n#%ber. Ca"" if yo# nee$ anything.A A1 wi""!A Binny ass#re$ her! shi+ering again as snowf"a'es began to $rift $own fro% the s'y. The f"at was co%p"ete"y >#iet when Binny c"ose$ the $oor an$ she ga+e into the #rge to $ance on the spot! s>#ea"ing "i'e a "itt"e gir". /he6$ $one itE /he6$ act#a""y %o+e$ o#t on her own. The gi$$y fee"ing acco%panie$ her for the ne:t few ho#rs as she #n"oa$e$ the foo$ ha%per into 3arry6s bare fri$ge an$ c#pboar$s. /he was s"ight"y a%#se$ to see that he $i$! in fact! ha+e a rather "arge se"ection of crisps in the c#pboar$s. nce the 'itchen was righte$! she bro#ght a s%a"" bag to the "oo an$ p"ace$ a few of her ite%s in the roo%?sha%poo in the shower! toothbr#sh in the s%a"" c#bby hi$$en behin$ the %irror. /e+era" ti%es she fo#n$ herse"f h#%%ing as she f"itte$ abo#t! $oing s%a"" things? straightening a stac' of boo's! watering the two p"ants that sat in the 'itchen win$ow. 3arry was a s#rprising"y neat ho#se'eeper! a"tho#gh perhaps he6$ straightene$ #p before he "eft! 'nowing she wo#"$ be co%ing. Ti%e wo#"$ on"y te"" if it was a habit or not. Binny rea""y $i$n6t care either way7 growing #p with si: s"obby o"$er brothers %eant that Binny was acc#sto%e$ to stepping o+er wet pi"es of towe"s in the bathroo% an$ aro#n$ $irty soc's "eft on the stairs. C#ic'"y r#nning o#t of things to $o! Binny eye$ the entertain%ent e>#ip%ent wari"y. /he was s#re she co#"$ fig#re so%e way to t#rn it a"" on an$ fin$ so%ething interesting to watch?there were so %any b#ttons to pressE B#t she was a "itt"e ner+o#s to get near it. &hat it she %esse$ so%ething #p. /he won$ere$ if 3arry6s easy going nat#re wo#"$ change if he ha$ to reprogra% the entire #nit beca#se she sp#n the $ia" wrong on so%ething. The phone ringing start"e$ her an$ she g"ance$ o+er at the co#nter where the so#n$ was co%ing fro%. /he pon$ere$ pic'ing it #p! b#t wasn6t s#re?what if it was so%ething

pri+ate for 3arry( Besi$es! she $eci$e$! he ha$ one of those %achines that answere$ it anyway. 1t start"e$ her when 3arry6s +oice ca""e$ o#t fro% it. * s"ow s%i"e sprea$ o+er her face an$ she fo#ght the #rge to gigg"e at his %essage. ABinny. 3i. Er%! it6s %e83arry. 1 <#st wante$ to say8we""!A 3e trai"e$ off an$ Binny "a#ghe$ o#t "o#$. 3e probab"y ha$ no i$ea why he6$ ca""e$ in the first p"ace. A1 hope yo#6+e %o+e$ in a"right an$ that e+erything went we"". Er%! he"p yo#rse"f to anything yo# fin$.A Binny gr#%b"e$ at the re%in$er that her brothers ha$ rai$e$ 3arry6s fri$ge. /he6$ be s#re to rep"ace it before he ca%e ho%e. A&e""! if yo#6re not there! then 16% going to be +ery e%barrasse$ when 1 get ho%e. *n$ 16+e probab"y frightene$ yo# off co%p"ete"y with this %essage! an$ yo#6"" %o+e bac' o#t when yo# hear it.A 3e "a#ghe$ aw'war$"y an$ so $i$ Binny. 3e so#n$e$ so8 #nco%fortab"e! yet in a f#nny an$ a$orab"e way that she <#st co#"$n6t he"p b#t be a%#se$ by it. 3onest"y! thin'ing that a si""y phone %essage wo#"$ be eno#gh to sen$ her pac'ing. A*nyway!A he contin#e$. A16"" see yo# in a few $ays! 1 g#ess. r! we""! not! as the case %ay be. Bye.A The re$ "ight on the %achine b"in'e$ when 3arry rang off an$ Binny stare$ at it! te%pte$ to p#sh the p"ay b#tton so that she co#"$ "a#gh again. /he %ay <#st ha+e to p"ay #p this "itt"e %essage when 3arry got ho%e. This co#"$ be a "ot of f#n! she $eci$e$ with a wic'e$ "itt"e s%i"e.

*Chapter *: Chapter : !erlin "nows

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission.

This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter : !erlin "nows 3arry stoppe$ at the top of the stairs! str#gg"ing to get his 'eys o#t of his poc'et whi"e <#gg"ing his s#itcase an$ trying to %anage not to s"i$e bac' $own the icy stairs. 1t was a bother! not *pparating bac' into his f"at! an$ ha+ing to carry aro#n$ f#""9si2e$ "#ggage when he got ho%e. B#t pretenses %#st be 'ept. 3e ha$ no $o#bt that Binny wo#"$ f"ee if he trie$ anything as st#pi$ as showing #p in the %i$$"e of the 'itchen o#t of thin air. That is if she6$ staye$ past his horri$ %essage on the answering %achine. 1t was past %i$night an$ he was trying to be >#iet! c#rsing soft"y as the 'ey <a%%e$ in the "oc' an$ he ha$ to <igg"e it. 3is s#itcase $roppe$ on the $oorstep! th#$$ing "o#$"y. 3arry c#rse$ again. nce he ha$ the $oor open! he breathe$ a s%a"" sigh of re"ief an$ $ragge$ his "#ggage in with hi%. The f"at was si"ent an$ $ar' an$ he conte%p"ate$! <#st for a %o%ent! "ighting his wan$! b#t $eci$e$ against that. 1f he ha$ %anage$ to wa'e Binny! what wo#"$ she thin' if she ca%e o#t an$ saw hi% stan$ing there! his wan$ in han$. 3e b"anche$ at the $o#b"e %eaning of that phrase. 3onest"y! he ro""e$ his eyes. 68 stan$ing there! his wan$ in han$86 &hy $i$ his %in$ ha+e to be so $irty a"" the ti%e( *nother thing he6$ ha+e to watch aro#n$ Binny. 3arry was s#re that 'in$ of h#%or wo#"$n6t go o+er we"". 3e sighe$ when he notice$ how sti"" the f"at was. 4erhaps he ha$n6t wo'en her at a"". A)o yo# a"ways %a'e s#ch a gran$ entrance(A 3arry grabbe$ his heart an$ on"y %anage$ to <#st stop hi%se"f fro% p#""ing his wan$ on her. A;o# scare$ %e!A he %anage$. Binny was sitting! c#r"e$ #p in the far corner of the sofa?he ha$n6t e+en seen her there when he ca%e in. A/orry!A she sai$ soft"y. A1 $i$n6t %ean to frighten yo#.A 3arry straightene$ an$ t#gge$ his s#itcase #p ne:t to the sofa. A)i$ 1 wa'e yo#(A he as'e$! peering into the $ar'ness at her. 3e co#"$n6t %a'e o#t her face with the win$ow behin$ her! "etting in soft! "ow "ight fro% o#tsi$e. /he t#rne$ away fro% hi% an$ he co#"$ see her face in profi"e before she shoo' her hea$ s"ow"y. A5o! yo# $i$n6t wa'e %e.A

3arry fe"t torn8$i$ he stay an$ as' what was bothering her! beca#se it was ob+io#s something was! or $i$ he go an$ "et her ha+e her pri+acy( 3e 'new that he wo#"$ prefer to be "eft a"one! especia""y if so%eone he rea""y $i$n6t 'now starte$ $igging into his pri+ate b#siness. Then again! he #s#a""y fe"t better when /iri#s $ragge$ so%ething o#t of hi%. A1s e+erything o'ay(A he %anage$! sin'ing $own to sit as far fro% her as he co#"$. /he r#bbe$ at her face harsh"y an$ 3arry wince$. A,#st te"" %e to sh#t #p if?A A1t6s fine!A she sai$ soft"y. A/i""y e+en81 <#st81 ha$ a night%are.A /he "a#ghe$ wry"y at herse"f an$ 3arry s%i"e$ into the $ar'ness. 3e was certain"y no stranger to night%ares. ABa$ one(A he as'e$! a$$ing a s%a"" ch#c'"e onto the en$ to try an$ soothe her. A* bit!A she shr#gge$. 3arry no$$e$! sitting f#rther bac' into the sofa. The softness of the c#shion fe"t goo$ after *pparating ha"f way across the g"obe! fi""ing o#t paperwor' at each chec'point an$ waiting in en$"ess "ines. A;o# "oo' e:ha#ste$!A Binny sai$ with a s%a"" "a#gh of her own. A;eah!A 3arry no$$e$! Atra+e" ta'es it o#t of %e.A A1 can i%agine.A A16% s#rprise$ to fin$ yo# here! act#a""y!A 3arry "a#ghe$! s%i"ing at the tho#ght of his %essage. =aybe if he got her "a#ghing! e+en if it was at hi%! then she6$ forget abo#t her ba$ $rea%. A;o# either $i$n6t get %y e:tre%e"y "a%e phone %essage! or?A Binny "a#ghe$! sha'ing her hea$. A5o! 1 got it. The e+ening 1 %o+e$ in.A A h!A 3arry no$$e$! ner+o#s"y r#ff"ing his hair. /he sighe$. A1 act#a""y ha$ this great co%ebac' p"anne$. B#t now 16+e gone an$ b"own it a"" by sitting an$ crying in the $ar'.A 3arry sat #p <er'i"y. /he6$ been8crying. /he %#st ha+e seen the concern on his face! or interprete$ his %o+e%ent correct"y! beca#se she wai+e$ her han$ i%patient"y. A1 wrote this who"e note to yo#! abo#t how 1 <#st co#"$n6t "i+e with s#ch a n#tter! an$ how 1 tho#ght yo# sho#"$ be co%%itte$ an$ a"".A 5ot ab"e to stop hi%se"f! 3arry "a#ghe$. 3e was +ery i%presse$. A;eah(A

A;eah!A she no$$e$. 3e co#"$ te"" she was s%i"ing into the $ar' an$ he congrat#"ate$ hi%se"f on 'eeping her $e%ons at bay! at "east for a few %in#tes. A&here is it( 1 want to rea$ it!A he $e%an$e$! rising fro% his spot. Binny "#nge$ forwar$ an$ grabbe$ onto his ar%. A1t6s rea""y st#pi$!A she proteste$. A1 <#st tho#ght8if yo# fo#n$ it there! sitting on the co#nter when yo# got ho%e8an$ 1 was away at wor' or so%ething8 1 tho#ght it %ight be f#nny!A she finishe$. A1t wo#"$ ha+e been great!A 3arry agree$. ACo%e on! yo# ha+e to "et %e rea$ it.A A5o!A she gigg"e$! fina""y "etting go of his ar%! b#t staying on her 'nees as she watche$ hi% search the co#nter for the note. ABesi$es! the <o'e is r#ine$ now81 sho#"$ ha+e <#st staye$ >#iet.A 3arry fina""y fo#n$ the piece of paper with her neat han$writing. .ea$ing it o+er! he ha$ to "a#gh. A1f 16$ fo#n$ this first!A he grinne$! A1 wo#"$ ha+e agree$ with yo#. =aybe 1 woul" ha+e co%%itte$ %yse"f.A 3e rerea$ the wor$s again! ch#c'"ing at her sense of h#%or. /he was hi"ario#s an$ "i+ing with her was "oo'ing %ore an$ %ore "i'e 3arry wo#"$ rare"y spen$ a $ay witho#t "a#ghing. A3arry(A 3er serio#s tone start"e$ hi% an$ he p#t the "etter $own! watching as she stoo$ in the $ar'ness of the roo%! staring at hi%. A;eah(A AThan's.A 3er soft wor$ co%%#nicate$ %ore than she %aybe %eant to! b#t he #n$erstoo$. A5o prob"e%!A he %#%b"e$ as she passe$ hi%! going into her be$roo% an$ c"osing the $oor behin$ her. 3arry grinne$ as he notice$ the way his new f"at%ate tr#$ge$ to the "oo. This see%e$ to be a bit of a habit for her. &hi"e 3arry was an ear"y riser an$ face$ the $ay g"a$"y! Binny "i'e$ to s"eep in an$ wo'e #p +ery s"ow"y. 1t wasn6t #nti" after her shower that she showe$ a bit of "ife. The past wee' ha$ been f#n with her aro#n$. 3arry ha$ been prepare$ for aw'war$ness! "i+ing with so%eone he $i$n6t 'now we""! b#t "ife sett"e$ into a basic ro#tine between the two of the% an$ he co#"$ honest"y say he was on his way to %a'ing a great frien$.

Binny was +ery a%#sing an$ 'ept hi% s%i"ing a "ot of the ti%e. /he see%e$ to hit her stri$e in ear"y afternoon an$ was a"%ost hyper thro#gho#t the e+ening #nti" she wo#"$ "itera""y crash at night. There ha$ been a few ti%es 3arry ha$ been force$ to sha'e her sho#"$er to wa'e her. 3e6$ starte$ <#st "aying a b"an'et o+er her on the sofa instea$ of trying to get her #p. There were a few things abo#t her that %a$e hi% scratch his hea$. /he %#%b"e$ to herse"f a "ot an$ often b"#she$ if 3arry was in hearing $istance. /o far he6$ on"y ca#ght a few wor$s here or there b#t none of the% %a$e %#ch sense. /he was a fair"y %essy coo'er! "ea+ing $ishes e+erywhere an$ sa#ces s"oppe$ on things! b#t 3arry certain"y co#"$n6t fa#"t her c"eaning. The 'itchen was a"ways spar'"ing afterwar$. /o far! he6$ not seen or hear$ anything abo#t her bir$! a"tho#gh that was what she6$ pro%ise$. /he was entit"e$ to her own pri+acy an$ secrets. 3e <#st hope$ that his own secrets staye$ hi$$en. E+ery %orning! witho#t fai"! she wo#"$ get #p an$ st#%b"e to the "oo! then p#t a pot of water on to boi" for her %orning tea. To$ay! 3arry tho#ght he %ight <#st sa+e her a step. 1f the water was rea$y when she got o#t of the shower8she wo#"$n6t ha+e to wait for it. 3e s%i"e$! thin'ing it wo#"$ be nice to $o so%ething for her. A=orning!A he ca""e$ o#t as Binny e:ite$ the bathroo% an$ br#she$ o#t her "ong re$ hair behin$ her. ABoo$ %orning!A she ret#rne$ an$ 3arry was g"a$ to see that her so#r %oo$ %#st ha+e washe$ away in the water. ATea6s rea$y!A 3arry %otione$ to the pot of boi"ing water on the sto+e as he sippe$ his c#p of coffee. /he "oo'e$ s#rprise$! an$ then tho#ghtf#". AThan' yo#! 3arry.A 3arry fe"t his face heat as she s%i"e$ at hi%. Than'f#""y it $i$n6t see% that she was going to %a'e a big $ea" o#t of it. *n$ that s#ite$ hi% <#st fine. /he prepare$ the c#p of tea e:act"y how she "i'e$ it! with "e%on an$ honey! an$ sett"e$ in the chair across fro% hi%! eying the newspaper he was rea$ing. A*nything goo$(A she as'e$. A5ope!A 3arry s%i"e$. A*bso"#te r#bbish.A Binny grinne$. A.#bbish(A 3arry >#ir'e$ an eyebrow. A;es! abso"#te"y.A

A)o yo# 'now how f#nny it is to hear yo# ca"" so%ething 6abso"#te r#bbish6 in that horrib"e *%erican accent(A 3arry preten$e$ to be offen$e$. A3orrib"e accent( *t "east 1 can be #n$erstoo$. ;o# an$ yo#r $roppe$ 36s an$ %issing consonants.A Binny "a#ghe$. They6$ ha$ this con+ersation before an$ he 'new she en<oye$ the banter as %#ch as he $i$. A,#st won$ering where yo# e+er hear$ the wor$ r#bbish.A 3arry grinne$ an$ pic'e$ #p his newspaper again. A=y Bo$father is British!A he e:p"aine$. A*n$ as %#ch as he trie$ to absorb the *%erican c#"t#re! se+era" things s"ippe$ thro#gh. &e sti"" $ran' tea! e+en tho#gh 1 $on6t %#ch care for the wea'! watery coffee s#bstit#te.A 3e ignore$ Binny6s snorte$ protest. A&e ha$ a "oo! se+era" war$robes! an$ ran by a 6shhe$#"e6.A 3is Eng"ish pron#nciation %a$e Binny "a#gh. A/o#n$s "i'e a horrib"y conf#sing chi"$hoo$.A A1n$ee$!A 3arry confir%e$ with a s%i"e an$ a no$. 3e fo"$e$ the paper away an$ offere$ it to Binny! who $ec"ine$! as she $i$ e+ery %orning. A/o! what6s on the %en# to$ay! =iss &eas"ey(A AToast!A Binny answere$! ho"$ing #p the brea$ she6$ <#st p#""e$ o#t of the toaster. AThat6s not what 1 %eant!A 3arry proteste$ with a s%ir'. A1 'now perfect"y we"" what yo# %eant! yo# prat!A Binny grow"e$ with a s%i"e. /he a"so see%e$ to en<oy ca""ing hi% na%es! possib"y thin'ing that he $i$n6t 'now what they %eant. 3e6$ stoppe$ hi%se"f se+era" ti%es in te""ing her that /iri#s co#"$ o#t9c#rse anyone 3arry ha$ e+er %et. A*ct#a""y! 16+e got to wor' for a few ho#rs to$ay!A she sighe$! "eaning her hip against the 'itchen co#nter an$ ta'ing a bite of the toast that was now s"athere$ in %ar%a"a$e. AThere6s a new boo' re"ease to%orrow an$ the ship%ent was "ate getting to #s. 1 thin' the a#thor is e+en co%ing to sign copies.A A3%%!A 3arry sighe$ as he $raine$ his coffee c#p. A*nything for tonight(A Binny shoo' her hea$. A1 p"anne$ on a >#iet night! =er"in 'nows 16"" nee$ it after #n"oa$ing boo's a"" $ay.A A&hat $i$ yo# <#st say(A 3arry sat #p sharp"y. A&hat(A Binny6s hea$ snappe$ #p an$ he co#"$ see she was trying to fig#re o#t what he %eant.

4'erlin nows.4 3arry repeate$. A&here $i$ yo# hear that(A AEr%! 16% not s#re where 1 hear$ it!A she sai$! sha'ing her hea$. A1 thin' one of %y brothers #se$ to say it.A 3arry st#$ie$ her for a %in#te before shr#gging it off. Both /iri#s an$ .e%#s #se$ the phrase. 3e6$ on"y e+er hear$ it in the presence of witches an$ wi2ar$s. *"tho#gh! %aybe it was a British thing! he tho#ght to hi%se"f. 3e watche$ as Binny b#sie$ herse"f pic'ing #p the re%ains of brea'fast. /he $i$n6t see% r#ff"e$ by his >#estion! so he "et it go. 4erhaps it was <#st so%ething that her brothers ha" sai$ an$ she6$ pic'e$ #p o+er the years. A1 was thin'ing abo#t renting a +i$eo tonight!A 3arry s#ggeste$ as he $raine$ the rest of his coffee. A1ntereste$(A 3e trai"e$ off! c#rsing hi%se"f when she $i$n6t answer. f co#rse she $oesn6t want to spen$ e+ery %in#te with yo#! he to"$ hi%se"f! she6s on"y 'nown yo# for a wee'. A=aybe!A Binny s%i"e$. A*s "ong as it6s not one of those horrib"e action fi"%s where e+eryone carries a g#n an$ that big9cheste$ wo%an r#ns abo#t.A 3arry "a#ghe$! re"ie+e$ that she6$ not tho#ght too %#ch of his in+itation! after a"" it was on"y a %o+ie. A)ea". 1n fact! why $on6t we go get one together after yo# get ho%e. That way yo# can6t b"a%e %e if yo# $on6t "i'e it. Besi$es!A he proteste$! Ayo# watche$ the who"e thing "ast ti%e.A Binny sniffe$ $is$ainf#""y. A3a$ to $i$n6t 1( 5othing better to $o8A 3arry "a#ghe$ as she raise$ an eyebrow his $irection. /he staye$ in the 'itchen as he %o+e$ to his wor'o#t roo% an$ began stretching. /ince Binny ha$ %o+e$ in! 3arry6s %i$night stro""s ha$ $roppe$ o#t entire"y. 1t was easier to go to s"eep when he co#"$ hear the te"e+ision p"aying "ow in the other roo%! or co#"$ hear Binny h#%%ing so%e song in her be$roo%. =aybe it was si%p"y ha+ing so%eone e"se there! he g#esse$. 3e steppe$ on the trea$%i"" an$ p#nche$ the b#ttons to get #p to a co%fortab"e r#nning spee$. /pen$ing ti%e with Binny was so $ifferent than what 3arry e:pecte$. *"tho#gh! to be honest! he ha$n6t tho#ght that she6$ be aro#n$ as %#ch as she was. &hen he6$ pict#re$ "i+ing with so%eone e"se! he6$ seen the% passing in the ha""! e:changing he""os an$ goo$byes as they ca%e an$ went for wor'. B#t he an$ Binny ha$ "apse$ into a fair"y co%fortab"e frien$ship. 1t was strange! 3arry tho#ght! beca#se he $i$n6t rea""y 'now how to be frien$s with a gir". 3e6$ ne+er rea""y ha$ a gir" be a frien$ before. 3e6$ $ate$ a few gir"s! a"tho#gh nothing he wo#"$ consi$er serio#s. 3e6$ e+en ha$ so%eone he co#"$ ca"" a gir"frien$ $#ring his schoo" years! an$

then again right before he %o+e$. B#t this wasn6t "i'e that at a"". 3e $i$n6t fee" the sa%e way abo#t Binny. Binny was8co%fortab"e. 1t fe"t "i'e 3arry ha$ 'nown her for years! instea$ of on"y $ays. They en<oye$ $oing things together an$ see%e$ +ery co%patib"e as frien$s. * frien$ is a goo$ thing! 3arry to"$ hi%se"f. ;o# co#"$ #se a frien$. B#gger! Binny tho#ght to herse"f when 3arry fina""y "eft the 'itchen. /he 'new there wo#"$ co%e a $ay when so%ething wo#"$ s"ip an$ she6$ e%barrass herse"f in front of this =#gg"e. B#t she ha$ been hoping to "ast "onger than a wee'. /he co#"$ hear the so#n$ of his trea$%i"" in the other roo%! the hea+y footfa""s of hi% r#nning a"ong with it %eant that she co#"$ safe"y p#"" o#t her wan$ an$ $o the brea'fast $ishes. 1t was rea""y a bother to try an$ hi$e her %agic! b#t it was we"" worth it to be "i+ing on her own. Binny was ha+ing a won$erf#" ti%e "i+ing in 0on$on. The first f#"" $ay 3arry ha$ been ho%e! they6$ gone on a wa"' aro#n$ the neighborhoo$ an$ he6$ pointe$ o#t a"" sorts of p"aces that ha$ intrig#e$ her. They6$ spent ho#rs roa%ing a"" o+er the p"ace! "a#ghing an$ ta"'ing. Binny ha$n6t $one that with a frien$ since her $ays in 3ogs%ea$e! happi"y f"itting fro% one storefront to another with +ario#s gir"frien$s. /he sighe$ $eep"y an$ %o+e$ to her be$roo%. The #pco%ing shift at wor' was "oo'ing "ess an$ "ess appea"ing e+ery %in#te she procrastinate$ at the f"at. Binny wo#"$ %#ch rather spen$ the $ay c#r"e$ #p in her b"an'ets with a goo$ boo'! or possib"y watching a goo$ %o+ie on 3arry6s te""y. B#t her share of the rent wo#"$ be $#e soon eno#gh! an$ Binny 'new she co#"$n6t p#t it off any "onger. /he g"ance$ aro#n$ her roo%! searching for her na%etag an$ 'eys. There was a rather "arge pi"e of "a#n$ry in one corner of the roo% an$ Binny %a$e a note to herse"f to try an$ tac'"e the washing when 3arry was occ#pie$ ne:t. /he was rather ner+o#s to try #sing the %achines with hi% aro#n$?<#st in case so%ething happene$ an$ he en$e$ #p $ying fro% "a#ghing at her so har$. That wo#"$ be <#st too %#ch to ta'e right now! not to %ention e:p"ain. A16"" ta"' to yo# "ater!A she ca""e$ o#t! stic'ing her hea$ into 3arry6s wor'o#t roo% before she "eft. 3e was we"" into his r#n! sweat $renching his shirt as the trea$%i"" c"i%be$ to a ri$ic#"o#s ang"e. A;eah!A he h#ffe$ o#t! raising his han$ s"ight"y in parting. Binny "a#ghe$! sha'ing her hea$ at his habits! an$ "eft the f"at.

3o#rs "ater! Binny "eane$ against a f#"" boo'she"f an$ a$%ire$ the bright! new co+ers of the "atest no+e" s#re to hit the best9se""er6s "ist. 1t ha$ been a "ot of wor' to get a"" these boo's she"+e$! an$ the correspon$ing $isp"ays asse%b"e$. 3owe+er! Binny was <#st g"a$ she $i$n6t ha+e to act#a""y be on shift for the %i$night re"ease. AThan's for wor'ing so har$! Binny!A the store %anager sai$! g"ancing at his watch. A1n fact! yo#6+e finishe$ in recor$ ti%e. Ta'e the rest of the $ay off.A Binny was $e"ighte$ at the i$ea an$ $ebate$ going ho%e to $o the "a#n$ry! b#t the "#re of r#nning so%e erran$s in )iagon *""ey so#n$e$ goo$ as we"". *n$! if she re%e%bere$ right! 3er%ione sho#"$ be off to$ay. They co#"$ ha+e "#nch together an$ Binny wo#"$ sti"" be ho%e in ti%e to spen$ the e+ening with 3arry. 3er%ione was $e"ighte$ when Binny showe$ #p at the f"at she share$ with .on! "iberating her fro% an afternoon of c"eaning. A1 rea""y sho#"$n6t!A she co%p"aine$! b#t then a wic'e$ s%i"e sprea$ across her face an$ she agree$ to the $ay o#t with Binny. 0#nch was a fast san$wich at the 0ea'y Ca#"$ron! fo""owe$ by a rather "arge ice crea% at Fortesc#e6s. Binny s"ow"y gathere$ her potions s#pp"ies an$ other essentia"s as they browse$ the shops. A3ow are things with the f"at%ate(A 3er%ione as'e$ as the two wo%en pic'e$ thro#gh the secon$ han$ rac's at =a$a% =a"'in6s. ABreat!A Binny sai$. /he t#rne$ her bac' on the robes! 'nowing that she rea""y $i$n6t nee$ new ones anyway?not when she %ost"y wore =#gg"e c"othing. A&e get a"ong rea""y we"". 3e6s +ery easy going.A AThat6s goo$!A 3er%ione no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y an$ a$$e$ another robe to the s%a"" pi"e she was a%assing. A;o#6+e certain"y been spen$ing a"" yo#r ti%e there7 we ha+en6t seen yo# in %ore than a wee'.A A1 wor' too!A Binny $efen$e$! br#shing her han$ a"ong the robes. A1t6s not "i'e 3arry an$ 1 spen$ a"" $ay together.A A*n$ has it been $iffic#"t to go witho#t %agic(A 3er%ione as'e$! "owering her +oice as se+era" witches ca%e into the store. A5ot as har$ as 1 tho#ght! b#t 1 sti"" #se it when 3arry6s not there. 1 $o ha+e to 'eep %yse"f fro% s"ipping so%eti%es. 0i'e this %orning! 1 sai$ so%ething "i'e 6=er"in 'nows6! or so%ething8anyway! 3arry pic'e$ right #p on that an$ 1 ha$ to thin' fast to co+er %yse"f.A 3er%ione ga+e her an a%#se$ "oo' an$ pai$ for the robes. A)o yo# thin' yo# can p#"" it off(A

Binny sighe$! conte%p"ating the >#estion she6$ been ignoring for the past few $ays. A&hen 1 first %o+e$ in! 1 tho#ght it wo#"$ be easier! b#t 3arry is aro#n$ a "ot %ore than 1 e:pecte$ hi% to be.A /he sighe$ an$ he"$ the $oor open for 3er%ione as they wa"'e$ o#t into the s#nny! strange"y war% $ay. A16% <#st than'f#" they6+e re"a:e$ a"" the restrictions abo#t $oing %agic in front of =#gg"es.A A&e""!A 3er%ione reasone$ as they wa"'e$ s"ow"y $own the street! Athe stat#tes were horrib"y o#t of $ate. *n$ it6s getting har$er an$ har$er to hi$e %agic as the generations beco%e %ore an$ %ore #se$ to integrating with =#gg"es.A Binny no$$e$! not f#""y paying attention! b#t peop"e9watching instea$. 3er%ione contin#e$ on! e:p"aining the "aws an$ why they weren6t enforce$ as strict"y any%ore. 1t was no s#rprise! howe+er! when 3er%ione steere$ her towar$ F"o#rish an$ B"otts. 5or%a""y! Binny wo#"$ protest that she spent eno#gh ti%e in boo' stac's! b#t to$ay it rea""y $i$n6t %atter where they went. The "a2iness of the s#n shining fina""y! an$ the prospect of a p"easant e+ening c#r"e$ #p on 3arry6s sofa were eno#gh to %a'e Binny content with $oing whate+er 3er%ione wante$ to $o. A;o# $on6t %in$! $o yo#(A 3er%ione gest#re$ to the boo'store. A5ot at a""!A Binny shoo' her hea$. A;o# browse! 16"" rea$ the papers.A 3er%ione shoo' her hea$ an$ ro""e$ her eyes. Binny ha$ a"ways ha$ a wea'ness for the &i2ar$ing tab"oi$s. 1t wasn6t as if she be"ie+e$ the things they printe$?on the contrary! she tho#ght they %a$e e:ce""ent %ateria" to $istract yo#rse"f with "a#ghter. * s%a"" chair near the newspaper an$ tab"oi$ section "oo'e$ +ery in+iting an$ Binny perche$ herse"f there! $igging thro#gh the rac's to fin$ <#st the right iss#e to spen$ fifteen %in#tes with. The C#ibb"er was a"ways goo$ for a "a#gh! Binny $eci$e$! pic'ing #p the "atest e$ition. /he was $e"ighte$ when 0#na6s artic"e abo#t her e:pe$ition to the /o#th 4o"e was on the front page. /#rprising"y! it was a +ery coherent an$ we"" tho#ght9o#t artic"e an$ Binny was s#rprise$ to "earn so%ething abo#t the fire breathing pe"icans that fo""owe$ the &i2ar$ing ships aro#n$. A@rgh!A 3er%ione bro'e her fro% the conc"#sion on the artic"e an$ Binny "oo'e$ #p to fin$ 3er%ione ho"$ing another %aga2ine by the corner! her face scr#nche$ in $istaste at whate+er was on the front. A&hy $on6t they e+er "ea+e peop"e a"one(A she as'e$! sha'ing her hea$. A&hat is it(A Binny stoo$! reaching for the artic"e. Binny herse"f ha$ been the s#b<ect of >#ite a few spectac#"ar artic"es after her fo#rth year in schoo"! an$ she was ne+er s#rprise$ at how far they wo#"$ go to paste a sensationa" story on the front page.

The pict#re on the page showe$ a gro#p of %en in an ob+io#s"y rienta" setting! sitting at a tab"e an$ raising g"asses in a toast. ne person! with $ar' hair! was b"#rre$! beyon$ recognition. * secon$ photo showe$ a +ery "arge %an stan$ing an$ %o+ing towar$ the photographer before it went b"an'. A3arry 4otter: 3is &i"$ 0ife E:pose$. 4otter! The Chosen ne! age twenty9one! was seen <#st "ast wee' at a bar in $owntown To'yo! 'nown for its o#trageo#s night "ife an$ "oose wo%en8A Binny rea$ the hea$"ine o#t "o#$ an$ shoo' her hea$. AThey can6t e+en "ea+e the poor b"o'e a"one "ong eno#gh to ha+e a $rin' with his %ates.A AThe press is a $o#b"e e$ge$ swor$!A 3er%ione agree$ with a sa$ no$. A*"tho#gh 1 $o ha+e to a$%ire whoe+er ta#ght hi% that char% to obsc#re his face in photographs. 16+e seen it in se+era" photos of hi%.A A1t is rather bri""iant!A Binny no$$e$! tossing the %aga2ine asi$e. A1 fee" ba$ for hi%! in a way!A she sai$ absent"y. 3er%ione peere$ at her. AFor 3arry 4otter(A A;eah!A Binny shr#gge$! reaching $own to "ift her shopping bags #p. 3er%ione6s ar%s were s#spicio#s"y e%pty! #nti" Binny rea"i2e$ she probab"y shr#n' her p#rchases an$ p"ace$ the% in her han$bag. A1t6s got to be a "one"y "ife! $on6t yo# thin'(A A1 s#ppose!A 3er%ione sai$ tho#ghtf#""y. A3e tra+e"s a"" o+er the wor"$.A AThe tra+e" wo#"$ be nice!A Binny no$$e$! AB#t 1 <#st thin' it wo#"$ be "one"y. 3e can6t ha+e %any rea" frien$s! yo# 'now. 3ow wo#"$ yo# 'now if they were rea""y yo#r frien$s or <#st wante$ to be with yo# beca#se yo# were rich! or fa%o#s! or powerf#"(A A1 see what yo# %ean!A 3er%ione sai$. A3e6s 'ept e+erything so pri+ate o+er the years7 it6s possib"e he6s not "one"y at a""! Binny. 3e %ay e+en ha+e a gir"frien$ or a wife.A Binny no$$e$! sti"" thin'ing abo#t how "one"y that sort of e:istence so#n$e$. A/o! when are yo# going to bring your 3arry to the B#rrow(A 3er%ione as'e$! a rather %ischie+o#s s%i"e sprea$ing on her face. Binny "a#ghe$. A;o# spen$ too %#ch ti%e with .on! yo# 'now. 3ow wo#"$ that go o+er( 6;es! 3arry! those $ishes are washing the%se"+es. &hy! ha+en6t yo# e+er seen that before(6A /he raise$ her +oice in a breathy i%itation that ha$ 3er%ione "a#ghing. A1 thin' he6$ "ea+e Britain for s#re. 4robab"y swi% a"" the way bac' to *%erica <#st to get away fro% a"" of #s n#tters.A &hen Binny got bac' to the f"at! 3arry was <#st straining the water off a pot of pasta.

A&e nee$ to e:pan$ yo#r repertoire! yo# 'now(A Binny tease$ hi%! watching as he rinse$ the foo$ an$ $i+i$e$ it o#t onto two p"ates. A;o# "i'e %y pasta!A he scow"e$! foc#sing on the noo$"es s"i$ing o#t of the strainer. A1ts fine!A Binny "a#ghe$. AB#t we6+e ha$ it se+era" ti%es this wee'.A A;o# %a'e $inner to%orrow then!A he >#ippe$! sha'ing a <ar of %arinara sa#ce before opening it an$ po#ring it o+er the noo$"es. A*gree$!A Binny no$$e$ with a gri%ace at the foo$. A;o# co#"$ ha+e at "east war%e$ that #p! yo# 'now.A 3arry grinne$! ta'ing a h#ge bite fro% his p"ate an$ carrying it into the "o#nge. A)on6t eat it then!A he %#%b"e$ aro#n$ his %o#thf#". Binny watche$ hi% go! a wry s%i"e on her face. A;o#6re horrib"y $isg#sting at ti%es! yo# 'now.A A*% not!A 3arry ca""e$ o#t. A*n$ yo# were "ate so 1 chose the %o+ie.A A h =er"in!A Binny %#%b"e$ to herse"f after retrie+ing her own p"ate. A3ow ba$ is it(A she as'e$! wincing at the rather +io"ent scene on the te""y. A3orrib"e!A 3arry grinne$. /he ha$ the strangest #rge to reach o#t an$ wipe the s%a"" bit of to%ato sa#ce that c"#ng to the si$e of his "ip. Chastising herse"f! an$ br#shing away the tho#ght that he "oo'e$ a$orab"e sitting cross9"egge$ on the sofa! his $inner sitting in his "ap! she perche$ herse"f ne:t to hi%. A1t6s as +io"ent as 1 co#"$ fin$.A A&on$erf#"!A Binny ro""e$ her eyes! twir"ing her for' in the pasta an$ "ifting a hefty bite to her own %o#th. 1f 3arry wasn6t concerne$ with %anners! neither was she. *s she chewe$! she sn#c' a g"ance at hi% an$ co#"$ see the corner of his %o#th >#ir' #p as he trie$ to foc#s on the screen. A h! hey!A he sai$! h#rrie$"y! "ifting his p"ate an$ $igging into the poc'et of his <eans. A1 was $oing the washing to$ay an$ yo# "eft so%e things in the "oo8A Binny6s eyes went wi$e! trying to re%e%ber what she6$ "eft in there. A1 hope yo# $on6t %in$! b#t 1 tosse$ the% in. 1t was <#st <eans an$ a $ar' shirt.A A h!A she no$$e$. AThan's. 16+e been %eaning to $o the "a#n$ry8<#st ha+en6t gotten to it.A 3arry scratche$ his hea$ an$ ga+e her a s%i"e that "oo'e$ rather g#i"ty. A*ct#a""y! 1 fee" a bit ba$8when 1 too' e+erything o#t of the $ryer! this fe"" o#t. 1 hope it wasn6t anything

i%portant.A 3e he"$ #p a ro#n$ piece of stiff car$boar$! the i%age washe$ a"%ost co%p"ete"y away fro% it. Binny gaspe$! re%e%bering sho+ing the 3arry 4otter choco"ate frog car$ in her bac' poc'et a few wee's before. 1t "oo'e$ as if it ha$ on"y <#st s#r+i+e$ a few washings. A1 hope it wasn6t i%portant!A 3arry sai$ again! han$ing it o+er. A5o!A she shoo' her hea$! peering at hi% as her heart th#%pe$. Than' hea+ens it was #nrea$ab"e! she to"$ herse"f as she inspecte$ the car$. A1t isn6t?not rea""y. To te"" the tr#th! 16$ forgotten a"" abo#t it.A A&hat is it(A 3arry as'e$. Binny starte$! rea"i2ing she was going to ha+e to co%e #p with so%ething +ery fast. A h! its8er%! "i'e a8tra$ing car$ of sorts!A she sai$! her %in$ ree"ing as she searche$ for a be"ie+ab"e e:c#se. AThey co%e in a series of boo's!A she e:p"aine$! wai+ing the car$ aro#n$ a bit in $is%issa". A/o%eti%es they fa"" o#t of the pac'aging when we6re p#tting the% on the she"+es.A 3e see%e$ to st#$y her for a %in#te before shr#gging an$ t#rning his attention bac' to his $inner an$ the %o+ie! which was <#st starting. Binny swa""owe$ harsh"y an$ "ifte$ a %eager bite! chewing it thoro#gh"y. &hat wo#"$ she ha+e $one if the car$ ha$n6t been too r#ine$ to rea$( This who"e thing was getting har$er an$ har$er. A;o#6re a "iar!A she n#$ge$ hi% when the %o+ie starte$. 1t was a ro%antic co%e$y that she6$ rea$ a re+iew of in the newspaper "ast wee'. 3arry "a#ghe$ b#t $i$n6t respon$. A*re yo# going to be ab"e to s#r+i+e this(A she as'e$! no$$ing her hea$ towar$ the te""y. A16"" "i+e!A he shr#gge$. ABesi$es! 1 co#"$ a"ways go to s"eep ear"y.A A*n$ snore the who"e way thro#gh!A Binny >#ippe$ with a "a#gh. 3arry "oo'e$ offen$e$ an$ n#$ge$ her bac'. A1 $o not snore.A A h! 4ar'er!A she ch#c'"e$. ATr#st %e! yo# snore.A 3arry s"ow"y p"ace$ the pi"e of c"ean "a#n$ry into his s#itcase. *nother assign%ent ha$ co%e #p an$ he was nee$e$ in /o#th *%erica to he"p reestab"ish an *#ror force in a "ess than stab"e co#ntry.

The ca"" ha$ co%e in "ess than two ho#rs ago! b#t 3arry ha$ been $ragging his feet. The prospect of spen$ing two or %ore wee's in a r#n $own roo%! or e+en the *#ror barrac's the%se"+es $i$ nothing to appea" to hi% right now. A)a%n! 1 was s#ppose$ to ta'e Binny to that new c"#b!A he %#%b"e$! g"ancing #p when 3e$wig tappe$ her bea' at the win$ow. 3e "ifte$ the sash an$ "et his bir$ in! start"ing when a s%a""er! $ar' brown barn ow" f"#ttere$ in as we"". A;o#6+e %a$e a frien$!A 3arry sai$! shoc'e$. 3e$wig ha$ ne+er been one to a""ow other ow"s aro#n$. 1n the ten years she6$ been with 3arry! he6$ ne+er seen another ow" this c"ose to his fa%i"iar. The other bir$ si2e$ hi% #p! t#rning his hea$ this way an$ that before r#ff"ing his feathers an$ hopping threatening"y towar$ 3arry. 3e ch#c'"e$ an$ bac'e$ away! his han$s he"$ #p $efensi+e"y. A/he6s yo#r frien$! %ate!A he proteste$. 3e$wig see%e$ a"%ost bore$ by the $isp"ay an$ sett"e$ on her perch! preening her feathers an$ then n#22"ing her hea$ in to nap. /he ignore$ the %a"e ow"! who s>#aw'e$ an$ hoppe$ #p ne:t to her! trying to co2y #p to her si$e. 3e$wig "a2i"y raise$ her hea$ an$ snappe$ her bea' at hi% before t#rning her bac' on hi%. ABoo$ "#c' there! b#$$y!A 3arry ch#c'"e$ an$ shoo' his hea$. 3e was s#rprise$! howe+er! when the %a"e $i$n6t "ea+e! b#t staye$ on the perch! sett"ing in to his own nap. The i$ea that 3e$wig ha$ a boyfrien$ was a bit #nsett"ing to 3arry. For years it ha$ been she an$ hi% against the wor"$. E+en when he "i+e$ with /iri#s an$ .e%#s! 3e$wig ha$ a"ways been there for hi%. B#t now8she %ay ha+e fo#n$ so%ething that e+en 3arry $i$n6t ha+e. *n$ it %a$e hi% fee"8"eft o#t. /hr#gging off the irrationa" <ea"o#sy! 3arry t#rne$ bac' to his pac'ing. =aybe he co#"$ $rop by Binny6s wor' before he "eft this afternoon. 1t see%e$ %ore than a bit r#$e to si%p"y $isappear with on"y a note. ;eah! he $eci$e$ with a no$. 3e6$ $rop by the boo'store to see her. 5o $o#bt she6$ ha+e so%e f#nny >#ip to "ighten his %oo$ before he "eft. /he was a"ways co%ing #p with so%ething h#%oro#s to say. /he was sti"" a p#22"e to hi%! a %onth after "i+ing together. There were things abo#t her that <#st $i$n6t a$$ #p. )ays when they were the best of frien$s an$ then $ays when she wo#"$ p#"" away! not saying %#ch an$ wearing $ar' circ"es #n$er her eyes. 3arry ha$ beg#n to s#spect she ha$ %ore night%ares than she "et on.

*n$ a few wee's ago when he6$ tosse$ her <eans into his wash an$ the strange car$ ha$ co%e o#t in the $ryer. 3arry co#"$ ha+e sworn it was a choco"ate frog car$8b#t that wo#"$ %ean that Binny was8 3e shoo' his hea$ at the tho#ght. There was no way8 nce his pac'ing was $one! he scribb"e$ a >#ic' note re%in$ing Binny not to b#rn the f"at $own an$ ch#c'"e$. 5o $o#bt she6$ ca"" his ce"" an$ "ea+e a nasty retort! or p"an so%e pran' that wo#"$ ha+e hi% co+ere$ in water the %o%ent he wa"'e$ in the $oor. 3e6$ fa""en for that twice?so%ething he wo#"$ ne+er a$%it to /iri#s or .e%#s. The interior of the h#ge boo' store was fascinating! *rth#r tho#ght! as he stoo$ in the center of the entryway an$ "oo'e$ #p at the ta"" cei"ings an$ wi$e open spaces. F"o#rish L B"otts was 'nown for its pac'e$ she"+es! $ar'! %#sty corners an$ "itt"e roo% to %o+e aro#n$. *"tho#gh! perhaps that $i$n6t %atter as %#ch! beca#se #sing %agic! one co#"$ si%p"y wi$en the ais"e with a f"ic' of a wan$. The e:pecte$ $#sty s%e"" of parch%ent an$ bin$ing g"#e ga+e way! here! to coffee an$ "eather. 4eop"e b#st"e$ in an$ o#t of the $oors! p"astic bags st#ffe$ f#"" of boo's on a"" sorts of s#b<ects. The h#st"e an$ b#st"e ha$ near"y $ri+en =o""y insane on their first +isit. B#t *rth#r tho#ght it was bri""iant. *n$ now that he ha$ the f#"" $ay off! an$ =o""y was occ#pie$ trying to he"p at the r#%%age sa"e in the +i""age8he ha$ the entire $ay to spen$ here. *"tho#gh he $o#bte$ that Binny wo#"$ a""ow hi% to hang aro#n$ for ho#rs! e%barrassing her at her p"ace of wor'. /pea'ing of his "itt"e bir$! *rth#r s%i"e$ when she wa"'e$ $own an ais"e! p#shing a s%a"" tro""y o+erf"owing with boo's. /he was concentrating har$ on the she"+es in front of her! searching for <#st the right spot to #n"oa$ se+era" of the to%es. A3e""o! Binny9gir"!A he sai$ soft"y as he approache$ her! spinning his hat thro#gh his fingers! the worn fe"t #se$ to the %o+e%ent. A)a$EA she grinne$! setting her boo's $own as she threw her ar%s aro#n$ hi% in a h#ge h#g. *rth#r was start"e$ by this?Binny rare"y initiate$ physica" contact any%ore?an$ patte$ her bac' aw'war$"y. A3ow are yo#(A they both as'e$ at the sa%e ti%e! ch#c'"ing an$ g"ancing aro#n$ aw'war$"y at the few peop"e who were on the ne:t ais"e.

A16% goo$!A Binny s%i"e$. *rth#r stare$ at her! fee"ing so%ething we"" #p insi$e hi%. /he "oo'e$ so %#ch better than she ha$ on"y wee's ago when she6$ been "i+ing with the%. 3e ha$ been right7 a""owing her the free$o% to sprea$ her wings ha$ $one won$ers for her. AThat6s goo$!A he no$$e$. A16% sorry for s#rprising yo# "i'e this?yo# won6t get in tro#b"e wi"" yo#(A he as'e$! g"ancing aro#n$ once %ore. A5o!A she $enie$. A,#st wa"' with %e whi"e 1 p#t these away an$ then we6"" fin$ a nice co2y corner to catch #p in. 3e co#"$n6t he"p b#t s%i"e at her enth#sias%! an$ fee" it creep a bit into hi%. A1n fact! if yo# can occ#py yo#rse"f for a few %in#tes! 1 %ay e+en be ab"e to snea' away for "#nch?%y treatE?an$ we can rea""y spen$ so%e ti%e together.A *ny #nease *rth#r ha$ fe"t this %orning when %a'ing the $ecision to co%e to 0on$on to see his $a#ghter s"ippe$ away. Binny ha$ a"ways been a free spirit! b#t ha$ +a"#e$ her pri+acy %ore an$ %ore as the years went by. 3e b"a%e$ that $a%ne$ $iary for it a""8 A1 thin' 1 can %anage that!A he ch#c'"e$! no$$ing towar$ the she"+es. A,#st point %e in the $irection of an airp"ane boo'.A Binny "a#ghe$ an$ it ca#se$ a thri"" to ripp"e thro#gh hi%7 it ha$ been a "ong ti%e since he6$ hear$ her be this open with anyone. =aybe this was how she was in the =#gg"e wor"$: #nfettere$ by the past an$ the >#estioning g"ances of e+eryone she %et who %ay ha+e rea$ those $a%ne$ spec#"ati+e artic"es. r %aybe this new! e:#berant Binny was si%p"y a res#"t of her growing #p. A)a$!A she shoo' her hea$! Athere6s a who"e section on airp"anes.A A1s there(A he g"ance$ aro#n$! won$ering where it %ight be. 3is e:cite%ent o+er seeing Binny $oing so we"" again was a"%ost ec"ipse$ by his c#riosity. 4erhaps he6$ e+en be ab"e to $isco+er how those ingenio#s =#gg"es %a$e so%ething that "arge stay #p.A ACo%e on!A she "a#ghe$! A1 ha+e to ret#rn a boo' near there anyway.A 3e fo""owe$ as she p#she$ the tro""ey aro#n$! occasiona""y s"i$ing a boo' onto a she"f here or there. A3ow is e+eryone(A she as'e$. *rth#r co#"$ hear the hesitant tone in her +oice b#t he wasn6t s#re what it %eant. &as she ner+o#s abo#t what he wo#"$ say( B#i"ty beca#se she ha$ on"y $roppe$ by ho%e once for a few >#ic' %in#tes( r was there so%ething e"se( AE+eryone is fine!A he no$$e$! 'eeping his tone as "ight as he co#"$. A;o#r %other sen$s her "o+e.A

Binny g"ance$ at hi% an$ he fe"t his face heat! c#rsing that she6$ 'now e:act"y what that %eant7 she6$ certain"y ha$ eno#gh e:perience rea$ing her fa%i"y in the past. A0iar!A she sai$! a sa$ s%i"e on her face. A/he $oesn6t 'now yo#6re here.A *rth#r sighe$. A5o! she $oesn6t. B#t she $oes "o+e yo#! Binny. 1 wish yo# co#"$ 'now how %#ch.A A1 $o!A she proteste$! stopping in the tra+e" section to reshe"f a boo' abo#t 1ta"y. A1 rea""y $o. *n$ 1 "o+e her as we"". B#t81 <#st nee$e$ to be away. *n$ it6s been goo$?rea""y goo$.A A;o# "oo' happy!A he conce$e$! a stab of regret shooting thro#gh hi%. A16% sorry we %a$e it so har$ on yo#.A 3e co#"$n6t "oo' at her then7 co#"$n6t see the confir%ation on her face. A1t wasn6t yo#!A she shoo' her hea$. A&hi"e 1 was ho%e! 1 <#st wo#"$n6t "et %yse"f hea". There was a"ways so%e e:c#se as to why 1 co#"$ ho"$ onto the h#rt. 5ow8A she sighe$! s"owing her step. A5ow 1 have to $ea" with it an$81 a%.A A*n$ the night%ares(A *rth#r as'e$! "owering his +oice. A*s ba$ as e+er!A she shr#gge$. AB#t! 16% "earning to reco+er fro% the%! rather than hi$ing the%.A A*n$ the! er8f"at%ate(A *rth#r +ent#re$. A&hat $oes he thin' of a"" of this(A Binny s%i"e$ s"ow"y! one eyebrow raise$ at hi%. A3arry has been won$erf#"! )a$. 1 pro%ise yo#! he6s been nothing b#t a gent"e%an. 3e6s8A she f"#she$ herse"f an$ *rth#r6s be""y tightene$. &as there %ore there( A3e6s act#a""y beco%e %y best frien$! )a$!A she contin#e$ soft"y. A&e can ta"' abo#t abso"#te"y nothing an$ it <#st8fee"s co%fortab"e.A A5o prob"e%s then! with! er%8A he g"ance$ aro#n$ ner+o#s"y! waiting for a co#p"e to pass! $isc#ssing the i$ea of b#ying yet another coo'boo'. A=agic!A he finishe$ in a whisper. A* few c"ose ca""s!A Binny no$$e$! starting to p#sh the tro""ey again. AB#t nothing to worry abo#t. 1 thin' 3arry si%p"y thin's 16% rather o$$.A /"ow"y! the #nease *rth#r fe"t abo#t the #n'nown %an starte$ to s"ip o#t of foc#s. 1f his "itt"e gir" was happy8who was he to >#estion it( A3ere we are!A Binny %otione$ with a gran$ gest#re to a "arge set of she"+es! containe$ against the wa"" of the store. ACor!A *rth#r breathe$! staring #p at she"f after she"f of boo's on airp"anes.

AThin' yo# can %anage for twenty %in#tes(A she as'e$! grinning at what %#st ha+e been his gobs%ac'e$ appearance. Fee"ing a bit bo"$! *rth#r grinne$. A=a'e it forty(A Binny "a#ghe$ an$ was <#st abo#t to %a'e a co%%ent when her foc#s shifte$! a co%p"ete"y $ifferent "oo' co%ing o+er her face. A3ang on! )a$! 16"" be right bac'.A *rth#r t#rne$ aro#n$ to see her bo#n$ $own an ais"e an$ wrap her ar%s brief"y aro#n$ a %an. The two bac'e$ apart after the i%pro%pt# h#g! both fi$geting in p"ace. *rth#r fe"t a brief thri"" of $is"i'e for this %an?whoe+er he was. 3e br#she$ it asi$e! howe+er7 Binny ha$ the right to see who she wante$ to see. The %an $efinite"y see%e$ attenti+e to her as she as'e$ hi% a >#estion! an$ then respon$e$ soft"y. 3is $eep +oice carrie$ %ore than Binny6s! b#t *rth#r sti"" co#"$n6t %a'e o#t what he was saying. 3owe+er! Binny "oo'e$ $isappointe$. 4erhaps! the rationa" si$e of *rth#r reasone$! the %an ha$ nee$e$ to cance" a $ate. r! another si$e of hi% arg#e$! this ca$ was c#rrent"y brea'ing his $a#ghter6s heart. *rth#r force$ his eyes away! fee"ing horrib"e for <#$ging the sit#ation. A)a$.A 3e t#rne$ bac' aro#n$! preparing hi%se"f to co%fort his heartbro'en "itt"e gir"! on"y to see her s%i"ing! t#gging the %an a"ong by his han$. 3e "oo'e$ e:tre%e"y ner+o#s! his ha2e" eyes $arting bac' an$ forth between *rth#r an$ Binny. AThis is 3arry! )a$!A Binny contin#e$. A=y f"at%ate. 3arry! this is %y $a$! *rth#r.A /he6$ $roppe$ his han$! %#ch to *rth#r6s co%fort! an$ stoo$ "oo'ing between the two %en. A* p"eas#re to %eet yo#! /ir!A 3arry stretche$ his han$ forwar$! s%i"ing in an #ne+en! hesitant way. *rth#r hesitate$! b#t then re%e%bere$ Binny6s wor$s. 63e6s %y best frien$.6 3e fir%"y grippe$ 3arry6s han$ an$ shoo' it! fee"ing gratit#$e start to ta'e the p"ace of s#spicion! <#st a bit. A*he%!A he c"eare$ his throat! fee"ing aw'war$ now that the three of the% were stan$ing together. A3arry6s <#st $roppe$ by to te"" %e that he6s "ea+ing for wor' again!A Binny s#pp"ie$. A&hich rea""y is horrib"e ti%ing beca#se we were s#ppose$ to go c"#bbing tonight.A /he raise$ an eyebrow at 3arry! who f"#she$ s"ight"y an$ ga+e her a rather g#i"ty "oo'. AThis b"o'e co#"$ #se a gir"frien$.A

A1 sai$ 16% sorry!A 3arry proteste$! ro""ing his eyes. A*n$ 1 $on6t want a gir"frien$.A The "ast was sai$ a bit $esperate"y! an$ with a bit of a sigh. *rth#r ha$ no $o#bt this was a bit of a r#nning <o'e between the two of the%. 3e too' a %o%ent to st#$y the yo#ng %an in front of hi%! won$ering who he was an$ where he ha$ co%e fro%. 1t was ob+io#s! fro% his rather nasa" tones! that he was a ;an'. 3e was han$so%e! an$ we"" groo%e$. 3is $ar' hair was co%be$ into a %essy sty"e that see%e$ a"" the rage with the yo#ng b"o'es abo#t 0on$on these $ays. A1 'now!A Binny sighe$! reaching #p to straighten the "ape" on 3arry6s fine woo" coat. A1 <#st wish yo# ha$ a nor%a" <ob.A 3arry ch#c'"e$ an$ the so#n$ was "ow! p#""ing *rth#r6s foc#s bac' to the co#p"e co%p"ete"y. A5ot %#ch abo#t %e is nor%a"! Binny!A 3arry sai$! g"ancing at *rth#r an$ then >#ic'"y away. There see%e$ to be so%ething %ore there8b#t *rth#r $is%isse$ it7 perhaps his s#spicio#s %in$ was <#st i%agining things. A&e""! 1 was p"anning on in+iting the two of yo# o+er for $inner this wee'en$!A *rth#r fabricate$7 a"tho#gh the tho#ght ha$ been passe$ bac' an$ forth between he an$ =o""y for a few wee's now. AB#t as yo#6re going to be gone8perhaps we6"" <#st sett"e for spen$ing so%e ti%e with o#r "itt"e gir".A 3e win'e$ at Binny who ro""e$ her eyes. A16"" be %issing o#t then!A 3arry s%i"e$. A16$ best get %o+ing!A he sai$ to Binny. A=y p"ane "ea+es in a few ho#rs.A *rth#r6s ears per'e$ #p at hearing this! an$ Binny <#st "a#ghe$. A@h oh! 3arry! yo#6+e sai$ the %agic wor$s8A she tease$! po'ing her father in the ribs. 3e absent"y r#bbe$ the spot! e+en as a tho#san$ >#estions ca%e to %in$. A*re yo# rea""y f"ying on an airp"ane(A he as'e$! #nab"e to he"p hi%se"f. 3arry shot a "oo' to Binny who <#st shr#gge$. A3e6s a bit obsesse$ with the things! 16% afrai$.A * s"ow s%i"e sprea$ across 3arry6s face. A*re yo# rea""y( 3a+e yo# e+er f"own(A The i%%e$iate answer of 6yes! yo# si""y =#gg"e! 1 f"y a"" the ti%e!6 entere$ *rth#r6s hea$ an$ Binny raise$ an eyebrow at hi%! warning hi% to beha+e. A16% afrai$ not!A he s#pp"ie$ instea$. AB#t 16% partic#"ar"y fascinate$ by the %echanics of it a"".A ABri""iant!A 3arry no$$e$. A/o%ewhere aro#n$ the f"at 1 ha+e a boo' abo#t the%! 16"" ha+e to "et yo# borrow it one $ay soon. 1 was fascinate$ with the% %yse"f as a boy.A

AE:ce""ent!A *rth#r bea%e$. 3e %ight get to "i'e this yo#ng chap after a""8 Especia""y if the way that Binny was s%i"ing at the% both now contin#e$. ;es! 3arry see%e$ to be an a"right fe""ow. A/N: It has been !ointe" out to me that the <ritish term shoul" really be aero!lane. (owever, while I was writing this cha!ter, last month, I loo e" through (alf5<loo" 2rince, s!ecifically for the section where Arthur says his ambition is 4To fin" out how air!lanes stay u!.4 ?(alf5<loo" 2rince, !g @A, American e"ition, I figure" if it was goo" enough for >B7 to allow the e"itors to change it to 'air!lane' then it was goo" enough for me. I now the U0 e"ition changes some terms ?very silly, if you as me, when it was !ublishe" over here. I'm !lanning on stic ing with the U0 e"ition, since it's the reference I have han"y.

*Chapter #*: Chapter #: $n %ot Water &ow

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. A/N: Than s to everyone who is rea"ing, an" es!ecially those letting me now what you thin of the cha!ters. This cha!ter begins to -ustify the rating an" warning I ha" at the first cha!ter, although I "on't thin it's too gra!hic. I'm going to re!eat it here again. There is se1ual content in this cha!ter, along with foul language. If you're not su!!ose" to be rea"ing it, "on't. If you "on't li e that in" of thing, "on't rea". Than s to the best beta team out there, %lla, &eb an" 'el. ?An" to >en who answere" a *uestion for my neurotic self right before !osting., %n-oy the cha!ter. Chapter Fi'e: $n %ot Water &ow 1t was goo$ to be ho%e again! 3arry to"$ hi%se"f as he $roppe$ his bag at the $oor an$ sighe$ in re"ief. Two wee's in /o#th *%erica! in the hot! %#ggy c"i%ate were eno#gh to

sen$ anyone in search of co"$er te%perat#res. The fact that it was snowing in 0on$on to$ay he"pe$! a"tho#gh 3arry 'new he6$ be tire$ of it by to%orrow! when the roa$s were a s"#shy grey %ess. The f"at was si%i"ar to when he6$ "eft it?a c"#ttere$ <#%b"e of his an$ Binny6s things! $rape$ o+er s#rfaces an$ cas#a""y resting here an$ there. &hi"e he6$ a"ways been a ti$y person! 3arry6s habits ha$ s"ippe$ with Binny in the f"at. 1t <#st $i$n6t see% that %#ch of a bother to "ea+e the newspaper on the tab"e! or worry abo#t his e:tra pair of trainers c#rrent"y resting on one the si$e of the sofa. /he $i$n6t %in$! an$ rea""y! neither $i$ he. 1t was <#st8co%fortab"e. 3e n#$ge$ Binny6s boo' that reste$ on the bac' of the sofa an$ eye$ the b"an'et an$ pi""ow "aying there sti"". =aybe she6$ ha$ another night%are. 3e fe"t a bit ba$ that he ha$n6t been there to $istract her! the way he6$ $one in the past. B#t there was on"y so %#ch a frien$ co#"$ $o. *n$ 3arry was no stranger to night%ares either. /o%eti%es! yo# <#st ha$ to8cope. 1t "oo'e$ as if the f"at was e%pty an$ 3arry sighe$! "oo'ing forwar$ to a nice hot shower. 3e $roppe$ his bags in his be$roo%! chec'e$ on 3e$wig an$ s%ir'e$ when he saw the #nto#che$ $ea$ %o#se at the botto% of her perch. *pparent"y her boyfrien$ was now bringing gifts. *"tho#gh8that $i$n6t bo$e we"" either! if she starte$ accepting the gifts8 we""! 3arry $i$n6t "i'e to rea""y thin' abo#t what %ight happen then. 3arry toe$ off his shoes an$ steppe$ on the toes of his soc's to p#"" the% off! #nb#ttoning his st#ffy shirt! an$ "ea+ing it on the en$ of his be$. 1t ha$ been a "ong two wee's an$ he was +ery %#ch "oo'ing forwar$ to his wi$e! >#een si2e$ be$ instea$ of the narrow cots in the *#ror barrac's. *t "east they6$ ha$ hot water?a"tho#gh when it was so hot an$ h#%i$ o#tsi$e! showers weren6t as refreshing as they sho#"$ be. 3e reache$ for the han$"e of the "oo! on"y to <#%p bac' when it sw#ng open. Binny! wrappe$ on"y in a towe"! her hair $ripping wet! ca%e o#t. /he <#%pe$ an$ ga+e a s%a"" screa%! c"#tching her towe" to her. A/9s9sorry!A 3arry stare$ at her! his eyes going wi$e. They stoo$ there in the ha""way for a %o%ent before 3arry "oo'e$ away! t#rning his bac' to her so that she co#"$ sca%per $own the ha""way to her be$roo%. 3e co#"$n6t stop hi%se"f! howe+er! fro% pee'ing o+er his sho#"$er. A1 $i$n6t e:pect yo#!A she ca""e$ o#t before she sh#t the $oor. A;eah!A 3arry swa""owe$ thic'"y! trying to banish the +iew of her pa"e s'in! sti"" soft an$ %oist fro% her shower! o#t of his hea$. A/orry! 1 sho#"$ ha+e ca""e$.A A5o! its fine!A she ca""e$ thro#gh the c"ose$ $oor. A16"" be o#t in a secon$.A

3arry swa""owe$ an$ no$$e$! cringing as his bo$y starte$ to respon$ to the i%ages f"ashing in his %in$. 3e presse$ his th#%b an$ forefinger into the soc'ets of his eyes! wi""ing hi%se"f to ta'e $eep breaths. 3is tro#sers contin#e$ to grow tight an$ he shoo' it off! rep"acing the i%age with reciting fie"$ e:ercises. 3e rea""y co#"$n6t $o this8this was BinnyE 5ot so%e gir" to be og"e$ an$8an$8aro#se$ o+er. This was his frien$. 1t6s nor%a"! he con+ince$ hi%se"f. ,#st a nor%a"! nat#ra" %a"e reaction to a bea#tif#" wo%an who yo# are $efinite"y attracte$ to. N8) 3e shoo' his hea$. A16% going to8<#st ta'e a shower!A he ca""e$ o#t! praying she $i$n6t hear the crac' in his +oice. 3arry ro""e$ his eyes at hi%se"f an$ entere$ the roo%! breathing in the hot! stea%y air. A*"right!A Binny6s %#ff"e$ +oice ca""e$ bac'. 3e c"ose$ the $oor >#ic'"y! sha'ing his hea$ an$ caref#""y re%o+ing his tro#sers an$ bo:ers. 3is bo$y was fina""y ca"%ing $own. B#t %aybe a few %in#tes in the co"$ water wo#"$ he"p. 3arry shoo' his hea$ an$ grow"e$ at hi%se"f. 6;o#6re <#st "one"y an$8horny!6 he sco"$e$ hi%se"f. 1t ha$ been a "ong ti%e since he6$ been with a wo%an. B#t one9night stan$s ha$ no appea" to hi% at a"" any%ore. *n$ the a""#re of a re"ationship fa$e$ when he tho#ght abo#t the "ies he6$ ha+e to te"" any wo%an. 5o! it <#st wasn6t %eant to be. The casca$e of war% water on his han$s he"pe$ hi% foc#s better. 3e6$ certain"y ha+e to apo"ogi2e to Binny for staring7 that %#ch was e+i$ent. There was no e:c#se for acting "i'e so%e #ncontro""ab"e teenage boy aro#n$ her. ,#st beca#se he was fee"ing a bit $esperate $i$n6t %ean she ha$ to be the one he respon$e$ to. E+en as the war% water washe$ away the stic'iness of tra+e"! 3arry 'new his tho#ghts were wrong. Binny wasn6t <#st any wo%an! wa"'ing a"ong! that he6$ a$%ire$. /he was8 won$erf#". 3e co#"$ sti"" s%e"" her f"owery scent in the hea+y air of the "oo an$ it %a$e hi% groan s"ight"y. 3is bo$y ting"e$ again an$ he reste$ his forehea$ against the coo"ness of the ti"es. A)a%nit!A he grow"e$! ta'ing hi%se"f in han$. 3arry finishe$ with a <er' an$ breathe$ $eep"y! fee"ing %ore than a bit $isg#ste$ with hi%se"f. Thin'ing of his f"at%ate whi"e $oing8that8was co%p"ete"y #nacceptab"e. 3ow co#"$ he possib"y "oo' her in the eye after this( 61t was a f"#'e!6 he con+ince$ hi%se"f as he finishe$ his shower. 6;o#6re <#st "one"y an$ yo#6+e been away too "ong. Things wi"" go bac' to nor%a" again soon.6

A5o %ore of that!A he sco"$e$ hi%se"f. nce the $oor c"ose$! Binny groane$ >#iet"y an$ "ai$ her hea$ bac' against the woo$. 3arry ha$ scare$ the "ife o#t of her! co%ing in "i'e that when she $i$n6t e:pect hi% ho%e. *n$! e+en worse! she ha$n6t e+en tho#ght to bring her things into the "oo with her! so she6$ been force$ to prance aro#n$ in front of hi%! a"%ost co%p"ete"y na'e$. &hat he %#st thin' of her now. /he ro""e$ her eyes at herse"f an$ str#gg"e$ to s"ow her heart rate. 1t was ob+io#s! by his open9%o#the$ stare! that she6$ start"e$ hi% too. *n$ then she6$ ha$ the a#$acity to stare at his na'e$! we"" tone$ chest?her own %o#th hanging open. 3arry ha$ a"ways str#c' her as a +ery attracti+e %an. B#t he was her frien$. /he ha$ no right to thin' of hi% that way. A16% going to8<#st ta'e a shower!A he ca""e$ o#t! his +oice %#ff"e$ by the c"ose$ $oor. 3e so#n$e$ a bit sha'en an$ Binny sco"$e$ herse"f. 6 f co#rse he6s a bit sha'en! yo# git! a na'e$ wo%an <#st assa#"te$ hi% in his own ha""way.6 /he sighe$ an$ s"ow"y began to get $resse$. The pipes in the wa""s groane$ an$ the water starte$. 3er %o+e%ents to gather her c"othing s"owe$ as she i%agine$ 3arry getting into the shower. A5 EA she sco"$e$ herse"f fir%"y! pressing her eyes c"ose$ against the s"ight ting"e she fe"t "ow in her groin. A3arry is %y frien$. 3arry is %y frien$!A she repeate$! forcing herse"f to $ress. /he force$ o#t a $eep breath! fee"ing annoye$ that she was e+en consi$ering 3arry in that way. =aybe she was "one"ier than she tho#ght. 1t ha$ been a "ong ti%e since =ichae"8. A5o!A she reinforce$ again. /he wasn6t going to go there. The best thing to $o was to forget abo#t it co%p"ete"y. Binny fo#n$ that a$+ice he"pf#" a "ot "ate"y. The night%ares! which ha$ s#bsi$e$ with the %o+e into 0on$on! see%e$ to be co%ing bac' fierce"y now. 1t see%e$ that so%ething was triggering the%! b#t Binny ha$ no i$ea what. /he ha$ tho#ght that i%%ersing herse"f in the =#gg"e wor"$ wo#"$ banish a"" of this nonsense. The pipes groane$ again an$ Binny ro""e$ her eyes at herse"f. /he6$ been stan$ing there in her be$roo%! on"y wearing her <eans for far too "ong.

C#ic'"y she p#""e$ on her bra an$ t9shirt! p#""e$ her hair bac' into a %essy b#n an$ %a$e her way o#t to the 'itchen. /he at "east owe$ 3arry a $ecent %ea" after og"ing hi% "i'e she6$ $one. +er the ne:t two wee's! Binny watche$ 3arry c"ose"y! a"tho#gh she trie$ +ery har$ not to %a'e a big $ea" o#t of it. 3e was <#st acting so strange! $#c'ing his hea$ when she ta"'e$ to hi%! $isappearing fre>#ent"y into his roo%! an$ spen$ing %#ch "ess ti%e with her. /he hope$ it ha$n6t been anything she6$ sai$! or $one. 1n the bac' of her %in$! there was a nigg"ing fear that beca#se she6$ stare$ at hi% in the ha""way! 3arry was seeing her $ifferent"y. B#t s#re"y he6$ get o+er that >#ic'"y! wo#"$n6t he( Binny ha$ been +ery caref#" not to spen$ an inor$inate a%o#nt of ti%e "oo'ing his way! or appreciating how goo$ he act#a""y "oo'e$. 4erhaps so%ething ha$ happene$ whi"e 3arry was away! so%ething that ha$ to $o with his wor' that was preocc#pying hi%. r! perhaps! he ha$ %et so%eone an$ was $ating! witho#t te""ing Binny. That tho#ght $i$n6t sit we"" an$ Binny $i$n6t want to ta'e the ti%e to e:a%ine why. 61t6s <#st a cr#sh!6 she con+ince$ herse"f. 63e has e+ery right to $ate anyone he wants.6 *"" these tho#ghts spira"e$ in her hea$! $ri+ing Binny cra2y an$ $istracting her fro% wor'. A&here ha+e yo# been these past $ays(A .ebecca as'e$ as she sat across fro% Binny in the brea' roo% at the boo'store. /he ga+e a $isgr#nt"e$ "oo' to her "i%p sa"a$! b#t $#g in with fa"se enth#sias%. .ebecca was fore+er watching her weight! which see%e$ a bit si""y to Binny! who ha$ ne+er seen the other gir" as a"" that hea+y! rea""y. A16+e been right here!A Binny proteste$! pic'ing at her own "#nch before p#shing it away. A3a+en6t gone anywhere.A .ebecca <#st ro""e$ her eyes. A;o#6re here! b#t yo#6re not. ;o#r %in$ is a %i""ion %i"es away "ate"y.A Binny s%i"e$! b#t $i$n6t arg#e7 it was abso"#te"y tr#e. ACan 18can 1 as' yo# a >#estion(A she sai$! tentati+e"y. A/#re!A .ebecca sai$! "oo'ing #p fro% where she was %o+ing her "ett#ce aro#n$. Binny hesitate$! thin'ing of the right way to say this witho#t ha+ing .ebecca as' too %any persona" >#estions. Binny hate$ "ying! b#t she ha$n6t been co%p"ete"y open with her frien$. *n$ .ebecca 'new that?she6$ a"rea$y to"$ Binny that it was a"right! she #n$erstoo$.

A)o yo# thin' that if yo# were frien$s with so%eone?rea""y goo$ frien$s?that it co#"$ possib"y t#rn into so%ething %ore( 3ypothetica""y! of co#rse.A .ebecca coc'e$ her hea$ to one si$e. A1t $epen$s!A she sai$! tho#ghtf#""y chewing her ne:t bite. A1f yo#6re trying to %a'e a pass at %e! 16"" ha+e to "et yo# $own easy?A Binny "a#ghe$! sha'ing her hea$. .ebecca6s sense of h#%or was the %ain thing that attracte$ the two gir"s together. A3owe+er! if yo#6re ta"'ing abo#t =r. Borgeo#s8A Binny s%i"e$ again an$ ro""e$ her eyes. .ebecca ha$ seen 3arry co%e into the store the $ay he ha$ "eft for his "ast assign%ent for wor' an$ ha$ been teasing Binny e+er since. AThen 1 say go for it.A A&e6re ta"'ing hypothetica""y!A Binny sco"$e$. A* co%p"ete"y 6what if6 sit#ation! here.A A h!A .ebecca grinne$ an$ win'e$. A3ypothetica""y! if a person as attracti+e as =r. Borgeo#s wa"'e$ into %y "ife! 16$ be a"" o+er hi%! frien$ or no.A Binny ha$ a fee"ing that6s what .ebecca wo#"$ say an$ she stare$ off! biting at her botto% "ip. A*re we ta"'ing abo#t rea" fee"ings or <#st8A A* cr#sh!A Binny shr#gge$. A1 thin' that6s a"" it is! rea""y.A A3%%!A .ebecca narrowe$ her eyes. ATe"" %e what6s so specia" abo#t =r. 3ypothetica"! then. &hat %a'es yo# "i'e hi% as a frien$! an$ then as a cr#sh.A Binny tho#ght abo#t that for a few %in#tes. &hat was it abo#t 3arry that was so appea"ing( A3e6s a goo$ frien$!A she starte$ with a shr#g. A@h h#h!A .ebecca no$$e$. A*n$ what %a'es hi% a goo$ frien$. Binny! yo#6re going to ha+e to gi+e %e so%ething to wor' with. =y %in$ rea$ing powers <#st aren6t #p to it to$ay.A Binny g"are$ at her frien$! b#t .ebecca on"y ret#rne$ it #nti" they both starte$ "a#ghing. A*"right!A Binny conce$e$. A3e "istens to %e pratt"e on abo#t e+erything an$ nothing. *n$ he6s rea""y "istening! not <#st no$$ing his hea$ an$ t#ning %e o#t "i'e %y brothers ha+e a"ways $one. 1t see%s si""y! beca#se we rare"y ta"' abo#t anything too serio#s! b#t he6s <#st8f#n. A3e $oesn6t get %a$ when 1 p"ay pran's on hi%! an$ he6"" t#rn it aro#n$ on %e the ne:t ti%e. 3e6s s%art an$ f#nny8A A*n$ goo$ "oo'ing!A .ebecca no$$e$.

Binny fe"t her face heat! a"tho#gh she co#"$n6t $eny it. 3arry was e:tre%e"y attracti+e. A3e is!A she no$$e$! her fingernai" tracing a pattern in the worn tab"etop. A3e6s got a great bo$y.A .ebecca6s <aw $roppe$ an$ Binny ha$ to "a#gh. AB#t he6s not conceite$ abo#t it.A A*n$!A .ebecca sai$! Ahe6s so%ething $ifferent.A Binny rea"i2e$ she was right. 3arry was +ery $ifferent fro% the boys she6$ gone o#t with in schoo". =ichae" was +ery conceite$ an$ contro""ing in a way. *n$ )ean! we""! )ean ha$ been +ery nice. 3e was a goo$ b"o'e b#t he6$ been a bit too8po"ite for Binny. 3e was a"ways wa"'ing on egg she""s aro#n$ her! %a'ing s#re she was happy with the re"ationship! short as it was! an$ rare"y te""ing her what he wante$ or e:pecte$ fro% her. )ean was happy to go where+er she went. The ba"ance for Binny was ne+er eno#gh. B#t 3arry8he was +ery $ifferent. 3e was easy9going! yet he $i$n6t "et her p#sh hi% too far with her teasing or her pran's. A;o#6re %eant to be ta"'ing %e o#t of this! yo# 'now!A Binny grow"e$! fo"$ing her ar%s onto the tab"e an$ resting her forehea$ on the%. A*n$ not ta"'ing yo# into it!A .ebecca no$$e$ in sy%pathy. ABinny! 1 $on6t %ean this to so#n$ r#$e8b#t it6s a"rea$y too "ate! yo#6re in way o+er yo#r hea$.A Binny6s hea$ snappe$ #p an$ she stare$ at her frien$! her %o#th opening an$ c"osing. A;o# $on6t8%ean8A A1 thin' yo#6re fa""ing in "o+e with hi%!A .ebecca no$$e$ 'nowing"y. A1 'now that6s probab"y not what yo# want to hear.A A5o! it isn6t!A Binny shoo' her hea$. /he co#"$n6t $eny! tho#gh! that the wor$s %a$e her fee" so%ething $eep insi$e. AThis wasn6t part of the p"an.A A1t rare"y is!A .ebecca sighe$. AB#t yo#6re "#c'y! Binny. ;o#6+e got a goo$ b"o'e.A A=aybe!A Binny %#%b"e$! pressing her fingers to her te%p"es. * strange sort of hea$ache was for%ing! %a'ing her sto%ach ro"" too. A&hat are yo# going to $o abo#t it(A .ebecca as'e$! pic'ing #p her for' again an$ s"ow"y "ifting a bite of greens. A5othing!A Binny answere$ a#to%atica""y! cringing at the i$ea of saying so%ething to 3arry! who% she rea""y 'new ne:t to nothing abo#t! an$ ha+ing hi% "a#gh at her! or worse! fee" pity for her. A*t "east not yet.A A&ait an$ see(A .ebecca as'e$.

The $ecision so#n$e$ goo$ right now! an$ Binny no$$e$. There was nothing that sai$ she ha$ to act on these fee"ings right now. A=aybe 16% <#st ran$y!A Binny obser+e$ cas#a""y! her eyes $arting abo#t the roo% to %a'e s#re no one e"se was "istening. There were se+era" yo#nger %en who wor'e$ at the boo'store that wo#"$! no $o#bt! offer to assist if they tho#ght that was the case. A1t6s been a whi"e.A .ebecca "a#ghe$. A=aybe so8b#t then yo#6$ <#st be te""ing %e how great his arse is! not abo#t how we"" he "istens to yo#.A Binny6s hopef#" theory $isso"+e$ before her eyes an$ she shr#gge$. A3e $oes ha+e a great arse.A .ebecca grinne$ an$ no$$e$. A=aybe yo# sho#"$ start seeing so%eone e"se! see if yo# fee" the sa%e then.A The tho#ght %a$e Binny cringe <#st a bit. Both =ichae" an$ )ean! f#n whi"e they "aste$! ha$ been si%p"y $isasters in the re"ationship $epart%ent. 5o! that wasn6t the answer right now. Besi$es! as %#ch as she tease$ 3arry abo#t hi% nee$ing a gir"frien$! the tho#ght of hi% act#a""y fin$ing one %a$e her fee" a"" gro#chy an$ o#t of sorts. A/a$"y! 1 $on6t thin' 16% intereste$!A she sighe$! g"ancing #p at .ebecca! who was ho"$ing in a s%i"e. A0i'e 1 sai$!A .ebecca sai$ in a sing9song tone! A;o#6re a"rea$y in too $eep.A Broaning! Binny "ai$ her hea$ on the tab"e an$ bange$ it "ight"y a few ti%es. The tr#th was8.ebecca was right. *n$ Binny 'new it. 3arry fi$gete$ across the street fro% the s%a"" storefront for a"%ost ha"f an ho#r! ta"'ing hi%se"f into! an$ right bac' o#t of his $ecision. 3e6$ ne+er $one this before an$ it see%e$ so8$esperate. B#t these are $esperate ti%es! his %in$ re%in$e$ hi%! an$ 3arry cringe$ at the c"ichF. The past two wee's ho%e with Binny ha$ been a"%ost e:cr#ciating. 3arry6s i%agination con<#re$ #p the %ost erotic i%ages fro% the %#n$ane! e+ery$ay "ife. *n$ it was p#shing hi% o+er the e$ge. 3e g"ance$ across the street to the $ar'ene$ $oor! gathering his co#rage once %ore. 1t was either this or he was going to ha+e to go to a p#b an$ fin$ so%e re"ief there. The tho#ght of bringing so%eone ho%e to the f"at8it %a$e hi% gri%ace. 3e co#"$n6t $o that.

/o! he fo#n$ hi%se"f here! stan$ing in front of an a$#"t shop! $#c'ing his hea$ an$ p#""ing his cap "ow o+er his face before opening the $oor. The interior of the shop was $ar'! with <#st eno#gh "ight to %a'e o#t the +ario#s ite%s on the she"f. * row of "ingerie ca#ght 3arry6s eye an$ he fe"t his chee's heat. &hat he was "oo'ing for wo#"$ %ost "i'e"y be against the bac' wa"". *n$ he was right. B"ossy %aga2ines! co+ere$ with scanti"y c"a$ wo%en! an$ so%e wearing nothing at a""! "oo'e$ #p at hi% fro% the pages. 3arry was i%%ense"y g"a$ that this was a =#gg"e shop. /iri#s ha$ once shown hi% &i2ar$ing porn an$ it ha$ a"%ost %a$e hi% cho'e to $eath when the witch $isp"aye$ before hi% began to to#ch herse"f. The fact that %ost of his ear"y se:#a" e$#cation ha$ co%e fro% that +ery %aga2ine was a tho#ght that %a$e his face heat again. /#rreptitio#s"y! he g"ance$ aro#n$! re"ie+e$ that there was on"y one other %an in the shop. 3e sti"" fe"t +ery8per+erte$ for see'ing this p"ace o#t. B#t if he co#"$ fin$ so%ething to rep"ace the i%age of a $ripping wet Binny in his %in$8he6$ g"a$"y p#sh asi$e his conscience. 1t was worse! wasn6t it! his %in$ reasone$! to thin' of yo#r best frien$ "i'e that! than to "oo' at so%e wo%an $isp"aye$ in a %aga2ine. 3e swa""owe$ thic'"y again an$ reache$ for the nearest one! wrin'"ing the co+er in his sweaty han$s as he %arche$ #p to the register! $eter%ine$ to not %a'e s#ch a big $ea" o#t of this. 1t was one "itt"e %aga2ine. 5ot the en$ of the wor"$. A1s that a""! "o+e(A the wo%an behin$ the co#nter as'e$. 3arry starte$ an$ t#gge$ his cap "ower. AEr8yeah.A 3e tosse$ a few notes on the co#nter an$ t#c'e$ the %aga2ine into the insi$e of his <ac'et! fir%"y we$ging it #n$er his ar%. The f"at was >#iet! than'f#""y! when he ret#rne$. Binny wo#"$ be gone a"" afternoon an$ into the e+ening. The boo'store was ha+ing a "arge c"earance sa"e an$ she6$ been gr#%b"ing abo#t ha+ing to wor' it for $ays now. A5o ti%e "i'e the present!A 3arry %#%b"e$ to hi%se"f! $iscar$ing his coat on the sofa an$ %o+ing into his be$roo%. 3e strippe$ to his bo:ers an$ #n$ershirt! breathing $eep"y an$ forcing hi%se"f to re"a:. This who"e thing see%e$ a big abs#r$ an$ he a"%ost "a#ghe$ o#t "o#$ at hi%se"f. AThis is ri$ic#"o#s!A he %#%b"e$. 3e$wig! perche$ in the corner! r#ff"e$ her feathers at his intr#sion of her nap.

AEr83e$wig81 can6t $o this with yo# here!A he a$%itte$! his face heating with g#i"t. &asn6t it ba$ eno#gh that he was a co%p"ete per+ert8now he ha$ to 'ic' his ow" o#t of her ho%e so that he co#"$ get on with the b#siness of being a per+ert( 3e co#"$ ha+e sworn she ga+e hi% a $is$ainf#" "oo' as she hoppe$ o+er to the win$ow si"". A)on6t be "i'e that!A he ro""e$ his eyes at her. A,#st8<#st go an$ fin$ yo#r boyfrien$.A /he sprea$ her wings o#t wi$e! ignoring hi% as she sai"e$ off o#t the win$ow. 3arry watche$ #nti" she $isappeare$ aro#n$ the si$e of a b#i"$ing! fee"ing increasing"y g#i"ty. 3e wasn6t so s#re if he co#"$ $o this right now after a"". A=aybe 16"" <#st ha+e a 'ip!A he %#%b"e$ to the e%pty roo%! after he c"ose$ the win$ow %ost"y. 3e $rew the c#rtains! bathing the roo% in ha"f9"ight. 3arry stretche$ o#t on his be$! ba""ing a pi""ow behin$ his hea$ an$ stare$ #p at the cei"ing. This was st#pi$! he 'new. *n$ once he con+ince$ his brain that it wasn6t abo#t Binny?it was abo#t any wo%an o#t there?then he6$ be fine. 3e co#"$ go on with his "ife! wor'ing when the assign%ents ca%e! spen$ing ti%e with his best frien$ witho#t i%agining her na'e$ at e+ery %in#te of the $ay. )eter%ination f"oo$e$ hi% an$ 3arry s#%%one$ the %aga2ine! "ighting his wan$ an$ p"acing it so that the "ight f"oo$e$ the pages. 3e c"ose$ his eyes an$ too' a $eep breath! opening to the %i$$"e. The wo%an before hi%! when he $i$ "oo' again! was +ery bea#tif#". /he was b"on$e an$ sp"aye$ o#t erotica""y before hi%! her bo$y co%p"ete"y f"aw"ess. 3arry too' $eep breaths! "etting his eyes grace her fe%inine c#r+es an$ wi""ing hi%se"f to react. B#t it was Binny his %in$ 'ept ret#rning to. AB"oo$y he""!A he %oane$ o#t! fee"ing "i'e a co%p"ete fai"#re. 1t $i$n6t %atter what he $i$ ?Binny staye$ in his tho#ghts. 6)oes that %ean so%ething(6 he pon$ere$. 6/#re"y 1 can6t8"i'e her8not "i'e that. /he6s %y best frien$.A 3arry sat #p! swinging his "egs o+er the si$e of the be$ an$ "oo'ing $isg#ste$"y $own at the porn %aga2ine. &hat a waste. 1t $i$n6t %atter. 3e <#st co#"$n6t get the i%age of Binny o#t of his hea$. Fee"ing $e<ecte$ an$ %ore than a bit $epresse$! 3arry st#ffe$ the %aga2ine #n$er his %attress an$ st#%b"e$ to the shower.

This obsession was going to be the $eath of hi%. 3arry sighe$! str#gg"ing with the bags of groceries whi"e trying to #n"oc' the $oor to the f"at. 3e was fair"y s#re Binny wo#"$ be at ho%e tonight! an$ was #ns#re how to $ea" with that. 3e6$ been trying! +ery har$! o+er the "ast wee' since 6the inci$ent6 to con+ince hi%se"f that it $i$n6t rea""y %atter. ;es! he fo#n$ her attracti+e. ;es! he was aro#se$ by the tho#ght of her. B#t he co#"$ be an a$#"t an$ $ea" with those tho#ghts. 1t %eant! of co#rse! "onger than nor%a" showers "ate"y! b#t at "east he6$ been ab"e to ta"' to her witho#t either passing o#t fro% "ac' of o:ygen! or ha+ing to s>#ir% in his seat to hi$e his ob+io#s appreciation of her. 61t6"" pass! it6"" pass.6 That was his %otto these $ays. *t the sa%e ti%e! he %isse$ his frien$. 3is night%ares ha$ co%e bac' with a +engeance this wee'?rep"acing the erotic $rea%s of his frien$ fro% the wee's before. *n$ 3arry wasn6t s#re which was worse right now. *"tho#gh! if he were co%p"ete"y honest! at "east with the se: $rea%s abo#t Binny he got so%e re"ief at the en$. 3e shoo' the tho#ght fro% his hea$ an$ entere$ the f"at. Binny was rea$ing fro% a boo'! c#r"e$ #p in the corner of the sofa. A1 got so%e groceries!A he %entione$! "ifting the f#"" bags an$ then fee"ing his face heat. 6&ay to go! Captain b+io#s!6 he sco"$e$ hi%se"f. ABoo$!A Binny gr#nte$ o#t! t#rning a page. ABeca#se 1 $ran' yo#r "ast beer.A 3arry snorte$ an$ set the bags on the 'itchen co#nter. A*n$! if a"" yo# bo#ght was pasta! 16% going to 'ic' yo#r arse.A 3e "a#ghe$ again! then stare$ at the bo: of noo$"es he6$ <#st "ifte$ o#t of the bag. /#rreptitio#s"y! e+en tho#ght Binny co#"$n6t see! he s"i$ it behin$ the other bags an$ o#t of sight. 3e6$ hi$e it in the bac' of the c#pboar$ "ater. A&e co#"$ or$er pi22a!A he ca""e$ bac'. AB"eeac'!A Binny groane$ bac'. 3arry ch#c'"e$! a sigh of re"ief so#n$ing insi$e hi%. =aybe tonight wo#"$ be better between the%. =aybe he6$ s#ccessf#""y banishe$ his strangeness. AChinese(A he ca""e$ o#t! $epositing a batch of +egetab"es in the refrigerator. A3arry?A

3e <#%pe$ when Binny spo'e fro% right behin$ hi%! banging his hea$ on the top. A oo8sorry!A Binny sai$! reaching o#t an$ p"acing her han$ o+er his as he c"#tche$ the bac' of his hea$. A5o!A 3arry p#""e$ away fro% her. 1f she to#che$ hi%! presse$ herse"f to hi% in or$er to get a c"oser "oo' at his hea$! 3arry was afrai$ he6$ p#"" her c"oser sti"" an$ b"ow e+erything. A5o!A he sai$ again! ta'ing a $eep breath an$ forcing hi%se"f to s%i"e. A1t6s fine! rea""y.A 3e r#bbe$ the s%a"" "#%p that was beginning to for%! an$ force$ hi%se"f to %o+e across the s%a"" 'itchen to p#t away %ore things. Binny staye$ in the 'itchen! "eaning against the co#nter opposite to hi%. A5o ta'e away!A she insiste$. A;o#6re going to "earn to %a'e Cornish 4asties.A AEr8A 3arry6s hopes of a pain"ess e+ening +anishe$ as the tho#ghts of spen$ing it in the cra%pe$ 'itchen! b#%ping into Binny an$ trying to pro+e he wasn6t co%p"ete"y worth"ess at the $o%estic st#ff intr#$e$ on his brain. Then again! he reasone$! it $i$ act#a""y so#n$ 'in$ of f#n. *n$ %aybe he co#"$ <#st %#sc"e his way past this8cr#sh he ha$ on her an$ get bac' to the p"ace where they were best frien$s. ACo%e on!A Binny tease$! grabbing his ar% an$ t#gging on it. A/ay yo#6"" "et %e teach yo# to %a'e so%ething tra$itiona""y Eng"ish.A 3arry6s heart po#n$e$ as he "oo'e$ $own at her. /he was incre$ib"y attracti+e?a"" c#te an$ co%p"ete"y irresistib"e staring #p at hi%. 3er hair was he"$ #p in so%e 'in$ of c"ip! "ea+ing so%e pieces hanging o#t. The #rge to %o+e one of the% away fro% her face was great! b#t he resiste$. A*"right!A he agree$! his +oice %ore hoarse than he wante$ it to be. /he co#"$ get hi% to $o <#st abo#t anything right now. /he grinne$! bo#ncing a bit on the ba""s of her feet. A0et %e start gathering things! an$ yo# can <#st fin$ a p"ace to hi$e that bo: of pasta yo# $i$n6t p"an on %a'ing tonight.A 3arry fe"t his face heat! b#t co#"$n6t stop hi%se"f fro% n#$ging her sho#"$er with his own. A;o# $i$n6t happen to p#rchase a r#tabaga in a"" of this! $i$ yo#(A Binny as'e$! her shape"y behin$ stic'ing o#t of the fri$ge. 3arry gri%ace$ an$ bit his tong#e. A&hy the he"" wo#"$ 1 b#y one of those(A he $e%an$e$! forcing a "a#gh. Binny "a#ghe$ a"ong with hi% an$ shr#gge$ it off. A&e6"" <#st #se a carrot instea$.A

Twenty %in#tes "ater! 3arry was stirring a %i:t#re of beef c#bes! potatoes! carrots an$ onions. Binny was stan$ing on her bare tiptoes! #sing a"" of her weight to press her han$s into the pasty $o#gh. 3e ha$ to hi$e his s%i"e when she br#she$ her han$ a"ong her face! "ea+ing a trai" of f"o#r there. A*"right! 1 thin' we6re rea$y!A she sai$! ta'ing a han$f#" of $o#gh an$ for%ing it into a ba"". 3arry >#ic'"y stoo$ an$ bro#ght his %i:t#re to the co#nter! spooning a genero#s he"ping into the f"at circ"e Binny ha$ <#st %a$e. They wor'e$ in re"ati+e si"ence! Binny on"y co%%enting on 3arry6s fo"$ing techni>#e with a s%ir' when his pasty en$e$ #p "ea'ing its fi""ing e+erywhere. A h! 1 a"%ost forgot. The post ca%e to$ay when 1 got ho%e!A Binny co%%ente$ cas#a""y as she teste$ the te%perat#re of the coo'er. A1 ha$ to sign for a "etter for yo#.A A h!A 3arry no$$e$! not rea""y 'nowing why she was bringing it #p. *n$ the s"y "itt"e s%i"e she wore $i$n6t he"p. A1s yo#r na%e8rea""y 3arrison(A she as'e$! a gigg"e snorting o#t of her at the en$ of it. The $enia" was on the tip of his tong#e! b#t 3arry ca""e$ it bac'. A&hat6s wrong with 3arrison(A he $e%an$e$! pic'ing #p a pinch of f"o#r an$ tossing it into her face. 3arrison 4ar'er was the na%e 3arry ha$ grown #p with! e+en tho#gh he 'new it wasn6t his rea" one. /iri#s was the one who a"tere$ the $oc#%ents! .e%#s to"$ hi% once. The na%e was <#st the one he #se$ in p#b"ic! for schoo" an$ s#ch. A&e""8nothing! 1 g#ess!A Binny sai$! tossing her own bit of f"o#r at hi%! Aif yo#6re eighty.A 3arry aban$one$ his pasty an$ reache$ for a han$f#" of f"o#r! ho"$ing it o+er Binny6s hea$ an$ pinning her against the co#nter. A*n$ what e:act"y is yo#r na%e! Binny(A he $e%an$e$. ADirginia( That6s the na%e of a ninety9year o"$ wo%anEA Binny s>#aw'e$ with irritation as 3arry s"ow"y $roppe$ the f"o#r! co+ering her re$ hair in pow$ery white. A*rgh. 3arryEA 3arry <#st "a#ghe$ as she b"ew o#t a breath! sen$ing #p a p#ff of f"o#r. ACo%e on! te"" %e!A he $e%an$e$. A1s it Dirginia(A Binny narrowe$ her eyes at hi%! str#gg"ing to brea' away fro% where his strong "egs ha$ her pinne$. A5o! (arrison!A she grow"e$. Behin$ her! she scra%b"e$ to gather a han$f#"

of her own f"o#r. 3arry6s efforts to stop her en$e$ #p p#tting hi% in c"oser contact than e+er with her an$ the %o%ent grew heate$. They both stoppe$ str#gg"ing! fro2en inches fro% each other. 6-iss her!6 3arry6s %in$ $e%an$e$. 3e "ic'e$ his "ips an$ "eane$ forwar$ <#st a bit! on"y to get a f#"" face of f"o#r. Binny cac'"e$ in $e"ight! brea'ing away fro% hi% fina""y an$ scooting across the 'itchen. 3arry too' a $eep breath! gratef#" that her p"ayf#" attit#$e ha$ inter+ene$ an$ stoppe$ hi% fro% %a'ing a co%p"ete foo" o#t of hi%se"f. A1 can6t be"ie+e yo# starte$ a f"o#r fight!A Binny tease$. 3arry "a#ghe$ aw'war$"y! trying to $istract hi%se"f! an$ his bo$y! fro% noticing <#st how e:tre%e"y attracti+e she was. 1t wasn6t wor'ing. A3ey!A 3arry proteste$! <#st bare"y ho"$ing onto his se"f contro". 3e b"in'e$ away the f"o#r in his face an$ b#sie$ his sha'ing han$s finishing the "ast pasty. A;o# starte$ it! %a'ing f#n of %y na%e! Cirginia. A1t6s Bine+ra! o'ay(A Binny as'e$! %o+ing to stan$ ne:t to hi%. 3er ar% br#she$ his an$ 3arry s#c'e$ in a breath. This wasn6t he"ping8 When face" with an o!!onent of great si$e an" numbers3 )a%nit! e+en reciting fie"$ %an#a"s wasn6t going to he"p this. A1 "i'e it!A he sai$ honest"y. A1t8it fits yo#.A A5o it $oesn6t!A Binny proteste$! scoffing at hi% an$ reaching for the f"anne" to c"ean #p the %ess they6$ %a$e. A1t so#n$s so8o"$.A 3arry swa""owe$ thic'"y when she "oo'e$ #p at hi%. A1t6s "o+e"y!A he proteste$ soft"y. AThan's!A she s%i"e$. The ti%er on the coo'er so#n$e$ an$ Binny s"ow"y p#""e$ away fro% hi%! her eyes searching his for8so%ething. 3arry wasn6t s#re what! b#t perhaps she6$ been trying to $eci$e if he was "ying or not. A16% setting the ti%er for thirty %in#tes!A she infor%e$ hi%. A&hen it goes off! p#t a bit of b#tter in each s"ice in the pasties an$ then p#t the% bac' in for another thirty %in#tes.A /he "oo'e$ at hi% o+er her sho#"$er an$ 3arry force$ hi%se"f to no$! rather than 'eep a$%iring her rear. A16% going to go shower to get this %#c' o#t of %y hair.A 3arry no$$e$ again! not tr#sting hi%se"f with saying anything %ore.

Binny "ay in be$ that night! thin'ing o+er what ha$ happene$ in the 'itchen. For <#st the briefest %o%ent! when 3arry ha$ her presse$ against the co#nter8she6$ ha$ the strongest #rge to <#st wrap her ar%s aro#n$ his nec' an$ 'iss hi%. Than' hea+ens she6$ co%e to her senses before she6$ rea""y %esse$ e+erything #p. /he6$ nee$e$ the >#ic' escape that the shower ha$ offere$ her to be ab"e to thin' again. B#t her tho#ghts ha$n6t been far fro% his bo$y presse$ against her! %a'ing a"" 'in$s of fantasies fi"" her brain. ABoo$ that we6re being rea"istic! Bine+ra!A Binny sneere$ in an aci$ic tone. /he f"oppe$ o+er in the be$! p#nching her pi""ow into a ba"" an$ st#ffing it #n$er her hea$. /he presse$ her eyes c"ose$! wi""ing the i%ages to "ea+e her %in$. 1t was har$ to $o. 3arry was <#st so $a%ne$ se:y in her fantasies. A,#st go to s"eep! Binny!A she %#%b"e$ into the $ar' roo%. /he wasn6t s#re how "ong she was act#a""y as"eep before so%ething wo'e her. /he sat #p! c"#tching the wan$ she 'ept #n$er her pi""ow! an$ "istening?a"ert for the so#n$ again. =aybe it was <#st 3arry! getting #p to #se the "oo. /he <#%pe$ o#t of be$ when the so#n$ ca%e again?a cry. *n$ it was co%ing fro% 3arry6s roo%. Binny stowe$ her wan$ in the waistban$ of her py<a%a pants! p#""ing her tan' top o+er the han$"e to hi$e it. /he si"ent"y %o+e$ o#t of her roo% an$ to 3arry6s $oor! ti"ting her hea$ so that she co#"$ "isten again. A5oEA he crie$ o#t! an$ the so#n$ of thrashing. Binny bit her "ip! won$ering the best thing to $o. 1t so#n$e$ "i'e a ba$ night%are to her. /he hope$ he wo#"$n6t be e%barrasse$ "ater! b#t it was her t#rn to co%fort hi%! "i'e he ha$ $one to her so %any nights. A3arry(A she ca""e$ o#t! 'noc'ing fir%"y on the $oor. A3arry! wa'e #p.A /he 'noc'e$ again! before wincing! rea"i2ing her 6'noc'ing6 so#n$e$ a "ot "i'e 6po#n$ing6. A,#st a %in#te!A 3arry6s %#ff"e$ +oice ca""e$ o#t. Binny no$$e$! %o+ing across the ha"" an$ s"i$ing $own the wa""! so that she was sitting on the f"oor. /he co#"$ see hi% in her hea$?abo#t as far fro% her fantasy ear"ier as possib"e?groggi"y p#""ing away fro% the night%are! frantic to #n$erstan$ that he was ho%e! in be$! rather than where+er his $e%ons too' hi%.

/he sh#$$ere$ against the coo"ness of the ha""way. 3er wan$ was $igging into her hip an$ she a$<#ste$ it so that it was t#c'e$ #n$er her ar%! presse$ against her bare s'in #n$er her shirt. The opening $oor start"e$ her an$ 3arry sh#ff"e$ o#t! his bare feet bare"y "ifting a"ong the f"oorboar$s. A*re yo# a"right! Bin(A he as'e$! his +oice thic' fro% s"eep. /he co#"$n6t he"p b#t ch#c'"e! "oo'ing #p at hi% as he s>#inte$ $own at her. A16% fine!A she shr#gge$ a sho#"$er. 3e no$$e$! %o+ing to stan$ besi$e her an$ then sin'ing $own so that his #pper ar% r#bbe$ against hers. 5ot s#re how to bring it #p! beca#se she hate$ ta"'ing abo#t her night%ares! Binny f#%b"e$ for his han$! c"asping it in her han$. A1 starte$ ha+ing the $rea%s when 1 was fo#rteen!A she whispere$. 3er wor$s %a$e hi% tense! b#t he 'ept her han$ in his. A3a+ing a +i+i$ i%agination is a c#rse.A They sat in si"ence for a few %in#tes! an$ Binny swore to herse"f. /he6$ ta'en a h#ge chance opening #p to hi%! b#t apparent"y! 3arry $i$n6t fee"? A1 was a"%ost si:teen when they ca%e for %e. That was8A his +oice bro'e an$ he shoo' his hea$! swa""owing thic'"y! Aa ba$ year for %e.A Binny6s heart po#n$e$ in her chest an$ so%ething starte$ to b#rn $eep insi$e her! so%ewhere behin$ her heart. A1t6s e+en worse when they ha+e so%e rea"ity %i:e$ in.A 3e no$$e$ an$ ga+e her han$ a s"ight s>#ee2e. AThey co%e an$ go now!A he a$%itte$. A1 ha+en6t8they aren6t a"ways this ba$.A A;eah!A she no$$e$! yawning an$ resting her hea$ against his sho#"$er. 3e shifte$ in his spot a bit! b#t $i$n6t %o+e away fro% her. 3e yawne$ wi$e"y! an$ then swipe$ at his eyes. They sat in si"ence! on the co"$ f"oorboar$s in their ha""way. AThan's!A he fina""y whispere$. Binny s%i"e$ an$ no$$e$ her hea$ against his ar%. A*nyti%e! 3arry!A she answere$ honest"y. 3is c"ean! be$9war% scent washe$ o+er her an$ Binny breathe$ it in $eep.

A&e6re rea""y f#c'e$ #p! aren6t we(A 3arry6s +oice whispere$. 3e reache$ #p an$ r#bbe$ his eyes. Binny p#""e$ bac' an$ "oo'e$ at hi%! trying to see anything in the $ar'ness of the ha""way. A;eah!A she rep"ie$ soft"y. AB#t at "east we6re f#c'e$ #p together.A /he fo#ght a gri%ace at how that so#n$e$ co%ing o#t! b#t 3arry %#st ha+e tho#ght it was a great <o'e! beca#se he ch#c'"e$ an$ wrappe$ his ar% aro#n$ her sho#"$ers! t#gging her into his e%brace. Binny c"ose$ her eyes an$ "et his war%th f"oo$ into her! accepting what co%fort he ga+e! an$ trying to gi+e a "itt"e bac'. 3arry was "ate getting #p! an$ he was gro#chy. The night%are a few nights ago ha$ sha'en hi% ba$"y! a"tho#gh he ha$ to a$%it the ti%e spent in the ha""way with Binny ha$ %a$e it we"" worth it. /itting ne:t to her! their han$s intertwine$ whi"e they ta"'e$ >#iet"y ?it ha$ been hea+en. @nti" 3arry ha$ trie$ to go bac' to s"eep. *n$ then another type of night%are ha$ ta'en its p"ace. 3arry ha$ a"ways been to"$ he ha$ a +ery +i+i$ i%agination. .ight now! it was a c#rse rather than a b"essing. Two nights of erotic9as9he"" $rea%s were %a'ing hi% tire$ constant"y! as we"" as %a'ing his pri+ates a bit sensiti+e fro% a"" the8e:tra attention. Binny ha$ 'noc'e$ on his $oor this %orning! e:p"aining that she was going shopping. 3arry ha$ <#st gr#nte$! so%ething Binny fo#n$ incre$ib"y f#nny as she ha$ "a#ghe$! an$ ro""e$ bac' o+er! b#rying his hea$ #n$er the pi""ow. &hen he was s#re she was gone! he crept o#t fro% his ca+e an$ "#%bere$ across the ha"" to the bathroo%. 1f he $i$n6t see her to$ay! he $i$n6t ha+e to thin' abo#t her. =aybe he co#"$ %a'e it thro#gh the who"e shower witho#t? A)a%nit!A he grow"e$! staring at the "acy b"ac' bra hanging o+er the shower ro$. 3e gri%ace$ an$ reache$ for it to rip it $own. 3is han$! howe+er! ho+ere$ o+er it before his fingers trace$ the bare"y9there c#p. 3e $rape$ the "ingerie o+er Binny6s towe" on the rac' an$ %o+e$ to open the shower. 3e co#"$ $o this! he co#"$ b"ot o#t the i%age of that won$erf#""y "acy bra! encasing what he i%agine$ to be the wor"$6s %ost perfect breasts8 3arry stoppe$ his %otion! ho+ering on the si$e of the shower. 1nsi$e! on the f"oor was a %atching set of #n$erwear8a thong! by the "ac' of fabric! 3arry rea"i2e$! his heart <#%ping into his throat. A)a%nitE )a%nitEA /o %#ch for that reso"#tion! he grow"e$. Caref#" not to to#ch the fabric?he 'new he co#"$n6t han$"e to#ching8that?3arry "e+itate$ it o#t to hang with the bra.

To$ay was going to be br#ta" again. Binny co""apse$! co%p"ete"y e:ha#ste$! onto the sofa! bags scattering o#t of her ar%s an$ onto the f"oor. /he g"ance$ aro#n$! seeing that 3arry6s trainers that a"ways sat at the en$ of the sofa were gone! an$ his coat wasn6t hanging on its peg. /he was a"one in the f"at. 3er%ione an$ her %other! -ate! ha$ $ragge$ her a"" o+er =#gg"e 0on$on searching for <#st the perfect $ress for the =ai$ f 3onor. *fter trying on no "ess than twenty $ifferent $resses in +ario#s paste" sha$es that %a$e her fee" +ery %#ch "i'e an egg at Easter! they ha$ gone bac' to the first $ress Binny herse"f ha$ chosen to %o$e". The pa"e "a+en$er co"or set off her re$ hair nice"y an$ the c#t an$ softness of the fabric fit her "i'e a g"o+e. /he cringe$ at the tho#ght of the strappy san$a"s that they ha$ fo#n$ to %atch tho#gh. The hee"s were at "east three inches an$ co#"$ not e+er be co%fortab"e. .eaching into the bag besi$e her! Binny p#""e$ o#t the bo: an$ cast asi$e the tiss#e paper to p#"" o#t one of the shoes. A1 co#"$ a"ways char% the%! 1 s#ppose!A she %#se$ o#t "o#$ to the e%pty f"at. A* nice c#shioning spe"" an$ so%ething to 'eep the% fro% sin'ing into the gro#n$. * few f"ic's of %y wan$ wi"" %a'e the% a"%ost as co%fortab"e as %y ho#se s"ippers.A /he co#"$n6t he"p a gir"ish gigg"e at the tho#ght of wearing b"#e f#22y s"ippers with the e"egant $ress. The shoe $ang"e$ fro% her finger an$ she st#$ie$ it. *n$ the "ingerie8oh the won$erf#" "ingerie that -ate ha$ insiste$ nee$e$ to go #n$er the $ress. Binny gigg"e$ as she tosse$ the shoes behin$ her an$ reache$ into the bag! re%o+ing the strap"ess white bra an$ "acy 'nic'ers. They were gorgeo#s! Binny ha$ to a$%it! an$ cost %ore than Binny wo#"$ spen$ on #n$erthings in a year. /he $i$ ha+e a +ery nice set of b"ac' "ingerie! b#t she too' +ery goo$ care of it! han$ washing it an$ "etting it $rip9$ry. 3er fingers p"aye$ a"ong the e$ge of "ace an$ she re%e%bere$ how e+erything ha$ fe"t when she was a"" $resse$ #p. Binny co#"$n6t re%e%ber e+er fee"ing prettier7 e+en when she was thirteen an$ 5e+i""e ha$ ta'en her to the ;#"e Ba"". *n$ this who"e o#tfit was so%ething she was certain"y "oo'ing forwar$ to being seen in. 4erhaps she6$ ha+e to in+ite 3arry8 ABah!A she proteste$! st#ffing e+erything bac' in the bag an$ banishing it to her be$roo%. * "o#$ AoofA so#n$e$ fro% the ha""way an$ Binny <#%pe$ to her feet! her wan$ he"$ a"oft. AB"oo$y he""EA 3arry crie$. A16% summoning her #n$erwear nowEA Binny inche$ forwar$! pee'ing into the ha""way to see 3arry "ying sprea$ eag"e on the f"oor! co+ere$ in her $ress an$ shoes! her 'nic'ers an$ bra in his han$s.

/he stare$ at hi%! an$ he "oo'e$ #p at her! his face f"#shing as he tosse$ the "ace away fro% hi%. AEr%8A A/N: 6es. I am evil. An" I "o en-oy it so. (o!e everyone has a goo" wee en".

*Chapter (*: Chapter (: !ating )ituals

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. A/N: I a!!reciate everyone who has been !atient, an" those who have not also, for this cha!ter. Than s to the best beta team in the business. They ma e me loo much better than I woul" on my own. There is a language warning on this cha!ter, as well as a mil" se1ual content warning. Again, nothing e1!licit, -ust a bit of tal . +, Chapter Si*: !ating )ituals AB"oo$y he""!A Binny %#se$ o#t "o#$ as she stoo$ in the ha""way fro2en. The rea"i2ation of 3arry6s wor$s! a"ong with the shoc' on his face when he "oo'e$ at her! stan$ing with her wan$ he"$ a"oft in front of her %a$e her repeat it again. A1!A Binny c"eare$ her throat. A16% sorry. 1 $i$n6t %ean to8A /he gest#re$ to hi% an$ 3arry scra%b"e$ #p! gathering her things into a ro#gh sort of ba""! an$ ho"$ing it o#t to her. 3e wo#"$n6t >#ite %eet her eyes #nti" she ha$ the who"e b#n$"e in her ar%s. A)i$ yo#8$i$ yo# <#st say yo#8summone"8A

3arry6s face $ar'ene$ f#rther! so%ething that Binny wasn6t s#re was physica""y possib"e! an$ he scratche$ his hea$. AEr8yeah.A 3is eyes 'ept $arting to her wan$ an$ she wasn6t s#re whether to 'eep it where it was! or try an$ snea' it bac' behin$ her. 3arry st#$ie$ her for a %o%ent before shr#gging one sho#"$er an$ sho+ing his han$s $eep in his poc'ets. A1 thin' %aybe we6$ both better e:p"ain.A Binny6s %in$ race$ to catch #p with the sit#ation. 3arry s"ow"y reache$ into his bac' poc'et an$ p#""e$ o#t a s"ee'! $ar' wan$! ho"$ing it o#t in front of hi%. No3That meant3he new about magic3that he was3 The two contin#e$ to stare in si"ence before 3arry sighe$. A1t see%s as if we6+e both been hi$ing so%ething!A he sai$ soft"y. A1!A Binny starte$ again an$ then shr#gge$. A1 ha+e anyway.A /he too' a $eep breath. A16% a witch! 3arry.A /he brace$ for his reaction an$ then g"ance$ #p at hi% to see a s%a"" s%i"e on his face. A&e""! that6s a re"ief! Binny! beca#se 16% a wi2ar$.A 5ow that the tr#th was o#t there! Binny co#"$ p#t together a few things she6$ notice$ that pointe$ $irect"y to that fact! a"tho#gh she was s#re he hi$ it better than she $i$. Fina""y! she s%i"e$ an$ then "a#ghe$. A&hat are the o$$s(A she as'e$ with a grin. 3arry r#ff"e$ the bac' of his hair an$ aw'war$"y shr#gge$. 3e bo#nce$ his wan$ against his "eg! s%a"" spar's fa""ing to the gro#n$. A1 was <#st thin'ing the sa%e thing. *n$! 1 $on6t thin' either of #s hi$ it +ery we"".A Binny <#st s%i"e$. A1t wo#"$ ha+e ta'en %e awhi"e to g#ess with yo#.A A;es!A 3arry a$%itte$ as he shifte$ in p"ace. A&e""! that was beca#se 1 was raise$ s#rro#n$e$ by Techs! whereas! 1 wo#"$ ass#%e?A ATechs(A Binny as'e$! a conf#se$ e:pression on her face. A1 thin' yo# ca"" the% =#gg"es here!A he e:p"aine$. A1n *%erica! they are referre$ to as Techs! beca#se they re"y on techno"ogy instea$ of %agic.A Binny no$$e$. A;o#r fa%i"y is a"" %agica" then(A he as'e$. Binny s%ir'e$. A4#reb"oo$ as they co%e!A she agree$. A*"tho#gh we fo#ght against ;o#9 -now9&ho in the war.A /he starte$ at the $ar' "oo' that ca%e o+er his feat#res an$ then shr#gge$ it off. =aybe he ha$ "ost so%eone c"ose to hi% in the war.

AB#t %y $a$ has this obsession with =#gg"es! an$ 1 g#ess it r#bbe$ off a bit!A she contin#e$ with a s%i"e. A* bit(A 3arry as'e$ with a raise$ eyebrow. Binny grinne$ sheepish"y. /he 'new that %any =#gg"e things fascinate$ her?his "aptop an$ entertain%ent syste% partic#"ar"y. A*n$ what wo#"$ yo#r fa%i"y say if they 'new yo# were "i+ing with a wi2ar$! an$ not a %#gg"e(A Binny ret#rne$ his %ischie+o#s s%i"e an$ shr#gge$. A16% not s#re it wi"" %a'e %#ch of a $ifference. ;o#6re sti"" a %an. )a$6s co%e to accept it a"right! b#t =#%6s sti"" against the i$ea. The boys8we""! 16% not s#re it wo#"$ %atter who yo# were! e+en the 4rince or so%ething. They6"" be against it no %atter what.A A&e""!A 3arry sighe$! t#c'ing his wan$ away an$ no$$ing towar$ the "i+ing roo%! in$icating that she sho#"$ fo""ow hi%. A5ow that we6re both o#t in the open! as it were! "ife aro#n$ here sho#"$ be a "itt"e "ess aw'war$.A Binny no$$e$ in agree%ent! b"in'ing as she fo""owe$ hi% to the sofa. A1 won6t ha+e to wait #nti" yo# "ea+e to #se a c"eaning spe"" any%ore. *n$ 1 can stop spraying c"eaner aro#n$ to con+ince yo# that 1 act#a""y c"eane$ the bathroo%.A 3arry ch#c'"e$! re"a:ing bac' into the $eep c#shions. 3e "a2i"y ro""e$ his hea$ her way. A*n$ 1 can ha+e 3e$wig co%e to any win$ow! an$ not <#st %y be$roo%!A he sai$! ob"i+io#s to her strange "oo'. A3e$wig(A 3e no$$e$ an$ c"ic'e$ his tong#e "o#$"y. * r#st"ing fro% the other roo% start"e$ her an$ a "arge snowy ow" g"i$e$ thro#gh the ha""way an$ "an$e$ on 3arry6s o#tstretche$ ar%! c"ic'ing her bea' at hi% an$ r#ff"ing her feathers. Binny <#st "a#ghe$ in #n$erstan$ing. A/he6s bea#tif#"! 3arry!A she co%p"i%ente$. A3e$wig! %eet Binny. Binny! this is 3e$wig.A A4"ease$ to %eet yo#!A Binny sai$ as she r#bbe$ the bac' of her finger a"ong the soft white feathers on the bir$6s p#ffe$ o#t chest. A*n$ now 1 ha+e so%eone 1 want yo# to %eet. *r%strong(A The %ott"e$ $ar' brown ow" that she6$ trie$ so har$ to 'eep hi$$en these past %onths f"#ttere$ onto her ar% an$ 3arry raise$ an eyebrow.

AThat's yo#r bir$(A 3e see%e$ %ore than a "itt"e s#rprise$ an$ Binny narrowe$ her eyes at hi%. A;eah.A Binny stro'e$ *r%strong6s bac'. A16+e ha$ hi% for a co#p"e of years now. 1 bo#ght hi% after 1 "eft schoo".A A1 thin' yo#r *r%strong is 3e$wig6s boyfrien$. 16+e ca#ght hi% bringing gifts to her "ate"y. 1 $i$n6t 'now where he6$ co%e fro%.A 3is wor$s str#c' her as f#nny an$ Binny watche$ as the s%a""er ow" preene$ hi%se"f in front of a $isintereste$ 3e$wig. A r at "east he6s trying to be.A They both "a#ghe$ as *r%strong $i$ a f#nny "itt"e $ance an$ hoppe$ o+er to 3arry6s sho#"$er! si$e stepping $own his ar% to get c"oser to 3e$wig. The white ow" $i$n6t reb#ff hi%! b#t consi$ere$ hi% before >#iet"y nipping at 3arry6s han$ affectionate"y. A3ogwarts(A 3arry as'e$ an$ Binny g"ance$ at hi%! conf#se$ for a %o%ent! b#t then st#nne$ that he wo#"$ 'now where she went to schoo". A3ow $i$ yo#8A A=y Bo$father an$ a frien$ went there!A he e:p"aine$ hasti"y. A=y parents as we"". 1f 16$ staye$ in Eng"an$ 1 wo#"$ ha+e gone there a"so.A AThat wo#"$ ha+e been interesting!A Binny sai$ tho#ghtf#""y. A1 won$er if we wo#"$ ha+e been frien$s.A The tho#ght was a strange one! b#t it a"so thri""e$ her. =aybe they wo#"$ ha+e been %ore than frien$s. 3arry shr#gge$ a sho#"$er. A1 $on6t 'now. 1 "i'e to thin' so.A 3arry "ay in be$ the ne:t %orning! his han$s c"aspe$ behin$ his hea$ as he stare$ at the cei"ing. 3is $rea%s ha$ ret#rne$ to nor%a"! innoc#o#s r#n9of9the9%i"" $rea%s! than'f#""y. ;ester$ay6s re+e"ations ha$ both re"ie+e$ 3arry! an$ %a$e things %#ch %ore co%p"icate$. 1t wasn6t #nti" "ater in the $ay that things ha$ rea""y starte$ to fa"" into p"ace in his %in$?an$ he near"y panic'e$. &eas"ey. &hy in the he"" ha$n6t he %a$e the connection before( f co#rse &eas"ey co#"$n6t be that co%%on of a na%e. There ha$ been two &eas"ey6s in the ar%y?perhaps two of Binny6s o"$er brothers. ;et 3arry ha$ a""owe$ hi%se"f to ignore circ#%stance an$ a"" the

signs that he6$ ha$. *n$ now that he was in so $eep8there was no way of bac'ing o#t witho#t see%ing "i'e a cowar$?scratch that?he6$ be a cowar$ if he bac'e$ o#t now. ;et $espite the threat to hi%se"f! the i$ea of the press 'nowing where he was an$ the p#b"ic wanting to 'now %ore abo#t hi%?3arry wante$ to e:p"ore this8whate+er it was! with Binny. *n$! e+en tho#gh it terrifie$ hi% %ore than a bit! it a"so thri""e$ hi%. 3e was tire$ of $arting in an$ o#t of sha$ows. *n$ he6$ been 3arrison 4ar'er for so "ong! that so%eti%es he forgot who he was. Then again! how the p#b"ic percei+e$ 3arry 4otter wasn6t who he was either. 3arry s#ppose$ the tr#th "ay so%ewhere in the %i$$"e?a tr#th +ery few peop"e ha$ e+er seen. Binny ha$ probab"y seen %ore of the rea" 3arry 4otter! %in#s a"" the prophecy garbage! than anyone other than /iri#s an$ .e%#s! perhaps. ne $ay! he pro%ise$ hi%se"f! he wo#"$ te"" her e+erything. Binny was a"rea$y #p an$ %o+ing when 3arry ca%e o#t of his be$roo%. /he grinne$ at hi% an$ "e+itate$ a p"ate of scra%b"e$ eggs an$ toast straight to hi%. A5ow 1 can wow yo# with %y ho#seho"$ spe""s. 1 ass#re yo#! 16% a %#ch better coo' when 1 #se %y wan$.A 3er s%i"ing face ease$ his concerns <#st a bit %ore! an$ 3arry was ab"e to eat. A1 was won$ering!A Binny sai$! c#r"ing her "egs #p #n$er her on the chair an$ cas#a""y stirring her tea. A5ow that the secret is o#t8 3a+e yo# e+er been to )iagon *""ey(A 3arry chewe$ his bite tho#ghtf#""y an$ shoo' his hea$. A16+e gone once! b#t 1 $i$n6t spen$ %#ch ti%e there.A 3e $i$n6t a$$ that he6$ been chec'ing his g"a%o#r char%s to see if anyone recogni2e$ hi% at a"". A)o yo#8%aybe want to go with %e this afternoon(A Binny as'e$! her chee's t#rning s"ight"y pin'. The tho#ght both thri""e$ an$ terrifie$ hi%. A;eah!A he answere$ before his brain co#"$ ana"y2e it a"". 1f he was going to $o this8really "o this8he nee$e$ to "earn to re"a: %ore. 3e was co%fortab"e "i+ing as a =#gg"e! b#t that6s not rea""y what he was. =aybe it was ti%e to "et the a#ra s"ip! <#st a fraction. A1t so#n$s8f#n.A 3o#rs "ater! an$ two ice crea% s#n$aes! of which he6$ eaten the %a<ority of! 3arry an$ Binny were "a#ghing an$ wa"'ing $own )iagon *""ey together. Binny see%e$ a"%ost gi$$y with e:cite%ent! pointing o#t this an$ that to hi%! as if 3arry ha$ ne+er before seen barre"s f#"" of potions s#pp"ies! or wa""s f#"" of ow"s waiting to be sent o#t with the post.

B#t he was happy to "et her p"ay to#r g#i$e an$ si%p"y en<oy spen$ing ti%e with her. 3er s%i"e was infectio#s an$ 3arry! once again! fo#n$ hi%se"f won$ering if he6$ e+er s%i"e$ so %#ch in his "ife. ACo%e on!A she t#gge$ at his ar%. 16+e sa+e$ the best for "ast.A 3arry eye$ her wari"y! b#t a""owe$ her to wrap her ar% tight"y thro#gh his an$ $rag hi% off to where+er she wante$. AC#a"ity C#i$$itch /#pp"ies!A she sai$! gran$"y throwing her ar% towar$ the storefront. 3arry grinne$. 3e "o+e$ C#i$$itch an$ ha$ %isse$ open"y fo""owing the ga%es when he6$ been hi$ing his %agica" heritage fro% Binny. 1n fact! he6$ act#a""y p"aye$ on his schoo" tea%! as a /ee'er?a"tho#gh they ha$n6t seen %#ch p"aying ti%e as it was s#ch a s%a"" schoo". A1 was thin'ing abo#t getting a new broo%!A he %#se$ as he too' her han$ in his an$ began t#gging her forwar$. A;o# f"y(A she as'e$! both s#rprise an$ $e"ight "ighting her face. A f co#rse! 1 f"y! Bin!A he scoffe$. A16% the best f"yer yo#6"" e+er see.A 3e fe"t a bit arrogant saying that! b#t she "a#ghe$. A5e:t to %e!A she proc"ai%e$! po'ing hi% in the si$e. A1 co#"$ ha+e p"aye$ professiona""y! yo# 'now.A 3arry sp#n on his hee"! his <aw $ropping open. A.ea""y(A Binny6s chee's f"#she$ an$ she t#c'e$ a "oc' of hair behin$ her ear! g"ancing aro#n$ the crow$e$ store. A;eah!A she shr#gge$. A1 co#"$ ha+e.A A&hy $i$n6t yo#(A 3arry as'e$ >#iet"y. /he chewe$ the si$e of her "ip for a %in#te before shr#gging one sho#"$er. A1 $on6t 'now! rea""y.A 3e co#"$ te"" she was "ying?she a"ways $i$ that thing with her "ip when she was?b#t he "et it $rop anyway. 1f she wante$ to te"" hi%! she wo#"$. ACo%e on!A she #rge$ hi% forwar$ again! wea+ing in an$ o#t of the wi2ar$s intent on st#$ying e+ery bit of C#i$$itch gear on $isp"ay. 3arry #n$erstoo$ co%p"ete"y! he co#"$ spen$ ho#rs here inspecting e+ery stitch an$ e+ery twig. AThis is the newest broo% o#t!A Binny no$$e$ towar$ the "arge $isp"ay against one wa"" of the store.

AThe Firestor%!A 3arry no$$e$ in awe. A1 rea$ abo#t it in C#i$$itch &ee'"y! b#t they were $e"aye$ in pro$#ction an$ $i$n6t %a'e it into?A A&hich Broo%stic'!A Binny no$$e$! grinning enth#siastica""y. /o%ething spar'"e$ in her eye an$ 3arry grinne$! reaching for her han$ again. 3is sto%ach $i$ a f#nny sort of f"ip as she t#rne$ bac' to hi%! her eyes a"ight with so%e sort of fire. A1 ha$ a Firebo"t once!A 3arry a$%itte$! reaching o#t to stro'e the perfect"y shape$ twigs of the broo%. A1t was $estroye$8we""! in an acci$ent.A 3e f"#she$ an$ g"ance$ aro#n$ the roo%! seeing the %any witches an$ wi2ar$s. * s%a"" part of hi% won$ere$ if they6$ been a"one! wo#"$ he ha+e to"$ her that it ha$ been $estroye$ in the war( That he6$ been ri$ing it an$ been shot o#t of the s'y( 4erhaps! his po#n$ing heart answere$ bac'. Binny6s eyes went wi$e. A;o# ha$ a Firebo"t( 1 a"ways wante$ to ri$e one of those.A 3arry g"ance$ at her again! si"ent"y +owing to b#y one of these broo%s an$ "et her ri$e it. 3e""! he %ight e+en gi+e it to her if she wo#"$ s%i"e at hi% "i'e that again. A1 ne+er rep"ace$ it!A he %#se$! forcing his eyes to a$%ire the broo%! instea$ of the witch. A=aybe one $ay 1 wi"".A They stoo$ in si"ence for a few %in#tes before Binny t#gge$ hi% f#rther a"ong the wa""! pointing o#t +ario#s other broo%s. AThis is what 1 ha+e!A she sai$! "etting go of his han$ to p#"" a shiny new C"eansweep $own off of the she"f. /he a$%ire$ it for a %in#te! r#nning her han$ "o+ing"y #p an$ $own the shaft before han$ing it o+er to 3arry. 3arry swa""owe$ thic'"y! appreciating <#st how bea#tif#" Binny "oo'e$ right now. 3er hair was win$ b"own fro% the wa"' a"ong the a""ey an$ her chee's were pin'. That %ight ha+e been fro% the heat of the shop! or her e:cite%ent of ta"'ing abo#t C#i$$itch. There was no $o#bt! her eyes rea""y "it #p when she ta"'e$ abo#t the sport. 3e stare$ at her for a %o%ent an$ then f"#she$! "oo'ing $own at the broo%. A1t6s a goo$ broo%!A he no$$e$. AThe twig a"ign%ent is right an$ it6s a fast %o$e". ;o# p"aye$ Chaser(A Binny no$$e$. A1 $i$.A 3er eyes spar'"e$ again an$ her fingers "ifte$ to trace the broo% han$"e once %ore. 3arry s%i"e$ an$ "eane$ forwar$! whispering into her ear. A1f yo# "o+e it that %#ch! yo# sho#"$ ha+e p"aye$?no %atter what anyone sai$.A The "ast part ha$ been a g#ess! b#t her soft gasp confir%e$ it for hi%.

/he opene$ her %o#th to rep"y! b#t was c#t off by a co#p"e approaching the%. ABinny(A A.on! 3er%ioneEA Binny greete$ who 3arry ass#%e$ was one of her brothers beca#se of a"" the re$ hair?the ne:t o"$est! his brain 'ic'e$ in at the "ast %o%ent. A&hat are yo# $oing here(A 3arry fi$gete$ in his p"ace! reaching #p to scratch the bac' of his nec' as the re$hea$e$ %an si2e$ hi% #p. A1 nee$e$ to pic' #p so%e boo's 1 or$ere$ fro% F"o#rish an$ B"otts! an$ .on wante$ to chec' that the new C#i$$itch .eg#"ations boo's ha$ been $istrib#te$.A Binny no$$e$! "eaning bac' into 3arry! who c"eare$ his throat. A h! 16% sorry?A A.on &eas"ey.A 3arry g"ance$ $own at the han$ that was offere$ to hi%. A3arry 4ar'er!A he rep"ie$! gripping .on6s han$ fir%"y an$ s%i"ing. 3er%ione! 3arry g#esse$ this was .on6s fiancF! he was pretty s#re that6s what Binny ha$ %entione$! gaspe$! her han$ co+ering her %o#th. AB#t81 tho#ght8A A3arry6s a wi2ar$!A Binny e:p"aine$ shooting hi% a g"ance that showe$ she was entire"y too a%#se$ with shoc'ing the%. A h!A 3er%ione sai$! $ef"ating <#st a bit. A&ow8when $i$ yo#?A Binny c"eare$ her throat! g"ancing aro#n$ the%. A&e 'in$ of8acci$enta""y fo#n$ o#t after both trying to hi$e it for two %onths.A .on starte$ to ch#c'"e. A f a"" the "#c'! Binny8A A1 'now!A Binny sai$! gi+ing a shy g"ance to 3arry. A1 ha+e a"" the "#c'.A 3arry sto%ach f"ip9f"oppe$ an$ he "oo'e$ away! afrai$ to b"#sh in front of her brother. &ho 'new what .on wo#"$ $o if he s%e""e$ fear8or worse! attraction8 A3ow abo#t we get a $rin' at the 0ea'y(A .on as'e$! %otioning towar$ the $oor.

3arry breathe$ $eep"y! no$$ing. AThat so#n$s "i'e a great i$ea to %e.A Binny an$ 3er%ione agree$ an$ the fo#r "eft the store! wa"'ing cas#a""y to the 0ea'y Ca#"$ron at the beginning of the *""ey. .on watche$ as 3arry! this %an who was co%p"ete"y $ifferent than the e+i"! +i"e %an who% he6$ staye$ awa'e at night pict#ring his sister "i+ing with! he"$ the $oor for the two wo%en. 3e wasn6t s#re what to thin' ha+ing been b"in$si$e$ by Binny6s anno#nce%ent that 3arry was act#a""y %agica". This <#st $i$n6t fig#re into his p"ans at a"". A&e on"y ha+e a few %in#tes! act#a""y!A 3er%ione proteste$. A&e6+e got a %eeting with the ba'er to$ay.A .on wante$ to protest that the $a%ne$ ba'er co#"$ <#st wait. 1f they "et Binny go! .on %ight ne+er get the chance to >#estion this 3arry character thoro#gh"y. Binny ha$ 'ept hi% we"" hi$$en for two %onths. A.on an$ 3er%ione are getting %arrie$ in =ay!A Binny e:p"aine$. A*n$ poor .on is being $r#g a"" o+er the co#ntry pic'ing o#t f"owers an$ fabric swatches.A /he "a#ghe$ an$ .on gri%ace$. 1t was tr#e! b#t he wasn6t $#%b eno#gh to a$%it that he hate$ it to 3er%ione. A1t6s not so ba$!A he a$%itte$. 3arry ca#ght his eye an$ s%ir'e$. .on was ta'en abac' that 3arry see%e$ to be %a'ing a <o'e with hi%. A/o! 3arry!A 3er%ione t#rne$ towar$ hi%! Awhat $o yo# thin' of )iagon *""ey( 1s it anything "i'e where yo# grew #p( Binny %entione$ that it was in the /tates. &here at! e:act"y(A .on bare"y bit bac' a "a#gh. 5o $o#bt 3er%ione6s %in$ was whir"ing! trying to fig#re 3arry o#t e+en faster than he was. *"tho#gh! he was wi""ing to "et things #nfo"$ an$ see if 3arry trippe$ hi%se"f #p. 3er%ione wo#"$n6t be content #nti" a"" of his "ife was $isp"aye$ on a tab"e in front of her an$ she co#"$ ana"y2e e+ery "ast bit. .on was s#rprise$ at the g"ance that 3arry share$ with Binny. 1t was apparent that Binny ha$ at "east infor%e$ hi% of 3er%ione6s habits. A1t6s won$erf#"! <#st "i'e 1 i%agine$ it was. Binny6s been gi+ing %e the gran$ to#r.A 3er%ione too' a breath again! probab"y to as' what 'in$ of pants 3arry preferre$! an$ .on too' the chance to inter+ene. These >#estions were a"" we"" an$ goo$! b#t .on nee$e$ the right infor%ation. A/o! 3arry!A he as'e$! e$ging in between 3arry an$ Binny! b#%ping her c"oser to 3er%ione! Awhat is it that yo# $o for a "i+ing( Binny wasn6t rea""y c"ear on that.A AEr8A 3arry g"ance$ at Binny once %ore before answering. A1 wor' for the go+ern%ent! act#a""y. 1! er81 ana"y2e sec#rity an$ cons#"t on #pgra$es an$ $efa#"ts.A .on stare$ at hi%! trying to $ecipher e:act"y what that %eant.

A3ow interesting!A 3er%ione bro'e in. A)o yo# specia"i2e in =#gg"e sec#rity on"y! or is yo#r foc#s =agica"( 1 rea$ an artic"e once abo#t how %any go+ern%ents are incorporating both?A AThat %#st pay we""!A .on ro$e o+er the top of her! wincing when she steppe$ on his foot. 3arry s%i"e$! ob+io#s"y not %issing the byp"ay. A1 #s#a""y wor' with both!A he no$$e$ towar$ 3er%ione an$ then t#rne$ bac' to .on. A*n$! yes! it pays we"".A Binny "a#ghe$ as they reache$ the gateway bac' to the 0ea'y Ca#"$ron! p#""ing her wan$ an$ tapping the% in se>#ence. A0et hi% breathe! yo# two!A she sco"$e$. .on f"inche$ when she too' 3arry6s han$ in hers to "ea$ hi% into the p#b. .on g"are$ at their c"aspe$ han$s an$ sp#n to "oo' at 3er%ione! who wore an e:tre%e"y a%#se$ "oo'. AF"at%ates! %y arse!A .on hisse$! pointing to where Binny an$ 3arry ha$ $isappeare$. A h! .on!A 3er%ione soothe$ hi%! straightening his co""ar as she "eane$ #p to 'iss his chee'. A;o# an$ 1 he"$ han$s when we were frien$s! before we were $ating.A A;eah!A .on gr#%b"e$! Ab#t 1 fancie$ yo# at the ti%e.A 3e scow"e$ at the p#b entrance! hesitant to go in <#st in case they were 'issing when he wa"'e$ in. ACo%e on! .on!A 3er%ione too' his han$. A)on6t p#sh! p"ease. 1f there is so%ething there! "et the% fig#re it o#t on their own.A A;o# thin' there is(A he as'e$! hating the whining tone that bro'e into his +oice. A1 $on6t 'now!A 3er%ione en#nciate$. AB#t yo# 'now what wi"" happen if yo# p#sh Binny. /he6"" retreat an$ it wi"" ta'e fore+er for her to tr#st yo# again.A .on tho#ght abo#t that an$ conce$e$ that she ha$ a point. Binny ha$ wi""ing"y share$ so%ething abo#t her "ife an$ $i$n6t sh#ff"e 3arry off when he an$ 3er%ione ha$ shown #p. A*"right!A he gr#%b"e$! fo""owing her insi$e. 5othing was o#t of the or$inary insi$e! p#22"ing .on again. Binny sat ne:t to 3arry! sipping at a B#tterbeer an$ "a#ghing at so%ething 3arry ha$ sai$. They see%e$ "i'e8 goo$ %ates. .on sighe$ an$ or$ere$ two B#tterbeers fro% the passing waitress for he an$ 3er%ione. A3arry an$ 1 were ta"'ing abo#t going to a fi"% ne:t wee'!A Binny offere$. AThe two of yo# sho#"$ co%e a"ong.A

A.ea""y(A 3er%ione per'e$ #p. AThat wo#"$ be bri""iant. &e ha+en6t been o#t in ages.A A&e <#st went o#t "ast wee'!A .on proteste$. A1 %eant to a =#gg"e p"ace!A 3er%ione patte$ his han$ patroni2ing"y an$ .on shr#gge$. 3e wasn6t rea""y co%fortab"e in the =#gg"e wor"$. 3e ne+er 'new how! e:act"y! to act or if so%ething he $i$ witho#t thin'ing wo#"$ e:pose the who"e &i2ar$ing wor"$. AThat wo#"$ be f#n!A 3arry no$$e$. A=aybe we co#"$ go o#t to $inner as we"".A Binny grinne$. A hh! we co#"$ ta'e the% to that "itt"e Bree' p"ace! the one that ha$ that a%a2ing /o#+"a'i.A 3arry ret#rne$ her s%i"e! facing her co%p"ete"y. A r &ong6s!A he s#ggeste$. Binny groane$ in appreciation. A1 ha+en6t ha$ Chinese fore+er.A A1t6s on"y been two wee's! Bin!A 3arry proteste$. .on6s %o#th went $ry at the banter between the two of the%. 3er%ione %ight not be ab"e to see it yet! b#t there was $efinite"y so%ething there between the%. 3e ca#ght her eye an$ she reache$ #n$er the tab"e! patting his 'nee. Binny certain"y see%e$ co%fortab"e in 3arry6s presence! %aybe too co%fortab"e. 1f .on ha$n6t hear$ Binny6s $enia"s! he wo#"$ ha+e sworn they were a co#p"e. AE:c#se %e!A 3arry sai$! s"ipping o#t of his chair an$ no$$ing towar$ the s%a"" ha""way that "ea$ to the "oo. A16"" be right bac'.A 3arry was bare"y o#t of sight before 3er%ione po#nce$ on Binny. A3e6s won$erf#"! Binny!A she s>#ea"e$ >#iet"y. A3e is!A Binny agree$ ca"%"y! g"ancing at the ha""way. AB#t the two of yo# ha+e to pro%ise %e so%ething.A .on too' a $rin' of his B#tterbeer! s%ir'ing. There was a"ways a catch with Binny. A;o# ha+e to pro%ise not to te"" anyone that 3arry6s a wi2ar$!A she sai$ >#iet"y. A16% p"anning on ta'ing hi% to the B#rrow soon.A AThat6"" go o+er we""!A .on s%ir'e$. 3e wo#"$ $efinite"y ha+e to fin$ o#t when she was p"anning that so he co#"$ be there to watch. A.on!A 3er%ione sco"$e$ soft"y before t#rning bac' to Binny. A1 $on6t rea""y want to "ie! Binny.A

A16% not as'ing yo# to!A Binny shoo' her hea$. A,#st8'eep >#iet for a whi"e.A A&hat6s in it for #s(A .on grinne$. ACo%e on! Binny! yo# re%e%ber how this ga%e is p"aye$.A 3is breath "eft hi% when a +ery fera" s%i"e sprea$ across her face. A h! 1 re%e%ber a"right. -eep >#iet! .on! or 16"" te"" =#% abo#t that tattoo yo# got when yo# an$ the twins went to France.A .on pa"e$! gaping at her. A3ow the he"" $o yo# 'now abo#t that(A he $e%an$e$ in a "ow hiss. A&o#"$n6t yo# "i'e to 'now!A Binny grinne$. /he g"ance$ o+er an$ her s%i"e softene$ as 3arry wo+e thro#gh the tab"es. A)ea"(A she s%ir'e$. A3e6"" p"ay a"ong!A 3er%ione ass#re$ her! o+er .on6s sp#ttere$ protests. A&on6t yo#(A .on scow"e$! sitting bac' in the seat an$ crossing his ar%s. A&hat $i$ 1 %iss(A 3arry as'e$! ta'ing in the +ariety of e:pressions. 3e see%e$ high"y a%#se$ an$ it agitate$ .on. ABinny6s e+i"!A he grow"e$ o#t. =aybe he co#"$ pers#a$e 3arry to be on his si$e. 6Breat!6 he tho#ght! 6he6s s#ppose$ to be the ene%y! an$ now yo#6re trying to win his s#pport.6 3arry "a#ghe$ an$ n#$ge$ Binny with his sho#"$er. A1 thin' that6s one of her better traits.A r not. .on sighe$! recogni2ing $efeat when he saw it. Binny shifte$ in her seat! ta'ing a breath an$ wi""ing herse"f to <#st $o it. ,#st f#c'ing $o it! as 3arry was fon$ of saying. 3er %other was across the roo%! fi""ing the aw'war$ si"ence by fi:ing tea an$ s%a"" p"ates of bisc#its. A1t6s nice that yo#6+e $roppe$ by to see %e.A Binny a"%ost grow"e$ at the tone! b#t she "et it wash o+er her! intent on her goa". A1 'now 1 ha+en6t been goo$ abo#t that!A she a$%itte$! her fingertip tracing the years of groo+es an$ scars in the woo$. A*n$816% sorry.A

The wor$s ran'"e$. Binny ha$ ne+er been +ery goo$ at a$%itting she was wrong. 4erhaps it was a trait "eft o+er fro% $efen$ing herse"f against si: o"$er brothers. 3er %other stoppe$ a"" %o+e%ent an$ "oo'e$ bac' at her. A1 ha+en6t gi+en yo# %#ch reason to want to co%e ho%e! ha+e 1(A Binny6s <aw a"%ost $roppe$ on the tab"e. &as that8an apo"ogy( Fro% =o""y &eas"ey( AEr%8how are things(A Binny reco+ere$ before she co#"$ say so%ething to get herse"f bac' into tro#b"e. ABoo$!A her %other rep"ie$ in a caref#" tone. A3er%ione6s been o+er se+era" ti%es in the past few wee's! wor'ing on p"ans.A Binny instant"y fe"t g#i"ty. /he6$ been so swept #p in the new f"at! an$ 3arry! that she6$ co%p"ete"y neg"ecte$ her $#ties as =ai$9of93onor! other than the one shopping trip. A16"" $o better! =#%!A she pro%ise$. 3er %other6s "oo' softene$ an$ Binny 'new she6$ <#st won a few points. A1t %eans a "ot to her! Binny! to ha+e yo# he"p her. ;o# 'now she $oesn6t ha+e that %any frien$s.A The tea 'ett"e whist"e$ an$ Binny he"pe$ her %other prepare two c#ps. A1 'now.A Binny too' a s%a"" bisc#it an$ nibb"e$ at the e$ge of it. A1 got carrie$ away in being on %y own! 1 g#ess. *n$ 16+e "et yo# a"" $own. B#t8being away! it6s been goo$ for %e! =#%. A0i+ing on %y own8it %a'es %e rea"i2e that 1 can6t b"a%e others for <#$ging %e. 1 fe"t as if e+eryone was a"ways watching! waiting for %e to $o so%ething st#pi$ again.A /he he"$ #p her han$ when her %other trie$ to respon$. AThat $oesn6t %ean that 1 thin' 16+e been treate$ fair"y! b#t 1 'now that 16+e b"own things o#t of proportion o+er the years.A A&e ha+e been a bit harsh! 16"" a$%it!A her %other sai$ soft"y! r#nning her finger aro#n$ the e$ge of her c#p. AB#t we on"y %eant we"". ;o# ha+e to #n$erstan$ that when we8 fo#n$ o#t what ha$ happene$8it near"y bro'e yo#r father an$ 1. *n$ yo#r brothers8A Tears crept #p an$ Binny reache$ o#t to s>#ee2e her %other6s han$. To$ay6s con+ersation was the %ost they6$ e+er rea""y spo'en abo#t things in a"%ost si: years. Binny fe"t as if things were fina""y going to fa"" into p"ace. A1t wasn6t yo#r fa#"t!A Binny proteste$. A1 was o"$ eno#gh to be responsib"e for %y choices.A

AB#t what happene$ to yo#! Binny! sho#"$ ne+er ha+e happene$ to a gir" so yo#ng. The &i2enga%ot8an$ then the press8A =ore tears fe"" an$ Binny shr#gge$ a sho#"$er. A1t6s in the past! =#%. 1 sti""8A she hesitate$! won$ering how %#ch to re+ea". A1 sti"" ha+e night%ares abo#t it at ti%es8b#t it6s getting better. *n$ being on %y own has he"pe$ that.A 3er %other was >#iet for a %in#te. The e%otions warre$ on her face: gratit#$e! g#i"t an$ $isappro+a"! an$! fina""y! so%e %eas#re of acceptance. A16% g"a$.A Binny "et o#t a s%a"" breath of re"ief. A*n$8how are things with8yo#r f"at%ate(A 3er %other6s tone was too cas#a" for the >#estion not to ha+e been sitting on the tip of her tong#e fro% the %o%ent Binny ha$ wa"'e$ in the $oor. Binny a"%ost ro""e$ her eyes! b#t "oo'e$ $own instea$! fi$$"ing with her c#p. The #rge to te"" her %other that 3arry was a great shag was on"y <#st s#ppresse$. A1t6s great! act#a""y!A Binny offere$ instea$. A3arry6s +ery easy to "i+e with. 3e6s re"a:e$ an$ f#nny8A A;o#r father tho#ght high"y of hi%!A her %other sniffe$! finishing #p the "ast of her tea before he"ping herse"f to another scone. A/ai$ he see%e$ "i'e a goo$ boy.A Binny s%i"e$! fon$"y re%e%bering how easi"y 3arry ha$ been ab"e to win o+er the &eas"ey patriarch with a few %entions of airp"anes. A16+e act#a""y been thin'ing abo#t in+iting hi% o+er for $inner8here!A Binny a$%itte$! getting aro#n$ the %ain reason for her +isit to$ay. A1 tho#ght 16$ gi+e hi% a "itt"e ti%e to get #se$ to %e before 1 tosse$ hi% to the "ions.A /#rprising"y! her %other s%i"e$! <#st a bit. AThat %ight ha+e been the best i$ea.A A.on %et hi% the other $ay!A Binny a$%itte$. A1 thin' he was rather i%presse$.A #t of the corner of her eye! Binny tho#ght that she saw her %other gi+e a +ery shrew$ "oo'. @h oh. Ti%e to hea$ that off fast. A3arry has been a rea""y great frien$! =#%. *n$ yo# 'now 1 can #se a"" the frien$s 1 can get.A The s#b<ect see%e$ $roppe$ when her %other began gathering #p the tea. A1 wo#"$ "o+e to ha+e yo#r frien$ o+er! Binny! b#t 1 $o worry8he6s a i'uggle,/i $ear. &hat on earth wo#"$ he thin' of this p"ace(A

Binny ch#c'"e$! won$ering whether she sho#"$ a$%it 3arry6s &i2ar$ing heritage or not. )eci$ing that watching her fa%i"y s>#ir% when she $i$ bring 3arry wo#"$ be %ore f#n! she c"ose$ her %o#th. A3arry6s a +ery to"erant person! =#%. *n$ 1 ha+e faith in yo#r abi"ity to %as' anything o#t of the or$inary.A /he ch#c'"e$ at the s"ight"y o+erwhe"%e$ "oo' sett"e$ on her %other6s face. A3ow abo#t /#n$ay(A she as'e$! grinning. AEr8a"right! $ear. 16% s#re yo#r father can he"p %e prepare. 4erhaps 3er%ione8A Binny patte$ her on the sho#"$er. AThat6s a great i$ea! =#%.A /he6$ of co#rse! ha+e to get to 3er%ione first! so she $i$n6t spi"" the beans! b#t that sho#"$n6t ta'e %#ch pers#a$ing. A&e6"" be here!A Binny grinne$. Binny he"$ the $oor open as 3arry str#gg"e$ insi$e with an ar%f#" of ta'e away. They were both "a#ghing hysterica""y at the i%pression 3arry ha$ <#st been $oing of the %an they6$ bo#ght the Chinese foo$ fro%. A;o#6re so %ean!A she %oc'9g"are$ at hi%. A1 a% not!A 3arry "a#ghe$! %o+ing into the 'itchen to $eposit their $inner. A)i$ he! or $i$ he not ha+e a piece of ny"on co+ering his hea$(A 4ict#ring the strange %an again! Binny er#pte$ into gigg"es again. 1t was the sort of thing yo# saw when going to the theater an$ seeing actors wear wigs. They6$ been spec#"ating the who"e way ho%e on what type of wig the %an %#st ha+e been trying on before they6$ co%e into his shop. A 'ay8that was f#nny!A she a$%itte$. /he stretche$ an$ yawne$ %ighti"y. A16% changing into so%ething %ore co%fortab"e.A A/o#n$s "i'e a p"an!A 3arry ca""e$ fro% the 'itchen. 3is %o#th so#n$e$ f#"" an$ she st#c' her hea$ in! g"aring at hi%. A)o not eat %y orange chic'en! yo# git.A 3arry grinne$ g#i"ti"y an$ sho+e$ the open bo: away. AFine! 1 won6t share %y frie$ rice with yo#.A AThan's!A Binny ca""e$ as she %o+e$ into her be$roo%! re"easing her hair fro% the c"ip that he"$ it #p! A16"" stic' with %y chow %ein.A

3arry "a#ghe$ an$ Binny ch#c'"e$ as she >#ic'"y "ocate$ her trac' pants an$ tan' top. To$ay ha$ been f#n. 3arry ha$ %et her after wor' an$ they6$ gone to the 0on$on Ioo? so%ewhere Binny ha$ ne+er been before. They wa"'e$ for what see%e$ "i'e %i"es! chatting abo#t the ani%a"s an$ "a#ghing at the antics of the %on'eys. 3arry ha$ e+en ta"'e$ her into ta'ing a t#rn on the p"aygro#n$ swings. Being with 3arry! she conte%p"ate$ whi"e she >#ic'"y change$! was <#st f#n. 3e ne+er care$ %#ch what they $i$! as "ong as they $i$ so%ething. E+en wa"'ing $own the street to the grocery store! or the e+ening they6$ wa"'e$ bac' to the boo'store an$ spent ho#rs "a#ghing! whi"e trying to be >#iet! at the boo's on the she"+es. A&hat the f#c'EA A3arry(A Binny ca""e$ o#t as she p#""e$ her tan' top o+er her hea$. C#ic'"y! she $arte$ across the ha""way to his be$roo%. /he6$ ne+er been insi$e before! b#t she stoo$ behin$ hi% in the $oorway. A&hat the he"" are yo# $oingEA 3arry roare$! ta'ing a giant step forwar$! the wan$ in his han$ sen$ing spar's showering $own to the f"oor. * "o#$ s>#aw' so#n$e$ an$ *r%strong f"ew #p fro% the f"oor in a %ass of c"aws an$ wings! f"apping right at 3arry. A3arryE &aitEA she screa%e$! c"#tching at his ar%. 3e sp#n at her after $ef"ecting the ow" twice. A3e6s attac'ing 3e$wigEA he crie$! his face pa"e an$ "i+i$ at the sa%e ti%e. Binny steppe$ in front of hi%! pressing her han$s to his chest to get hi% to bac' away! her %in$ whir"ing as she trie$ to fig#re o#t what was happening. *r%strong sett"e$ on the ow" perch! r#ff"ing his feathers %enacing"y at 3arry e+ery few secon$s. Binny ha$ ne+er seen hi% act that way. ATe"" %e what6s going on(A Binny $e%an$e$. A&hat happene$(A 3arry sp#n away fro% her! pacing in the roo% as he ran a han$ thro#gh his hair! %a'ing it stan$ #p on en$. A&hen 1 ca%e in! 1 saw hi% on top of her83e$wig6s8she6s $own on the f"oor an$ yo#r $a%ne$ ow" was h#rting her. 3e was wa"'ing a"" o+er her bo$y.A .ea"i2ation began to set in! as Binny too' in the sight of 3e$wig! perfect"y fine! resting in a pi"e of 3arry6s c"othing in the corner! #n$erneath the ow" perch.

/he opene$ her %o#th to e:p"ain what ha$ happene$! b#t a gigg"e b#rst forth instea$. AThis isn6t f#nnyEA 3arry roare$! g"aring at her. A16% going to 'i"" that ow".A Binny p#t her han$s #p again! stopping hi% fro% %o+ing towar$ *r%strong who beat his wings in a gran$ $isp"ay. A3arry! ca"% $ownEA she $e%an$e$. A*r%strong wasn6t h#rting her8they were8 %ating.A /he co#"$ fee" her face heat at the i$ea. 3arry stoppe$ his forwar$ progress! his <aw $ropping as he a"ternate"y gape$ at both her an$ 3e$wig. A=ating(A A;eah! 3arry.A Binny bit her "ip! trying not to "a#gh again. 3arry was ob+io#s"y agitate$ by the who"e i$ea! best not to set hi% off again. A3a+en6t yo# e+er seen that before(A 3arry r#ff"e$ his hair again! a s#re sign he was #nco%fortab"e. A5o. 3e$wig6s ne+er8 we""8A Binny sighe$ in re"ief as 3arry ca"%e$ $own. Than'f#""y! *r%strong see%e$ to be sensing that this wasn6t the right ti%e to contin#e his acti+ities. )#%b ow"! she ro""e$ her eyes. ACo%e on!A she %o+e$ forwar$! trying to her$ 3arry o#t of the roo% before her "#c' fai"e$ an$ *r%strong beca%e si%p"y too ran$y to contro" hi%se"f. AThat was one of %y goo$ shirts!A 3arry %oane$! "oo'ing $own at 3e$wig6s 6nest6. The bir$ "oo'e$ who""y #nrepentant an$ *r%strong post#re$ again before Binny was ab"e to p#sh 3arry o#t of the be$roo%. A1 nee$ a $rin'!A 3arry grow"e$! swift"y %o+ing aro#n$ her an$ s#%%one$ a bott"e of Firewhis'ey. Binny gape$ at hi%. A;o#6+e been ho"$ing o#t on %e!A she grow"e$ as 3arry po#re$ a genero#s shot. /he snatche$ it right o#t fro% #n$er the bott"e an$ $owne$ it! wincing at the b#rn. ABring that to the sofa!A she co%%an$e$! ta'ing another g"ass o#t of the c#pboar$. 3arry b"in'e$ at her! b#t fo""owe$! stopping on"y to re%o+e his trainers an$ #nt#c' his shirt. A)a%ne$ ow"!A he grow"e$! f"opping onto the "eather ne:t to Binny an$ sp"ashing whis'ey into the g"ass she he"$ a"oft.

A1t6s on"y nat#ra"! 3arry. ;o# sho#"$ be happy for the%!A she s%i"e$! once again fighting the #rge to "a#gh. A1t6s not nat#ra"8it6s83e$wig.A 3e scow"e$ at his own $rin' before ta'ing a swa""ow. Binny peere$ at hi%! trying to sense where his irritation was co%ing fro%. &as he tr#"y start"e$ an$ worrie$ for his ow"( r was there so%ething e"se there( A0et6s switch to wine!A Binny s#ggeste$! eying 3arry6s broo$ing %oo$. /o%ehow she g#esse$ that 3arry wo#"$ be a $ar' an$ %oo$y $r#n'. /he >#ic'"y ret#rne$ to the sofa with a $ar' bott"e an$ po#re$ herse"f a g"ass. A3ow "ong has 3e$wig been with yo#(A 3arry raise$ his ha2e" eyes to hers an$ then "oo'e$ away. ATen years!A he a$%itte$. A/he was a...a gift fro% %y Bo$father.A A*n$ she6s ne+er?A A5o!A 3arry shoo' his hea$! finishing his $rin' an$ then "aying bac' against the sofa. A*t "east not that 1 'now of. 1 g#ess 1 o+erreacte$ a bit.A Binny raise$ an eyebrow at hi% an$ he ro""e$ his eyes. A 'ay! a "ot. B#t! it <#st8shoc'e$ %e! 1 g#ess.A They both "apse$ into si"ence an$ Binny en<oye$ the war%! co%fortab"e fee"ing that sett"e$ between the two of the%. This is how it sho#"$ be! Binny to"$ herse"f! ta'ing a sip fro% her wine. They sat in si"ence! each $rin'ing their wine! for a "ong ti%e. Binny began to won$er if 3arry ha$ $rifte$ off to s"eep when he po#re$ hi%se"f another g"ass. The Firewhis'ey ear"ier! an$ now the wine! were gi+ing her a p"easant b#22! softening the e$ges of her +ision an$ %a'ing her fee" happy an$ c#rio#s. A3arry(A A;eah.A 3is +oice was "a2y an$ she g"ance$ o+er to fin$ hi% "ying bac'! <#st as she was. /he grinne$ at his profi"e. A*re yo#8ha+e yo# e+er8been with a wo%an(A The >#estion s"ippe$ o#t an$ Binny6s eyes went wi$e! not rea""y be"ie+ing she6$ act#a""y as'e$ it. B#t she co#"$n6t $eny it ha$ been in her %in$ for so%e ti%e. 616% $r#n'er than 1 tho#ght!6 she sco"$e$ herse"f. 3arry6s eyes opene$ an$ he "oo'e$ at her tho#ghtf#""y! his ga2e g"assy an$ far away. A;eah!A he sai$ >#iet"y. A* few.A Binny no$$e$! fee"ing re"ief! b#t a"so a bit of annoyance at the #n'nown wo%en. Tonight! with the war%th in her be""y! Binny free"y a$%itte$ that she fancie$ 3arry. /he <#st $i$n6t 'now how to procee$! rea""y. 1f she a$%itte$ it! wo#"$ he fee" the sa%e! or wo#"$ he <#st "a#gh at her.

A3ow abo#t yo#(A he as'e$. A3a+e yo# e+er8with a g#y! yo# 'now.A 3is face t#rne$ re$ an$ Binny gigg"e$. A*re yo#8b"#shing(A A5o!A 3arry $efen$e$! his chee's $ar'ening f#rther! e+en as a s%i"e t#gge$ at his %o#th. A;o# are!A Binny "a#ghe$. A1 %a$e yo# b"#sh.A A&hate+er!A 3arry ro""e$ his eyes. 3e n#$ge$ her sho#"$er an$ she p#she$ bac'! starting a 'in$ of war o+er the sofa c#shion #nti" they en$e$ #p right ne:t to each other! ar%s r#bbing. A1 wonEA Binny crowe$! throwing her han$s #p in +ictory. A5o wayEA 3arry "a#ghe$! gi+ing her one fina" sho+e that sent her spraw"ing away fro% hi%. ACheater!A Binny grow"e$. /he "a#ghe$ an$ then stoppe$! rea"i2ing how re"a:e$ 3arry was right now. *s %#ch f#n as they6$ ha$ in the past few wee's! she6$ ne+er seen hi% this open with her! e%otiona""y an$ abo#t his past. A1 a%!A 3arry no$$e$! wagg"ing his eyebrows. A&inning is the %ost i%portant thing! after a"".A A16% g"a$ we agree.A /he sett"e$ bac' into her spot ne:t to hi%! c#r"ing #p into a co%fortab"e position. A;o#6re a+oi$ing the >#estion!A 3arry grow"e$! n#$ging her with his sho#"$er again. Binny stare$ at hi%! trying to re%e%ber if there ha$ been a >#estion. B#t 3arry wasn6t to be $eterre$. A;o#8an$ g#ys. 3a+e yo# e+er8A A3a$ se:(A Binny as'e$ bo"$"y! grinning at his s%a"" gri%ace. 3is nose was so c#te! scr#nche$ #p "i'e that. A1f yo# can6t e+en say it! 3arry! then we6re not going to ta"' abo#t ?A A/e:EA 3arry b"#rte$ o#t. A1 can say it8 3a+e yo# e+er ha$ se:(A 3e "oo'e$ a bit "i'e a pet#"ant chi"$! especia""y when he crosse$ his ar%s across his chest. Binny "a#ghe$ an$ t#gge$ at his han$s! %a'ing hi% re"a: a bit. A1 ha+e!A Binny a$%itte$. A&hi"e 1 was at schoo".A 3arry no$$e$ an$ sippe$ his wine. The iss#e see%e$ to $ie there an$ Binny stare$ at hi%! perp"e:e$. )i$ he want her to contin#e! or8

A16% h#ngry!A he obser+e$ o#t of the b"#e. /he starte$ as the ta'e9away cartons ho+ere$ in. /he ha$n6t e+en seen hi% $raw his wan$. B#t it was there in his han$. 3arry grinne$! offering her two bo:es an$ a for'. They sat cross9"egge$ on the sofa! 'nees to#ching an$ eating straight o#t of the bo:es. A3ow o"$ were yo#!A Binny as'e$! Awhen yo# first ha$ se:(A /he too' a "arge bite of chow %ein! s"oppi"y s#c'ing the noo$"es into her %o#th an$ "a#ghing when one sw#ng #p an$ to#che$ her nose. /he %oane$ in satisfaction as the foo$ hit her e%pty sto%ach. Chinese foo$ ha$ ne+er taste$ so goo$. 3arry sighe$ an$ pic'e$ at a piece of brocco"i before sho+ing it in his %o#th. A/i:teen!A he a$%itte$. A/he was8this gir" fro% schoo". 1 ha$ a 'in$ of cr#sh on her an$ we starte$ foo"ing aro#n$. ne thing "e$ to another.A 3is chee's f"#she$ again an$ Binny gigg"e$ at hi%. A/o8were yo# a se:9go$ yo#r first ti%e! or a nor%a" f#%b"ing teenage boy(A 3e bar'e$ o#t a "a#gh! throwing his hea$ bac'. A*re yo# 'i$$ing %e( 1 ha$ no c"#e what 1 was $oing. 1 %ean8/ir?er! /a%! that6s %y Bo$father?he to"$ %e a"" abo#t8we""8A AE+erything!A Binny shr#gge$! "o+ing this a$orab"y +#"nerab"e si$e of 3arry. 3e "oo'e$ so attracti+e right now! with his chee's f"#she$ an$ his stoc'ing9c"a$ feet fo"$e$ #n$er hi%. A5o!A 3arry shoo' his hea$! ta"'ing with his %o#th f#"". A5ot e+erything8b#t! eno#gh to %a'e %e c#rio#s.A A*n$ the gir"(A Binny as'e$! stabbing a carrot an$ st#ffing it into her %o#th before attac'ing the other carton in her "ap. A16"" bet she was hotEA A/he was pretty!A 3arry a$%itte$. 3e "owere$ his for' an$ Binny "oo'e$ #p! her breath catching in her throat at the intense "oo' he was gi+ing her. AB#t 1 thin' yo#6re prettier.A 3er chee's f"a%e$ an$ she s%i"e$ <#st a bit! before occ#pying herse"f with her chic'en. 6&hat $i$ he %ean by that(6 she as'e$ herse"f. Co#"$ he rea""y fancy her! or was he <#st $r#n'. /he g"ance$ o+er at the bott"e of wine! rea"i2ing that they6$ finishe$ a"%ost the who"e thing. &e""! that e:p"aine$ it. /he st#ffe$ another bite of her orange chic'en into her %o#th an$ chewe$! tasting "ess of it this ti%e. A1 was si:teen a"so. =ichae" was a year o"$er. &e6$ $ate$ for awhi"e first.A A=iche""e was81t was f#n!A 3arry sai$! a s%a""! far away s%i"e on his face. AB#t then! so%e things happene$8in %y "ife! an$81 ha$ to "ea+e schoo".A

AThat %#st ha+e h#rt!A Binny note$! seeing the $ar' "oo' on his face. 1t s#rprise$ her how >#ic'"y it ca%e on! "i'e a th#n$erstor% in "ate *#g#st! b#i"$ing b"ac' c"o#$s in <#st secon$s where the s#n ha$ shown before. A5ot beca#se of her!A 3arry $efen$e$! softening a "itt"e. A1 %ean! she was great! b#t we were both yo#ng an$81 'new it wasn6t rea""y going anywhere! yo# 'now.A A;eah!A Binny no$$e$! thin'ing of her two re"ationships. 5either of the% ha$ %eant as %#ch as they sho#"$ ha+e. A*fter8we""! after schoo"!A 3arry r#ff"e$ his hair an$ set his foo$ on the f"oor! $raining his wine an$ refi""ing the g"ass with what "itt"e was sti"" in the bott"e. AThere was this one wo%an8 &e $ate$ for a bit! b#t it <#st wasn6t8eno#gh.A Binny pon$ere$ that for a %in#te! ta'ing another s%a"" bite. A&itch(A A=#gg"e!A 3arry shr#gge$! reaching o+er to stea" a bite of her foo$ with the for' he sti"" he"$. A/he8$i$n6t rea""y 'now who 1 was! yo# 'now. /he was <#st so%eone to "et %e not thin'8abo#t things. 1t was on"y a few wee's! rea""y. *n$ then 1 $eci$e$ to co%e here.A A*n$ since then(A Binny as'e$. /he stare$ $own at her foo$! the h#nger fro% before $ying away >#ic'"y as the %oo$ in9between the% change$. 3arry shifte$ in his spot an$ set his for' $own. A5o one.A Binny s"i$ her two bo:es $own ne:t to 3arry6s an$ c#r"e$ #p in the sofa! t#c'ing her feet #n$er her! an$ "eaning on 3arry6s sho#"$er. A=ichae" an$ 1 ha$ been seeing each other for a"%ost a year an$ we ha$ a big fight. 3e was being an o+erprotecti+e git an$ 1 $i$n6t appreciate it. &e6$ been apart for a few wee's when 1 hear$ he6$ been with another gir"?an o"$er gir" who6$ gra$#ate$ a"rea$y. /he6$ been seeing so%eone pretty stea$y whi"e she was in schoo" an$ 1 $on6t 'now what happene$. /he en$e$ #p %arrying the other g#y "ater. *nyway! one of %y goo$ frien$s c"ai%e$ to ha+e seen the% in 3ogs%ea$e! attache$ at the "ips an$ %ore.A 3arry gr#nte$! b#t $i$n6t spea'! so Binny contin#e$. 3er hea$ began to spin a bit an$ she presse$ her fingers to her eyes! b"otting o#t the f#22y roo% in front of her. A1 was f#rio#s insi$e! b#t fe"t 1 $i$n6t ha+e %#ch right to say anything as 1 was the one who bro'e it off. )ean was8A she sighe$. A16% asha%e$ to a$%it that 1 #se$ hi%. /ha%e"ess"y.A /he fe"t 3arry stro'e her sho#"$er in s#pport an$ fe"t an o+erwhe"%ing affection for hi% spar'"e insi$e her. A3e $i$n6t see% to %in$!A she sai$. A1t was so strange7 16$ %a$e =ichae" wait so "ong to to#ch %e. *n$ there 1 was! in be$ with )ean after on"y a few con+ersations an$ a few snogging sessions. 1 'new it wo#"$n6t "ast an$ )ean 'new it too. .on ha$ a fit one $ay

after catching #s co%ing o#t of the boys6 $or%. 3e threatene$ to write to =#% an$ the boys! b#t 1 spi""e$ his $irty "itt"e secret in the %i$$"e of the co%%on roo% an$ he ne+er sai$ another wor$.A A&hat secret(A 3arry as'e$ with a ch#c'"e. Binny "ifte$ her hea$ an$ ga+e hi% a sa#cy s%i"e. A3e an$ 3er%ione were $oing it "i'e rabbits a"" o+er the cast"e. 3er%ione preten$s to be a"" pri% an$ proper b#t 16+e seen what she 'eeps in her secret $rawers.A 3arry ch#c'"e$ an$ wrappe$ his ar% aro#n$ her as she nest"e$ bac' in to his si$e. Binny fe"t a bit $irty for airing that "a#n$ry! b#t she 'new 3arry wo#"$n6t te"" anyone! an$ it see%e$ that nothing co#"$ stay in her hea$ tonight! it s"ippe$ right o#t of her %o#th. A=ichae" %#st ha+e hear$ so%ething beca#se ca%e bac' to %e on his 'nees.A /he trai"e$ off tho#ghtf#""y! scow"ing. A=#% tho#ght we were going to get %arrie$.A A&hy $i$n6t yo#(A 3arry as'e$. 3is han$ starte$ to p"ay with her hair! "acing his fingers in an$ o#t of it gent"y. 1t fe"t incre$ib"e an$ Binny s>#ir%e$! fee"ing the p"easant sensation awa'en her $esire for 3arry. /he was s#re he $i$n6t e+en rea"i2e he was to#ching her that way! "et a"one what it %eant to her. Binny fe"t her face heat an$ she too' a $eep breath! trying to b#ry her rest"essness. A3e wasn6t the one.A A5ot goo$ eno#gh in be$(A 3arry as'e$. Binny g"ance$ #p at hi%! s#rprise$ that he6$ %a$e the <o'e. A5ot goo$ eno#gh a"" aro#n$!A she sai$ >#iet"y. /he swa""owe$ thic'"y! fee"ing her hea$ start to spin again as 3arry s%i"e$ $own at her. A*n$ what abo#t8"ate"y(A he as'e$! so%ething $eep in his tone that she co#"$n6t >#ite $ecipher. A5ot since =ichae"!A Binny a$%itte$! sha'ing her hea$! "oo'ing into his eyes an$ wishing she ha$ eno#gh co#rage to te"" hi% that she fancie$ hi%. &o#"$ it be so har$( 3is eyes were g"assy as he stare$ bac' an$ Binny ha$ to b"in' away the $i22iness?she wasn6t s#re if it was the intense "oo' he was gi+ing her! or the a"coho". The si"ence stretche$ between the% an$ 3arry reache$ o#t! s"i$ing a bit of her hair near her te%p"e thro#gh his fingers. The $esire she6$ force$ $own ear"ier ret#rne$ with a +engeance! %a'ing her p#"se race an$ her breath beco%e sha""ow. A3arry8A

Binny "ifte$ #p on her 'nees an$ bo"$"y presse$ her "ips to his! fee"ing co%p"ete"y o#t of contro" of herse"f! yet won$erf#" a"" the sa%e. 3arry6s %o#th opene$ #n$er hers an$ his ar%s ca%e aro#n$ her! c"#tching her to his chest. 3e taste$ bitter fro% the wine an$ Binny presse$ herse"f to hi%. A=%%%!A she %oane$ when his tong#e taste$ her own. 3is hair was so soft! %#ch softer than she6$ i%agine$ it wo#"$ be in her fantasies! an$ her han$s b#rie$ in it! gent"y %assaging his sca"p. 3arry6s han$s were fir% against her bac'! r#bbing an$ to#ching an$8won$erf#". B#t so%ewhere $eep in the bac' of her %in$! Binny rea"i2e$ she co#"$n6t $o this. They were both $r#n'. They6$ both <#st a$%itte$ they were "one"y an$ star+e$ for affection8 This was wrong. /he bro'e away first! staring at his c"o#$y eyes b"in'ing bac' at her. A16% sorry!A she %#%b"e$! fee"ing her face heat. C#ic'"y! she stoo$ #p! stepping o+er their aban$one$ foo$ an$ %o+e$ to her be$roo%. nce the $oor c"ose$ behin$ her! Binny presse$ her bac' to it an$ s"i$ $own to sit on the f"oor! c"#tching her 'nees to her chest. 3er "ips sti"" ting"e$ an$ her bo$y re%e%bere$ the strong! yet ten$er way he ha$ he"$ her to hi%. &ith any "#c'! Binny tho#ght! he won6t re%e%ber this in the %orning. /he6$ <#st preten$ it ne+er happene$! a"" the whi"e rep"aying the e+ent in her hea$ as the %ost spectac#"ar 'iss she6$ e+er ha$. A/N: I "i" borrow the term 'Techs' from :T0 an" his 7eign 8ver 'e story. I really li e" it an" have been waiting a while to fin" the right !lace to use it. Also, I never !romise" that I woul"n't leave it in another cliffhanger, "i" I. Dwin sD

*Chapter +*: Chapter +: The ,arth Spins

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters!

sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter +: The ,arth Spins 3arry a""owe$ hi%se"f to sin' $eeper an$ $eeper into the 'iss! his hea$ spinning. 3e wasn6t >#ite s#re if it was the wine8or the fee" of Binny presse$ against hi%! the way she6$ sai$ his na%e in that breathy8%e"ting 'in$ of +oice. 3e 'new he6$ wa'e #p any %in#te now to fin$ hi%se"f in his be$ a"one with his ar%s wrappe$ aro#n$ his pi""ow an$ a raging erection. Binny6s fingers in his hair! the sharpness of her fingernai"s on his sca"p! %a$e hi% groan. This ha$ to be rea". 3e6$ ne+er ha$ a 'iss anything "i'e this? *n$ then it en$e$! <#st as he6$ feare$. Binny p#""e$ away fro% hi%! her face re$ an$ horrifie$. 3arry co#"$n6t $o anything b#t watch her scra%b"e o#t of the roo%. 3e staye$ fro2en on the sofa! his "ips sti"" ting"ing fro% her. What the hell -ust ha!!ene". 6/he was $r#n'! 4otter!6 he grow"e$ to hi%se"f. 6*n$ yo# were ta"'ing abo#t se:86 3arry scow"e$ at the wine bott"e an$ foo$ containers as he "e+itate$ the% to the 'itchen. /o what if she ca%e o#t an$ saw hi% %oo$i"y staring at her $oor! he $eci$e$. /he6$ been the one to initiate the 'iss! to get hi% a"" wor'e$ #p an$ then "ea+e. 6/he was $r#n'!6 he re%in$e$ hi%se"f again! fee"ing a bit contrite. *n$ so was he. &hat if8what if he'" been the one to act#a""y enco#rage it( &hat if8he'" e%barrasse$ her the way he6$ gi+en o+er so f#""y to the sensations( That wo#"$ certain"y e:p"ain why she6$ f"e$ so >#ic'"y. 3arry scow"e$ at the foo$ bo:es in his han$s an$ ro#gh"y set the% into the fri$ge before wa"'ing to his roo%. 3e pa#se$ at Binny6s roo%! won$ering if he sho#"$ 'noc' an$ %a'e s#re she was a"right. &hat she %ight see when she opene$ the $oor! howe+er! %a$e hi% retract his han$ fro% the 'noc'. There he stoo$! his hair stan$ing on en$! his shirt r#%p"e$ an$ a per%anent scow" on his face8what an i$iot. 3arry sh#t his $oor >#iet"y an$ presse$ his fingers to his te%p"es. The p"easant f#22iness ca#se$ by the a"coho" an$ the 'issing was wearing off! "ea+ing on"y regret an$ "one"iness in its wa'e.

The be$ was co"$ when he c"i%be$ in! on"y wearing his bo:ers an$ t9shirt. 3is ar%s wrappe$ aro#n$ the e:tra pi""ow! wishing it co#"$ be Binny there instea$. 3arry was %a'ing brea'fast when Binny t#rne$ off the water. /he bit her "ip an$ s"ow"y $rie$ off! not s#re how to procee$. /ho#"$ she preten$ nothing happene$( r $i$ she si%p"y face it an$ $ea" with the conse>#ences of her rec'"essness( =aybe she co#"$ ta'e her c#e fro% 3arry! she $eci$e$ as she br#she$ thro#gh her hair. 1f 3arry acte$ nor%a"! she wo#"$ act nor%a". 1f 3arry was noticeab"y bothere$! then she6$ bring it #p. A=orning!A she sai$! trying not to so#n$ o+er"y cheerf#". AThan' yo# for the tea.A There! in the sa%e spot that it a"ways was! was Binny6s c#p of tea. 1t was prepare$ perfect"y! as we"". ne s"ice of "e%on on the si$e! no s#gar or crea%. 3arry ca#ght her eye for a %in#te before no$$ing an$ t#rning bac' to the pan he was coo'ing eggs in. A5o prob"e%!A he %#%b"e$. Binny san' $own into the chair! 'nowing that she was going to ha+e to say so%ething! beca#se e+erything was now $ifferent between the%. /he6$ ha$ a horrib"e %ista'e an$ possib"y thrown away a frien$ship! o+er a $r#n'en 'iss! when she 'new that 3arry $i$n6t fee" the sa%e. 3e was <#st "one"y. A3arry!A she sai$! concentrating on r#nning her finger aro#n$ the ri% of the c#p. A1 nee$ to apo"ogi2e for "ast night81 $i$n6t %ean to get so persona". *n$8A A1t6s o'ay!A 3arry sai$ soft"y! g"ancing bac' o+er his sho#"$er. 3e wore a strange "oo' that Binny co#"$n6t $efine. A)on6t worry abo#t it.A A1 $on6t want yo# to thin'8A /he trai"e$ off! not s#re e:act"y what she wante$ to say. A;o#6re %y frien$! Binny!A 3arry sai$! as he s"i$ a frie$ egg onto her p"ate. A1 was o#t of "ine! an$ 1 $on6t want to <eopar$i2e that frien$ship o+er one night an$ a bott"e of wine. =aybe we sho#"$8<#st forget it happene$.A M Binny no$$e$! "etting his wor$s sin' in. &hy $i$ he fee" he was o#t of "ine( A3arry! it was %e who8A A1ts fine. &e6$ both ha$ too %#ch to $rin'!A 3arry proteste$. The tightness in his tone %a$e her stop protesting.

3arry see%e$ as $eter%ine$ as she was to not %a'e this a h#ge $ea". A1 thin' that wo#"$ be a goo$ i$ea!A Binny sai$! fir%"y. 3er heart! howe+er! ache$ $eep insi$e her. A1! er81 ha+e so%e hango+er potion if yo# nee$ it.A AEr8that %ight be a goo$ i$ea!A 3arry no$$e$. 3e sat $own across fro% her an$ she co#"$ see the $ar' circ"es #n$er his eyes an$ the pa"e! pasty "oo' of his s'in. A3arry8A A1 'in$ of8ha$ another shot! or two!A he a$%itte$ with a g#i"ty shr#g! Aafter yo# went to be$.A A3arryEA Binny gape$ at hi%. A&hy( *n$ how in the he"" are yo# e+en conscio#s now(A 3er hea$ ree"e$! trying to fig#re o#t what this %eant. Either he wante$ to forget the night co%p"ete"y! or8she $i$n6t 'now what. The tho#ght h#rt %ore than a bit. A1t was st#pi$!A he a$%itte$! scraping bits of egg aro#n$ the p"ate b#t not rea""y eating any. A;es! it was!A Binny $e%an$e$. Fee"ing ba$ for p#tting hi% in s#ch a position! Binny s#%%one$ the s%a"" bott"e of potion fro% her be$roo%. A3ere! yo# nee$ it %ore than 1 $o.A AThan's!A 3arry %#%b"e$! >#ic'"y swa""owing it! b#t not %eeting her eyes. A1t6s best if yo# s"eep it off!A she shr#gge$! p"aying with her own brea'fast. A;eah!A he a$%itte$. A1 %ight <#st $o that.A 3e stoo$! banishe$ his p"ate to the sin' an$ fina""y "oo'e$ at her. A18A A3arry!A Binny shoo' her hea$ an$ ca%e o+er to hi%! s"ow"y wrapping her ar%s aro#n$ hi%. A16% sorry. 1t was st#pi$! "ast night. *n$! 181 won6t e+er $o that again! 1 pro%ise yo#.A 3e stiffene$ #n$erneath her as she force$ the wor$s o#t. A&e can forget abo#t it co%p"ete"y!A she shoo' her hea$! p#""ing bac'. A*"right!A he agree$! a s"ow s%i"e stretching his face. 3esitating"y! he reache$ #p an$ %o+e$ a "oc' of hair behin$ her ear. A&hat are yo# #p to to$ay(A Binny "oo'e$ at hi%! %es%eri2e$ by his ha2e" eyes. There was so%ething there?ha$ been fro% the %o%ent she first %et hi%?that was <#st8$ifferent abo#t his eyes. They ha$ a c"o#$y! swir"ing >#a"ity abo#t the% that Binny <#st co#"$n6t pinpoint.

A&e""! 1 ha+e to wor' "ater! an$ 1 was s#ppose$ to ha+e "#nch with 3er%ione. B#t 1 thin' 16% going to cance" that an$ stay aro#n$ here to$ay.A A&hy(A he as'e$! narrowing his eyes at her. ABeca#se!A she c"enche$ her teeth an$ soft"y s"#gge$ hi% in the ar%. A1 nee$ to stic' aro#n$ her an$ %a'e s#re %y best frien$ $oesn6t %a'e st#pi$ $ecisions.A 3arry6s <aw $roppe$. A16%8yo#6re8best frien$(A Binny wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ hi% again! breathing his scent in $eep"y an$ c#rsing her wea' heart. A;o# are!A she a$%itte$! p#""ing hi% into another e%brace. 3arry he"$ her there for a %in#te before p"acing a s%a"" 'iss against her forehea$. A;o#6re %y best frien$ too!A he whispere$. Binny grinne$ against his chest. ABoo$!A she proc"ai%e$ as she p#""e$ bac'. AThen yo#6"" "isten to %e when 1 te"" yo# to get yo#r arse bac' to be$ an$ s"eep it off.A A;es %a6a%!A 3arry >#ippe$! $o$ging her ar% as it <er'e$ o#t to grab hi%. A iEA she ca""e$ o#t $own the ha""way. A5o %ore $rin'ing a"one! pratEA 3arry "a#ghe$ fro% his be$roo%. A5ote$.A The be$ <#st wasn6t co%fortab"e to$ay! 3arry $eci$e$. B#t he co#"$n6t "ea+e the be$roo% yet. Binny sti"" ha$n6t "eft for wor' an$ e+ery ti%e he6$ +ent#re$ o#t! e+en to #se the "oo! she6$ bar'e$ hi% bac' insi$e! "ect#ring hi% abo#t hango+ers an$ st#pi$ frien$s. The wor$ 6frien$6 ca#se$ %i:e$ fee"ings in 3arry. 3e6$ ne+er rea""y a""owe$ hi%se"f to ha+e so%eone he consi$ere$ a 6best frien$6. E+en in schoo" he6$ he"$ e+eryone at ar%6s $istance! afrai$ that so%eone %ight fin$ o#t his secrets. B#t Binny8she was $ifferent. /he was the first one he rea""y wante" to te"" e+erything to. The tho#ght of her as his best frien$ create$ a war% p"ace insi$e hi% where he wante$ to spen$ %ore ti%e e:p"oring. Then again8it was a $o#b"e e$ge$ swor$. E+en tho#ght it was probab"y for the best that they forgot abo#t "ast night co%p"ete"y! it sti"" h#rt. 3e6$ rep"aye$ e+ery wor$! e+ery %o+e%ent! in his hea$?that ha$ pro%pte$ the two "ate night $rin's! a"ong with hi% finishing off a"" of the Chinese foo$ we"" after %i$night. C#ite si%p"y! Binny ha$ awo'en fee"ings in hi% that he6$ ne+er f#""y e:a%ine$ before. ;es! there was "#st. /he was an e:tre%e"y attracti+e wo%an an$ 3arry was "one"y. B#t there was so %#ch %ore to her than <#st her bo$y.

Co#"$ he s#r+i+e being on"y her frien$( 3er best frien$( 3arry wasn6t s#re. B#t he $i$ 'now that he was going to ha+e to choose. Beca#se there was si%p"y no way he co#"$ be in "o?we""! ha+e these fee"ings for her whi"e she went on with her "ife. 3e nee$e$ to $eci$e what to $o. A16% going to "ea+e now!A Binny ca""e$ fro% the other si$e of his $oor. A1 'now yo#6re awa'e! 3arry.A 3e ch#c'"e$ fro% his be$. A;eah! 1 a%.A ABoo$! try not to $ie whi"e 16% gone! yeah(A The sarcas% in her +oice %a$e hi% grin. A16"" $o %y best.A ABoo$EA she ca""e$ bac' before her +oice softene$. A3arry! $on6t $o anything st#pi$! o'ay(A 3arry swa""owe$ thic'"y! to#che$ that his best frien$ was thin'ing abo#t hi% "i'e that. 1t fe"t8goo$. A;eah! 1 won6t.A /i"ence answere$ hi% an$ he won$ere$ if she was gone a"rea$y. ABinny(A A;eah.A A;o#8yo# be caref#" too.A /he $i$n6t say anything an$ 3arry c"ose$ his eyes pict#ring her on the other si$e of the $oor! her han$ sp"aye$ o+er the woo$. A1 wi""!A she fina""y sai$ an$ he co#"$ hear her footsteps in the ha""! an$ then the 6pop6 of her *ppraration. Binny s%i"e$ as she rea"i2e$ where she was. Bac' at 3ogwarts. The corri$ors she wa"'e$ $own were happi"y fa%i"iar with the a"co+es an$ portraits! s#its of ar%or an$ tapestries. These were the ha""s of her yo#ng a$#"thoo$. The fact that they were +irt#a""y $eserte$ $i$n6t register co%p"ete"y as Binny wa"'e$ s"ow"y! her han$ trai"ing a"ong the worn stone in the wa""s. The sha$ows in the ha""ways got "onger as she contin#e$! %a'ing Binny wary. /oon! she was in the $#ngeons! $espite the fact that she ha$n6t gone $own any f"ights of stairs.

)ar' eyes watche$ her fro% the corners an$ Binny wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ herse"f! pic'ing #p her pace to get to the Entrance 3a"". /he nee$e$ to see the s#n"ight again! to be ab"e to breathe fresh air an$ escape this c"awing! cho'ing fee"ing. =rs. 5orris $arte$ o#t in front of her! %a'ing Binny screa%. /he c"#tche$ at her heart as the cat s'ittere$ ahea$ of her! eyes wi$e with fright. A/t#pi$ cat!A Binny %#ttere$! ho"$ing her han$ o#t in front of her to b"oc' anything fro% co%ing at her. The corner where she was s#ppose$ to t#rn ca%e >#ic'"y an$ she a"%ost ran to it! throwing herse"f aro#n$ it! on"y to stop. The stairway #pwar$ wasn6t there! on"y another corri$or where a $ripping so#n$ was hear$ echoing a"ong it. The p#ngent o$or of rot %a$e Binny gag. /he co#"$n6t t#rn aro#n$! not with the eyes bac' there watching her. /he began to r#n. 4erhaps she6$ %isca"c#"ate$ how %any t#rns she6$ a"rea$y %a$e8it ha$ to be soon. 3er footsteps echoe$ "o#$"y on the corri$or! b#t she s'i$$e$ to a stop when she rea"i2e$ where she was. This wasn6t the $#ngeon?it was the corri$or o#tsi$e the Cha%ber8where e+eryone ha$ been attac'e$. Binny sp#n aro#n$! stif"ing a screa% when she saw =rs. 5orris! hanging by her tai" fro% a wa"" sconce. n"y she wasn6t petrifie$7 b"oo$ $rippe$ stea$i"y o#t of her bo$y into an e+er9wi$ening poo" on the f"oor. A5o!A Binny whispere$. This wasn6t what ha$ happene$8=rs. 5orris ha$n6t $ie$8 /he t#rne$ away fro% the sight! on"y to gag as ,#stin Finch9F"etch"ey6s corpse "ay in front of her on the f"oor. 3is face was b"oo$"ess! b#t he "ay in a stic'y b"ac' poo" of so%ething Binny ref#se$ to "et her %in$ ac'now"e$ge. 3er%ione "ay farther a"ong! .on6s crying for% bent o+er her as she "ay in $eath. Binny s"a%%e$ her eyes sh#t! swa""owing bac' the bi"e in her throat. This was a night%are8it ha$ to be. Wa e u!, /inny) Wa e u!) A1t was yo#EA Binny shoo' her hea$! c"a%ping her han$s $own o+er her ears as 4ercy6s +oice echoe$ in the corri$or. A5o! it wasn6tEA she $enie$. A1t wasn6t %eEA A;o# 'i""e$ herEA he acc#se$ again an$ she sp#n to $efen$ herse"f. E+erything was a"" o#t of proportion! howe+er! an$ 4ercy! his ar%s wrappe$ aro#n$ his $ea$ gir"frien$! see%e$ thirty feet ta""! "oo%ing o+er her.

A3ow co#"$ yo# be so st#pi$! Binny(A he ye""e$! his +oice boo%ing "i'e th#n$er. A5o one wi"" "o+e yo# now. 16"" te"" e+eryone.A A5o!A Binny shoo' her hea$ again! sobs we""ing o#t of her. A5o one $ie$. 5o one $ie$.A A;o#6re a %onster.A The "ast wor$ echoe$ in Binny6s ears an$ she screa%e$! "oo'ing #p at the &i2enga%ot! c"a$ in their rega" p"#%9co"ore$ robes! a"" "oo'ing $own at her. A*n$ yo# 'now what we $o to %onsters8A Binny crie$ again! fighting against the chains that he"$ her into the chair in the center of the co#rtroo%. A&e gi+e the% to 3arry 4otterEA The =inister $ecree$! s%i"ing bright"y. 3is cheerf#"ness was co%p"ete"y o#t of p"ace an$ Binny sp#n aro#n$ as the $oors to the co#rtroo% s"a%%e$ open. B"in$ing "ight f"oo$e$ the roo% an$ she ha$ to s>#int to see %ore than an o#t"ine of a %an! si"ho#ette$ in the brightness. A*n$ here he is nowEA Cheers rang a"" aro#n$ as Binny contin#e$ to cry. A5o one $ie$. 5o one $ie$.A B#t she 'new she was wrong. E+eryone ha$ $ie$. *n$ it ha" been a"" her fa#"t. 3arry 4otter too' a step forwar$! b#t she sti"" co#"$n6t see his face. ABinny.A /he t#rne$ away! not wanting to see another person! especia""y not so%eone as a%a2ing an$ powerf#" as 3arry 4otter! "oo'ing at her. ABinny.A A5 EA she crie$ o#t! "ifting her ar%s to 'eep hi% fro% to#ching her. 3is face ca%e into foc#s as she battere$ against hi%. n"y it wasn6t in her $rea%! an$ it wasn6t 3arry 4otter. 1t was 3arry! her best frien$. *n$ she was safe in her be$! in the $ar'ness of night! with 3arry wrappe$ aro#n$ her. A;o#6re a"right!A he 'ept whispering! s%oothing her hair away as he roc'e$ her bac' an$ forth.

*"" of the fight "eft her as she a""owe$ hi% to ta'e her weight f#""y. /he co#"$ fee" her tears soa'ing into his t9shirt! b#t she was too tire$ to care any%ore. 1t $i$n6t %atter! beca#se she wasn6t at 3ogwarts! an$ she wasn6t possesse$! an$ on"y 4ene"ope ha$ $ie$? not e+eryone. A1t6s o'ay!A 3arry contin#e$! tightening his ar%s aro#n$ her. A16+e got yo#. 5o one6s going to h#rt yo#! Binny. 1 won6t "et the%.A /he forgot to be e%barrasse$ as they h#$$"e$ together on her twin si2e$ be$ in the $ar'. 3arry6s grip $i$n6t re"a:! b#t he $i$ t#g her $own with hi%! c#r"ing aro#n$ her. 3er tears $rie$ as she ana"y2e$ the $rea%. A16% sorry!A she fina""y sai$! sti"" not ha+ing the strength to p#"" away fro% hi%. A)on6t!A 3arry sai$ soft"y! sn#gg"ing his hea$ against hers. A1t6s fine.A Binny opene$ her %o#th se+era" ti%es! not s#re what she was going to te"" hi%! b#t the o+erwhe"%ing #rge to say so%ething was there. 3ow co#"$ he #n$erstan$( &o#"$ he treat her "i'e her fa%i"y $i$( r! worse! treat her "i'e it was a"" her fa#"t( 4ercy6s "eering face "oo%e$ o+er her an$ she shoo' her hea$ to c"ear it away. 3arry6s han$ s%oothe$ her hair as he he"$ her. A/o%eti%es it he"ps to ta"' abo#t it!A he sai$ soft"y. A;o# 'now yo# can te"" %e anything(A Binny6s heart c"enche$ an$ she swa""owe$ thic'"y! trying to $eci$e if she co#"$ han$"e it. A&hen 1 was fo#rteen!A she starte$! her +oice sha'y an$ "ow. A1 fo#n$ a $iary in %y schoo" things. 1 sho#"$ ha+e 'nown better8%y $a$ a"ways to"$ #s not to tr#st anything that co#"$ thin' for itse"f if yo# co#"$n6t see where it 'ept its brain.A 3arry snorte$ o#t a ha"f9"a#gh! b#t h#gge$ her tighter to hi%. Binny too' a $eep breath an$ contin#e$. A*t first! 1 tho#ght 16$ fo#n$ this great frien$. 3ogwarts was8it was "one"y. 1 ha$ frien$s! b#t not any c"ose ones! rea""y. .on was pop#"ar an$ e+eryone "o+e$ the twins8A /he too' a $eep breath. The wor$s! which she6$ "oc'e$ #p insi$e her for so "ong! ca%e t#%b"ing o#t a"" o+er 3arry. AE+erything 1 wrote into it soa'e$ right in8an$ so%eone was writing bac'.A Binny stoppe$ when 3arry noticeab"y stiffene$. A&hat happene$(A he as'e$! his +oice hea+y an$ "ow.

A*t first it was fine. 1 <#st to"$ To%! that was his na%e!A she a$%itte$ soft"y. A1 to"$ hi% abo#t how "one"y 1 was! how 1 wante$ a goo$ frien$! a boyfrien$!A her face b#rne$ at the a$%ission! b#t she 'ept going. A*n$ how har$ it was to be the yo#ngest in a "arge fa%i"y. A3e "istene$! e+en ga+e %e s#ggestions to he"p %e stan$ o#t. B#t then8things starte$ to happen. 1 wo'e #p one %orning co+ere$ in chic'en feathers! an$ 1 co#"$n6t re%e%ber why.A Binny presse$ her ear to the space abo+e 3arry6s heart! "istening to the gent"e 6th#%p9th#%p6 there. A*nother ti%e %y new robes were co+ere$ in re$ paint. 1 trie$ an$ trie$ to get the paint o#t. Fina""y! 1 ba""e$ the% #p an$ st#ffe$ the% in %y tr#n'. A*n$ then!A her +oice bro'e as she swa""owe$ tears. A0arge perio$s of ti%e starte$ to go by! an$ 1 ha$ no way to e:p"ain where 1 was! or what 16$ $one.A ABinny8A 3arry trai"e$ off! c"#%si"y wiping her wet chee's. A;o# $on6t ha+e to go on8A A5o!A she proteste$. A1 want to. 16+e ne+er rea""y to"$ anyone before.A /he g"ance$ #p at hi%! s#c'ing in a breath at the ten$erness in his face. A181 want to te"" yo#! if that6s a"right.A 3arry no$$e$ <er'i"y. A16"" "isten.A Binny searche$ his $ar' face for a %o%ent! fee"ing a tre%en$o#s s#rge of affection for hi%. The ga2e was intense an$ Binny force$ herse"f to "oo' away! instea$ of %a'ing the sa%e st#pi$ %ista'e she6$ %a$e before. A/t#$ents were being attac'e$!A she contin#e$! b#rrowing into his chest again. A* boy na%e$ ,#stin! an$! fina""y83er%ione.A A;o#r brother6s gir"frien$(A 3e as'e$! a strange tone to his +oice. A;eah!A Binny sai$. A n"y they weren6t going o#t then. *fter 3er%ione was attac'e$8 we""?yo#6+e hear$ of a Basi"is'(A 3arry sh#$$ere$ #n$erneath her an$ she no$$e$. AThat6s what was happening. 181 was possesse$. The $iary8it a""owe$ a portion of8To% to possess %e.A Binny "oo'e$ #p as 3arry %#%b"e$ so%ething #n$er his breath! b#t she co#"$n6t %a'e it o#t. 1t was a"%ost a 6hissing6 so#n$! b#t he wai+e$ her off. A*n$81 was contro""ing the Basi"is'! setting it "oose on the schoo"!A Binny whispere$! fee"ing the o"$ sha%e an$ re+#"sion we""ing #p. A*fter ,#stin81 starte$ to fig#re o#t what was happening. B#t81 was asha%e$! an$ scare$. *n$! rea""y! To% <#st ha$ too strong a ho"$ on %e by that ti%e. 1 co#"$n6t stop!A she finishe$ in a paine$ a$%ission that was swa""owe$ #p in 3arry6s e%brace.

A1t wasn6t yo#r fa#"t!A 3arry soothe$ again! wrapping e+en tighter aro#n$ her. AThere6s no way yo# can contro" so%ething "i'e that. ;o# $i$ e+erything yo# co#"$.A AThere6s %ore!A Binny cho'e$ o#t! stif"ing her tears. A3er%ione was attac'e$ ne:t. 1 trie$ so har$ to get to )#%b"e$ore. B#t 1 was too "ate84ene"ope?%y brother 4ercy6s gir"frien$8she was 'i""e$.A A h! Binny!A 3arry sai$! pressing his face into her hair. A16% so sorry. 16% so sorry yo# ha$ to go thro#gh that8if on"y8if on"y 16$ been ab"e to $o so%ething! to ta'e that fro% yo#.A Binny shoo' her hea$. A;o# co#"$n6t ha+e $one anything! 3arry. ;o# were on another continent! going to schoo"?<#st a boy yo#rse"f.A 3e stiffene$ #n$erneath her again an$ she #se$ the s"ee+e of her py<a%as to wipe her face. A*n$ %y fa%i"y8A Binny trai"e$ off! thin'ing of 4ercy stan$ing o+er her in her $rea%! the hatre$ etche$ on his face. A1 thin' the worst part was how $isappointe$ they were with %e. *n$ how they a"ways >#estion what 16% $oing! beca#se 1 %ight %a'e a %ista'e "i'e that again.A AThey $on6t #n$erstan$!A 3arry grow"e$! p#""ing away <#st a bit. Binny was start"e$ at how angry he6$ beco%e with <#st a few wor$s. AThey can6t e+er rea""y #n$erstan$ e+i" "i'e that. 5o one can #n"ess they6+e8ha$ it to#ch the%.A Binny no$$e$! narrowing her eyes at his face! which was t#rne$ away so she co#"$ on"y see his profi"e in the $i% "ight. A1t6s gotten better!A Binny shr#gge$. 4anic shot thro#gh her. They were s#ppose$ to ha+e $inner at the B#rrow to%orrow. 1f 3arry was angry with her fa%i"y8he %ight not want to go! or he %ight be angry once he got there. This %eeting was so i%portant to Binny? it <#st iha"/i to wor' o#t. /he ha$ to e:p"ain to hi% so that he $i$n6t get the wrong i$ea. A*n$8they were right!A she contin#e$ caref#""y! Aabo#t so%e of it! anyway.A ABinny?A A5o!A she sai$! sha'ing her hea$ an$ "aying bac' $own on hi%! forcing 3arry to sett"e bac' into the pi""ows. A1 %a$e %ista'es! 3arry. *n$ since then81 ha+en6t been as open with the% as 1 sho#"$. 1 co%p"ain that they $on6t tr#st %e! b#t 1 rea""y $on6t a""ow the% to. 1 $on6t share with the% what6s going on in %y "ife! so they rea""y can6t. 1 ha+e this pict#re in %y hea$ of how they6re going to treat %e with e+ery $ecision 1 %a'e8an$ so%eti%es 1 "et that pict#re ta'e o+er! $espite how they rea""y react to things. A16% not %a'ing %#ch sense right now!A she sai$! sha'ing her hea$ an$ yawning at the sa%e ti%e. 3arry t#rne$ his hea$ to "oo' at her.

A5o81 thin' yo# are. 1t6s "i'e8what we e:pect peop"e to say isn6t a"ways what their reaction %ight be. B#t we con$ition o#rse"+es to e:pect the worst! so that we6re not $isappointe$ when it $oes happen.A 3e g"ance$ $own at her! his finger "ifting to trace her <aw"ine. Binny swa""owe$! fighting the #rge to 'iss hi% again. A;eah!A she fina""y agree$. ATe"" %e abo#t yo#r fa%i"y.A 3arry6s chest fe"t "i'e it was on fire. 1t ha$ been years since he6$ been this angry. *s Binny >#iet"y to"$ hi% abo#t her fa%i"y! he "ay with his ar%s wrappe$ aro#n$ her! seething an$ a"%ost besi$e hi%se"f with rage. 3ow co#"$ he ha+e not 'nown( 1t was Binny! his /inny! who ha$ been the +icti% of the $a%ne$ $iary. =uc ing Col"emort) 3arry re%e%bere$ $istinct"y )#%b"e$ore contacting /iri#s an$ e:p"aining how he6$ $isco+ere$ that Do"$e%ort was #sing 3orcr#:es to tie his so#" here to earth. That a yo#ng gir" ha$ been possesse$! b#t ha$ been ab"e to fight the $iary for a"%ost an entire year before )#%b"e$ore ha$ $isco+ere$ it. 1n a"" his yo#thf#" arrogance an$ haste to co%p"ete his $estiny! 3arry ha$n6t gi+en %#ch tho#ght to the gir". <ut it ha" been /inny. Bea#tif#"! won$erf#"! f#n Binny. The tho#ght %a$e bi"e rise in his throat. A3arry(A A/orry(A 3e shoo' hi%se"f! trying to fig#re o#t what she6$ <#st sai$. A1 as'e$ if yo# were ner+o#s to %eet the% to%orrow(A E+en in the sha$ows! 3arry co#"$ %a'e o#t Binny6s $ar' eyes "oo'ing #p at hi%! fi""e$ with so %#ch tr#st an$ frien$ship. A* bit!A he shr#gge$ an$ ch#c'"e$. *t "east he co#"$ be a bit honest with her. AThey6re yo#r fa%i"y8an$ yo#6re %y best frien$.A The wor$s a"%ost cho'e$ hi% to get o#t. There was no $o#bt that after tonight! especia""y! 3arry was in big tro#b"e.

3e was in "o+e with his best frien$. AThey6"" "o+e yo#!A Binny shoo' her hea$ with a tire$ s%i"e. A;o# can be >#ite char%ing when yo# want to be 3arry.A /he yawne$ again an$ 3arry a$<#ste$ her so that she was %ore on the pi""ow than on top of hi%. ACan 1(A he as'e$! trying to "ighten the %oo$. The rea"i2ation of what he fe"t for her was o+erwhe"%ing an$ he was str#gg"ing with what to $o abo#t it. )i$ he b"#rt it o#t( )i$ he "ean $own an$ 'iss her7 ta'ing the chance that she %ight b"ast hi% thro#gh a wa""( r $i$ he $o what he wante$ to: confess e+erything abo#t his past an$ how connecte$ they were! an$ then %a'e "o+e to her #nti" neither co#"$ re%e%ber who they were an$ their ha#nte$ pasts( A;o# can!A Binny agree$ with another yawn. 1t was a"" <#st beco%ing too %#ch an$ 3arry wasn6t s#re what to $o. ABinny(A 3er hea$ "ifte$ #p an$ "oo'e$ at hi%! a si""y! e:ha#ste$ grin on her face. A&hat(A ABo to s"eep!A he finishe$ soft"y! a bit $isappointe$ at his "ac' of co#rage! b#t %#ch %ore re"ie+e$. =aybe it was the rea"ity of the i%pen$ing %eeting with Binny6s fa%i"y! or <#st the o+erwhe"%ing rea"i2ation he6$ <#st ha$! b#t 3arry was starting to beco%e terrifie$. * re"ationship with Binny?which was bo#n$ to be a%a2ing if he co#"$ e+er gather the co#rage to start it?%eant a re"ationship with her who"e fa%i"y. *n$ that %eant that 3arry6s secrets weren6t going to be ab"e to stay hi$$en for "ong. Beca#se he $i$n6t want this any%ore. 3e $i$n6t want to be 3arry 4otter one $ay an$ 3arrison 4ar'er the ne:t. 1t was getting to a point when he $i$n6t e+en rea""y re%e%ber who he was any%ore. 1n fact! he was on"y tr#"y hi%se"f! sa+e that one h#ge secret! with Binny. *n$ that fe"t8a%a2ing. 3is %in$ wan$ere$! trying to $eci$e what to $o. ,#st to$ay he6$ recei+e$ another assign%ent! on"y this ti%e for a"%ost fo#r wee's. 1t was going to be +ery har$ to be away! he 'new. B#t %aybe8%aybe the ti%e apart wo#"$ be goo$ for hi%. 3e <#st nee$e$ to con+ince hi%se"f! con+ince Binny! an$ then start to banish the 6best frien$s6 part of this re"ationship. 3e wasn6t s#re he co#"$ han$"e it if he ca%e ho%e to fin$ she6$ %et so%eone e"se whi"e he was away. 6Brow a pair! 3arry!6 he to"$ hi%se"f as he s"i$ o#t of be$ an$ t#c'e$ the b"an'ets in aro#n$ Binny better.

A1 thin' yo#6re %ore ner+o#s than 1 a%!A 3arry "eane$ $own to whisper into Binny6s ear as they both wa"'e$ $own the "ane that "e$ to a +ery croo'e$ ho#se. 1t was strange! 3arry obser+e$! b#t yet it see%e$ to fit what he 'new abo#t the &eas"eys fro% Binny6s %#r%#re$ wor$s "ast night an$ the few things he 'new abo#t the% fro% the war. Binny "a#ghe$ an$ wrappe$ her ar% tighter thro#gh his. A&e""! yo#6+e not %et the% yet8an$ they sti"" $on6t 'now yo#6re not a =#gg"e!A she s%i"e$ %ischie+o#s"y. ABinnyEA he proteste$ an$ n#$ge$ her si$e a bit with his hip. A1 wo#"$ ha+e tho#ght yo#6$ prepare the%.A /he shr#gge$ an$ 3arry co#"$n6t he"p b#t grin at her innocent "oo'! especia""y when he 'new that she was anything b#t innocent. A1 thin' it6"" be hi"ario#s to see their faces when we te"" the% yo#6re a wi2ar$. 16% s#re =#%6s been frantic with trying to contain a"" the %agica" ite%s in the ho#se. /he6"" ha+e "ect#re$ Fre$ an$ Beorge to no en$. )a$ wi"" be right ch#ffe$! an$ the others wi"" fa"" in "ine soon.A A.on 'nows!A 3arry pointe$ o#t. A*n$ 3er%ione.A Binny coc'e$ her hea$. A;o# ha+e a "ot to "earn abo#t b"ac'%ai"! 3arry.A 3e snorte$ an$ she ch#c'"e$. ABrowing #p in this fa%i"y it was a basic s#r+i+a" s'i"".A A;o#6re horrib"e!A 3arry chi$e$! b#t the s%i"e he wore reb#tte$ his co%%ent. A*n$ yo# "o+e %e for it.A Binny6s f"ippant co%%ent %a$e hi% swa""ow har$ an$ g"ance aro#n$ #nco%fortab"y. i&i" she now. (ow coul" she !ossibly now./i 3arry6s rea"i2ation "ast night! that he was in$ee$ in "o+e with Binny! #nsett"e$ hi%. 3e was e"ate$ by the fee"ing! yet it sti"" %a$e hi% rather na#seate$! too. A/o! this is where yo# grew #p!A he sai$! casting abo#t for anything to re"ie+e this hea+y! pressing fee"ing on his chest. A1t is!A she sai$ with a no$. A +er there is the pon$ where 1 "earne$ to swi%!A she pointe$. They stoppe$ %o+ing forwar$ an$ stoo$! a"%ost in the %i$$"e of the gar$en! s#r+eying the "an$ aro#n$ the%. A*n$ <#st beyon$ those trees there8that6s o#r C#i$$itch pitch. 1t6s rea""y <#st a c"earing beca#se =#% $i$ a n#t when Char"ie s#ggeste$ p#tting #p rings. /he6s afrai$ the =#gg"es fro% the town are going to see an$ co%e r#nning.A A*n$ what6s the "itt"e b#i"$ing there(A 3arry as'e$ with gen#ine interest. *nything abo#t Binny intrig#e$ hi%. 4"#s! the >#estions he"pe$ $i+ert hi% fro% fee"ing too ner+o#s. 3e was abo#t to %eet her fa%i"y7 a $a#nting tas' in itse"f! b#t they were a"so a fa%i"y that ha$ been +ery acti+e in the war. Than' =er"in her two o"$est brothers! the two who ha$ ser+e$ in the %i"itary! weren6t going to be there.

AThat6s )a$6s she$. 3e has a"" sorts of things in there. 1 to"$ yo# how he was a bit obsesse$ with =#gg"es(A /he contin#e$ when he no$$e$! re%e%bering the airp"ane $isc#ssion. A&e""! he6s got this horri$ co""ection of o"$ batteries an$ p"#gs?he6s <#st fascinate$ with the%. ;o# re%e%ber how he was abo#t the airp"ane thing.A 3arry grinne$ at the tho#ght! before "etting a bit of his ner+o#sness brea' thro#gh. A;o# thin' they6"" be a"right with %e tonight( 16% not rea""y "oo'ing forwar$ to ha+ing to set a bro'en nose.A Binny "a#ghe$ an$ "ai$ her hea$ on his sho#"$er. A)a$6"" be fine. 3e %ight be a bit $isappointe$ that yo#6re not a =#gg"e! beca#se then he can6t b#ry yo# in >#estions. B#t8A A1 $i$ grow #p in the =#gg"e wor"$!A 3arry offere$. A1 %ight 'now %ore than yo# thin'.A AThat6s ob+io#s!A she ro""e$ her eyes an$ stoppe$ as they ca%e to a $oor partia""y obsc#re$ with r#ste$ o#t ca#"$rons an$ a heap of o"$ boots. A;o#6"" be fine! 3arry. ,#st8 $on6t eat anything the twins gi+e yo#.A A&hy $oes that not %a'e %e fee" confi$ent(A 3arry as'e$ as he fo""owe$ her into the co2y 'itchen. 3e too' a $eep breath! wi""ing hi%se"f to portray the confi$ence of /iri#s! whi"e chec'ing the attit#$e at the $oor. =aybe .e%#s wo#"$ be a better ro"e %o$e" for this sit#ation8 Binny was i%presse$ with 3arry6s poise in %eeting her fa%i"y. 3e6$ "a#ghe$ goo$ nat#re$"y when her %other scra%b"e$ to 'eep the tea set fro% %arching itse"f across the 'itchen. 1t %#st ha+e so%e resi$#a" %agic "eft in it fro% being char%e$ so often to $o its <ob. A16% so sorry!A Binny sai$! a p"ayf#" "itt"e s%i"e! eying her %other6s b#"ge$ eyes an$ 3arry6s grin! A$i$ 1 forget to te"" yo# that 3arry is %agica"(A The entire tab"e fro2e at this anno#nce%ent an$ 3arry shr#gge$ a sho#"$er when they stare$ at hi%. A16% a wi2ar$!A he sai$ p"ain"y! "oo'ing not the "east bit #nrepentant for his part of their "itt"e pran'. Fina""y! Beorge an$ Fre$ starte$ "a#ghing! so %#ch so that they tippe$ off of their chairs. AThat wasn6t +ery po"ite! Binny!A her %other sco"$e$. A;o#r %other spent ho#rs r#nning aro#n$ her re%o+ing char%s an$ hi$ing things away!A her father sco"$e$! b#t the corners of his %o#th twitche$ an$ Binny co#"$n6t hi$e her own "a#gh.

AThat was pretty f#nny!A 3er%ione a$$e$! her own "a#ghter a$$ing to Fre$ an$ Beorge6s. A1t was a"" in goo$ f#n! =#%!A Binny proteste$! sti"" fee"ing the heat of her %other6s ga2e. ABesi$es! 1 happen to 'now yo# ha$ Fre$! Beorge an$ .on o+er here $oing a"" 'in$s of wor'. They ha+en6t $one ho#sewor' in fore+er.A A iEA .on proteste$! tossing a piece of brea$ her way. Binny snatche$ it o#t of the air an$ "ai$ it on the e$ge of her p"ate. A;o# sho#"$ ha+e been a /ee'er!A 3arry co%p"i%ente$! his own easy s%i"e stretching. Binny watche$ hi% for a %in#te! won$ering how he hi$ his ner+o#sness! before she shr#gge$. A1 p"aye$ /ee'er a few ti%es!A she sai$. A ne who"e year!A .on bro'e in. A/he was b"oo$y bri""iantEA A.ona"$!A their %other sco"$e$ his "ang#age! b#t .on was #n$eterre$. A;o#6+e got hi% starte$ now!A Binny %#ttere$ to 3arry! who on"y chewe$ his bite an$ s%ir'e$. A)i$ she te"" yo# she p"aye$ Chaser(A .on as'e$ an$ the +ario#s con+ersations starte$ again. Binny sat bac' an$ "et it a"" wash o+er her. /he6$ nee$ to apo"ogi2e to her parents! b#t it was a"" sti"" f#nny! to her at "east. 3arry han$"e$ both .on6s e:cite$ C#i$$itch >#estions an$ the twins6 not so gent"e probes abo#t his "ife with ease an$ confi$ence. 1t see%e$ a $ifferent si$e of hi% an$ Binny won$ere$ <#st how "ayere$ 3arry was. 3er %in$ $rifte$ bac' to "ast night! when he6$ he"$ her after her night%are. The who"e thing %a$e her sto%ach f"#tter an$ her breasts ting"e in aro#sa". 63ere6s not the ti%e or p"ace! Binny!6 she sco"$e$ herse"f. B#t it was har$! with the constant re%in$er sitting right ne:t to her! the scent of his co"ogne washing o+er her with e+ery breath. 1t $i$n6t he"p that he "oo'e$ %o#thwatering"y attracti+e tonight! in his white b#tton9$own shirt an$ b"ac' b"a2er! worn cas#a""y o+er <eans. A*n$ how e:act"y $oes yo#r wor' go if yo#6re a wi2ar$(A her father as'e$ fro% her other si$e. 3e6$ "eane$ %ore onto the tab"e to see 3arry. 3arry wipe$ his %o#th po"ite"y an$ tho#ght abo#t the >#estion. A*bo#t the sa%e! rea""y. *"tho#gh it has %ore to $o with =agica" Bo+ern%ents than not.A

A;o# see% a bit yo#ng to be $oing what yo# $o!A her father obser+e$ cas#a""y. Binny co#"$ te"" he was i%presse$ with 3arry6s occ#pation?not that a <ob e+er co#"$ i%press *rth#r &eas"ey %#ch. B#t the fact that 3arry he"$ a position of s#ch responsibi"ity at s#ch a yo#ng age spo'e high"y for hi%. A1 finishe$ schoo" ear"y!A 3arry s#pp"ie$. A*n$ 1 was a"ways a bit8er! obsesse$ with sec#rity.A 3is eyes $arte$ o+er to hers! b#t she wasn6t s#re what he was searching for. 4erhaps it was on"y a way to ta'e the foc#s off of hi%se"f. A16"" bet yo#6+e r#n across so%e pretty interesting things o#t there!A Fre$ sai$! a bit of a h#ngry "oo' in his eye. Binny narrowe$ her ga2e at hi%! warning both he an$ Beorge not to try anything. A16+e seen things that wo#"$ %a'e e+en yo#r toes c#r".A 3arry ch#c'"e$ a"ong with e+eryone e"se! b#t Binny ca#ght the hint of so%ething $ar'er in his tone. /he shi+ere$! thin'ing that there was probab"y %ore tr#th to his state%ent than not. /o%ething he6$ sai$ "ast night <#%pe$ bac' to her. 6They can6t e+er rea""y #n$erstan$ e+i" "i'e that. 5o one can #n"ess they6+e8ha$ it to#ch the%.6 1t so#n$e$ so8persona" when he sai$ it "i'e that7 as if he6$ ha$ so%ething so +i"e! so e+i" in his "ife. Binny scow"e$ $own at her p"ate! thin'ing of what co#"$ ha+e possib"y to#che$ hi% in that way. Do"$e%ort was the on"y thing that %a$e sense?an$ e+en that was far fetche$! as 3arry ha$ grown #p so far away. &hat were the o$$s that so%eone he6$ "o+e$ ha$ been 'i""e$ or contro""e$ by Do"$e%ort( A;o# ha+en6t to"$ #s anything abo#t yo#r fa%i"y! 3arry!A her %other as'e$ po"ite"y! Aor where yo# grew #p.A A1 was raise$ by %y Bo$father! act#a""y! in the @nite$ /tates!A 3arry e:p"aine$. A=y parents were 'i""e$ when 1 was yo#ng. They were British! act#a""y. =y Bo$father tho#ght it wo#"$ be best if 1 were8away fro% the past!A 3arry sai$! his +oice fa"tering <#st a bit. Binny reache$ #n$er the tab"e! p"acing her han$ on his ar% in s#pport. /he 'new he $i$n6t "i'e ta"'ing abo#t his fa%i"y. 1t see%e$ a +ery painf#" s#b<ect. /he stif"e$ a gasp as so%ething $eep insi$e her8c"ic'e$. It coul"n't be3 A*n$ what %a$e yo# %o+e bac' here! $ear(A 3arry g"ance$ at Binny! perhaps fee"ing the tension in her. /he trie$ to s%i"e an$ wa+e off his concern. 3e narrowe$ his eyes a bit b#t then t#rne$ to answer her %other. Binny on"y ha"f "istene$ as she began p#tting c"#es into p"ace. There wasn6t eno#gh there for a f#"" pict#re! b#t it was eno#gh to %a'e her %ore than s#spicio#s.

3is parents ha$ been 'i""e$ when he was yo#nger. 3e see%e$ especia""y sensiti+e abo#t Do"$e%ort an$ the war. 3e6$ been raise$ by his Bo$father! far away fro% Eng"an$. This wasn6t 3arrison 4ar'er sitting ne:t to her at her parents6 $inner tab"e. 1t was (arry 2otter) *n$ she was in "o+e with hi%. Binny <#%pe$ when a foot br#she$ her "eg. /he "oo'e$ #p! e:pecting to fin$ one of the twins trying to catch her attention so that she co#"$ witness so%eone t#rn into so%e 'in$ of ani%a". B#t it was 3er%ione who was gi+ing her a piercing "oo'. /he sho#"$ ha+e 'nown. ne "oo' at her frien$6s face an$ Binny 'new 3er%ione s#specte$ who 3arry was as we"". 60ater!6 she %o#the$! trying to sett"e herse"f again. This rea""y wasn6t so%ething to a""ow anyone e"se to 'now. 1n fact! she sco"$e$ herse"f! she wasn6t e+en positi+e. 3arry ha$ gone to great "engths to protect hi%se"f fro% being $isco+ere$. 1t wasn6t her p"ace to spi"" his secrets. * thri"" ran thro#gh her! the irony not "ost at a"". &hen she was "itt"e! Binny6s fa+orite storyboo' ha$ been The9Boy9&ho90i+e$. /he6$ ha$ a cr#sh that was e%barrassing to thin' abo#t now?especia""y consi$ering how %#ch she act#a""y 'new abo#t 3arry. This wasn6t the %an of the fairy9ta"es an$ stories. 3e was rea"7 so %#ch so that it %a$e her heart hitch when she g"ance$ #p to fin$ his eyes piercing hers. A*re yo# a"right(A he whispere$ in the conf#sion an$ b#st"e of getting the tab"e c"eare$. A16% fine!A she "ie$! pasting on a s%i"e an$ h#rrying to he"p her %other "e+itate the tab"e c"ean. 3arry narrowe$ his eyes b#t $i$n6t press the iss#e. 1nstea$! he he"pe$ c"ean the tab"e as we""! o+er her %other6s protests! an$ then <oine$ the %en in the "i+ing roo%! gi+ing Binny a s%a"" bit of roo% to breathe. 3er%ione 'ept shooting g"ances at her! a"tho#gh she $i$n6t +oice her >#estions as the three wo%en ti$ie$ the 'itchen. A3e6s +ery attracti+e!A her %other co%p"i%ente$ with a s"ight b"#sh to her chee's. A*n$ so +ery po"ite.A Binny refraine$ fro% ro""ing her eyes! an$ s%i"e$. A3e is.A A*n$ there hasn6t been anything between the two of yo#(A she p#she$. Binny bit her tong#e! her %in$ f"ashing with scenes: 3arry ho"$ing her in her be$ "ast night! the passionate! b#t $r#n'en! 'iss a few $ays before! an$ the e:tre%e tension between the% both. *n$ that $i$n6t e+en co#nt the n#%ber of ti%es she6$ p"eas#re$ herse"f! i%agining 3arry to#ching her.

3er%ione gigg"e$ fro% across the roo% an$ Binny schoo"e$ her feat#res! c#rsing her heate$ chee's. A5ot rea""y! =#%!A she "ie$. AThat6s too ba$!A her %other sai$! fon$"y eyeing the $oor. A3e6s +ery char%ing.A Binny s%i"e$. A3e is very char%ing!A she agree$. &hen the 'itchen was restore$ once %ore! Binny too' a $eep breath! trying to prepare herse"f to be aro#n$ 3arry again. &hat she s#specte$! a"ong with how she rea""y fe"t for hi%! swir"e$ an$ %i:e$ $eep in her sto%ach! conf#sing her hea$. 3arry was stan$ing across the roo%! near the firep"ace! s%i"ing at so%ething that .on pointe$ o#t in an o"$ photograph. /he too' a %o%ent to st#$y hi% in this foreign setting. 3e was entire"y too attracti+e! she $eci$e$! an$ entire"y too at ease in a p"ace he rea""y sho#"$n6t be. B#t that was 3arry. 3e see%e$ to a$apt to whate+er sit#ation he was p"ace$ in! either that or he was a terrific actor. A;o# $o rea"i2e who he is(A 3er%ione whispere$ fro% ne:t to her! %a'ing Binny <#%p. 3er chee's f"#she$ again! rea"i2ing how h#ngri"y she6$ been staring at 3arry. /he force$ her eyes to t#rn away fro% hi% an$ to her best frien$. A1 $on6t 'now anything for s#re!A she sai$ ca"%"y. A181 <#st rea"i2e$ it tonight8now.A 3er%ione6s g"ance$ between 3arry an$ Binny! a strange "oo' on her face. A*n$ what are yo# going to $o abo#t it(A Binny g"ance$ o+er! her breath "ea+ing her as 3arry "a#ghe$ again! his who"e face "ighting #p. A5othing!A she breathe$. Beca#se! s#$$en"y! it $i$n6t %atter who he %ight be. 3e was (arry7 an$ that was eno#gh to %a'e her "o+e hi%. A4"ease!A she p"ea$e$ soft"y! t#rning bac' to 3er%ione! A)on6t say anything?to anyone. 1 nee$8A she presse$ her fingers to her te%p"es! wi""ing the instant hea$ache that ha$ appeare$ to "ea+e. A1 nee$ so%e ti%e.A 3er%ione $i$n6t "oo' con+ince$ an$ Binny recogni2e$ the in>#isiti+e nee$9to9'now rising insi$e her. A4"ease! 3er%ione.A A*"right!A 3er%ione agree$ gr#$ging"y.

Binny peere$ at her frien$! b#t 'new that 3er%ione wo#"$ ne+er betray her. They both +a"#e$ the frien$ship too %#ch to "et 3er%ione6s tenacio#sness get in the way. AThan' yo#!A Binny sai$! breathing a sigh of re"ief. A;o#6"" "et %e 'now! then(A 3er%ione as'e$! snea'ing a g"ance at 3arry. Binny co#"$n6t he"p b#t ch#c'"e at the pre$ictabi"ity of her frien$. A3e is8A 3er%ione trai"e$ off! her eyes ro+ing 3arry an$ her chee's b"#shing faint"y! A>#ite attracti+e.A Binny co#"$n6t he"p the sigh that escape$ as she g"ance$ at 3arry6s b#%! fi""ing o#t his <eans perfect"y. A;o# ha+e no i$ea!A she %#%b"e$! %a'ing 3er%ione "a#gh. A16$ better go sa+e hi% fro% the gits.A A5ot a ba$ i$ea!A 3er%ione agree$. A0et6s %eet for "#nch this wee'.A Binny no$$e$ absent"y as she %o+e$ across the roo% to <oin her brothers an$ 3arry. A3ey! yo#!A she greete$ hi%! b#%ping his ar% with her own. AThey ha+en6t t#rne$ yo# into an ani%a" yet(A 3arry "a#ghe$. A5ot yet. 16% act#a""y getting rather offen$e$.A Binny s%ir'e$. A=aybe they $on6t rea""y "i'e %e!A he whispere$! sti"" "o#$ eno#gh that the who"e roo% hear$ hi%. A16% s#re that6s what it is!A Binny agree$ with a grin. A*"tho#gh 1 $o thin' yo# got off "#c'y.A 3arry ch#c'"e$. A&e6"" get hi% ne:t ti%e!A Fre$ pro%ise$. A;eah! =#% %a$e #s be on o#r best beha+ior!A Beorge a$$e$. Binny snorte$. A;o#( ;o# have a 6best beha+ior6(A They both fi$gete$ an$ Binny grinne$. A&hat $oes =#% ha+e on yo#(A /#rprising"y! .on b"#she$ <#st as bright"y as the other two. A&e6re not $isc#ssing it. /o! 3arry! when $o yo# want to go to the p#b(A Binny raise$ her eyebrows at 3arry. 3e6$ %a$e p"ans with her brothers( &ow8she was speech"ess. AEr8we""! it6$ ha+e to be soon. 1! er81 act#a""y fo#n$ o#t 1 ha+e another assign%ent co%ing #p.A

)isappoint%ent f"oo$e$ Binny! yet! the i$ea that she %ight ha+e so%e ti%e to fig#re o#t this %ystery that s#rro#n$e$ 3arry %a$e her fee" a bit better. A3ow "ong(A she as'e$! trying to so#n$ cas#a". 3arry $raine$ the re%ains of his B#tterbeer an$ +anishe$ the bott"e. A@p to fo#r wee's! possib"y.A 3er heart c"enche$ at the tho#ght. 1t wo#"$ gi+e her p"enty of ti%e! b#t what wo#"$ she $o witho#t hi%( A16% sorry!A he apo"ogi2e$! "oo'ing $irect"y at her with a tight e:pression. A1 <#st fo#n$ o#t abo#t it yester$ay! an$ 1 forgot to te"" yo#.A 3is chee's went a bit pin' an$ Binny won$ere$ if he was thin'ing abo#t spen$ing ti%e in her be$ "ast night. 1f he ha$ been affecte$ at a"" "i'e she ha$! it was no won$er that he6$ forgotten to te"" her. A h!A Binny sai$. A&e""! then yo#6"" <#st ha+e to s>#ee2e it in when yo# get bac'.A The fact that 3arry was act#a""y see'ing a chance to spen$ ti%e with her brothers! apart fro% her! was a +ery en$earing thing. 1t %a$e Binny6s be""y f"#tter a bit. A1 wi""!A he agree$. A1t6s getting "ate!A Binny sai$! trying to ignore the 'nowing s%ir's her brothers were gi+ing her. A16% going to hea$ ho%e. )i$ yo# want to stay! 3arry(A 3e "oo'e$ conf#se$ for a %in#te before sha'ing his hea$. A5o! 1! er81 was #p "ate "ast night. *n$ 16+e got a f#"" co#p"e of $ays co%ing #p. 1 thin' 16"" go ho%e as we"".A .on opene$ his %o#th to retort an$ Binny s%ashe$ her foot $own on his! t#rning her hee" in the spot. A&e6"" wa"' o#t together then!A Binny sai$! g"aring at the twins who he"$ their han$s #p in innocence. /he 'new she6$ pay for the "itt"e aw'war$ scene between she an$ 3arry? so%ehow they6$ %a'e her pay. They sai$ their goo$bye6s to her fa%i"y an$ b#n$"e$ #p to wa"' bac' to the *pparation point! >#iet"y conte%p"ating the night. A&e""(A Binny as'e$ as she too' a chance an$ wo#n$ her ar% thro#gh his. 3arry was >#iet for a few steps! a"tho#gh he $i$ reach #p to ta'e her han$ in his! war%ing her fingers. AThey6re great! Binny.A A.ea""y(A she as'e$! re"ief f"oo$ing her.

A;eah!A 3arry sai$! a wi$e s%i"e stretching on his face. A f co#rse! they were bo#n$ to be! they6re part of yo#8A Binny grinne$! fee"ing incre$ib"y foo"ish for fawning #p at hi%. The irresistib"e #rge ca%e o+er her to 'iss hi%7 than'f#""y! she re$irecte$ it to "an$ on his chee' instea$.

*Chapter -*: Chapter -: O./uscation

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. A/N: Than s to everyone who is rea"ing this story an" en-oying it. I a!!reciate everyone's in" wor"s an" encouragement. U!"ates are going to come a bit faster, sim!ly because I've got some very busy wee s coming u! an" I nee" to get this story finishe". I'm sure I won't hear any com!laining. lol Than s, as always, to %lla, &eb an" 'el for their wor ma ing this story rea"able. %n-oy) An" have a ha!!y holi"ay if you are celebrating. If not...have a goo" "ay anyway. An"i Chapter -: O./uscation 3arry6s $epart#re this ti%e h#rt?it act#a""y! physica""y h#rt. Binny stoo$ in the "i+ing roo%! in her r#%p"e$ py<a%a botto%s an$ tan' top! chewing on her botto% "ip as he shr#n' $own his bags si"ent"y. AB#ess 1 $on6t ha+e to go thro#gh the r#se of carrying a"" that st#ff aro#n$ now!A he sai$! a"tho#gh his +oice he"$ "ess h#%or than she was #se$ to. A;o#6re going to be o'ay!A he sai$ >#iet"y. *n$ for <#st a %in#te! she wasn6t s#re whether he was ta"'ing to her! or ta"'ing to hi%se"f.

AFo#r wee's(A she as'e$! sighing at the tho#ght of an e%pty f"at. A;eah!A he answere$ >#iet"y. A1t %ight be "ess.A 3is sho#"$er %o+e$ #p in a shr#g! b#t $ie$ part way thro#gh. .o""ing her eyes at herse"f! Binny %o+e$ forwar$ an$ wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ hi%! #nprepare$ for how strong"y he wo#"$ e%brace her bac'. A16"" %iss yo#!A she whispere$. ATry to 'eep yo#rse"f safe! yeah(A 3arry trie$ for a ch#c'"e! b#t it ca%e o#t rather wea'. A16"" try.A They bro'e apart an$ stoo$ there! each appraising the other. Binny reache$ #p an$ gent"y "ai$ his co""ar $own where it was b#nche$ #n$er his <ac'et. *n$ then he was gone. /he $i$n6t cry #nti" she was safe"y t#c'e$ bac' into her be$! c#r"e$ aro#n$ her b"an'ets an$ re%e%bering how he6$ been here on"y $ays ago. /ince her rea"i2ation?or %aybe she sho#"$ rea""y ca"" it a s#spicion! since she ha$ nothing concrete to go on yet?Binny ha$ been preocc#pie$ with st#$ying 3arry. There were so %any things that a$$e$ #p now! how ha$ she not seen the% before( r %aybe it was <#st that she ha$n6t "et herse"f see things. A16% in "o+e with 3arry 4otter!A she to"$ the so#n$"ess roo%! a s"ow s%i"e stretching across her face. A*n$ 16% co%p"ete"y %enta"!A she fo""owe$ with! ro""ing her eyes at herse"f. There was no way she was going to be ab"e to s"eep now! she 'new7 which was a waste! seeing how it was on"y fi+e in the %orning. B#t there was no way! since her %in$ si%p"y wo#"$n6t sh#t off. /he ro""e$ o+er! t#c'ing her pi""ow #n$er her hea$ an$ trying to $eci$e how she was going to fi"" fo#r wee's. 1t see%e$ "i'e s#ch a "ong ti%e! "oo'ing at it fro% the +ery beginning. Binny ha$n6t rea"i2e$ how iso"ate$ she was now fro% e+eryone e"se. /he spo'e to .ebecca often eno#gh?they wor'e$ together a"%ost e+ery $ay?b#t they rare"y $i$ things o#tsi$e of wor' any%ore. *n$ .ebecca #n$erstoo$?or sai$ she $i$ at "east. B#t Binny ha$n6t seen any of her other frien$s for8we""! it was probab"y %onths now. The tho#ght %a$e a ba"" of g#i"t ch#rn in her sto%ach an$ she +owe$ to %a'e p"ans with 0#na! an$ 5e+i""e8an$ e+eryone e"se! soon.

* s%a""! p"ease$ s%i"e sprea$ o+er her face. /he co#"$ $o this. 3arry certain"y wasn6t her entire wor"$. 3e was8her best frien$?who% she happene$ to be in "o+e with! b#t that wasn6t the point. Binny nee$e$ to re%in$ herse"f that "ife e:iste$ o#tsi$e this f"at7 o#tsi$e this "itt"e! a"%ost perfect b#bb"e that she6$ a""owe$ herse"f to b#i"$. Especia""y if what she s#specte$ abo#t 3arry to be tr#e. 1f he was83arry 4otter8then she wo#"$ nee$ the s#pport of those who care$ abo#t her to e+en conte%p"ate a re"ationship with hi%. The i$ea of it both terrifie$ her! an$ sent her into a s%a"" fit of ner+o#s gigg"es. A)on6t p#t the cart before the horse! Bine+ra!A she snorte$ o#t "o#$. /he $i$n6t rea""y 'now if 3arry tho#ght of her as anything other than a frien$. *n$ he was the first to a$%it that he6$ ne+er ha$ a c"ose frien$. *ny strange signa"s he6$ been sen$ing %ight +ery we"" be <#st his conf#sion abo#t how one acte$ aro#n$ a c"ose frien$ of the opposite se:. Binny f"oppe$ o+er to her sto%ach an$ stretche$ "a2i"y! trying to $eci$e the best way to attac' this prob"e% that was facing her. 1t was "i'e a giant hippogriff in the roo%! now that she recogni2e$ it for what it %ight be. /he6$ start with the press! she $eci$e$! when p"anning her in+estigation. * brief i$ea to search his roo% was $iscar$e$. That was <#st too8so%ething! she to"$ herse"f. *"tho#gh! she ha" pro%ise$ to ta'e care of 3e$wig8an$ the fo#r eggs that she an$ 3arry ha$ $isco+ere$ <#st yester$ay. That is if *r%strong wo#"$ a""ow her to. 3er ow" ha$ transfor%e$ o+ernight into so%e $e%onic9p"ag#e$ psychotic ani%a". 3e bare"y a""owe$ 3arry in the be$roo% at a""! "et a"one anywhere near 3e$wig. Binny was a""owe$ a bit c"oser! an$ ha$ e+en been ab"e to inspect the eggs a bit7 a"tho#gh she6$ $eci$e$ that $i$n6t rea""y co#nt as *r%strong ha$ been off h#nting at the ti%e. 3e$wig! howe+er! sat rega" an$ pro#$ on her "itt"e eggs. /he a""owe$ 3arry to r#b her feathers an$ e+en n#$ge the eggs with his finger before she6$ gent"y bit $own on his finger to warn hi%. Binny co#"$ te"" 3arry ha$ %i:e$ fee"ings abo#t the two ow"s an$ their new fa%i"y?the "east of which was a 'in$ of re+#"sion that not on"y ha$ he witnesse$ Gse+era" ti%esEH their %ating! b#t that they6$ chosen to nest in the %i$$"e of his "a#n$ry pi"e. /he co#"$n6t he"p b#t s%i"e at the tho#ght of the gri%ace that ca%e o+er his face when he wa"'e$ into the roo%. =aybe she6$ ha+e a "itt"e ta"' with the two bir$s an$ get the% to ease #p on 3arry fro% now on. 3onest"y! they ha$ p"enty of ti%e to %ate when he wasn6t in the roo%! or <#st abo#t to wa"' in. They $i$n6t ha+e to be e:hibitionists! or sho+e it in his face.

B#t the i$ea of act#a""y searching 3arry6s roo% was incre$ib"y intr#si+e. 5o. There were other ways! she $eci$e$. ;awning wi$e"y! Binny sn#gg"e$ into be$. 4erhaps she was tire$ eno#gh to catch a few ho#rs before wor'. *s she $rifte$ off! she a""owe$ a $e"icio#s fantasy to ta'e ho"$! ca#sing a s%i"e to war% her. 1t ha$ been two wee's. Two "ong! gr#e"ing! tiring! "one"y wee's. Before ha+ing Binny %o+e in with hi%! 3arry ha$n6t rea""y notice$ ti%e away fro% the f"at. 3e $i$n6t co#nt the wee's! or the $ays8an$ $efinite"y not the ho#rs. B#t now he $i$. *n$ he wasn6t con+ince$ that was a goo$ thing at a"". A;o# are preocc#pie$! %y yo#ng frien$.A 3arry "oo'e$ #p fro% where he6$ been staring at the tab"e in front of hi%! not e+en seeing the $oc#%ents that he was s#ppose$ to be re+iewing. A,#st tire$! 1 g#ess. /orry!A he apo"ogi2e$ with a s%i"e. The o"$er %an watche$ hi% c"ose"y an$ 3arry shifte$ in his chair! b"in'ing to foc#s on the papers again. )arian 3#nt"y was an *%erican who ha$ spent a"%ost his entire career in /o#th *%erica! %o+ing fro% co#ntry to co#ntry an$ trying to stabi"i2e what e:iste$ of the %agica" go+ern%ents. 1n fact! he6$ been here so "ong! 3arry won$ere$ if he e+en tho#ght of hi%se"f as *%erican any%ore. 3e spo'e Eng"ish with a hea+y accent an$ his s'in was <#st as $ar' as the nati+es. This was the thir$ ti%e 3arry ha$ wor'e$ with hi% to begin recr#iting *#rors an$ b#i"$ a training progra% for the%. They got on we"" beca#se 3#nt"y respecte$ 3arry6s opinion! an$ $i$n6t patroni2e the yo#ng %an. 3arry sighe$ again! raising his eyes an$ r#bbing at his forehea$. 3is scar itche$7 probab"y the "ac' of g"a%o#r on it! he s#ppose$. 1t ha$ been so "ong since he6$ act#a""y re%o+e$ the g"a%o#r on that partic#"ar scar that he6$ a"%ost forgotten to $o so when he reporte$ for his assign%ent. ACo%e!A )arian no$$e$ with his hea$. A&e co#"$ both #se a brea'. There6s a "itt"e cantina aro#n$ the corner.A 3arry conte%p"ate$ saying 6no6! b#t the i$ea of a brea' so#n$e$ +ery goo$! act#a""y. * "itt"e so%ething to eat! a "itt"e so%ething to $rin'! an$ he6$ be bac' at it?hopef#""y banishing $istracting tho#ghts of Binny #nti" he co#"$ "ie in the hote" be$ an$ "et the% f#""y wash o+er hi%.

The cantina was s%a""! b#t ha$ a frien$"y at%osphere! 3arry $eci$e$. There were on"y two other patrons7 a %an who was a"one! starting o#t the win$ow an$ ignoring his $rin'! an$ an o"$er wo%an who ta"'e$ in s"ow! rhyth%ic tones to the barten$er. )arian or$ere$ for the% both! as #s#a"! an$ then sat bac' in his ric'ety chair. 3arry r#bbe$ his face ro#gh"y! the st#bb"e fro% his #nsha+en s'in scratching harsh"y in the >#iet of the roo%. A;o# are $ifferent this ti%e!A )arian obser+e$! a "a2y s%i"e abo#t his face. A*n$ 1 can6t >#ite fig#re o#t what it is.A 3arry shr#gge$! "eaning forwar$ onto the tab"e an$ rea$<#sting the few ite%s on it. A1t6s been a whi"e. 4eop"e change.A A;es!A )arian sai$ tho#ghtf#""y. AB#t this is so%ething e"se. 1 ha+e ne+er seen yo# "ose foc#s so easi"y.A Brist"ing at the s#ggestion that he wasn6t $oing his <ob! 3arry sat #p sharp"y. B#t )arian he"$ o#t his han$ to ca"% hi%. A;o# are yo#ng! 3arry!A he e:c#se$. A)istraction can so%eti%es be8a goo$ thing. 1n fact! 1 thin' 1 en<oy yo# better this way. ;o# can not a"ways be so foc#se$! so intense. ;o# nee$8%ore o#t of "ife.A 3arry f"#she$! his own tho#ghts of the past %onths echoing )arian6s. A1f yo# re%ain too foc#se$! yo# en$ #p "i'e %e! 3arry. *"one! in so%e foreign co#ntry where yo# ha+e no fa%i"y! no frien$s! no pretty "a$y to ta'e yo#r %in$ off of things.A * 'nowing s%i"e sprea$ across his face when 3arry "oo'e$ away. A*hh! 1 won$ere$!A )arian no$$e$. A;o# ha+e fo#n$ yo#rse"f a "a$y.A 3arry shr#gge$ one sho#"$er. A1 %ight ha+e!A he a$%itte$. /#$$en"y! $espite the #rge that te""ing anyone was foo"ish! here in a s%a""! hot roo% in /o#th *%erica! with on"y the two of the% who spo'e any Eng"ish! )arian see%e$ the perfect confi$ant. 3arry 'new he co#"$ tr#st the o"$er %an?he6$ pro+en hi%se"f eno#gh ti%es. A=ight(A )arian as'e$! raising an eyebrow. &hen 3arry opene$ his %o#th to respon$! )arian he"$ #p his finger an$ stoo$ to co""ect their foo$ an$ $rin'. 3arry san' bac' into his chair! won$ering how %#ch he was going to say to the o"$ *#ror. &o#"$ he e+en #n$erstan$( 3#nt"y ha$ ne+er before %entione$ anything abo#t being in any 'in$ of re"ationship or e+en a$%iring a wo%an when he an$ 3arry ha$ wor'e$ together. A*"right! contin#e!A )arian sai$ as he $istrib#te$ the foo$ an$ $rin' aro#n$.

AEr8A 3arry scow"e$ $own at his foo$! which "oo'e$ +ery appeti2ing! an$ trie$ to re%e%ber what he6$ been abo#t to say. A;o# might ha+e fo#n$ a "a$y frien$(A )arian as'e$! with a win'. A h! yeah!A 3arry shr#gge$! pic'ing #p a s%a"" corn torti""a an$ #sing it to p#sh b"ac' beans aro#n$ his p"ate. A1816+e got this frien$8an$ "ate"y 16+e been! er! thin'ing abo#t her! %ore an$ %ore.A )arian no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y chewing a few %o#thf#"s before co%%enting. A*n$ this frien$8what $oes she thin' of yo#(A 3arry swa""owe$ his foo$ an$ washe$ it $own with the strong beer. A1816% not s#re.A A*n$ yo# want8what! e:act"y! fro% her(A )arian as'e$! c#tting straight thro#gh e+erything. 3arry chewe$ his "ip! pon$ering what it act#a""y was he wante$. Binny was his best frien$! he 'new that. B#t co#"$ they be %ore( 3arry6s instincts were te""ing hi% that they co#"$. *n$ he wante$ that. 3e wante$ e+erything that ca%e with 6%ore6. B#t he ha$ to prepare hi%se"f for that! beca#se there was a "ot that ca%e with Binny. /he ha$ fa%i"y an$ frien$s! an$ a past that was a"%ost as %#r'y as his own. A1 want her!A 3arry sai$ si%p"y. A1 want8A the wor$s c#t off in his brain! "ea+ing hi% f"o#n$ering. A=arriage(A )arian as'e$! a s%a"" s%i"e on his face. A* fa%i"y(A 3arry6s face heate$ in the a"rea$y stif"ing afternoon. A;eah!A he sai$ breath"ess"y! the i$ea ta'ing ho"$ $eep in hi% an$ sha'ing hi% to the core. ABoth are won$erf#" things!A )arian sai$! >#iet"y. 3e %o+e$ his c"ean p"ate away fro% hi% an$ "eane$ hea+i"y on the tab"e. ABefore 1 ca%e here! before 1 was what yo# see!A he he"$ his ar%s o#t wi$e an$ s%i"e$. A1 was %#ch "i'e yo#! 3arry. 4erhaps 1 $i$ not ha+e the $estiny! b#t 1 chose this "ife.A 3arry pic'e$ at his foo$! not tasting it any%ore as his %in$ trie$ to fo""ow )arian6s story. AThere was a gir". /he was8the s#n an$ %oon to %e.A A&hat happene$(A 3arry as'e$! won$ering if he rea""y wante$ to 'now. The i$ea of so%ething happening to Binny?it %a$e hi% sic'.

AThis "ife wasn6t eno#gh for her. There was a"ways so%eone waiting aro#n$ the corner! so%eone waiting to har% %e! or! worse! so%eone wanting a pict#re of %e.A 3e win'e$. A1 was not a"ways this #g"y! 3arry.A 3arry snorte$ an$ s%i"e$ croo'e$"y. )arian wasn6t #g"y8he was $efinite"y batt"e worn! howe+er. A1 was once +ery fa%o#s in *%erica. =y pict#re was e+erywhere?%#ch "i'e yo#rs is so%e $ays. ;o#r "a$y frien$8she 'nows who yo# are(A The $esire to eat "eft 3arry as he tho#ght abo#t the >#estion. Binny 'new hi% insi$e an$ o#t! yet she $i$n6t 'now the one fact that co#"$ ca#se her to forget a"" the others. /he $i$n6t grasp who he tr#"y was. A5o!A 3arry a$%itte$. A/he 'nows8%e! <#st not8who 1 a%.A A*hh!A )arian no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y. A;o# %#st $eci$e! 3arry. The "ife yo# propose for her! it is cha""enging eno#gh witho#t a"" of this!A he wa+e$ his han$ aro#n$. A;o# ha+e $one %#ch goo$ in the wor"$. 5ow yo# %#st $eci$e if it is eno#gh.A 3arry $rifte$ off! staring o#t the win$ow an$ watching a s%a"" gro#p of $irty! barefoot boys 'ic' a footba"" aro#n$ the %i$$"e of the street. &o#"$ a "ife with 3arry be eno#gh for Binny( r wo#"$ the press an$ $e%an$s be too %#ch for her( Binny was to#gh! there was no $o#bt abo#t it. /o%ething $eep insi$e 3arry?so#n$ing s#spicio#s"y "i'e Binny6s +oice?sco"$e$ hi% for e+en thin'ing she co#"$n6t han$"e herse"f. A;eah!A he %#ttere$! ha"f to hi%se"f. AThat6s what 1 nee$ to $eci$e.A Fre$ watche$ g"eef#""y as Binny wa"'e$ by the front win$ow of the store. They 'new she was %eeting 3er%ione for "#nch to$ay. .on ha$ tippe$ hi% an$ Beorge off a few $ays ago an$ they6$ been waiting for their chance to ta"' to their sister e+er since. They easi"y co#"$ ha+e gone to her f"at to $o so! that was Beorge6s i$ea anyway. B#t Fre$ preferre$ a f#""9sca"e attac'! on their t#rf. A&e6"" be bac'!A he to"$ Derity! the new gir" who% they6$ hire$ to he"p with their boo%ing b#siness. Beorge finishe$ stoc'ing the /nac'bo:es an$ br#she$ his han$s on his tro#sers before fa""ing in "ine with his twin. Binny wasn6t har$ to fin$7 her re$ hair stan$ing o#t "i'e a beacon in the crow$. r perhaps they were <#st practice$ at searching for that partic#"ar co"or.

ABinny! %y "o+e!A Fre$ grinne$ as he s"#ng an ar% aro#n$ her sho#"$er. /he <#%pe$! b#t then s%i"e$ at the both of the%. A&hat $o yo# two want(A she as'e$! eyeing the% s#spicio#s"y. A,#st a few %o%ents of yo#r ti%e!A Beorge sai$ as he "eane$ $own to 'iss her chee'. A16"" co%e by "ater!A Binny proteste$! wrin'"ing her face #p to bac' away fro% Beorge! who 'ept trying to 'iss her. A16% a"rea$y "ate for %y %eeting with 3er%ione. *n$ if 1 $on6t he"p her with this we$$ing! the wor"$ <#st %ight stop spinning.A Fre$ ch#c'"e$ as Beorge fina""y ca#ght Binny! %a'ing the 'iss e:tra noisy an$ s"oppy. A@rgh!A Binny sai$! wiping her chee' on the insi$e of her s"ee+e. A;o#r %eeting has been %o+e$ bac' an ho#r!A Fre$ no$$e$ 'nowing"y. A&hat(A Binny sai$! narrowing her eyes at her brothers. &itho#t warning! she f"ic'e$ her wan$ o#t! ho"$ing it on the two of the%. A&e %ay ha+e?A A=ight!A Beorge a$$e$. A4robab"y!A Fre$ no$$e$. A*"right! we $i$ it!A Beorge shr#gge$. A)i$ what! e:act"y(A Binny g"are$. A&rote a "etter to 3er%ione e:p"aining that yo# were #na+oi$ab"y $etaine$ an$ that yo#6$ %eet her to choose the perfect sha$e of neon pin' to go with .on6s hair! e:act"y!A Fre$ cons#"te$ the p"ace on his wrist where a watch sho#"$ ha+e been! ha$ he e+er worn one! Aone ho#r fro% now.A Binny set her <aw?ne+er a goo$ thing! Fre$ consi$ere$?an$ fo"$e$ her ar%s $efensi+e"y in front of her! her wan$ sti"" grippe$ in her han$. A/o 16% s#ppose$ to spen$ the ne:t ho#r with yo# gits! ne+er%in$ that 1 %ight ha+e ha$ other p"ans that yo#6+e now r#ine$(A A&hat p"ans(A Fre$ as'e$! s%ir'ing. A;eah! 3arry6s o#t of the co#ntry!A Beorge shr#gge$! "ooping his ar% aro#n$ his sister6s nec' an$ t#gging her bac' towar$ the shop.

A1 $o other things besi$es spen$ing %y ti%e with 3arry!A Binny $efen$e$. The arg#%ent in her tone ga+e her away an$ Fre$ wagg"e$ his eyebrows. A.ea""y(A Binny a+erte$ her eyes! $#c'ing o#t fro% #n$er Beorge6s ar%. A/o what is it yo# nee$( * new g#inea pig for yo#r e:peri%ents( 5ee$ %e to strip $own to %y pants an$ r#b paste a"" o+er %y bo$y so yo# can cata"og#e the res#"ts(A Fre$ scr#nche$ #p his face. AEww! BinnyEA ABea#tif#" wo%en $o that for #s anyway!A Beorge wai+e$ her off. A n"y beca#se yo# pay the%!A she snorte$. A/erio#s"y! what6s this abo#t(A A&hy %#st yo# a"ways be so s#spicio#s! "itt"e sister(A Fre$ as'e$! ho"$ing the $oor to the shop open. Binny f"inche$ at the "o#$ airhorn so#n$ that echoe$. A;o# sho#"$ hear the "ion6s roar!A he wagg"e$ his eyebrows. A16% s#spicio#s beca#se it6s the two of yo#!A Binny sai$! wa"'ing noncha"ant"y into the store an$ e:a%ining the pro$#cts on the she"+es. Fre$ raise$ his eyebrow at his twin! who grinne$ an$ no$$e$. They %o+e$ forwar$! hoo'ing their ar%s #n$er Binny6s an$ carrying her to the bac' roo%. /he str#gg"e$! at first! an$ then a""owe$ the% to ta'e her where they wante$ her. A3an$ o+er yo#r wan$!A Fre$ $e%an$e$ once they ha$ her in the bac' roo%. A5oEA Binny grippe$ it e+en tighter an$ bac'e$ away fro% the%! ta'ing a protecti+e stance that %a$e Fre$ swa""ow harsh"y. Binny was no s"o#ch in $efen$ing herse"f. A/o%e things in here $on6t ta'e to we"" to wan$ fire!A Beorge pointe$ o#t! no$$ing to the b#bb"ing ca#"$rons against the bac' wa"". A*n$ why wo#"$ there be wan$ fire(A Binny $e%an$e$! her face sti"" $efiant. Fre$ sighe$! 'nowing their >#estions co#"$ be recei+e$ two ways. Binny co#"$ get +ery! +ery angry! or she co#"$ "a#gh it off. Either way she6$ be annoye$?b#t they co#"$ han$"e annoyance. 5either of the% wante$ to anger her! they <#st wante$ so%e answers! an$ to %a'e their opinion hear$. A*re yo# shagging 3arry(A Fre$ b"#rte$ o#t! wincing at how harsh the abr#pt >#estion so#n$e$. Binny6s eyes narrowe$. A&hat6s it to yo# if 1 a%(A

They6$ 'nown her "ong eno#gh to 'now that wasn6t necessari"y an a$%ission of g#i"t. /he was a"%ost as cagey as they were abo#t not act#a""y answering >#estions if she $i$n6t want to. A&e "i'e hi%!A Beorge shr#gge$! sin'ing $own onto a stoo" an$ perching his feet on the r#ngs. A&e $o!A Fre$ no$$e$ honest"y. A&e thin' he6s a $ecent b"o'e.A AB#t there6s %ore going on there! we can te"".A A16% not shagging hi%.A Binny $ef"ate$ onto a stoo" si%i"ar to Beorge6s! whi"e Fre$ hoppe$ #p on the co#nter. AB#t yo# want to be!A Beorge wagg"e$ his eyebrows. A3arry an$ 1 are frien$s!A Binny brist"e$. 5o $enia"! Fre$ notice$. That was as %#ch as Binny ye""ing that it was tr#e. Beorge pic'e$ #p on it too! an$ s%ir'e$ at Fre$. A;o#6re $ating!A Fre$ $enie$. A4robab"y trying to 'eep it fro% e+eryone.A A5ot that we b"a%e yo#!A Beorge a$$e$. A;o# ha+e to 'eep e+ery a$+antage yo# ha+e in this fa%i"y.A A*gree$.A A&e6re not $ating!A Binny shoo' her hea$. /he was >#ic'"y growing agitate$ with their >#estions an$ Fre$ s%ir'e$. Either she6$ brea' an$ start ye""ing! ina$+ertent"y spi""ing secrets! or she6$ start he:ing peop"e. They6$ ta'e their chances. A;es! yo# are!A Fre$ s%ir'e$. A;o# $o e+erything together! spen$ a"" yo#r ti%e together.A A*re yo# seeing anyone e"se(A Beorge as'e$. A1s he(A AThat6s not any of yo#r b#siness!A Binny sai$! a+erting her eyes. *nother e+asion! Fre$ notice$. A;o# $on6t e+en rea"i2e that6s what yo#6re $oing! $o yo#(A he g#esse$. ATa"' abo#t thic'!A Beorge %#ttere$. A&e6re not $ating!A Binny rep"ie$! her +oice >#a+ering <#st a bit! as if she were trying to con+ince not on"y the%! b#t herse"f as we"".

A,#st for the recor$!A Beorge offere$. A&e6$ s#pport yo# if yo# were!A Fre$ a$$e$. A r8yo# 'now! if yo# e+er $o.A Binny opene$ her %o#th to answer! b#t then c"ose$ it >#ic'"y. AThan's!A she fina""y %anage$. AThat %eans a "ot.A A*n$8A Fre$ contin#e$! #nab"e to stop hi%se"f! Aif we get a new +icti%?er! brother9in9 "aw o#t of the $ea"8A A;o#6re a prat!A Binny scow"e$ at hi%. Beorge on"y "a#ghe$. A;o#6$ better get r#nning! Bin9Bin. ;o#6re "ateEA A;o# sai$ yo# ta"'e$ to 3er%ioneEA Binny f#%e$. A)a%nit. 16% a"rea$y in hot water with her.A A&e %ay ha+e!A Fre$ shr#gge$. A r %aybe we <#st tho#ght abo#t $oing it!A Beorge scratche$ his hea$. A1t has been b#sy "ate"y. Binny ro""e$ her eyes at the both of the%. A1f she6s a"" wor'e$ #p beca#se 16+e %a$e her wait another thirty %in#tes! 16% $irecting her o+er here.A ne fina" g"are an$ she $isappeare$ o#t the bac' $oor. A&hat $o yo# thin'(A Beorge as'e$ as they both stare$ at the c"ose$ $oor. A*rse o+er e"bow!A Fre$ sighe$. A/he6s co%p"ete"y in "o+e with hi%.A A1 conc#r!A Beorge no$$e$ serio#s"y. A3ow "ong ti"" she rea"i2es it(A AThat they6re act#a""y $ating(A Beorge as'e$! t#rning to gri%ace into a s%a"" ca#"$ron which was s%o'ing behin$ hi%. A r that she6s in "o+e with hi%.A AThe first!A Fre$ shr#gge$. A/he 'nows how she fee"s. /he <#st $oesn6t see the "oo's that 3arry gi+es bac'.A A&e""! he6s gone for a %onth!A Beorge %#ttere$. A16$ gi+e it8eight wee's.A A/i:!A Fre$ no$$e$. They stoppe$ what they were $oing an$ shoo' han$s >#ic'"y! the #s#a" bet of twenty ga""eons %a$e.

Fre$ happi"y went bac' to stirring a ca#"$ron that sp#ttere$ an$ hisse$. 3e co#"$ $efinite"y #se another twenty ga""eons. The tab"oi$s ha$ been s#spicio#s"y $e+oi$ of 3arry 4otter news "ate"y! Binny obser+e$ as she trie$ to gather anything that b"#rte$ the na%e an$ ha$ the te""9ta"e f#22y pict#re on it. /he 'new this wo#"$n6t gi+e her an acc#rate +iew?b#t it was so%ething whi"e 3er%ione gathere$ news artic"es an$ boo's. Binny ha$ +ery near"y re>#ire$ an @nbrea'ab"e Dow when as'ing 3er%ione for he"p! b#t sett"e$ for 3er%ione6s a$a%ant wor$ that she wo#"$n6t say a thing abo#t what the two were $oing. /#rprising"y! 3er%ione ha$ agree$ to set asi$e her we$$ing p"anning for one wee'en$ to he"p Binny research. A4"anning a bit of rea$ing(A the c"er' at F"o#rish L B"otts as'e$! eying the stac' of g"ossy tab"oi$s Binny ha$ set on the co#nter. AEr8going on a trip!A Binny "ie$. A*hh! a nice re"a:ing ho"i$ay!A the %an no$$e$. 3e "oo'e$ to be on"y a few years o"$er than Binny herse"f. A;o# %ight be intereste$ in a boo'!A he shr#gge$! his eyes scanning the hea$"ines an$ gri%acing <#st a bit. AThese are easier to pac'!A Binny g"are$ at hi% <#st a bit. A/#re!A he no$$e$! a force$ s%i"e on his face. AThat6"" be8fifteen ga""eons.A Binny swa""owe$ har$ at the a%o#nt! t#gging open the s%a"" han$bag that 3er%ione ha$ char%e$ for her years ago. AThan's!A the c"er' ca""e$ o#t as Binny s"i$ the %aga2ines into her bag. /he $i$n6t respon$! fee"ing the nee$ to get bac' to the f"at. 3er%ione sho#"$ be co%ing soon. Binny was ha"fway thro#gh the first artic"e! $etai"ing 3arry 4otter6s s#ppose$ 6fa+orite things6! an$ ha"fway thro#gh her secon$ piece of +ery greasy pi22a when 3er%ione 'noc'e$. A1 hope yo# 'now how %#ch tro#b"e this was!A 3er%ione h#ffe$! #n"oa$ing stac's of boo's an$ o"$! tattere$ newspapers onto the s%a"" $ining roo% tab"e. A)on6t preten$ yo#6re not thri""e$ to research this!A Binny grinne$! "ifting the tab"oi$ an$ sha'ing it in 3er%ione6s face. AErgh!A 3er%ione gri%ace$. A16"" stic' to these! than's!A she no$$e$ to what she ha$ gathere$.

A h! co%e on!A Binny "a#ghe$. A;o# aren6t intereste$ to 'now that 3arry6s fa+orite co"or is b"ac'! an$ that he prefers si"' bo:ers to cotton(A 3er%ione "oo'e$ horrifie$! an$ then s"ight"y c#rio#s. A)oes he(A Binny snic'ere$. A5o. @n"ess he6s hi$ing the si"'y ones! he6s an a""9cotton 'in$ of b"o'e. &e ta'e t#rns $oing the washing.A /he shr#gge$ an$ went bac' to her artic"e. AThey6re 'in$ of a%#sing in a co%p"ete"y fictiona" way.A A1 sti"" thin' 16"" stic' to these!A 3er%ione sai$! %o+ing to the 'itchen to get a p"ate an$ nap'in for her piece of pi22a. Binny began rea$ing again! gagging at what the artic"e "iste$ as 3arry6s i$ea of a ro%antic $ate. /he was pretty s#re he wo#"$ "a#gh hi%se"f si""y o+er the i$eas! or perhaps they wo#"$ %a'e hi% want to +o%it! "i'e she fe"t now. A)o yo# 'now there are on"y two pict#res p#b"ishe$ of 3arry( The first was when he was ten or so an$ was spotte$ here in Britain!A 3er%ione e:p"aine$! f"ic'ing her wan$ so that the newspapers began arranging the%se"+es in chrono"ogica" or$er. AThe on"y reason the press e+en got that one was beca#se he was with his Bo$father! /iri#s B"ac'! an$ the photographer recogni2e$ hi%.A Binny "oo'e$ #p fro% another artic"e abo#t 3arry6s newest gir"frien$?s#ppose$"y a f#"" Dee"a who was an actress in 3o""ywoo$?to see where 3er%ione was pointing. * s"ight"y b"#rry b"ac' an$ white photograph of a yo#ng boy pee'ing o#t fro% behin$ a ta"" %an stare$ #p at her fro% a hea$"ine that rea$ 63arry 4otter( Bac' in Eng"an$ for goo$(6 Binny st#$ie$ the pa"e! thin face of the boy who wore ro#n$! b"ac' g"asses an$ ha$ b"ac' hair that st#c' #p a"" o+er the p"ace whi"e 3er%ione rea$ the artic"e o#t "o#$. AFor years we6+e a"" won$ere$ what has beco%e of The9Boy9&ho90i+e$. *"b#s )#%b"e$ore! spo'esperson for the 4otter Fa%i"y! has on"y e+er co%%ente$ that yo#ng 3arry is in capab"e han$s an$ is we"" ta'en care of away fro% a wor"$ where he wo#"$ be treate$ as a ce"ebrity. AB#t now! co#"$ this boy be <#st that hero that we6+e a"" cra+e$ 'nowing abo#t( /o#rces say that yo#ng 4otter was in Britain on ho"i$ay with his g#ar$ian! an$ Bo$father! fa%e$ *#ror! /iri#s B"ac'. 4erhaps they were here to +isit 3ogwarts an$ prepare The9Boy9 &ho90i+e$ to ret#rn to his heritage.A Binny sighe$ "o#$"y! watching as the boy6s c#rio#s eyes too' in the ca%era! an$ then rea"i2ing what was happening! he $#c'e$ his face behin$ the %an he was with. 1t was har$ to te"" if this %ight be her 3arry fro% this pict#re. 3e was thin! b#t "oo'e$ we"" ta'en care of. 3arry was thin! a"tho#gh ti%e an$ e:ercise co#"$ $efinite"y e:p"ain the way his bo$y ha$ $e+e"ope$.

AThe &i2ar$ing wor"$ $eser+es to 'now where its hero has been "i+ing!A 3er%ione contin#e$ rea$ing. A4erhaps its ti%e for *"b#s )#%b"e$ore! or e+en /iri#s B"ac' hi%se"f! to step forwar$ an$ "et 4otter o#t of their sha$ows. The )ai"y 4rophet wi"" be in+estigating this %atter f#rther.A 3er%ione finishe$ with a s%a"" h#ff. AThe ner+e of peop"e! thin'ing they ha+e the right to 'now e+erything abo#t so%eone! si%p"y beca#se so%ething a%a2ing happene$ to the%.A Binny s%i"e$! f"ipping thro#gh the other newspapers. A&here is the other pict#re(A A1t6s in this boo'!A 3er%ione offere$! ho"$ing #p a thic' +o"#%e! c"ai%ing to be the tr#e story of what ha$ rea""y happene$ in the war against Do"$e%ort. A*nything e"se with his pict#re is <#st a copy fro% this one! e+en his Choco"ate Frog car$. This is the origina". 1t contains the on"y inter+iew that 4otter has e+er gi+en. *pparent"y there was one reporter who he tr#ste$ to get the facts straight. 1t was p#b"ishe$ in se+era" newspapers a"" o+er the wor"$. The reporter then went on to write this boo' abo#t it?%a'ing e$#cate$ g#esses abo#t what 4otter $i$n6t te"" hi%. *"tho#gh! fro% what 1 can te""! his 6g#esses6 fit e+erything of what the r$er 'new bac' then?or what 1 can get o#t of peop"e.A Binny stare$ at the boo'! trying to gather the co#rage to act#a""y rea$ the passages. /'i%%ing the si""y gossip artic"es was one thing7 Binny co#"$ easi"y ignore e+erything they sai$?none of the% were tr#e! $espite c"ai%ing to be fro% 6re"iab"e so#rces6. *n$ none of the% 'new 3arry "i'e she 'new hi%. B#t the boo'?an act#a" inter+iew with 3arry 4otter?was har$ to co%prehen$. The to%e was hea+y in her han$! probab"y beca#se what it containe$ %ight +a"i$ate her s#spicions! or co%p"ete"y shoot the% $own. The strange thing was! Binny wasn6t s#re which was better. A16+e rea$ it!A 3er%ione infor%e$ her. Binny no$$e$! swa""owing thic'"y. A*n$(A 3er%ione sighe$! st#$ying her c"ose"y whi"e she pic'e$ at the re%ains of her $inner. AAn"!A she contin#e$ s"ow"y! A1 want to hear yo#r opinion of it! witho#t tainting yo#r +iew with %y tho#ghts.A Binny gr#%b"e$ at her an$ too' the boo' bac' to the sofa! b#rrowing co%fortab"y into the corner an$ sighing hea+i"y as she stare$ at the co+er. AThe .ise *n$ Fa"" of the )ar' *rts in =o$ern Ti%es!A she rea$ a"o#$. ACo#"$ he ha+e %a$e this any %ore $ry an$ $#""(A A1 tho#ght it was +ery insightf#"!A 3er%ione proteste$ fro% where she ha$ sprea$ o#t se+era" newspapers an$ see%e$ to be ta'ing notes.

Binny gri%ace$. A*t "east te"" %e what chapter it6s in. 1 won6t be ab"e to stay awa'e "ong eno#gh to rea$ this who"e thing.A 3er%ione "oo'e$ partic#"ar"y offen$e$. A1t rea""y wo#"$ be best for yo# to rea$ it in the conte:t of the who"e thing?A A3er%ione!A Binny warne$! raising an eyebrow. AChapter eight!A she fina""y a$%itte$ with a tire$ sigh. AThan' yo#.A Binny pa#se$ in opening the boo'. &hat was she going to $o if it was 3arry( ABinny(A 3er%ione ha$ %o+e$ c"oser! concern in her +oice. A*re yo# too ner+o#s to rea$ it(A A=aybe!A Binny a$%itte$. A&hat $o 1 $o if it is hi%(A 3er%ione san' $own onto the sofa! staring at the boo'. A&o#"$ it change anything(A Binny chewe$ her botto% "ip! r#nning her finger a"ong the s%ooth e$ges of the pages. A;es8an$ no.A A;o#6re in "o+e with hi%!A 3er%ione sai$ after a %in#te. Breath ca#ght in her throat! Binny no$$e$. A1 a%!A she whispere$! "a#ghing <#st a bit at how ri$ic#"o#s it so#n$e$. A&o#"$ that change if he was 3arry 4otter(A A5o!A Binny sai$ right away. *n$ that was the tr#th. /he new 3arry. 3is fa%e %ight change a few things! b#t it wo#"$n6t affect how she fe"t abo#t hi%. A5o!A she sai$ again. * s"ow s%i"e crept o+er 3er%ione6s face. A;o# 'now! yo# co#"$ <#st as' hi%.A A3e6"" te"" %e when he6s rea$y!A Binny sai$! ta'ing a $eep breath an$ opening the boo'. A1 <#st81 ha+e to 'now.A 3er%ione s%i"e$ 'nowing"y! patting her on the 'nee. A16"" "et yo# rea$ then.A AThan's!A Binny sai$ soft"y. /he f"ippe$ open to the eighth chapter! "etting her eyes s'i% the s#rface #nti" they fo#n$ 63arry 4otter6! a"%ost ha"fway $own the first page.

8(arry 2otter gone for si1teen years of his life. 'r. 2otter assures us that he was well ta en care of. (e was !rivately tutore" by who he "escribe" as 'some very brilliant !eo!le.' 4I ha" the best in everything,4 'r. 2otter continue". 4'y guar"ians love" me an" !re!are" me for what my future hel".4 The tal of his future began early, 'r. 2otter e1!laine". (is guar"ians, the infamous 0irius <lac among them, tol" him of the !ro!hecy when he was at the ten"er age of eleven. 4They worrie" about it being so early,4 2otter sai". (is voice is *uiet, his tone very guar"e". Not what you woul" e1!ect for an international celebrity. When I as e" about his star status, 2otter shrugge" it off. 4It's not real, you now. It's -ust3 !erce!tion.4 That !ro!hecy sha!e" 2otter's entire life. 4It's not only about never having my !arents. It was about3 nowing I ha" a -ob to "o, an" !re!aring myself to "o it.4 The <ritish 'inistry hel!e", along with the Americans, in organi$ing a Wi$ar"ing army to counter the growing rise in &ar Arts. <ut it was all un"er the -uris"iction of the I:W ?International :onfe"eration of Wi$ar"s, that the real control was wiel"e". AIf they'" "one this when Tom first starte" terrori$ing !eo!le,4 2otter e1!laine" with much emotion in his voice, s!ea ing of the self5title" Col"emort, 4!eo!le li e my !arents, who gave their lives fighting for what was right, woul"n't have "ie" in vain.4 2otter was -ust eighteen when he sat "own to be interviewe" by me9the one an" only interview he gave about his life, to this "ate. I as e" him about the rumors that he ha" been fighting &eath %aters since he was young. (e loo e" away, a !ensive e1!ression on his scarre" face. AI was young, yes,4 he agree". 4An" some of it I still can't tal about.4 There's no "oubt that 2otter carve" out a !lace in the history boo s9with a swor", in fact. %yewitness accounts of the =inal <attle, which too !lace -ust ilometers away from 7i""le's al ma mater, (ogwarts 0chool of Witchcraft an" Witchery, in"icate 2otter was !resent through much of the fighting, relying heavily on a large broa"swor" he was arme" with, an" his wan". A0wor" training was -ust a !art of my !re!aration,4 2otter e1!laine" when I as e" him about it. 4I learne" a lot of things that a teenage boy shoul" never have to now.4 When I finally as e" him about what he remembere" from the <attle, 2otter carries on his usual silence.

(e wasn't what I !re!are" myself for at all when getting rea"y for the interview. (arry 2otter has every right to have a swagger in his ste!, arrogance in his tone. Who woul" "eny him that right. <ut he's as far o!!osite as I can imagine a !erson being. (umble, with an easy smile when we weren't tal ing about such serious things. (e freely a"mitte" to being rather obsesse" with International Eui""itch an", blushing, e1!laine" his early chil"hoo" fantasies of !laying !rofessionally. <ut once the real sub-ect came u!, 2otter's serious si"e came out. AI hate thin ing about those "ays. The <attle3it went on forever, it seeme".4 2otter "i"n't tal in s!ecifics. 4'uch of it is classifie",4 he a"mitte". 4This wasn't -ust me, running all over %uro!e, illing !eo!le,4 he "efen"e" with a scowl that accente" the rough e"ges of his face. 4I was a sol"ier. A sol"ier in a war.4 That war, in !articular what came to be calle" the =inal <attle, claime" the lives of more than a hun"re" witches an" wi$ar"s, an" "o$ens of 'uggles. AI "i"n't want to be a sol"ier,4 2otter a"mitte". 4<ut it's what I nee"e" to "o.4 What, in !articular, was it that was 7i""le's "ownfall. We've been as ing ourselves that *uestion ever since the man became the monster. As 2otter state", the I:W ?International :onfe"eration of Wi$ar"s, has "eeme" most all of the =inal <attle classifie". They have allowe" a few facts out. I as e" 2otter the *uestion an" he answere" right away. ATom3he forgot about the most !owerful force in the worl". #ove.4 An" as trite as that answer was, I coul"n't laugh, because 2otter's conviction was so strong. A#ove is everything,4 he continue" softly. 4Tom coul"n't ill me the first time, because of the love of my mother who sacrifice" her life to stan" in front of her infant son. An" he "i"n't succee" after that because of love.4 Albus &umble"ore, a mentor of 2otter's, s!o e to me about love as well when I was able to interview him. (e confirme" 2otter's theories. 4(arry has the right i"ea of it.4 Whatever ha!!ene" on that battlefiel", it change" this young man forever. (e a"mitte" to !referring to be alone now, rather than !arta ing of what the celebrity life woul" give him. AI'm not much of a social !erson,4 he confesse". 4I was a bit before. I en-oye" seeing frien"s an" such.4

It's a shame to see someone so young be tainte" by the in" of evil that (arry 2otter has been facing his whole life. 8ne can't hel! but com!are him to 7i""le9the choices they ma"e in life contrasting shar!ly. An" we now where those choices lan"e" 7i""le. <ut what about (arry 2otter. What becomes of a hero after their "estiny is fulfille". AI "on't really now,4 2otter shrugge". (e was only barely eighteen at the time of the interview, an" only a few months remove" from the battlefiel". 4I've ha" offers from the I:W.4 To be an International Auror, he later e1!laine". 4That interests me.4 Whatever 2otter "oes, it seems he succee"s in. The !ower an" regal way he has about him is almost into1icating to be aroun" at times. <ut un"erneath is a young man who has suffere" trage"y after trage"y. The real story in all of this is that he's come out on to!, time an" time again. Binny stoppe$ rea$ing! her eyes watering eno#gh that she #se$ the bac' of her s"ee+e to wipe the%. The story went on! with the a#thor spec#"ating on what %ight ha+e happene$ at the +ario#s batt"es. B#t that $i$n6t %atter! beca#se there in the %i$$"e of the page was a photograph of 3arry 4otter?this ti%e #nb"#rre$ by any 'in$ of char%. The face was scarre$?<agge$ c#ts that ca#se$ sha$ows an$ harsh ang"es. Binny "et her eyes soa' #p the pensi+e face?the sa%e face she6$ seen in the $ar'ness of a ha""way! after a night%are?%in#s the scars. 1t was the eyes! howe+er! that con+ince$ her co%p"ete"y. 3arry 4otter6s eyes were a bright green! a"%ost #nearth"y in their co"or. 3er 3arry6s eyes were ha2e"! yet they he"$ the sa%e intensity an$ hint of $ar'ness that 4otter6s $i$. That wasn6t so%ething she6$ e+er seen in anyone e"se?other than her own eyes! "oo'ing bac' fro% the %irror. /he s"i$ the boo' c"ose$ on her "ap! staring off into space7 into nothing! rea""y. The e+ening she6$ ha$ her re+e"ation at the B#rrow! there ha$ been so%ething8$ifferent abo#t 3arry then. ;es! he6$ see%e$ to rea""y en<oy hi%se"f an$ got on with e+eryone +ery we"". B#t there was so%ething e"se! so%ething Binny wasn6t seeing. /he c"ose$ her eyes an$ tho#ght bac' to that night! to seeing 3arry sitting ne:t to her! pic'ing at his foo$ whi"e he answere$ her %other6s >#estions abo#t his fa%i"y. *n$ then he ha$ loo e" at her8an$ there was so%ething in his eyes! a"%ost as if he was willing her to 'now the tr#th abo#t hi%! witho#t ha+ing to te"" her hi%se"f. A&e""(A 3er%ione6s >#estion start"e$ her an$ she "oo'e$ #p! ha+ing forgotten her frien$ was there at a"". A1t6s hi%!A Binny sai$ soft"y. The two stare$ at each other! an aw'war$ si"ence $escen$ing between the%.

A;o#6re s#re.A A;eah!A Binny no$$e$! wiping her eyes one "ast ti%e before stan$ing! cra$"ing the boo' to her chest. A&here $i$ yo# get a"" of this(A she as'e$! g"ancing o+er the organi2e$ stac's of newspapers an$ boo's "ying aro#n$. AThe newspapers are ones 1 copie$ fro% the archi+es!A 3er%ione shr#gge$! "etting her finger trai" a"ong the%. AThe boo's 1 bo#ght fro% F"o#rish L B"otts.A Binny no$$e$! s"ow"y "aying the boo' she he"$ onto the pi"e. * s"ow b#rning i$ea too' shape in her brain. /he p#""e$ her wan$ s"ow"y! hoping that 3er%ione was occ#pie$ eno#gh not to notice. A3er%ione!A she sai$ soft"y. A16% rea""y sorry 1 ha+e to $o this8A &i$e eyes %et hers an$ she too' a $eep breath. 48bliviate.4 Co%p"eting an assign%ent a"ways %a$e 3arry fee" goo$. 1t fe"t "i'e he6$ $one his "itt"e part to %a'e one s%a"" corner of the wor"$ better. f co#rse! it rare"y staye$ that way! an$ there were ti%es when he6$ ret#rne$ to the sa%e co#ntry! the sa%e area! year after year to straighten things o#t. *n$ so%eti%es he <#st wishe$ the wor"$ wo#"$ ta'e care of itse"f. B#t then there were assign%ents "i'e the one he6$ <#st finishe$. Those were the ones that 3arry thri+e$ off of. The *#ror progra% was now #p an$ r#nning! transfor%e$ fro% the two ro#gh an$ t#%b"e %en who so%eti%es showe$ #p for wor'! into a force! fifteen strong! fo""owing 3arry6s training regi%en an$ co%%itte$ to 'eeping their fa%i"ies! their neighbors! safe. There were $ownsi$es to his wor'! howe+er. *n$ %a'ing appearances at 1C& hea$>#arters was one of the "argest. 1t ha$ been %onths since 3arry ha$ nee$e$ to present hi%se"f before the *#ror6s Boar$. B#t it was ti%e now. 3e fi$gete$ in his $ress #nifor%! trying not to a""ow his annoyance to show. 6,#st get it o+er with!6 he grow"e$ to hi%se"f. *n$ then he co#"$ go ho%e8to Binny. 3arry sti"" ha$n6t $eci$e$ for s#re what to $o abo#t Binny. )arian see%e$ to ha+e forgotten a"" abo#t their con+ersation that $ay in the cantina. 3e ha$n6t %entione$ it at a""! #nti" the $ay 3arry "eft. Tell her how you feel. 3is parting wor$s sti"" echoe$ in 3arry6s hea$.

A*#ror 4otter. The co%%ittee wi"" see yo# now.A 3arry snappe$ to attention as the ai$e anno#nce$ hi% into the roo%. The asse%b"y roo% was fi""e$ to capacity an$ 3arry fo#ght the #rge to ro"" his eyes. A*s yo# can see! *#ror 4otter!A the hea+y9set Chair%an %otione$ to the faces who were a"" staring at hi%! Awe ha+e so%e +isitors to$ay.A A;es! sir!A 3arry sai$ c"ear"y. 3e stoo$ at strict attention! gathering his %agic abo#t hi% "i'e a shie"$. &itho#t it there! he fe"t na'e$7 e:pose$ for a"" the wor"$. The g"a%o#rs he wore $ai"y as 3arry 4ar'er weren6t necessary when he wasn6t in $isg#ise. 3e stoo$ before the co%%ittee! bearing scars an$ %ar's as e+i$ence of his "ife of ser+ice. /e+era" f"ashes of "ight went off an$ 3arry grow"e$ inwar$"y. 1t $i$n6t %atter. 3e sti"" ha$ the bf#scation char% in p"ace. The pict#res wo#"$ t#rn o#t b"#rry. That tho#ght a"%ost %a$e a s%a"" s%ir' escape hi%. 5othing was better than co%p"ete"y r#ining so%e reporter6s $ay. A1nterest has been shown in yo#r training techni>#es! 4otter!A the Chair%an contin#e$! a$<#sting his s%a"" g"asses. 3arry co#"$ see the "ines where the ar%s presse$ into his ro#n$ face. A*n$ se+era" go+ern%ents ha+e sent representati+es to "oo' into a$opting yo#r progra%.A 3arry no$$e$ s%art"y! #ns#re what the proper response for that co%%ent wo#"$ be. &hat he rea""y wante$ to say wo#"$n6t be we"" recei+e$ by anyone. A0et6s begin with yo#r report! *#ror! an$ then we6"" contin#e with any >#estions the obser+ers %ight ha+e.A 3arry too' a $eep breath an$ $etai"e$ the "ast few %onths of assign%ents! +ery aware of e+ery pair of e:tra eyes on hi% as we"" as the f"ashb#"bs popping. The >#estion an$ answer perio$ was %ore than a "itt"e aw'war$ as 3arry grew +ery tire$ of stan$ing an$ no one offere$ hi% a chair. 3is answers got shorter an$ shorter! an$ his tone grew %ore bore$ as they $ragge$ on! co+ering the sa%e o"$ %ateria". Fina""y! the Chair%an $is%isse$ the% a"" an$ 3arry sprang for the $oorway! intent on escaping both the st#ffy offices an$ the confines of his $ress #nifor% robes as >#ic'"y as possib"e. 3owe+er! it wasn6t %eant to be. The +isitors swar%e$ in front of hi%! pressing in tight"y. 3arry co#"$ fee" a spi'e in his %agic as his heart race$ an$ a$rena"ine 'ic'e$ in. /e+era" peop"e c"ose to hi% bac'e$ away! strange "oo's on their faces?to 3arry it see%e$ they were ha"fway between terrifie$ an$ c#rio#s. A=r. 4otterE &o#"$ yo# p"ease re%o+e the char% fro% yo#rse"f so we can get a pict#re(A

ATe"" #s a bit abo#t yo#r persona" "ife! 3arryEA A*ny "o+e interests(A A&here $o yo# "i+e! =r. 4otter(A The press c"ose$ in e+en tighter! #n$a#nte$ by 3arry6s growing irritation or the space that got %ore an$ %ore confining as they a"" presse$ on towar$ the entrance. A5o co%%ent!A 3arry sai$ p"ain"y. 1t was his #s#a" answer! e+en tho#gh in his hea$ it trans"ate$ to 6"ea+e %e the he"" a"one.6 ACo%e on! "a$. This way8A The Chair%an! with h#ge white eyebrows that a"%ost obsc#re$ his eyes behin$ his g"asses! patte$ 3arry hea+i"y on the sho#"$er. A=r. 4otter has %a$e his re%ar's for the $ay! fo"'s. ;o#6$ best be %o+ing a"ong.A 3arry was gratef#" to the %an! e+en as he contin#e$ to harbor resent%ent towar$ hi%. There ha$ been no notification to the change in %eeting sent to 3arry! an$ he6$ wa"'e$ in co%p"ete"y off g#ar$ for the ho#rs waste$ to$ay. A;o# $i$ we"" in there!A he co%p"i%ente$. A;o# ha+e %#ch %ore patience with that b#nch than 1 wo#"$.A A;es! sir!A 3arry agree$! instea$ of biting bac' "i'e he wante$ to $o. 1t wasn6t necessari"y this %an6s fa#"t?b#t he was a po"itician. *n$ 3arry $i$n6t $o we"" with po"iticians?they ten$e$ to "et their agen$as o+erco%e rationa" tho#ght an$ %anners. A;o#6re origina""y fro% Eng"an$! aren6t yo#(A 3arry scr#nche$ #p his forehea$! won$ering where the >#estion was "ea$ing. A;es! sir.A A1 ha+e so%e peop"e 16$ "i'e yo# to %eet then.A The wor$s s#n' into 3arry6s sto%ach "i'e a "ea$ weight. Disions of tearing his for%a" #nifor% robes off an$ r#nning screa%ing towar$ the $oors f"ashe$ thro#gh his %in$ before he resigne$ hi%se"f to a few %ore %in#tes of stiff con+ersations an$ aw'war$ han$sha'es. ABent"e%en! this is 3arry 4otter!A the Chair%an offere$! wai+ing his "arge ar% wi$e towar$ 3arry in a gran$ gest#re. A4otter! this is the =inistry $e"egation fro% Eng"an$.A A4"ease$ to %eet yo#!A 3arry bowe$ his hea$ forwar$ <#st a bit! forcing a gri% s%i"e at the three %en.

A)#ane .obar$s! 3ea$ of =agica" 0aw Enforce%ent!A the Chair%an contin#e$ to intro$#ce. A0#$"ow &i""is! hea$ of recr#iting for the *ca$e%y.A 3arry no$$e$ to both %en! forgetting their na%es i%%e$iate"y. A*n$ 4ercy &eas"ey! /pecia" *ssistant to the =inister of =agic.A 3arry +ery near"y swa""owe$ his tong#e as the thin yo#ng %an s%i"e$ an$ he"$ o#t his han$ to be sha'en. A1t6s tr#"y an honor to %eet yo#! =r. 4otter!A 4ercy greete$ hi%. 3arry shoo' his han$! a bit %ore "i%p"y than he nor%a""y wo#"$ ha+e $one! b#t he was preocc#pie$. /taring at the re$9hea$e$ %an! who was sti"" p#%ping his han$ enth#siastica""y #p an$ $own! 3arry co#"$ co#nt the si%i"arities to Binny. They ha$ the sa%e co"or hair?a $ar'er sha$e than .on or the twins. They both ha$ a $i%p"e in their "eft chee' when they s%i"e$. *n$ they both ha$ $eep brown eyes! a"tho#gh 4ercy6s were hi$$en behin$ thin g"asses. A r $o yo# prefer being ca""e$ *#ror 4otter(A 4ercy as'e$! s"owing his han$ $own b#t not "etting go yet. A3arry. 1! er! prefer 3arry.A ABoo$!A 4ercy sai$! fina""y $ropping 3arry6s han$. A16+e rea$ a"" abo#t yo#! of co#rse. &hen they to"$ #s we %ight act#a""y get to %eet yo#8A 3arry $i$n6t hear %ore than a "ight babb"e of his wor$s! he was so b#sy %enta""y chec'ing his bf#scation char% an$ trying to 'eep his %agic fro% spi'ing $angero#s"y high an$ scaring the other %en. Dag#e"y! 3arry re%e%bere$ that this was the brother Binny wasn6t c"ose with at a"". This was the brother who ha$ "ost a gir"frien$ in that %ess with the $iary. 3e sta%pe$ $own irritation an$ a fierce protecti+eness that rose insi$e hi% on Binny6s beha"f! a"" the whi"e no$$ing an$ trying to 'eep a s%i"e on. 3e %#st ha+e answere$ their >#estions correct"y! beca#se they a"" s%i"e$ an$ shoo' his han$ genia""y before 3arry fe"t he was fina""y a""owe$ to "ea+e. A*gain!A 4ercy sai$! ho"$ing o#t his han$ once %ore. A1t6s a rea" honor to %eet yo#.A A;o# as we""!A 3arry cho'e$ o#t. 3e ignore$ the han$sha'e! %ore o#t of a growing sense of panic than anything. 4ercy ha$n6t been at the B#rrow when Binny too' hi% there for $inner "ast %onth7 in fact! this was the first ti%e %eeting hi% at a"". &hat if he recogni2e$ so%ething! what if he to"$ Binny! or her fa%i"y! before 3arry co#"$ ta"' to her( This wasn6t how he wante$ his secret re+ea"e$.

Tell her how you feel. The wor$s weren6t as reass#ring now! ha+ing <#st $ea"t with what it act#a""y %eant to be 3arry 4otter. The "ift was $eserte$ an$ 3arry threw hi%se"f into it! tearing at his co""ar an$ opening it eno#gh to breathe7 h#ge g#"ping breaths that %a$e his "#ngs b#rn. Co#"$ he rea""y $o that to Binny( Force her into a re"ationship that %eant a"ways being on $isp"ay( Consi$ering how %#ch 3arry hi%se"f hate$ that8he rea""y $i$n6t 'now if he co#"$.

*Chapter 0*: Chapter 0: Wishing1 %oping1 Waiting

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter 0: Wishing1 %oping1 Waiting /ince the confir%ation of Binny6s s#spicions abo#t 3arry! she6$ been %ore preocc#pie$ than e+er. /he rea""y trie$ to foc#s on things! b#t "itt"e tho#ghts abo#t 3arry 'ept creeping in here an$ there. .ight after b"i+iating 3er%ione! so%ething she sti"" fe"t e:tre%e"y g#i"ty for! e+en if it ha" to be $one! Binny ha$ banishe$ a"" of the newspapers an$ boo's to her be$roo%. /he6$ spent the "ast two wee's of 3arry6s absence rea$ing the% a""! yet she sti"" fe"t she 'new nothing %ore of conse>#ence abo#t 3arry. &hat she 'new a"rea$y was eno#gh. 3er free ti%e was spent %ost"y with 3er%ione! ta"'ing abo#t the we$$ing! p"anning for the we$$ing! breathing for the we$$ing. 1t was on"y three wee's away an$ things were rea""y starting to co%e together. Binny ha$ %anage$ to ha+e one "#nch with 0#na! before she traipse$ off to so%ewhere e"se in the wor"$! an$ %et 5e+i""e once for $inner. 5e+i""e ha$ tease$ her a bit abo#t

being so a"oof "ate"y! b#t he see%e$ fine with it. They were goo$ frien$s! yes! b#t 5e+i""e was .on6s best %ate! so they sti"" saw each other fair"y reg#"ar"y at fa%i"y f#nctions an$ with the we$$ing p"anning. 3er night%ares ha$ %ost"y been absent these past few wee's! howe+er she wasn6t positi+e if the $rea%s that ha$ rep"ace$ the% were better or not. Di+i$ an$ erotic fantasies p"aye$ o#t in her hea$ a"%ost night"y. /trange"y! they were so #n"i'e Binny! that they were at ti%es +ery co%ica". /he <#st rea""y wasn6t the 'in$ of gir" to pine o+er a hero! beco%e a $a%se" in $istress! an$ then be sa+e$ by the shining 'night in ar%or. *n$ the fact that 3arry ha$ ta'en the p"ace of the fab"e$ 'night $i$n6t he"p. 3e sa+e$ her fro% a"" %anner of sit#ations an$ wi"$ beasts! on"y to sweep her off her feet an$ spirit her away to his cast"e! where they %a$e "o+e o+er an$ o+er. *fter that first partic#"ar $rea%! Binny ha$ awo'en s"ight"y a%#se$! s"ight"y $isg#ste$! an$ +ery aro#se$?which on"y ser+e$ to f#rther the $isg#st. -nowing that it wo#"$n6t go away! Binny >#ic'"y too' care of things an$ then got rea$y for the $ay. B#t now 3arry was bac' any $ay now an$ Binny was act#a""y ner+o#s abo#t seeing hi%. &o#"$ she notice g"aring $ifferences in his beha+ior now that she 'new( =ost i%portant"y! wo#"$ she betray what she 'new by st#ttering an$ sta%%ering aro#n$ hi% "i'e an e"e+en9year o"$ gir" with a cr#sh( Tho#ghts "i'e that cons#%e$ her as she "ay on the sofa! not e+en seeing the fi"% that was p"aying on the te""y. /he c"ic'e$ it off an$ "ay there in the se%i9$ar'! sorting her fee"ings. )espite what she 'new abo#t 3arry! she was sti"" in "o+e with hi%. 3er sto%ach sti"" f"#ttere$ when she tho#ght abo#t hi%! her heart sti"" race$! an$ =er"in 'new she ha$ a $efinite physica" attraction to hi%. B#t there was a"so his $ry sense of h#%or! an$ the way he was gent"e with her witho#t being patroni2ing. 3e6$ accepte$ her story abo#t the $iary with #n$erstan$ing an$ no <#$g%ent at a"". 1n fact! he6$ been fierce"y protecti+e of her in a +ery non9threatening way. * thri"" of attraction co#rse$ thro#gh her when she tho#ght of that %o%ent! an$ the way the roo% ha$ brist"e$ with power at the ti%e. 4erhaps that was one of the things that ha$ tippe$ Binny off abo#t 3arry6s secret. &hat to $o abo#t these fee"ings! howe+er! was a who"e $ifferent s#b<ect. /o%ehow! she $i$n6t thin' 3arry wo#"$ be oppose$ to her starting so%ething. B#t a nigg"ing fear at the bac' of her %in$ warne$ that she $i$n6t 'now 3arry a"" that we"". &o#"$ he see this as si%p"y a f"ing! con+enient beca#se both of the% were "one"y( r wo#"$ he tr#"y co%e to fee" as she $i$! that they co#"$ ha+e a +iab"e! "ong ter% re"ationship here( Binny c#rse$ the $o#bt an$ banishe$ it bac' to where it ha$ co%e fro%. That was the ta"' of a si""y! fo#rteen year9o"$ gir" who ha$ tr#ste$ in a $iary. Those $o#bts weren6t fo#n$e$ on rea"ity at a"".

.ea""y! the on"y way for Binny to 'now was to try. There were three wee's #nti" .on an$ 3er%ione6s we$$ing. Binny was $eter%ine$ that she was going to as' 3arry to co%e as her $ate. 1n the %eanti%e! she6$ start paying better attention. &atching how he reacte$ aro#n$ her! cata"og#ing his e:pressions an$ his to#ches. 1t fe"t a bit "i'e sta"'ing a pre$ator! Binny $eci$e$ with an eye9ro""ing s%i"e. )i$ she rea""y 'now what she was getting into( The $istincti+e 6pop6 of so%e *pparating into the f"at rang o#t an$ Binny6s heart th#%pe$. /he sat #p on the sofa! t#c'ing her ar%s aro#n$ her "egs to 'eep herse"f fro% <#%ping #p an$ "a#nching at 3arry when he ca%e into the roo%. A3i!A he sai$ when he stro$e p#rposef#""y $own the ha""way. /eeing her on the sofa! his who"e $eter%ine$ e:pression change$ into8so%ething Binny co#"$n6t >#ite p"ace. /he tho#ght %aybe there was conf#sion in there! an$ perhaps a s"ip of his confi$ence. A3i!A she answere$ bac'. A3ow was yo#r trip(A 3arry san' $own onto the sofa! c"ose eno#gh that Binny co#"$n6t resist "eaning o+er an$ sn#gg"ing into his si$e. 3is war% scent fi""e$ her #p an$ she sighe$! fee"ing the b#tterf"y %o+e%ent "ow in her be""y again. ATiring!A 3arry a$%itte$! his ar% co%ing aro#n$ her. 3e fe"t stiff #n$erneath her! tho#gh! "i'e he wasn6t s#re he rea""y wante$ this e%brace. B#t that on"y "aste$ #nti" Binny t#c'e$ her hea$ #n$er his chin. 3e ga+e hi%se"f o+er f#""y towar$ it! #nti" both ar%s were wrappe$ aro#n$ her an$ his face was resting on her hea$. A&e""! yo#6re ho%e now!A Binny sai$! c"osing her eyes. The #rge to si%p"y "oo' #p an$ te"" hi% that she "o+e$ hi% was a"%ost o+erwhe"%ing! b#t she c"a%pe$ onto it tight"y. /he nee$e$ to be s#re first. A1 a%!A 3arry agree$! his breathing s"owing $own so%e an$ his heart not ha%%ering away. /he won$ere$ if *pparation a"ways affecte$ hi% that way. A1 sho#"$ go an$ chec' on 3e$wig!A 3arry sai$ soft"y! yet he %a$e no %o+e to "ea+e her e%brace an$ Binny s%i"e$. A1t sho#"$ be any $ay now!A she whispere$. A16+e been chec'ing a co#p"e of ti%es a $ay. 5othing yet.A ABoo$!A 3arry gr#nte$ o#t soft"y. A1 $i$n6t want to %iss it. )a%n %eetings ran "ong.A Binny s%i"e$ into hi%. A*t "east yo#6+e been $oing so%ething that yo# en<oy. 16+e been p"anning so%eone e"se6s we$$ing.A 3arry ch#c'"e$. A;eah! 16$ sti"" ta'e the $a%n %eetings.A

/he co#"$n6t he"p b#t "a#gh at hi%. A1t6"" be o+er in three wee's. *n$ then "ife can begin again.A 1n her hea$! she +owe$ to 'now! either way! by then! what 3arry6s fee"ings were. /he was tire$ of this $ancing aro#n$ a re"ationship. Fre$ an$ Beorge6s wor$s to her abo#t how she an$ 3arry were $ating! b#t <#st ha$n6t rea"i2e$ it! were an e+er9present co%panion. A16% not s#re 1 ha+e the energy to go to be$!A 3arry sai$! sin'ing f#rther bac' into the c#shions. AThen <#st sit here with %e!A Binny sai$. A16% being "a2y tonight. &e6"" watch so%ething on the te""y.A A;eah!A 3arry sai$! his +oice a"rea$y hea+y with s"eep. Binny #se$ the re%ote contro" to t#rn on the te""y! 'eeping the +o"#%e "ow. 1t rea""y $i$n6t %atter what they watche$ as 3arry6s chest began to rise an$ fa"" reg#"ar"y #n$er her hea$! his soft p#ffs of breath f"#ttering her hair. &hen he went co%p"ete"y "a: #n$er her! Binny sat #p! st#$ying his face c"ose"y. 3e "oo'e$ the sa%e as e+er an$ she won$ere$ abo#t the scars that she 'new ha$ to be there. 1t was probab"y g"a%o#rs! she $eci$e$! $esigne$ to hi$e the te""9ta"e signs of who he was. A1 "o+e yo#! 3arry 4otter!A she whispere$! fee"ing bra+e for a secon$. f co#rse! now that he was as"eep! Binny co#"$ re+ea" her two biggest secrets. * "o#$ s>#aw' wo'e hi% fro% a $eep s"eep an$ 3arry scra%b"e$ aro#n$ the be$! f#%b"ing for his wan$. 1t was *r%strong! howe+er! p#ffing his chest an$ beating his wings wi"$"y before sett"ing bac' $own. /ett"ing $own being a re"ati+e ter%! howe+er! beca#se he sti"" pace$ bac' an$ forth on the perch! his wi$e eyes "oo'ing $own into the $ar' corner of the roo%. 3arry b"in'e$ away s"eep an$ r#bbe$ at his eyes! trying to foc#s in the $ar'ness. 3e co#"$ hear 3e$wig %o+ing aro#n$! see her white shape. 1t $i$n6t see% that she was on her nest! howe+er! b#t ho+ering o+er it protecti+e"y. A0#%os.A 3arry6s wan$ "it #p the roo% an$ *r%strong proteste$. 3arry ignore$ hi%! howe+er! in fa+or of watching his ow". 3er a%ber eyes %et his an$ she twiste$ her hea$ before "oo'ing bac' $own at her eggs. ne of the% ha$ a gaping ho"e in the si$e an$ 3arry6s <aw $roppe$. A1t6s ti%e!A he sai$! scra%b"ing to get off the be$! near"y fa""ing as the sheet wrappe$ aro#n$ his an'"e. 3e grope$ for a t9shirt on the f"oor an$ p#""e$ on the first thing he co#"$

fin$! >#ic'"y %o+ing across the ha"" an$ 'noc'ing gent"y on Binny6s $oor. 3e opene$ it when she groane$. ABin! wa'e #pE 1t6s ti%e. The ow"s are hatching.A 3e fe"t a bit si""y wearing a h#ge grin! b#t the i$ea that 3e$wig was abo#t to beco%e a %other e:cite$ hi%! $espite his origina" %isgi+ings. A&ha(A Binny sat #p in be$! b"eari"y pawing at her face. AThe ow"s!A 3arry e:p"aine$! fee"ing his face heat when he rea"i2e$ she was on"y wearing a s%a"" tan'top an$ py<a%a pants that sat +ery "ow on her hips. A hEA /he scra%b"e$ to get o#t of be$ an$ >#ic'"y "ifte$ her "ong hair into a s"oppy config#ration on the bac' of her hea$! sec#ring it with so%ething fro% her nightstan$. A ne was <#st abo#t to hatch!A 3arry sai$! g"ancing bac' o+er his sho#"$er. ACo%e on then!A Binny sai$! ta'ing his han$ an$ p#""ing hi% towar$ his own be$roo%. They aw'war$"y perche$ on the en$ of 3arry6s be$! c"ose together an$ staring at the nest. 3e$wig ga+e a s%a"" noise of enco#rage%ent as the "itt"e ow" chic' %anage$ to get another piece of the she"" off of hi%se"f. A/he6s going to be a goo$ %other!A Binny sai$! sn#gg"ing #p to 3arry e+en f#rther an$ t#c'ing her "egs #n$erneath herse"f. A;eah!A 3arry note$ absent"y. 3is "ow be""y twitche$ in a fa%i"iar way an$ he c#rse$ si"ent"y. 5ow was not the ti%e for that. 3e foc#se$ bac' on the eggs in the nest! wi""ing another one to start hatching. AThan's for wa'ing %e!A Binny sai$. A16+e a"ways wante$ to see an ow" hatch.A A5o prob"e%!A 3arry sai$! gi+ing her han$ a "itt"e s>#ee2e. They watche$ as the baby ow" wor'e$ tire"ess"y for a"%ost fifteen %in#tes before 3e$wig c"i%be$ bac' #p onto the nest! n#22"ing the baby an$ re%o+ing the "ast bits of egg fro% its bo$y. A1t6s 'in$ of #g"y!A 3arry obser+e$ in a whispere$ +oice! narrowing his eyes at the grey "itt"e thing. ABi+e hi% ti%e!A Binny sco"$e$! yawning wi$e"y an$ wrapping her ar%s aro#n$ his chest. A3e6"" "oo' better when he6s $ry an$ f"#ffy. /ee! 3e$wig wi"" ta'e care of hi%.A

/#re eno#gh! 3e$wig was r#bbing her feathers a"" o+er the ow"et! whi"e the "itt"e thing trie$ to gain his ba"ance in the nest. A;o# thin' another one wi"" hatch(A 3arry as'e$! eyeing the other eggs. A&e co#"$ 'eep watching!A Binny s#ggeste$! her breath on his nec' %a'ing gooseb#%ps appear. 3is sto%ach f"#ttere$ again an$ 3arry breathe$ $eep"y! wi""ing hi%se"f to foc#s on anything b#t Binny in his ar%s. 3is $esire for her ha$n6t "essene$ at a"" since co%ing ho%e fro% his assign%ent. B#t 3arry was pro#$ of hi%se"f for contro""ing it better. 3e $i$n6t fee" the e+er constant aro#sa" <#st waiting be"ow the s#rface! an$ the $esire to $ea" with it fo#r ti%es a $ay ha$! than'f#""y! $ie$. The yearning was sti"" there! as strong as e+er! b#t 3arry was trying to fig#re o#t the e%otions behin$ e+erything! instea$ of si%p"y a""owing his physica" reaction to ta'e o+er. A;eah! we can!A he agree$. ne other egg hatche$ near"y thirty %in#tes "ater! b#t the others showe$ no sign of %o+ing at a"". 3arry watche$ the "itt"e ow"s totter aro#n$ the nest as *r%strong inspecte$ the% hi%se"f. 3e $i$n6t show the sa%e affection that 3e$wig ha$! b#t 3arry tho#ght he "oo'e$ "i'e a pro#$ father! his chest fi""ing #p p#rposef#""y an$ his feathers r#ff"ing at ti%es. A1 thin' that6s a"" we6re going to get tonight!A 3arry sai$ soft"y! "oo'ing $own to where Binny was hea+y against his si$e. /he $i$n6t respon$! tho#gh! an$ 3arry shifte$! rea"i2ing that she was as"eep. 3e grinne$ $own at her. The best thing to $o wo#"$ be to carry her to her be$! he tho#ght. B#t a rather sa"acio#s si$e of hi% as'e$ why7 she was here! as"eep! in his be$. &hy not "et her stay here( The tho#ght ca#se$ another <o"t! one that 3arry $i$n6t i%%e$iate"y c"a%p $own on. &hat wo#"$ it fee" "i'e to wa'e with Binny in his ar%s( 1t wo#"$ be co%p"ete"y innocent! he 'new. ,#st8two frien$s sharing a be$ together after staying #p too "ate. Before he co#"$ change his %in$! 3arry $ar'ene$ his wan$ an$ "ifte$ Binny into his ar%s! shifting her higher into the center of the be$. 3e craw"e$ in ne:t to her! sighing happi"y when she c#r"e$ into his chest. Than' hea+ens he was so tire$! he $eci$e$. Beca#se this position %ight act#a""y 'i"" hi% to ho"$ a"" night.

Binny awo'e! fee"ing war% an$ happy. 1t too' her a few %in#tes to rea"i2e she wasn6t in her own be$! an$ that 3arry6s ar% was $rape$ o+er her waist as he spoone$ #p behin$ her. /he stif"e$ a gigg"e as his "ight snoring ha"te$ an$ then starte$ again! his ar% ref"e:i+e"y tightening aro#n$ her. Ta'ing a few %in#tes to si%p"y en<oy the fee"ing! Binny re"a:e$ bac' in his e%brace. They fit together a"%ost perfect"y! she %#se$. 3arry6s 'nees were t#c'e$ behin$ her own! spooning the% tight"y! she rea"i2e$ with a start. The #rge to t#rn aro#n$ an$8we""! basica""y %o"est hi%! ca%e to %in$ fierce"y an$ Binny bit her "ip stif"ing a g#i"ty gigg"e. B#t then rea"ity str#c'! in the for% of a frantic *r%strong f"apping aro#n$ the roo%. A)a%n bir$!A 3arry grow"e$! ro""ing away fro% her an$ groggi"y searching the cei"ing for Binny6s ow". A3e6s <#st e:cite$!A Binny proteste$ with a s%i"e. /he ro""e$ in be$! +ery aware of the space that 3arry ha$ p#t between the%. A3e scratche$ %eEA 3arry proteste$. Binny s"i$ forwar$ on the be$! ignoring the pi""ow that 3arry ha$ sho+e$ into his "ap7 his physica" reaction to being so c"ose to her was ob+io#s. *cross his bare forear% were three "ong! $eep scratches. A ooo!A she hisse$! wincing at the go#ges that were now starting to b"ee$. A.#$$y bir$!A she c#rse$ *r%strong. A1 can hea" it!A 3arry proteste$. 3e g"are$ $own at the bit of sheet that Binny ha$ presse$ to the wo#n$! beginning to re$$en with his b"oo$. AB#t it was a rather r#$e way to wa'e #p.A Binny co#"$n6t he"p the gigg"e that b#rst o#t! "oo'ing #p at hi%. ne si$e of his hair was stan$ing co%p"ete"y #p an$ there were creases fro% his pi""owcase in his face. /o%e of the% see%e$ $eeper than the others an$ it occ#rre$ to her that perhaps the g"a%o#rs that he was wearing were starting to fa$e an$ the scars she 'new were there on his face were starting to show. A&hat are yo# "a#ghing at(A he $e%an$e$! a scow" painte$ on his face. 3owe+er! he "oo'e$ "ess "i'e a %an who co#"$ $o serio#s $a%age to her an$ %ore "i'e a chi"$ who6$ been awo'en fro% a too9short nap. A16% b"ee$ingEA A;o# ha+e be$9hea$!A Binny sai$! reaching #p to br#sh her han$ a"ong his hair. 3e shi+ere$ #n$erneath her han$ an$ <er'e$ away! c"#tching the pi""ow to his front.

A1! er8.A 3is eyes were wi"$! "oo'ing between her an$ the $oor. For a %o%ent Binny was conf#se$ an$ then she re"a:e$. /ho#"$ she say so%ething! te"" hi% it was nat#ra" an$ that he nee$n6t be e%barrasse$( r wo#"$ that %ortify hi% e+en %ore than he was. A0oo'EA she sai$! grasping for anything that co#"$ $ef#se the sit#ation. AThe other eggs hatche$.A A h! yeah!A 3arry sai$! sti"" c"#tching his pi""ow. A16%! er816% going to #se the "oo.A Binny t#rne$! preten$ing to be intent"y st#$ying the new ow"s. 3arry "eft the roo% >#ic'"y an$ she scoote$ off the be$! wary of *r%strong as she approache$ the nest. AThat wasn6t +ery nice! yo# 'now! attac'ing 3arry "i'e that. 3e wasn6t $oing anything to yo#.A *r%strong r#ff"e$ his feathers an$ hope$ c"oser to the nest! hooting "o#$"y. A;o#6re in a %oo$!A Binny co%%ente$! r#bbing the re%aining tire$ness away fro% her face. A1 wo#"$ ha+e tho#ght yo#6$ be happy.A The ow" s>#aw'e$ again an$ Binny shoo' her hea$ at hi%. 3e$wig shifte$! "etting her babies o#t fro% #n$er her farther. Binny s%i"e$ at the f#22y white $own that they were co+ere$ in. ,#st "i'e she6$ pro%ise$ 3arry! they were %#ch prettier to$ay than when they6$ co%e o#t of their eggs! a"" wet an$ thin. ne bir$ staye$ where he was the who"e ti%e! b"in'ing #p at Binny. /he notice$ he was %#ch s%a""er than the other three as we"". 3e$wig reache$ $own an$ n#$ge$ hi% with her bea'! b#t he $i$n6t %o+e. A h no!A Binny sai$ with a sin'ing fee"ing. /he g"ance$ #p at *r%strong. A1s that why yo# wo'e 3arry( ;o# wante$ he"p(A *r%strong t#rne$ his hea$ an$ peere$ at her. Binny "eane$ c"oser! 'eeping an eye on both parents. A4oor "itt"e thing.A /he trie$ to thin' bac' to Care of =agica" Creat#res an$ re%e%ber if there was anything that 3agri$ ha$ sai$ abo#t n#rsing ow"ets. B#t nothing was co%ing. 3arry ca%e bac' into the roo%! his hair wet fro% a fast shower. 3is chee's were f"#she$ an$ Binny notice$! b#t she was %ore worrie$ abo#t the ow". A1 thin' one of the% is sic'! 3arry!A she sai$. 3e fro2e! the t9shirt he was p#""ing on! on"y a""owing ha"f of his face to show.

A&hat(A he as'e$! finishing an$ h#rrying o+er the cro#ch ne:t to her. 3e staye$ on the other si$e of her! we"" away fro% *r%strong! which Binny wo#"$ ha+e fo#n$ +ery a%#sing if she wasn6t so worrie$ abo#t the ow". A&hat6s wrong(A A3e hasn6t $one %ore than shift abo#t since 16+e been watching!A Binny sai$. A*n$ he6s %#ch s%a""er than the others.A 3arry r#ff"e$ his hair! his eyes ne+er "ea+ing the s%a"" bir$. A1s there anything we can $o(A A16% not s#re!A Binny a$%itte$. A16+e been trying to re%e%ber Care of =agica" Creat#res an$ 1 $on6t re%e%ber %#ch. 1 thin' 1 was too b#sy s'i+ing off c"ass.A 3arry gr#nte$ an$ chewe$ the si$e of his chee'. A=aybe we co#"$ ta'e hi% to the shop in )iagon *""ey.A A1 co#"$ write to 3agri$!A Binny %#se$ >#iet"y. A3e 'nows e+erything abo#t %agica" creat#res.A 3arry conte%p"ate$ that for a %in#te. Binny tho#ght she %ight ha+e seen a bit of recognition in his face for a secon$! b#t he co+ere$ it we"". A0et6s $o that then!A he s#ggeste$. A*n$ we6"" 'eep an eye on hi%. 1f it gets ba$8 &e <#st can6t "et hi% $ie!A he swa""owe$! his *$a%6s app"e bobbing twice. A&e won6t!A Binny ass#re$ hi%! her han$ r#bbing the p"ace where *r%strong ha$ scratche$ hi%. 1t was hea"e$ now! a"tho#gh three faint pa"e "ines sti"" shown in his s'in. Those wo#"$ fa$e o+er ti%e! Binny 'new. /he h#rrie$"y scratche$ o#t a note to 3agri$ an$ then set abo#t con+incing *r%strong that he sho#"$ "ea+e his fa%i"y to get he"p. 1t wasn6t an easy <ob! b#t she fina""y %anage$! an$ he soare$ o#t o+er the s'y! pin' with %orning "ight. A16"" go start brea'fast!A 3arry offere$. A3e$wig a"ways "i'e$ bacon. 16"" %a'e her so%e.A Binny co#"$ hear the concern in his +oice an$ affection washe$ o+er her for this %an. The way he6$ he"$ her "ast night wasn6t far fro% her %in$. There was $efinite"y so%ething there between the%. B#t 3arry! for reasons she co#"$ certain"y g#ess at! was trying his best to ho"$ bac'. A&hat a% 1 going to $o with hi%! 3e$wig(A Binny %#se$ >#iet"y when 3arry ha$ "eft the roo%. A1 g#ess 16"" <#st nee$ to con+ince hi% that it6s o'ay.A

3e$wig $i$n6t respon$ b#t n#$ge$ her babies aro#n$ the nest once %ore. The three hea"thy ones sett"e$ $own into the c"othing 3e$wig an$ *r%strong ha$ sto"en! an$ the new %other gent"y reste$ on top of the%. A3e"p is co%ing!A Binny ass#re$ her. 3arry wasn6t rea""y s#re of this p"an! b#t Binny see%e$ confi$ent that 3agri$ co#"$ he"p. 3e s"ippe$ into the "oo right before they were to *pparate to /cot"an$! an$ reinforce$ his g"a%o#rs! a$$ing a +ery %i"$ bf#scation char% as we"". 3opef#""y none of the% wo#"$ be too conf#se$ by it to foc#s. A;o# ha+e yo#r c"oa'(6 she as'e$ hi% when he ret#rne$ to the be$roo%. A1t6s sti"" co"$ #p there.A A;eah!A 3arry no$$e$! g"a$ she re%in$e$ hi%. 3e p#""e$ it o#t of the war$robe an$ t#gge$ it on. Binny was cra$"ing the sic' ow" in a t9shirt of 3arry6s! a"" the whi"e reass#ring the parents that she wo#"$ ta'e +ery goo$ care of their baby. A&e6"" be bac' soon!A 3arry pro%ise$! resting his han$ on the s%a"" of Binny6s bac'. A)o yo# nee$ the coor$inates(A Binny as'e$! peering #p at hi% with a strange e:pression on her face. 3arry a"%ost respon$e$ that he6$ been there before! b#t he bit it bac' >#ic'"y. A16+e been to 3ogs%ea$e!A he %anage$. A1 can get that far on %y own.A Binny no$$e$ s"ow"y. A,#st o#tsi$e the gates then. 3agri$ sai$ he wo#"$ be waiting.A 3arry s%i"e$ tight"y an$ watche$ Binny *pparate away. AThere6s no way she co#"$ 'now!A he co%%ente$ to hi%se"f right before *pparating as we"". 3e appeare$ abo#t fifty %eters away fro% Binny an$ h#rrie$ to %eet her. 1t was $ri22"ing %iserab"y an$ Binny h#nche$ her sho#"$ers against the co"$! cra$"ing the ow" to her e+en c"oser. 3arry s#c'e$ in a breath at how a%a2ing she "oo'e$! concern for this ani%a" written a"" o+er her face! an$ a fierce $eter%ination that she wasn6t going to a""ow it to $ie. AThere ya are!A a boo%ing +oice an$ the so#n$s of chains c"attering bro'e 3arry6s tho#ghts an$ he he"pe$ to g#i$e Binny o+er the wet gro#n$. 3agri$! sti"" "arger than "ife! greete$ the% with a wi$e s%i"e behin$ his tang"e$ bear$. 3arry re%e%bere$ 3agri$ fro% the r$er of the 4hoeni:! b#t they6$ on"y %et brief"y. /iri#s ha$ 'ept 3arry o#t of %ost of the %eetings #nti" the +ery en$! where 3arry ha$

steppe$ o#t of the sha$ows. 1t was 3agri$ who ha$ fina""y fo#n$ 3arry! e:ha#ste$ an$ in<#re$! after he6$ fo#ght .i$$"e an$ won! an$ carrie$ hi% bac' to 3ogs%ea$e where /iri#s ha$ ta'en o+er his care. A3i! 3agri$!A Binny greete$ with a tight s%i"e. A3agri$! this is %y frien$ 3arry 4ar'er. 3arry! this is .#be#s 3agri$.A A-eeper of -eys an$ Bro#n$s at 3ogwarts!A 3agri$ s%i"e$ wi$e"y. A4"ease$ to %ee6 ya.A 3arry6s tense sho#"$ers re"a:e$ a bit an$ he trie$ not to wince when the ha"f9giant cr#she$ his han$ in a han$sha'e. 1t appeare$ his char% wor' was s#ccee$ing. A;o# as we""!A 3arry no$$e$. A5ow! "e6s see ta tha6 ow".A 3e h#rrie$ away towar$ a s%a"" shac' apart fro% the cast"e! %a'ing Binny an$ 3arry a"%ost r#n to 'eep #p with his h#ge stri$es. 3arry 'ept his han$ on Binny6s bac'! <#st in case. B#t! rea""y! it was 'eeping hi% gro#n$e$ as his eyes searche$ the cast"e. 3e6$ been here se+era" ti%es! an$ it ne+er "ost its %a<esty. The first was when he was <#st bare"y e"e+en an$ /iri#s ha$ to"$ hi% abo#t the 4rophecy. They6$ co%e to Eng"an$ an$ to 3ogwarts to see *"b#s )#%b"e$ore an$ to $isc#ss 3arry6s f#t#re. The p"an ha$ been for 3arry to ret#rn to 3ogwarts for his e$#cation. B#t that a"" cr#%b"e$ when )#%b"e$ore $isco+ere$ that one of his instr#ctors ha$ been possesse$ by a sha$e of Do"$e%ort. /iri#s ha$ i%%e$iate"y change$ his %in$ an$ 3arry ha$ been enro""e$ in the 5orthwoo$s *ca$e%y instea$. 1t ha$ t#rne$ o#t we"" in the en$ for 3arry! b#t he so%eti%es $rea%e$ of what it wo#"$ ha+e been "i'e to ha+e been here at 3ogwarts. /e+era" other ti%es he6$ been here $#ring the war. 3e $i$n6t "i'e to thin' abo#t those ti%es! tho#gh. They were too $ar'. A)on6 %in$ Fang!A 3agri$ warne$ gent"y as he sw#ng the $oor to his ho#se open wi$e. Binny "ifte$ the ow" <#st a bit in her ar%s as the great boarho#n$ i%%e$iate"y ca%e #p to the%. A0ay $own! ya $o22y $ogEA 3agri$ co%%an$e$. Fang6s tong#e "o""e$ o#t the si$e of his %o#th happi"y! $roo" wetting a "arge patch of the f"oor. 3arry gri%ace$ an$ he"pe$ Binny to step o+er it. 1t was war% insi$e an$ Binny i%%e$iate"y set the b#n$"e of c"oth on the tab"e. A3e hatche$ <#st "ast night!A she infor%e$ 3agri$! #nco+ering the ow". The bir$ $i$ "oo' s%a"" an$ frai" against a"" that fabric! 3arry tho#ght. A* /nowy(A 3agri$ as'e$! a bit shoc'e$. 3e san' $own opposite where Binny sat an$ 3arry s"ow"y sat ne:t to her! his eyes $arting between the two of the%.

AThe %other is!A Binny no$$e$. A/he6s 3arry6s.A 3agri$ s%i"e$ gent"y as his h#ge finger stro'e$ the tiny bir$ gent"y. A*"ways $i$ "o+e /nowy w"s.A A=e too!A 3arry affir%e$ soft"y. A3as he eaten anythin6(A 3agri$ as'e$. Binny g"ance$ at 3arry an$ s"i$ her han$ into his #n$er the tab"e. A5ot that we saw!A she shoo' her hea$. A3e$wig %ight ha+e fe$ hi% before we wo'e #p.A 3agri$ no$$e$! e:a%ining the bir$ $espite his feeb"e wigg"ing protests. A1 thin' he6s <#st a bit on the s%a"" si$e. *r%strong isn6t a "arge bir$.A Binny no$$e$. A;o# thin' he <#st ta'es after his father(A 3arry s%i"e$ at the co%%ent! won$ering if this "itt"e ow" wo#"$ be as s#r"y as *r%strong see%e$ to be. A=ay be!A 3agri$ no$$e$. A1 thin' he <#s6 nee$s a bit o6 care. 1f yer ow"s are #p ta it! they6"" ta'e goo$ care o6 hi%.A 3e stoo$ an$ "#%bere$ to the si$e of the roo%! r#st"ing aro#n$ in one of the c#pboar$s. 3arry too' a few %o%ents to obser+e the roo% they were in. 1t was co2y! if a bit c"#ttere$. Bas'ets! ca#"$rons an$ o$$ things h#ng fro% the rafters on the cei"ing. * shi%%ering si"+ery ch#n' of what "oo'e$ "i'e @nicorn hairs h#ng <#st abo+e the tab"e. Binny %#st ha+e been watching hi% beca#se she ga+e his han$ a s>#ee2e. A3agri$ gathers those fro% the forest!A she sai$ in a "ow whisper. AThey get ca#ght in the b#shes an$ trees when they #nicorns wa"' by. 3e gi+es the% to ""i+an$er to %a'e wan$s with.A 3arry no$$e$ si"ent"y. 3e 'new a"" abo#t ""i+an$er. That6s where he6$ gotten his wan$! 3o""y an$ 4hoeni: Feather! when he was e"e+en. A6ere!A 3agri$ sai$! thr#sting a bott"e into Binny6s han$. ABi+e hi% so%e 6o this ow" tonic a few ti%es a $ay?<#st a $rop or two! %in$ ya?an$ he sho#"$ be $oin6 we"" in a few $ays. 1f he6s sti"" no6 per'e$ #p! yo# ta'e 6i% to Eey"ops an$ they6"" be ab"e ta $o %ore6n 1 can.A AThan' yo#! 3agri$!A Binny sai$! gen#ine re"ief showing in her eyes. A1 appreciate yo# "etting #s co%e to$ay.A The giant s%i"e$ bac'! frien$ship war%ing his face an$ crin'"ing the e$ges of his eyes. A1 en<oye$ seein6 ya again! Binny. *n$ %eetin6 yer frien$.A A1t was nice %eeting yo#!A 3arry no$$e$! wincing again at the cr#shing han$sha'e.

ACo%e on!A Binny sai$ once she ha$ the ow" wrappe$ bac' in 3arry6s shirt. A0et6s get this "itt"e one ho%e.A They b#n$"e$ bac' #p! preparing to go bac' o#t in the weather! 3agri$ bringing a tiny pin' #%bre""a with hi%! which! strange"y! he ne+er #se$! 3arry notice$. They reache$ the gates! 3arry s>#ir%ing a bit fro% the s#rreptitio#s way that 3agri$ ha$ been watching the% both as they wa"'e$! han$ in han$. Binny went thro#gh first! chec'ing to %a'e s#re the ow" was sec#re in his wrap. A/he6s a goo$ gir"!A 3agri$ sai$! trying to whisper to 3arry. A;a $on6 "et her s"ip away! now! ya hear(A 3arry fe"t his chee's heat! b#t s%i"e$. A16"" $o %y best!A he pro%ise$ >#iet"y. Binny too' his han$ once 3agri$ ha$ "oc'e$ the gates again an$ he won$ere$ if she ha$ hear$! beca#se she "oo'e$ #p at hi% with a +ery tho#ghtf#" e:pression. A.ea$y(A 3arry as'e$! wrapping his ar% aro#n$ her! $eter%ine$ to $#a" *pparate the% ho%e. A*"ways!A Binny sai$! her eyes not "oo'ing away fro% his. 3arry6s chest tightene$ an$ his sto%ach f"ip9f"oppe$. 3e face$ her! wrapping his other ar% aro#n$ her an$ c"ose$ his eyes! foc#sing on the 'itchen at the f"at. The tension in the f"at o+er the past wee' was beco%ing a"%ost tangib"e. 1t was a"%ost a re"ief to Binny when she ha$ to go to wor'! e+en tho#gh she ha$ to $rag herse"f there an$ a"ways co#nte$ the %in#tes #nti" she was bac' again. /o%ething ha$ $efinite"y change$ between her an$ 3arry! b#t she co#"$n6t >#ite te"" where that "eft the%. 3arry was har$ to fig#re o#t. 3e hi$ his fee"ings we"" on %ost $ays! b#t there were %o%ents when she swore he was co%p"ete"y transparent. The fact that he fe"t! or was beginning to fee"! so%ething %ore for her was apparent. B#t it was +ery c"ear that she was going to ha+e to "et hi% sort it a"" o#t in his %in$ first. 1t a"so $i$n6t he"p that he ha$ her hea$ ree"ing with how affectionate he6$ been. 1t see%e$ he was a"ways fin$ing e:c#ses to to#ch her7 his han$ a"%ost constant"y "ingere$ on the s%a"" of her bac' when they were c"ose! an$ they ne+er sat on the sofa! or the e$ge of the be$ witho#t being near"y on top of each other. ;et neither of the% ha$ act#a""y ac'now"e$ge$ anything in wor$s.

Binny ca%e ho%e fro% wor'! e:ha#ste$ an$ a bit shirty! to be honest. There ha$ been a storyboo' rea$ing in the chi"$ren6s section of the store an$ hor$es of three an$ fo#r year9 o"$s ha$ r#n a%o' thro#gh the entire b#i"$ing! "ea+ing Binny with a po#n$ing hea$ache. 3arry ca""e$ o#t fro% his wor'o#t roo% when he hear$ her *pparate in. 3e6$ been spen$ing %ore an$ %ore ti%e in there! Binny notice$! "istening to "o#$ %#sic an$ ta:ing his bo$y to the "i%its. Binny won$ere$ if that was his way of re"ie+ing the tension that ha$ been between the%. 1t act#a""y so#n$e$ "i'e a ha"f9way $ecent i$ea! she $eci$e$! consi$ering that she was near"y going insane trying to ignore it a"". Binny stoo$ at the $oorway! "eaning her hip against it as she watche$ 3arry #se the weight %achine. 3e sat with his bare bac' to her! p#""ing the bar $own to his chest! his bac' %#sc"es ripp"ing an$ f"e:ing. 3e was a"" sweaty an$ Binny g#esse$ that he6$ #se$ the trea$%i"" beforehan$ for probab"y a goo$ "ong ti%e. 3is shirt was in its #s#a" spot! tosse$ into the corner of the roo%. 3er %o#th went $ry as she watche$ hi% %o+e! repeating the sa%e %otion o+er an$ o+er. 3er eyes "ingere$ on a $rip of sweat as it ro""e$ $own fro% his hair"ine! a"" the way $own his bac' an$ soa'e$ into the waistban$ of his shorts. Binny ha$ a"ways tho#ght that 3arry ha$ the best arse. 1t was tight an$ tri% an$ fit his bo$y proportions perfect"y. 3e %o+e$ again! s#c'ing in a giant breath an$ Binny6s thighs >#i+ere$. A;o# going to stan$ there a"" $ay(A 3arry as'e$. Binny <#%pe$ an$ fe"t her chee's heat. /he ha$n6t e+en rea"i2e$ he 'new she was there. AEr8no! act#a""y. 1 thin' 1 %ight <oin yo#.A The s#ggestion was i%p#"si+e an$ she swore interna""y. &hy ha$ she sai$ that( &or'ing o#t wasn6t going to $o anything to re"ie+e the ache "ow in her groin! or to a+oi$ ha+ing constant"y wet 'nic'ers. 3arry6s %o+e%ent stoppe$ an$ he "oo'e$ bac' o+er his sho#"$er. A.ea""y(A A;eah!A Binny shr#gge$! ripping her eyes away fro% hi% an$ forcing herse"f to foc#s on the trea$%i"". A1 ha+en6t rea""y ha$ a goo$ wor'o#t in %onths.A A/o#n$s "i'e a goo$ i$ea then!A he s%i"e$. 3is innocent "oo' on"y ser+e$ to fee$ the fire b#rning $eep in her be""y an$ Binny bare"y bit bac' a whi%per. A16""8<#st go change then!A she %#%b"e$! thin'ing it so#n$e$ %ore "i'e a >#estion. A/#re!A 3arry sai$ cheerf#""y! co%p"ete"y ob"i+io#s to her $isco%fort. B#t it $i$n6t %atter! beca#se Binny was a"rea$y a"%ost to her $oor. The $ays ha$ <#st been too %#ch! Binny con+ince$ herse"f! as she "ay on her be$! her eyes staring at the faint "ight that shown beneath the $oor. 3arry6s %#sic was sti"" p"aying

in the wor'o#t roo% an$ she co#"$ hear the rhyth%ic 6th#%p9th#%p6 of the weights being #se$. Binny sighe$ happi"y as a fantasy of the two of the% together fa$e$ before her. /he probab"y sho#"$ get #p an$ change into so%ething that wo#"$ a""ow her to wor' o#t! b#t at the %o%ent it so#n$e$ "i'e so %#ch wor'. ABin(A 3arry6s +oice <#st o#tsi$e her $oor start"e$ her. A*re yo# co%ing o#t(A A;eah!A Binny bar'e$! h#rrying across the roo% to gather her things fro% the war$robe. A/orry! <#st got! er%! $istracte$.A /he ch#c'"e$ ner+o#s"y at the tr#th. A&e6re sti"" going o#t tonight! aren6t we(A A)a%n!A she hisse$! t#gging on a pair of shorts an$ her sports bra. A1 forgot abo#t that.A 1t ha$ co%p"ete"y s"ippe$ her %in$ that they ha$ agree$ to %eet .on an$ 3er%ione at The Three Broo%stic's. .on insiste$ that a"" the we$$ing p"anning was %a'ing the% a"" bar%y an$ that they nee$e$ a pre9ce"ebration ce"ebration. A&e $on6t ha+e to!A 3arry offere$. B#t the i$ea of not spen$ing e+ery %in#te of the ne:t ten ho#rs in constant contact with 3arry! the %e%ory of her fantasies abo#t hi% a"ways there at the front of her brain! so#n$e$ perfect. 3a+ing other peop"e aro#n$ wo#"$ he"p ease the tension between the%. *n$ a $rin' so#n$e$ perfect right abo#t now. A5o!A Binny ca""e$ o#t! opening her $oor >#ic'"y whi"e t#gging her trainers on. A1 want to go.A 3arry was stan$ing $irect"y o#tsi$e the $oor an$ she co""i$e$ with hi%! her han$s sp"aying across his chest! which was! than'f#""y! hi$$en in his t9shirt once %ore. ABoo$!A he sai$ soft"y! "oo'ing $own at her with a hea+y "oo'. 3e "ic'e$ his "ips an$ Binny stare$ at his tong#e as it $isappeare$. A1t so#n$s "i'e f#n.A A;eah!A Binny sai$! $ragging herse"f away fro% hi%. A5ow co%e an$ show %e how to #se this %achine before 1 %ess it a"" #p.A 5e+i""e 0ongbotto% sighe$ in content%ent as he ba"ance$ his chair bac' against the wa"" at the Three Broo%stic's. Tonight was a great i$ea. 3er%ione an$ .on ha$ been wearing

the%se"+es o#t with a"" the p"anning. They6$ been ha+ing s%a"" spats "ate"y that ha$ been growing %ore an$ %ore heate$. 1t was ti%e for e+eryone to b"ow off a "itt"e stea%. 3e6$ act#a""y been the first one here tonight! $oing his $#ties as Best =an to %a'e s#re .osie $i$n6t ina$+ertent"y r#n o#t of anything to $rin'. *t "east that6s what he6$ to"$ Fre$ an$ Beorge when they6$ wa"'e$ in with their $ates. 1t see%e$ it was going to be one he"" of a party! 5e+i""e obser+e$. .on an$ 3er%ione were now o#t on the $ance f"oor! %a'ing 5e+i""e won$er if Bre$ or Forge ha$ char%e$ the% together. 3e s%i"e$ thin'ing how happy they were. /ea%#s an$ )ean were stan$ing off to one si$e! snic'ering abo#t the co#p"e who swaye$ si$e to si$e! 'issing an$ s%i"ing. A3ow %#ch ha+e they ha$ to $rin'(A *nge"ina as'e$! "eaning across the tab"e towar$ 5e+i""e! an$ no$$ing her hea$ towar$ the $ance f"oor. A* pint each!A he shr#gge$. AThe night is sti"" yo#ng!A Fre$ sai$! wagg"ing his eyebrows at -atie. A4"enty of ti%e for the% to get so#se$ an$ pro+i$e 5e+i""e here with %ore f#e" for his toast.A 5e+i""e gri%ace$! thin'ing of how %#ch he rea""y wasn6t "oo'ing forwar$ to stan$ing #p in front of e+eryone ne:t wee' an$ %a'ing so%e sort of speech. ,#st as he opene$ his %o#th howe+er! a "o#$ cheer so#n$e$ fro% the area near the $oor. 3e $i$n6t ha+e to g#ess at who ha$ entere$! howe+er when a ro#sing chor#s of 6&eas"ey is o#r C#een6 starte$! ai$e$ by /ea%#s an$ )ean who were ho"$ing #p their pints an$ c"i%bing onto their chairs. 5e+i""e6s face stretche$ into a s%i"e as Binny6s "a#ghing face was seen. /he too' a swipe at the two "o#$ Bryffin$ors! "a#ghing e+en "o#$er as they trie$ to $o$ge her. The song $ie$ o#t a bit! howe+er! when she reache$ behin$ her into the crow$. 5e+i""e6s eyes went wi$e as her han$ c"aspe$ into that of a %an 5e+i""e tho#ght "oo'e$ +ag#e"y fa%i"iar. B#t 5e+i""e was ne+er +ery goo$ with re%e%bering peop"e! so he shr#gge$ it off. 3e trie$ to re%e%ber if she ha$ sai$ she was $ating so%eone when they6$ %et "ast wee'. /he6$ ta"'e$ a"%ost nonstop abo#t her f"at%ate! b#t 5e+i""e ha$ ta'en that at face +a"#e. A iEA Fre$ stoo$ #p an$ wai+e$ at Binny! who no$$e$ towar$ hi% in ac'now"e$ge%ent. /he was c#rrent"y intro$#cing the %an with her to se+era" peop"e! /ea%#s an$ )ean a%ong the%. ABinny bro#ght 3arry!A .on obser+e$ a"o#$ as he an$ 3er%ione <oine$ the tab"e. A h! goo$!A 3er%ione grinne$! happi"y s>#ee2ing ne:t to 5e+i""e.

A*re they $ating(A 5e+i""e as'e$! conf#se$ as Binny wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ )e%e"2a an$ 3arry6s han$ reste$ against her bac'. They certain"y "oo'e$ "i'e a co#p"e to hi%. A5o!A 3er%ione answere$. A;es!A both Fre$ an$ Beorge cheere$. A16% not s#re!A .on sai$. 5e+i""e "oo'e$ aro#n$ the roo% at the $iffering opinions an$ "a#ghe$. AThan's for she$$ing so%e "ight on that.A AThey are!A Fre$ sai$! AB#t neither of the% rea"i2es it.A 5e+i""e coc'e$ his hea$ to the si$e! thin'ing abo#t that. 1t 'in$ of %a$e sense! he s#ppose$. Binny co#"$ be st#bborn abo#t so%e things! an$ re"ationships were $efinite"y one of those things. 1t $i$n6t rea""y %atter if they were or weren6t officia""y together! 5e+i""e $eci$e$! when Binny t#rne$ an$ s%i"e$ at the "ot of the% "i'e she ha$ <#st $one. 3e ha$n6t seen her this happy in years. *ny #nease he fe"t abo#t 3arry 4ar'er! whoe+er he was! was forgotten as they <oine$ the gro#p. Binny6s frien$s! 3arry $eci$e$! were co%p"ete"y an$ #tter"y insane. *n$ it was bri""iant. B#t not near"y as bri""iant as $ancing with Binny "i'e he was right now. 5either of the% was rea""y $r#n'! b#t $efinite"y fee"ing a p"easant b#22 fro% the e+ening. 3arry ha$n6t fe"t this #ninhibite$8e+er! rea""y. 3ere! presse$ against Binny as they swaye$ bac' an$ forth to so%e #n'nown song! co%p"ete"y o#t of sync with e+eryone aro#n$ the% an$ the %#sic itse"f! 3arry too' a $eep breath! fee"ing "i'e he was fina""y co%ing #p for air after being #n$erwater for years. A3a+ing a goo$ ti%e(A Binny as'e$! p#""ing bac' fro% where she ha$ been resting her hea$ on his sho#"$er. ADery %#ch!A he answere$! a bit of awe in his +oice. A1 wasn6t s#re ear"ier8b#t 16% g"a$ we ca%e.A A=e too!A she sai$! her han$s war% on his bac'. A=y fa%i"y is n#tters!A she sai$! watching o+er his sho#"$er. 3arry sp#n her a bit so that he co#"$ see what she was "oo'ing at an$ ha$ to "a#gh. Fre$ an$ Beorge ha$ s"ippe$ so%ething to both .on an$ 5e+i""e an$ there were now two +ery "arge canaries sitting at the tab"e! s#rro#n$e$ by ra#co#s "a#ghter.

AThey6re great!A 3arry proteste$! fee"ing his face ache fro% s%i"ing so %#ch. 3e co#"$n6t he"p b#t thin' that /iri#s an$ .e%#s wo#"$ fit right in with this wi"$ b#nch. The tho#ght %a$e hi% a bit ho%esic' for a %in#te! b#t the fee"ing "essene$ as Binny %o+e$ bac' in c"oser. 3arry reste$ his face against her hea$! his eyes scanning the roo%! aware of the attention they were $rawing! b#t! for the first ti%e! not rea""y caring. 1t wasn6t beca#se of who he was this ti%e7 b#t rather who he was with. *n$ 3arry tho#ght it was won$erf#". AE+eryone is <ea"o#s! 1 thin'!A he co#"$n6t stop the co%%ent fro% escaping an$ scow"e$ inwar$"y at hi%se"f. 3ow %#ch $i$ he rea""y ha+e to $rin' tonight( A f %e! %aybe!A Binny p#""e$ bac' again! grinning #p at hi%. A;o#6re a catch! yo# 'now(A /he win'e$ an$ 3arry snorte$. A n"y yo# wo#"$ thin' so!A 3arry sai$! sha'ing his hea$. Binny "a#ghe$! throwing her hea$ bac'. A;o# $i$n6t hear the ta"' in the "oo!A she proteste$. A*pparent"y yo# ha+e a $e"ectab"e arse! =r. 4ar'er.A 3arry f"#she$ an$ Binny reache$ $own an$ caresse$ his bac'si$e. 3e p#""e$ away fro% her a bit as se+era" wo"f9whist"es an$ cat9ca""s were hear$. ,#$ging fro% Binny6s "a#ghter! she tho#ght it was the f#nniest thing she6$ e+er seen. 3e %o+e$ in c"oser again! grow"ing at her an$ then brea'ing into his own "a#gh. A1 happen to thin' yo#rs is the hottest in the roo%! yo# 'now!A he a$%itte$! a$$ing as %#ch h#%or as he co#"$ to the tr#th so that she wo#"$n6t see it for what it act#a""y was. A*n$ 16% not the on"y one!A he sai$! catching at "east one %an "oo' away when 3arry saw where their eyes were foc#se$. A;eah! we""!A Binny sai$! ch#c'"ing! Athey6"" a"" <#st ha+e to won$er! beca#se 16% b#sy $ancing with yo# right now.A * fierce protecti+eness we""e$ #p insi$e 3arry an$ he grinne$ $own at her! thri""e$ that she see%e$ to be"ie+e what she6$ sai$. AThat b"o'e yo# intro$#ce$ %e to when we first got here!A 3arry began! his eyes catching the %an watching the%! Aone of the% that were singing(A A/ea%#s(A Binny as'e$. AThe other one!A 3arry gr#nte$. A)ean(A Binny "oo'e$ #p! c#rio#s. A;eah( &hat abo#t hi%(A

A1s he8the )ean(A 3er eyebrows 'nit together for a %o%ent an$ then she no$$e$. A;eah. B#t he an$ 1 are fine! 3arry. 3onest"y! we were both <#st8r#nning on a"" hor%ones an$8A she sighe$. A&e6re frien$s now! <#st "i'e it a"ways sho#"$ ha+e been.A 3arry consi$ere$ that! the <ea"o#sy he was fee"ing ta%ping $own <#st a bit. 3onest"y! he co#"$n6t ho"$ it against the %an7 Binny was a%a2ing. 3e 'new that. *n$ if the "oo's that )ean was gi+ing the two of the% across the $ance f"oor were any in$ication! )ean 'new it too. A;o#6re won$erf#"! $o yo# 'now that(A The >#estion s"ippe$ o#t before he co#"$ e+en stop it an$ Binny "oo'e$ #p at hi%! her $ar' eyes f#"" of so%ething bor$ering right on the e$ge of what he6$ been fee"ing for her for %onths. B#t he co#"$n6t be s#re. 3is hea$ was starting to spin a bit fro% the heat of the roo% an$ the a"coho". A3arry(A 3er >#estion was hesitant! as if she6$ been thin'ing abo#t it a"" night an$ ha$ <#st $eci$e$ to as' it. A;eah(A A&o#"$ yo#8wo#"$ yo# be %y $ate to the we$$ing(A 3arry stoppe$ %o+ing! swa""owing thic'"y as he trie$ to process what she6$ <#st as'e$. AEr8A A1f yo# $on6t want to?A A5oE 1 $o. 1 <#st8A 3arry searche$ his %in$! trying to $eci$e what he rea""y wante$. &as this %o+ing too fast( &as she si%p"y as'ing beca#se she wante$ to go as frien$s( r beca#se she wante$ to change their re"ationship( Binny s%i"e$ then! a happy! too9bright s%i"e that he 'new wasn6t co%p"ete"y rea". A1 %ean! 1 $on6t 'now what yo#r wor' sche$#"e is going to be. =aybe so%ething is co%ing #p8A 3arry "atche$ onto that e:c#se! a hea$ache beginning to for% as he "ie$ to her. A;eah! that6s it. 16% not e+en s#re 16% going to be here.A AB#t8if yo# can(A AThen! yeah!A he no$$e$.

Binny went bac' to $ancing with hi%! b#t it wasn6t near"y as en<oyab"e an$ 3arry c#rse$ hi%se"f. 3e sho#"$ <#st stop this nonsense an$ te"" her that he was going to be there. Te"" her that he was in "o+e with her an$ that he wante$ to be her $ate to e+erything8fore+er. B#t he co#"$n6t bring hi%se"f to $o it. A/N: &on't be too har" on (arry here. There is more going on than we reali$e yet, an" he -ust nee"s to get it all straight in his hea" first.

*Chapter 12*: Chapter 12: ,nough For &ow

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter 12: ,nough For &ow A16% a cowar$! 3e$wig!A 3arry sai$ pathetica""y. 3e "ay face $own on his be$! his be"o+e$ ow" sitting on his sho#"$er! preening his hair e+ery few %in#tes whi"e she 'ept a wary eye on her fo#r ow"ets st#%b"ing aro#n$ her nest. A16% a f#c'ing cowar$!A he reiterate$. A*n$ 1 rea""y $on6t $eser+e her.A 3e$wig hoote$ soft"y an$ 3arry raise$ his hea$! watching her babies. The "itt"e ow" that Binny ha$ affectionate"y $#bbe$ .#be#s! in honor of 3agri$! whose tonic ha$ $one won$ers for the "itt"e bir$! was $oing we"". 3e was sti"" s%a""er than his brothers an$ sister! b#t that $i$n6t see% to bother hi% at a"". 1n fact! he was the %ost a$+ent#ro#s one! often +ent#ring fro% the pi"e of c"othing #nti" 3e$wig wo#"$ her$ hi% bac' to where he be"onge$. 3arry a"ways ha$ to be caref#" when he got o#t of be$ in the %orning! "est he step on "itt"e .#be#s. AThere6s <#st8so %#ch in+o"+e$ in a re"ationship with Binny!A he proteste$. 3e$wig a"ways "istene$ to hi% pratt"e on an$ 3arry see%e$ to nee$ it now %ore than e+er. A1 <#st81 nee$8A 3e trai"e$ off! not e+en 'nowing what he wante$! rea""y.

3e sighe$ hea+i"y an$ watche$ as *r%strong pic'e$ #p an escapee .#be#s an$ $eposite$ hi% bac' with his sib"ings. Binny ha$n6t sai$ %#ch abo#t "ast night when they got ho%e. /he6$ 'isse$ hi% on the chee' an$ gone into her be$roo%! sh#tting the $oor. A1 f#c'e$ #p! $i$n6t 1 gir"(A he as'e$! t#rning to see that 3e$wig was now gone fro% besi$e hi%. /he f"#ttere$ bac' in! her wing gra2ing his hea$. 1n her ta"ons was c"#tche$ an o"$ scro"". 3arry 'new it was fro% /iri#s! b#t it was %onths o"$. AThan's!A he sai$! s'eptica""y g"ancing at his ow". =aybe she was getting o"$ an$ batty. *s if she hear$ his tho#ghts! 3e$wig pec'e$ hi% on the hea$. A #chEA he ro""e$ away fro% her! r#bbing the spot irritab"y. A&hat the he"" $i$ yo# $o that for(A 3e$wig pic'e$ #p the scro"" again an$ tosse$ it towar$ hi%. AThat6s %onths o"$! yo# git!A he grow"e$! sti"" r#bbing his hea$. 3e was s#rprise$ she ha$n6t $rawn b"oo$. &hen she n#$ge$ the scro"" again! 3arry snatche$ it #p! g"ancing at it. A1t6s fro% /iri#s!A he ac'now"e$ge$! sin'ing $own onto the be$ again. 3is eyes trace$ the "etters! not seeing the wor$s! rea""y. A/iri#s8A The rea"i2ation of what 3e$wig was trying to te"" hi% s#n' in an$ he fe"t "i'e a horrib"e person. A16% sorry!A he apo"ogi2e$ >#iet"y. A181 $i$n6t #n$erstan$ what yo# were %eaning. =aybe 1 sho#"$ go an$ ta"' to /iri#s. 3e$wig r#ff"e$ her feathers! p#ffing her chest o#t. A;es! 1 'now yo# were right!A he ro""e$ his eyes. A*n$ yo#6"" ne+er "et %e "i+e it $own.A /he hoppe$ o+er towar$ hi% an$ n#22"e$ his ar% with her face. A;eah! %e too!A 3arry agree$ >#iet"y. A1 $o nee$ to see /iri#s!A he no$$e$. AB#t first 1 nee$ to fi: this with Binny. 1 can6t "ea+e it "i'e it is right now8A Binny s%i"e$ as *nge"ina! -atie an$ *"icia arraye$ the%se"+es on 3er%ione an$ .on6s sofa. *"icia was showing off the ro#n$ b#%p of a be""y that was now +isib"e?the pro$#ct of her recent %arriage to "i+er &oo$.

3er%ione ch#c'"e$ ne:t to her an$ sippe$ at the bright pin' concoction in the p"astic c#p that she he"$. AThan's so %#ch for hosting this! Binny!A she sai$. They both t#rne$ to hear 0#na an$ )e%e"2a arg#ing goo$ nat#re$"y o+er the right %i:t#re for the $rin's. A/#re! 3er%ione!A Binny answere$! happy to be ab"e to $o her =ai$9of93onor $#ties satisfactori"y. A16% on"y sorry that we co#"$n6t ha+e it at %y f"at. 3arry6s been in a %oo$ "ate"y! an$ 1 $i$n6t want to p#sh %y "#c'.A she a$$e$ a bit $ar'"y. *ny progress that their re"ationship ha$ been %a'ing this past wee' was +irt#a""y non9e:istent. They6$ gone fro% being >#ite c"ose to st#%b"ing aw'war$"y aro#n$ each other. 3arry6s to#ches were few an$ far between. /he ha$n6t e+en bro#ght #p the i$ea of hi% being her $ate at the we$$ing again. A1ts fine!A 3er%ione patte$ her han$. A1 $on6t %in$ ha+ing the party here.A Binny sighe$! g"a$ that 3er%ione appro+e$. 0ate"y! 3er%ione on"y c"#c'e$ her tong#e an$ shoo' her hea$ where Binny was concerne$. *n$! she ha$ to a$%it! she probab"y ha$n6t "i+e$ #p to 3er%ione6s e:pectations. /he6$ %isse$ se+era" p"anning %eetings beca#se of wor'! an$ ha$ co%p"ete"y forgotten abo#t ha+ing $inner with her an$ .on "ast wee'! instea$ spen$ing the e+ening with 3arry watching a %o+ie at the theater $own the b"oc'. A/o when $o we get to %eet this %ysterio#s %an of yo#rs! Binny(A 4a+arti 4ati" as'e$ as she an$ her sister gigg"e$ fro% near the 'itchen. Binny sighe$. A3e6s not %ine.A 5o %atter how %#ch she $enie$ it! no one e+er see%e$ to be"ie+e her. A3e6s c#te!A )e%e"2a proc"ai%e$. A*n$ the way they were connecte$ "ast wee' at the party?A A*"right!A Binny he"$ #p her han$s. AThat6s eno#gh of that. &e6re here tonight to ce"ebrate 3er%ione! not spec#"ate on %y "o+e "ife?or "ac' thereof.A The party went on! with 3er%ione opening gifts an$ b"#shing at so%e of the things she6$ been gi+en. There were p"enty of "acy! fri""y things that were f#n to "a#gh abo#t. *nge"ina e+en grabbe$ a few of the% an$ $rape$ the% o+er her front! %o$e"ing the% with an e:aggerate$ wa"' aro#n$ the roo%. Binny s"ippe$ o#t as they contin#e$ "a#ghing! %o+ing into the 'itchen to c"ean #p a bit. 3er%ione <oine$ her a few %in#tes "ater. A16+e ha$ a goo$ ti%e tonight! Binny.A ABoo$!A Binny s%i"e$. AThat was rather the point! yo# 'now.A A;o#6+e been o#t of sorts to$ay!A 3er%ione co%%ente$ as she n#$ge$ Binny asi$e! %a'ing roo% for her to he"p wash the $ishes. They fi""e$ the sin' with soapy water an$ s"ow"y starte$ to han$9wash the ser+ing spoons an$ p"ates.

A1 ha+e been!A Binny no$$e$. A16% sorry. 1 $i$n6t %ean to bring yo# $own.A A;o# $i$n6t!A 3er%ione sai$. A1 wo#"$ hope that we6+e been frien$s "ong eno#gh to 'now when yo#6re not happy.A Binny fe"t her face heat. A&e ha+e.A /he fe"t ba$ for thin'ing that 3er%ione sho#"$ be so foc#se$ on her own we$$ing that she wo#"$ ignore her best frien$. A1 ha+en6t been that goo$ a frien$ to yo#.A A;o#6re fine!A 3er%ione proteste$. A;o#6+e been there when 1 rea""y nee$e$ yo#.A A5ot eno#gh!A Binny proteste$. AB#t that en$s right now. 16+e officia""y ta'en the ne:t two wee's off an$ 16% co%p"ete"y yo#rs! %orning! noon or night.A 3er%ione ch#c'"e$. A3opef#""y 1 won6t nee$ yo# that %#ch.A A16"" be there!A Binny pro%ise$! ho"$ing #p her han$! co+ere$ in b#bb"es that $rippe$ $own to the f"oor. A1t6s a $ea"!A 3er%ione sai$. They went bac' to washing an$ were >#iet for a few %in#tes. A3arry won6t %in$ yo# being gone so often(A Binny bit her "ip! not s#re how %#ch to share an$ how %#ch she rea""y e+en wante$ to ta"' abo#t this. /he ha$ been so s#re that he was fee"ing the sa%e way she was. The night at the p#b ha$ been won$erf#"! "i'e they6$ been on this spectac#"ar broo% ri$e together. *n$ then she6$ %a$e a co%p"ete foo" o#t of herse"f by as'ing hi% o#t on a $ate. *n$ that6s where the horrific! tre%en$o#s crash ha$ happene$. A1 $on6t thin' 3arry6s going to %iss %e at a""!A she a$%itte$. A1n fact! 1 thin' he6s going to probab"y be o#t of town.A A&hat $i$ 1 %iss(A 3er%ione as'e$! her <aw "oose in shoc'. A5othing!A Binny shr#gge$. A1 <#st81 %isrea$ what he wante$ an$ 1 %a$e a bit of a foo" of %yse"f.A /he s"i$ a $irty pan into the water an$ scr#bbe$ at it +igoro#s"y. A3e %entione$ so%ething abo#t "ea+ing for an assign%ent!A Binny "ie$. 3arry ha$ %entione$ wor' the other night! b#t she ha$ the i%pression that he was scra%b"ing for any e:c#se to get o#t of going with her to the we$$ing. 3er%ione g"ance$ #p! s#rprise$. A;o# in+ite$ hi% to the we$$ing! $i$n6t yo#(A A1 $i$!A Binny confir%e$! trying to 'eep her +oice "e+e". AB#t his wor' is rather $e%an$ing. 3e sai$ he6$ bac' in ti%e! if he co#"$.A 3er%ione no$$e$. A*n$ yo#6re not happy with that.A

The state%ent e+o'e$ %ore e%otion that Binny ha$ hope$ to betray. /he sat hea+i"y on a 'itchen chair! her han$s "ea+ing great soapy! wet prints on her <eans. A1t6s st#pi$!A she shoo' her hea$. A1t6s not!A 3er%ione sai$ as he <oine$ her! offering a f"anne" to $ry off on. A;o# two ha+e beco%e pretty c"ose "ate"y.A Binny no$$e$. A&e ha+e. 3e6s %y best frien$! 3er%ione. 16% not s#ppose$ to be fee"ing these things for %y best frien$.A A5o(A 3er%ione as'e$ with a ch#c'"e. A*n$ what abo#t .on an$ 17 we were frien$s before we starte$ going o#t.A A1t6s not the sa%e!A Binny proteste$. A*t "east yo# ha$ an i$ea what .on fe"t for yo#. 3arry8A /he sighe$. A/o%eti%es 1 thin' he %ight8b#t then he p#""s bac' an$ 1 get these strange signa"s fro% hi%! "i'e he6s not e+en s#re what he wants at a"".A 3er%ione no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y. A3as he e+er gi+en yo# any 'in$ of c"#e as to how he fee"s(A Binny went si"ent for a %in#te before no$$ing. A3e to#ches %e a"" the ti%e. 5othing se:#a"! yo# 'now! <#st8ho"$ing %y han$ an$8p#tting his han$ on %y bac'!A she sai$ in a soft +oice. A3e6s $esperate"y affectionate at ti%es. ;o# saw that the other night at the p#b. B#t then 1 went an$ %esse$ it #p. 1 ha$ as'e$ hi% to co%e to the we$$ing! as %y $ate! an$ he got a"" f"#stere$. 1 can6t >#ite fig#re it o#t! 3er%ione. 1 %ean he6s #s#a""y co%fortab"e with the fa%i"y! isn6t he( That6s not why is it(A A3e see%s to be!A 3er%ione a$$e$ in s#pport. A=aybe he <#st $oesn6t "i'e crow$s! or he has so%e fear of we$$ings.A They both ch#c'"e$ at that. AThat co#"$ be!A Binny conce$e$. A3e6s #s#a""y a bit wary in crow$s.A /he shr#gge$! 'nowing 3arry6s reasoning. B#t it wasn6t anything she co#"$ betray to 3er%ione. Binny rea""y $i$n6t want to ha+e to b"i+iate her again?it sti"" ate away at her that she6$ $one it in the first p"ace. A&hat was it that %a$e yo# thin' he %ight ret#rn yo#r fee"ings(A A1t6s a h#n$re$ "itt"e things!A Binny sai$ an$ then groane$ in fr#stration. A0i'e the other night at the p#b. &e were "a#ghing an$ $ancing an$8ha+ing the best night. *n$ then 1 r#ine$ it by p#shing. 3e got this scare$ rabbit "oo' on his face! an$ we ha+en6t ta"'e$ abo#t it since.A 3er%ione r#bbe$ her bac' "ight"y. A)o yo# thin' yo# sho#"$(A A f co#rse!A Binny shoo' her hea$. AB#t what if 1 %a'e an e+en bigger foo" of %yse"f! 3er%ione(A

A)o yo# rea""y want hi% to "ea+e witho#t reso"+ing anything(A Binny shoo' her hea$. A5o! of co#rse not.A 3er%ione got a tho#ghtf#" "oo' on her face. A&o#"$ it be better to wait #nti" after he got ho%e to sort this( =aybe yo# both <#st nee$ so%e ti%e to $eci$e how yo#6re fee"ing. 3ow "ong wo#"$ he be gone(A A3is "ast <ob was fo#r wee's "ong!A Binny "a%ente$. A16% not s#re 1 can wait that "ong. 1t fee"s "i'e there6s so%ething there! <#st #n$er the s#rface. 0i'e a b#bb"e <#st waiting to pop! b#t 1 can6t fin$ the right too" to b#rst it.A 3er%ione sighe$ an$ r#bbe$ her bac' "ight"y again. A1t wi""! Binny. *"" of #s can see so%ething there. .on6s %entione$ how wrappe$ #p in each other yo# two see% to be. ;o# $on6t $o %#ch with any of #s "ate"y.A Binny atte%pte$ to protest! b#t she 'new her frien$ was right. A1ts fine!A 3er%ione reass#re$ her. A1 #n$erstan$ at "east. 1 <#st hope that so%ething wi"" co%e of it.A A=e too! 3er%ione!A Binny sai$ as she "ai$ her hea$ on her soon9to9be sister9in9"aw6s sho#"$er. A=e too.A 3arry was pacing in the f"at when Binny got ho%e fro% 3er%ione6s. 1t was "ate an$ she6$ rea""y e:pecte$ hi% to be in his be$roo% with the $oor c"ose$! "i'e he6$ been for the past few $ays. The gir"s ha$ staye$ "ate! ta"'ing abo#t a"" 'in$s of things A h!A she starte$! seeing hi% #p. A3i!A he sai$! aw'war$"y sho+ing his han$s in his <eans poc'ets. A)o yo#8$o yo# ha+e a %in#te(A Binny bit her "ip! not s#re if she was #p to ha+ing this con+ersation right now. This is when he wo#"$ sit her $own an$ te"" her that he was f"attere$! b#t that he rea""y $i$n6t fee" anything b#t frien$ship for her. A1 co#"$ probab"y 'eep %y eyes open for a few %in#tes!A she s%i"e$ tight"y. ABoo$!A he sighe$. /#rprising her! he reache$ for her han$! "acing their fingers together an$ t#gging her towar$ the sofa. 3e sat first! p#""ing her $own ne:t to hi%. Binny stiffene$ as their thighs presse$ together. /he wasn6t s#re she co#"$ be this c"ose to hi% when he $i$ the who"e 6we6re <#st frien$s6 speech. /he %ight <#st brea' $own into tears! which she certain"y $i$n6t want.

A16+e been8rea""y %esse$ #p this wee'!A 3arry sai$. Binny opene$ her %o#th to respon$ b#t he he"$ his han$ #p. A0et %e say it! p"ease.A /he hesitate$! b#t fina""y no$$e$. A*n$ 1 $on6t want to "ea+e with yo# thin'ing that it6s yo#r fa#"t.A A;o# are "ea+ing then!A she sai$! "oo'ing $own at their "in'e$ han$s. ABinny! 16% co%ing bac'!A he sai$! reaching #p to "ift her chin so that he co#"$ see her face. A1 <#st nee$ to $o a few things.A A 'ay!A she sai$! b"in'ing away tears that %a$e her horrifie$. 5o $o#bt he6$ change his %in$ an$ be pac'ing his bags for goo$ as soon as he broo%e$ her. ABin!A he sai$! "eaning forwar$ #nti" their forehea$s %et. A4"ease be patient with %e. 18 16+e ne+er ha$ so%eone "i'e yo# in %y "ife8A 3is wor$s were harsh against her ears! b#t not beca#se of how he sai$ the%! b#t what they %eant. 3ow co#"$ she ha+e forgotten who he was( f co#rse this was going to be har$ for hi%. 3e ha$ a$%itte$ to ne+er ha+ing a rea" re"ationship! in "o+e or frien$ship! before her. /o%eti%es it was so easy to forget that he ha$ this past that was "arger than "ife?that shape$ e+erything he $i$! e+en now! so %any years "ater. Binny fe"t e:tre%e"y se"fish as she wipe$ at her tears. /he6$ t#rne$ this who"e thing into so%ething for her?how she fe"t! how he fe"t abo#t her. /he6$ co%p"ete"y $isco#nte$ that he ha$ fee"ings an$ insec#rities <#st the sa%e! if not tre%en$o#s"y bigger! than hers. A1 can wait!A she whispere$! horrifie$ when 3arry reache$ #p an$ br#she$ his han$s a"ong her face to re%o+e tears. 3e wasn6t pro%ising anything7 that was +ery apparent. B#t his wor$s ga+e her a bit %ore hope. ABin.A A16% sorry!A she sai$! trying to t#rn away fro% hi%. 3is han$ on her chin stoppe$ her! tho#gh. *n$ then his "ips were on hers! soft an$ not $e%an$ing at a"". 3e %o+e$ the% s"ow"y an$ Binny sighe$. There wasn6t %#ch %ista'ing his intent now. 5either of the% was $r#n'! neither of the% was "ang#ishing in "one"iness. This 'iss was one that he"$ a pro%ise of so%ething %ore in the f#t#re. The 'iss en$e$ a few %o%ents "ater! when 3arry p#""e$ away s"ow"y an$ "ifte$ her into his "ap! "aying the% bac' against the sofa.

Binny sighe$! c"osing her eyes an$ $rin'ing in 3arry6s war%th an$ e%brace. 1t wasn6t perfection8b#t it was so%ething. *n$ it ga+e her hope to hang on #nti" he ca%e bac'. A16% "ea+ing ear"y to%orrow!A 3arry whispere$ as they c#$$"e$ together. /he no$$e$ against hi%. A16"" %iss yo#.A A16"" be bac' as soon as 1 can!A he sai$! pressing a 'iss to her hea$. A/tay with %e tonight(A he as'e$! his +oice +#"nerab"e an$ open. A5ot... ,#st to s"eep!A he sai$ an$ she no$$e$ before it was e+en o#t of his %o#th. A 'ay.A That night! "ying in 3arry6s be$! spoone$ #p c"ose to hi%! <#st as she ha$ been the one other ti%e they6$ share$ a be$! Binny s%i"e$. 1t wo#"$ be eno#gh for now. 3arry hesitate$ for on"y a %in#te before pressing his finger to the s%a"" brass b#tton. 3e co#"$ hear the pea" insi$e an$ hope$ that /iri#s wo#"$ be ho%e. 3e rea""y $i$n6t want to spen$ the night in a hote". 3e nee$e$ fa%i"iar tonight. Betting o#t of be$ this %orning! c"i%bing o#t of Binny6s ar%s! ha$ been one of the har$est things 3arry ha$ e+er nee$e$ to $o. B#t if he inten$e$ to go forwar$ with this re"ationship! there were a few things he ha$ to straighten o#t. A3ey!A /iri#s6 groggy face appeare$ in the crac' of the $oor. 3e peere$ at 3arry thro#gh narrowe$ eyes an$ s"ow"y p#""e$ the $oor open. The interior of the ha"" was $ar'! b#t e+en so! 3arry co#"$ see the $ays9o"$ st#bb"e on the r#gge$"y han$so%e face of his go$father. A3ey! yo#rse"f.A A1 $i$n6t e:pect yo#!A /iri#s gr#%b"e$. 3e c"ose$ the $oor behin$ 3arry an$ r#ff"e$ his hair as he f"ippe$ his wan$ o#t to the si$e an$ the "a%p on a si$e tab"e cast a soft g"ow in the roo%. A1 $i$n6t p"an on co%ing!A 3arry confir%e$ as he g"ance$ at the %essy roo%. 4i"es of c"othing were e+erywhere an$ a stac' of $ishes teetere$ precario#s"y on a rather spin$"y tab"e. A3a+ing a ro#gh ti%e of it then(A he as'e$ as he %otione$ towar$ the roo%. /iri#s ha$ the goo$ sense to "oo' a bit asha%e$. 3e h#rrie$"y gathere$ the $ishes in his ar%s an$ shr#gge$ as he p#she$ past 3arry. AF#"" %oon was two nights ago.A The state%ent itse"f was a"" 3arry nee$e$ in e:p"anation. .e%#s6 in<#ries $#ring the Fina" Batt"e fo#r years ago ha$ %a$e his %onth"y transfor%ations e+en ro#gher to han$"e. The

fact that two $ays afterwar$s fo#n$ /iri#s sti"" trying to reco+er %eant that this %onth ha$ been ba$. A/econ$ %oon this %onth!A /iri#s grow"e$ as 3arry fo""owe$ hi% into the 'itchen where! s#rprising"y! it was rather c"ean. A=oony6s a"right! then(A 3arry as'e$. ABeca#se 1 can stay so%ewhere e"se?A /iri#s wai+e$ hi% off as he f"ic'e$ his wan$ an$ starte$ the $ishes washing. A;o#6re a"ways we"co%e here! yo# 'now. This is yo#r ho%e. =oony wo#"$ ha+e %y hi$e if 1 t#rne$ yo# o#t.A A'angy hi$e! 4a$foot.A The ro#gh +oice %a$e 3arry t#rn to where his a$opte$ #nc"e "eane$ against the $oor<a%b. 3is hair was wet! as if he6$ <#st co%e fro% a shower! an$ co%be$ bac' away fro% his face. That face was worn an$ haggar$! b#t c"ean sha+en. 3arry tho#ght he $etecte$ a few new scars in the %i:! tho#gh. ABoo$ to see yo#! 3arry!A he no$$e$ towar$ the yo#ng %an. A/iri#s $i$n6t te"" %e yo# were co%ing.A ABeca#se 1 $i$n6t 'now!A /iri#s answere$ >#ic'"y! a"tho#gh he wore a s"ight"y a%#se$ e:pression. 3arry shr#gge$ an$ g"ance$ aro#n$ the 'itchen! not wishing to %eet their ga2es. A1 ha$ a few e:tra $ays an$ 1 was in the area.A 3e wasn6t s#re what was %a'ing hi% ho"$ bac' in te""ing the% abo#t Binny. A3ow "ong can yo# stay(A .e%#s sai$ as he too' a seat at the tab"e. 3arry shr#gge$. A16% not rea""y on a sche$#"e per se. * few $ays.A The we$$ing was in three $ays. Binny ha$ as'e$ hi% to be there. A3ow are things(A /iri#s as'e$. AFine!A 3arry gr#nte$ o#t! start"e$ fro% his tho#ghts. 3e to"$ the% the basics of his "ast assign%ent an$ the three ta"'e$ abo#t things that ha$ happene$ in the "ast fo#r or so %onths since 3arry ha$ +isite$ "ast. 3e p#rpose"y $i$n6t %ention Binny %ore than in passing! an$ neither %an see%e$ to notice! rea""y. A*n$(A /iri#s as'e$! a grin threatening to brea' o#t. .e%#s see%e$ a%#se$ too! which rea""y ran'"e$ 3arry. 3e hate$ it when they $i$ this.

A&hat %ore $o yo# want to hear(A 3arry as'e$! p#shing aro#n$ his tea c#p! which was sti"" f#"". .e%#s a"ways $i$ that7 po#re$ hi% a c#p of tea that he rare"y $ran'. *"tho#gh! he ha$ to a$%it! Binny %a$e a +ery $ecent c#p. A5othing!A /iri#s snappe$. A,#st won$ering when yo#6re going to get yo#r hea$ o#t of yo#r arse an$ <#st as' for the he"p that yo# nee$.A 3arry shr#gge$. A&ho says 1 nee$ he"p(A /iri#s snorte$. A;o#6re a horri$ "iar! 3arry! $on6t e+en try it. ;o#6re e+en worse at 'eeping secrets.A 3arry g"are$ at hi% $efiant"y. A1 'eep p"enty of secrets.A That see%e$ to ta'e /iri#s by s#rprise an$ he no$$e$ so"e%n"y. AThat yo# $o. &hy are yo# here now! 3arry(A 3arry stare$ towar$ the win$ow an$ "et his ga2e wan$er towar$ the "arge woo$e$ area behin$ the o"$ far%ho#se. A1 <#st nee$e$ so%e ti%e to thin'!A he fina""y shr#gge$. AThe <ob(A .e%#s as'e$. A1s it beco%ing too %#ch(A /iri#s "eane$ against the co#nter an$ fo"$e$ his ar%s o+er his chest. 3arry shr#gge$ again. A* bit8A 3e "i'e$ his <ob! rea""y! he $i$. B#t it was beco%ing %ore an$ %ore $e%an$ing. 4"#s ha+ing to 'eep #p the faNa$e of two $ifferent i$entities was wearing on hi%. *n$ it co#"$n6t go on fore+er. A16+e8we6""! 16+e %et so%eone!A 3arry contin#e$ after a $eep breath. There. 3e6$ %anage$ to say it. The 'itchen was si"ent an$ then /iri#s t#rne$ $eter%ine$"y an$ r#%%age$ in the c#pboar$s! p"acing a bran$ new bott"e of Firewhis'ey on the tab"e an$ three shot g"asses. AThis isn6t the type of con+ersation to ha+e o+er anything "ess than the best!A /iri#s e:p"aine$ with a chee'y grin. AThree(A 3arry as'e$. A.e%#s ne+er $rin's.A A1 $o!A .e%#s shr#gge$. A,#st not as %#ch as 4a$foot.A /iri#s grinne$. ACan6t "ea+e o#t the F#rry Bo$%other.A 3arry snorte$ an$ %o+e$ to "oo' o#t the bac' win$ow. &hen 3arry ha$ been e"e+en! .e%#s ha$ %o+e$ in with the%! t#toring 3arry in +ario#s s#b<ects. /iri#s ha$ once acc#se$ .e%#s of ho+ering "i'e a %other an$ ha$ co%%ente$ that if he was 3arry6s Bo$father! that .e%#s was acting "i'e a Bo$mother. 3arry! ha+ing hear$ the entire

con+ersation! ha$ "a#ghe$ an$ proc"ai%e$ hi% the 6F#rry Bo$%other6. .e%#s hate$ the tit"e b#t $i$ "a#gh occasiona""y when /iri#s bro#ght it #p. Tonight was one of those nights. 3arry watche$ the two %en po#ring the%se"+es! an$ 3arry! a shot of a%ber "i>#i$. A3a$ to happen so%eti%e!A .e%#s co%%ente$. A;o#6+e ha$ 6the ta"'6! 3arry!A /iri#s tease$. 3arry ro""e$ his eyes. 0ea+e it to /iri#s to <o'e abo#t the %ost i%portant thing in his "ife. AThat6s not8this is $ifferent. 0he's $ifferent.A /iri#s b"ew o#t a breath an$ preten$e$ to wipe his forehea$. A h! it6s a gir". For a %in#te yo# ha$ %e worrie$! 3arry. The way yo# sai$ 616+e %et someone.'A A1$iot!A 3arry grow"e$! $owning the $rin' >#ic'"y. .e%#s grinne$ at the e:change. ATe"" #s abo#t her.A 3arry shr#gge$. &hat co#"$ he say abo#t Binny( A/he6s8a%a2ing.A 3e $i$n6t "oo' #p! b#t sti"" co#"$ te"" that the %en e:change$ a "oo'. 3e 'new he %#st ha+e a s"oppy grin on his face. A/he6s81 $on6t 'now.A A1s she a witch(A .e%#s as'e$. 3arry no$$e$. A1 $i$n6t thin' so when 1 first %et her. /he6s bri""iant tho#gh. .ea""y bright! yo# 'now! b#t it6s not rea""y boo' s%arts e:act"y! it6s %ore "i'e she6s got "oa$s of co%%on sense.A A4retty(A /iri#s grinne$. A5o!A 3arry shoo' his hea$! his face heating a bit. AB"oo$y gorgeo#s. /he6s tiny! bare"y reaches %y chin an$ she6s rea""y s%a""?petite! yo# 'now. B#t she6s got this energy abo#t her81 $on6t 'now! it6s "i'e she6s this pac'age of $yna%ite a"" ro""e$ #p tight! <#st waiting to e:p"o$e.A .e%#s an$ /iri#s e:change$ another "oo' an$ /iri#s po#re$ %ore "i>#i$ into the g"asses. A1t so#n$s "i'e yo#6re serio#s abo#t her! 3arry!A .e%#s co%%ente$. 3arry tho#ght abo#t it for a %o%ent before no$$ing! a so%ewhat p#22"e$ "oo' on his face. A16+e ne+er rea""y tho#ght abo#t that before! yo# 'now. 1 %ean! 16% on"y twenty9one. 1 rea""y sho#"$n6t be thin'ing abo#t being %arrie$ an$ ha+ing a fa%i"y yet! right(A

A16$ say it6s serio#s!A 3arry6s go$father %#ttere$! then shoo' his hea$. 3arry f#rrowe$ his brow. )i$ /iri#s not appro+e of hi% thin'ing this way( A*n$ yo# can see that with this gir"(A .e%#s as'e$ after 'ic'ing /iri#s #n$er the tab"e. 3arry $rifte$ off for a %o%ent! staring at nothing before s%i"ing again an$ no$$ing. 3e co#"$ $efinite"y see hi%se"f wa'ing #p e+ery %orning to Binny! seeing her be""y grow big with his chi"$ an$ raising their chi"$ren together7 s%a"" chi"$ren with bright re$ hair an$ %aybe e+en green eyes. A;eah!A he answere$. A1 can.A A&hat is it abo#t her that %a'es yo# "o+e her(A 3arry see%e$ start"e$ by the >#estion. &as it really love that he fe"t for Binny( Fro% what he 'new abo#t "o+e! %ost"y fro% stories abo#t his parents! 3arry co#"$ now see that %aybe it was the sa%e thing. 3e6$ to"$ hi%se"f it was "o+e! b#t ha+ing it repeate$ a"o#$ by so%eone e"se! so%eone that 'new hi%?that %a$e it rea". A1t6s not one thing!A he sai$ soft"y! "etting his fingers %o+e the f#"" g"ass aro#n$ the tab"e top for a %o%ent. A1t6s a h#n$re$ $ifferent things. The way she is co%p"ete"y c"#e"ess abo#t =#gg"e things! b#t "o+es the% a"" the sa%e. The way she attac's e+erything with this energy that is <#st8e:traor$inary. /he %a'es %e "a#gh. /he an$ 1 can ta"' abo#t anything! yo# 'now! an$ 1 fee" co%fortab"e with her. A/he6s %y best frien$!A he sighe$. AB#t it6s %ore than that. /he6s rea""y bea#tif#"! especia""y when she6s angry an$ her face t#rns re$ an$ her hair8it "oo's "i'e f"a%es a"" aro#n$ her hea$.A A* re$hea$(A /iri#s s%ir'e$. A1 sho#"$ ha+e fig#re$.A 3arry ignore$ the co%%ent an$ contin#e$. A3er fa%i"y is8we""! they6re <#st great. They6+e rea""y been great abo#t #s an$?A A;o#6+e %et the fa%i"y(A /iri#s as'e$. 3e t#rne$ to .e%#s an$ "et a stoic "oo' co%e o+er his face. A1t6s %ore serio#s than we tho#ght.A A&e6re not8A 3arry f"#she$ an$ "oo'e$ away. A&e6re not $ating or anything!A he e:p"aine$ an$ then p#she$ his han$s thro#gh his hair. A1 want to! b#t8it6s co%p"icate$. A1 catch her so%eti%es8"oo'ing at %e. /he #se$ to "oo' away an$ her chee's wo#"$ t#rn re$. B#t now she <#st "oo's at %e an$ if 1 "oo' bac' she6"" s%i"e. *n$ when 1 "eft8A 3arry went >#iet an$ "ifte$ the g"ass to sip fro% it. A;es(A both %en as'e$.

3arry co#"$ fee" his face heat. AThere6s so%ething there!A he a$%itte$! thin'ing of the way he fe"t with her in his ar%s. A*n$ when 1 "eft8A 3e trai"e$ off! re"i+ing those %o%ents on the sofa. A;es(A both %en "eane$ forwar$. A1 'isse$ her.A 3arry shr#gge$. A&e""! we were sitting on the sofa ta"'ing8an$ then we were there! face to face.A /iri#s sighe$. A3arry! 1 'now yo#6re not8we""! yo#6+e ha$ se: before!A he finishe$ b"#nt"y. A&hy a"" the f#ss abo#t a 'iss(A 3arry grow"e$ in fr#stration an$ t#gge$ at his hair. ABeca#se it6s not <#st a 'iss8it6s81 thin' abo#t her a"" the ti%e. 1 can6t stop! an$ the tho#ghts8they6re se:#a" an$8it <#st $i$n6t see% right at first. /he6s %y best frien$.A /iri#s stoo$ an$ pace$ a bit in the roo%. A1 $on6t see what the prob"e% is! 3arry. ,#st grab the gir" an$ snog the he"" o#t of her! then ta'e her to be$.A .e%#s t#tte$ #n$er his breath an$ shoo' his hea$. A/iri#s! there is a reason yo#6+e staye$ sing"e a"" these years.A * raise$ eyebrow was a"" he got in answer. A*n$ yo#?A A)on6t go there!A .e%#s he"$ #p his han$ an$ foc#se$ in again on 3arry. A3arry if yo# rea""y ha+e these 'in$s of fee"ings for this gir"! yo# nee$ to te"" her how yo# fee" an$ be prepare$ for her reaction! no %atter what it is.A 3arry no$$e$ an$ "et his %in$ co+er the possibi"ities. Co#"$ he rea""y <#st b"#rt it o#t( '(ey, I'm in love with you, an", by the way, I'm (arry bloo"y 2otter.' A16% g#essing this is the f"at%ate(A /iri#s as'e$! an eyebrow raise$ at 3arry who f"#she$ a bit. A;eah! it6s Binny.A Both .e%#s an$ /iri#s e:change$ a g"ance. A1 won$ere$ if it wo#"$ happen!A .e%#s a$%itte$. A;o# %entione$ her na%e in a "etter once! an$ 1 'now of the &eas"eys.A 3arry no$$e$. ATwo of her brothers ser+e$ in the ar%y!A he a$%itte$. A16+e not %et the% yet! an$ no one e"se s#spects! 1 $on6t thin'.A A;o#6"" ha+e to co%e c"ean e+ent#a""y! c#b!A /iri#s shoo' his hea$. A/o%eone one $ay wi"" recogni2e yo# an$ it wi"" be a"" o+er.A

3arry agree$ re"#ctant"y an$ sippe$ his $rin' again. A1 'now.A The tho#ght of te""ing Binny %a$e hi% >#easy! b#t the i$ea of her fa%i"y8it was <#st too %#ch to conte%p"ate. A)oes Binny 'now(A .e%#s as'e$. 3arry raise$ his hea$ an$ conte%p"ate$ the >#estion. /o%ething abo#t the way she watche$ hi%! they way she accepte$ what he sai$! an$ $i$n6t >#estion %#ch! %a$e hi% thin' she %ight ha+e fig#re$ it o#t on her own. A1 thin' she %ight ha+e an i$ea!A he sai$ soft"y. A/he6s ne+er sai$ anything to %e! tho#gh.A A;o# nee$ to te"" her! c#b! before it beco%es any %ore serio#s than it is!A .e%#s sai$ an$ 3arry no$$e$. A1 'now! an$ 1 wi"". 1 <#st816+e ne+er fe"t "i'e this abo#t anyone before an$8A A;o#6re scare$ of what she %ight say!A /iri#s no$$e$. A* bit!A 3arry conce$e$. A1t6s %ore of what her fa%i"y wi"" say! an$ what e+eryone e"se wi"" say. Binny81 $on6t 'now. 1 thin' she6"" be a"right with it! yo# 'now.A The two %en st#$ie$ hi% for a %in#te before .e%#s s%i"e$. A/he so#n$s "i'e a 'eeper! 3arry.A 3arry co#"$n6t he"p the s%i"e that bro'e o#t on his face. 3e6$ co%e here conf#se$ abo#t his fee"ings an$ now it see%e$ rather c"ear to hi%. 3e wante$ to be with Binny. A/o!A /iri#s narrowe$ his eyes #p at the cei"ing as if going o+er what ha$ been sai$ the past ho#r! Awhy! e:act"y! are yo# here then(A 3arry fe"t his face f"#sh a bit an$ hate$ to a$%it that his conf#sion o+er his fee"ings for Binny ha$ been co+ering #p what he %ay ha+e rea""y been afrai$ of. .e%#s c"eare$ his throat. A0et %e %a'e a rather e$#cate$ g#ess! c#b. 1f 16% co%p"ete"y off base8then yo# can te"" %e.A 3e waite$ as 3arry shr#gge$ one sho#"$er. AFirst! yo# are ner+o#s abo#t what Binny wi"" say when yo# te"" her the tr#th abo#t who yo# are. *n$ that6s co%p"ete"y nat#ra". The two of yo# see% to ha+e b#i"t a strong frien$ship an$ yo# fee" g#i"ty abo#t "ying to her!A he he"$ #p his han$s as 3arry too' a breath to protest. AE+en tho#gh yo# ha+en6t act#a""y "ie$! it6s sti"" a case of the sin of o%ission. A5e:t! yo#6re worrie$ a bit abo#t what it wi"" %ean to ha+e a serio#s re"ationship with so%eone "i'e Binny. /he6s a fa%i"y witch with strong ties in her co%%#nity. The &eas"ey6s were we"" 'nown for their s#pport of the r$er $#ring the &ar. 1t6s rather s#rprising! an$ a bit of "#c' for yo#! that they ha+en6t p#t it a"" together before now. 3er fa%i"y6s acceptance or re<ection of a re"ationship is i%portant to her! an$ th#s to yo#.

AThen yo# ha+e the o+era"" #n$er"ying fear that yo#r i$entity wi"" be %a$e p#b"ic an$ yo# wi"" "oose the anony%ity yo#6+e been b"esse$ to "i+e in these past years. Being connecte$ to a &eas"ey %eans being connecte$ to the r$er an$ &i2ar$ing Britain. The press wi"" eat it #p an$ the two of yo# wi"" ha+e to fight for any ti%e a"one.A AB"i%ey!A /iri#s groane$! g"aring at .e%#s! A1 tho#ght we were s#pporting the 'i$ in this re"ationship i$eaE 5ow yo#6+e gone an$ pointe$ o#t e+erything negati+e abo#t it.A .e%#s s%i"e$ at hi% an$ trie$ to gi+e a reass#ring "oo' to 3arry. A3e6s tho#ght it thro#gh a %i""ion ti%es a"rea$y! 4a$foot.A A1 ha+e!A 3arry agree$ >#iet"y. A1t6s a big ris' for both of #s.A AB#t the a$+antages o#tweigh the ris's!A .e%#s co#ntere$. ATo ha+e so%eone that yo# "o+e strong"y by yo#r si$e thro#gh e+erything! to 'now that they are there <#st for yo#8it has to be the wor"$6s strongest e%otion! 3arry.A 3arry no$$e$! "etting the tho#ghts ro"" thro#gh his %in$ again. Binny was perfect for hi% on so %any "e+e"s. /he $i$n6t "et hi% get away with broo$ing or 'eeping his e%otions "oc'e$ away. /he6$ been to#che$ by the sa%e 'in$ of $ar'ness that he ha$! an$ ha$ fo#ght bac'. /he #n$erstoo$ what that $i$ to yo#r so#". 3e opene$ his %o#th to te"" the% abo#t Binny6s connection to the $iary! b#t then change$ his %in$. That wasn6t his secret to te""! he $eci$e$. The three %en sat >#iet"y! sipping their $rin's. The things .e%#s ha$ "iste$ perfect"y were roa%ing aro#n$ in 3arry6s %in$! as they ha$ been for $ays?%onths e+en. &o#"$ Binny accept or re<ect hi%( &o#"$ the &eas"ey6s appro+e of a re"ationship with The9 Boy9&ho90i+e$( 3ow wo#"$ their "i+es a"" change when news of 3arry in Britain reache$ the press( A16% s#ppose$ to be at her brother6s we$$ing!A 3arry sai$ soft"y! "etting his ga2e sett"e on the a%ber "i>#i$ in the bott"e on the tab"e. A/he as'e$ %e to co%e8be her $ate.A A*n$ what the b"oo$y he"" are yo# $oing here then(A /iri#s bar'e$ o#t. 3arry shr#gge$. ABeing there8so%eone is bo#n$ to see %e! recogni2e %e. 3er two brothers! Bi"" an$ Char"ie! wi"" be there. They both fo#ght in the war. )#%b"e$ore is officiating. The rest of the r$er wi"" be there! 16% s#re.A A4rotecting the% or yo#rse"f! 3arry(A /iri#s as'e$ with a $eter%ine$ "oo' in his eye. 3arry "oo'e$ away. ABoth! 1 g#ess.A A&hen is the we$$ing! e:act"y(A .e%#s as'e$.

AThree $ays!A 3arry sighe$. AThere6s sti"" ti%e8A 3arry $raine$ the "ast of his g"ass an$ set it bac' $own into the circ"e of %oist#re on the tab"e. AThere is!A he agree$. 3e was sti"" #ns#re of what it wo#"$ %ean for hi% to show #p there. 3e co#"$ <#st go an$ see Binny! gi+e his regar$s to the Bri$e an$ Broo%! ha+e a $rin' or two an$ then %aybe confront Binny at ho%e8 A18&hen 1 te"" her!A 3arry sai$! his +oice ha"ting! A1 want to te"" her e+erything.A The two %en were >#iet. AE+erything(A A;eah!A 3arry sai$. A/he $eser+es to 'now! before we start anything! yo# 'now.A A1 thin' it6s a bit beyon$ starte$!A /iri#s proteste$ with a "opsi$e$ grin. A1816% going to petition the 1C&!A 3arry $eci$e$ fir%"y. A;o# rea"i2e what that %eans for her(A /iri#s as'e$! his tone "osing a"" of the <o'ing %anner it nor%a""y ha$. A/he6"" be #n$er the sa%e restraints to ta"' abo#t anything that yo# are.A A&e co#"$ sti"" ta"' together!A 3arry shr#gge$. A;o# $on6t thin' 1 sho#"$(A A5o!A /iri#s shoo' his hea$! A1 $o! act#a""y. 1 <#st thin' yo# nee$ to consi$er how she wo#"$ fee". 5ot on"y that! b#t yo#r petition wo#"$ be on recor$. The 1C& wo#"$ 'now that 3arry 4otter is in+o"+e$ in a serio#s re"ationship.A A*n$ we a"" 'now that 'now"e$ge "i'e that $oesn6t stay secret!A .e%#s a$$e$. A1t6s a ris' 16"" ha+e to ta'e!A 3arry shr#gge$. A1 nee$ to be honest with her. B#t816"" gi+e her the opport#nity to choose.A The two %en scow"e$ tho#ghtf#""y. AThat %ight wor'.A A/he nee$s to 'now!A 3arry confir%e$. A*n$8A he "oo'e$ $own at his han$s! fi$geting a bit. A1t %ight be se"fish! b#t 1 want her to 'now. 18want to share e+erything with her.A AThat6s not se"fish at a""!A .e%#s proteste$. A;o# are in "o+e!A /iri#s %#ttere$! staring in awe at 3arry. 3arry co#"$n6t he"p the grin that sprea$ o+er his face. A1 a%.A

bi$iah Ie"e' was in his %i$9si:ties! b#t %o+e$ as if he were bare"y twenty. 3e ha$ been %a$e the 3ea$ of the 1nternationa" *#ror Corps ten years before 3arry <oine$ an$ ha$ wor'e$ har$ to earn the respect of his forces. Ie"e' ha$ ta'en a persona" interest in 3arry $#ring the war an$ ha$ he"pe$ train 3arry to be rea$y to face .i$$"e when it was ti%e. =onths after the Fina" Batt"e! Ie"e' ha$ 'noc'e$ on /iri#s6 $oor an$ offere$ 3arry a p"ace with the 1C&! which 3arry ha$ accepte$ i%%e$iate"y! %ost"y o#t of respect for the %an. A4otterEA he greete$ 3arry with a sa"#te an$ then a cr#shing han$sha'e. A/ir!A 3arry ret#rne$! p"ease$ that his s#perior officer see%e$ to be in a goo$ %oo$. That %ight he"p with what he was going to as'. ACo%e into %y office! son! "et6s ta"'.A 3arry no$$e$ an$ fo""owe$ the %an. Twenty %in#tes "ater! 3arry t#gge$ at his $ress robes! c#rsing the coarse woo" they were %a$e of. The bea$ of sweat ro""ing $own 3arry6s bac' $i$n6t he"p hi% re"a:. 6&hy $o they a"ways o+erheat go+ern%ent b#i"$ings(6 he won$ere$. A*#ror 4otter!A Ie"e' "oo'e$ $own at hi% o+er the s%a"" ha"f circ"e g"asses that perche$ "ow on his nose. A&hat yo#6+e as'e$8it6s not o#r po"icy to a""ow <#st anyone to ha+e top secret c"earance! yo# 'now.A A1 $o! sir!A 3arry no$$e$ bac'. A*n$ 1 wo#"$n6t be as'ing if this weren6t8if 1 wasn6t serio#s abo#t this wo%an.A Than'f#""y! the *#ror Co%%issioner ha$ agree$ to see 3arry in pri+ate! rather than stan$ing before the f#"" Co%%ittee to %a'e his re>#est. 3arry 'new that it %ight e+ent#a""y co%e to that! b#t for now! it was best to $ea" with this process a step at a ti%e. 3arry co#"$ fee" Ie"e'6s eyes on hi%! b#t sat co%p"ete"y sti"". A3ow serio#s(A 3arry6s eyes %et the piercing b"ac' ones of the %an who ha$ been his s#perior officer for years. A1 p"an on as'ing her to %arry %e! if she6"" ha+e %e! sir.A 1t wasn6t a "ie! 3arry <#stifie$ to hi%se"f. 3e co#"$ honest"y see hi%se"f as'ing Binny! if this a"" wor'e$ o#t between the%. Ie"e' re%aine$ si"ent! his han$s co%ing #p to stro'e his $ar' bear$ an$ %#stache. A*n$ yo#6$ te"" her8A AE+erything that in+o"+es %e $irect"y! sir!A 3arry no$$e$. A1t6s the right thing.A

The %an no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y. A*n$ she #n$erstan$s that she wo#"$ be #n$er the sa%e restrictions that yo# are( That she wo#"$n6t be ab"e to te"" anyone any $etai"s(A A1 wo#"$ %a'e that co%p"ete"y c"ear! sir.A Ie"e' sat bac' in his chair! his intense ga2e not "ea+ing 3arry. A)oes she 'now who yo# are! 3arry(A 3is tone was softer this ti%e! a"%ost father"y! an$ it too' 3arry by s#rprise. A5o! sir!A 3arry sai$! interna""y wincing. A/he8she s#spects. 1 ha+en6t confir%e$ anything.A A16% inc"ine$ to %a'e yo# co%e bac' again! 4otter! when yo#6+e to"$ her who yo# are.A 3arry opene$ his %o#th to protest! b#t Ie"e' he"$ #p a h#ge b"ac' han$ to si"ence hi%. AB#t 1 #n$erstan$ how that %ight hin$er things fro% yo#r en$.A &ise"y 'eeping his %o#th sh#t! 3arry no$$e$. A/o! 16% going to agree to yo#r re>#est?%ost"y beca#se 16+e 'nown yo# for years! 3arry! an$ 1 high"y $o#bt this wo%an is anything "ess than the best if she6s %anage$ to win yo#r heart.A AThan' yo#! sir.A 3arry6s heart swe""e$. This was easier than he6$ e:pecte$. A&hat is the yo#ng "a$y6s na%e(A Ie"e' as'e$. 3arry too' a $eep breath. ABine+ra &eas"ey! sir.A A&eas"ey(A Ie"e'6s eyebrow6s rose an$ he "et "oose a s"ow whist"e. A;o# rea""y 'now how to co%p"icate things! $on6t yo# 4otter(A A/he6s in+o"+e$ a"rea$y! sir!A 3arry proteste$. A/he was the gir" with the $iary 3orcr#:.A A1 'now who she is! 4otter!A Ie"e' no$$e$. A*n$ who her fa%i"y is.A 3e stare$ at 3arry for a %in#te "onger before sha'ing his hea$ s"ow"y. A)oes the fa%i"y 'now(A A16+e %et the%!A 3arry ac'now"e$ge$. AThey $on6t 'now who 1 a%! or if they $o! they6re not saying anything.A Ie"e' whippe$ his g"asses off his face an$ st#c' the ar% piece in his %o#th! spinning aro#n$ in his chair to stare o#t the win$ows. A;o# #n$erstan$ that 1 can6t a#thori2e that %any peop"e for Top /ecret C"earance(A A16% not as'ing for that! sir!A 3arry shoo' his hea$. A n"y Binny. /he nee$s to 'now e+erything. /he rea""y $eser+es to 'now what she was %i:e$ #p in anyway. The others8 we""! what 1 can te"" the%! 1 wi"" at %y $iscretion. B#t 1 $on6t thin' it wi"" be necessary.A

/"ow"y t#rning aro#n$! Ie"e' sighe$. A1 won6t "ie to yo#! 3arry. This wo%an being a &eas"ey co%p"icates %atters. 3er being in+o"+e$ with the $iary %a'es it $a%n near i%possib"e. )o yo# 'now how c"ose she ca%e to being b"i+iate$ by the 1C&(A 3arry gri%ace$ as bi"e rose in his throat. A1 'new she was ta'en before the &i2enga%ot! b#t she was c"eare$ of any wrong$oing. 1t was a"" fo#n$ to "ea$ bac' to .i$$"e.A Ie"e' no$$e$. A1t was. B#t we $ebate$ for %onths wiping her %e%ory c"ean of the e+ent.A AThat wo#"$ ha+e been a sha%e!A 3arry sai$ soft"y. A1t6s shape$ her into who she is to$ay.A A1 agree!A Ie"e' sai$ soft"y as he rep"ace$ his g"asses. A&hich is why 16% going to sign yo#r re>#est.A 3arry re"a:e$ bac' into his chair. A*n$ 16% not going to sen$ this before the Co%%ittee. 16"" catch he"" for it! b#t 1 thin' yo#6"" appreciate news of yo#r i%pen$ing %arriage not being sp"ashe$ a"" o+er the press before yo# e+en ha+e the chance to ta"' to yo#r be"o+e$.A A1 $o appreciate that! sir!A 3arry sai$! fee"ing his face heat at the tho#ght of Binny rea$ing abo#t her engage%ent to 3arry 4otter. Ta"' abo#t sin'ing the ship before it e+en to#che$ water8 A3arry!A Ie"e' sai$! "oo'ing $irect"y at 3arry after he6$ scribb"e$ his signat#re on the for%! ABoo$ "#c'. ;o# both $eser+e this.A 3arry6s face stretche$ in a big s%i"e. AThan' yo#! sir.A Binny6s concentration s'i""s ha$ ne+er been great! she6$ be the first to a$%it. B#t this was $ifferent. This was her brother6s we$$ing. *n$ she sho#"$ b"oo$y we"" be foc#se$ eno#gh to hear hi% pro%ise his "ife to her best gir"frien$. A8an$ $o yo#! 3er%ione Branger8A 3er eyes wan$ere$ again! s#rreptitio#s"y searching the g#ests for 3arry6s %essy hea$ of hair. There were se+era" $ar' patches in the sea of re$hea$s! b#t none of the% were 3arry. /ighing! she t#rne$ bac'! catching 5e+i""e6s eye. 3e s%ir'e$ an$ raise$ an eyebrow at her $istraction an$ she b"#she$. 5o $o#bt he6$ ta'e the %ic'ey o#t of her for ho#rs after this. A81 now present to yo#! =r. an$ =rs. .ona"$ &eas"eyEA

Binny s%i"e$ wi$e"y an$ c"appe$! preten$ing that she6$ hear$ e+ery wor$. Boo$ thing they 'new her eno#gh to 'now that she wo#"$n6t ha+e teare$ #p?at "east she $i$n6t ha+e to preten$ that. A5ice!A 5e+i""e co%p"i%ente$ when they "in'e$ ar%s an$ wa"'e$ bac' $own the ais"e. A;o#6+e been $rin'ing a"rea$y! ha+en6t yo#(A 3e grinne$ at her an$ she fe"t an o+erwhe"%ing #rge to pinch his si$e. A/h#t it!A Binny grow"e$ thro#gh her cheesy s%i"e. The ca%era was f"ashing away an$ Binny sincere"y $o#bte$ that 3er%ione wo#"$ appro+e of a photo of her =ai$9of93onor p#nching her Best =an. /he6$ bet ga""eons that .on wo#"$ "a#gh har$ eno#gh to fa"" on his arse! tho#gh. *n$ it wo#"$ be preser+e$ for a"" posterity to see. The tho#ght %a$e her tr#"y s%i"e an$ she grinne$ at 5e+i""e! who ga+e her a s"ight"y ner+o#s s%i"e bac'. A/erio#s"y! Binny!A 5e+i""e sai$ once they6$ %a$e it bac' $own the ais"e. A;o# ha+en6t been yo#rse"f for $ays now.A 3e g"ance$ aro#n$! trying to 'eep the con+ersation >#iet! which Binny appreciate$. &ith a"" of her fa%i"y aro#n$! she $i$n6t nee$ the% prying into her pri+ate "ife any %ore than they ha$ a"rea$y $one. /he e:p"aine$ se+era" $ays ago that 3arry was away for wor' an$ probab"y wo#"$n6t %a'e it bac' for the we$$ing. That sho#"$ ha+e been eno#gh for e+eryone to 'eep their %o#ths sh#t. *n$ it a"%ost was. B#t she was beginning to s#spect the Twins were going to crac' soon #n$er the press#re. A1 'now!A she sai$! pressing her fingers to her te%p"e. A16% fine! rea""y!A she proteste$. A3as it been that ob+io#s(A A5ot rea""y!A 5e+i""e proteste$! watching as .on an$ 3er%ione pose$ for another photograph. A1 <#st816+e been paying c"ose attention.A Binny t#rne$ to hi%! st#$ying hi% c"ose"y. A&hy(A ABeca#se yo#6re %y frien$! Binny!A he proteste$ with a s%a"" s%i"e. A*n$ beca#se8 seeing yo# happy %eans a "ot to %e. *n$ 16+e ne+er seen yo# s%i"e "i'e yo# $i$ the other night at the p#b.A Binny bit her "ip an$ t#rne$ away! hoping that her b"#sh wo#"$ be %ista'en for the e:cite%ent of the $ay. A;eah we""8A A*n$ if it6s 3arry that %a'es yo# happy!A he sai$ after %o+ing c"oser so that the hor$e of &eas"eys who stoo$ on"y feet away $i$n6t hear hi%! Athen go after hi%.A Binny "oo'e$ #p at hi% an$ i%p#"si+e"y "ifte$ on her toes to press a 'iss to his chee'.

A;o#6re a goo$ b"o'e! 5e+i""e.A ATe"" that to an a+ai"ab"e witch! yeah(A he ch#c'"e$! ta'ing her han$ in his as Co"in %otione$ for the% to <oin .on an$ 3er%ione in ta'ing %ore photographs. Two ho#rs "ater! an$ one +ery "arge g"ass of cha%pagne! Binny was happi"y %ing"ing thro#gh the crow$. The c#shioning char% on her shoes was ho"$ing #p we"" eno#gh that she6$ e+en $ance$ with Fre$! Beorge! 5e+i""e an$ 0ee. /he6$ been b#sy eno#gh thro#gh $inner with her toast an$ %anaging to he"p 3er%ione with +ario#s other responsibi"ities that the $#"" ache fro% %issing 3arry was p#she$ $own so%e. B#t now that she was o#t here! trying to 'eep the s%i"e on her face! it b#bb"e$ #p insi$e her to the point of %a'ing her throat tighten. A;o# "oo' so a%a2ing in that $ress! BinnyEA Co"in sai$! snapping another pict#re that Binny gri%ace$ at. ACo%e off it! Co"in!A she proteste$. A;o#6+e waste$ eno#gh fi"% on %e. Can6t yo# go fin$ so%eone e"se to %o"est(A Co"in "a#ghe$. A16$ be on"y happy to!A he proteste$. AB#t 16% on the <ob! $on6t forget.A AThen 1 gi+e %y per%ission! as =ai$9of93onor! that yo#! Co"in Cree+ey! 4hotographer E:traor$inaire %ay set that b"oo$y contraption $own "ong eno#gh to get yo#rse"f so%e foo$ an$ fin$ a he"p"ess yo#ng witch to woo.A 3e snorte$ o#t a "a#gh. A* witch to woo(A A;eah!A Binny grinne$! b#%ping her sho#"$er against his. AFin$ a gir"! chat her #p! snog a bit8see how things go(A A16"" wor' on that!A he pro%ise$! %o+ing off into the crow$. ABinny! $ar"in6EA /he ro""e$ her eyes! searching for the best escape ro#te when /ea%#s6 ar% wrappe$ aro#n$ her waist. A h! none o6 that! "ass.A A/ea%#s!A Binny greete$! "a#ghing at her frien$. A1 honest"y $on6t ha+e the patience for yo# tonight.A A ch!A he gr#%b"e$ c"#tching his chest with one han$ an$ $rin'ing what re%aine$ of his a"e with the other. A;o#6+e wo#n$e$ %e8right in the heart.A

A/a+e it!A Binny ch#c'"e$. A16% i%%#ne to what yo# thin' passes for char%.A A.ight!A he grinne$! throwing a brother"y ar% o+er her sho#"$er. A.e%in$ %e why yo# an$ 1 ha+e ne+er been a co#p"e(A ABeca#se 1 won6t p#t #p with yo#r bo""oc's!A Binny >#ippe$ right bac'. A*hhh!A he no$$e$! his s%i"e wi$ening. ABoo$. 1 tho#ght it %ight be %e "oo's. Then 1 re%e%bere$! yo# fancy $ar' haire$ b"o'es.A Binny shoo' her hea$ at his antics. AThat %ay be it.A A0i'e that b"o'e the other night at the p#b!A he contin#e$. A;o# s#re fancie$ hi%.A 3er face heate$ an$ she too' a $eep breath to respon$ when she notice$ /ea%#s6 face ha$ sti""e$ an$ he was staring away fro% her. A/pea' o6 the $e+i".A Binny sp#n aro#n$! her heart c"i%bing into her throat when she saw 3arry there! gi+ing his %ost char%ing s%i"e to her %other. A3e ca%e!A she whispere$! /ea%#s forgotten co%p"ete"y as she wo+e in an$ o#t of g#ests to get to hi%.

*Chapter 11*: Chapter 11: 3lone $n The Crowd

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter 11: 3lone $n The Crowd

3arry s"i$ o#t of the "eather seat an$ straightene$ his $ar' grey! pinstripe$ s#it pants. 3e was s#re he6$ stic' o#t "i'e a sore th#%b at this e+ent. Eng"ish &i2ar$ we$$ings! he ha$ been to"$! were notorio#s for being high"y tra$itiona". 3arry $i$n6t consi$er robes practica" or attracti+e in any fashion. /iri#s ha$ ne+er worn the% an$ .e%#s $i$ on"y occasiona""y. 3arry hi%se"f preferre$ an e:pensi+e s#it as a %ore for%a" choice. f co#rse! technica""y he sho#"$ be wearing his $ress #nifor%7 howe+er that wasn6t an option #n"ess he wante$ a h#ge re$ beacon to fo""ow hi% aro#n$ to$ay! pointing o#t <#st who he was. 3e s%i"e$ s"ight"y as the croo'e$ for% of the B#rrow! Binny6s fa%i"y ho%e! st#c' #p against the bright an$ s"ight"y orange fa$ing "ight. 3e wasn6t s#rprise$ to fin$ that his car was on"y the fo#rth par'e$ there. There was a nice 4e#geot a"ongsi$e a %ore tra$itiona" For$! an$ another generic type. Those %#st be 3er%ione6s fa%i"y. 3e stoo$ in the $ri+e for a %o%ent! gathering his co#rage. 1t wasn6t har$ when he consi$ere$ the $ecision he6$ %a$e. Best to get on with it! he s#ppose$! as he straightene$ his tie an$ b#ttone$ his s#it coat. 3e co#"$ fee" the stiff en+e"ope in the insi$e poc'et br#sh against his chest. 3e patte$ it once! <#st to %a'e s#re! an$ began the short wa"' to where he co#"$ hear the ce"ebration we"" #n$er way. The si$e gate was sw#ng wi$e open an$ ha$ been $rape$ with white fabric of so%e sort an$ was gathere$ with gro#ps of pa"e f"owers. -nowing what .on was "i'e! 3arry was s#rprise$ that the co"or orange ha$n6t been thr#st into the we$$ing p"ans. 3er%ione %#st ha+e bribe$ hi%. 1n fact! both ti%es 3arry ha$ seen .on in a cas#a" setting he6$ been sporting the bright orange of the Cannons. 3ope springs eterna"! 3arry s%i"e$. There was soft %#sic p"aying so%ewhere an$ 3arry too' a $eep breath fi""ing his "#ngs with sweet! coo" air. There were se+era" co#p"es o#t on a woo$en $ance f"oor in the center of the yar$. * "ight g"ow s#rro#n$e$ the area an$ 3arry ha$ to "oo' twice to be s#re! b#t he co#"$ swear there were c"#%ps of fairies sharing their "ight. 3is eyes narrowe$ as he searche$ for Binny a%i$st a"" the chatting an$8for%a" robes. 3e shifte$ s"ight"y an$ fe"t a bit better when he notice$ 3er%ione $ance by with her father! he g#esse$! $resse$ in a s#it si%i"ar to 3arry6s. A3arryEA 3arry t#rne$ to fin$ Binny6s %other grinning #p at hi%. /he "oo'e$ "i'e she6$ <#st been thro#gh a partic#"ar"y ro#gh batt"e! as her hair was on"y s"ight"y c#r"e$ sti"" an$ the $ar' green robes she wore were a bit wrin'"e$. 3e s%i"e$ as she p#""e$ hi% $own an$ into a h#ge h#g. ABinny sai$ that yo# weren6t going to be ab"e to %a'e it! $ear. f co#rse! we were $isappointe$. &e a"" wante$ yo# here.A 3arry ret#rne$ the h#g a bit aw'war$"y an$ p#""e$ bac' to win' f"irtatio#s"y at her. A1 ca#ght the ear"iest port'ey that 1 co#"$. 1 ha$ to see %y best gir"! $i$n6t 1(A

=rs. &eas"ey bea%e$ at hi% an$ t#rne$ to g"ance aro#n$ the $ance f"oor. ABinny was <#st o+er there a secon$ ago8A A&hat are yo# on abo#t( 1 %eant yo#! =rs. &!A 3arry rep"ie$ as he wagg"e$ his eyebrows. A5ow co%e on! "et6s yo# an$ 1 snea' away! *rth#r wi"" ne+er 'now.A =o""y &eas"ey b"#she$ se+era" $ifferent sha$es whi"e she grinne$ a rather g#i"ty grin at hi%. A;o# ca$!A she tease$ as she reache$ #p to pinch his chee'. A&hy if 1 were a h#n$re$ years yo#nger! 3arry 4ar'er! 1 %ight <#st ta'e yo# #p on that offer.A 3arry grinne$ bac' at her! his ner+o#s sto%ach sett"ing a bit. A5ow! yo#6$ better fin$ Binny. /he was with a gro#p of schoo" frien$s <#st a secon$ ago.A A16"" fin$ her!A 3arry pro%ise$ as =o""y ga+e hi% a %other"y pat on the ar%. 3e no$$e$ towar$ se+era" gro#ps of peop"e who ha$ t#rne$ to watch hi% go by! a"" the whi"e c#rsing si"ent"y to hi%se"f. 3e hate$ going o#t in p#b"ic! especia""y to the &i2ar$ing p#b"ic. /o%ewhere! so%e$ay?so%eone wo#"$ recogni2e hi% an$ the >#iet "ife he "e$ wo#"$ be shattere$. 3e6$ p#rpose"y not increase$ his bf#scation char% to$ay. 1t was there! b#t <#st not at high capacity. 1f so%eone rea""y "oo'e$ c"ose"y! they %ay be ab"e to see thro#gh it. A;o# ca%eEA * screeching! "a+en$er %issi"e hit hi% in the chest an$ 3arry grinne$ $own at the for% of Binny &eas"ey ret#rning his s%i"e as she c"#ng to hi%. 3arry "eane$ $own an$ 'isse$ her chee'! c"osing his eyes at the into:icating f"owery scent that en+e"ope$ hi%. The f"owing pa"e p#rp"e $ress fit her "i'e a g"o+e! "ea+ing %ost of her sho#"$ers bare! an$ $rape$ $own! a"%ost to#ching the gro#n$. 3arry ha$ to conscio#s"y 'eep his han$s on her bac' as he he"$ her! "est they e:p"ore on their own. A1 ca%e!A he confir%e$. Binny p#""e$ bac' an$ began to straighten his s#it an$ tie! a habit of hers that en$eare$ her e+en %ore in his heart. A;o# as'e$ an$8A A3arry!A Binny sai$ as she p#""e$ hi% to her again. AThan' yo# for co%ing. 1 'now it %#st ha+e been har$ an$ probab"y got yo# in tro#b"e with wor' to "ea+e ear"y.A 3arry reache$ $own an$ "ifte$ her chin with a gent"e finger. A;o# as'e$ %e to co%e!A he state$. Their eyes %et an$ for a %o%ent the wor"$ aro#n$ the% $isappeare$. 3arry fe"t the by9now fa%i"iar f"#ttering in his chest! on"y this ti%e he 'new what it %eant! an$ this ti%e he wante$ nothing %ore than to $o so%ething abo#t it. ACo%e on!A Binny bro'e the %o%ent as she too' his han$ in hers. A;o# ha+en6t seen .on an$ 3er%ione yet.A

3arry t#gge$ bac' on her han$ an$ %otione$ towar$ a spot off of the %ain $ance f"oor7 Binny see%e$ to #n$erstan$ an$ fo""owe$. nce they were away fro% the crow$! 3arry p#""e$ the en+e"ope o#t of his poc'et an$ he"$ it o#t for Binny to see. A16+e ne+er been to a we$$ing! Bin.A 3e shr#gge$ an$ shifte$ bac' an$ forth! fee"ing incre$ib"y #ns#re. A1 wasn6t s#re what to get for the%.A A3arry!A Binny proteste$! Aanything yo# gi+e wi"" be <#st fine. 1n fact! yo# $i$n6t ha+e to gi+e anything.A /he g"ance$ $own at the en+e"ope an$ raise$ an eyebrow! %a'ing her "oo' re%ar'ab"y "i'e her twin brothers when they were #p to so%ething. A,#st a8we""! it6s 'in$ of a fa+or that so%eone owe$ %e an$8A 3e r#ff"e$ his hair o#t of fr#stration an$ Binny han$e$ the en+e"ope bac' to hi%. A1t $oesn6t %atter!A she state$. A0et6s go fin$ the% an$ they can open it the%se"+es.A /he too' his han$ again an$ began p#""ing hi% towar$ the gro#p again. 3arry grinne$ to hi%se"f at how easy it was to fo""ow her anywhere. The Bri$e an$ Broo% were at the center of a rather "arge gro#p of peop"e! an$ 3arry s%i"e$ sheepish"y as Binny! >#ite a bit shorter than hi%! p#""e$ hi% thro#gh the crow$! c"earing a path the who"e way. A0oo' o#t! =ai$9 f93onor co%ing thro#ghEA 3arry co#"$n6t he"p b#t fee" his heart swe"" a bit at the fiery wo%an in front of hi%. 3e hear$ the whispers aro#n$ the%! b#t ignore$ it as he contin#e$ to fo""ow Binny. A;o# %a$e it!A .on thr#st o#t a han$ towar$ 3arry. 3arry shoo' it an$ then "eane$ in to 'iss 3er%ione on the chee'. A1 hear$ this was the e+ent of the season!A 3arry tease$! Awo#"$n6t ha+e %isse$ it for the wor"$.A AFashionab"y "ate again tho#gh! 4ar'er.A 3arry t#rne$ to fin$ Fre$ an$ Beorge grinning at hi%. AThat ti%e wasn6t %y fa#"t!A he proteste$ as he po'e$ Binny in the si$e. /he gigg"e$ an$ wigg"e$ away fro% hi% before grabbing onto his ar%. 3arry too' a $eep breath an$ concentrate$ on the con+ersations at han$ instea$ of the fact that Binny fit e:act"y #p against hi%! "i'e she was %a$e to be there. A*ye!A Fre$ no$$e$.

A&e6+e hear$ that one before!A Beorge finishe$. 3e offere$ 3arry a B#tterbeer! b#t 3arry wai+e$ it off with a tho#ght that %aybe "ater his sto%ach wo#"$ be sett"e$ eno#gh to en<oy a $rin' an$ so%e of =rs. &eas"ey6s won$erf#" foo$. ACongrat#"ations! yo# two!A he sai$ as he t#rne$ bac' to .on an$ 3er%ione. A16% sorry 1 co#"$n6t %a'e it for the cere%ony.A 3e $iscreet"y offere$ the en+e"ope an$ 3er%ione too' it. /he opene$ it an$ her eyes went wi$e. A&hat is it(A .on "oo'e$ o+er her sho#"$er. A;o# sho#"$n6t ha+e! 3arry.A A&hy not! 3er%ione(A 3arry as'e$. ABesi$es! it rea""y $i$n6t cost %e anything. * frien$ owe$ %e a fa+or an$ 1 $on6t see a ti%e when 16"" get to #se it. * "itt"e bir$ to"$ %e yo# two weren6t ta'ing a honey%oon.A 3e g"ance$ o+er at Binny who bea%e$ #p at hi%. A&hat is it! 3er%ione(A Fre$ as'e$. A1t6s8A .on began an$ then shoo' his hea$. A1t6s a trip to Breece.A A,#st "et %e 'now when yo# thin' yo#6"" be ab"e to go an$ 16"" %a'e a"" the arrange%ents!A 3arry sai$ soft"y. 3e g"ance$ $own to fin$ Binny staring at hi% with a pec#"iar e:pression. 3e wasn6t e:act"y s#re what it %eant! b#t it sent a war% wigg"e a"" the way thro#gh hi%. 3er%ione br#she$ away >#ic' tears an$ reache$ #p to gi+e 3arry a h#g. AThan' yo#!A she whispere$. A1t %eans a "ot.A .on see%e$ speech"ess as he shoo' 3arry6s han$ an$ gape$ "i'e a go"$fish. ACo%e on!A Binny t#gge$ on his ar% again an$ p#""e$ hi% towar$ the $ance f"oor. They $i$n6t %a'e it far before a gro#p of peop"e stoo$ in their way. They were frien$s of Binny6s fro% schoo"! an$ 3arry shifte$ ner+o#s"y as Binny intro$#ce$ hi% as her f"at%ate an$ best frien$. Fina""y they were ab"e to p#"" away! han$s sti"" "in'e$. A3e""o! Binny.A Binny stoppe$ in her stri$e an$ g"ance$ #p at 3arry before t#rning. A3e""o! =ichae".A 3arry appraise$ the ta"" %an in front of the%. 3e was r#gge$"y han$so%e with $ar' hair! an$ fine"y presse$ b"ac' robes. 3e fe"t a protecti+e gr#%b"e in his chest as the %an6s ga2e $rifte$ o+er Binny fro% top to botto%. The na%e c"ic'e$ for 3arry an$ he rea"i2e$ this was Binny6s e:9boyfrien$?the one her fa%i"y ha$ e:pecte$ she6$ %arry. A1 $i$n6t 'now yo# were co%ing!A Binny state$ f"at"y.

A1 was frien$s with .on too!A =ichae" proteste$. A;o# weren6t the on"y &eas"ey 1 'new.A A.on6s right o+er there!A Binny pointe$ bac' towar$ where she an$ 3arry ha$ <#st co%e fro%! b#t $i$n6t brea' her ga2e fro% the %an. ACan we ta"'! Binny(A 3arry fe"t Binny stiffen an$ he s"i$ his han$s #p to rest on her sho#"$ers! +owing to re%ain si"ent #n"ess she ga+e hi% so%e c"#e she wante$ hi% to spea'. 3e co#"$ fee" the a$rena"ine b#i"$ing insi$e as it $i$ in batt"e sit#ations. 3e 'new he co#"$ $o so%e serio#s $a%age to the %an if nee$e$! b#t he wasn6t prepare$ to $ea" with that right now. A*ct#a""y! =ichae"! 3arry an$ 1 were <#st going o#t to $ance7 %aybe so%e other ti%e.A /he g"ance$ #p o+er her sho#"$er at 3arry an$ s%i"e$ sweet"y at hi%. 3arry %et =ichae"6s ga2e for a %o%ent! a si"ent warning sent! an$ then too' Binny6s han$ to "ea$ her o#t onto the $ance f"oor. 3arry $i$n6t protest as she wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ his nec' an$ presse$ herse"f c"ose to hi%! swaying to the %#sic. They %e"te$ together an$ 3arry sighe$ in content%ent! fee"ing his heart start a frantic rhyth%. A1 "o+e this s#it! 3arry!A Binny sai$ soft"y as she r#bbe$ her han$ a"ong the fabric of the "ape". AThis is the tie yo# pic'e$ o#t!A 3arry infor%e$ her! s%i"ing $own as she straightene$ the 'not an$ fingere$ the $ar' b"#e si"'. A1 notice$ that!A she sai$. 3er fingers $rifte$ a"ong his co""ar an$ tic'"e$ the hair at the base of his nec'! ca#sing hi% to shi+er. Binny s%i"e$ an$ "ai$ her chee' against his sho#"$er. * hea+iness! fa%i"iar an$ we"co%e! sett"e$ into his chest as he presse$ her e+en c"oser to hi%se"f an$ "ay his chee' against her hea$. AThree $ays was too "ong! Bin!A he sai$ soft"y. A1 $on6t "i'e being away any%ore.A 5er+o#s abo#t what she %ight say! 3arry "et her fingers! which contin#e$ to %o+e the hair on his nec'! "#"" hi%. 3is hea$ %o+e$ "ower an$ he presse$ his face into the crea%y! scente$ s'in on her nec'. 3is "ips br#she$ the s'in "ight"y! his breath war%ing the frec'"e in front of hi%. A3arry!A Binny6s +oice bro#ght hi% bac' an$ he %o+e$ to "oo' at her. A3ow %#ch ha+e yo# ha$ to $rin' tonight(A

3arry s%i"e$ at her an$ p#""e$ her bac' to where they ha$ been. A16+e not ha$ anything!A he sai$ an$ n#22"e$ the soft spot <#st be"ow her ear! #nab"e to ho"$ bac' the growing aro#sa" for her. Binny6s hea$ was ree"ing. /he6$ in$ee$ fe"t %ore than an intense attraction between herse"f an$ 3arry at ti%es. ,#st "i'e that b#i"$ing soap b#bb"e that she ha$ e:p"aine$ to 3er%ione7 growing an$ swe""ing! on the +erge of popping. B#t tonight the attraction was "i'e a %agnetic p#"" between the%. /he6$ seen hi% ta"'ing to her %other an$ co#"$n6t ho"$ herse"f bac' fro% %o+ing towar$ hi%. *n$ the g"ances they6$ e:change$ tonight see%e$ to ha+e the weight of the wor"$ in the%. 3arry n#22"e$ his nose against her nec' again an$ she contin#e$ to p"ay with his hair! "osing herse"f in the fantasy that this was rea""y happening! 3arry was rea""y ret#rning the fee"ings that she6$ been ha+ing since the %o%ent they6$ %et. 3is "ips p"acing a s%a"" 'iss against her nec' start"e$ her. A3arry! how %#ch ha+e yo# ha$ to $rin' tonight(A 3is answer $i$n6t s#rprise her as he6$ been with her practica""y the who"e night! b#t it was one e:c#se that she co#"$ r#"e o#t that wo#"$ ca#se hi% to beha+e this way. /he "et herse"f en<oy the attention he was paying her a bit %ore before her eyes %et =ichae"6s across the f"oor! a s%a"" bit of $o#bt rising #p. Binny $roppe$ her han$ to 3arry6s sho#"$er an$ n#$ge$ his face #p before narrowing her eyes at hi%. A*re yo# $oing this beca#se of =ichae"! 3arry( Beca#se if yo# are it6s rea""y cr#e"?A 3is "oo' of abso"#te bewi"$er%ent stoppe$ her in her trac's. A=ichae"(A Binny opene$ her %o#th an$ then c"ose$ it again. /he6$ ob+io#s"y %is<#$ge$ his intentions for a %o%ent an$ was now %a'ing a foo" of herse"f. A=y e:9boyfrien$! =ichae"!A she e:p"aine$. AThe one who stoppe$ #s a %in#te ago.A The "ight see%e$ to t#rn on in 3arry6s ga2e an$ he i%%e$iate"y shoo' his hea$. A5o! this has nothing to $o with that <er'.A 3e sighe$ $eep"y an$ g"ance$ away for a %o%ent whi"e he see%e$ to co""ect hi%se"f. A1 %eant what 1 sai$! Bin. Three $ays is too "ong to be away fro% yo#. 16+e been ha+ing these8fee"ings! Bin. 1 $i$n6t rea""y 'now what they %eant! an$ when 1 $i$ fig#re it o#t8 they scare$ %e! to be honest. B#t 1 went an$ ta"'e$ to /ir?er%! %y Bo$father an$ he he"pe$ %e to see8A 3e sighe$ again an$ %et her ga2e. A16+e fa""en in "o+e with yo#! Binny.A 3is +oice was soft an$ if Binny ha$n6t been presse$ right to hi%! she wasn6t s#re if she6$ ha+e hear$ it.

A;o#6re8oh! %y.A 3is ha2e" eyes he"$ hers an$ see%e$ to be searching for so%ething as they stoo$ co%p"ete"y sti"" on the f"oor. 3er heart th#n$ere$! trying to fin$ the right wor$s to answer hi%. 3e6$ fina""y fig#re$ it o#t an$ the %o%ent was %ore than a bit o+erwhe"%ing. A1t6s a"right!A 3arry fina""y sai$! "oo'ing away. A1f yo# $on6t fee"...A he sighe$. A1f 16+e %isrea$?A A3arry.A 3e t#rne$ bac' towar$ her an$ see%e$ s#rprise$ that she was on"y a breath away fro% his face. A/h#t #p an$ 'iss %e a"rea$y.A 3e grinne$ an$ presse$ his "ips to hers gent"y for a %o%ent before the 'iss beca%e passionate! "i'e the first 'iss they6$ e+er share$ so %any wee's ago. 3is han$ "eft her bac' to ho"$ the si$e of her face soft"y. 1n the $istance! >#ite far away! she tho#ght she co#"$ hear peop"e "a#ghing an$ e+en so%e cheering. 5othing e"se %attere$ e:cept the way 3arry6s "ips caresse$ hers an$ the way she co#"$ fee" his heart beat in his chest an$ the fact that it %atche$ her own. A&ho the he"" is 3arry 4ar'er(A 5e+i""e t#rne$ aro#n$ at =ichae"6s harsh hiss an$ too' a $rin' of his b#tterbeer before $eci$ing how to answer. 1t was no secret that 5e+i""e ha$ ne+er appro+e$ of Binny an$ =ichae" $ating! an$ he wasn6t the on"y one. A3e6s Binny6s f"at%ate.A AF"at%ate! %y arse!A =ichae" gr#%b"e$. 3e grabbe$ 5e+i""e6s $rin' an$ g#"pe$ the rest of it as he g"are$ at the co#p"e $ancing c"ose"y on the f"oor. AB#t who the he"" is he(A 5e+i""e shr#gge$. A)on6t rea""y 'now. 3e6s *%erican! at "east that6s what he so#n$s "i'e7 a"tho#gh 1 thin' 1 hear$ that he6s a British citi2en so%ehow. 3e6s a goo$ b"o'e! tho#gh.A A3e wor's for the go+ern%ent!A )ean Tho%as a$$e$ as he <oine$ the two! offering a fresh b#tterbeer to 5e+i""e. =ichae" g"are$ at )ean for a %o%ent before t#rning his attention bac' to the $ance f"oor. A&hich go+ern%ent(A A5obo$y rea""y 'nows!A )ean answere$. A3e6s not too big into $etai"s. *"tho#gh he6s rather tight with the &eas"eys! 1 hear.A Two of the three %en cringe$ when 3arry an$ Binny began 'issing. 5e+i""e ch#c'"e$. ABoo$ for the%!A he cheere$ an$ raise$ his bott"e in sa"#te. 3e g"ance$ o+er to fin$ =ichae" scow"ing $ar'"y. )ean ha$ a pensi+e "oo' on his face! b#t en$e$ #p

s%i"ing a bit. /i"ent"y! 5e+i""e wishe$ the best for the new co#p"e an$ hope$ that! whoe+er 3arry was! he was #p to $efen$ing hi%se"f. A/o that6s 3arry! is it(A -atie &oo$! r#bbing her growing sto%ach! "eane$ towar$ Fre$! who s%ir'e$ an$ no$$e$. The gro#p t#rne$ to watch where Binny an$ 3arry ha$ beg#n $ancing. AThat6s hi%!A Fre$ answere$. A3e6s nice. =#% an$ )a$ were rea""y worrie$ abo#t Binny %o+ing o#t! especia""y since her f"at%ate was going to be a b"o'e. B#t then they %et hi% an$ 1 thin' =#% was rea$y to a$$ his na%e to the fa%i"y c"oc' that night.A Beorge no$$e$. A&e$$ing be""s were ringing in her ear! that6s for s#re. There6s $efinite"y so%ething there?we can a"" see it! e+en tho#gh both of the% $eny it?A A3a""oEA Fre$6s shoc'e$ wor$ stoppe$ con+ersation aro#n$ hi%. A&e""!A *"icia sai$ with a satisfie$ s%i"e as they watche$ the two 'iss. A1 g#ess that answers that >#estion. A)a%n!A Beorge gr#%b"e$. A1t6s on"y been si: wee's.A A1 winEA Fre$ crowe$! ho"$ing o#t his han$ an$ wigg"ing his fingers towar$ Beorge. A4ay #p! *nge"ina an$ 1 co#"$ #se a night o#t on the town.A *nge"ina grinne$. A1 $on6t rea""y want to 'now why yo#6+e bet on yo#r sister6s "o+e "ife. B#t 1 wo#"$ "i'e to 'now who ta#ght that %an to 'iss!A she gest#re$ to where 3arry an$ Binny sti"" ha$n6t co%e #p for air. A1 won$er if he gi+es "essons.A AE:c#se %e!A Fre$ proteste$ as he t#rne$ to g"are at his gir"frien$. /he "a#ghe$ an$ r#ff"e$ his hair with affection. A h! yo#6re a bit of a"right! b#t that8A she no$$e$ towar$ 3arry an$ Binny! who see%e$ to be going for so%e 'in$ of recor$ at ho"$ing their breath! were sti"" presse$ together. AThat6s a rea" %an.A *"icia no$$e$. A3e is a fine?A A yEA Beorge proteste$. ABi+e #s a brea'.A AThey6+e not stoppe$ yet!A Fre$ whine$ with a paine$ e:pression. A;o#6$ thin' Binny6$ 'now not to stea" .on an$ 3er%ione6s th#n$er to$ay of a"" $ays!A Beorge shoo' his hea$. They a"" stoo$ watching the $ra%a #nfo"$ing before the%.

*rth#r &eas"ey was en<oying the reception i%%ense"y. 5ow that %ost of the wor' was o+er an$ =o""y ha$ ha$ a few g"asses of e"$erberry wine! things were "oo'ing >#ite positi+e. 3e ha$ a"" of his fa%i"y aro#n$ hi%7 an$ that was saying so%ething as they6$ gone thro#gh a ro#gh war with %any of his sons acti+e in the r$er. 5ow was the ti%e to ce"ebrate. 3e $i$ a >#ic' hea$ co#nt on his chi"$ren! a habit fro% %any years bac'! an$ fo#n$ the% a"" happi"y en<oying the%se"+es. Bi"" an$ Char"ie were sitting together $rin'ing! which worrie$ hi% a bit! as they ha$ a ten$ency to get %e"ancho"y. B#t sti""! he6$ 'eep an eye on it. Fre$ an$ Beorge were with their respecti+e partners. 4ercy was spea'ing with his %other! a shy ar% aro#n$ a new gir" that he ha$ starte$ seeing wee's ago! an$ ha$ s#rprise$ the fa%i"y by bringing to the we$$ing. .on an$ 3er%ione were sti"" greeting their g#ests off to one si$e! "oo'ing ra$iant in their we$$ing finery! an$ snea'ing "o+ing "oo's at each other e+ery few %in#tes. *n$ Binny. 3is bea#tif#" $a#ghter! Binny! was $ancing with her f"at%ate! 3arry. 1t was no secret in the fa%i"y that *rth#r ha$ not been co%fortab"e with Binny %o+ing in with a %an. =eeting 3arry ha$ a""aye$ his fears a bit. The yo#ng %an was +ery confi$ent an$ %oti+ate$! witho#t being brash or coc'y. *n$ seeing how happy Binny was these $ays $i$ %ore to p"ease *rth#r than anything. 3is "itt"e gir" ha$ a"ways been happy! b#t the $ar'ness of her schoo" years! a"ong with the constant fear for her fa%i"y! ha$ $i%%e$ her "ight a bit. *rth#r ha$n6t care$ for =ichae" Corner fro% the %o%ent they %et the boy. 3e was the +ery pict#re of arrogance! an$ f"a#nte$ his sorting into .a+enc"aw at e+ery opport#nity. *n$ *rth#r $i$n6t "i'e the way that he spo'e to Binny. /e+era" ti%es at 4"atfor% J O he ha$ to"$ Binny that she $i$n6t 'now what she was ta"'ing abo#t! an$ she sho#"$ "isten to hi% instea$ of opening her %o#th an$ being pro+en a foo". 5o! =ichae" Corner wasn6t the one for his $a#ghter. &hen .on ha$ written ho%e that she ha$ starte$ seeing )ean Tho%as! *rth#r6s o#t"oo' i%pro+e$ a bit. The boy was =#gg"eborn after a""! which %eant *rth#r wo#"$ ha+e so%eone to answer %ore of his >#estions. 3e6$ ne+er rea""y hear$ why he an$ Binny ha$ bro'en it off after on"y a few wee's. B#t then she was bac' together with =ichae". =o""y ha$ been s#re that they wo#"$ be %arrie$ as soon as Binny gra$#ate$. /he6$ e+en beg#n p"anning a s%a"" o#t$oor we$$ing! si%i"ar to the one that they were en<oying to$ay. *rth#r ha$ secret"y cheere$ his $a#ghter when she6$ co%e ho%e an$ to"$ the% that =ichae" was no "onger in her "ife. =o""y ha$ sco"$e$ hi% "ater! b#t *rth#r 'new he was right.

Binny nee$e$ so%eone <#st as passionate abo#t "ife as she was7 so%eone who attac'e$ things with the sa%e 2ea" that the yo#ng wo%an he"$. /he nee$e$ so%eone who was her e>#a"! b#t co#"$ reign in her i%p#"si+e si$e! as we"". For a brief instant! he6$ tho#ght he saw so%ething in the interaction she ha$ with 3arry that first ti%e she6$ bro#ght hi% ho%e. B#t Binny ass#re$ the% a"" that her re"ationship with 3arry was p#re"y p"atonic. *n$ as %#ch as =o""y6s hopes ha$ risen as the two contin#e$ to $raw c"oser an$ ha$ beco%e best frien$s! *rth#r 'ept a wary eye on the sit#ation. They <#st 'new so "itt"e of 3arry. AE+ening *rth#r.A ABoo$ e+ening! *"b#s. 1 hope yo#6re en<oying yo#rse"f.A The 3ea$%aster of 3ogwarts /choo" of &itchcraft an$ &i2ar$ry ha$ been an honore$ g#est at the &e$$ing. 3e6$ e+en consente$ to %arry .on an$ 3er%ione when *rth#r an$ =o""y ha$ as'e$. A1 a% in$ee$!A *"b#s sai$ as he he"$ #p a gob"et of $eep p#rp"e wine an$ too' the open seat ne:t to *rth#r. A=o""y has tr#"y o#t$one herse"f on this ce"ebration.A *rth#r ch#c'"e$ at his wife6s e:#berance when p"anning f#nctions "i'e this. Then again! it was the first we$$ing in their fa%i"y7 none of their other sons see%e$ e+en intereste$ in sett"ing $own. A1 wi"" be s#re to te"" her for yo#.A A;es!A *"b#s sighe$ happi"y. A;o#r fa%i"y is growing! *rth#r.A The re$9haire$ %an p#ffe$ o#t his chest pro#$"y an$ no$$e$. A3er%ione is a won$erf#" gir". &e6re +ery pro#$ to ha+e her.A A*n$ fro% the "oo's of things!A *"b#s s%i"e$ s"y"y! Athere co#"$ be a few %ore ce"ebrations "i'e this one on the hori2on.A 3e no$$e$ to se+era" co#p"es he saw aro#n$ the gar$en. *rth#r grinne$ an$ toaste$ the 3ea$%aster. A&e can on"y hope. *"tho#gh a few of the boys are resisting =o""y6s efforts with f#"" teeth an$ c"aws.A *"b#s ch#c'"e$. A&e""! yo#6re on"y yo#ng once.A A1n$ee$!A *rth#r agree$ an$ the %en "apse$ into co%fortab"e si"ence. A1 was s#rprise$ to see yo#ng =r. 4ar'er here tonight.A *rth#r6s hea$ snappe$ to where 3arry an$ Binny were $ancing c"ose"y on the f"oor. A;o# 'now 3arry(A A1 $o!A *"b#s no$$e$. A16+e 'nown hi% for %any years. *n$! 1 ha+e to say! *rth#r! 16+e ne+er seen hi% so8at peace! as content with "ife as he "oo's tonight.A

*rth#r no$$e$! a"tho#gh he gri%ace$ a bit as the co#p"e 'isse$ $eep"y. A&e""EA *"b#s e:c"ai%e$. A16$ ha+e to say $efinite"y that this is goo$ news.A A)a%n!A *rth#r %#%b"e$ #n$er his breath. A1 owe =o""y a ga""eon.A *"b#s ch#c'"e$. ABetting on yo#r chi"$ren! *rth#r( ;o# two sho#"$ be asha%e$.A *rth#r grinne$ sheepish"y. A&e""! =o""y bet on the% getting together in the first si:th %onths after %eeting7 1 sai$ one year! if it e+er happene$. Binny can be partic#"ar"y st#bborn.A A&e""! we %en can6t a"ways be right! now can we(A *rth#r contin#e$ to watch as his $a#ghter an$ 3arry "eft the $ance f"oor. A1 <#st wish8A A&hat is it %y o"$ frien$(A *"b#s as'e$ soft"y. 3e shoo' his hea$. A&e <#st 'now so "itt"e abo#t hi%.A *"b#s s%i"e$ 'nowing"y an$ patte$ *rth#r6s sho#"$er. ATr#st %e when 1 say that yo#6"" not fin$ a better %an for yo#r $a#ghter in a"" the wor"$.A &ith that! he wan$ere$ away! "ea+ing a fair"y conf#se$! yet so%ehow hopef#"! father. Bi"" &eas"ey too' a "ong $rin' fro% his b#tterbeer an$ i%%e$iate"y wishe$ it was so%ething %#ch stronger. 3e was thri""e$ for his yo#ngest brother to be getting %arrie$. *n$ 3er%ione was a won$erf#" gir"! if a ta$ bit stiff for hi%. B#t .on wo#"$ soften her #p a bit! Bi"" 'new. 1t was act#a""y his yo#ngest sib"ing that ha$ a"%ost his #n$i+i$e$ attention tonight. Binny was nothing short of gorgeo#s an$ it #nner+e$ Bi"". E+ery ti%e he "oo'e$ at her he sti"" saw the $irty face$ "itt"e sca%p that wo#"$ c"i%b on his 'nee an$ as' hi% a"" abo#t 3ogwarts. E+en tho#gh he 'new she was o"$ eno#gh to be o#t on her own! "i+ing her own "ife! it was har$ to process! especia""y since he6$ been gone for so %#ch of her "ife. First it ha$ been 3ogwarts7 an$ e+ery s#%%er he ret#rne$ she6$ change$ so %#ch that it ha$ ta'en hi% the entire two %onths to get to 'now her again. 5e:t were his a$+ent#res in Egypt. The $ry $esert air see%e$ to be ca""ing his na%e after he gra$#ate$ fro% 3ogwarts! an$ he chase$ a whi% an$ fo""owe$ it. 1t ha$ been one of the best $ecisions of his "ife an$ he wo#"$ ne+er regret it. Bi"" ha$ a"ways been the one to ta'e care of e+eryone e"se! being the o"$est! an$ then 3ea$ Boy in his fina" year at 3ogwarts. 1t was nice to on"y ha+e to worry abo#t hi%se"f for a change. *n$ it $i$n6t %atter if he ne+er ate brea'fast! or wore c"othes that ha$n6t seen a goo$ wash in wee's. 1t ga+e hi% a sense of in$epen$ence an$ f#"fi""%ent.

3is a$+ent#res $#ring the war were what his night%ares were %a$e of. Both he an$ Char"ie ha$ hee$e$ the ca"" of the r$er of the 4hoeni: an$ ha$ en"iste$ in the &i2ar$ing =i"itary that ha$ been organi2e$ by the 1C&. Their %other ha$ been besi$e herse"f for $ays! crying abo#t her two o"$est sons an$ the fate of her two be"o+e$ brothers who ha$ been 'i""e$ in Do"$e%ort6s first reign of power. B#t Bi"" an$ Char"ie were a$a%ant. They were nee$e$. *n$ if the two of the% fo#ght for what the &eas"eys treas#re$ so! %aybe their yo#nger brothers an$ sister wo#"$n6t ha+e to "i+e in a wor"$ p"ag#e$ by s#ch e+i". Bi"" ca%e face to face with that e+i" $#ring what was now ca""e$ the Fina" Batt"e. 3e an$ Char"ie were in a co%pany of wi2ar$s! an$ so%e witches! charge$ with ho"$ing a position near an aban$one$ far% ho#se. The ho#se ha$ been set #p as a %a'e9shift %e$ica" area an$ was e:tre%e"y +a"#ab"e to the 0ight. The batt"e was in f#"" progress on"y a short $istance away an$ it was Bi"" an$ Char"ie6s watch to patro" the e$ges of the hospita" area. Ta"es of the ferocity of Do"$e%ort6s forces ha$ been circ#"ating for years. Fenrir Breybac' was at the center of %any of the stories. The %an! if he co#"$ e+en sti"" be ca""e$ that! was a werewo"f. 3e was as b"oo$thirsty an$ r#th"ess as anyone who e+er "i+e$. 1t was sai$ that he6$ ac>#ire$ a taste for b"oo$ an$ f"esh e+en when not in his wo"f for%! an$ often attac'e$ regar$"ess of the phases of the %oon. 1t was this %onster who cornere$ Bi"" an$ Char"ie as they g#ar$e$ their section of "an$. The %an! who wore tattere$ rags co+ere$ in cri%son9brown stains an$ ha$ what appeare$ to be fresh b"oo$ a"" o+er his face an$ han$s! "#nge$ at Char"ie first an$ $o$ge$ Bi""6s spe""s! parrying with a barrage of his own. The three %en fo#ght +a"iant"y an$ tire"ess"y for what see%e$ ho#rs. Char"ie ha$ his chest s"ashe$ open by Breybac'6s c"aw9"i'e fingernai"s an$ was str#gg"ing to stay in the fight. &hen Bi"" trippe$ on a roc'! his short "ife ha$ f"ashe$ before his eyes. 3e $i$n6t re%e%ber %#ch of the attac'! than'f#""y! as he %#st ha+e passe$ o#t. 3e $i$ re%e%ber the pain of wa'ing! b"oo$ poo"ing in his eyes an$ seeing the %onster poise$ o+er hi%. Breybac' snar"e$ happi"y! seeing his prey awa'e. 3e opene$ his %o#th an$ how"e$ an eerie! ho""ow so#n$ before sti""ing an$ spinning to face the stan$ of trees behin$ hi%. Bi"" $i$n6t see the %an r#nning towar$ hi%. The on"y thing that processe$ was the sic'ening s>#e"ch as Breybac' co""apse$ an$ his hea$ ro""e$ away fro% his bo$y. Both Bi"" an$ Char"ie stare$ at the gory sight an$ then their eyes tra+e"e$ to their sa+ior. /tan$ing before the% was on"y a boy?no %ore than eighteen. 3e was panting an$ "eaning hea+i"y on a re$9staine$ broa$swor$. 3is bright green eyes f"ashing e+en tho#gh he "oo'e$ e:ha#ste$. 5o one spo'e a wor$ an$ fina""y! after catching his breath! the boy >#ippe$ a tire$ sa"#te an$ staggere$ off! gaining spee$ #nti" he was at a f#"" r#n! $isappearing into the forest.

AThat wasn6t8A Char"ie %#%b"e$ in $isbe"ief. A1 thin' it was!A Bi"" confir%e$! gasping aro#n$ the pain he was in. A3arry 4otter!A Char"ie shoo' his hea$ as we"" an$ then %o+e$ to he"p Bi"" an$ the two staggere$ into the 3ospita" tent. Bi"" sh#$$ere$ now <#st thin'ing of that $ay. 3e6$ co%e so c"ose to a horrific $eath an$ he owe$ e+erything to the yo#ng 3arry 4otter. 4otter ha$ been a "egen$ in the &i2ar$ing co%%#nity! b#t ha$ $isappeare$ short"y after his first $efeat of Do"$e%ort. .#%ors f"ew for years that he was safe"y ensconce$ so%ewhere #n$isc"ose$. /o%e peop"e sai$ he was being raise$ in a secret wing at 3ogwarts. thers sai$ he was "i+ing in the @nite$ /tates! or Cana$a. Bi"" a"ways fe"t that )#%b"e$ore 'new %ore than he "et on abo#t the boy! b#t $i$n6t ha+e any proof. 3e an$ Char"ie ha$ on"y e+er spo'en of that batt"e in h#she$ tones! an$ on"y after $rowning in the %e%ories in %ore than ha"f a bott"e of Firewhis'ey. Bi""6s in<#ries ha$ hea"e$! "ea+ing behin$ scars that criss9crosse$ his face. Char"ie tease$ hi% that it %a$e hi% %ore interesting to the wo%en! b#t Bi"" sti"" fe"t a bit of insec#rity abo#t it. 5either %an ha$ e+er been ab"e to see 4otter after that $ay7 in fact! they6$ ne+er confir%e$ that it iha"/i been the boy who resc#e$ the% that $ay conc"#si+e"y. Bi"" 'new he owe$ the boy a "ife $ebt an$ fe"t so%ewhat aw'war$ that he wo#"$ be #nab"e to repay it e+er. 4otter was a +ery rec"#si+e an$ re"#ctant hero! if anything. 1t was r#%ore$ that he tra+e"e$ the wor"$! wor'ing for the 1C& in their 1nternationa" *#ror forces! b#t the press ha$ yet to catch hi% for %ore than a few secon$s. *ny photograph ta'en of hi% ca%e o#t horrib"y b"#rre$. Bi"" ha$ to gi+e the %an cre$it! that char% was a bea#tif#" piece of wor'. A;o# "oo' "i'e so%eone rep"ace$ yo#r Firewhis'ey with p#%p'in <#ice.A Bi"" "oo'e$ #p an$ into the <o+ia" eyes of his yo#nger brother. AB#tterbeer!A he gr#nte$ o#t as Char"ie sett"e$ ne:t to hi% at the tab"e. The high"y frec'"e$ %an n#$ge$ his sho#"$er an$ offere$ a $ar'er bott"e that %a$e Bi"" grin. A=#ch better!A he sighe$ as he $raine$ a goo$"y a%o#nt of the Firewhis'ey. A/he6s a%a2ing!A Char"ie %#ttere$ an$ Bi"" g"ance$ #p to see Binny $ance by "a#ghing an$ twir"ing aro#n$ with 5e+i""e 0ongbotto%! .on6s best %ate. A1t6s har$ to see her so grown #p! isn6t it(A A1t is!A Bi"" agree$! "etting his eyes g"a2e o+er a bit b#t sti"" watching the "a+en$er $ress $ance thro#gh the crow$.

A=#% sai$ she6s $oing we""! tho#gh!A Char"ie sai$. ABetter than she was "ast ti%e we were here.A Bi"" gri%ace$ a bit at the tho#ght. 1t ha$ been a"%ost si: %onths since he6$ been ho%e proper"y to see his fa%i"y. *fter the war! both he an$ Char"ie ha$ f"e$ bac' to their careers in ref#ge. They +isite$ each other often! tho#gh! fin$ing co%fort in share$ e:periences. A=et this %an she6s "i+ing with(A Bi"" gr#nte$ o#t as he scow"e$ into the crow$. A5ah!A Char"ie sai$. A=#% sai$ so%ething abo#t hi% not being here beca#se of b#siness or so%ething.A AB#t they6re a"" right ch#ffe$ abo#t hi%! aren6t they(A Bi"" as'e$ with a wry s%i"e. A1t6s been 3arry this an$ 3arry that since we6+e been ho%e.A A;eah!A Char"ie no$$e$ an$ too' a $rin' of his own. A1 ta"'e$ to )a$ abo#t it an$ he sai$ that they were worrie$ at first abo#t her "i+ing with a b"o'e! b#t that once they %et hi% they $eci$e$ that it was a goo$ thing.A A&hat $o yo# 'now abo#t hi%(A A5ot %#ch!A Char"ie a$%itte$. A3e6s *%erican! grew #p there8wor's as so%e sort of sec#rity a$+isor or so%ething.A A.on %entione$ that he an$ Binny ha+e been spen$ing a "ot of ti%e together. /ays they6re best %ates! b#t he won6t say %#ch %ore.A Char"ie shr#gge$. A1 $on6t 'now. =#% says it6s perfect"y innocent! b#t then she gets that "oo' in her eye. ;o# 'now the one8A Bi"" snorte$. A;eah! 1 'now the one. *n$ ic'"e .onnie $i$n6t he"p it by getting %arrie$ first. ;o# $o rea"i2e she6"" be after #s +ery short"y! $on6t yo#(A Char"ie "a#ghe$ an$ ro""e$ his eyes. A5ot %e! 16% off in two $ays.A A*n$ 1 ha+e another wee' here!A Bi"" gri%ace$. The two brothers contin#e$ to watch the crow$ an$ sip at their $rin's. Binny6s +oice carrie$ abo+e the crow$ an$ their attention t#rne$ to where she was war%"y greeting a $ar' haire$ %an $resse$ in a fine s#it. A;o# $on6t thin'8A Char"ie starte$. A3arry 4ar'er(A Bi"" finishe$! an eyebrow raise$ in >#estion. A=#st be!A he confir%e$ as they watche$ the %an an$ Binny spea' at the si$e of the $ance f"oor before Binny $ragge$ hi% towar$ .on an$ 3er%ione.

The two brothers e:change$ a g"ance an$ then %otione$ for the twins to <oin the% as they wa"'e$ by. A1s that?A ABinny6s f"at%ate!A Beorge confir%e$ with a grin. A3e ca%e!A Fre$ %atche$ his brother6s "oo'. A;o# two ha+e to %eet hi%. 3e6s great.A Bi"" gr#nte$ nonco%%itta""y as the two %en <a#nti"y bo#nce$ off into the gro#p where Binny an$ 3arry were spea'ing with .on an$ 3er%ione. 5either brother sai$ a wor$ as they watche$ the co#p"e begin to $ance. A3e "oo's a bit fa%i"iar! $oesn6t he(A Bi"" as'e$! r#bbing his eyes. There was so%ething wrong with 4ar'er in a way! b#t Bi"" co#"$n6t p#t his finger on it. 3e b"in'e$ again! trying to $eci$e what it was. ABi""8A Char"ie sat #p abr#pt"y an$ narrowe$ his eyes at where Binny ha$ <#st p#""e$ the %an into a rather $e%onstrati+e 'iss. AB"oo$y he""!A Bi"" groane$ #n$er his breath. A/o %#ch for p"atonic.A ABi""!A Char"ie starte$ again. A1 thin'8A 3e g"ance$ o+er at his o"$er brother an$ swa""owe$ har$. A0oo' c"ose"y at hi%. 1%agine the hair shorter! the sho#"$ers "ess broa$.A Bi"" stare$ at the %an! conte%p"ating what the changes wo#"$ be. ACo+ere$ in $irt an$ %#$8A Char"ie contin#e$! Aan$ "eaning?A A n a swor$!A Bi"" breathe$ o#t. &hat was wrong >#ic'"y beca%e ob+io#s. 1t was a char% of so%e sort on 4ar'er8er! we"" 4otter! that is. Bi"" ha$ a"ways been a bit gifte$ at spotting char%s. 3e ha$ a"ways tho#ght it was beca#se of his C#rse Brea'er training! b#t perhaps! if Char"ie co#"$ see thro#gh it to! it was rea""y a ta"ent. A1t can6t be.A A1 thin' it is!A Char"ie sai$ soft"y! a strange sort of s%i"e on his face. 1t was as if he was sti"" $eci$ing between a gri%ace an$ being happy for his sister. A&here the he""8A Bi"" r#ff"e$ his "ong hair a bit. A&hy6s he hi$ing( &hy the fa'e na%e an$ a""(A Char"ie conte%p"ate$ for a %in#te before $raining his $rin' an$ shr#gging. ABi""! what ha+e yo# been $oing for the past fo#r years(A Ta'en abac' at the abr#pt change in s#b<ect! Bi"" tore his eyes away fro% where 3arry an$ Binny were sti"" 'issing! an$ g"are$ at Char"ie.

A&hat are yo# on abo#t(A A1f yo#6re anything "i'e %e!A Char"ie contin#e$! staring off into the $istance an$ "etting his eyes c"o#$ o+er! Ayo#6+e been $oing anything yo# can to try an$ forget that $ay. ;o#6+e been trying to get on with yo#r "ife. A.e%e%ber when we were re"ease$ fro% hospita" an$ that reporter! /'eeter 1 thin' her na%e was! trie$ to get #s to gi+e her an 6eyewitness acco#nt6 of the Fina" Batt"e(A Bi"" on"y no$$e$. A&hat $i$ we $o(A A3i$ "i'e cowar$s!A Bi"" snorte$. ABot $r#n' an$ then?A A0eft the co#ntry!A Char"ie finishe$. 3e ret#rne$ his ga2e in ti%e to see 3arry gent"y t#g Binny towar$ the si$e of the ho#se. They $isappeare$ an$ Char"ie sighe$. A1%agine what it was "i'e for hi%.A Bi"" tho#ght for a %in#te an$ then gri%ace$. A1 g#ess so! b#t $oes he ha+e to snog o#r baby sister(A Char"ie snorte$ o#t a "a#gh. A*pparent"y so.A Binny gigg"e$ as 3arry p#""e$ her thro#gh the "ong grass! an$ $i$n6t stop #nti" they were o#t of sight of the festi+ities. 3e fe"t si:teen again as they ran together! forgetting that they were in for%a" c"othing. nce 3arry $i$ stop! he sp#n an$ breath"ess"y g"ance$ behin$ the% before grinning boyish"y $own at her an$ p#""ing her to hi% again. The "ast few %in#tes ha$ been a b"#r ?a won$erf#" swir" of e%otions that "eft his heart po#n$ing. They e:change$ rather shy s%i"es! whi"e 3arry6s th#%b br#she$ o+er her swo""en botto% "ip. @nab"e to he"p hi%se"f! he "eane$ $own 'isse$ her again! this ti%e not "etting his passion o+erco%e the%! b#t ta'ing the ti%e to e:p"ore a bit: tong#es %ating s"ow"y an$ "ips caressing. A;o# $on6t 'now how "ong 16+e wante$ to $o that!A 3arry whispere$ as they bro'e apart an$ he "ai$ his forehea$ against hers. A=onths!A Binny g#esse$. AThat6s how "ong 16+e been fee"ing this way.A 3arry6s eyes snappe$ open an$ the two "a#ghe$ "ight"y before 'issing again. A/o yo#?A A16% in "o+e with yo#!A Binny confir%e$ an$ "a#ghe$ again at the re"ief that %#st be showing on his face. A3a+e been for %onths! 1 thin'. *t first 1 tho#ght it was <#st a cr#sh8A

A=e too!A 3arry sai$. 3e p#""e$ bac' a bit an$ "et his eyes roa% o+er her. /he was so bea#tif#" an$ he was in awe that she saw anything in hi%. 3e co#"$n6t see% to stop hi%se"f fro% to#ching her: his fingers trai"ing a"ong her <aw an$ chee's! br#shing wisps of hair away fro% her face. AB#t it $i$n6t go away!A Binny contin#e$ as she st#$ie$ hi% open"y now. A1t <#st beca%e8so%ething e"se! so%ething so %#ch $eeper.A A;eah!A 3arry agree$ an$ instant"y fe"t a bit $#%b for not being ab"e to artic#"ate his fee"ings. Binny see%e$ to #n$erstan$ as she s%i"e$ sweet"y at hi% an$ no$$e$. A;eah.A /he nest"e$ herse"f against his chest an$ 3arry sighe$ contente$"y. 3e6$ been with wo%en before! b#t not in a re"ationship that fe"t this satisfying! this8 3e $i$n6t e+en 'now the wor$ for how happy an$ co%fortab"e he fe"t right now. 1nstea$! he h#gge$ her e+en tighter to hi%se"f an$ roc'e$ her a bit si$e to si$e. AThis fee"s so8right!A Binny sai$ soft"y an$ 3arry ha$ to agree. That was the wor$ he6$ been "oo'ing for! yet it a"%ost wasn6t eno#gh. They stoo$ together! en<oying the war% night air an$ the co%fort in each others ar%s for >#ite a few %in#tes before Binny p#""e$ away. A&e6$ better get bac'! 3arry. *s %#ch as 1 want to stay here the rest of the night an$ not share yo# with anyone81 ha+e a fee"ing at "east a few of %y brothers %ight co%e "oo'ing for #s if we $isappeare$ co%p"ete"y.A 3arry groane$ an$ Binny "a#ghe$ at hi%. A;o#6re the one who ha$ to confess his #n$ying "o+e an$ 'iss %e in the %i$$"e of fifty peop"e.A A@n$ying "o+e(A 3arry "a#ghe$. A1 $on6t re%e%ber?A A3#sh!A Binny p"ace$ her finger on his "ips an$ then >#ic'"y 'isse$ hi%. A16"" re%e%ber it e:act"y how 1 want to.A 3arry "a#ghe$ again an$ %ar+e"e$ at this won$erf#" wo%an. A1 g#ess if 16% abo#t to be $o$ging brothers! 1 o#ght to as' yo# proper"y. Binny! wi"" yo# be %y gir"frien$(A Binny preten$e$ to thin' for a %in#te before shr#gging. A1 g#ess so. B#t on"y if we #n$erstan$ that it6s p#re"y o#t of pity an$?A 3arry gape$ at her! an$ then grinne$ at her sense of h#%or. 0ea+e it to Binny to %a'e "ight of a >#estion he6$ been trying to as' for %onths. 3e "#nge$ $own an$ p"ace$ his sho#"$er against her %i$$"e. /he s>#ea"e$ "o#$"y as 3arry gathere$ her #p o+er his sho#"$er an$ ga+e her a so#n$ s%ac' on the r#%p. A16"" gi+e yo# pity!A he grow"e$ an$ began to carry her bac' to the party. Binny thrashe$ an$ 'ic'e$ as 3arry he"$ her e+en tighter! his ar% trapping her thighs against his chest. Fina""y! she ga+e #p an$ "a#ghe$ a"ong with hi%.

A3arry!A she ca""e$ o#t in a sing9song +oice! b#t he <#st ignore$ her an$ wa"'e$ on! bac' towar$ the reception. .ea""y! he wante$ nothing %ore than to ta'e her ho%e where they co#"$ ta"' proper"y! b#t that wo#"$ be r#$e. This was a ce"ebration for Binny6s fa%i"y. A3arry! 1 %ean it?p#t %e $ownEA she warne$ again. A1 $on6t thin' so!A 3arry sai$. They were getting c"ose eno#gh that g#ests were starting to notice an$ point. A1 thin' 1 "i'e being the one in contro".A Binny grow"e$ "o#$"y. 3er fa%i"y ha$ gathere$ aro#n$ an$ were cheering 3arry on! %a'ing hi% fee" a bit #nco%fortab"e at the $isp"ay. B#t he wasn6t abo#t to "et her go yet7 this was too %#ch f#n. AFine!A she ca""e$ o#t with a $eci$e$"y e+i" tone. A16"" <#st en<oy the +iew then7 yo#6+e got a great arse! 3arry.A &ith that she ga+e hi% a s>#ee2e on both of his chee's an$ 3arry ye"pe$! a"%ost $ropping her. The crow$ aro#n$ the% roare$ with "a#ghter. They starte$ to $isperse as 3arry sw#ng her bac' o+er his sho#"$er an$ he"pe$ her to stan$ #pright. Binny straightene$ her $ress an$ g"are$ at hi% b#t co#"$n6t 'eep #p her s#ppose$ wrath as he p"ace$ a >#ic' 'iss on the en$ of her nose. A;o#6re tr#"y e+i"! yo# 'now that(A A1s that why yo# "o+e %e(A she ca""e$ o#t as he starte$ wa"'ing towar$ the party with Fre$ an$ Beorge. A ne of the %any reasons!A he ca""e$ o#t an$ Binny t#rne$ aro#n$! win'ing at hi% before being swa""owe$ #p by a gro#p of gigg"ing wo%en. Binny contin#e$ to watch as 3arry "a#ghe$ an$ <o'e$ with Fre$! Beorge! .on an$ a few other %en. They were gathere$ aro#n$ a tab"e that inc"#$e$ far too %any e%pty bott"es an$ she s#specte$ that >#ite a few of the% wo#"$ ha+e tre%en$o#s hango+ers the ne:t $ay. /o%eone sat ne:t to her an$ Binny <#%pe$! seeing it was 4ercy. 3e #s#a""y went o#t of his way to a+oi$ her! e+en tho#gh he was a"ways cor$ia". 5o one co#"$ e+er c"ai% that 4ercy &eas"ey was #nsociab"e. ABine+ra.A A4erci+a"!A Binny rep"ie$ bac' in the sa%e irritating tone. /he 'new he hate$ it when she ca""e$ hi% that?it wasn6t e+en his na%e. B#t it annoye$ her when he ca""e$ her by her f#"" na%e! as if she6$ $one so%ething wrong an$ nee$e$ to be sco"$e$ constant"y. 3e wrin'"e$ his nose in $istaste! b#t $i$n6t co%%ent. A&here6s *#$rey(A she as'e$! g"ancing aro#n$ to see where his $ate ha$ $isappeare$ to.

A1 escorte$ her ho%e a"rea$y!A 4ercy e:p"aine$! not f#""y %eeting her ga2e. 3e ne+er $i$ any%ore7 it was "i'e he was afrai$ she was sti"" possesse$ an$ he %ight be s#sceptib"e if he "oo'e$ $irect"y at her. /o he a"ways foc#se$ <#st to "eft of her! or! on rare occasions! "et his eyes pass o+er hers >#ic'"y. A1t6s getting "ate an$ 1 $i$n6t thin' it was appropriate to 'eep her o#t so "ate. AThat6s nice!A Binny rep"ie$ b"an$"y. *#$rey so#n$e$ perfect for 4ercy if she a""owe$ hi% to 6escort her ho%e6. The %en6s tab"e er#pte$ in ra#co#s "a#ghter across the way an$ Binny grinne$ as 3arry an$ 5e+i""e began %a'ing f#n of .on for so%ething. 3arry was fitting right in! an$ it %a$e Binny6s chest swe"". 3e rea""y nee$e$ this. Brief"y! a f"ash of concern shot thro#gh her7 3arry ha$n6t %entione$ anything abo#t his i$entity. Binny p#she$ it away?he6$ ta"' abo#t it when he was rea$y. A=r. 4ar'er see%s to fit right in!A 4ercy obser+e$! a strange e:pression on his face. Binny tho#ght for a %o%ent he %ight be <ea"o#s! b#t she wasn6t s#re what. A;o# co#"$ go o+er an$ <oin the%! yo# 'now!A she offere$! ta'ing a chance. A3arry won6t bite. *n$ neither wi"" .on or 5e+i""e. ;o#6re on yo#r own with Fre$ an$ Beorge! tho#gh.A 4ercy6s "ips t#gge$ #pwar$! <#st the s%a""est bit! into a sha$ow of a s%i"e before it fa$e$ away into so%ething %ore proper. Binny was re%in$e$ of a %#ch yo#nger 4ercy! participating?not a"ways by choice?in wi"$ &eas"ey sib"ing antics. /he %isse$ that 4ercy. A=#% an$ )a$ ha+e to"$ %e that =r. 4ar'er is a responsib"e yo#ng %an.A Binny ro""e$ her eyes. A3arry6s a won$erf#" b"o'e!A she agree$! a fon$ s%i"e stretching her face. A*n$ 16% in "o+e with hi%.A 4ercy t#rne$ to her an$ act#a""y %et her ga2e! his face tro#b"e$. A)on6t yo# thin' it6s a bit ear"y for so%ething that intense( 0o+e ta'es years to grow. 1t6s not so%ething yo# can $eci$e in the b"in' of an eye.A A*n$ so%eti%es it is!A Binny proteste$! wi""ing hi% to act#a""y "isten to her. A;o# $on6t nee$ to worry for %e. 3arry is not contro""ing %e in any way. 3e6s a won$erf#" %an! who "o+es %e. ;o# $on6t ha+e to 'now e+erything abo#t a person to "o+e the%! 4ercy!A she en$e$ soft"y. Binny "oo'e$ away! fin$ing 3arry watching her! a concerne$ "oo' on his face. /he force$ a tight s%i"e an$ he ti"te$ his hea$! si"ent"y as'ing if she nee$e$ hi%. To#che$ by the offer! she shoo' her hea$ 6no6. A16% not s#re it co#"$ wor' that way!A 4ercy shoo' his hea$! t#rning bac' to watch his brothers. Binny $o#bte$ he was act#a""y seeing the%! howe+er! beca#se his eyes were

g"a2e$ behin$ his g"asses. 4erhaps he an$ *#$rey were ha+ing prob"e%s. r perhaps he was sti"" thin'ing of 4ene"ope an$ what they6$ share$ together. B#t Binny was tire$ of apo"ogi2ing for that. /he rea""y co#"$n6t $o it any%ore. 1f 4ercy ne+er accepte$ the apo"ogy! or if he ne+er forga+e her for what ha$ happene$! then it was on his sho#"$ers! not hers. A1 wish yo# "#c'! Bine+ra!A he sai$ stiff"y! rising fro% his chair. A1 $on6t appro+e of yo#r "i+ing sit#ation7 16+e %a$e that c"ear eno#gh in the past.A A;o# ha+e!A Binny no$$e$ as she "oo'e$ #p at hi%! her irritation with hi% s"ipping away into on"y tire$ness with the sit#ation between the%. 4ercy no$$e$ again. A1 hope he $oesn6t h#rt yo#.A 3e opene$ his %o#th to say so%ething e"se! b#t %#st ha+e $eci$e$ against it! beca#se he shoo' his hea$ an$ wa"'e$ away. A3e won6t!A Binny ca""e$ o#t $efiant"y. The s'y was $ar'ening an$ Binny sat in her chair! not wanting to %o+e at a"". /he6$ re%o+e$ her shoes an$ they now hi$ #n$erneath her chair. Frien$s ca%e an$ went! saying their goo$byes an$ gi+ing h#gs an$ congrat#"ations. The #rge to wa"' across the gar$en an$ c"i%b into 3arry6s "ap was great. The i$ea ha$ %erit! she $eci$e$! thin'ing of how her brothers wo#"$ wai" an$ %oan at the $isp"ay. A/o!A 3er%ione ca%e #p on one si$e of her! offering her own ro#n$ of $rin's! a"tho#gh it was on"y B#tterbeer. AFee" the nee$ to te"" %e anything(A Binny s%ir'e$ into her bott"e an$ too' a $rin'! g"ancing bac' o+er to where 3arry was staring at her. 3e "oo'e$ abo#t as tire$ of a"" of this as she was. A5ot rea""y.A 3er%ione waite$ patient"y! for abo#t three secon$s! before h#ffing %ighti"y. A&e""! fine.A AFine!A Binny sai$. Fina""y! she ga+e way with a ro#n$ of soft "a#ghter. A*"right! what $o yo# want to 'now(A 3er%ione eye$ her incre$#"o#s"y. A&hat the rest of yo#r fa%i"y an$ frien$s are too chi"$ish to as'. *re yo# an$ 3arry8(A ATogether(A Binny as'e$. &hen 3er%ione no$$e$! she contin#e$ with a sigh. A4oor boy! he6s hope"ess"y! arse9o+er9e"bow! in "o+e with %e.A 3er%ione cho'e$ a bit on her $rin' an$ gigg"e$! %a'ing Binny s%i"e. A/o! he6s a goo$ 'isser then(A

Binny co#"$n6t he"p b#t g"ance o+er to where 3arry an$ the boys were "a#ghing. 3e ca#ght her eye for a secon$ an$ win'e$. /he 'new she probab"y wore a horrib"y sappy "oo' on her face! b#t8 A3e6s e:traor$inary! 3er%ione. *bso"#te"y bri""iant.A 3er%ione watche$ the e:change with a satisfie$ s%i"e. A4oor boy in$ee$.A A/N: Any e"iting mista es are com!letely my fault on this one. An" I beg your forgiveness for anything that sli!!e" by to"ay. We'll -ust blame it on the severe case of flu that has ta en hol" an" call it goo". I'll try to go bac later an" loo for more.

*Chapter 12*: Chapter 12: 4eing %arry 5otter

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. A/N: This cha!ter has a mil" content warning, but I've mostly "one the 'fa"e to blac ' thing. Than s for everyone's well wishes. I am feeling much better to"ay. Chapter 12: 4eing %arry 5otter A)ance with %e again.A 3arry6s wor$s! whispere$ into her ear as his ar%s sna'e$ aro#n$ her %i$$"e! sent shi+ers $own Binny6s bac'. /he an$ 3er%ione ha$ "a#ghe$ for se+era" %in#tes before $rifting apart again. Binny ha$ %ing"e$! her bare toes on the grass bringing gooseb#%ps to her s'in. /o%ewhere a"ong the way! she6$ %anage$ to pic' #p another g"ass of cha%pagne an$ was sipping at it now! content to watch the few g#ests that re%aine$ o#t on the $ance f"oor swaying to the %#sic.

A0o+e to!A she agree$! b"in$"y thr#sting her ha"f9e%pty g"ass to whoe+er happene$ to be stan$ing ne:t to her. AThan's!A .on rep"ie$ $ry"y. Binny s%i"e$! b#t her eyes were on 3arry as he "e$ her onto the $ance f"oor. The s"ow tones of the song were perfect for bare"y %o+ing an$ Binny %e"te$ into hi%! fina""y fee"ing happy again to be where she wante$ to be. They $ance$ thro#gh three s"ow songs before they notice$ that the ban$ ha$ stoppe$ p"aying. E+ery song was <#st for the% an$ the wor"$ e:iste$ on"y aro#n$ the%. ATire$! "o+e(A Binny as'e$ as 3arry atte%pte$ to stif"e a yawn. 3er fingers r#bbe$ the hair at the base of his nec'! sen$ing a satisfying shi+er thro#gh his bo$y. 3e s%i"e$ at her s"eepi"y an$ no$$e$. ABeen #p for abo#t thirty ho#rs or so.A 3e groane$ soft"y when Binny %assage$ his nec' with her fingers an$ they contin#e$ to sway! not caring that there wasn6t any %#sic. A0et6s go ho%e! 3arry!A Binny whispere$ into the s'in of his nec'. /#$$en"y! new "ife see%e$ to seep into hi% an$ he p#""e$ bac'! "oo'ing into her eyes with a >#estioning "oo'. /he %et his eyes! trying to e:p"ain to hi% witho#t wor$s what she wante$. A*"right! sweetheart!A he sai$ soft"y an$ caresse$ her chee'. A1 $on6t thin' 16% #p to $ri+ing! tho#gh.A Binny shr#gge$. A&e6"" "ea+e the car here tonight an$ co%e bac' for it to%orrow.A 3arry agree$ an$ too' her han$ to "ea$ her off the f"oor. =ost of the g#ests ha$ "eft! "ea+ing on"y a few fa%i"y %e%bers an$ c"osest frien$s there. A=#%! )a$!A Binny sai$! pressing 'isses to both of their chee's. A3arry an$ 1 are hea$ing ho%e.A A h!A her %other sai$! patting her horrib"y %#sse$ hair an$ wobb"ing a bit on her feet. Binny6s father grinne$ an$ s"i$ his ar% aro#n$ her waist to 'eep her #pright. A1t was so goo$ to see yo# here! 3arry!A she sai$! "eaning towar$ hi% a bit. A16% g"a$ 1 co#"$ co%e!A 3arry answere$ bac'! sharing an a%#se$ g"ance with Binny. A*n$ yo# $on6t e+en nee$ to apo"ogi2e for snogging Binny!A her %other "eane$ in f#rther! throwing her ar%s aro#n$ 3arry! ignoring Binny6s horrifie$ "oo'. ABeca#se! an$ $on6t te"" her 1 to"$ yo#! b#t 1 thin' she fancies yo#!A she finishe$! 3arry ch#c'"e$ soft"y. AThat6s goo$ to hear. *n$! $on6t te"" her! b#t 1 rather fancy her %yse"f.A

Binny ro""e$ her eyes at their antics an$ a"%ost cho'e$ to $eath when her %other gaspe$! throwing herse"f f#rther into 3arry6s ar%s. A h! *rth#r! $i$ yo# hear that( 16"" be p"anning another we$$ing soonEA AEr8A 3arry6s eyes grew wi$e o+er her %other6s hea$ an$ Binny "a#ghe$ right a"ong with her father. A)on6t worry! 3arry!A he apo"ogi2e$! pri2ing his wife off of 3arry! Ashe won6t re%e%ber any of this to%orrow.A A 9o'ay!A 3arry sta%%ere$! his han$ f#%b"ing for Binny6s when her parents ha$ fina""y wa"'e$ away. A&e6"" pic' #p the car "ater!A Binny ca""e$ o#t. 3er father raise$ his han$ in ac'now"e$g%ent. A/he6"" be a"right! won6t she(A 3arry as'e$! a so%ewhat worrie$ "oo' on his face. A/he6"" be fine!A Binny shoo' her hea$ with a "a#gh. /he wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ his bac'! "oo'ing #p at hi%. A&here is yo#r tie an$ coat(A A5o c"#e!A 3arry s%i"e$! staring at her "ips. A&e6"" fin$ the% "ater then!A Binny sai$ soft"y. A)on6t rea""y care if we $on6t!A 3arry sai$! "ifting a han$ to br#sh a bit of hair off of her forehea$. A;o# rea$y(A A;ep!A Binny sai$! tightening her grip on hi%. ACan yo# %a'e it with both of #s(A A/#re!A 3arry sai$ confi$ent"y. 3e p#""e$ her c"ose"y to hi% an$ 'isse$ the top of her hea$ as she n#22"e$ against his nec'. The tight fee" of *pparation s>#ee2e$ the% an$ soon they were in the entryway of their f"at. 3arry see%e$ re"#ctant to "et go of her! an$ bac'e$ the% towar$ the sofa. They sat together an$ c#$$"e$ c"ose"y! %irroring the position they6$ been in on"y a few $ays ago. ATonight was so perfect!A Binny sai$ >#iet"y. A1t was!A 3arry agree$. A1 was so ner+o#s!A he s%i"e$. A1 wasn6t s#re what yo#6$ say! or if yo#6$ <#st s"ap %e.A Binny ch#c'"e$ a bit an$ "oo'e$ #p at hi%! her han$ co%ing #p to r#n a"ong his <aw "ine that was now showing %ore than a "itt"e fi+e o6c"oc' sha$ow. A;o# #n$eresti%ate yo#r char%s! 3arry.A

3arry6s eyes %et hers an$ he fe"t a fierceness swe"" #p in his chest. 3e co#"$n6t i%agine how he6$ not 'nown this was "o+e that he fe"t. 1t see%e$ so ob+io#s now7 s#ch an o+erwhe"%ing force that co#"$ b"oc' o#t anything #np"easant?if they on"y c"#ng to it. Ben$ing his hea$ $own! he capt#re$ her "ips in a passionate 'iss. Binny shifte$ before p#""ing bac' fro% hi% an$ hi'ing her $ress so that she co#"$ stra$$"e his "egs. They starte$ to 'iss again an$ the fer+or b#i"t. 3arry6s "ips tra+e"e$ o+er her <aw an$ $own her nec'! 'issing an$ caressing her fragrant s'in as she p#she$ her fingers thro#gh his hair an$ ti"te$ her hea$ to gi+e hi% %ore nec' to e:p"ore. 3is %in$ starte$ to sh#t $own! any tho#ght other than to#ching e+ery inch of her f"e$. /he %oane$ his na%e when he "ic'e$ the swe"" of her breasts an$ ga+e hi% a s"ight n#$ge #pwar$. 3arry "ifte$ his face s"ow"y! eyes g"a2e$ a bit. Binny <#st s%i"e$ se$#cti+e"y an$ reache$ behin$ her to "ower the 2ip on her $ress. A0et %e!A 3arry whispere$ as his han$s <oine$ hers. /he stoo$ for a %o%ent an$ the "a+en$er $ress that ha$ "oo'e$ so appea"ing a"" night fe"" away! forgotten! to the f"oor. 3arry swa""owe$ thic'"y an$ stare$ at her. ABea#tif#"!A he sai$ breath"ess"y an$ reache$ for her! bringing her bac' onto the sofa with hi%. Binny sat astri$e his "ap an$ too' his "ips in a br#ising 'iss whi"e his han$s roa%e$ o+er her bac' an$ then %o+e$ #p to her breasts! which were spi""ing o#t of a strange sort of bra that 3arry ha$ ne+er seen before. Binny f#%b"e$ with the b#ttons on his shirt an$ he i%patient"y bro'e away to re%o+e it an$ p#"" his #n$ershirt o+er his hea$ with a grow". 3e contin#e$ with his %inistrations as Binny ch#c'"e$ an$ ran her han$s o+er his sho#"$ers an$ bac'. 3arry fe"t hi%se"f >#ic'"y "oosing contro" an$ fo#ght to stay aware of what he was $oing. Binny6s s'in was so soft an$ taste$ so won$erf#" in his %o#th. *n$ now she6$ re%o+e$ the bra! "ea+ing his han$s free to e:p"ore. There was so %#ch he wante$?no nee$e$?to te"" her! an$ he ha$n6t %eant for the% to <#%p right into the physica" si$e of their re"ationship so fast. 3e 'new! "ogica""y! that they wo#"$ probab"y %o+e rather >#ic'"y. They6$ both ha$ se:#a" re"ationships before an$ the rea"ity was! their fee"ings abo#t each other ran $eep"y eno#gh that 3arry wasn6t worrie$ abo#t regrets. 3e was %ore than a "itt"e ner+o#s! howe+er! abo#t the things that he nee$e$ to te"" her sti"". Binny6s s%a"" an$ war% han$s on the b#tton of his too9tight tro#sers %a$e hi% roc'et bac' to earth. ABin. Binny. /weetheart!A 3arry p#""e$ his hea$ away fro% her as her han$s fo#ght to contin#e. A&e nee$ to s"ow $own.A

3e grinne$ to hi%se"f as she grow"e$ into his chest! b#t her han$s $i$ stop <#st short of co%p"ete"y baring hi%. A)on6t wanna s"ow $own!A she gr#%b"e$ as she 'isse$ his throat. A1 'now! sweetheart!A he "a#ghe$ as he contin#e$ to breathe $eep"y to ca"% his bo$y. /he p#""e$ bac' an$ ga+e hi% a +ery con+incing po#t an$ he "a#ghe$! p#""ing her to hi% an$ ho"$ing her there. A1 "o+e yo#!A he sai$ soft"y. /he whispere$ the wor$s bac' to hi% an$ he reache$ for his $iscar$e$ shirt to $rape o+er her sho#"$ers. &ith another po#t! she p#she$ her ar%s into the s"ee+es an$ c"aspe$ it c"ose$ in front of her. 3arry was a bit $isappointe$! b#t it $i$ he"p hi% start breathing better. AThere are a few things 1 nee$ to te"" yo#!A he %anage$ as she c#$$"e$ bac' into his e%brace. ABa$ things or goo$ things(A Binny as'e$. 3arry co#"$ te"" she was trying to be p"ayf#"! an$ that was one of the things he "o+e$ abo#t her! b#t he co#"$n6t bring hi%se"f to $o %ore than s%i"e wry"y. A3arry!A she warne$ as she p#""e$ bac' an$ st#$ie$ his face! Ayo#6re scaring %e now.A A1 $on6t %ean to!A he proteste$ an$ c#ppe$ her chee' gent"y in his han$. AThere are <#st so%e things that yo# $on6t 'now8abo#t %y "ife8an$ abo#t who 1 a%. *n$ 16% afrai$ to te"" yo#.A A;o# $on6t ha+e to be afrai$!A she sai$ gent"y an$ p"ace$ her han$s on his chest ho"$ing herse"f away fro% hi% an$ staring $eep into his eyes. A1 'now yo#. 1 'now who yo# are.A 3arry shoo' his hea$ in fr#stration! wishing that she rea""y <#st 'new! so he $i$n6t ha+e to +oice the %e%ories. A5o! yo# $on6t. =y "ife8it6s co%p"icate$.A Binny raise$ an eyebrow an$ ti"te$ her hea$ to the si$e a bit. A1s this beca#se yo#6re 3arry 4otter(A she as'e$ soft"y an$ 3arry was st#nne$ speech"ess. 3e6$ a"ways won$ere$ if she 'new! b#t now face$ with the rea"ity that she i"i"/i 'now who he was an$ she6$ sai$ she "o+e$ hi%! e+en with that 'now"e$ge8it i%%e$iate"y ca#se$ a tight sensation in his chest. A3ow $i$ yo# 'now(A he whispere$. Binny s%i"e$ sweet"y at hi% an$ r#bbe$ his chest again. A1 $i$n6t 'now for s#re! not #nti" <#st right now. 16+e s#specte$ for awhi"e. 3er%ione an$ 1 researche$ a bit!A she a$%itte$! with a shr#g. AB#t $on6t worry! 1 b"i+iate$ her.A * s"y s%i"e sprea$ across her face an$ 3arry ha$ to "a#gh. A;o#6re a%a2ing! yo# 'now(A 3e searche$ her eyes an$ co#"$n6t see anything to a"ar% hi% abo#t what he6$ a$%itte$7 <#st si%p"e acceptance. 3e was s#rprise$ an$ any wor$s he6$ tho#ght of saying at this %o%ent "eft hi% co%p"ete"y.

A&i"" yo# show %e(A she as'e$ an$ br#she$ the fringe fro% his face. 3arry hesitate$ for a %in#te! thin'ing abo#t what she was as'ing! before no$$ing an$ reaching for his wan$ on the s%a"" tab"e ne:t to the sofa. 3e bro'e the char%s that he wore a"%ost constant"y! an$ once again fe"t the ting"e of a scar on his forehea$! an$ scar tiss#e on his chest! torso an$ bac'. 3is <aw s>#are$! his chee's ho""owe$ o#t an$ he 'new his eyes were their tr#e green co"or. 3e "oo'e$ $own rather than at her! won$ering what she wo#"$ say. 3e certain"y fe"t %ore appea"ing as 3arrison 4ar'er than who he tr#"y was. Binny $i$n6t say anything b#t ran her fingers a"ong his we""9b#i"t fra%e! tracing each an$ e+ery white stripe. 3e shi+ere$ <#st a bit when she reache$ his si$e! b#t sti"" $i$n6t $o anything b#t watch her han$s! sti"" not ab"e to %eet her ga2e. Fina""y! she "ifte$ his face gent"y with her fingers an$ stare$ into his eyes. 1t wasn6t pity! b#t #n$erstan$ing an$ co%passion present on her face. /he "eane$ forwar$ an$ presse$ a feather9"ight 'iss to his <aw "ine where a r#gge$ scar trace$ a"" the way #p to the e$ge of his ear. 3arry c"ose$ his eyes an$ breathe$ incre$ib"y sha""ow! gooseb#%ps brea'ing o#t a"" o+er his bo$y. The fee" of her to#ching hi% this way! 'issing an$ caressing hi% so "o+ing"y %a$e hi% instant"y %ore aro#se$ than he6$ e+er fe"t in his "ife. Fina""y! after 'issing each of his eyes an$ r#nning a finger $own the "ength of his nose with a s%a"" s%i"e! Binny as'e$ hi% to open his eyes! her +oice nothing %ore than a whisper. /he stare$ $eep"y into the% an$ he was cho'e$ #p a bit seeing tears gather in her choco"ate brown eyes. *"%ost re+erent"y! she p"ace$ her han$s on each si$e of his face an$ p#""e$ hi% $own to press a "ingering 'iss to the scar on his forehea$. 3arry sharp"y breathe$ in at fee"ing so%ething so "o+ing an$ war% to#ch so%ething that ha$ on"y ca#se$ hi% pain an$ sorrow in the past. 3e tho#ght %aybe she was showing hi% that she "o+e$ hi% co%p"ete"y! scars an$ a"". &hen she p#""e$ bac'! he opene$ his eyes to see her s%i"ing tho#gh tears were trai"ing $own her chee's. /he %o#the$ 61 "o+e yo#6 an$ he ret#rne$ it before she too' his han$ in hers an$ s"i$ it #p an$ #n$er his shirt to her right si$e! <#st #n$er her ar%. 3arry was conf#se$ for a %o%ent #nti" he fe"t the thin ribbon of ripp"e$ s'in. /he ha$ her own scar that she was sharing with hi%. 3arry gent"y to#che$ the s'in an$ breathe$ $eep"y as his fingers br#she$ the si$e of her breast. Fina""y! they e%brace$ tight"y an$ 3arry roc'e$ her bac' an$ forth! fee"ing sorrow for what she %#st ha+e ha$ to go thro#gh to get a wo#n$ so "arge. 3e trie$ to re%e%ber in a"" his briefings! if the 6$iary gir"6 ha$ been in<#re$. /#c'ing in a $eep breath! he rea"i2e$ that this %#st be another ti%e! another inci$ent. Binny began to shift on his "ap an$ then t#gge$ at hi% #nti" they were both "ying on their si$es on the sofa! "egs intertwine$.

A1n %y fifth year at schoo"!A Binny began in a whisper. 3a$ they been any f#rther apart than the few inches that they were! 3arry wo#"$n6t ha+e hear$ her. A)eath Eaters bro'e into the cast"e. ne of the /"ytherin st#$ents ha$ arrange$ for the% to get in. &e s#spect that they were trying to get to )#%b"e$ore b#t we $i$n6t "et the% go witho#t a fight.A 3arry c"ose$ his eyes! trying to foc#s on what she was saying an$ not "et his own %e%ories of batt"es intr#$e. AThere were fi+e of #s who fo#ght that night. 3er%ione! .on an$ 1 ha$ been co%ing bac' fro% the "ibrary when we hear$ the co%%otion in the ha""way abo+e #s. 5e+i""e an$ 0#na! a .a+enc"aw frien$ of %ine! were on another f"oor an$ hear$ it as we"". There were se+era" *#rors in the cast"e an$ the )eath Eaters were fighting with the%! trying to get to the staircases to get to )#%b"e$ore6s office.A 3arry caresse$ her chee' soft"y! %ar+e"ing at how bra+e she was. 3e co#"$n6t i%agine how she %#st ha+e fe"t! bare"y si:teen an$ fighting )eath Eaters with "itt"e or no training. 3e ha$ fo#ght the% a"%ost his who"e teenage years! b#t he6$ been training %ost of his "ife for it. 3e shoo' his hea$ sa$"y an$ foc#se$ in on her story again. A&e ha$ to $o so%ething!A she sai$ an$ "oc'e$ eyes with his! possib"y searching for his appro+a". 3e no$$e$ s"ow"y! #n$erstan$ing her perfect"y. A/o we hi$ at the botto% of the stairs. 5e+i""e an$ 0#na on one si$e! on .on6s s#ggestion! an$ then #s on another. 3er%ione #se$ )isi""#sion%ent Char%s on #s an$ we waite$. A1t fe"t "i'e ho#rs! b#t it %#st ha+e been on"y %in#tes "ater. The *#rors were chasing fo#r )eath Eaters! tra$ing spe""s bac' an$ forth. They a$+ance$ $own the first staircase an$ we ha$ the%. &hen o#r spe""s starte$ hitting the%! they bro'e off an$ hi$ on the stairs. That6s when another gro#p ca%e fro% the opposite $irection. &e were pinne$ between the two gro#ps.A 3arry wipe$ away a tear that escape$ an$ "eane$ forwar$ to 'iss her gent"y. 1t frightene$ hi% how %#ch she sti"" shoo' whi"e te""ing the story e+en so %any years "ater. Then again! so%e of his %e%ories were so +i+i$ he $i$n6t e+en "et hi%se"f thin' abo#t the% too %#ch. A&e were ho"$ing o#r own #nti" one of the% cornere$ 5e+i""e. /he #se$ the Cr#ciat#s on hi%! 3arry!A her +oice bro'e! fo""owe$ by a cho'e$ sob. A1t was the %ost horrib"e thing 16+e e+er seen in %y "ife. *n$ 1 <#st stoo$ there. 1 wante$ to r#n to hi% an$ $o so%ething8%a'e her stop! b#t 1 <#st8fro2e.A A1 'now! sweetheart!A 3arry soothe$ as he p#""e$ her face into his nec' an$ s%oothe$ her hair $own. A16+e $one the sa%e thing.A Binny crie$ into his s'in an$ then p#""e$ bac' a %in#te "ater. A1 sti"" $on6t 'now why he e+en ta"'s to %e now. 1 sho#"$ ha+e $one so%ething! 3arry.A A5o!A he proteste$. AThey wo#"$ ha+e $one the sa%e thing to yo#. *n$ 5e+i""e 'nows8 he 'nows what it6s "i'e! Bin.A

Binny no$$e$ aw'war$"y an$ swipe$ f#rio#s"y at her tears. A1n the en$! it $i$n6t %atter! 1 got hit anyway. 1 got in between .on an$ the )eath Eater he was fighting an$ 1 too' a c#tting c#rse $own %y si$e. They say 1 a"%ost $ie$! b#t 1 $on6t re%e%ber any of it.A 3arry c"aspe$ his eyes sh#t an$ 'isse$ her forehea$. AThan' Bo$!A he whispere$. They he"$ each other for a %in#te before Binny p#""e$ bac' an$ 'isse$ hi% gent"y again. A1 'now yo#!A she repeate$ once %ore in a "ow +oice. 3arry on"y no$$e$ an$ s%i"e$ gent"y. A1 'now yo#! too.A They c#$$"e$ in again an$ were soon breathing $eep"y! both as"eep. A&i"" yo# show %e(A she as'e$! hoping that he wo#"$ tr#st her eno#gh. 3e sho#"$! consi$ering what they6$ share$ a"rea$y! an$ the fact that she was %ost"y na'e$! sitting in his "ap right now. B#t she wo#"$ #n$erstan$ if he <#st co#"$n6t. 3arry hesitate$! an$ Binny a"%ost to"$ hi% it was a"right! that it rea""y $i$n6t %atter. Fina""y! he no$$e$ an$ re%o+e$ the char%s. Binny too' a $eep breath! preparing herse"f for the face she6$ on"y seen once! in a photograph. 3e was si%p"y bea#tif#"! she $eci$e$. 3is face was thinner than the one she was #se$ to7 his chee'bones %ore pro%inent. The brightness of his eyes entrance$ her an$ she stare$ at hi%! fee"ing her sto%ach f"#tter in attraction. /he si"ent"y co#nte$ his scars! tracing each one on his bo$y! fee"ing the e%otion ro"" insi$e her at the tho#ght of each in<#ry. B#t she wante$ to ac'now"e$ge the% a""! beca#se they were a part of who he was. There was an o+erwhe"%ing #rge to press her "ips to each %ar'! he"ping it to hea" <#st a bit %ore. B#t that co#"$ wait #nti" "ater. 3arry6s chest rose an$ fe"" hea+i"y as she to#che$ hi%! his heart beating +isib"y. 3is face was ne:t! as Binny caresse$ a partic#"ar"y nasty scar on his <aw. 3er own aro#sa" grew as she %et his eyes! trying to con+ey to hi% <#st how in "o+e she was. @nab"e to stop herse"f! she "eane$ forwar$ an$ presse$ her "ips against the scar. Binny contin#e$ to to#ch hi%! n#22"ing her nose against his face an$ trai"ing her "ips a"ong each feat#re! her breath %a'ing hi% shi+er. A pen yo#r eyes! 3arry!A she as'e$! a"" the breath gone fro% her. The fee"ing between the% was intense?%ore inti%ate than se: ha$ e+er been for her?an$ she co#"$n6t i%agine anything as erotic as what they were sharing right now. The tho#ght %a$e a "#%p in her throat that was har$ to swa""ow past. 3er eyes fi""e$ with tears an$ she gent"y p#""e$ hi% $own so that she co#"$ 'iss his scar.

61 "o+e yo#! 3arry 4otter!6 she whispere$ to his forehea$! accepting a"" of hi% co%p"ete"y. A1 "o+e yo#!A she trie$ to repeat! b#t her +oice was gone. 3arry6s %o#th %o+e$ in the sa%e pattern. I now you, her heart whispere$ to his as she too' his han$ in hers. /he nee$e$ to show hi% that she was scarre$ too. 3e 'new abo#t the Cha%ber! b#t there were other things? $ar'ness that ha$ to#che$ her "ife ti%e an$ ti%e again?an$ he nee$e$ to 'now that she #n$erstoo$ hi%. 3igh #p #n$er her ar%! <#st on the si$e of her breast! there was an #g"y scar. 1t once ran $own a"%ost her who"e torso. &hen =a$a% 4o%frey ha$ been hea"ing it #p! Binny ha$ as'e$ to 'eep that one s%a"" bit. 1t was a re%in$er of what peop"e ha$ sacrifice$ in the war. &hat she6$ gi+en #p. /he he"$ his han$ to it! her bo$y shi+ering at his gent"e to#ch. 3is bright eyes c"o#$e$ o+er an$ she 'new that he #n$erstoo$. I now you. I now you, too. Binny awo'e so%e ti%e "ater! s"ight"y conf#se$. 1t was rather co"$ in the roo% an$ she grope$ for the b"an'et on"y to re%e%ber that she an$ 3arry ha$ fa""en as"eep on the sofa! an$ that they were serio#s"y "ac'ing in c"othing. &hen her eyes foc#se$ a bit! she ha$ to s%i"e at 3arry who was nest"e$ against her chest. The b#tton $own shirt she6$ p#""e$ on "ast night was gaping open a bit an$ his nose was presse$ into one of her breasts. 3e see%e$ entire"y happy to stay there howe+er! if the content "oo' on his face was anything to go by. /he b"in'e$ se+era" ti%es an$ "ight"y to#che$ his sho#"$er! r#nning her han$ $own his ar% where it wrappe$ aro#n$ her. 3arry sighe$ an$ n#22"e$ e+en c"oser to her! %#%b"ing so%ething that %ight ha+e been her na%e. Binny too' a >#iet %in#te to rea""y st#$y what she co#"$ see of his face. The scars on it were horrific! b#t not in a way that %a$e hi% #nattracti+e at a"". .ather! her eyes were $rawn to the%! i%agining the horrors that %#st ha+e ta'en p"ace for hi% to get the%. They were "i'e a per%anent ba$ge of honor that he carrie$ e+erywhere with hi%7 e+en if he hate$ it. B#t Binny "o+e$ the%7 they were a part of hi%! how co#"$ she not( 3arry %o+e$ again! his han$ tightening aro#n$ her bac' as his face b#rrowe$ c"oser in. 3is breath on her s'in ca#se$ her nipp"es to tighten an$ a "ow ache to begin between her "egs. /he co#"$ fee" his aro#sa" starting to grow! p#shing against her "eg gent"y.

&ith a s%i"e! Binny contin#e$ to r#b his s'in "ight"y an$ then "et her han$ %o+e o+er his si$e an$ $own to his sto%ach. &hen he $i$n6t %o+e! she contin#e$! s"ow"y s"ipping her fingers thro#gh the hair aro#n$ his na+e" an$ $ownwar$. /he a"%ost ha$ his tro#sers #n$one when he ro#se$ an$ opene$ his eyes. A;o#6re wic'e$!A he %#%b"e$ an$ shifte$ #p a bit higher so that he co#"$ 'iss her. A*n$ yo# a"ways stop %e <#st when 1 get to the goo$ part!A she po#te$ an$ t#gge$ at his tro#sers. AThat6s the goo$ part(A he as'e$ s"eepi"y #p at her an$ she grinne$. AThat6s what 16% trying to $eci$e! =r. 4otter.A 3arry grinne$ at her #se of his rea" na%e an$ br#she$ her hair bac' fro% her face. A=aybe 16"" <#st ha+e to "et yo# get on with it then.A Binny snorte$ in "a#ghter an$ tic'"e$ his si$e a bit #nti" he grow"e$ an$ "ay co%p"ete"y on top of her. /he s%ir'e$! "i'ing the fact that he6$ $one e:act"y what she6$ wante$ a"" night. AThat6s %ore "i'e it.A A;o# "i'e that then(A 3arry as'e$ as he 'isse$ her nec' an$ began to %o+e "ower. &hen she %oane$! he thr#st his hips at her an$ she gaspe$ at fee"ing hi% presse$ inti%ate"y against her. A3arry!A she warne$ an$ ret#rne$ the thr#st. 1nstant"y! 3arry fro2e an$ p#""e$ bac' to st#$y her face. A5ot on the sofa! sweetheart!A he sighe$ an$ then swift"y stoo$! "ifting her #p an$ onto her feet. /he whi%pere$ at the s#$$en "oss of his heat b#t then <#%pe$ into his ar%s! catching hi% by s#rprise. /he wrappe$ her "egs aro#n$ his waist an$ he groane$ an$ st#%b"e$ towar$ the ha""way! stopping twice to press her into the wa"" an$ ra+ish her nec' an$ breasts. Fina""y! they %a$e it to his be$roo% an$ 3arry 'ic'e$ the $oor c"ose$ after the%. 3arry sighe$ in co%p"ete satisfaction! c#$$"ing into Binny6s si$e e+en %ore. This is where he was s#ppose$ to be. *cross the roo%! *r%strong ga+e a "ow! %o#rnf#" hoot an$ they both "a#ghe$. A1 forgot a"" abo#t the%!A Binny sai$. AThey got >#ite the show! $i$n6t they(A 1rony %a$e 3arry scow". A/er+es the% right!A he grow"e$. A1 $on6t e+en want to thin' of how %any ti%es 16+e wa"'e$ in on the%.A

Binny ro""e$ in his e%brace! grinning #p at hi%. A;o# weren6t e+er t#rne$ on by it(A A3e"" no!A 3arry gr#%b"e$. A1 was <ea"o#s. They were8going at it! night an$ $ay! whi"e 1 s#ffere$.A A;o# sho#"$ ha+e <#st co%e an$ c"i%be$ in be$ with %e!A Binny shr#gge$. A1 wo#"$n6t ha+e co%p"aine$! an$ 16"" bet yo# wo#"$ ha+e forgotten a"" abo#t those ran$y bir$s.A 3arry ch#c'"e$. A1f 16$ 'nown that was an option! we wo#"$ ha+e p#t the bir$s to sha%e.A A&e6"" ha+e to wor' on that then!A Binny sai$! 'issing hi% once %ore before "aying bac' $own in his ar%s! her hea$ on his sho#"$er. 3arry c"ose$ his eyes an$ breathe$ in $eep! the s%e"" of Binny6s bo$y! his sweat! an$ the hea$y scent of se: on the air. The wor"$ o#tsi$e this be$ was forgotten7 e+erything he nee$e$ to "i+e was here! now. Binny wo'e to the s%e"" of brea'fast. 3er sto%ach grow"e$ in appreciation b#t she was a bit $isappointe$. /he6$ ha$ the best $rea% of %a'ing "o+e to 3arry an$ ha$ wante$ to recreate it when she wo'e! on"y to fin$ herse"f a"" a"one. &e""! the bir$s were in the roo% a"so! staring with wi$e eyes when she "oo'e$ o+er the si$e of the be$ at the%. A/orry!A she shr#gge$ #nrepentant"y at the% as she h#rrie$"y s"ippe$ 3arry6s $ress shirt fro% yester$ay bac' on. 3e6$ +anishe$ her 'nic'ers "ast night! b#t she probab"y wo#"$n6t ha+e p#t the% on anyway. A=orning!A she sai$ as she entere$ the 'itchen. 3arry "oo'e$ a$orab"e! she $eci$e$! in his py<a%a pants! bare feet! coo'ing apron! an$ perpet#a" be$hea$. A=orning!A he s%i"e$ bac' o+er his sho#"$er a bit shy"y. A1 was trying to s#rprise yo# with brea'fast in be$.A 1%%e$iate"y! she notice$ that 3arry6s g"a%o#rs were bac' in p"ace. That $isappointe$ her a bit! b#t she #n$erstoo$ his nee$ for the%. They were a sort of protection fro% re<ection. 1f she $i$n6t tr#"y see hi%! she co#"$n6t re<ect hi% for who he was. /he si"ent"y +owe$ to con+ince hi% that it $i$n6t %atter what he "oo'e$ "i'e! she "o+e$ hi% anyway. Binny "a#ghe$ as she s"i$ her han$s aro#n$ his waist! "aying her hea$ on his bac'. A/ho#"$ 1 go c"i%b bac' in an$ preten$ to be as"eep(A 3arry ch#c'"e$. A5o. ;o# can he"p %e get it rea$y! an$ then we6"" eat together.A A/o#n$s "i'e a p"an!A Binny sai$! pressing a 'iss to his bac' an$ going to p#t the brea$ in the toaster.

A)o yo# ha+e anything yo# nee$ to $o to$ay(A 3arry as'e$. 3is >#estion was a bit too force$ to be cas#a" an$ Binny g"ance$ bac' to fin$ hi% concentrating pointe$"y on frying the eggs in the pan. A1 ha+e "oa$s to $o!A Binny sighe$! a s"ow p"an for%ing in her %in$. A16% sorry if yo# ha$ so%ething e"se p"anne$8A 3arry6s hea$ pic'e$ #p an$ his eyes $ar'ene$ a bit. A h! we""8$on6t "et %e 'eep yo#.A A1 thin' 1 ha+e ti%e for brea'fast!A Binny s%ir'e$. A 'ay.A 3arry "e+itate$ the pan o+er to the co#nter an$ the eggs s"i$ onto p"ates that a"rea$y ha$ c#t fr#it an$ bacon on the%. A;o#8yo# co#"$ he"p %e! 1 s#ppose!A Binny offere$! b#ttering the toast an$ then bringing it to the p"ates. A;eah(A 3arry as'e$! a c#rio#s "oo' on his face. A;eah!A Binny no$$e$! wiping her han$s on the front of his apron an$ then reaching aro#n$ to #ntie it. AThese are so%e things 1 thin' yo# %ight be intereste$ in.A 3arry6s breathing hitche$ a#$ib"y when Binny "ifte$ the fabric o+er his chest an$ "ic'e$ his nipp"e. A;o# see! 1 was p"anning to spen$ a"" $ay shagging!A Binny sai$ %ischie+o#s"y. A1f yo#6re not intereste$81 <#st %ight be force$ to fin$ another 3arry 4otter o#t there that co#"$ %eet %y nee$s.A 3arry grow"e$! "ifting her #p onto the co#nter! right ne:t to their brea'fast p"ates! before capt#ring her "ips in a br#ising 'iss. A5o one e"se!A he whispere$ possessi+e"y! %o+ing $own her <aw to her nec'. Binny "ifte$ her hair o#t of the way an$ s>#ir%e$ a bit in p"ace. The co#nter was co"$ on her bare botto%. /he grinne$! wrapping her "egs aro#n$ his waist. The apron got tang"e$ between the% as they 'isse$. AThere6s <#st one r#"e!A Binny proteste$. A.#"e(A 3arry as'e$! p#""ing bac' fro% 'issing her nec'. A;eah!A Binny sai$! arching into hi%. A5o g"a%o#rs whi"e we %a'e "o+e.A /he 'new she was p#shing hi% a bit! b#t she nee$e$ to be ab"e to see hi%?a"" of who he tr#"y was? when they were inti%ate.

3arry tho#ght abo#t that for a %in#te before he no$$e$. A 'ay.A 3is eyes $i$n6t >#ite %eet hers so she reache$ $own! "ifting his chin. /he nee$e$ hi% to #n$erstan$8 A1 "o+e a"" of yo#! 3arry!A she sai$ >#iet"y. AE+ery scar! e+ery hair! e+ery i%perfect"y perfect bit of f"esh. ;o#6re %ine. *n$ 1 $on6t want yo# to e+er hi$e that fro% %e.A ABinny!A he proteste$! p#""ing away a bit. /he co#"$ see the $o#bt in his face! b#t reache$ for hi%! p#""ing hi% f"#sh with her. A)o yo# "o+e %e! 3arry(A she whispere$ h#s'i"y into his face. A;es!A he answere$ bac' instant"y! with no hesitation. A)o yo# tr#st %e(A 3e hesitate$ %ore on this >#estion an$ Binny6s heart th#%pe$ "o#$"y between the%. 3is eyes %et hers! searching $eep. The #nnat#ra"ness of the %#$$y ha2e" co"oring now %a$e perfect sense to Binny7 3arry ha$ a"ways hi$ his nat#ra" green eyes #n$er g"a%o#rs. A;es!A he fina""y answere$. AThen share that with %e!A she p"ea$e$. A/hare it a"" with %e.A Their breath %ing"e$ an$ 3arry reste$ his forehea$ against her chee'. 3e brace$ his ar%s on either si$e of her hips! t#gging her #nti" she was f#""y into his ar%s. A1 want to!A he whispere$ fierce"y. AB#t 16% afrai$.A Binny swa""owe$ thic'"y! wrapping aro#n$ hi% co%p"ete"y. A16% not "ea+ing yo#! 3arry.A A;o# ha+e so %#ch power to h#rt %e!A he a$%itte$ into the s'in of her nec'. A;o# co#"$ brea' %e in two so easi"y.A AB#t 1 won6t!A Binny co#ntere$ right bac'. A;o#6re e+erything to %e! 3arry. E+erything.A A18 There are things 1 nee$ to te"" yo#!A he sai$ soft"y. A3orrib"e things. 18Binny 16+e 'i""e$ peop"e81?A A1t was war! "o+e!A Binny proteste$. A;o# were force$ to $o horrib"e things. 1 $on6t <#$ge yo# for that.A 3e $i$n6t answer an$ she b"in'e$ #p at the cei"ing trying to fin$ the right wor$s. A&hen 1 to"$ yo# abo#t the $iary!A she sai$! r#bbing her han$s #p an$ $own his bac'! A$i$ yo# b"a%e %e(A 3arry <er'e$ bac' fro% her! f#ry etche$ on his face. A3e"" no!A he grow"e$. A1t wasn6t yo#r fa#"t. /o%eone e"se p#t yo# in that position.A

AE+en tho#gh 4ene"ope $ie$(A 3e opene$ his %o#th to rep"y! b#t it $ie$ in his throat. A1t is the sa%e thing!A she proteste$ his si"ent wor$s. A181 want to te"" yo# e+erything! Bin!A he sai$! his han$s c#pping her face. AB#t8so%e of it is c"assifie$.A Binny p"ace$ her finger on his "ips. AThen $on6t te"" %e. 3arry! nothing yo# say to %e wo#"$ change how 1 fee" for yo#. *ct#a""y!A she a%en$e$! 'issing hi% soft"y at his worrie$ "oo'. A1t %ight %a'e %e "o+e yo# e+en %ore.A 3arry "eane$ in an$ 'isse$ her soft"y! pressing their forehea$s together. A&e6re ha+ing brea'fast in be$!A Binny infor%e$ hi%! "oo'ing #p into his st#bb"e9"a$en face. 3arry ch#c'"e$. A)o 1 ha+e to be $resse$(A Binny hoppe$ off the co#nter! pon$ering his >#estion. A5ot necessari"y!A she shr#gge$. A;o# won6t nee$ those g"a%o#rs for at "east twenty9fo#r ho#rs! 3arry 4otter!A she pro%ise$! earning a st#nne$ "oo' fro% hi% as she gathere$ their p"ates an$ wa"'e$ $own the ha""way. A1 %ay ha+e to ho"$ yo# to that!A he sai$ soft"y! fo""owing her! his han$s tic'"ing the s'in on her bare hips. A;o# can g#arantee it!A she win'e$ bac' o+er her sho#"$er. They were c#$$"e$ in his be$?their be$! 3arry correcte$ hi%se"f with a s%i"e?after %a'ing "o+e once %ore. 5either of the% co#"$ see% to get eno#gh of the other an$ 3arry won$ere$ if it wo#"$ a"ways be "i'e this. &o#"$ he a"ways $esire her "i'e he $i$ right now( &o#"$ she a"ways say his na%e "i'e she nee$e$ hi%( 3arry certain"y hope$ so. A-n#t for yo#r tho#ghts!A Binny sai$ as she wo#n$ their fingers together! her $eep eyes st#$ying his. A5ot s#re they6re worth that %#ch!A he ha"f9s%i"e$. A16% s#re they are!A Binny sai$! t#rning her hea$ to 'iss his nec'.

A181 want to te"" yo#! Bin! abo#t %y "ife.A The wor$s were a str#gg"e an$ 3arry won$ere$ if he co#"$ e+en get thro#gh it now that he6$ co%%itte$. Binny shifte$ in his ar%s! "oo'ing #p at hi%. A;o# $on6t ha+e to.A 3arry s"i$ his fingers o#t of hers an$ trace$ each of the% gent"y. A1 'now!A he no$$e$! staring at their fingers as they p"aye$ together. A1 want to.A A 'ay!A Binny sai$. 3arry "oo'e$ $own to see that she was watching their fingers as we"". 3is eyes tra+e"e$ $own the rest of her bo$y! on"y partia""y co+ere$ by the sheet an$ he too' a $eep breath. A=aybe we6$ better get $resse$ for this!A he %#%b"e$! his eyes not "ea+ing the pa"e s'in abo+e her breasts! where her frec'"es starte$ to fa$e. AToo $istracting!A Binny grinne$ as she "owere$ the sheet! p#rpose"y e:posing herse"f. 3arry s#c'e$ in a breath an$ c"ose$ his eyes. A;eah.A A/poi" sport!A she sai$! "ifting #p to 'iss hi% before c"i%bing off the be$ an$ s"i$ing into her tan'9top an$ py<a%a pants. They6$ spent a"" $ay either #n$resse$ or on"y in their py<a%as an$ it fe"t won$erf#"! 3arry tho#ght. Binny tosse$ hi% a t9shirt an$ bo:ers fro% his $rawer an$ he h#rrie$"y p#t the% on. AThis so#n$s serio#s!A Binny sai$ as she c"i%be$ bac' onto the be$! t#c'ing her "egs #p #n$erneath her. A1t is!A 3arry sai$! sitting #p to "ean against the hea$boar$. A181 to"$ yo# that so%e of this is top secret.A A;eah!A she no$$e$. A1 #n$erstan$ if yo#?A 3arry shoo' his hea$! scratching his hea$ in fr#stration. A16% not e:p"aining %yse"f we""!A he gr#%b"e$. 3e "eane$ o+er an$ reache$ into the be$si$e tab"e! re%o+ing the scro"" sea"e$ with the 1C& officia" wa: sea". AThose of #s who were rea""y in+o"+e$ in the war8we ha$ to %a'e a +ow not to re+ea" what we 'new #n"ess we ha$ per%ission to $o so!6 he e:p"aine$! g"ancing #p to see that Binny was no$$ing. ABetting per%ission8A he sighe$. A1t6s ne:t to i%possib"e. They $on6t grant it +ery often.A 3e fingere$ the wa: sea". A18 ,#st before 1 ca%e to the we$$ing81 went to the 1C& an$8re>#este$ per%ission to te"" yo#.A 3e co#"$ hear her breath s#c'e$ in! b#t $i$n6t 'now what that %eant witho#t "oo'ing at her.

A3arry81 $on6t 'now what to say.A 3e "oo'e$ #p to fin$ her staring at the wa"" opposite the%! a b"an' e:pression on her face. A181 want to 'now! if it wo#"$ he"p yo#!A she sai$! "oo'ing o+er at hi%. AB#t part of %e $oesn6t want to 'now.A 3arry no$$e$ 'nowing"y. A1t6s a b#r$en. They offere$ to b"i+iate peop"e!A he a$%itte$. A* few peop"e act#a""y $i$ that?they "ost a"" those %e%ories an$ ha$ the% rep"ace$ with si%p"e bystan$er ones. 181 co#"$n6t $o that!A he finishe$ in a whisper! paine$ at the 'now"e$ge that he carrie$. A1t fe"t a bit "i'e a betraya" to %y parents! an$ to a"" those who $ie$.A Binny craw"e$ into his e%brace! pressing her bac' to his chest an$ wrapping his ar%s aro#n$ her. A1t wo#"$n6t ha+e been! 3arry. They wo#"$ ha+e #n$erstoo$! 16% s#re.A 3e co#"$ see their faces before his c"ose$ eyes as he presse$ into Binny6s bo$y. A;o# $on6t ha+e to!A he reiterate$. AB#t yo# want %e to!A Binny sai$ >#iet"y. A181 want this to wor' between #s! Bin. *n$ 16% not s#re it can #nti" yo# 'now.A AThen 16"" $o it!A she sai$ fierce"y. )eter%ination ra$iate$ off of her an$ 3arry tightene$ his ar%s! ta'ing co%fort fro% her si%p"y being there! wi""ing to sit in his e%brace to $o this. 1t wo#"$ %a'e it easier to te"". A;o#6$ be #n$er the sa%e bin$ing +ow!A he sai$. ABefore 1 can say anything! yo# ha+e to rea$ the for% an$ sign it. ;o#r %agic wi"" sea" the agree%ent.A A1 can6t te"" anything(A A/o%e!A 3arry shr#gge$. 3is fingers fo#n$ hers an$ wo#n$ aro#n$ the% again! the scro"" sti"" c"#tche$ in his other han$. A;o# co#"$ te"" peop"e who 1 a% an$ a bit abo#t the war! b#t no $etai"s.A A1 wo#"$n6t te"" anyone any of that!A Binny shoo' her hea$. A5ot #n"ess yo# wante$ %e to.A A5ot e+en yo#r fa%i"y! Bin.A A1t $oesn6t %atter!A Binny sai$ again! her +oice strong. A1 wo#"$ ne+er betray yo# "i'e that.A A1 'now!A he c#$$"e$ her <#st a bit. AB#t it6s sti"" #p to yo#.A Tentati+e"y! he han$e$ the scro"" to her! 'nowing it was "i'e passing her the weight of the wor"$. &hat he nee$e$ to te"" her wo#"$ possib"y change how she saw the wor"$! an$ he fe"t horrib"e for $oing that to her. B#t! a"" the sa%e! it was a re"ief to be ab"e to share it with so%eone who wo#"$ #n$erstan$ hi%! so%eone who wo#"$n6t <#$ge hi%.

Binny stare$ at the scro"" for a %o%ent before ta'ing a $eep breath an$ s"i$ing her finger #n$er the wa:! brea'ing the sea". A1 <#st ha+e to sign it(A she as'e$ after she rea$ the wor$s. 3arry 'new they sai$ basica""y what he6$ <#st to"$ her. 3e re%e%bere$ fro% when he6$ rea$ his own. A;eah!A he no$$e$. AThe char% on the parch%ent $oes the rest.A Binny no$$e$ absent"y an$ s"i$ to the e$ge of the be$! r#%%aging in his $rawer for a >#i""! b#t on"y co%ing #p with ba""9point pens. A/orry!A he shr#gge$ one sho#"$er. A1 hate >#i""s. The pen wi"" wor' <#st fine.A /he no$$e$ an$ signe$ her na%e with a f"o#rish! before sighing hea+i"y. 3arry swore he co#"$ see the weight of the +ow she6$ <#st %a$e sett"e on her sho#"$ers. 3er eyes carrie$ a 'in$ of $ar'ness that he6$ on"y seen in the% after her night%ares an$ he hate$ hi%se"f for p#tting it there. A16% sorry!A he whispere$ a#to%atica""y when she c"i%be$ bac' into his ar%s. A,#st ho"$ %e whi"e yo# te"" %e.A A1 wi""!A he agree$! pressing 'isses to her sho#"$er an$ nec'. A16"" ne+er "et yo# go.A /he no$$e$ an$ they s"i$ $own in the be$ together! spooning a%i$st the nest of b"an'ets. A;o# probab"y 'now the basic story of when %y parents were 'i""e$!A 3arry starte$! the wor$s co%ing ha"ting"y o#t of his %o#th. 1t fe"t "i'e p#shing years of f#rnit#re away in a $#sty o"$ attic to fin$ one piece that was ne+er rea""y #se$! b#t that yo# were force$ to ta'e o#t e+ery once in awhi"e an$ $#st off. 3arry wasn6t s#re if that6s <#st how his %in$ wor'e$ at hi$ing the infor%ation! or whether that was the +ow itse"f. ATo% 'i""e$ yo#r parents an$ then he trie$ to 'i"" yo#! b#t it $i$n6t wor'.A 3arry no$$e$ against her bac'. A=y %other sacrifice$ herse"f for %e. /he $ie$ right in front of %e.A Binny gaspe$ at that an$ ro""e$ in his ar%s! p#""ing hi% into her e%brace. A&hen she $i$8her "o+e for %e sea"e$ a protection on %e. &hen .i$$"e trie$ to 'i"" %e! his c#rse bac'fire$ on hi%. B#t it $i$n6t 'i"" hi%. 16"" e:p"ain that in a %in#te.A Binny6s fingers b#rie$ in his hair! gent"y r#bbing. 3arry c"ose$ his eyes an$ trie$ to a""ow the co%fort fro% the si%p"e gest#re to f"ow $own thro#gh hi%. ABefore 1 was born! there was a prophecy gi+en!A 3arry contin#e$. AThe one with the power to +an>#ish the )ar' 0or$ approaches. Born to those who ha+e thrice $efie$ hi%! born as the se+enth %onth $ies. *n$ the )ar' 0or$ wi"" %ar' hi% as his e>#a"! b#t he

wi"" ha+e power the )ar' 0or$ 'nows not. *n$ either %#st $ie at the han$ of the other for neither can "i+e whi"e the other s#r+i+es.A The wor$s ro""e$ off his tong#e %ore easi"y now. 3e6$ repeate$ that $a%ne$ prophecy o+er an$ o+er in his hea$ for ho#rs at a ti%e so%eti%es. /o%eti%es he fe"t as if it was etche$ in his +ery so#". A=y parents were in hi$ing when he fo#n$ #s. They were betraye$ by a %an they tho#ght was their frien$.A 3arry6s heart ga+e a painf#" "#rch at that tho#ght! b#t he p#she$ it away. There were %ore painf#" parts of this co%ing #p. Binny a"rea$y ha$ tears in her eyes an$ "oo'e$ "i'e she wante$ nothing %ore than to r#n away! or 'iss hi% an$ force hi% to forget it a"". *n$ he wo#"$! in her ar%s. A*"b#s )#%b"e$ore ca%e that night. 3e bro#ght %e o#t of the r#ins an$ too' %e to %y *#nt6s ho#se. /he was a =#gg"e! b#t she hate$ %agic. 1 $on6t re%e%ber a who"e "ot abo#t that ti%e! b#t 1 staye$ there for two years.A 3arry "ie$ abo#t not re%e%bering %#ch! b#t it rea""y $i$n6t %atter what he re%e%bere$. 1t was horrib"e! an$ 'nowing it wo#"$n6t $o anything b#t anger Binny. AB#t then %y Bo$father ca%e for %e. 3e6$ %a$e so%e $ea" with *"b#s. 16% not e+en s#re what it a"" entai"e$! b#t we "eft the co#ntry. /iri#s?an$ .e%#s! who was another of %y father6s best frien$s?too' %e to *%erica. AThey were won$erf#" to %e. 1 grew #p 'nowing 1 was "o+e$! hearing stories of %y parents an$ "earning abo#t %agic. A&hen 1 was <#st bare"y e"e+en! they bro#ght %e bac' to Eng"an$. &e staye$ at 3ogwarts an$ 1 got rea$y to enro"" there.A The %e%ories see%e$ to r#sh at hi% a"" at once an$ 3arry ha$ a har$ ti%e organi2ing the% to te"" the story in or$er. B#t he 'new that if Binny were conf#se$! she wo#"$ say so%ething. AThat6s when 1 hear$ the prophecy!A he whispere$. A*"b#s! /iri#s an$ 1 went to the )epart%ent of =ysteries. &e too' it an$ $estroye$ it so that no one co#"$ e+er 'now. That was /iri#s6 i$ea.A 3arry co#"$ see the thin g"ass ba"" shattering in his %in$! $roppe$ p#rpose"y fro% his s%a"" han$. A1 was so happy to be co%ing to 3ogwarts!A he a$%itte$ with a sa$ s%i"e. A16$ hear$ abo#t it since 1 co#"$ re%e%ber! an$ it so#n$e$ "i'e this a%a2ing a$+ent#re.A Binny s#rge$ forwar$ an$ 'isse$ hi%. A1 wish yo# wo#"$ ha+e!A she whispere$ against his "ips. A=aybe we wo#"$ ha+e been together.A A=aybe!A he agree$ with a s%i"e. AB#t there was a prob"e%. &hen we were rea$y to "ea+e the cast"e! a %an trie$ to attac' #s. 3e was the )ar' *rts 4rofessor! an$ he was possesse$ by .i$$"e. 3e8he trie$ to co%e after /iri#s an$ %e. *"b#s ha$ to stop hi%. They batt"e$ for se+era" %in#tes before the %an trippe$. 3e fe"" $own se+era" f"ights of stairs. Bro'e his nec'.A 3arry sh#$$ere$ at the %e%ory! watching it fro% behin$ his

Bo$father! eyes pee'ing o#t! wi$e with fright an$ shoc'. 3e co#"$ e+en sti"" hear the sic'ening cr#nch of the bo$y as it fina""y "an$e$ an$ sti""e$. A h! 3arry!A Binny whispere$! tears fina""y "ea'ing o#t of her eyes an$ r#nning $own her chee's. A/iri#s8he wo#"$n6t "et %e go to 3ogwarts after that. 3e sai$ 16$ be better off where he co#"$ see %e. &here he an$ .e%#s co#"$ teach %e an$ protect %e the%se"+es. /o we went bac' to the @nite$ /tates. A1 enro""e$ in 5orthwoo$s *ca$e%y. 1t6s in regon! <#st o#tsi$e of 4ort"an$. /o%e st#$ents "i+e there! "i'e at 3ogwarts! b#t others *pparate in e+ery $ay. +er there yo# can get yo#r "icense to *pparate when yo#6re fifteen.A A/poi"e$!A Binny gr#%b"e$ thro#gh her tears. A1 was near"y eighteen when 1 got %ine. /t#pi$ )eath Eaters.A 3arry ch#c'"e$ at her $efiance an$ r#bbe$ his han$s #p an$ $own her bac'. A1t was a goo$ e$#cation!A he shr#gge$. A*n$ 1 ha$ a few frien$s! b#t no one c"ose. 181 was wearing g"a%o#rs fro% the ti%e 1 co#"$ re%e%ber! an$ #sing the 4ar'er na%e. 1 co#"$n6t "et anyone too c"ose! yo# 'now.A A16% sorry yo# were so "one"y!A Binny sai$! 'issing his chin an$ then his "ips. 3arry shr#gge$ again. A1t6s water #n$er the bri$ge now. B#t 1 $o thin' 1 %isse$ o#t on a "ot not being at 3ogwarts. 1 $i$n6t ha+e yo#! for e:a%p"e.A Binny s%i"e$ bri""iant"y at hi%. A1 wo#"$ ha+e been arse9o+er9e"bow for yo# e+en then! 1 thin'.A 3arry ch#c'"e$ an$ br#she$ his han$ thro#gh her hair. A&hat abo#t =ichae" an$ )ean(A AForget the%!A she sai$! #rgent"y 'issing hi%. A1 wo#"$ ha+e been with yo#.A 3is heart po#n$e$ an$ he "eane$ forwar$! pressing his "ips to hers. They 'isse$ for se+era" %in#tes before both p#""ing bac'. 5ow wasn6t the ti%e to "ose the%se"+es in each other. ACan yo# go on(A Binny as'e$! gent"y r#bbing his chest. A r $o yo# nee$ a brea'(A A16% fine!A he proteste$ "ight"y. Binny st#$ie$ hi% for a %in#te an$ see%e$ satisfie$ as she sett"e$ bac' $own into his ar%s.

A16% trying to re%e%ber where 1 was!A he ch#c'"e$! p#""ing his tho#ghts away fro% the wo%an in his ar%s! an$ the way she was war% against his si$e! the way her "eg reste$ on top of his8 A5orthwoo$s *ca$e%y!A Binny re%in$e$ hi%! resting her hea$ on his sho#"$er. A;eah!A he no$$e$. A/o81 went to c"ass in the $ay an$ ca%e ho%e each night where /iri#s wo#"$ teach %e other things?%ost"y $efensi+e %agic an$ things that schoo" boys aren6t s#ppose$ to 'now. .e%#s st#c' %ost"y to the tra$itiona" s#b<ects!A he ch#c'"e$. A&hat happene$ when yo# were si:teen! 3arry(A Binny as'e$! her +oice "ow. A3ow $i$ yo#?A A;o# %entione$ that yo# ha$ to "ea+e schoo"!A she sai$! "ifting her hea$ to "oo' at hi%. AThat night we $ran' the wine on the sofa. ;o# sai$ yo# ha$ to "ea+e.A 3arry f#rrowe$ his brow! won$ering how she co#"$ re%e%ber anything besi$es the intense fee"ing between the% an$ the 'iss they ha$ share$. 3e +ag#e"y re%e%bere$ te""ing Binny abo#t =iche""e. That %#st ha+e been what she was re%e%bering. A;eah!A he no$$e$. AB#t things were starting to change the year before that. /iri#s an$ .e%#s8they trie$ to 'eep the worst of it fro% %e! b#t 1 co#"$ te"" things were happening. They wante$ to 'eep %e in schoo" as "ong as possib"e! to 'eep %y i$entity hi$$en an$ to protect %e. B#t81 'new it was on"y a %atter of ti%e. =y training ha$ increase$ an$ there were a"ways new peop"e aro#n$. 1 fig#re$ o#t they were with the 1C&. *"b#s ca%e se+era" ti%es that year. A1 starte$ ha+ing these hea$aches!A 3arry e:p"aine$! re%e%bering how $ebi"itating the pain was. A*"b#s tho#ght it was .i$$"e! that we were connecte$ by this scar!A he %otione$ to his forehea$. A1 %isse$ a "ot of schoo" that year!A he ch#c'"e$. A*n$ when 1 was there8we""! 1 wasn6t acting "i'e 1 sho#"$ ha+e been. 1 was s'ipping c"asses an$8 %essing aro#n$.A A&ith gir"s(A Binny as'e$! a s"y s%i"e on her face. A ne!A 3arry shr#gge$ an$ then sighe$. A1 <#st8wante$ to be nor%a"! yo# 'now. 1 was tire$ of hi$ing who 1 was! an$ tire$ of h#rting. &hen 1 was with her! it $i$n6t %atter. 1 was <#st8A A* ran$y si:teen year9o"$ boy getting his roc's off.A Binny ch#c'"e$ soft"y. /he br#she$ her han$ a"ong his <aw"ine! the so#n$ of his st#bb"e harsh against his own ears. A;eah!A he a$%itte$ soft"y! fee"ing his chee's heat. AB#t that en$e$ fast!A he sighe$. A/o%ething happene$81 was s#ppose$ to be at schoo"! b#t8A 3e gri%ace$. A1 ha$

this8+ision. .i$$"e ha$ /iri#s8there were so %any $etai"s that <#st8they <#st %a$e sense! yo# 'now. 1t ha$ to be tr#e. *n$ then 1 got this note8 A/o! being yo#ng an$ st#pi$! 1 went after hi%!A 3arry a$%itte$. 3e stare$ past Binny to the win$ow that was bare"y "etting in any "ight with the c#rtains $rawn. A1t was co%p"ete arrogance. 16$ been training so %#ch! that 1 tho#ght 1 wo#"$ be rea$y. *n$ 1 co#"$n6t <#st "ea+e hi% there8/iri#s is8he6s "i'e a father to %e.A A f co#rse!A Binny %#r%#re$ in sy%pathy. A&hen 1 got to where they were ho"$ing hi%! or where 1 ithought/i it was8it was a trap. /iri#s wasn6t there. .i$$"e wasn6t e+en there7 <#st his )eath Eaters. 0#ci#s =a"foy an$ a few others.A Binny sh#$$ere$ in his ar%s an$ he "eane$ $own to "ay his "ips against her forehea$. AThey ha$ %e for two wee's.A 3e c"ose$ his eyes as f"ashes of $ar' roo%s! bright! f"ashing "ights! %en in b"ac' robes with %as's! an$ pain! showe$ in his hea$. There wasn6t %#ch he co#"$ te"" her abo#t that ti%e?it was <#st too painf#"! sti""! e+en fi+e years "ater. A1 can on"y i%agine what yo# went thro#gh! 3arry!A Binny whispere$! stro'ing his face an$ chest. A18A /he trai"e$ off as %ore tears f"owe$ fro% her an$ she b#rie$ her hea$ in his nec'! c"#tching at his t9shirt. * few tears s"ippe$ $own 3arry6s face as we"" b#t he wipe$ the% away. AThe scars8on yo#r bac' an$ chest8A A;eah!A 3arry whispere$ past the "#%p in his throat. A3ow co#"$ they(A Binny whispere$ +icio#s"y. A3ow co#"$ they h#rt yo# "i'e that( ;o# were <#st a boyEA 3er protecti+eness an$ anger on his beha"f %a$e his chest tighten. A1 'i""e$ hi%!A 3arry sai$! his +oice brea'ing. A=a"foy!A he c"arifie$ when she "oo'e$ #p at hi% with re$! swo""en eyes. A*"b#s an$ /iri#s an$ .e%#s8they ca%e after %e. 1 co#"$ hear the% fighting an$ 18he was in the roo% with %e8 1 $i$n6t %ean to 'i"" hi%! <#st8he 'ept stan$ing in the way. *n$ then8he was cr#%p"e$ against the wa"". 1 cr#she$ his s'#"" in8A A1t6s o+er now!A Binny whispere$! pressing her fingers to his "ips. A1t6s o+er an$ he can6t h#rt yo# any%ore.A A3e ga+e yo# the $iary! Bin!A 3arry sai$ $#""y. A3e was the one.A

A1 tho#ght so!A she confir%e$! "aying her hea$ on his chest once %ore. A1 $i$n6t 'now for s#re! b#t 1 fig#re$ it was hi%.A A1 $i$n6t 'now then8*"b#s ha$ to"$ #s abo#t a gir" with the $iary8A Binny "oo'e$ #p at hi%! a %i: of re+#"sion an$ g#i"t on her face. A1f 16$ 'nown what he $i$ then! Bin! 1 wo#"$ ha+e $one it for yo#!A 3arry contin#e$. A3e h#rt yo#.A /he shoo' her hea$! tears?this ti%e probab"y of anger for the who"e thing?fe"" $own her face. A1t6s o+er now.A A;o#8yo# $on6t 'now how %#ch it %eant to #s?to %e?that yo# fo#n$ that $iary! Bin.A /he <er'e$ her hea$ #p an$ g"are$ at hi%! trying to $iscern his %eaning. AThey ne+er to"$ yo# what the $iary was!A he sai$! %eeting her ga2e. A1t wasn6t <#st so%e artifact for contro""ing the Basi"is'! Binny. 1t was a 3orcr#:.A Binny sat #p! p#""ing away fro% hi% an$ 3arry fo""owe$! scooting behin$ her an$ ta'ing her han$ in his. A1 a"%ost $on6t want to 'now!A she whispere$! sha'ing her hea$ an$ staring into the $ar' roo%. A* 3orcr#: is a piece of a so#"!A 3arry sai$. A1t6s )ar'! )ar' %agic. &hen yo# co%%it a %#r$er! yo#r so#" tears!A he contin#e$! staring off into the sa%e b"ac'. A/o%eone %a'ing a 3orcr#:8they $o it $e"iberate"y! encasing that bit of their so#" into an ob<ect. .i$$"e8 he $i$ it se+en ti%es.A A/o8what possesse$ %e!A Binny sai$! her tone %eas#re$ an$ e+en. AThat was8.i$$"e6s so#"(A 3arry bit his "ip! "oo'ing at her. A;eah.A /he "oo'e$ "i'e she was going to be sic'7 her <aw s>#are$ tight"y an$ he co#"$ hear her teeth grin$ing together. A*n$8if yo# ha$n6t gone to *"b#s8we %ight not ha+e fo#n$ o#t abo#t .i$$"e %a'ing 3orcr#:es #nti" it was too "ate.A Binny g"are$ at hi% an$ shoo' her han$ to #ntang"e it fro% his. A*re yo# saying that what 1 went thro#gh8,#stin an$ 3er%ione an$ 4ene"ope8that was a goo" thing(A 3arry6s <aw $roppe$ as Binny stoo$ an$ f"e$ the roo% before he co#"$ e+en answer. 3e fo""owe$ her #nti" she s"a%%e$ the bathroo% $oor in his face! the "oc' c"ic'ing into p"ace. ABin( Binny! that6s not what 1 %eant at a"". 4"ease8A 3arry 'noc'e$ on the $oor an$ then presse$ his forehea$ against it. A1 $i$n6t %ean8A The so#n$ of her +o%iting into the toi"et %a$e hi% wince. ABinny! p"ease! open the $oor!A he as'e$ again. A0et %e he"p yo#.A

/he +o%ite$ again an$ he co#"$ hear her crying insi$e. The nee$ to +anish the $oor co%p"ete"y was a"%ost o+erwhe"%ing7 b#t 3arry 'new he6$ be in e+en bigger tro#b"e if he $i$. A,#st go away! 3arry!A she sai$! her +oice so#n$ing so s%a"" insi$e the ho""ow roo%. 3arry stare$ at the woo$ in front of hi%! his heart brea'ing. A/N: I now, I now. I can hear your groan now. <elieve me, I've alrea"y hear" it from the betas that this is the worst cliffhanger in the worl". I, !ersonally, thin they were over reacting ?bunch of "rama *ueens, but I "o un"erstan" their angst about it. (owever, let me ma e this small "isclaimer... They -ust got together. I'm not about to ri! them a!art now. Dhy!noti$es youD Trust me...trust me...trust me.

*Chapter 13*: Chapter 13: ,asier To 4e

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. A/N: <rea ing with 'tra"ition', the name of the story comes mostly from this cha!ter, rather than the e!ilogue, as you'll see. +, (ave to ee! you all on your toes an" not become too !re"ictable. Than s to %lla, &eb an" 'el for their awesome wor on this story. Chapter 13: ,asier To 4e Binny wipe$ her %o#th on the towe" that she ha$ t#gge$ fro% the bar. The taste of bi"e near"y %a$e her +o%it again! an$ she stoo$ on sha'y "egs to rinse o#t her %o#th. /he c#ppe$ the water to her %o#th fro% the tap an$ swishe$ it aro#n$! ref#sing to "oo' at herse"f in the %irror.

/he6$ $efinite"y see her eyes near"y b"ac' with e:ha#stion! her s'in pa"e an$ c"a%%y "i'e it ha$ been that year. The year that belonge" to Tom. 3arry was sti"" o#tsi$e. /he co#"$ see the sha$ow he cast thro#gh the s%a"" space be"ow the $oor. &hy ha$n6t he gone( /he $i$n6t want to see hi% right now. /he co#"$n6t. &hat he6$ sai$8that it was a goo$ thing8 Binny sh#$$ere$ at the tho#ght. /he new he ha$n6t %eant it in the way it ha$ co%e o#t. 3arry wasn6t cr#e". B#t8he ha$ been right. 1f the $iary was what he was te""ing her8a 3orcr#:8then what she ha$ gone thro#gh! peop"e being h#rt an$ e+en 'i""e$8it was a"" for a higher p#rpose. The tho#ght %a$e Binny want to +o%it again. /he san' s"ow"y to the f"oor! trying to ta'e $eep breaths to try an$ wi"" away the panic. 3er eyes ne+er "eft 3arry6s sha$ow at the $oor! staring at it as he shifte$ his feet. 1f it was To%6s so#"8then she was tainte$. )irty an$ $isg#sting! an$ certain"y beyon$ "o+ing. *n$ 3arry 'new what she was! she6$ confesse$ it to hi% wee's ago. 3e6$ 'nown abo#t the 3orcr#: then. An" he still loves you. /he c"ose$ her eyes tight"y! p#shing the tho#ght away. B#t it wo#"$n6t go. *s %#ch as she wante$ to protect 3arry! fro% her $ar'ness! fro% her st#pi$ity! she sti"" co#"$n6t i%agine not c"inging to hi%. 3e was e+erything. Binny opene$ her eyes s"ow"y! trying to $eci$e what she sho#"$ $o. .#nning wasn6t an option any%ore. /he6$ $one that for too %any years. First with =ichae" an$ )ean! an$ then with the =#gg"e wor"$?trying anything she co#"$ to preten$ it ha$n6t happene$ an$ that it $i$n6t %atter. B#t it $i$. 1t rea""y %attere$. /he "oo'e$ bac' to the $oor an$ then stoppe$ breathing. 3arry6s sha$ow was gone. 3e6$ wa"'e$ away. /he co#"$n6t $o this witho#t hi%E 3er heart th#n$ere$ insi$e her chest an$ she craw"e$ forwar$ <#st a bit! b"in'ing her eyes an$ hoping that it was <#st a tric' of the "ight. A3arry(A she breathe$. A16% sti"" here! Bin!A he answere$ the >#estion that she 'new he co#"$n6t ha+e hear$. A16% not going anywhere.A 3is +oice was farther away! b#t sti"" there.

The wor$s were "i'e a shot of co#rage straight into her heart an$ she sniffe$ "o#$"y! wiping away the e+i$ence of her tears. /ha'i"y! she stoo$ an$ br#she$ her teeth! %enta""y c"inging to the i%age of 3arry stan$ing o#tsi$e the $oor! waiting for her. &hen she was finishe$! she fina""y a""owe$ her eyes to rise an$ "oo' in the %irror. /he was pa"e! b#t not the ghost"y white that she6$ been $#ring To%6s year. *n$ her eyes were re$ an$ p#ffy! b#t a"i+e. /"ow"y! she raise$ her han$ an$ to#che$ the three s%a"" br#ises on her nec'! co""arbone an$ chest. 3arry ha$ "eft those %ar's there ho#rs ago! when they6$ %a$e "o+e. An" he still loves you. Ta'ing a $eep breath! Binny t#rne$ an$ si"ent"y twiste$ the "oc' in the $oor'nob. The hinges proteste$ her opening the%! "i'e they a"ways $i$. 3arry was there! sitting on the f"oor across fro% the $oor! his bac' against the wa"" an$ his 'nees #p! e"bows resting on the% an$ hea$ bowe$. 3e scra%b"e$ #p when she too' a step into the ha""! hesitant"y %o+ing towar$ her. Tears fi""e$ her eyes an$ she %o+e$ into his e%brace. A16% sorry!A she sai$! o+er an$ o+er again! "atching onto his shirt an$ soa'ing it with her wet chee's. A1 was a 3orcr#:!A 3arry b"#rte$ o#t. A18we""! 1 was! an$8A Binny won$ere$ for a %o%ent if ti%e ha$ stoppe$ co%p"ete"y. The wor$s echoe$ in what "itt"e space there was between the%. A;o#8what(A A.i$$"e t#rne$ %e into a 3orcr#:!A 3arry whispere$ harsh"y! Awhen he trie$ to 'i"" %e.A 3is ar%s fe"" away fro% her. A1 <#st81 $on6t want yo# to thin' yo#6re #nworthy or8 tainte$! or8anything other than8A 3e threw #p his ar%s an$ Binny stare$ at hi%! won$ering what was going on in his %in$. /he was bare"y 'eeping a"" the tho#ghts straight in the cotton9fi""e$ interior of her own hea$. A ther than what(A she as'e$! watching hi% as he stoo$ rest"ess"y in p"ace. 3arry stare$ at her! his chest rising an$ fa""ing rapi$"y an$ his nostri"s f"aring <#st a bit. 1n one h#ge step he gathere$ her #p! pressing her to the wa""! his han$s c#pping her face as he breathe$ against it.

A ther than a%a2ing! an$ won$erf#"!A his "ips trai"e$ a"ong her s'in! raising gooseb#%ps as he went. Binny gaspe$ as he presse$ 'isses to the raw spots he ha$ "eft ear"ier. A*n$ bea#tif#"8an$ breathta'ing"y se:y8A 3e 'isse$ her then! b#t it was soft! f#"" of acceptance an$ %ore "o+e than Binny e+er re%e%bere$ fee"ing in her "ife. /he "ifte$ on the tips of her toes! wrapping her ar%s aro#n$ his nec' an$ ret#rning his e%otion. A)on6t e+er thin' otherwise!A he sai$ as they bro'e apart. ABeca#se if yo# can "o+e %e8A 3is wor$s fai"e$ hi% an$ Binny presse$ her forehea$ against his "ips. A1 $o "o+e yo#!A she whispere$. ABoo$!A he answere$. They stoo$ together in the ha""way! each "ost in their own tho#ghts as they he"$ onto each other. 3arry6s a$%ission began to sin' in an$ Binny fe"t her 'nees wobb"e. ACan we8can we sit $own(A she as'e$. A1 fee" "i'e 1 %ight fa"".A A;eah!A 3arry %#%b"e$. ABe$ or sofa(A Binny tho#ght abo#t it for a %o%ent before no$$ing towar$ the be$roo%. ABe$!A she whispere$. 3arry no$$e$ an$ "ifte$ her into his ar%s! carrying her in to set on the %attress. Binny s"i$ #n$er the $#+et! e:ha#stion starting to creep in. 1t was a"" so %#ch. *n$ the +ow see%e$ to %a'e it a"" worse. 1t presse$ $own on her! %a'ing it har$ to breathe. /he6$ ne+er before in her "ife wante$ to ta"' %ore abo#t so%ething! an$ yet! at the sa%e ti%e! she $i$n6t want to e+en thin' abo#t it any%ore. The be$ %o+e$ an$ 3arry s"i$ in! wrapping aro#n$ her fro% behin$. A3ow8how $i$ yo# s#r+i+e(A Binny as'e$! not wanting to hear the answer at a"". 3arry was >#iet for a "ong ti%e. A3e 'i""e$ %e!A he sai$ fina""y. 3is tone was so8honest an$ b"#nt that it %a$e Binny want to "a#gh with incre$#"ity. A)#ring the batt"e8peop"e were $ying. 4eop"e that ha$ no b#siness being there at a""! "et a"one gi+ing their "i+es8A 3e trai"e$ off an$ Binny r#bbe$ his ar%s. /he co#"$ hear the pain in his +oice. A.i$$"e8he was an arrogant bastar$. 3e ca""e$ o#t to %e! to"$ %e he6$ stop the fighting if 1 ca%e to hi%.A Tears "ea'e$ o#t of Binny6s eyes an$ into the pi""ow be"ow her as she "istene$ to 3arry6s >#iet +oice.

A1 went!A he a$%itte$. A3ow co#"$ 1 not(A /he c"ose$ her eyes! pict#ring hi% as he %#st ha+e been then! e:ha#ste$ an$ b"oo$ staine$! wa"'ing into what he 'new was a trap8 A1 was with *"b#s when the ca"" ca%e. 3e to"$ %e abo#t being a 3orcr#:. That .i$$"e ha$ %esse$ #p.A Binny shi+ere$ as 3arry spo'e the wor$s into the s'in on the bac' of her sho#"$er. A1 'new what the prophecy %eant then7 'new they6$ a"" been protecting %e fro% it for years?a"" %y "ife! rea""y. 181 ha$ to $ie.A 3is +oice bro'e on the "ast wor$ an$ Binny cho'e$ bac' a sob of her own. A;o# "i+e$ again.A A1 ca%e bac'!A 3arry c"arifie$. A*fter he hit %e with the -i""ing C#rse81 got to see %y parents! Bin. They were8as rea" as yo# an$ 1 are right now. =y =#%8she h#gge$ %e. *n$ %y )a$?he to"$ %e how8pro#$?A3arry6s +oice bro'e an$ he trie$ to p#"" away a bit. Binny sat #p on her e"bow an$ t#gge$ hi% bac'! pi""owing his hea$ on her chest an$ si%p"y ho"$ing hi% whi"e he crie$. The i%pact of what he was saying8 1t was no won$er the 1C& ha$ $ec"are$ it a"" c"assifie$. 3arry ha$ s#r+i+e$ the -i""ing C#rse twice. 1t was %ore than a %irac"e. *n$ to get to see his parents8 1t wasn6t the %ost co%fortab"e position! ha+ing hi% "ie on her! b#t Binny $i$n6t care. /he6$ ho"$ hi% #nti" she co#"$ no "onger breathe if she nee$e$ to. Fina""y! his breathing sti""e$ an$ he shifte$ to p#"" away. A)on6t say yo#6re sorry!A she warne$ when he too' a $eep breath. A;o# he"$ %e when 1 crie$. ;o# staye$ when 1 was being a prat.A 3arry stare$ at her! one corner of his %o#th twitching <#st a bit in a%#se%ent. /"ow"y! he reache$ #p an$ br#she$ his han$s a"ong her hair. A&hat $i$ 1 e+er $o to $eser+e yo#(A he as'e$. A3ow $i$ he $ie(A Binny as'e$! ignoring his >#estion. 3arry "oo'e$ as if he6$ rather not answer! b#t Binny was $eter%ine$. They6$ %a$e it this far together! they were going to finish this. A3is own 'i""ing c#rse bac'fire$ on hi%!A 3arry sai$ si%p"y. A183a+e yo# e+er rea$ <ee"le the <ar"(A

Binny sat #p! her han$ he"$ against his chest as she gape$ at hi%. 3ow ha$ she %isse$ the <#%p fro% Do"$e%ort to a chi"$ren6s story boo'( A;eah!A she sai$! sha'ing her hea$ in conf#sion. A1t was one of .on6s fa+orites.A AThe Ta"e of the Three Brothers(A 3arry as'e$. ABabbity .abbity!A Binny c"arifie$. AB#t 1 re%e%ber The Three Brothers.A AThe 3a""ows! Bin8they6re rea".A 3arry stare$ #p at her as she processe$ that tho#ght. A5o!A she shoo' her hea$! her brow f#rrowing. A5o?A A;es!A 3arry sai$. A1 ha$ the C"oa'7 it was a fa%i"y heir"oo%. .i$$"e #se$ the /tone as one of his 3orcr#:es. *n$ the &an$8A AThe E"$er &an$(A Binny as'e$! things starting to fa"" into p"ace. A;o#6re the %aster of the E"$er &an$(A 3arry sat #p! bringing Binny with hi%. A3ow $o yo# 'now abo#t the E"$er &an$(A A1 a"ways <#st tho#ght he was a co%p"ete n#tter!A she %#%b"e$ as things beca%e c"earer. A&ho(A APenophi"i#s 0o+egoo$!A Binny e:p"aine$! a bit of a s%ir' on her face. A3e6s the father of a frien$ of %ine! 0#na. 3e was fore+er going on abo#t the 3a""ows being rea". 181 <#st ne+er! e+er tho#ght8A 3arry scr#bbe$ his face harsh"y. A1t was rea".A Binny no$$e$ an$ then eye$ hi% spec#"ati+e"y. A3ow $i$ yo# %anage that(A she as'e$. A&ho $i$ yo# $isar% that was the %aster( Beca#se yo# 'now that it6s #s#a""y been a $eath?A A1 $i$n6t 'i"" anyone!A he proteste$! a $ar' "oo' sett"ing on his face. A5ot then! anyway.A Binny no$$e$! rising #p to her 'nees an$ $raping on his bac'. /he wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ hi% an$ he"$ on whi"e he stare$ off. A&hen *"b#s ca%e to get %e! when 1 was being he"$8A Binny no$$e$ against hi%! confir%ing that she was "istening. A3e got ca#ght off g#ar$. 0#ci#s =a"foy6s son?A A)raco(A Binny p#""e$ bac'! shoc'e$ at the re+e"ation that )raco ha$ been in+o"+e$. 3e6$ a"ways been a prat an$ a b#""y at schoo"! b#t she ha$ ne+er consi$ere$ the possibi"ity that he was act#a""y a )eath Eater. 3e6$ been re%o+e$ fro% schoo" in8 Binny6s fifth year. /he shoo' her hea$ as another piece fe"" into p"ace.

A;eah!A 3arry no$$e$. A1 ha+e no i$ea why he was there8b#t he $isar%e$ *"b#s. 3e8 he was going to 'i"" hi%! Bin. 1 co#"$ see that sa%e hatre$ in his eyes that 0#ci#s ha$. /o! 1 $isar%e$ hi%.A 3e shr#gge$ si%p"y an$ Binny %o+e$ aro#n$ to c"i%b into his "ap. A1 $i$n6t 'now anything abo#t the E"$er &an$ #nti" <#st before the Fina" Batt"e. *"b#s ga+e it to %e then. 3e e:p"aine$ how it ha$ co%e to be %ine! b#t how he6$ 'ept it so that when it was ti%e8A AThat6s a "ot to ta'e in!A Binny sai$! sighing against his chest. 3arry no$$e$! one han$ r#bbing her thigh an$ the other s#pporting her bac'. A1 $isar%e$ .i$$"e!A 3arry sai$. A*t the sa%e ti%e he cast the c#rse81 $on6t e+en 'now how it a"" wor'e$! b#t8the c#rse rebo#n$e$. *n$ a"" his 3orcr#:es were gone. /iri#s! .e%#s an$ 1 ha$ h#nte$ the% a"" $own. ABit of an antic"i%actic en$ing! if yo# as' %e!A 3arry ch#c'"e$ $ry"y. A-i""e$ by a $isar%ing c#rse.A A1t $oesn6t %atter how it happene$! 3arry. ,#st that it $i$!A Binny shr#gge$. /he fe"t e:tre%e"y $raine$?both e%otiona""y an$ physica""y e:ha#ste$. *n$ 3arry $i$n6t "oo' %#ch better. 3er eyes trace$ his feat#res! fina""y sett"ing on the "ightning shape$ scar on his forehea$. /o %#ch pain bro#ght abo#t by one %an he""9bent on his own agen$a. *bsent"y! she bro#ght her fingers #p an$ trace$ it. 3arry f"inche$ #n$er her to#ch! b#t then re"a:e$ as she %o+e$ to stra$$"e his "ap. A*n$ now yo# 'now e+erything.A /he no$$e$! sti"" thin'ing abo#t To% an$ 3arry an$ her7 the intricate parts they6$ a"" p"aye$ in a %a$ sche%e gone abso"#te"y wrong fro% the +ery beginning. 3ow they ha$ s#r+i+e$! an$ were now e+en capab"e of fin$ing "o+e in a wor"$ s#ch as this was nothing short of a %irac"e. A*re yo# h#ngry(A 3arry as'e$! his green eyes fi:e$ on hers. Binny shoo' her hea$ s"ow"y. /he trace$ his <aw"ine with her fingers an$ then trace$ his "ips! %a'ing hi% sh#$$er. A&hat $o yo# want(A Binny s%i"e$ soft"y an$ "eane$ forwar$! br#shing her "ips across his. 3e see%e$ to get the i$ea >#ic'"y as he s"i$ his han$s #n$er her tan' top! fin$ing bare s'in. A1 want to ce"ebrate!A she sai$ fina""y! when she6$ $eci$e$ on the right wor$s to #se. 3arry p#""e$ bac'! conf#se$. A&hat are we ce"ebrating(A

Binny shr#gge$ one sho#"$er an$ "eane$ forwar$ to 'iss his co""arbone! an$ then the p#"se point on his nec'. AThat we6re a"i+e!A she sai$. AThat yo#6re here! an$ 16% here8an$ so%ehow in this f#c'e$ #p wor"$! we fo#n$ each other.A 3arry6s han$s grippe$ her hips tight"y an$ she grinne$ against his ear. A&e shoul" ce"ebrate! 3arry. 1 beat that bastar$. ;o# beat that bastar$. 3e6s not co%ing bac' this ti%e. *n$ yo# an$ 18A /he trai"e$ off! her face heating as the tho#ght of the% ha+ing a f#t#re f"oo$e$ her. /he wante$ it %ore than anything! b#t she a"so $i$n6t want to scare hi% by a$%itting that she saw the% %arrie$ with 'i$s. A;o# an$ 1! what(A 3arry as'e$. A*n$ yo# an$ 18A she contin#e$ in a $eter%ine$ tone. A&e ha+e each other.A 3arry grinne$! "eaning forwar$ to 'iss her fierce"y. A&e $o!A he agree$ before fa""ing bac' on the be$ an$ bringing her with hi%. A&e ha+e each other.A 3er%ione &eas"ey. /he co#"$n6t get eno#gh of saying that! o+er an$ o+er in her hea$. ne of these $ays she %ight act#a""y be"ie+e it. /he co#"$ s%e"" the bacon .on was frying right $own the ha"" in their f"at. That was another thing8their f"at7 e+en tho#gh .on ha$ been staying %ore an$ %ore often! now it was so%ething e"se that they share$ co%p"ete"y. * honey%oon wo#"$ ha+e been nice! she 'new. B#t so%e things were %ore i%portant. Both she an$ .on $esperate"y wante$ to be in a ho#se before they starte$ a fa%i"y. *n$ e+en tho#gh that %ight be years $own the roa$! she 'new it was ne+er too ear"y to p"an. Besi$es! they ha$ the trip to Breece that 3arry ha$ gi+en the%. 3er%ione s%i"e$ wi$e"y to herse"f when she tho#ght abo#t how %#ch they wo#"$ en<oy the trip in a few %onths. That tho#ght "e$ to another: that she rea""y nee$e$ to write a s#itab"e than' yo# "etter to 3arry for the gift. /he6$ get right on that "ater to$ay. 1t was +ery i%portant not to $e"ay these types of things8 A3er%ione!A .on ca""e$ fro% the 'itchen an$ 3er%ione groane$ an$ ro""e$ o+er. /he 'new she was being horrib"y "a2y! b#t that6s what $ays "i'e these were for. They6$ been %arrie$ for one who"e $ay now! starting on their secon$. /he $i$n6t want to get #p yet an$ face the fact that in a few short $ays their ho"i$ay wo#"$ be o+er an$ she6$ be $#e bac' at the =inistry. ABrea'fast!A .on ca""e$ again an$ 3er%ione s%i"e$ as she gathere$ herse"f o#t of be$ an$ p#t on a si"'y $ressing gown that her %other ha$ bo#ght her as a we$$ing gift. .on ha$ a"rea$y e:presse$ his appreciation of the %atching "ingerie "ast night.

A=orning! "o+e!A she cooe$ as she entere$ the 'itchen to fin$ .on finishing the fry9#p an$ wearing nothing b#t his pa<a%a botto%s. 3e ga+e her a s%i"e o+er his sho#"$er. A;o#6+e ha$ an ow"!A he sai$ as the "ast egg s"i$ fro% the pan. A1 p#t it o+er there on the co#nter. h! an$ =#% wants #s to co%e an$ pic' #p o#r gifts to$ay. 1 thin' she6$ "i'e #s to open the% there.A 3e so#n$e$ a bit irritate$ an$ 3er%ione s%i"e$. AChar"ie6s "ea+ing ear"y in the %orning an$ 16% not s#re how "ong Bi""6s going to stay.A AThat6s fine! .on. 3onest"y! 1 $on6t %in$ seeing yo#r fa%i"y.A /he >#iet"y gathere$ the "etter that ha$ co%e an$ sat in her fa+orite chair. 3e set a p"ate of foo$ $own in front of her an$ "ic'e$ his finger after it ha$ s"i$ into the %ar%a"a$e on her toast. A1 'now! b#t 1 was 'in$ of hoping we6$ ha+e the who"e wee' to o#rse"+es.A A&e ha+e to co%e o#t so%e ti%e! .on!A she obser+e$. The tea he6$ %a$e was perfect an$ she sippe$ it caref#""y as she s"it open the "etter. A1f it6s the =inistry! te"" the% to so$ off!A he grow"e$ aro#n$ a %o#thf#" of bacon. /he scow"e$ at his "ang#age! b#t chose not to nag hi% right now. A1t6s fro% Co"in!A she sai$ >#iet"y as she rea$ on. AThe photographs are $one8A ABri""iant!A .on crowe$. A3e6s a fast "itt"e?A AB#t there6s an iss#e with so%e of the%!A 3er%oine contin#e$ o+er the top of her h#sban$. A&hat is it(A .on as'e$. 3e %#st ha+e seen her conf#se$ face beca#se he "ai$ $own his for' an$ reache$ for the "etter. A16% not s#re. 3e says it6s on so%e of the can$i$ shots he too' "ater in the e+ening. 3e was trying to get 3arry an$ Binny on the $ance f"oor b#t there6s an iss#e with the print.A A/#re"y he got the%!A .on sai$ with a wry s%i"e. AThey were o#t there eno#gh. 1 tho#ght =ichae" was going to $o his n#t. 3e an$ )ean were scow"ing "i'e so%eone ha$ he:e$ the%.A 3er%ione g"ance$ #p to see hi% grinning with g"ee. .on ha$ ne+er 'ept it a secret that he $i$n6t appro+e of Binny6s choice in boyfrien$s in the past. *n$ a"tho#gh he6$ re%aine$ cas#a" frien$s with both %en! there was sti"" an #n$er"ying c#rrent of ani%osity. A&e""! it was rather p#b"ic!A 3er%ione sai$. A5ot that 1 ha$! or ha+e! a prob"e% with 3arry an$ Binny being together.A

A*re they together(A .on as'e$ with a raise$ eyebrow. A1 %ean! 1 'now what it "oo'e$ "i'e! b#t8A 3er%ione no$$e$ her hea$. AThey6re together. 1 $i$n6t get a "ot of $etai"s?A AThan' =er"in for that!A .on groane$ an$ starte$ eating again. AB#t she $i$ say that he to"$ her he "o+e$ her.A .on tho#ght abo#t that for a %in#te whi"e 3er%ione watche$ in a%#se%ent. 1t was a"ways rather f#nny to her to see how the &eas"ey boys treate$ their sister. /o%e! Bi"" an$ the twins! were >#ic' to gi+e her free$o% an$ accept her as an a$#"t. &hi"e 4ercy sti"" treate$ her a bit "i'e she was sti"" a yo#ng gir". Both .on an$ Char"ie see%e$ to +ary. /ti""! 3er%ione was c#rio#s to see what .on6s opinion on Binny an$ 3arry as a co#p"e was. /he 'new he was +ery ta'en with 3arry as a frien$ an$ there was so%ething there between the two %en that 3er%ione tho#ght %ight t#rn into a $eep frien$ship if they a""owe$ it. A*n$ what $i$ she te"" hi% bac'(A .on fina""y as'e$! an$ 3er%ione ha$ to thin' bac' to re%e%ber what they6$ been ta"'ing abo#t. A&e""! she6s ha$ fee"ings for hi% starting when they first %o+e$ in together.A .on gr#nte$ nonco%%itta""y an$ 3er%ione contin#e$. A1 as'e$ her the night of %y hen party an$ she a$%itte$ that she fancie$ hi%. B#t 1 thin' it goes e+en $eeper than that.A .on "oo'e$ #p an$ st#$ie$ her for a %in#te before no$$ing once. A=aybe we can stop by Co"in6s on the way to the B#rrow. 3a+e a "oo' at his photo an$ see if yo# can $o so%ething to he"p hi%.A 3er%ione 'new that this s#$$en change of s#b<ect was a ro#n$9abo#t way for .on to say he was satisfie$ with the sit#ation. 1f he6$ ha$ anything %ore to say! he wo#"$ ha+e sai$ it. The co#p"e e:ite$ the f"oo into Cree+ey 4hotography an$ .on ca""e$ o#t! as there was no one in the front office. A&otcher! .on. 3er%ione!A )ennis Cree+ey entere$ fro% the bac' roo%! co+ere$ in a fine b"ac' pow$er that on"y a""owe$ white rings aro#n$ his eyes. .on "a#ghe$ an$ 3er%ione e"bowe$ hi%. A)ennisEA she crie$. A*re yo# a"right(A )ennis stoppe$ $ea$ for a %in#te! see%ing"y ta'ing stoc' of a"" his bo$y parts before grinning to re+ea" bright white teeth. A5e+er better. 16"" bet yo#6re here to pic' #p yo#r photographs.A

3er%ione raise$ an eyebrow at hi% b#t then shr#gge$ an$ no$$e$. *pparent"y! they weren6t going to get any 'in$ of e:p"anation. /he s#ppose$ it rea""y sho#"$n6t s#rprise the% %#ch! ha+ing been aro#n$ Fre$ an$ Beorge as %#ch as they ha$. *n$! the Cree+ey brothers ha$ ta'en a partic#"ar "i'ing to the &eas"ey Twins e+en so far as to fo""ow a bit in their footsteps at 3ogwarts. A&e are!A 3er%ione a$$e$ he"pf#""y. A*"tho#gh Co"in sai$ there %ight be a prob"e% with one of the prints.A )ennis no$$e$ 'nowing"y7 $istrib#ting a fine "ayer of b"ac' partic"es aro#n$ hi% that ca#se$ hi% to "oo' a bit "i'e a rain c"o#$ was fo""owing hi% where+er he %o+e$. A;eah! it6s the strangest thing. 1t6s on se+era" act#a""y. The %a<ority of the photograph is fine! in foc#s an$ a"". B#t then there6s so%e sort of ha2iness aro#n$ one partic#"ar person! or gro#p of peop"e. Co"in6s been rac'ing his brain trying to fig#re o#t what he $i$ wrong. &e e+en too' the ca%era apart to see if there was a prob"e%.A A1nteresting!A 3er%ione co%%ente$ an$ g"ance$ to where .on was e:a%ining the +ario#s photographs on the wa"". 3e see%e$ $eter%ine$ to stay as far away fro% )ennis as possib"e. For a %o%ent she won$ere$ why! an$ then saw his sho#"$ers sha'ing a bit in "a#ghter. =aybe it was a better i$ea for hi% to stay o+er there. A3e %a$e %e go to the "ibrary an$ chec' o#t e+ery boo' on %agica" photography that 1 co#"$ fin$. &e e+en f"ooe$ a few of the a#thors to see if they co#"$ he"p #s. Co%e on bac' an$ 16"" show yo# what 1 %ean.A 3er%ione no$$e$ pri%"y an$ g"are$ at .on as he fo""owe$. .on on"y shr#gge$ his sho#"$ers in innocence an$ %o+e$ to enter the bac' roo%. A*h! there are the new"ywe$s!A Co"in crowe$ fro% the $es' where he sat g"ancing thro#gh a stac' of photographs. A&e""! te"" %e what yo# thin'.A 3e >#ic'"y bo#nce$ to the "ong co#nter an$ wa+e$ his han$ o+er the +ario#s prints that "ay on it. 3er%ione gaspe$ when she saw herse"f "oo'ing bac'. The photographs were bea#tif#"7 %ore than she6$ e+er i%agine$. E+erything fro% their we$$ing was capt#re$ there perfect"y. AThese are8<#st8A .on see%e$ as speech"ess as 3er%ione fe"t. They spent a few "ong %in#tes staring at the%se"+es in +ario#s poses. A3ere6s what 1 was ta"'ing abo#t with the "etter!A Co"in sai$ as he "ifte$ a print an$ han$e$ it o+er to 3er%ione. A;o# see here how e+erything is in foc#s e:cept the two peop"e in the %i$$"e!A she no$$e$ an$ he contin#e$! A16+e trie$ e+erything 1 can thin' of to get this %ess o#t of the way. ;o# can6t e+en see who these peop"e are7 e+en tho#gh 1 'now its Binny an$ that b"o'e83arry so%ething! right(A

A1 see!A 3er%ione agree$ as she br#she$ her fingers o+er the co#p"e. /#re eno#gh! it was the "a+en$er $ress that Binny wore. *n$ the co#p"e contin#e$ to $ance an$ ho"$ each other c"ose. A1s this when they 'isse$(A she as'e$. A,#st before!A Co"in sai$. A1 t#rne$ aro#n$ an$ saw the% an$ tho#ght it wo#"$ %a'e a great pict#re. 1 $i$n6t e+en 'now Binny was seeing anyone again.A 3er%ione no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y. AThis "oo's "i'e so%e 'in$ of obstr#ction char%!A she %#se$. A)o yo# ha+e any others "i'e this one(A A;eah!A he sai$ an$ s"i$ another few towar$ her. ne ha$ a "arge gro#p of peop"e an$ the b"#r was on one si$e. The sa%e "a+en$er $ress was at the botto% of it. A16% seeing a pattern!A she sai$ as she contin#e$ to f"ip thro#gh. 3owe+er! there were se+era" photographs of Binny that were fine. 3er%ione f"ippe$ thro#gh #nti" she fo#n$ a gro#p shot of a"" the yo#ng %en aro#n$ the tab"e where they6$ been $rin'ing. /#re eno#gh! a ha2y b"#r co+ere$ the spot where 3arry sho#"$ ha+e been sitting. /he raise$ her eyes s"ight"y an$ fo#n$ Co"in staring at her. .on an$ )ennis ha$ %o+e$ off to the si$e an$ were a$%iring so%e of the other shots. A1 spo'e to another frien$ of %ine!A Co"in sai$ soft"y. A3e ta'es photos for the )ai"y 4rophet. 1 $i$n6t na%e na%es or anything! b#t he sai$ that he6s on"y hear$ of that char% being #se$ on one person7 an$ that person p"aces it on hi%se"f.A 3e raise$ his eyebrow at her an$ 3er%ione tho#ght he 'new e:act"y who he was ta"'ing abo#t. 3er%ione6s eyes wi$ene$ as rea"i2ation sett"e$ on her. AThat "itt"e8A she gr#%b"e$! g#essing at what Binny ha$ $one to her. /he %#st ha+e! 3er%ione $eci$e$. * %e%ory char%. =ore than a bit annoye$! 3er%ione sighe$. ACo"in! 1 nee$ yo# to pro%ise yo# won6t say anything to anyone. 1 nee$ to spea' to Binny an$ see what she wants to $o.A A1 #n$erstan$! 3er%ione. ;o# can co#nt on %e.A 3e g"ance$ o+er to an ob"i+io#s .on an$ )ennis who were "a#ghing abo#t so%ething in one of the photos. A/ti""! it6s a bit e:citing! isn6t it( 1 %ean! who wo#"$ ha+e e+er tho#ght Binny wo#"$ en$ #p with 3arry 4otter.A 3er%ione s%i"e$ s"ight"y an$ g"ance$ o+er to her h#sban$ as we"". &hi"e she was angry that Binny ha$ $ecei+e$ her an$ ta'en that %e%ory fro% her! if on"y for a bit of ti%e! in a way! she #n$erstoo$ what ha$ pro%pte$ Binny to $o so. 3er%ione wo#"$ ne+er ha+e to"$ anyone 3arry6s secrets! she 'new! b#t that $i$n6t %ean she wo#"$ ha+e been ab"e to act the sa%e aro#n$ hi%! 'nowing what she 'new. b+io#s"y! Binny6s intent ha$ on"y been to $e"ay 3er%ione6s nat#ra" c#riosity. The %e%ory char% wasn6t near"y strong eno#gh if 3er%ione ha$ bro'en thro#gh it on her own. A.e%e%ber! not a wor$! Co"in!A she ca#tione$. A1t %ight possib"y be a coinci$ence. 3arry 4ar'er wor's for the go+ern%ent an$ %aybe it6s so%e sort of char% they #se to

'eep their photos o#t of the press.A /he6$ trie$ her best! b#t the s'eptica" "oo' that Co"in wore %a$e her sigh. A,#st pro%ise %e yo# won6t print any %ore of these an$ yo#6"" forget abo#t it for a bit.A Co"in no$$e$ an$ g"ance$ at )ennis. A&hat $o 1 te"" hi%(A A3e $oesn6t 'now(A Co"in s%ir'e$. A1 "o+e hi% an$ a""! b#t )ennis isn6t the %ost $iscreet person in the wor"$. 1 to"$ hi% 1 tho#ght %aybe so%ething was wrong with the ca%era.A A&e""! as "ong as yo# $on6t thin' it wi"" ca#se a prob"e%! 16$ say stic' to that story. /ay it was so%ething 1 was ab"e to fi: fro% so%ething 16$ rea$ one ti%e. r yo# co#"$ te"" hi% it6s beca#se 3arry wor's for the go+ern%ent.A A3e6"" b#y that!A Co"in sai$ tho#ghtf#""y. A*"right. 1 wo#"$ "i'e to 'now what Binny says8if yo# $on6t %in$.A 3er%ione s%i"e$ tight"y an$ began gathering the prints. A&e6"" see. Than' yo# so %#ch for a"" yo#r har$ wor' on these Co"in. 1 pro%ise to get the% fra%e$ an$ on %y wa"" right away.A 3er +oice raise$ a bit in +o"#%e as she trie$ to get .on6s attention. .on too' the hint an$ he"pe$ her to organi2e the photos! bi$ the brothers goo$bye! an$ fo""owe$ his wife o#t the $oor. A&e""(A he as'e$ as they %a$e it to the street. 3er%ione g"ance$ aro#n$ an$ wrappe$ her ar% tighter aro#n$ the boo' of photographs. A&e nee$ to ta"' to Binny. .ight nowEA Binny co#"$n6t be"ie+e the a"%ost8s%itten fee"ings she was ha+ing for 3arry. /he ha$n6t fe"t this way e+er. E+en when =ichae" ha$ first as'e$ her o#t! her heart ha$n6t race$ "i'e this an$ she $i$n6t brea' o#t in face9shattering grins an$ gigg"es Ggigg"esEH e+ery ti%e she6$ tho#ght of hi%. 3owe+er! one f#"" $ay together! the %a<ority of it spent in be$! an$ she was re$#ce$ to a si""y9"itt"e schoo" gir". 3arry $i$n6t see% to %in$! or %aybe e+en notice! as he too wore a wi$e grin an$ was %ore p"ayf#" than she6$ e+er seen hi%. *fter the things they ha$ share$ on their first f#"" $ay together! Binny fe"t "i'e they6$ both p#she$ e+erything?a"" the $ar'ness in their "i+es?to the bac' of their %in$s. 1t wasn6t that they were ignoring it! rea""y. B#t %ore that they6$ gotten it into the open an$ they wo#"$ $ea" with it as the iss#es arose! rather than rehashing it constant"y.

They "ai$ in be$ together! in between +ario#s acti+ities of co#rse! an$ ta"'e$ abo#t e+erything #n$er the s#n. They6$ e+en eaten there in the war%th of the b"an'ets as 3arry ha$ bro#ght trays of toast an$ tea in to the%. Both of the% $eci$e$ that the threat of cr#%bs on the sheets wasn6t that %#ch of a $eterrent to spen$ing %ore ti%e together. *n$ it ha$ been won$erf#" for their re"ationship. Binny s#ppose$ she sho#"$ be a bit wary of how fast they were %o+ing. B#t as 3arry pointe$ o#t on"y yester$ay afternoon! they6$ essentia""y been $ating for the past fo#r %onths! on a rather intense! a"beit strange! sche$#"e. Binny swore when he %entione$ it! re%e%bering Fre$ an$ Beorge6s insisting that she an$ 3arry were $ating. &hen she to"$ 3arry abo#t it! he on"y ch#c'"e$ an$ sai$ that /iri#s ha$ pointe$ o#t the sa%e thing to hi%. 0i+ing with another person %a$e yo# +ery aware of their tastes! habits an$ >#ir's. 4"#s! they6$ spent e+ery chance they co#"$ together as best frien$s. /o it rea""y $i$n6t fee" as if they were r#shing at a"". 1n fact! there see%e$ to be a $ri+ing force in both of the% to be as c"ose as possib"e at a"" ti%es. That was a %a<or factor in why they were so "ate in getting to the B#rrow to$ay. They6$ %eant to pic' #p 3arry6s car yester$ay! b#t they6$ starte$ their 6ta"'6 an$ after that! one thing ha$ "e$ to another! an$ it 'ept happening! an$ it was so won$erf#"! an$8 =aybe a s%a"" part insi$e of her was a "itt"e re"#ctant to share what ha$ $e+e"ope$ between the% with anyone e"se. 1t wasn6t that she was afrai$ of 3arry p#""ing away7 he6$ $isso"+e$ that notion rather >#ic'"y an$ see%e$ to be rather attache$ to her. 1t was %ore that now she 'new 3arry6s secrets! an$ she fe"t an a"%ost obsessi+e co%p#"sion to protect hi%. /he 'new it was si""y! a %an "i'e 3arry 4otter $i$n6t nee$ protection7 at "east not the physica" 'in$ anyway. AThey6re not going to be #pset! are they(A 3arry as'e$ as he p#""e$ a fresh t9shirt o+er his hea$. Binny s%ir'e$ at hi%. A5o!A she sai$. A1n fact! if the car6s sti"" in one piece! an$ free fro% char%s! 16"" be s#rprise$. &e once owne$ this r#sty o"$ For$ *ng"ia8A Binny trai"e$ off into fon$ %e%ories of the car. A)a$ %esse$ aro#n$ with it a bit! an$ it co#"$ fit #s a"" an$ e+en f"y.A A&hat happene$ to it(A 3arry as'e$ as he sat on the e$ge of the be$ to p#"" his soc's on. /he co#"$ fee" his eyes on her as she $resse$ an$ too' <#st a bit "onger to p#"" her <eans on. A=#% ca#ght Fre$ an$ Beorge co%ing bac' fro% so%e wi"$ a$+ent#re with it! an$ force$ )a$ to get ri$ of it. 0ast 1 hear$ tho#gh!A she grinne$ o+er her sho#"$er! Ait was r#nning "oose in the Forbi$$en Forest on the o#ts'irts of 3ogwarts.A 3arry sti"" ha$n6t p#""e$ his soc's on! so Binny sighe$ an$ $eci$e$ to "et hi% concentrate. 3e sti"" $i$n6t

%o+e an$ she sat ne:t to hi%! br#shing the hair off of his forehea$ an$ g"ancing at the scar sti"" +isib"e there. A&hat6s wrong! "o+e(A 3arry s%i"e$ sheepish"y an$ p#""e$ on a soc'. A16% <#st being st#pi$.A A;o#6re ner+o#s(A 3e no$$e$. A1 fee" a bit "i'e 16% %eeting the% a"" o+er for the first ti%e again.A AThat6s #n$erstan$ab"e!A Binny sai$. AB#t we $eci$e$ that yo# $i$n6t ha+e to te"" anyone that yo# $i$n6t want to! right(A 3e no$$e$ an$ finishe$ p#tting his soc's an$ shoes on. A1 g#ess so. 1 sti"" thin' it wo#"$ be best to te"" the% a""! b#t 16% not s#re if 1 can. b+io#s"y! we can6t te"" the% e+erything8A Binny no$$e$ her #n$erstan$ing an$ agree%ent. A&e6"" $o it together then. *n$ it $oesn6t ha+e to be to$ay. &e can wait #nti" yo# fee" %ore co%fortab"e or8whene+er.A /he s%i"e$ an$ "eane$ o+er to gi+e hi% a >#ic' 'iss. ACo%e on! no p#tting this off any "onger. *re yo# going to wear yo#r g"a%o#r char%s(A A16$ better!A he sai$ with a wry s%i"e. A)on6t want anyone fainting.A Binny shoo' her hea$ with a sa$ s%i"e. 3arry ha$ agree$ with her r#"e. B#t she hate$ to see hi% change how he rea""y was. /he #n$erstoo$ it! yes7 b#t accepting that it was the on"y way was har$er. That was one thing she6$ ha+e to wor' har$ on7 she "o+e$ 3arry no %atter what he "oo'e$ "i'e an$ seeing his scars wo#"$n6t change that. /he s#ppose$ years of g#ar$ing hi%se"f against others ha$ b#i"t that nee$ to hi$e into hi%. Together! they *pparate$ to the c"earing at the B#rrow. They he"$ han$s the who"e way to the ho#se an$ once they reache$ the porch! 3arry p#""e$ her c"ose to hi%! as if #nab"e to han$"e being separate$ for any "onger. They 'isse$ a few ti%es before Binny p#""e$ bac' an$ "e$ hi% in the bac' $oor. A3e""o! a""!A she sai$ p"easant"y. The B#rrow was sti"" crow$e$ when .on an$ 3er%ione arri+e$. Bi"" an$ Char"ie ha$n6t $isappeare$! s#rprising"y. The twins were +isiting! or 6nic'ing "#nch6 as they ca""e$ it. *rth#r ha$ ta'en the rest of the wee' off fro% wor'. E+en 4ercy showe$ #p <#st after .on an$ 3er%ione.

A&here are 3arry an$ Binny(A .on as'e$ the roo% abroa$. A&e ha+en6t seen the% since the we$$ing!A Fre$ offere$ with a wagg"e of his eyebrows. AB#t! 3arry6s car?A AThey "eft it here!A Beorge a$$e$. A;o#6$ thin' they ha$ %ore i%portant things on their %in$s that night.A A1n$ee$! %y han$so%e brother!A Fre$ grinne$. 3er%ione ro""e$ her eyes at the twins an$ t#rne$ to see +ario#s peop"e6s reactions to the concept of 3arry an$ Binny together. /eeing the% 'iss at the we$$ing was one thing! b#t 3er%ione won$ere$ what the reaction wo#"$ be when rea" "ife sett"e$ in an$ the two were sti"" together. Char"ie wore a rather "arge s%i"e. *rth#r an$ =o""y both see%e$ p"ease$! yet wore that parenta" %as' of s"ight concern. Bi""6s face was rather #nrea$ab"e! "ea$ing 3er%ione to thin' there %ight be %ore worry than acceptance. A16% s#re they6"" be a"ong soon!A =o""y insiste$. A1 sent an ow" ear"ier this %orning in+iting the% to "#nch.A A3e""o! a"".A 3er%ione t#rne$ as Binny an$ 3arry ca%e in thro#gh the bac' $oor of the 'itchen. They see%e$ e:tre%e"y happy! she tho#ght! <#$ging by the s%i"es an$ the re"a:e$ a#ra that see%e$ to s#rro#n$ the%! a"tho#gh 3arry6s eyes $arte$ abo#t! possib"y cata"og#ing the e:its. 5ow that 3er%ione ha$ so%e perspecti+e on who the %an was! so%e of his habits an$ >#ir's %a$e so %#ch %ore sense. The fact that he ne+er sat with his bac' to a $oor! win$ow! or firep"ace! or that he see%e$ hyper9aware of where peop"e were in the roo%. Crow$s %a$e hi% ner+o#s. E+erything a$$e$ #p to 3er%ione7 "i'e pieces of a p#22"e fa""ing into p"ace. A*bo#t ti%e!A Fre$ grow"e$ with a s%i"e. A&e were won$ering if yo# two ha$ e"ope$ on #s.A A/ho+e off! Forge!A Binny >#ippe$ bac'. 3arry b"#she$ spectac#"ar"y! b#t Binny p#""e$ hi% c"oser to her si$e. A/orry we6re "ate. *"tho#gh it "oo's as if the new"ywe$s <#st arri+e$ anyway.A /he raise$ an eyebrow at 3er%ione who <#st s%i"e$ bac'. )espite the fact that she was "i+i$ that Binny ha$n6t tr#ste$ her! an$ ha$ act#a""y perfor%e$ a %e%ory char% on her! 3er%ione coul" act#a""y #n$erstan$ it. They6$ ha+e to ha+e a ta"' "ater. A&e $roppe$ by Co"in6s to pic' #p the photographs!A 3er%ione e:p"aine$. =o""y b#rst into rapt#res! an$ se+era" of the %en groane$ as she p#she$ their p"ates away to c"ear a

space. /he patte$ the tab"e enth#siastica""y an$ 3er%ione %o+e$ to "ay o#t the photos with a s%a"" s%i"e. f co#rse! she ha$ re%o+e$ the ones with the b"#rre$ i%ages. /he6$ >#estion Binny a bit "ater when they co#"$ be a"one. AThat6s o#r c#e! b"o'es!A Char"ie sai$ as he stoo$. ACo%e on 3arry! we6+e a"" s#r+i+e$ eno#gh of this we$$ing b#siness.A 3e gest#re$ for the others to fo""ow! which they $i$ >#ic'"y! "est they be p#""e$ in to the gir"ish fren2y they %ost "i'e"y associate$ with we$$ings. ACowar$s!A Binny grow"e$. /he win'e$ at 3arry! who ga+e her a >#ic' 'iss on the chee' an$ p#""e$ o#t a chair at the tab"e for her to sit. /e+era" of her brothers co#ghe$ so%ething that so#n$e$ si%i"ar to 6whippe$6! b#t 3arry <#st grinne$ an$ began to fo""ow the% o#t. 3er%ione watche$ the e:change with no "itt"e a%#se%ent. 1t see%e$ that Binny6s assess%ent that 3arry was 6arse9o+er9e"bow6 in "o+e with her was spot on. /he6$ ne+er seen the %an act this way in the few %onths that they6$ 'nown hi%. *n$! if he tr#"y was who she s#specte$ hi% to be! it was nothing short of a %irac"e. 3arry 4otter was r#%ore$ to be a +ery pri+ate an$ c"ose$ in$i+i$#a" who ha$ "i+e$ a +ery so"itary! str#ct#re$ e:istence. A*"right! spi""!A *nge"ina sai$ as soon as the $oor $i+i$ing the 'itchen an$ "i+ing areas ha$ stoppe$ swinging. E+eryone sp#n to face Binny an$ she re$$ene$ a bit. 3er%ione ha$ to ho"$ in a "a#gh as Binny s#r+eye$ each face a"%ost frantica""y! see%ing"y "oo'ing for an escape. AThere6s not %#ch to te""!A she trie$ an$ the wo%en proteste$. E+en =o""y see%e$ to be intereste$ in the $etai"s. /he6$ con<#re$ a tea tray an$ ha$ beg#n ser+ing the others. ABo""oc's!A *nge"ina contin#e$. /he wince$ a bit as she "oo'e$ at =o""y who on"y s%i"e$ in$#"gent"y. 5o $o#bt the wo%an was e:c#se$ beca#se she spent so %#ch ti%e aro#n$ Fre$. AFor %onths the both of yo# ha+e been saying there6s nothing to te"" an$ then yo# two snog for a"" the wor"$ to see! $isappear for $ays! an$ there6s sti"" nothing to te""(A A;eah!A *"icia p#t in with a s"y s%i"e! Awe a"" 'now better than that! Binny.A A1t wo#"$ be "o+e"y to hear how yo# an$ 3arry got together! $ear.A A&e""!A Binny began as she sippe$ her tea! A1 thin' yo# a"" saw how we got together.A A;es!A 3er%ione sai$! fee"ing co%p"ete"y <#stifie$ in tort#ring her frien$ after what Binny ha$ $one to her. AB#t it6s the $etai"s we want. There ha$ to be so%ething before the we$$ing.A

Binny g"are$ at her best frien$! b#t a rather bright s%i"e pee'e$ o#t e+ent#a""y. A*s 1 to"$ 3er%ione a few $ays ago! 16+e ha$ fee"ings for 3arry for a few %onths. 1 thin' they act#a""y starte$ when we %o+e$ in together! a"tho#gh 3arry is +ery har$ to rea$! an$ 1 was ne+er rea""y s#re where he stoo$.A ABefore he "eft this "ast ti%e! we8we""! 1 g#ess yo# co#"$ say we share$ a bit of a %o%ent. B#t then he ha$ to "ea+e an$ 1 wasn6t s#re where we "eft off.A A*n$ then he ca%e to the we$$ing!A =o""y a$$e$ $rea%i"y. Binny no$$e$! wearing her own e:pression of satisfaction. A16$ as'e$ hi% to! b#t he sai$ he wasn6t s#re if he co#"$ %a'e it bac' in ti%e. 1 rea""y $i$n6t 'now what to e:pect.A *"" the wo%en no$$e$ an$ Binny contin#e$. A*n$ then he was there! "oo'ing so8a%a2ing in that s#it.A A3e $i$ "oo' +ery nice!A 3er%ione agree$. AThat s#it %#st ha+e been +ery e:pensi+e. 1t "oo'e$ to be tai"or %a$e.A A1t was!A Binny a$$e$ absent"y. A*n$ then when we were $ancing he to"$ %e that he6$ %isse$ %e! an$ it was too har$ to be away any%ore. *t first 1 was conf#se$. 1 wasn6t s#re what he was trying to te"" %e. B#t then he sai$ that he6$ been conf#se$ by the fee"ings that he6$ been ha+ing towar$ %e an$ he went ho%e! to his Bo$father! an$ they ta"'e$ an$ then he8we""! he <#st 'new.A A-new(A *nge"ina as'e$. AThat he was in "o+e with %e!A Binny sai$ si%p"y as she "oo'e$ $own into her teac#p. *"" the wo%en sighe$! an$ then b#rst into gigg"es at the c"ichF. A1t so#n$s won$erf#"!A =o""y sighe$. AB#t 1 $o hope yo#6re being8caref#"! $ear.A A.e"a:! =#%!A Binny sai$. A16% not abo#t to go getting %yse"f pregnant. 3arry an$ 1 agree on that %#ch.A A;o#6+e ta"'e$ abo#t it then(A 3er%ione as'e$! gen#ine"y c#rio#s. /he was s#rprise$ when Binny b"#she$ re$$er. A&e6+e ta"'e$ abo#t a "ot.A /he shr#gge$ an$ t#rne$ bac' to her tea! ob+io#s"y finishe$ ta"'ing abo#t the new re"ationship. 3er%ione sat bac' to thin' abo#t it! watching as Binny ta"'e$ an$ "a#ghe$ with her fa%i"y. For the past few years! Binny ha$ a"ways been there when her fa%i"y was aro#n$! b#t 3er%ione 'new she hate$ to be the center of attention. 1n fact! she a+oi$e$ it by te""ing the% har$"y anything abo#t her "ife! an$ $#c'ing o#t of roo%s if necessary.

B#t this Binny see%e$8%ore confi$ent! if nothing e"se. )efinite"y she was %ore re"a:e$ than 3er%ione re%e%bere$ e+er seeing her. The "ast years at schoo"! Binny ha$ carrie$ the weight of being to#che$ by $ar'ness. /he trie$ har$ to hi$e it #n$er a %as' of foo"ing aro#n$ with boys! an$ pro+ing she was re"ate$ to Fre$ an$ Beorge. B#t 3er%ione ha$ seen it! on occasion! brea'ing thro#gh! "ea+ing Binny "oo'ing s%a"" an$ +#"nerab"e before she was ab"e to %a'e another <o'e an$ reco+er her faNa$e. This was the o"$ Binny bac'?the pre9$iary Binny?that sho#"$ ha+e a"ways been here. *n$ to 3er%ione! it $i$n6t %atter any%ore that it %ight be 3arry 4otter in the ne:t roo%! she fe"t an o+erwhe"%ing gratit#$e to hi%! whoe+er he was! beca#se he6$ ease$ Binny6s b#r$en an$ a""owe$ her to shine. A&hat6s the best thing abo#t 3arry(A she b"#rte$ o#t! interr#pting the con+ersation that she ha$n6t been paying attention to. Binny "oo'e$ st#nne$ for a %in#te before beco%ing tho#ghtf#". A3e %a'es it easier to be %e!A she answere$ si%p"y. AThat6s goo$!A 3er%ione sai$. The two frien$s "oo'e$ at each other an$ %ore was passe$ than wor$s co#"$ say. 3er%ione no$$e$ once %ore! satisfie$ f#""y with that answer. AThat6s a"" 1 nee$ to 'now.A /trange"y! she %eant it. 3arry <oine$ the &eas"ey %en a bit re"#ctant"y. 3e6$ a"ways fe"t >#ite we"co%e in their ho%e an$ aro#n$ the brothers! b#t his sit#ation was entire"y $ifferent now. ACo%e on in! 3arry. 5o nee$ to be afrai$! we pro%ise not to bite!A *rth#r tease$ an$ he fe"t hi%se"f re"a:. 1gnorance see%e$ to be the attit#$e that pre+ai"e$ for the ne:t few %in#tes as the %en %ing"e$ an$ ta"'e$ abo#t anything b#t wo%en an$ re"ationships. 3arry was in the %i$$"e of a con+ersation with .on an$ Beorge abo#t the "atest C#i$$itch stan$ings when Char"ie approache$ an$ he"$ o#t his han$. A1 $on6t thin' we6+e been intro$#ce$!A he sai$ an$ 3arry t#rne$ to face the %an. AChar"ie &eas"ey.A A3arry 4ar'er!A 3arry sai$! a"tho#gh it was with trepi$ation. 3e rea""y hate$ "ying to peop"e. Char"ie "oc'e$ eyes with hi% for a %in#te an$ 3arry wince$ interna""y. 3e co#"$ ha+e sworn the %an co#"$ see thro#gh his char%s! an$ it %a$e a shi+er r#n $own his spine. 3arry shoo' it off an$ trie$ his best to s%i"e. A5ice to %eet yo#.A A*n$ yo#6+e not %et the o"$est either. Bi"" &eas"ey!A Char"ie sai$ with an easy s%i"e. 3e pointe$ o+er his sho#"$er to where Bi"" sat near the chess boar$. The %an t#rne$ an$ 3arry fro2e.

F"ashbac's of 3arry6s ti%e as a so"$ier! an$ the +ario#s batt"es he6$ been thro#gh! were not #nco%%on. 3e6$ ha$ night%ares for years an$ e+en consente$ to .e%#s6 s#ggestion of therapy <#st after the Fina" Batt"e! not that it ha$ he"pe$. 3owe+er! there were so%e scenes that spr#ng #p #n$a#nte$ an$ #nwe"co%e at the worst ti%es. 5ow was one of the%. 3is heart rate s'yroc'ete$ an$ his breathing got sha""ow. 3e co#"$ fee" sweat bea$s brea' o#t on his nec' an$ $own his bac'. The %an before hi% was ha"f in sha$ows cast by the %i$9$ay s#n strea%ing thro#gh the win$ows. 3is face showe$ echoes of a +icio#s attac'7 pa"e pin' scars ran across his face at ang"es. )ar'ness swir"e$ in 3arry6s +ision! an$ f"ashes of a b"oo$ soa'e$ %an "ying on the gro#n$ swa% in front of hi%. 3e $esperate"y g"ance$ at Char"ie to c"ear his +ision an$ was %et with a "oo' that he6$ seen once before! on"y #nti" this e:act %o%ent he6$ not re%e%bere$ %ore than the barest $etai"s. The tr#th ca%e crashing $own hea+i"y #pon hi% now as his past presse$ in on hi%. 3e6$ seen these two %en on"y once before. Bi""6s ga2e ne+er +eere$ an$ the se+ere "oo' he wore $i$n6t fa"ter. 3arry 'new that he 'new e:act"y who he was "oo'ing at. /o%ehow his g"a%o#rs ha$ fai"e$. The two %en stare$ at each other for what fe"t "i'e ho#rs before Bi"" no$$e$ once an$ then "oo'e$ away. 3arry was start"e$ when a han$ c"aspe$ on his sho#"$er an$ he sp#n i%%e$iate"y into a $efensi+e position! a habit "earne$ "ong ago. A/tea$y there! 3arry!A *rth#r sai$ with a hesitant s%i"e. A1 was won$ering if yo#6$ gi+e %e a %in#te of yo#r ti%e.A B#t *rth#r wasn6t staring at hi% the sa%e way Bi"" ha$. 3e wasn6t wearing a concerne$! angry face beca#se 3arry ha$ $ecei+e$ the%. 4erhaps 3arry6s g"a%o#rs ha$n6t fai"e$ after a""! an$ Bi"" an$ Char"ie?they %#st be ab"e to see thro#gh the% so%ehow. .e%#s ha$ an #ncanny abi"ity to $o the sa%e thing. Ta'ing a $eep breath to c"ear away +isions of carnage! 3arry no$$e$. A/#re! =r. &eas"ey.A 3e g"ance$ once %ore at Bi"" an$ fo#n$ hi%se"f being st#$ie$ again. *rth#r %otione$ towar$ the front $oorway an$ 3arry fo""owe$! ignoring the wagg"ing eyebrows of the twins. A5othing to be worrie$ abo#t! 3arry!A *rth#r ass#re$ hi% as he steppe$ o#tsi$e an$ they began wa"'ing. A1 "i'e yo#! 3arry.A 3arry re"a:e$ a bit an$ st#ffe$ his han$s in his <eans poc'ets with a force$ ch#c'"e. A1 "i'e yo# too! =r. &eas"ey.A *rth#r no$$e$. A1 "i'e the way yo# treat %y $a#ghter. ;o# respect her7 at "east 1 hope yo# $o.A

3arry no$$e$ fir%"y! an$ *rth#r s%i"e$. A&o%en are g"orio#s things! 3arry. *n$ &eas"ey wo%en are so%ething e"se. There6s a fire there that 16% s#re yo#6+e seen.A A1t6s one of the first things that attracte$ %e to Binny! sir!A 3arry sai$ tr#thf#""y. A16+e ne+er %et anyone "i'e her before.A They contin#e$ on for a few steps whi"e 3arry gathere$ his co#rage. A16% in "o+e with her! sir.A *rth#r see%e$ to pon$er this for a %o%ent before no$$ing. A1 thin' 1 'new that! 3arry. 1 thin' 1 co#"$ see a bit of that the first ti%e 1 %et yo#.A 3arry ch#c'"e$ a bit. A&ish so%eone wo#"$ ha+e c"#e$ %e in to it!A he sai$ $ry"y. A&e %en are a"ways a bit thic' when it co%es to the witches we "o+e! aren6t we(A 3arry on"y no$$e$ as they contin#e$ to wa"'. They6$ reache$ the bac' c"earing where Binny ha$ to"$ hi% the fa%i"y C#i$$itch %atches a"ways too' p"ace. *rth#r gest#re$ to a bench near the trees. A1 want yo# to 'now that =o""y an$ 1 appro+e of this re"ationship between yo# an$ Binny! 3arry. &e both fee" that we can tr#st yo#.A 3arry fe"t a bit of a "#%p wor'ing in his throat an$ swa""owe$ it $own harsh"y. AThat %eans a "ot to %e! sir.A They6$ arri+e$ at the bench an$ sat $own facing the open space. A1 $o ha+e a few concerns! tho#gh. 5othing too big!A *rth#r proteste$ when 3arry6s face $roppe$. A1 g#ess they6re not co%p"ete"y concerns! %ore of <#st fa+o#rs! yo# co#"$ say.A 3arry no$$e$ an$ waite$ for the %an to contin#e. ABinny is a +ery i%pet#o#s yo#ng wo%an! 3arry. *n$ whi"e 1 $on6t $o#bt the sincerity or $epth of her fee"ings for yo#! 1 as' yo# to consi$er that she6s on"y <#st twenty years o"$. ;o# yo#rse"f are on"y twenty9one! correct(A A;es! sir.A *ct#a""y! his twenty9secon$ birth$ay was in co%ing #p! b#t 3arry fe"t that now wasn6t the ti%e to bring that #p. A1 g#ess what 16% trying to say! 3arry! is that 1 wo#"$ hope yo# an$ Binny wo#"$ ta'e the ti%e to b#i"$ a strong re"ationship. Fee"ings! especia""y right at first! can ten$ to be o+erwhe"%ing an$ the te%ptation to r#sh into things can be great.A 3arry fo#ght the strange #rge to "a#gh at this. This father/s#itor ta"' ha$ ne+er happene$ to hi% before! an$ he was entire"y gratef#". 3e str#gg"e$ to 'eep his feat#res serio#s as the %an contin#e$.

A5ow! 16% not co%p"ete"y thic'! 3arry. 1 'now %y $a#ghter! an$ %y sons for that %atter! are not co%p"ete"y innocent. 1 can on"y pray that the choices they6+e %a$e! in the peop"e they6+e chosen to share the%se"+es with! ha+e been %a$e with caref#" $e"iberation.A A/ir!A 3arry fe"t co%pe""e$ to interr#pt a bit here. A1 can pro%ise yo# that this is not a cas#a" re"ationship for either Binny or %e. 1 'now we6+e 'nown each other for "ess than si: %onths! b#t 1 be"ie+e that what we ha+e is base$ on so%ething e:tre%e"y $eep. 16+e ne+er fe"t anything "i'e what 1 fee" for yo#r $a#ghter with anyone e"se! sir. &e8we6re %ore a"i'e than not.A A1 appreciate that! 3arry.A *rth#r stare$ off into the $istance an$ then h#nche$ forwar$ a bit! his e"bows resting on his 'nees. A3as Binny to"$ yo# abo#t the $iary(A 3arry no$$e$ s"ow"y! fee"ing the shift in the con+ersation. A/he has.A A*fter that!A *rth#r sai$! his +oice brea'ing <#st a bit! Ashe wasn6t rea""y the sa%e Binny. /he was8a bit bro'en for a ti%e. 1t was a "ot to $ea" with. 3er re"ationships with her fa%i"y! an$ 4ercy in partic#"ar! ha+e s#ffere$. /he thin's we treat her "i'e a chi"$ at ti%es. *n$ %aybe we $o! b#t she a"so $oesn6t share %#ch with #s.A A1t6s har$!A 3arry sai$! "oo'ing o#t into the trees! Ato 'now what to share. Beca#se yo#6re scare$ that so%e$ay! so%eone is going to "oo' insi$e yo# an$ see that the $ar'ness is sti"" there! an$ that they can6t "o+e yo# any%ore.A *rth#r "oo'e$ at hi%! his brow f#rrowe$. A18A A16+e ha$ a bit of e:perience in this!A 3arry shr#gge$! trying to p"ay $own the %o%ent. A*n$ how $o they get past that(A *rth#r as'e$ soft"y. A3ow $o they %a'e yo# #n$erstan$ that they co#"$ ne+er stop "o+ing yo#(A 3arry "oo'e$ at the %an! seeing <#st how %#ch his $a#ghter6s tria"s ha$ affecte$ hi%. AThey ha+e to pro+e it!A he sai$ soft"y. AE+ery $ay they ha+e to te"" yo# that they $on6t <#$ge yo# beca#se of it. *n$ they ha+e to "ift yo# #p when yo# fa""! $#st yo# off! an$ set yo# bac' on the path yo#6+e chosen. Beca#se it can6t be what they choose for yo#! it has to be where yo#6+e chosen to go in "ife.A *rth#r no$$e$ s"ow"y. A&e can $o that for her.A ABoo$!A 3arry answere$ honest"y. A1s that what Binny $oes for yo#(A *rth#r as'e$! his b"#e eyes c"ear an$ shiny.

3arry tho#ght abo#t that for a %in#te. A&hat 1 was "i+ing before! it was 'in$ of a8pre9 "ife. &ho 1 was8it wasn6t rea""y %e. 181 $i$n6t ha+e anyone to p#t %e bac' on the path! an$ 1 'in$ of8ra%b"e$ fro% one crisis to the ne:t.A A*n$ now yo# $o.A ABinny $oes that for %e!A he no$$e$. A/he8she $oesn6t gi+e #p on %e! e+en when 16+e gi+en #p on %yse"f. 1 g#ess81 g#ess she <#st %a'es %e want to be a better person! to be the person that 16% s#ppose$ to be.A A1t so#n$s "i'e yo# $o that for each other.A 3arry too' a $eep breath! fee"ing the nee$ to be co%p"ete"y open an$ honest with this %an. A/ir! one $ay 1 will as' yo#r $a#ghter to %arry %e. *n$8to be honest! 1 $on6t thin' it6"" be too far in the f#t#re.A *rth#r see%e$ to search his face for a %o%ent before no$$ing. A1 thin' 16"" "oo' forwar$ to that $ay! 3arry.A The two %en sat! s"ight"y %ore sett"e$ in their #n$erstan$ing! an$ watche$ the bir$s soar aro#n$ the c"earing. A/ir! 1 ha+e a >#estion.A A;es! 3arry(A ACan 1 e:pect this "itt"e ta"' si: %ore ti%es(A 3arry as'e$! ha"f teasing an$ ha"f co%p"ete"y serio#s. *rth#r "a#ghe$ a bit an$ then face$ hi%. A16% s#re the twins wi"" co%bine theirs.A A h!A 3arry no$$e$ an$ ti"te$ his hea$ in resignation. A4erfect.A

*Chapter 1 *: Chapter 1 : Truth 3nd Conse6uences

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters!

sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter 1 : Truth 3nd Conse6uences Binny %o+e$ off f#rther into the 'itchen as the we$$ing photos were fina""y re+ea"e$ an$ the wo%en began to 6oooh6 an$ 6aaah6 o+er the%. A3ere6s one 1 wante$ to show yo#!A 3er%ione sai$ as she ca%e #p besi$e Binny at the co#nter. 3er +oice was "ow an$ Binny was instant"y c#rio#s as to what she $i$n6t want the others to see. The photograph she han$e$ Binny was b"#rre$ in the center b#t Binny gaspe$ as she rea"i2e$ it was herse"f an$ 3arry $ancing! an$ probab"y 'issing! in the center. 3er eyes rose to 3er%ione6s 'nowing ones s"ow"y. ACo"in ow"e$ %e ear"ier to$ay an$ as'e$ abo#t a spe"" that wo#"$ $o this.A Binny c"eare$ her throat an$ "oo'e$ bac' $own at the photo. A*n$ what $i$ yo# te"" hi%(A AThat 1 wasn6t s#re of a spe"" that wo#"$ $o that. *s it t#rns o#t! he ha$ his own s#spicions. 1t see%s that this is a char% that is rather pop#"ar with a certain ce"ebrity. *n$ then 1 re%e%bere$8A Binny c#rse$ in a whispere$ +oice an$ r#bbe$ her forehea$ whi"e g"ancing at the others in the roo%. /he nee$n6t ha+e worrie$ tho#gh7 they were co%p"ete"y occ#pie$ with the we$$ing a"b#%. Fina""y! she sighe$. This was not her secret to te""! it was 3arry6s an$ she6$ respect his nee$ to $i+#"ge it in his own ti%e. A;o# #n$erstan$ why 1 ha$ to $o it(A she as'e$! a"%ost afrai$ to see her frien$6s face. A1 un"erstan" co%p"ete"y!A 3er%ione sai$! annoyance tingeing her +oice. AB#t yo# $i$n6t ha+e to $o it "i'e yo# $i$! Binny. 1 wo#"$n6t ha+e sai$ anything?A A5o!A Binny proteste$ in a whisper! Ab#t yo# wo#"$ ha+e acte$ $ifferent aro#n$ hi%. 1t wo#"$ ha+e been too %#ch of a te%ptation for yo#! 3er%ione. ;o# wo#"$ ha+e been st#$ying his e+ery %o+e an$ ana"y2ing it.A 3er%ione opene$ her %o#th to protest! b#t then fro2e. A1t $i$n6t wor' anyway!A she gr#%b"e$. A;o#r char% bro'e this %orning. 1 re%e%ber it a""?the boo's! what we rea$! e+erything.A

A1ntent is e+erything in %agic!A Binny shr#gge$! r#bbing her forehea$. A1 g#ess 1 fe"t ba$ abo#t $oing it.A A r %aybe! since that was the first ti%e yo#6$ cast it8A 3er%oine trai"e$ off! seeing Binny6s ob+io#s"y g#i"ty e:pression. A3a+e yo# b"i+iate$ %e in the past(A she hisse$. Binny sh#she$ her an$ $ragge$ her f#rther away! where her %other co#"$n6t per' #p at the h#she$ con+ersation. They were a"rea$y $rawing the wo%an6s narrowe$ eyes. A1t wasn6t yo#! o'ay( 1t was .on. 3e8he wa"'e$ in on %e an$ =ichae" once.A Binny sighe$ an$ r#bbe$ her forehea$. A3e wo#"$n6t want to re%e%ber that anyway! tr#st %e.A 3er%ione was sti"" scow"ing! so Binny he"$ #p the photograph. A1 can ha+e 3arry fi: this for yo#!A she offere$ an$ t#rne$ the photo bac' to 3er%ione. A16% s#re he wo#"$n6t %in$ a copy of it as we"".A 3er%ione searche$ her face an$ Binny $arte$ her eyes bac' o+er to the others! hoping she wo#"$ ta'e the hint an$ be >#iet. AThen yo# 'now! for s#re?A A3er%ione!A Binny proteste$ an$ %assage$ her te%p"e where a hea$ache was beginning to for%. A,#st gi+e hi% so%e ti%e! a"right(A 3er%ione breathe$ o#t ro#gh"y an$ Binny 'new she #n$erstoo$. 3arry wo#"$ re+ea" his secrets! or so%e of the% at "east! in his own ti%e. A1 hope yo# #n$erstan$ what yo#6re getting into! Binny!A she ca#tione$! an$ Binny s%i"e$. A1 #n$erstan$ %ore than yo# thin'!A Binny ass#re$ her. Fee"ing the nee$ to see 3arry an$ to fee" his ar%s wrappe$ aro#n$ her again! Binny "eft the 'itchen an$ %o+e$ into the "i+ing roo%. /he was i%%e$iate"y wary when on"y Bi"" an$ Char"ie re%aine$! h#nche$ o+er the ancient chess boar$. A&here6s 3arry(A she sai$! not caring that her tone was +ery acc#satory. A1f yo# "et the twins ha+e hi% 16""?A ACa"% $own! snap$ragon!A Char"ie ch#c'"e$. ABre$ an$ Forge are #pstairs probab"y tort#ring .on an$ 4ercy by now. )a$ too' 3arry o#t bac'.A Binny pa#se$ at the tho#ght! an$ wasn6t s#re whether or not to be worrie$ for her boyfrien$. =ost peop"e #n$eresti%ate$ *rth#r &eas"ey an$ he co#"$ be fierce"y "oya" when protecting his fa%i"y. B#t 3arry co#"$ $efinite"y ho"$ his own! she 'new. /he sett"e$ on fee"ing %i"$"y annoye$ that when she nee$e$ hi%! 3arry was #na+ai"ab"e. 1t wasn6t co%p"ete"y fair! b#t 3er%ione6s po#nce in the 'itchen set her on e$ge.

ACo%e sit $own! Binny!A Bi"" sai$ an$ Binny raise$ an eyebrow at his rather co%%an$ing tone. /he an$ Bi"" ha$ a"ways got a"ong we""! an$ he6$ %ost"y staye$ o#t of her "ife as far as the %a<or $ecisions she6$ %a$e. A16% not s#re if 1 want to!A she sai$ bac' fina""y as she narrowe$ her eyes. Char"ie! e+er the peace%a'er! stoo$ abr#pt"y an$ offere$ his chair. A3ere! Binny! ta'e %y p"ace. 16% getting tro#nce$ as it is.A 3e %o+e$ off to the worn sofa! b#t not so far that he co#"$n6t hear what wo#"$ ta'e p"ace in the con+ersation. Binny re"#ctant"y sett"e$ into his p"ace an$ eye$ the pieces sti"" "eft on the boar$. =aybe it was better to get this o+er with before 3arry got bac'. A/o!A Bi"" began! Ayo# an$ 3arry.A Binny c"eare$ her throat an$ %a$e the first %o+e. A;es! %e an$ 3arry.A /he raise$ an eyebrow in cha""enge an$ Bi"" no$$e$! #n$erstan$ing that she wo#"$n6t be easi"y swaye$ on the s#b<ect. This was <#st how things wor'e$ between the two sib"ings. * gest#re or a sing"e wor$ often he"$ %ore %eaning than an entire con+ersation. ABo ahea$ an$ te"" %e yo#r opinion!A Binny $raw"e$ as she watche$ hi% %o+e his bishop into position! Abeca#se 1 'now it6s abo#t to b#rst o#t of yo#.A Char"ie snic'ere$ in the bac'gro#n$ b#t neither of the% too' notice. A)o yo# rea""y 'now hi%(A Bi"" fina""y as'e$ an$ wince$ as Binny +icio#s"y pro$$e$ her >#een forwar$ an$ $eci%ate$ an entire strategy. A)o yo#(A she co#ntere$ bac'. A1 'now %ore than yo# thin' 1 $o.A Binny raise$ her eyes to his an$ he"$ his ga2e for a %o%ent. /he fe"t a shi+er as his face too' on that stony "oo' that he on"y wore when spea'ing abo#t a few s#b<ects. A1 ne+er to"$ yo# how 1 got these!A he pointe$ towar$ his face. A=#% an$ )a$ to"$ #s yo#6$ been attac'e$ $#ring the Fina" Batt"e!A she shr#gge$. /he 'new it wasn6t a %atter to ta'e "ight"y! b#t the fa%i"y ha$ a"ways ref#se$ to spea' of it in %ore than generic ter%s. Bi"" snorte$. AThey $on6t e+en 'now the ha"f of it.A Binny "oo'e$ to Char"ie for confir%ation an$ fo#n$ a strange an$ $istant e:pression on his face. A1t was a %an?A

A* %onster!A Char"ie grow"e$! an$ Bi"" no$$e$. AFenrir Breybac'.A Binny s#c'e$ in a breath at the na%e. /he6$ hear$ the stories! b#t 'new that they were %#ch ta%er an$ censore$ than what %#st ha+e rea""y happene$. A3e was we"" on his way to 'i""ing %e!A Bi"" sai$ >#iet"y an$ pro%pte$ his roo' forwar$. AToo right!A Char"ie sai$ an$ r#bbe$ his chest where he sti"" bore ra2or thin scars. Binny ha$ seen the% once when he6$ co%e o#t of the shower an$ she6$ acci$enta""y wa"'e$ in. A*n$(A Binny pro%pte$. A/o%eone sa+e$ %e.A A/a+e$ #s both! %ore "i'e!A Char"ie a$$e$. Bi"" eye$ his brother! an$ then contin#e$. Binny sat bac' in her chair! not "i'ing where this story was going. A1 $i$n6t recogni2e hi% at first!A Bi"" sai$ with a wry s%i"e. A3e6s grown #p a "ot! fi""e$ o#t %#ch %ore than he was bac' then. Char"ie ha$ to point it o#t to %e. There6s so%ething $ifferent with his face too?an$ the eyes.A Binny swa""owe$ thic'"y! g"ancing o+er to the $oorway! hoping that 3arry wo#"$ co%e in an$ they co#"$ <#st "ea+e. 1t was a %ista'e to co%e here so soon. A3e6s wearing g"a%o#rs!A Bi"" sai$ soft"y. AChar"ie an$ 1 can see right thro#gh the%. E+en tho#gh it too' %e so%e ti%e to fig#re it o#t.A A;o# were a bit occ#pie$ at that ti%e to rea""y see hi%!A Char"ie sai$ an$ Bi"" no$$e$ his acceptance. A*gree$. 1t a"so $i$n6t he"p that he was co+ere$ in gri%e an$ b"oo$ when we first saw hi%. *n$ p"astere$ to yo#r face the secon$ ti%e.A Binny gri%ace$! an$ her %in$ f"ashe$ bac' to the %any scars that 3arry bore a"" o+er his bo$y. 4erhaps so%e of the% ha$ happene$ then as we"". 3er chest fe"t tight as she "istene$ to the barrage fro% her brothers. 3ow sho#"$ she $o this( They weren6t going to accept anything "ess than the tr#th. Bi"" c"eare$ his throat an$ sat bac' in his chair! the chess ga%e co%p"ete"y forgotten now. A1 <#st want yo# to 'now what yo#6re getting into! Binny. * re"ationship with this %an is bo#n$ to be %ore co%p"icate$ than yo# can e+er i%agine.A Binny "oo'e$ $own at her han$s an$ then #p again into her o"$est brother6s eyes. A;o# thin' 16% a cowar$(A AThat6s not what he sai$!A Char"ie proteste$. 3e sat bac' again when Binny shot hi% a scathing "oo'.

A16% stronger than yo# thin'!A she sai$. A1 ha+e no $o#bt of that.A A*n$ 1 $on6t r#n when things get to#gh. 16% in "o+e with hi%! Bi"". That6s not going to change beca#se so%e peop"e thin' they 'now who he is.A ABinny!A Bi"" starte$ b#t she c#t hi% off. A1 now who he is! Bi""! an$ it6s not who yo# thin' he is.A The s"ow b#rning fire that ha$ starte$ when 3er%ione ha$ cornere$ her f"are$ o#t of contro" now. A/#re! he %ight ha+e been that person once #pon a ti%e! b#t right now he6s 3arry. *n$ 3arry is %ore than a co""ection of scars. 3e6s %ore than the night%are he was force$ to face.A ABinny!A Char"ie shoo' his hea$. A&hat he6s been thro#gh8that changes a %an?A A1 'now!A she c#t o+er the top of hi%! no$$ing. A1 $on6t thin' yo# $o!A Bi"" sai$ an$ sat bac' again as she stoo$. A1 $o!A she affir%e$ in a stea$y +oice. A16+e seen those scars! to#che$ e+ery "ast one of the%. *n$ 16+e hear$ hi% te"" %e where they ca%e fro%. E+en yo# $on6t 'now the ha"f of it! Bi"".A Bi""6s face t#rne$ re$ as he too stoo$! "eaning on the tab"e that he"$ the chess boar$ an$ towering o+er his sister. A3e c#t the %an6s hea$ c"ean off his bo$y! Bine+ra.A ABoo$EA she sho#te$ bac'. AThen the %onster was gone fore+er.A ABin.A /he t#rne$ her hea$ as 3arry p"ace$ his han$s on her sho#"$ers gent"y an$ stare$ at her brother. Bi"" bac'e$ #p an$ ran his han$ thro#gh his "ong hair in fr#stration. Binny6s heart race$! trying to e:p"ain this to hi%. 3ow %#ch ha$ he hear$( &hat wo#"$ he thin' of her fa%i"y now( A3arry! 1?A A1t6s a"right! sweetheart!A he answere$ soft"y. 3e g"ance$ at her! a gent"e! an$ s"ight"y resigne$ e:pression on his face. 1t instant"y change$! howe+er when he "oo'e$ bac' at Bi"". The %an swore >#iet"y an$ then %et 3arry6s eye. A1 $on6t8A he sighe$. A1 ne+er sai$ than' yo#.A A;o# $i$n6t ha+e to!A 3arry sai$. 3is +oice was tight! an$ Binny si%p"y wante$ to wrap her ar%s aro#n$ hi% an$ go bac' two ho#rs. /he co#"$ change her %in$ abo#t co%ing then! an$ write her %other a note saying they weren6t "ea+ing their f"at. E+er. A1 #n$erstoo$.A

1f it wo#"$ protect 3arry8 Bi"" contin#e$! his eyes not rea""y %eeting 3arry6s! or Binny6s. A;eah! b#t 1 $on6t want yo# to thin' 1 was #ngratef#".A ABe"ie+e %e! 1 #n$erstan$!A 3arry contin#e$. 3is grip on her sho#"$ers was tight! b#t Binny bit her "ip instea$ of betraying that to hi%. /he #n$erstoo$ that he was trying to stay in contro". A4ossib"y %ore than anyone e"se. 1t was8persona" with Breybac'!A he sai$ soft"y. 3e g"ance$ $own at Binny again an$ she #n$erstoo$. Breybac' ha$ h#rt 3arry before. The two %en stoo$ staring at each other! an$ Binny ha$ to s#c' in a breath as a swe"" of %agic fi""e$ the air. 5ot s#re who starte$ the batt"e of wi""s first! Binny <#st withstoo$ it! trying to $ecipher the ebbs an$ f"ows of it. /he6$ a"ways 'nown that Bi"" was a strong wi2ar$! his %any acco%p"ish%ents pointe$ to that. *n$ the &eas"ey6s were 'nown as being rather powerf#" %agicians. 3owe+er! the power ra$iating off of 3arry %a$e her wea' in the 'nees. =aybe it was beca#se she was so c"ose to hi%! to#ching hi% act#a""y7 b#t it fe"t "i'e a wa+e in the ocean! swe""ing an$ b#i"$ing! fee$ing #pon itse"f #nti" it creste$ o+er her in one h#%ongo#s crash. *t the sa%e ti%e! she 'new he wo#"$ ne+er har% her. 3is han$s were soft an$ co%fortab"e on her sho#"$ers! an$ she co#"$ fee" his so"i$ presence against her bac'. /o%ewhere in the roo% she hear$ the shoc'e$ gasps of both Char"ie an$ her father! b#t they $i$n6t %atter. The %agic now s#rro#n$ing her was into:icating. *ro#sing! e+en. Fina""y! Bi"" see%e$ to be spent an$ s#n' $own into his chair! brea'ing the contest of wi""s. The %agic h#ng in the air for a %in#te before rece$ing an$ Binny nest"e$ bac' into 3arry6s chest as he 'isse$ her te%p"e an$ s>#ee2e$ her sho#"$ers a bit. A1 thin' it6s ti%e!A he sai$ soft"y. A16"" gather e+eryone!A she whispere$ an$ ga+e hi% a >#ic' 'iss on the chee'. .on &eas"ey wasn6t >#ite as thic' as %ost peop"e tho#ght he was. 3e 'new there was %ore to 3arry 4ar'er than the %an "et on. 3a$ 'nown it fro% the %o%ent he6$ first spo'en to the %an. There was so%ething abo#t the way 3arry carrie$ hi%se"f! the >#iet strength he pro<ecte$! that $rew peop"e in! e+en when 3arry hi%se"f showe$ his $isco%fort with that fact. 3e6$ hear$ %ost of what 3er%ione an$ Co"in ha$ been ta"'ing abo#t! e+en if he ha$n6t fig#re$ o#t e:act"y what it %eant. 3e ha$ a fee"ing that )ennis ha$ $istracte$ hi% at precise"y the wrong %o%ent.

B#t now Binny was as'ing e+eryone to co%e into the "i+ing roo%! an$ there was so%ething strange going on between the% an$ Bi"" an$ Char"ie. The two o"$er %en see%e$ a"%ost wary of the co#p"e. A=aybe they rea""y $i$ e"ope!A Beorge tease$. A*n$ they6re <#st now getting aro#n$ to te"" #s!A Fre$ finishe$. Both of their gir"frien$s h#she$ the%. .on s%ir'e$ as the twins contin#e$! ignoring the shoc'e$ gasps of their significant others. ATen ga""eons she6s pregnant.A Beorge tho#ght abo#t that. AThirty!A he whispere$ bac'. A1 a"rea$y "ost twenty to yo# ear"ier on a $#%b bet. 1 nee$ to %a'e %y %oney bac'.A A)ea".A Fre$ he"$ o#t his han$ an$ Beorge shoo' it. .on shoo' his hea$. 3ow those two co#"$ bet on e+erything was a %ystery to hi%. 3e6$ once witnesse$ a bet where Beorge ha$ won two ga""eons beca#se Fre$ ha$ wo'en #p on his right si$e! rather than on his "eft. 1t $i$n6t %a'e any sense to .on7 b#t then again! %aybe it wasn6t s#ppose$ to. 3er%ione see%e$ +ery c#rio#s! b#t a"so a "itt"e worrie$! an$ that conf#se$ .on e+en f#rther. 3e was a bit agitate$ that there were a pi"e of presents #pstairs <#st waiting to be opene$7 howe+er! on"y so%ething "i'e this! which in+o"+e$ his fa%i"y an$ see%e$ so serio#s! wo#"$ 'eep hi% fro% his #s#a" fer+or o+er the gifts. A&hat6s this a"" abo#t(A he whispere$ to his new wife an$ she on"y shoo' her hea$! gest#ring hi% towar$ one en$ of the sofa. =o""y an$ *rth#r ha$ ta'en the other en$. Fre$! Beorge an$ the gir"s ha$ the f"oor across fro% the%! an$ Bi"" an$ Char"ie were at the far en$ of the roo% sitting near the chess boar$. 4ercy ha$ bro#ght a chair fro% the 'itchen an$ was sitting not too far away! his eyes $arting aro#n$ the roo%. .on g"ance$ aro#n$ an$ fo#n$ Binny an$ 3arry stan$ing near the staircase! ar%s wrappe$ aro#n$ each other! a"tho#gh wearing rather se+ere faces. Binny was whispering so%ething to 3arry that .on co#"$n6t hear an$ 3arry was no$$ing s"ow"y. Fina""y! she s%i"e$ at hi% an$ "ai$ her han$ a"ong his chee'. *n$ whi"e he $i$n6t s%i"e bac'! he ac'now"e$ge$ her with a >#ic' 'iss on the "ips an$ too' her han$ to "ea$ her to the "o+e seat. A16% sorry .on an$ 3er%ione!A Binny starte$. A&e $on6t want to r#in yo#r $ay.A .on opene$ his %o#th to protest! b#t 3er%ione c#t hi% off. A1t6s no bother! rea""y. &e on"y want to he"p.A Binny no$$e$ absent"y an$ t#rne$ to 3arry who "oo'e$ a bit green. 3e c"eare$ his throat twice an$ then began! his +oice +ery "ow.

A=y na%e isn6t 3arrison 4ar'er.A .on f#rrowe$ his brow! now co%p"ete"y conf#se$. A1t6s83arry 4otter.A 3arry ha$ raise$ his eyes an$ searche$ their faces before g"ancing at Binny who wore a s%i"e brighter than if he6$ <#st won the 3ogwarts C#i$$itch C#p sing"e9han$e$"y. AB"oo$y he""!A .on fina""y breathe$ o#t. 1t was a testa%ent to how shoc'e$ e+eryone was when he wasn6t reb#'e$ by either his %other or his wife. A3ow?A *rth#r began an$ then shoo' his hea$! ob+io#s"y not being ab"e to fin$ the wor$s. A=aybe yo# sho#"$ show the%! "o+e(A Binny sai$ soft"y! an$ she an$ 3arry ha$ so%e sort of staring war! or batt"e of wi""s or so%ething. A5ot a"" of it!A she a%en$e$ when his ga2e beca%e rather harsh! A<#st the one(A 3arry s"#%pe$ a bit an$ p#""e$ o#t his wan$. .on 'new it was si""y! b#t e+en he f"inche$. 3arry ro""e$ his eyes an$ f"ic'e$ his wan$7 instant"y his face change$. *n$ a"tho#gh they see%e$ "i'e s%a"" changes! .on co#"$ instant"y see a $ifference that wo#"$ be noticeab"e. .on fe"t "i'e he was seeing a co%p"ete"y $ifferent %an. 3arry6s eyes were no "onger a %#$$y ha2e"! b#t bright e%era"$ green. 3is chee' bones were %ore ang#"ar an$ his <aw s>#are. The b"ac' hair staye$! b#t <#st #n$er the fringe a pa"e pin' scar ripp"e$7 a si%i"ar one ran across his <aw "ine an$ $isappeare$ on the si$e near his ear. ABinny!A =o""y sai$ soft"y! A)i$ yo# 'now abo#t this(A .on co#"$n6t te"" if she appro+e$ or not. 3e was sti"" too st#nne$ to %a'e sense of it a"". Binny on"y no$$e$ with a s%i"e as she s>#ee2e$ 3arry6s han$ that was c"aspe$ in hers. A1t6s not that 1 wante$ to "ie to yo#!A 3arry sai$. A1 <#st8it6s ingraine$! 1 thin'! to protect %yse"f. 1f the press e+er fo#n$ o#t that 16+e been "i+ing here! "et a"one that 1 ha+e so%eone in %y "ife8A 3e g"ance$ at Binny to fin$ her s%i"ing at hi%. AB#t 3arry 4otter has been spotte$ a"" o+er the wor"$!A 4ercy proteste$. A1 %yse"f %et hi% <#st a few %onths ago at the 1nternationa" Confe$eration of &i2ar$s ffices. 16% s#re 1 wo#"$ ha+e recogni2e$ yo#. ;o#8yo#6re not hi%!A 4ercy proc"ai%e$. A1 wo#"$ ha+e 'nown.A Binny brist"e$ an$ .on wince$. There was "itt"e "o+e "ost between she an$ 4ercy. Then again! .on co#"$ ne+er #n$erstan$ why 4ercy treate$ Binny the way he $i$. 0ogica""y! he 'new why8b#t she was family3 A&o#"$ yo#(A 3arry as'e$ with a wry s%i"e. A3arry 4otter has8 a presence! 16% to"$. 4eop"e can te"" when he enters a roo%.A A1t6s tr#e!A 4ercy sai$. .on was s#rprise$ when both Char"ie an$ Bi"" no$$e$ their agree%ent. A;o# fee" $rawn to hi%. ;o# can fee" his %agic ra$iating off of hi%. *n$

yet8yo# a"%ost $on6t fee" worthy to be in his presence. B#t he6s not r#$e or con$escen$ing when he spea's to yo#.A 3e shoo' his hea$! see%ing to be searching for the wor$s. A;o# $on6t fee" "i'e that to %e.A 3arry on"y no$$e$ an$ g"ance$ at Binny before c"osing his eyes. .on ha$ to ta'e a $eep breath as a ripp"e of energy fi""e$ the roo%. 3e g"ance$ aro#n$ at his fa%i"y to see the% a"" in the sa%e state as he7 e:cept Bi"" an$ Binny who see%e$ to be ha+ing opposite reactions. Bi"" was "oo'ing away! o#t the win$ow! a $ar' "oo' on his face. *n$ Binny was staring at 3arry with so%ething a'in to a$oration an$8open "#st. .on ha$ to sha'e his hea$! an$ hope he ne+er saw that "oo' on her face again. B#t it was 3arry who $rew his co%p"ete attention when he fina""y ga2e$ on hi%. 3e "oo'e$ so8$ifferent. 3is face an$ stat#re were the sa%e b#t there was so%ething that $rew his eye an$ %a$e hi% fee"8respect an$ a bit of h#%i"ity. The area aro#n$ hi% fe"t war%er an$ "ighter so%ehow. 3e co#"$ see that if this %an wa"'e$ into a crow$e$ roo%! e+eryone woul" 'now it. ;et a"" the sa%e! there was an a#ra of inapproachabi"ity there as we"". A5ow $o yo# see(A Binny as'e$. A1t6s not abo#t who he is! b#t the way he presents hi%se"f.A /he "oo'e$ straight at 4ercy who co#"$ on"y no$ an$ swa""ow. B#t .on 'new that "oo' on his brother6s face. 3e sti"" wasn6t co%p"ete"y con+ince$! he <#st $i$n6t ha+e the right a%%#nition to fight yet. 3arry c"ose$ his eyes again an$ the war%th an$ "ight in the roo% fa$e$ a bit. 3e s"#%pe$ bac' against the sofa an$ "oo'e$ sheepish"y at Binny. A3ow $o yo# "o that(A 3er%ione as'e$ an$ .on a"%ost snorte$. 0ea+e it to his 3er%ione. 3arry consi$ere$ for a %o%ent before answering. A1t6s %y %agic!A he sai$ si%p"y. A1t6s in the way 1 carry it?a"" o#t front! so to spea'. 1 #se it as a bit of a shie"$! 1 g#ess yo# co#"$ say. A3arry 4otter is a "egen$! #nfort#nate"y. *fter the Fina" Batt"e!A he sai$ with a paine$ e:pression! A1 co#"$n6t go anywhere! co#"$n6t $o anything in the &i2ar$ing wor"$ witho#t r#nning in to so%eone who wante$ to 'now e+erything. 4eop"e were $isappointe$ when they %et %e! an$ 1 wasn6t a"" that they tho#ght 1 sho#"$ be.A A;o# ha+e a right to "i+e yo#r "ife! 3arry! witho#t the fear of e+eryone <#$ging yo#!A *rth#r sai$ soft"y. AE:act"y!A 3arry sai$. AThat6s why 1 began #sing %y %agic in that way. B#t 1 co#"$n6t a"ways $o it. 1t6s tiring an$ fr#strating to ha+e to #se it when 1 on"y nee$ a few things fro% the %ar'et. /o 1 #se the g"a%o#r char%s an$ #se a $ifferent na%e. 1 ha+e since 1 was "itt"e! act#a""y!A he a$%itte$. A=y Bo$father a"ways p"ace$ the% on %e.A

The tr#th see%e$ to sin' in a bit when 3arry stoppe$ an$ the si"ence sett"e$. A&here6+e yo# been a"" these years(A Beorge as'e$. 3arry "oo'e$ $own at his feet an$ .on narrowe$ his eyes. There was a $eeper story there he 'new7 b#t now wasn6t the ti%e. A&hen %y parents were 'i""e$! 1 was p"ace$ with %y *#nt an$ @nc"e here in Eng"an$. 1 "i+e$ there for a bit before8it was $eci$e$ that it wasn6t the best p"ace for %e.A 3e ne+er +arie$ his ga2e fro% his shoes! an$ Binny %o+e$ to r#b his bac' a bit. A1 was ab"e to go an$ "i+e with %y Bo$father then.A A1n *%erica(A =o""y as'e$ an$ 3arry no$$e$. A*"b#s )#%b"e$ore ha$ %a$e the arrange%ents. 1 was traine$ an$ protecte$ by the 1C&. Their agents were ne+er far away.A ABy =er"in!A *rth#r groane$ soft"y. A;o# %#st not ha+e ha$ any chi"$hoo$ at a"".A 3arry ga+e hi% a ha"f s%i"e an$ shr#gge$. A1 $i$ better than yo# thin'7 at "east once 1 was with %y Bo$father. 3e6s a bit "i'e a giant 'i$ hi%se"f so8A A/o yo# traine$(A Fre$ as'e$. AFor a"" those years(A 3arry no$$e$. A1 ha$ to. There was a prophecy gi+en before 1 was born. 1 was the one who nee$e$ to $efeat Do"$e%ort.A .on was rather pro#$ that on"y a few of his fa%i"y %e%bers f"inche$ at the na%e7 the years $i$ a "ot to hea". AThose of #s in the r$er 'new a bit abo#t this!A *rth#r e:p"aine$. A*"b#s ha$ hinte$ that yo# were safe an$ being ta'en care of. 1t wasn6t #nti" he $isappeare$ that one year that any of #s e+en consi$ere$ that yo# were in+o"+e$ in the fighting! 3arry.A That who"e sentence %a$e no sense to .on! who g"ance$ aro#n$ to see that %ost of his fa%i"y was in the sa%e sit#ation as he was. Binny wipe$ away a stray tear! an$ 3arry reache$ #p to stro'e her face! a"tho#gh his feat#res were e+en $ar'er than before. A&e6$ secret"y been fighting for years!A 3arry confir%e$ in a rather $ea$ +oice. A&ith this scar!A he <abbe$ towar$ his forehea$ where the "ightning shape$ pin' f"esh sat! ADo"$e%ort an$ 1 were connecte$ on so%e "e+e". 1 co#"$ fee" his e%otions so%eti%es! when they were +ery strong. 3e was ab"e to sen$ %e i%ages an$ +isions. &hen 1 was si:teen! he sent %e a +ision in which he6$ capt#re$ %y Bo$father. 1 was st#pi$ an$ i%pet#o#s an$ 1 went to resc#e hi%. 1 was capt#re$ by )eath Eaters. AThat6s why *"b#s was gone!A he contin#e$ when no one %o+e$. A3e was trying to fin$ %e an$ resc#e %e. 1n the en$! it was one of his spies that "e$ the% to where 1 was being 'ept.A

A3ow "ong(A =o""y as'e$ thro#gh the r#sh of tears that to#re$ $own her chee's. A3ow "ong was 1 with the%(A 3arry as'e$! on"y <#st g"ancing at her before staring off at the opposite wa"". ATwo wee's!A he answere$ soft"y. The roo% b#rst o#t in frantic whispering an$ .on watche$ as Binny p#""e$ 3arry c"oser to her! stro'ing his face an$ whispering so%ething to hi%. 3e shoo' his hea$ se+era" ti%es an$ then c"ose$ his eyes as the two "eane$ their forehea$s together. 3arry see%e$ to be $rawing strength fro% .on6s "itt"e sister. 1t was in that %o%ent that .on $eci$e$ that he be"ie+e$ 3arry one h#n$re$ percent! an$ he was con+ince$ that 3arry an$ Binny were %eant to be together. 3ow e"se co#"$ two peop"e! to#che$ so persona""y by Do"$e%ort! co%e together( 1t $i$n6t %atter what obstac"es they ha$ to face in or$er to stay together! .on wo#"$ stan$ in front of the% an$ $ef"ect whate+er he nee$e$ to. 3e wo#"$ fight who%e+er he nee$e$ so that they ha$ e+erything they nee$e$. ne g"ance at the rest of his fa%i"y an$ he 'new they fe"t si%i"ar. n"y Bi"" see%e$ to be the one fighting this fee"ing. 3e sti"" stare$ $ar'"y o#t the win$ow. *n$ 4ercy8his $ar' e:pression was foc#se$ %ore on Binny. 3arry an$ Binny fina""y bro'e apart an$ .on co#"$ hear Binny te"" hi% that he $i$n6t nee$ to go on. 3e shoo' his hea$ an$ see%e$ to stee" hi%se"f before c"earing his throat. A1 s#r+i+e$. *n$ when 1 got bac'! 1 traine$ e+en har$er an$ "onger than before. 1 ne+er e+en finishe$ schoo"!A he a$%itte$ with a shr#g. AThere was <#st too %#ch going on.A .on6s father stoo$ s"ow"y an$ he"$ o#t his han$ in front of the %an on the sofa. 3arry stare$ #p at hi% in conf#sion before stan$ing a"so an$ tentati+e"y p"acing his han$ in the %an6s before hi%. A16+e ne+er been ab"e to te"" yo# how %#ch 1 appreciate a"" that yo# sacrifice$ for %y fa%i"y.A 3arry opene$ an$ c"ose$ his %o#th se+era" ti%es! "oo'ing "i'e he wante$ nothing %ore than to $ef"ect the praise! before fina""y no$$ing <er'i"y. Binny ch#c'"e$ at the e:change! tears fa""ing o#t of her eyes. 3er%ione an$ =o""y see%e$ to be <oining her in teary "a#ghter. .on fo""owe$ his father in sha'ing 3arry6s han$7 it <#st see%e$ the right thing to $o. /#rprising"y! it was Bi"" who showe$ the %ost e%otion. 3e was the thir$ to greet 3arry! an$ e+en tho#gh his scarre$ face was +ery se+ere! .on was st#nne$ to see his chee's wet. The ta"" %an gathere$ 3arry into a fierce h#g! st#nning 3arry! who he"$ co%p"ete"y sti""! panic on his face. A&itho#t yo#8 Than' yo#.A

A3e 'nows! Bi""!A Binny sai$ soft"y! <oining the h#g an$ r#bbing both 3arry an$ Bi"" on the bac'. 3arry see%e$ to re"a:! or %aybe he <#st #n$erstoo$ that he wasn6t getting o#t of this. .on was conf#se$ at the e:change. Bi"" ha$ a"ways been rather contro""e$ in his e%otions! an$ this $isp"ay was high"y #n#s#a"! especia""y consi$ering how stoic he6$ been these past fo#r years. .on g"ance$ o+er at Char"ie an$ the <o+ia" %an on"y grinne$ wi$er an$ to#che$ his face where the "argest of Bi""6s scars was. That6s when .on #n$erstoo$. /o%ehow! 3arry ha$ been the one responsib"e for sa+ing Bi"". The $escriptions of the attac' an$ the in<#ries Bi"" ha$ s#staine$ ha$ been +ery g"osse$ o+er! an$ the yo#ngest of the &eas"eys ha$n6t rea""y 'nown %#ch at a"". They 'new Bi"" ha$ been h#rt in the Fina" Batt"e! an$ that he6$ been attac'e$ by a werewo"f! a"tho#gh sti"" in h#%an for%. Char"ie ha$ sai$ that so%eone ha$ stoppe$ the attac' an$ 'i""e$ the werewo"f! b#t ha$ ne+er sai$ who it was. Both =o""y an$ *rth#r %#st ha+e seen Char"ie6s %otion an$ #n$erstoo$ as we""! as they both wrappe$ their ar%s aro#n$ the three in the center. 1t was an e%otiona" few %o%ents! #nti" both Beorge an$ Fre$ bro'e the tension by wai"ing an$ c"asping each other in a bac'9s"apping h#g. They contin#e$ to 6cry6 on each other6s sho#"$ers an$ the "arge e%brace at the center of the roo% bro'e apart with ch#c'"es. A&e""!A Char"ie c"appe$ his han$s together enth#siastica""y! an$ grinne$ whi"e t#rning to .on an$ 3er%ione. A)on6t yo# two ha+e a pi"e of presents waiting #pstairs(A .on grinne$ at the tactic to ta'e the foc#s off of 3arry an$ no$$e$ gratef#""y. A0et6s get to it!A he agree$. 3er%ione $abbe$ at the corners of her eyes with a tiss#e an$ ch#c'"e$ at his enth#sias%. A&e6"" he"p bring the% $own!A Fre$ cheere$ as he an$ Beorge bo#n$e$ towar$ the stairs. A)on6t yo# two to#ch a sing"e present in that pi"eEA =o""y threatene$ as she b#st"e$ after the%! sti"" wiping her own eyes with her apron. 4ercy stor%ing o#t of the roo%! 'ic'e$ the 'itchen $oor open in front of hi%! shoc'ing e+eryone. Binny stoo$! her <aw "oc'ing into a strong! s>#are position that ne+er bo$e we"" for the recipient of the "oo'. /he was thro#gh the 'itchen $oor before anyone e"se co#"$ %o+e. 3arry fo""owe$ right after! gi+ing a strange sort of "oo' o+er his sho#"$er. .on g"ance$ aro#n$ the roo%. A;o# $on6t thin' she6$ act#a""y 'i"" hi%(A 3is <o'e wasn6t we"" recei+e$. E+en the twins twitche$.

Bi"" stoo$ an$ %o+e$ forwar$. AThis has been co%ing on for years!A he %#%b"e$. 3e on"y %a$e it <#st before the $oor before bo#ncing bac'! as if he6$ r#n into so%e sort of wa"". AB"oo$y he""!A he sai$! wiping his b"ee$ing nose on his s"ee+e. A3e war$e$ it.A .on <#%pe$ to his feet! #nab"e to be"ie+e what his brother was saying. /#re eno#gh! <#st #n$er a foot fro% the $oor was a so"i$ wa"" of energy. A&hy wo#"$ he war$ it(A Fre$ as'e$! ho"$ing his han$s o#t to the energy an$ watching as they were repe""e$ ti%e an$ ti%e again. A=aybe this is a goo$ thing!A .on shr#gge$. 3e "oo'e$ bac' o+er at 3er%ione who was biting her botto% "ip! in both tho#ght an$ worry. ACan yo# get the war$ $own! Bi""(A .on "oo'e$ at his father! worry etche$ a"" o+er his face! as the %an stare$ at his o"$est son. B#t who was he %ore concerne$ for( Binny co#"$ ta'e care of herse"f! an$ 4ercy was no s"o#ch. 3arry was the one who tippe$ the sca"es! he g#esse$. 1f he si$e$ with her an$ p#nishe$ 4ercy8then it wo#"$ be o+er >#ic'"y. 1f he was there to ho"$ Binny bac'8 )a%n! the ho#se %ight <#st $isintegrate in the process. A1 can try!A Bi"" shr#gge$! wiping b"oo$ one %ore ti%e before their %other h#rrie$ o+er an$ hea"e$ his nose. A)o what yo# can! Bi""!A she sai$ >#iet"y. /he g"ance$ at the $oor! a worrie$ "oo' on her face. The +oices behin$ the $oor were getting "o#$ now! an$ they co#"$ catch a bit of the arg#%ent?eno#gh to con+ince .on that things %ay <#st er#pt f#""y soon. Bi"" no$$e$ an$ $roppe$ to his 'nees! p#""ing o#t his wan$ an$ >#iet"y chanting so%ething that .on $i$n6t recogni2e. +er it a""! Binny6s +oice rose an$ they a"" f"inche$. A1 )1) 5 T -100 4E5E0 4EEA .on groane$ an$ r#ff"e$ his hair. This wasn6t going to en$ we""! he tho#ght. B#t %aybe that6s what they nee$e$?a 'noc'9$own! a"" o#t braw" to get these fee"ings o#t in the open an$ $ea"t with7 ho"$ing the% in ob+io#s"y acco%p"ishe$ nothing! as the "ast si: years ha$ pro+e$. 3arry was so ca#ght #p in trying to $ea" with e+erything that he was fee"ing that he ha$n6t e+en seen 4ercy "ea+e. B#t Binny p#""ing o#t of his grasp an$ $arting after her o"$er brother certain"y %a$e an i%pression.

For a %o%ent! he consi$ere$ "etting the% go at it. Binny co#"$ ho"$ her own. 3owe+er! in the heat of the %o%ent! he feare$ she %ight $o so%ething she wo#"$ regret "ater. /o 3arry went after the%. The $ecision to war$ the roo% wasn6t e+en a conscio#s one. 3e an$ /iri#s ha$ arg#e$ eno#gh $#ring his teen years7 f#"" o#t ye""ing an$ e+en sc#ff"ing in+o"+e$. *n$ .e%#s wo#"$ #s#a""y try to step in an$ be the reasonab"e hea$. B#t that was rather co#nterpro$#cti+e! 3arry tho#ght. 3e an$ /iri#s ha$ nee$e$ to get the e%otions o#t? they were both passionate peop"e?to step in between that was "i'e as'ing to be c#rse$. *n$ once e+erything was sai$! things were a"ways better between the%. 3o#rs "ater! the arg#%ent wo#"$ be %ost"y forgotten. 3arry $i$n6t thin' Binny wo#"$ appreciate her fa%i"y trying to ho"$ her bac'! or to protect her. They6$ been $oing that far too "ong! in 3arry6s opinion. They co#"$n6t e+en see the strong! a%a2ing wo%an that she was! rea""y. A;o# $on6t nee$ to protect hi%! 3arry!A Binny sai$! a bit scathing"y! as he entere$ the 'itchen! A16% not going to 'i"" hi%.A 3arry s%i"e$ soft"y at her an$ no$$e$. A1 'now. 1 won6t step in #n"ess it6s nee$e$. 1 pro%ise.A /he "oo'e$ s"ight"y %o""ifie$ an$ t#rne$ to face 4ercy! who was across the roo% fro% the%! pacing "i'e a cage$ tiger. A;o# ha+e so%ething to say! 1 'now yo# $o!A Binny cha""enge$. 4ercy6s eyes $arte$ to 3arry! who "eane$ bac' against the wa"". 3e $i$n6t ha+e his wan$ $rawn! b#t 3arry co#"$ see his fingers twitch near it. A)on6t "et %e stop yo#!A 3arry shr#gge$. 3e 'new this who"e sit#ation nee$e$ to be reso"+e$. /i: years of ho"$ing in anger an$ har$ fee"ings ha$ near"y r#ine$ Binny6s re"ationship with her o"$er brother. *n$ it was ti%e to get it a"" o#t. 3e 'new it twiste$ Binny6s g#t e+ery ti%e so%eone %entione$ 4ercy. 4ercy6s <aw s>#are$ +ery si%i"ar to Binny6s an$ 3arry ha$ to force hi%se"f not to "a#gh at their si%i"arities. A;o# $on6t e+en 'now what yo#6re getting into! Bine+ra.A A h! rea""y! 4erci+a"(A Binny >#ippe$ bac'. AThey why $on6t yo# e:p"ain it to %e( ;o#6re goo$ at that?<#$ging sit#ations yo# 'now nothing abo#t an$ then spo#ting yo#r 'now"e$ge a"" o+er the p"ace.A

3arry wince$ at that! 'nowing he %#st ha+e %isse$ so%ething. 3e6$ p#rpose"y not rea$ any of the inte""igence s#rro#n$ing the )iary 3orcr#: after "earning that it was Binny in+o"+e$. =aybe he sho#"$ ha+e. 4ercy f"inche$ as we"". A;o# 'now 1 ha$ no choice!A he "owere$ his +oice. A1 ha" to te"" what 1 'new. &hen the &i2enga%ot as's yo# to testify8yo# $o itEA A*gainst yo#r own sister(A Binny roare$! h#rt fi""ing her +oice. 3arry ha$ to force hi%se"f not to go to her! to gather her in his ar%s an$ offer co%fort. The pieces were fa""ing into p"ace s"ow"y an$ 3arry6s sto%ach ch#rne$. 4ercy ha$ gi+en e+i$ence?whate+er it was?against Binny in her tria". That was harsh. 3arry won$ere$ how they6$ e+en %a$e it these si: years witho#t ha+ing a b"ow #p. A;o# were acting strange! 4ene"ope to"$ %e in her "etters. *n$ that ti%e when 1 saw yo#! after co%ing to see 4enny8yo# were co+ere$ in b"oo$ an$ feathers! Binny.A 3arry a"%ost steppe$ forwar$ when Binny6s face t#rne$ re$. A*n$ yet yo# $i$n6t he"p %e then. ;o# <#st sent %e on %y way.A 3er +oice was $#"" an$ $ea$! %a'ing 3arry gag on the bi"e that rose in his throat. A*n$ 1 str#gg"e$ for %onths %ore. 'onths, 4ercy. A;o# sho#"$ ha+e gone to 4rofessor )#%b"e$ore sooner!A 4ercy bit o#t! "eaning forwar$ onto the tab"e that separate$ the sib"ings. A;o# sho#"$ ha+e 'nownE ;o# sho#"$n6t ha+e been so st#pi$ as to be"ie+e that yo# co#"$ contro" it.A A;o#6re right!A Binny no$$e$! %irroring his pose. AB#t 1 'now now 1 wasn6t strong eno#gh. 1 co#"$n6t fight against?A 3er wor$s $ie$ o#t an$ she see%e$ to str#gg"e for a %o%ent before 3arry rea"i2e$ what was going on. A;o# can6t fight it! Bin!A he sai$ soft"y. AThe +ow is too strong.A /he g"are$ at hi%! b#t 3arry 'new it was <#st her fr#stration at trying to e:p"ain why she wo#"$ ha+e ha$ no hope at $efeating part of .i$$"e6s so#" that ha$ ta'en ho"$ of her. 4ercy narrowe$ his eyes at the both of the%! bac'ing away <#st a bit. A;o# sho#"$n6t be in this re"ationship! Binny!A he sai$ s"ow"y! ob+io#s"y trying to ca"% hi%se"f. A&hy not(A Binny ye""e$. A3arry an$ 1 are in "o+eE ;o# ha+e no right to say who% 1 can ?A A;o#6re not worthy of hi%EA 4ercy ye""e$ bac'. 3is own <aw $roppe$ at the wor$s! an$ Binny roc'e$ bac' as if she6$ been physica""y str#c'.

* fire er#pte$ $eep insi$e 3arry an$ he steppe$ forwar$! the bin$s on his %agic s"ipping <#st a bit. AThat was #nca""e$ for!A he sai$! g"aring at 4ercy. A1t6s tr#e!A 4ercy $efen$e$! ob+io#s"y $eter%ine$ to say what he tho#ght nee$e$ saying. A/he6s $ar'. /he a""owe$ that $iary to t#rn her into8so%e sort of %onster. /he6s responsib"e for e+erything that happene$. /he6s responsib"e for 4enny?A A1 )1) 5 T -100 4E5E0 4EEA Binny6s sho#t bor$ere$ on hysterica" an$ 3arry6s han$s went into his hair! t#gging at it as he trie$ to contro" his %agic. A/h#t the f#c' #p! 4ercyEA he $e%an$e$. A;o# ha+e no i$ea what yo#6re ta"'ing abo#t.A AThen te"" %eEA 4ercy ye""e$! stepping bra+e"y forwar$ into 3arry6s face. ATe"" %e why she $eser+es to be with8with8you) ;o#6re8A ABinny is not $ar'!A 3arry shoo' his hea$! staring at 4ercy an$ seeing a pitif#" %an who ha$ he"$ onto hate an$ pain for too "ong. A1 wo#"$n6t change things if 1 co#"$!A Binny sai$ strong"y. 3arry "oo'e$ o+er at her an$ reache$ o#t! twining their han$s together. ne "oo' in her eyes an$ he 'new she was te""ing the tr#th. /he fina""y #n$erstoo$ what her sacrifice ha$ $one for hi%. 1f she ha$ gi+en in co%p"ete"y to the strength of the 3orcr#:! they %ay ha+e ne+er 'nown abo#t the%. 3arry wo#"$n6t ha+e been ab"e to $efeat Do"$e%ort! an$ he wo#"$ ha+e $ie$. A16% sorry abo#t 4ene"ope!A Binny contin#e$ caref#""y. A=ore than yo#6"" e+er 'now. B#t what happene$ to %e8it %a$e %e who 1 a% to$ay. 16% not $ar'.A /he g"ance$ at 3arry! a b"a2ing "oo' on her face. A*n$ 16% %ore than worthy to be 3arry6s partner.A 3arry wante$ to 'iss her then. 0o+e an$ "#st %i:e$ in his be""y! %a'ing hi% ting"e a"" o+er. A1f yo# want to 'now what rea""y happene$! an$ not <#st yo#r own +iew of it!A 3arry sai$! swinging bac' aro#n$ to 4ercy! Athen yo# can petition the 1C& for c"earance?not that yo#6"" get it.A 4ercy opene$ his %o#th to rep"y! b#t 3arry "et his %agic f#""y "oose! fee"ing satisfie$ when 4ercy gaspe$ an$ steppe$ bac'. ABinny is e+erything to %e. /he6s %y e>#a" in e+erything! 4ercy. &e chose each other! an$ 1 $on6t gi+e a $a%n whether yo# appro+e or not.A Binny6s grip tightene$ on his han$ an$ 3arry fe"t the energy $raining o#t of hi% as he trie$ to reign in his power s"ow"y.

A5e:t ti%e yo# ho"$ a gr#$ge for si: years!A Binny sai$! her tone e+en an$ co%p"ete"y in contro"! A%a'e s#re yo# ha+e yo#r facts straight. 1 $i$n6t 'i"" 4enny?To% .i$$"e $i$ that.A /he steppe$ forwar$ into 3arry6s e%brace an$ wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ his chest. A0et6s go ho%e!A she sai$ soft"y. 3arry "oo'e$ $own at her! reaching #p to rest his han$ against her hot! re$ chee'! an$ no$$e$. 3e %et 4ercy6s eye before they *pparate$. The %an was shoc'e$?it a"%ost "oo'e$ as if they ha$ petrifie$ hi%! he stoo$ so sti"". ABinny?A A0ater!A 3arry shoo' his hea$! warning the %an off. 5ow wasn6t the ti%e to p#sh either of the%. 4ercy "oo'e$ torn! b#t then no$$e$ <er'i"y. A16""816"" te"" =#% yo# went ho%e.A Binny $i$n6t answer! b#t b#rrowe$ f#rther into 3arry6s chest. 3arry no$$e$ once an$ c"ose$ his eyes! ta'ing the% thro#gh the war$s at the B#rrow an$ into their ho%e. &hen Binny fina""y opene$ her eyes! they were sitting on the sofa! an$ she was $rape$ across 3arry6s "ap. /he wasn6t crying! s#rprising"y! b#t the torrent of e%otions to$ay rea""y $raine$ her. A*re yo# o'ay! Bin(A 3arry as'e$! his han$ s%oothing her hair $own her bac'. /he sniffe$ an$ no$$e$. A*re yo#(A 3arry ch#c'"e$ soft"y an$ 'isse$ her hea$. A16% fine.A A)i$ yo# rea""y co%e in there to sa+e %e( r 4ercy(A Binny p#""e$ bac' so that she co#"$ see his face. /o%ewhere a"ong the "ine! the g"a%o#rs ha$ gone bac' on. That $isappointe$ Binny! b#t she #n$erstoo$. A1 'new yo# wo#"$n6t 'i"" hi%!A 3arry shoo' his hea$. A1 <#st $i$n6t want yo# to say so%ething that yo# %ight regret "ater.A A16% not s#re 1 wo#"$ ha+e regrette$ anything!A Binny sai$ sa$"y. A*"tho#gh81 $o fee" a bit better. )oes that %a'e %e a horrib"e person(A A5o!A 3arry s%i"e$. A1t %a'es yo# h#%an.A Binny no$$e$ against his chest an$ they sat >#iet"y for a few %in#tes. A16% sorry if that was har$!A Binny sai$. A16% pro#$ of yo# for te""ing the%.A

3arry sighe$ an$ r#bbe$ his face harsh"y. A16% not e+en s#re how 1 fee" abo#t it!A he a$%itte$. AThey6"" see %e so $ifferent"y now!A he a$$e$! regret echoing in his wor$s. AFor a bit!A Binny no$$e$. AB#t they6re a"" goo$ peop"e! 3arry.A A1 'now!A he sai$! "eaning $own to 'iss her gent"y. A*re yo# h#ngry(A he as'e$! n#22"ing her face with his own. Binny tho#ght abo#t it before ch#c'"ing. A;eah! 1 a%.A 3e "oo'e$ the tiniest bit $isappointe$ an$ Binny >#ic'"y 'isse$ hi% again. AThere6s that "itt"e $e"i $own the street!A she s#ggeste$. A/o#n$s perfect!A 3arry agree$ with a s"ow s%i"e. They wa"'e$ han$ in han$ $own the street! with Binny p#""ing hi% asi$e se+era" ti%es in the short $istance to stea" a 'iss or two. They sat c"ose together at their tab"e an$ ate off of each other6s p"ates! both st#$io#s"y a+oi$ing the topic of her fa%i"y. Tr#th be to"$! Binny was fair"y pro#$ of her fa%i"y. For the %ost part! they6$ accepte$ 3arry co%p"ete"y! an$ witho#t reser+ation. Bi""6s hesitancy was #n$erstan$ab"e! if a bit too intense! Binny tho#ght. *fter a""! he an$ Char"ie ha$ seen a si$e of 3arry that she $i$n6t e+er want to see. B#t it wasn6t as if 3arry ha$ chosen that "ife7 it ha$ been thr#st on hi% an$ he6$ ha$ to $ea" with it the best he co#"$. E+eryone e"se ha$ pro+e$ their "o+e for her! an$ their "oya" nat#re! by not peppering >#estions at 3arry! or o+erwhe"%ing hi% with too %#ch e%otion. The &eas"ey6s co#"$ be an e%otiona" "ot! =er"in 'new. 4ercy8we""! 4ercy ha$ his own iss#es. For the past si: years! Binny ha$ wa"'e$ on egg she""s aro#n$ hi%! trying not to #pset or anger hi%. B#t that was o+er! Binny $eci$e$. 1f she wante$ hi% to treat her "i'e an a$#"t! she ha$ to start acting "i'e one. *n$ facing her fears hea$ on was the first step. A;o#6+e been >#iet tonight!A she obser+e$ as they wa"'e$ ho%e. 3arry ha$ stoppe$ <o'ing p"ayf#""y with her! an$ e+en tho#gh he he"$ her han$! he see%e$ %i"es away. A/orry!A he shr#gge$. A1 $i$n6t %ean to be.A A1ts fine!A Binny proteste$! wrapping into his si$e as they c"i%be$ the "ong steps #p to their f"at. A;o#6re entit"e$ to so%e ti%e to thin'. 1 <#st $on6t want yo# to broo$!A she sai$. 3arry s%i"e$ at her! "oo'ing as if he wante$ to protest that he wasn6t broo$ing. ATa"' to %e! 3arry!A she whispere$ as they stoo$ on the top step. A;o# 'now yo# can.A

nce they entere$ the f"at! howe+er! the stress fro% the $ay sett"e$ on his feat#res again an$ he san' into the sofa an$ 'ic'e$ off his shoes. Binny watche$ hi% as she ti$ie$ the roo%! $eter%ine$ to gi+e hi% so%e space. 3e was tr#"y a%a2ing! she tho#ght as her heart f"#ttere$ <#st a bit. 3e ha$ face$ so %#ch in his yo#ng "ife an$ sti"" co%e o#t to be this "o+ing an$ won$erf#" %an. /he pa#se$ in gathering #p a few $iscar$e$ c"othes as 3arry #se$ his wan$ to re%o+e the g"a%o#r char%s. That was her c#e an$ she $roppe$ the "a#n$ry on a nearby chair an$ went to hi%. 3e opene$ his ar%s! we"co%ing her as she stra$$"e$ his "ap an$ nest"e$ in c"ose. A1 "o+e yo# so %#ch! 3arry.A 3is response was to 'iss her te%p"e an$ r#b her bac' gent"y. /he co#"$ fee" the #ncertainty an$ ang#ish of his past ra$iating off hi%! an$ +owe$ to $ispe" it i%%e$iate"y. 3e co#"$ ne+er thin' that she $o#bte$ hi%7 she si%p"y wo#"$n6t a""ow it. Binny p#""e$ bac' an$ stare$ into those start"ing green eyes. Bent"y! she %o+e$ forwar$ an$ 'isse$ hi%! not a""owing hi% to $eepen the to#ch. 3e groane$ a bit as she "ight"y stro'e$ his face with her fingers! "etting her "ips fo""ow. E+er so s"ow"y! she trace$ each feat#re of his face! "a+ishing hi% with %#ch %ore attention than she ha$ e+er gi+en hi% before. 3is han$s he"$ onto her waist an$ hips in a tight grip. 1t a"%ost h#rt! b#t not eno#gh to %a'e her stop7 besi$es! she 'new 3arry $i$n6t ha+e contro" o+er that right now. 3is breathing was sha""ow an$ she co#"$ fee" his heart racing as she fina""y c"ai%e$ his "ips in a $eep! so#"f#" 'iss. A0et %e %a'e "o+e to yo#!A she whispere$. 3e searche$ her face! an$ then no$$e$ <er'i"y. A1 "o+e yo#!A she whispere$. A1 "o+e yo#!A he answere$ an$ they shifte$ to c#$$"e together. 3arry6s heartbeat against her ear "#""e$ Binny. The e%otions of the $ay were <#st too %#ch! an$ she sighe$ $eep"y! fee"ing as if she was <#st on the e$ge of s"eep. 3er eyes f"#ttere$ open when 3arry6s han$ %o+e$! his fingers bare"y to#ching her bac'. ABin(A A=%h%%!A she6$ %#r%#re$! whi"e pressing a 'iss the center of his chest. A&o#"$ yo# co%e with %e to %eet /iri#s( *n$ .e%#s.A 3is soft >#estion too' her by s#rprise an$ %a$e her wa'e #p %ore f#""y.

A;o#r Bo$father(A she as'e$ as she shifte$ atop hi% an$ reste$ her hea$ on her fo"$e$ ar%s. 3arry6s eyes ha$ been c"ose$! b#t he opene$ the% an$ searche$ her face before no$$ing. Binny consi$ere$ what he was as'ing for a %in#te. 3e6$ ta'en a h#ge chance by opening #p to her fa%i"y to$ay! an$ now he was offering a bit of hi%se"f in ret#rn. 3arry6s "ife before %o+ing bac' to Eng"an$ was +ery %#ch a %ystery to her! an$ he was gi+ing her an opport#nity to %eet! for a"" intents an$ p#rposes! his fa%i"y A&hen $o yo# want to "ea+e(A she as'e$ with a h#ge s%i"e. 3arry grinne$ an$ reache$ $own to p#"" her #p into a "o+ing! yet p"ayf#" 'iss. A.ight now!A he answere$ an$ Binny gigg"e$. A16$ "o+e to! 3arry! b#t 1 thin' 16% a "itt"e #n$er$resse$.A 3arry6s rich "a#gh %a$e her heart ache in a happy way. 3e ro""e$ her o+er an$ pinne$ her $own to the %attress! 'issing an$ nipping at her nec' an$ face. A*"right!A he fina""y $raw"e$. A&e6"" ta"' abo#t it in the %orning. .ight now 1 ha+e a better i$ea.A 3e grow"e$ as he attache$ hi%se"f to the p#"se point on her nec'! an$ Binny s>#ea"e$! wrapping her "eg aro#n$ his hip! #sing the other to "e+erage the% o+er again. /he wasn6t abo#t to gi+e #p any gro#n$ in this re"ationship.

*Chapter 1#*: Chapter 1#: Fitting )ight $n

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter 1#: Fitting )ight $n

*rth#r +isib"y fe"t the war$ go $own! whether fro% Bi""6s efforts! or beca#se 3arry ha$ re"ease$ it! he wasn6t s#re. Either way! it was $own! an$ *rth#r was the first one thro#gh the $oor. 4ercy was seate$ at the tab"e in the e%pty 'itchen! his face co+ere$ by his pa"%s. AThey "eft!A he sai$ >#iet"y. *rth#r sighe$ $eep"y! re"ie+e$ that there wasn6t any +isib"e $a%age to the ho#se! nor to 4ercy hi%se"f. AEr8A The rest of the fa%i"y ha$ fo""owe$ hi% in an$ *rth#r gritte$ his teeth! 'nowing that this sho#"$ ha+e been $one years ago. 4#tting it off an$ hoping that ignoring the past wo#"$ %a'e it go away ob+io#s"y ha$n6t wor'e$. ABoysEA he bar'e$! %a'ing the% a"" f"inch. ATo the she$! nowEA 3e too' pri$e in the fact that e+ery one of the%! e+en Bi""! who was o+er thirty years o"$! sti"" pa"e$ when they were or$ere$ to the she$. 1t wasn6t "i'e *rth#r e+er beat his chi"$ren whi"e they were growing #p?b#t a"" of their 6%an9to9%an6 ta"'s ha$ ta'en p"ace in that ric'ety o"$ she$. /erio#s b#siness too' p"ace within those wa""s. *rth#r $i$n6t wait for the% to fo""ow hi%! b#t str#c' o#t across the gar$en! $eter%ination fi""ing hi% %ore with each step. The boys fi"e$ in behin$ hi%! "eaning against his wor' bench or perching on +ario#s s#rfaces! whi"e *rth#r trie$ to $eci$e where he wante$ to begin spea'ing. 3is sons nee$e$ a bit of perspecti+e on things! he tho#ght. A&e6re a"" here!A 4ercy anno#nce$ soft"y. A)o yo# 'now why yo#r %other an$ 1 <oine$ the r$er of the 4hoeni:(A *rth#r as'e$! his bac' sti"" to his chi"$ren as he fi$$"e$ with +ario#s things on the she"f. 5o one answere$?b#t he6$ e:pecte$ that. A.on was sti"" a baby when the 4otters were %#r$ere$!A he sai$! gri%acing at the %e%ory. ABinny was <#st a few %onths o"$. For years we ha$n6t "et yo# boys p"ay o#tsi$e e+en. Trips to )iagon *""ey were rare treats. There was <#st so %#ch #ncertainty in the wor"$. &e were terrifie$ to sen$ yo# to 3ogwarts!A he sai$! "oo'ing at Bi"". A&e <#st weren6t certain we co#"$ be"ie+e yo# were safe a"" the ti%e.A A1 re%e%ber!A Bi"" sai$ gr#ff"y. A1 was wor'ing "ate that night!A *rth#r contin#e$! swa""owing the e%otion that %a$e his throat tight. AThe news ca%e into the =inistry! an$8a"" he"" bro'e "oose.A 3e t#rne$ an$ "eane$ against the co#nter! ta'ing his g"asses off his face an$ r#bbing his face harsh"y.

A4eop"e were8peop"e were act#a""y ce"ebrating. The =inistry a"" b#t ga+e #p trying to stop it. There were firewor's an$ parties8 AB#t so%ewhere in a"" of that! those peop"e $rin'ing an$ ce"ebrating forgot that a fa%i"y ha$ been $e+astate$. * bra+e yo#ng %other an$ father were s"a#ghtere$ for protecting their fa%i"y. *n$ their chi"$ was "eft a"" a"one.A *rth#r "oo'e$ at his boys! a"" fine! yo#ng strapping "a$s. A&hen 1 fina""y %a$e it ho%e! yo#r %other was sitting in her roc'ing chair. Binny was in her cra$"e ne:t to the chair. *n$81 <#st crie$!A he a$%itte$. A1 sat at yo#r %other6s feet an$ we crie$ together.A *$%itting that $i$n6t see% "i'e wea'ness! rea""y! as it %ight ha+e for so%e %en. A&hen *"b#s contacte$ #s! fo#rteen years "ater! an$ as'e$ #s to <oin the r$er. ;o#r %other an$ 1 sat in the sa%e p"ace! in the sa%e position! an$ crie$ again. A;o#r sister8it a"%ost bro'e %e when *"b#s f"ooe$ #s that year. 1 ne+er to"$ anyone! b#t 1 went to 3ogwarts e+ery night she was in the hospita" wing. *n$ 1 <#st8sat there. 3o"$ing her han$ whi"e she s"ept! roc'ing her when she ha$ a night%are.A 3e "oo'e$ #p! fi:ing his ga2e partic#"ar"y on 4ercy! who "oo'e$ "i'e he %ight be sic'. A16% so sorry that 4ene"ope8that yo# ne+er got the chance to ha+e what yo#r %other an$ 1 $i$. 5othing can e+er bring her bac'! or %a'e yo# fee" who"e again after her "oss. B#t yo# nee$ to stop carrying this anger in yo#r heart! son.A /#rprising"y! 4ercy no$$e$. *rth#r won$ere$ what bits of the con+ersation between 3arry! Binny an$ 4ercy they ha$ %isse$ hearing. There were ti%es when they ha$n6t been ab"e to %a'e o#t the wor$s fro% the other si$e of the $oor! an$ thro#gh the war$ 3arry ha$ p"ace$. They6$ a"" <#%pe$ in shoc' at the notion that Binny $i$n6t $eser+e 3arry. The s"ow b#rn that ha$ starte$ in *rth#r at those wor$s roare$ to "ife now. A;o#r sister8has one of the %ost p#re hearts 16+e e+er seen!A he cho'e$ o#t! his eyes sti"" ri+ete$ on his thir$ son as 4ercy "oo'e$ away. A*n$ 3arry was right. /he is his %atch in e+ery way possib"e.A A16% scare$ for her!A 4ercy a$%itte$ in a "ow +oice. A&hat if8what if so%ething happens(A AThen we6"" a"" be here to catch her if she fa""s!A *rth#r state$ instant"y. A&e wi""!A Bi"" sai$! his +oice r#%b"ing fro% "ow insi$e hi%. A)a%n right!A Char"ie cheere$. A16"" be there to pic' the% both #p!A .on +owe$ soft"y. ACo#nt #s in!A Fre$ an$ Beorge sai$ together after sharing a "oo'.

*rth#r6s chest swe""e$ with pri$e for his boys. These were the %en he ha$ he"pe$ to raise. A3arry %a'es Binny happy "i'e 16+e ne+er seen before!A he sai$ fir%"y! t#rning bac' to 4ercy. A*n$ the fact that 3arry 4otter has chosen to be with yo#r sister8 1 can6t thin' of anyone 16$ tr#st with her heart %ore.A /"ow"y! his eyes s#spicio#s"y bright! 4ercy no$$e$. A181 want Binny to be happy.A A)o yo# rea""y thin' she6s responsib"e for what happene$(A .on presse$! "oo'ing $own at 4ercy fro% where he sat on *rth#r6s wor'bench. 3is tone wasn6t one of hosti"ity! b#t honest c#riosity an$ incre$#"ity. A5o!A 4ercy sai$ with a sigh. A181 $on6t. 5ot any%ore. B#t there6s %ore to it. There has to be.A 3e shoo' his hea$! scow"ing $own to the f"oor. AThere is!A *rth#r ass#re$ hi%. *"b#s ha$ to"$ hi% an$ =o""y a bit %ore abo#t the $iary! b#t what he6$ to"$ the% wasn6t for sprea$ing aro#n$. 1n fact! *rth#r high"y $o#bte$ e+en they 'new a"" of what Binny ha$ gone thro#gh. *ct#a""y! he was a bit re"ie+e$ at that. =aybe it was best not to 'now. A=aybe8%aybe it6s best not to 'now e+erything!A .on shr#gge$! stea"ing *rth#r6s wor$s. A1nfinite 'now"e$ge!A Fre$ gri%ace$. A,#st gets yo# into tro#b"e! %ate!A Beorge finishe$. A1 <#st81 want to 'now that 4enny $i$n6t $ie in +ain! 1 g#ess!A 4ercy sai$ $own to the $irt! which he swir"e$ with his toes. A/he $i$n6t!A Bi"" $efen$e$. A1t so#n$s horrib"e! b#t8her $eath %a$e it possib"e for Binny to8wa'e #p. For her to brea' the $iary6s contro". 1 $on6t 'now what the $iary was! for s#re! b#t 16+e seen so%e %agic that wo#"$ %a'e yo#r toes c#r".A 3e sh#$$ere$ an$ *rth#r wishe$! <#st for a secon$! that he co#"$ ta'e his son6s $e%ons away. A1t was sense"ess! yes! to "ose 4enny in that way. B#t8at the sa%e ti%e! we $on6t 'now what part her $eath p"aye$ in the who"e sche%e of things.A A1 wish it ha$n6t happene$!A *rth#r interr#pte$! r#bbing harsh"y at his face. AB#t yo# can6t b"a%e yo#r sister! 4ercy. Binny was strong. /he pre+ente$ a "ot of $eaths by fighting "i'e she $i$.A 4ercy no$$e$! b#t *rth#r co#"$ te"" he nee$e$ ti%e to thin' things thro#gh. 3e ha$ a"ways been that way! e+en as a yo#ng chi"$. &hi"e the other boys forgot their arg#%ents an$ ro%pe$ aro#n$ together on"y %in#tes after getting their fee"ings h#rt! 4ercy nee$e$ his space an$ ti%e to process e+erything.

ABo ho%e! 4ercy!A *rth#r sai$. ATa'e so%e ti%e to thin' things thro#gh.A 4ercy no$$e$! stan$ing an$ %o+ing towar$ the $oor. A=ay 1 %a'e a s#ggestion(A *rth#r sai$! his brow f#rrowing at %e%ory of 3arry6s wor$s to hi% that afternoon. A)on6t try an$ confront Binny again "i'e that. 3arry see%s "i'e a patient %an! b#t e+en the %ost $oci"e %an in the wor"$ wi"" rise when yo# get his bac' #p.A Their eyes %et across the $i%"y "it she$! an$ *rth#r tho#ght he saw #n$erstan$ing pass o+er 4ercy6s face. A3arry is in "o+e with yo#r sister!A he sai$! a bit of pri$e to#ching his +oice. A*n$ she6s in "o+e with hi%. They6re going to be together for a +ery "ong ti%e! 4ercy. *n$ 1 won6t a""ow this fa%i"y to be sp"it into two.A A5either wi"" 1!A .on chi%e$ in. A&e won6t p#t yo# bac' together when 3arry6s thro#gh with yo#!A Fre$ sai$! gest#ring to hi%se"f an$ Beorge. A,#st8<#st thin' abo#t it!A Bi"" s#ggeste$. 4ercy no$$e$ an$ wa"'e$ o#t. A/top pacing! 4a$foot!A .e%#s sai$ fro% behin$ the newspaper he was rea$ing. AThey6"" be here soon.A A1 <#st wish 3arry wo#"$ ha+e "et %e co%e an$ pic' the% #p.A .e%#s grinne$ to hi%se"f. *s %#ch as /iri#s grow"e$ abo#t .e%#s6 f#ssing! he hi%se"f was %ore of a worrier when it ca%e to 3arry. 3e "owere$ the paper to watch /iri#s r#ff"e his hair in the way that ,a%es 4otter #se$ to $o often. A&earing a ho"e in the f"oor won6t get the% here any faster. *n$ besi$es!A he s%ir'e$ as /iri#s t#rne$ to hi%! Athe *%ericans $on6t want yo# in their =inistry any %ore than the British $o.A * +ery r#$e han$ gest#re was shot across the roo% an$ it %a$e .e%#s ch#c'"e. A&hat $o yo# re%e%ber of the &eas"eys! =oony(A /iri#s as'e$ as he f"oppe$ $own onto the sofa. A1 %ean! 16$ hear$ of the%! b#t $i$n6t 'now %#ch.A .e%#s sighe$ an$ "ai$ the paper that he feare$ he6$ ne+er finish rea$ing $own onto the s%a"" si$e tab"e. A1t6s a rather "arge fa%i"y7 se+en chi"$ren! a"" boys #nti" Binny. =o""y stays at ho%e! e+en now. /he6s we"" 'nown for her coo'ing an$ for he"ping neighbors in

nee$. *rth#r is in a rather "ow9"e+e" =inistry <ob! where apparent"y! he "o+es it. /o%ething or other to $o with =#gg"es. 3e ha$ a higher position $#ring the war! b#t chose to go bac' to his office when things sett"e$ $own. AThe two o"$est boys were in the =i"itary! an$ were in<#re$ in the Fina" Batt"e! one of the% se+ere"y.A 3e scow"e$! re%e%bering the part of the "etter that *"b#s ha$ sent #pon his in>#iries. ABreybac' got the% both! an$ it was 3arry! act#a""y! that sa+e$ the%.A A3ow $o yo# 'now a"" this(A /iri#s g"are$ at hi% with no "itt"e awe. ATa"ent!A .e%#s >#ippe$ an$ then "a#ghe$ at the ret#rne$ "oo'. A1 wrote to *"b#s when 3arry "eft "ast ti%e.A 3e shr#gge$. A1 was intereste$ in what type this Binny was.A A*n$(A .e%#s s%i"e$ at /iri#s6 shirtiness. A*ccor$ing to *"b#s! there6s not a better yo#ng wo%an in the wor"$ for o#r 3arry.A /iri#s see%e$ to nee$ to pon$er this as he stoo$ abr#pt"y an$ peere$ o#t the win$ows. Fina""y he no$$e$ an$ .e%#s 'new it was safe to contin#e. AThe %i$$"e boy is in the =inistry as we""! where 1 $i$n6t as'. The yo#ngest is 3arry6s age. There are a set of twins7 =ara#$ers if there e+er were any.A /iri#s grinne$ to the win$ow! b#t .e%#s co#"$ see it sti"". A*"b#s sai$ they +ery near"y ca%e c"ose to brea'ing yo#rs an$ ,a%es6 recor$s for $etentions.A /iri#s ch#c'"e$ an$ .e%#s $eci$e$ to $rop the g#i""otine. AB#t it was Binny who e+ent#a""y "i" brea' it.A That see%e$ to ha+e ren$ere$ hi% speech"ess #nti" he gri%ace$. A)o yo# thin' 3arry6s #p to han$"ing her then(A .e%#s a"%ost fe"" off of his chair "a#ghing. ,#st the other $ay! when 3arry ha$ contacte$ the% abo#t his +isit! /iri#s ha$ as'e$ if .e%#s tho#ght Binny was #p to han$"ing 3arry. 5ow it see%e$ as tho#gh she %ight act#a""y ha+e /iri#s6 sea" of appro+a". A1 thin'!A .e%#s sai$ when he reco+ere$! Athat ,a%es an$ 0i"y wo#"$ ha+e $efinite"y appro+e$ of their son6s choice.A /iri#s s#n' hea+i"y into the chair by the win$ow. A;o# thin' its serio#s then(A .e%#s sighe$. A1 thin' that this +isit wi"" be the te""ing point! for a"" of #s! 4a$$y. 3arry wo#"$n6t be bringing her here if he $i$n6t tr#st her co%p"ete"y. *n$! fro% what 1 can $ecipher fro% *"b#s6 tho#ghts! Binny isn6t one to %ess aro#n$ with tri+ia" re"ationships either. /he was rather serio#s abo#t one boy $#ring schoo"! b#t *"b#s sai$ that in "oo'ing bac'! he co#"$ $efinite"y see signs that she wasn6t content.A

A3e see%s to 'now a "ot abo#t her!A /iri#s note$ with a bit of a frown. A3e too' a specia" interest in her!A .e%#s no$$e$. AThere was a bit of a %ess she was in+o"+e$ in when she was fo#rteen.A 3e hesitate$ for a %in#te! won$ering what /ir#s6 reaction wo#"$ be! before contin#ing. A;o# re%e%ber the $iary(A AThe 3orcr#:(A /iri#s as'e$ with a $rea$e$ tone. A.ight in one!A .e%#s contin#e$. AThat gir" was Binny. *s far as we 'now! she fo#ght the sha$e of .i$$"e whi"e it possesse$ her for %ost of the year. E+ent#a""y! she gathere$ eno#gh strength to bring it to *"b#s. 1t was Binny6s brother6s gir"frien$ who was 'i""e$. /he was interning as 4o%frey6s ai$e. Binny s#r+i+e$ a"" that an$ beca%e >#ite the "itt"e scrapper 16% to"$.A /iri#s gr#nte$ an$ .e%#s co#"$ see the whee"s in his hea$ t#rning. A*n$ she6s a +ery powerf#" witch. /he score$ higher on her .&.0.6s an$ 5.E.&.T.6s than either yo# or ,a%es.A /iri#s raise$ an eyebrow in appreciation! b#t .e%#s 'new that it i%presse$ hi% "ess than her $etention recor$. A3e a"so sai$ that he6$ +ery rare"y %et anyone with as %#ch co%passion an$ spirit as Binny &eas"ey.A /iri#s $roppe$ bac' into $eep tho#ght an$ .e%#s was g"a$ to see that he6$ stoppe$ pacing an$ see%e$ to sett"e a bit. =aybe he sho#"$ ha+e %entione$ that he6$ chec'e$ into Binny $ays ago. ABinny 4otter. 3as a nice ring to it! $oesn6t it(A he fina""y as'e$ with a s%a""! g#i"ty grin an$ .e%#s co#"$n6t $o anything b#t agree. A/top fi$geting.A 3arry "a#ghe$ o#t "o#$ as Binny grow"e$ at hi% after sti""ing her han$s away fro% the b"o#se she was wearing for the thir$ ti%e in "ess than two %in#tes. A1 see% to re%e%ber yo# being %ore than a bit ner+o#s when yo# %et %y fa%i"y!A she >#ippe$ bac'. A;eah!A 3arry $raw"e$ as he wrappe$ an ar% aro#n$ her waist! Ab#t yo#6re not %eeting si: o"$er! an$ "arger! brothers.A

A5o! 16% <#st %eeting the two %en who ha$ the %ost inf"#ence on yo# in yo#r "ife!A she sai$ soft"y. 3e co#"$ see that she was being serio#s! an$ 'isse$ the en$ of her nose. AThey6"" "o+e yo#! 1 pro%ise.A /he gri%ace$ a bit an$ he ca#ght her chin with his han$! "ifting it #p so that she wo#"$ see his eyes. A1 "o+e yo#! an$ they wi"" a"so.A Binny $i$n6t say anything! b#t went #p on her tiptoes to 'iss hi% >#ic'"y. Their n#%ber was ca""e$ ne:t an$ Binny sho#"$ere$ her s%a"" bag as they sh#ff"e$ towar$ the port9'ey office. *fter seeing how %#ch Binny ha$ set o#t to pac'! 3arry ha$ been +ery gratef#" for shrin'ing char%s. &hen he co%p"aine$! she proteste$ that he6$ p"anne$ so %#ch for their trip that she ha$ to be prepare$ for anything. 3arry ha$ co#ntere$ that she co#"$ <#st b#y anything she wante$ an$ she g"are$ at hi%. 3is wea"th! an$ her see%ing "ac' of it! was one of the on"y sore spots in their re"ationship. 1t wasn6t that she was too pro#$ to accept what he ga+e her! it was %ore the fact that she 'new she co#"$ %a'e it! financia""y at "east! witho#t hi%! an$ was $eter%ine$ to $o so #nti" she $i$n6t nee$ to. 3e s%i"e$ to hi%se"f when he tho#ght of a"" their hints abo#t their f#t#re together. 3e6$ not sai$ a wor$ abo#t %arriage! an$ neither ha$ she! b#t they both see%e$ to accept that it was in their f#t#re. Their near f#t#re! if 3arry ha$ anything to $o with it. A.ea$y! sweetheart(A he as'e$ when he notice$ she stiffene$ #n$er his ar%s. A1 hate port'eys!A she %#%b"e$ into his chest an$ wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ hi%. 3arry ch#c'"e$ an$ no$$e$ to the %an to acti+ate the $ef"ate$ beach ba"" that they both to#che$. Their "an$ing in the @nite$ /tates wasn6t horrib"e. They beca%e a bit entang"e$! b#t 3arry was ab"e to 'eep the% #pright at "east. 3e $iscar$e$ the beach ba"" in a bo: by the $oor! an$ he"$ the $oor open for Binny. /he see%e$ a bit %ore sett"e$ now that their trip was o+er b#t he co#"$ fee" a tension fro% her! "i'e a wa+e ro""ing off of her sho#"$ers. 3arry ha$ to"$ /iri#s that they wo#"$ catch a cab instea$ of ha+ing hi% pic' the% #p. 4ort'ey offices were notorio#s for $e"ays an$ he $i$n6t want his Bo$father waiting aro#n$ the 4ort"an$ =inistry offices i%patient"y. *s it was! they6$ ha$ a few r#n9ins with the s%a""er "oca" office as 3arry was growing #p an$ /iri#s6 presence in the b#i"$ing wo#"$ s#re"y ca#se no few co%p"ications. 5o! it was better that they arri+e$ this way. Binny watche$ the scenery %o+e past the win$ows as they tra+e"e$ to the ho#se where 3arry ha$ grown #p. 3er grip on his han$ grew tighter an$ tighter as they $ro+e. The trees were thic' an$ won$erf#""y green an$ 3arry ro""e$ $own the win$ow to "et the air in.

A&here are we e:act"y(A A regon!A he answere$. A5ot too far fro% the coast! act#a""y. &e #se$ to go ca%ping in those woo$s o+er there!A he sai$ as he pointe$ to an area on the si$e of a %o#ntain. 3e too' a $eep breath of the sweet c"ean air an$ sighe$. 3e6$ a"ways "o+e$ this area %ost an$ of a"" the p"aces he6$ tra+e"e$! the scent of pine an$ sea sa"t %i:ing %eant ho%e to hi%. They6$ been safe here in the s%a"" co%%#nities #p an$ $own the regon coast7 an$ that %attere$ when yo# "i+e$ "ife as he ha$! a"ways watching who was aro#n$ an$ 'nowing that yo# %ay ha+e to #proot an$ $isappear with "itt"e warning. A/o!A Binny t#rne$ to hi%. A/iri#s was yo#r father6s best frien$.A 3arry no$$e$ as she recite$ what she 'new. AE+eryone tho#ght he was their secret 'eeper! b#t that was rea""y 4eter.A 3arry no$$e$ her on. A4eter was 'i""e$ by To% for betraying hi% $#ring the Fina" Batt"e. /iri#s was p"anning on going after 4eter that 3a""oween night! b#t )#%b"e$ore stoppe$ hi% an$ sent hi% into hi$ing.A 3arry no$$e$ again whi"e gi+ing the cab $ri+er a >#ic' "oo'. The %an was ob"i+io#s to the con+ersation than's to a >#ic' notice9%e9not char% cast by 3arry when they6$ entere$ the car. A.e%#s was their other frien$. 3e ca%e to "i+e with the two of yo# short"y after yo# arri+e$. *n$ he an$ /iri#s8A /he trai"e$ off an$ 3arry t#rne$ to fin$ her a bit re$ in the chee's. AThey6re8partners(A she as'e$. 3arry opene$ his %o#th to as' what she %eant when a +ery $ifferent i%age of his "ife entere$ his %in$ an$ he gri%ace$. A0i'e "ife partners! right(A /he wasn6t 'i$$ing! <#$ging by her face an$ 3arry6s eyes b#"ge$. ABoo$ "or$! no!A he e:c"ai%e$ an$ "a#ghter fina""y b#rst o#t of hi%. AThey6re on"y frien$s ?both as straight as they co%e.A 3e contin#e$ "a#ghing! his si$es beginning to ache. AB#t 1 a% going to ha+e to tease the% abo#t this.A Binny6s <aw $roppe$. A)on6t yo# $are! 3arry. 1t6s your fa#"t anyway!A she h#ffe$ an$ p#""e$ away fro% hi% to cross her ar%s in$ignant"y. A;o# $i$n6t e:act"y te"" %e %#ch abo#t the%.A 3arry contin#e$ to "a#gh an$ p#t his ar%s aro#n$ her! p#""ing her into hi% when she scow"e$ an$ trie$ to p#"" away again. 3e pacifie$ her by 'issing her hea$ an$ wrapping his ar%s tighter. A;o#6re right. B#t if yo# 'new the%! that wo#"$ be the f#nniest <o'e e+er. 1n fact! 16% going hang on to that an$ #se it whi"e we6re here.A Binny groane$ an$ "ai$ her hea$ in the croo' of his sho#"$er. A*re yo# trying to %a'e %e fee" ba$(A she as'e$ with a po#t an$ 3arry s%i"e$ whi"e 'issing away the "oo'.

A,#st thin' what yo# wo#"$ ha+e $one to %e if 16$ as'e$ if! say Fre$ an$ Beorge! were a co#p"e.A AErgh! 3arry! that6s <#st8sic' an$ wrong.A A/a%e thing!A he proteste$ an$ Binny shr#gge$. A/iri#s an$ .e%#s are "i'e brothers.A A*"right!A she sai$ as she po'e$ hi% in the ribs an$ then 'isse$ his nec'. A*pparent"y 16% going to ha+e to 'eep %y %o#th sh#t aro#n$ here or so#n$ "i'e a foo".A AThe foo" 1 "o+e!A 3arry %#r%#re$ $own to her an$ she po'e$ hi% again. A3ere we are!A the cab $ri+er ca""e$ o#t an$ 3arry t#rne$ to see the pa"e b"#e ho#se co%e into +iew. E+en tho#gh he6$ on"y been gone a few wee's! the ho#se "oo'e$ we"co%ing an$ e:act"y as ho%e sho#"$ be. *n$ now that he was bringing Binny here! things <#st fe"t8right. ACo%e on! sweetheart. /iri#s is probab"y c"i%bing the wa""s by now. 3e ne+er was +ery patient.A Binny s%i"e$ an$ s"i$ across the seat after 3arry. /he gathere$ her bag fro% the bac' of the car an$ watche$ as 3arry pai$ the cab $ri+er an$ t#rne$! grinning to the ho#se. 3e he"$ o#t his han$ an$ too' her s%a"" one in his. A/o! this is where yo# grew #p!A Binny sai$ soft"y as she too' in the area. A;eah!A 3arry agree$. A=y roo%6s right #p there!A he pointe$ to the top%ost win$ow that was crac'e$ open <#st a bit. A1 #se$ to $o %y *strono%y at nights sitting right #p there on the "e$ge! or 16$ c"i%b o#t an$ sit on the roof! right o+er there.A A)i$ yo# %iss not going to 3ogwarts! $o yo# thin'(A Binny as'e$ as they wa"'e$ #p to the $oor. 3arry shr#gge$. A)i$n6t 'now what 1 was %issing! $i$ 1( B#t! 1 thin' 1 wo#"$ ha+e "i'e$ to ha+e gone. 1 certain"y %isse$ o#t on a few things. Frien$s an$ a"".A 3e "ifte$ a han$ to caress her chee'. A;o#.A Binny "a#ghe$. A)o yo# thin' we wo#"$ ha+e gotten together(A 3arry no$$e$ $ecisi+e"y. A*fter 1 beat the st#ffing o#t of that Corner fe""ow! yeah.A Binny "a#ghe$ an$ 3arry once again ha$ the strong fee"ing of ho%e. A16$ ha+e been a foo" not to ha+e notice$ yo#.A AThe foo" 1 "o+e!A Binny echoe$ his wor$s fro% ear"ier an$ 3arry ha$ to stop her. They stoo$ on the $oorstep an$ 3arry "eane$ $own to 'iss her passionate"y.

A*"right! 'noc' it off! yo# two! or 16"" ha+e to t#rn the hose on yo#.A 3arry grinne$ against Binny6s "ips an$ p#""e$ bac' "a#ghing. A0i'e =oony $i$ to yo# that one ti%e yo# were going after "$ =rs.?A AThat6s eno#gh of that c#bEA /iri#s grow"e$ as he p#""e$ 3arry in by the co""ar. Binny <#st grinne$ an$ fo""owe$ her boyfrien$ in. 3arry an$ /iri#s t#ss"e$ for a %o%ent before .e%#s bro'e the% #p an$ h#gge$ 3arry. A;o# %#st be Binny!A /iri#s sai$ as he he"$ o#t his han$ for Binny an$ ga+e her his best rog#e "oo'. 3arry 'new he was 'i$$ing! b#t grow"e$ nonethe"ess. 4'y /inny.4 /iri#s grinne$ bac'! his b"ac' hair fa""ing into his eyes. ABin! this %ora" reprobate is the notorio#s /iri#s B"ac'.A /iri#s raise$ an eyebrow an$ then "ifte$ Binny6s han$ to 'iss it. A* p"eas#re! %y "a$y.A A)own boy!A .e%#s patte$ /iri#s on the sho#"$er. A1t6s a p"eas#re to %eet yo#! =iss &eas"ey. 3arry6s to"$ #s won$erf#" things abo#t yo#.A A.e%#s 0#pin!A 3arry %otione$ towar$ the %an an$ Binny ga+e hi% her best s%i"e. 3arry ch#c'"e$! watching Binny char% the pants off of the two %en. 3e 'new they6$ "o+e her right away. /iri#s stoo$ ne:t to .e%#s an$ threw an ar% o+er his sho#"$er. This on"y set 3arry off f#rther as he re%e%bere$ Binny6s >#estion in the car. A*re yo# a"right there c#b(A .e%#s as'e$ with a raise$ eyebrow. 3arry ha$ to catch his breath as Binny ha$ e"bowe$ hi% in the ribs. A16% fine. )on6t %in$ %e.A A&hy $on6t the two of yo# p#t yo#r bags #pstairs!A .e%#s sai$ as he shoo' his hea$. A&e weren6t s#re what yo#6$ want in the way of roo%s8A he trai"e$ off an$ "oo'e$ a bit #nco%fortab"e. /iri#s on"y grinne$ at 3arry an$ wagg"e$ his eyebrows. A h!A Binny g"ance$ at 3arry an$ he saw a hint of %ischief! Aanything wi"" $o! as "ong as the be$6s big eno#gh. 1 sti"" ha+e a "ot to teach 3arry here.A The s%i"e fe"" off of 3arry6s face as he watche$ his gir"frien$ wan$er towar$ the stairs! swinging her $eni% c"a$ hips the entire way. AThis way! right(A /he $i$n6t wait! b#t hea$e$ #p the stairs. 3arry6s %o#th went $ry as she %o+e$ o#t of sight. 3e was right7 Binny fit right in i%%e$iate"y.

The three %en stare$ after her before /iri#s an$ .e%#s bro'e into "a#ghter an$ c"#tche$ onto each other to 'eep #pright. A=er"in 1 "o+e her!A 3arry sighe$ as he passe$ the %en. &hen he reache$ the botto% of the stairs! he "oo'e$ bac' with a wi$e grin. A)on6t "et #s 'eep yo#! we6"" probab"y be awhi"e.A )inner that night was a row$y affair. /iri#s ha$ s"ippe$ away to the "oca" %ar'et an$ co%e bac' with the %ost e:pensi+e stea' he co#"$ fin$ an$ a bott"e of $ar' re$ wine %a$e "oca""y. They6$ gri""e$ the %eat! a"ong with the se"ection of fresh +egetab"es that .e%#s ha$ insiste$ #pon! o#tsi$e an$ sat aro#n$ the patio in the fa$ing "ight. The cric'ets were chirping an$ the can$"es f"ic'ering as they finishe$ their %ea". Binny co#"$n6t re%e%ber ha+ing s#ch f#n #n"ess they were at the B#rrow with her fa%i"y. /iri#s an$ .e%#s were hi"ario#s. They rega"e$ the co#p"e with ta"es of ,a%es an$ 0i"y! 3arry6s parents! when they were at schoo". Then /iri#s ha$ beg#n on e%barrassing stories of 3arry when he was a teen. 3arry ha$ b"#she$ spectac#"ar"y an$ Binny tho#ght it was the c#test thing she6$ e+er seen. /he sn#gg"e$ bac' into his ar%s! "o+ing e+erything abo#t the e+ening. Binny wasn6t s#re if she6$ e+er fin$ any p"ace as a%a2ing as the B#rrow. B#t she ha$ to a$%it! this ho#se?an$ these peop"e in it?were e+ery bit as won$erf#" as she co#"$ ha+e i%agine$. Then again! how co#"$ they not be! ha+ing raise$ 3arry to be who he was. 3er eyes were growing hea+y an$ she a""owe$ herse"f to fa$e a bit! $rifting in the coo" e+ening bree2e! f"oating on the scents an$ so#n$s of the forest ho%e. The three %en contin#e$ to ta"' an$ "a#gh! an$ Binny "et it "#"" her #nti" she was on the +erge of s"eep. A0oo's "i'e she6s abo#t gone! 3arry!A .e%#s6 +oice sai$ an$ Binny6s eyes snappe$ open. 3arry ch#c'"e$. ACo%e on "o+e! "et6s get yo# to be$.A Binny grinne$ s"eepi"y an$ a""owe$ hi% to <ost"e her into his ar%s. A1s that a pro%ise! =r. 4otter(A /iri#s an$ .e%#s "a#ghe$ an$ 3arry pa#se$ to spin aro#n$. /he was fair"y s#re he ga+e the% a r#$e gest#re beca#se they er#pte$ again. 3arry 'isse$ her hea$ an$ starte$ into the ho#se. A/i"encing char%s! c#bEA /iri#s ca""e$ o#t an$ another ro#n$ of "a#ghter began. AToo %#ch wine!A 3arry %#r%#re$ as he set her $own at the foot of the stairs. Binny wasn6t s#re if he was ta"'ing abo#t the% or hi%. They fina""y %a$e it to the be$roo% an$ craw"e$ into the c"ean sheets. Binny ha$n6t e+en bothere$ with %ore than her night shirt as she was so e:ha#ste$ an$ it was rather war%. 3arry p#""e$ her into his e%brace an$ they "istene$ to the bree2e whist"e past the win$ow. )own be"ow they co#"$ hear the two %en ta"'ing.

A&e6re getting o"$! =oony.A * hea+y sigh echoe$. 46ou are! 4a$foot.A .e%#s snic'ere$ an$ they hear$ the so#n$ of g"ass on g"ass. Binny g#esse$ that he6$ finishe$ #p the "ast of the wine. A3e6s so8grown #p now.A /iri#s sai$ an$ Binny s%i"e$ into 3arry6s chest. A;eah!A .e%#s agree$. AB#t 1 "i'e Binny.A A/he see%s to be perfect for hi%.A 3arry s>#ee2e$ her c"oser to hi% an$ Binny gigg"e$. A/weet =er"in!A /iri#s groane$ an$ Binny fro2e! 'nowing that they were on"y one f"oor $own an$ co#"$ probab"y hear her. A3e6s getting "ai$ #p there.A 3arry snorte$ o#t a "a#gh an$ then c"aspe$ his han$ o+er his %o#th. Binny co#"$n6t he"p b#t gigg"e again. A0#c'y bastar$!A .e%#s sai$. A&e6re not that o"$!A /iri#s sai$! a"%ost in a $esperate tone. A1f he can get so%e action! so can we. Co%e on =oony! "et6s go $own to the p#b an$ pic' #p a few bir$s.A Binny raise$ her hea$ to "oo' at 3arry who was on"y grinning an$ sha'ing his hea$. .e%#s was si"ent for a %in#te an$ then groane$. A1 $on6t thin' 1 can wa"' straight. 16$ be afrai$ of what 16$ co%e ho%e with.A AThen 16"" choose for yo#!A /iri#s practica""y sho#te$. .e%#s g#ffawe$. A0i'e "ast ti%e( 5o than' yo#. 1 thin' 16% <#st going to go to be$.A ACo%e on! =oony. &e6re not that o"$. 1f 3arry can get a "eg o+er! so can we.A AThat6s it!A 3arry fina""y grow"e$ an$ ro""e$ on top of Binny! ta'ing her by s#rprise an$ %a'ing her s>#ea' o#t. A0et6s gi+e the% a "itt"e so%ething to ta"' abo#t.A 3e attac'e$ her nec' an$ Binny "a#ghe$ e+en "o#$er. A*n$ no si"encing char%s!A he %#%b"e$ as he %o+e$ "ower an$ "ifte$ her thin night $ress. Binny wasn6t s#re why she e+en ca%e to be$ c"othe$7 e+ent#a""y it en$e$ #p on the f"oor anyway.

*Chapter 1(*: Chapter 1(: %ome 3t 7ast


*"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter 1(: %ome 3t 7ast The wee' see%e$ to pass horrib"y fast. 3arry ha$ ta'en the% to a"" his fa+orite spots #p an$ $own the coast. They hi'e$ on =t. 3oo$ an$ swa% in the ocean at Cannon Beach. They spent ho#rs wa"'ing thro#gh the shops aro#n$ 4ioneer Co#rtho#se />#are where Binny bo#ght so%e bea#tif#" things. 3arry too' her to a =#gg"e p"ace ca""e$ /t#%ptown Coffee where she got a stea%y 0atte. The %#sic was "o#$ an$ the crow$ a bit %#ch! so they wa"'e$ han$ in han$ $own the street! si%p"y en<oying being together. Binny6s fa+orite $ay was the $ay they spent at the beach. They b#i"t san$cast"es an$ sp"ashe$ in the ocean. 3arry bro#ght o#t a ca%era an$ ta"'e$ an o"$er co#p"e into ta'ing a few photos of hi% an$ Binny to sen$ to her fa%i"y. 0#nch was corn $ogs an$ "e%ona$e bo#ght fro% a +en$or on the si$e of the roa$. Then they nappe$ in the sha$e of the beach #%bre""a before ta'ing a wa"'! han$ in han$! watching the ti$e erase their footsteps. That e+ening they6$ b#i"t a bonfire in a $eserte$ co+e an$ %a$e "o+e right there on the san$. The s#n ha$ been gone for ho#rs when they fina""y ret#rne$ to /iri#s6 ho#se. A&here to to%orrow(A /iri#s ha$ >#i22e$ the% as they ate Chinese ta'e o#t right o#t of the containers! sitting on +ario#s s#rfaces in the 'itchen. .e%#s ha$ been wor'ing teaching s#%%er schoo" "ate"y an$ ha$ been absent %#ch of the wee'. A1 wante$ to ta'e her to =#"tno%ah Fa""s or hi'ing in the Borge!A 3arry sai$. A r %aybe we6"" $ri+e $own to 5orthern Ca"ifornia to see the .e$woo$s.A /iri#s no$$e$ an$ Binny shr#gge$. /he $i$n6t care what they $i$! as "ong as they spent the ti%e together. 1t was har$ to %iss ho%e when 3arry 'ept her so b#sy. They ha$n6t been %ore than a few %in#tes o#t of each others co%pany an$ it was goo$ for their re"ationship. Binny was s#rprise$ that she ha$n6t gotten annoye$ by it yet. &hen =ichae" ha$ been at his worst!

$e%an$ing attention a"" the ti%e! Binny ha$ p#she$ hi% away. *"" she wante$ to $o was p#"" 3arry c"oser. A&e6"" ha+e to hea$ bac' e+ent#a""y!A 3arry sai$ sa$"y. A16"" nee$ to chec' on %y ne:t assign%ent an$ Binny nee$s to get bac' to wor'.A Ta'ing a few $ays off ha$n6t been %#ch of a tria" for Binny. /he6$ si%p"y threatene$ to >#it! 'nowing that she co#"$ get another <ob witho#t %#ch f#ss. 3arry! howe+er! ha$ assign%ents co%ing #p an$ co#"$n6t get o#t of the% with ease. /he was s#rprise$ at the annoyance she hear$ in his +oice. /iri#s %#st ha+e hear$ it too as he st#$ie$ his Bo$son tho#ghtf#""y. A3a+ing tro#b"e with the <ob(A he fina""y as'e$. 3arry shr#gge$ an$ Binny watche$ hi% c"ose"y. That was one area they6$ not ta"'e$ a "ot abo#t. A5o. 5ot rea""y. Things ha+e been going we""! it6s <#st8A 3e shr#gge$ again an$ tosse$ the e%pty container into the trash bin! "ic'ing his for' c"ean before tossing it into the sin'. A16% not s#re 1 want to $o it any%ore.A /iri#s no$$e$ tho#ghtf#""y an$ Binny b#sie$ herse"f with her noo$"es an$ por' "est 3arry "oo' to her for a$+ice. 1t wasn6t that she wo#"$n6t gi+e it7 she ha$ p"enty of i$eas for hi%. 1t was %ore that his "ife was changing so %#ch "ate"y that she $i$n6t want hi% to "oo' bac' in a few %onths an$ regret anything he6$ $one. /he wante$ hi% to %a'e the right $ecisions beca#se he fe"t they were right! not beca#se it was what she wante$ hi% to $o. 3onest"y! the i$ea of hi% contin#ing to $o what he $i$ %a$e her ner+o#s. Co#"$ their re"ationship han$"e that %#ch ti%e apart( r wo#"$ they s"ow"y start to resent their <obs! an$ then each other. E+ent#a""y they were going to ha+e to ta"' abo#t this! she 'new. Their f#t#re together was "i'e this shining thing stan$ing in front of the%! b#t they ha$ to be bra+e eno#gh to wa"' forwar$ together into it. A1 can #n$erstan$ that! c#b!A /iri#s sai$ as he finishe$ chewing an eggro"". A;o#6re yo#ng yet. 5othing to say yo# can6t try on a few hats before yo# fin$ the one that fits.A A1 was thin'ing8A A;es!A /iri#s sai$ as he p#she$ asi$e his foo$ an$ "oo'e$ intent"y at 3arry. 3arry sh#ff"e$ his feet a bit an$ shr#gge$ again. A1 "o+e to f"y. =aybe 1 co#"$ $o so%ething with that.A A0i'e C#i$$itch(A /iri#s s#ggeste$. A1 'now yo# want to stay in Eng"an$.A 3arry no$$e$. A1 $o want to "i+e there. 16+e a"ways "o+e$ it here b#t8A he g"ance$ at Binny an$ she co#"$ fee" her face t#rn re$. The fact that he was wi""ing to gi+e #p spen$ing ti%e with his fa%i"y so that they co#"$ "i+e c"oser to hers8it %a$e her chest

constrict. The i$ea of "i+ing on the other si$e of the wor"$ fro% the% h#rt! when she rea""y e:a%ine$ the tho#ght. There wo#"$ be no $ropping in for /#n$ay $inners or nic'ing bisc#its o#t of her %other6s hi$ing spots. A;eah! probab"y for the best!A /iri#s sai$ an$ Binny $i$n6t ha+e to "oo' at hi% to see that he was s%i"ing. /he fe"t a bit o#t of p"ace an$ won$ere$ if she sho#"$n6t e:c#se herse"f. 4erhaps 3arry wo#"$ be %ore co%fortab"e $isc#ssing this with <#st /iri#s. B#t then again! she was tr#"y c#rio#s as to what 3arry was thin'ing. /he g"ance$ #p an$ 3arry ga+e her a win'! confir%ing that he $i$ want her there. A1 $on6t want to p"ay C#i$$itch!A he sai$. A)on6t get %e wrong! 1 thin' it6s the %ost bri""iant sport in the wor"$. B#t 1 $on6t rea""y nee$ the attention.A /iri#s snorte$ here an$ 3arry ch#c'"e$. A1 was thin'ing %ore a"ong the "ines of teaching.A ATeaching(A A;eah!A 3arry sai$. ATeaching.A A0i'e being the F"ying instr#ctor at 3ogwarts(A /iri#s as'e$! a strange e:pression on his face. 3arry shr#gge$. A)on6t they start f"ying ear"ier than that(A Binny g"ance$ #p to fin$ 3arry "oo'ing right at her. /he finishe$ what was in her %o#th before raising an eyebrow at hi%. A5ot #s#a""y!A she sai$ fina""y. A=ost peop"e wait #nti" 3ogwarts to "earn. 1f they $on6t go! 16% s#re it6s <#st their frien$s an$ fa%i"ies who teach the%.A A1s it i""ega" for the% to f"y ear"ier(A Binny shoo' her hea$. A1 $on6t thin' so. 1 %ean! 1 sto"e %y brother6s broo%s when 1 was si: an$ ta#ght %yse"f how to f"y.A Both %en ch#c'"e$ at this an$ Binny grinne$ in pri$e. A=aybe it6s a safety thing.A A=aybe!A 3arry sai$. AB#t what if they co#"$ "earn ear"ier. Thin' of the C#i$$itch tea%s yo# co#"$ ha+e then.A A pen #p yo#r own schoo"!A /iri#s s#ggeste$. A;o#6+e got the %oney.A 3arry pa"e$ s"ight"y an$ shifte$ ner+o#s"y! as if the i$ea was a"%ost too big to wrap his hea$ aro#n$. A* schoo"( 1 $on6t 'now. &ho wo#"$ sen$ their 'i$s to a schoo"(A

A&hat abo#t a s#%%er ca%p(A Binny s#ggeste$. AFor a"" ages. 0ots of 'i$s ha$ tro#b"e with f"ying. 5e+i""e sti"" can6t fig#re it o#t!A she sai$ with a s"y grin. A*n$ "ots of a$#"ts <#st $on6t f"y beca#se they6re not co%fortab"e with it. =#% hates it. r yo# co#"$ ha+e it be a schoo"! b#t <#st $o $ifferent sessions.A Binny s%i"e$ to herse"f when so%ething spar'e$ in 3arry6s eye. /he6$ not seen hi% thin' abo#t so%ething this way e+er. A*n$ 1 g#arantee if yo# s"ap yo#r na%e on it! peop"e wi"" sen$ their 'i$s!A /iri#s sai$! earning hi% a gri%ace fro% 3arry. 3e "a#ghe$ an$ s"appe$ his Bo$son6s bac'. A;o#6re going to ha+e to get #se$ to it e+ent#a""y. This 3arrison 4ar'er bit isn6t going to "ast fore+er! yo# 'now.A 3arry sighe$ an$ no$$e$. A1 'now.A 3e g"ance$ once %ore at Binny before p#shing off the co#nter an$ co%ing o+er to 'iss her. A16% going to ta'e a wa"'. 16"" be bac' in a bit.A Binny s%i"e$ #p at hi% an$ no$$e$. /he starte$ pic'ing at her noo$"es again as the screen $oor s"a%%e$ an$ 3arry6s footsteps fa$e$ off. /he an$ /iri#s sat in si"ence for a bit7 the on"y so#n$s the r#st"ing of their foo$ containers an$ their chewing. A;o#6re rea""y goo$ for hi%! yo# 'now!A /iri#s fina""y sai$. A16+e ne+er seen hi% this happy.A A1 "o+e hi%!A Binny sai$ si%p"y beca#se it see%e$ the on"y thing she co#"$ say. /iri#s grinne$ at her an$ too' another h#ge bite. 3e scrape$ his for' a"ong the botto% of the bo: an$ then tosse$ it to the growing pi"e of garbage. A&hat was he "i'e(A Binny as'e$. /he6$ been $ying to as' /iri#s a"" wee' b#t wante$ to $o it when they were a"one. /iri#s "oo'e$ o#t into the $ar' night before answering. A*s a chi"$(A Binny no$$e$. A1 $on6t 'now what he6s to"$ yo# abo#t where he was before 1 got hi%!A he sighe$ an$ Binny shr#gge$. A5ot a "ot. ,#st that he was at his *#nt an$ @nc"e6s an$ that it wasn6t a goo$ p"ace for hi%.A /iri#s t#rne$ bac' aro#n$ an$ Binny was start"e$ by the ha#nte$ e:pression in his eyes. A1 sho#"$ ha+e co%e for hi% sooner!A he sai$ in a ho""ow +oice. A1t was a"%ost too "ate by the ti%e 1 'ept %y pro%ises to ,a%es an$ 0i"y. They were the worst sort of =#gg"es yo# can i%agine. They hate$ %agic. 0i"y an$ 4et#nia ne+er got on! an$ if it ha$n6t been for the b"oo$ %agic when 0i"y $ie$ to sa+e 3arry8A he shr#gge$ an$ wa+e$ it off as if it were an o"$ cobweb.

AThree year o"$s are s#ppose$ to "a#gh. They6re s#ppose$ to be si""y abo#t e+erything! tipping o+er their own shoes an$ aw'war$ abo#t things. They6re s#ppose$ to cry when they get their fee"ings h#rt! an$ they6re s#ppose$ to sti"" re"y on a$#"ts to $o %ost of the wor'.A Binny fe"t a "#%p we"" in her throat an$ she stare$ o#t at the b"ac'ness of the night. A3arry wasn6t anything "i'e that. 3e was the %ost grown9#p three year o"$ 16$ e+er seen. 1 $on6t e+en want to thin' abo#t the things they $i$ to hi%. 3e was8A he grow"e$ horrib"y an$ Binny shi+ere$. A3e was rea""y %esse$ #p. ;o# 'now what 1 %ean! rea""y %esse$ #p.A Binny no$$e$ <er'i"y. A1t too' %e a "ong ti%e to brea' thro#gh that she"" of his. 3e $i$n6t crac' %ore than a s%a"" s%i"e at %e for %onths. )i$n6t "a#gh o#t "o#$ for a year.A Binny p#she$ her foo$ away fro% her! her appetite now gone. A3ow co#"$ they(A Binny whispere$ +ehe%ent"y. A3e6s so won$erf#"! so a%a2ing. 3ow co#"$ they not see it(A /iri#s gri%ace$ at her an$ p"ace$ his hea+y han$ on hers. A1 $on6t 'now. 1 g#ess their hatre$ <#st b"in$e$ the%. B#t yo# an$ 1 got the best en$ of the $ea"! $i$n6t we(A Binny s%i"e$ an$ no$$e$. A3e was a +ery angry an$ conf#se$ teen!A /iri#s contin#e$. A3e ha$ that r#$$y connection with the %ass9%#r$erer an$ then that $a%ne$ prophecy hanging o+er his hea$. Trying to ba"ance who he was with who he nee$e$ to be o#tsi$e these wa""s.A Binny co#"$ see hi%! ra%b"ing abo#t this ho#se! a "an'y teenage boy who $i$n6t 'now >#ite where he fit in the wor"$. /he6$ seen eno#gh of that at the B#rrow with her brothers to 'now how it wor'e$. The a$$ition of the prophecy an$ 3arry6s $estiny %a$e Binny a%a2e$ that 3arry ha$ s#r+i+e$! "et a"one co%e o#t to be the strong %an that he was. AB#t he was f#nny!A he sai$ with a s%i"e. AThere were ti%es when he was sarcastic as he"". 3e6$ snap bac' at %e or .e%#s! an$ we6$ <#st ha+e to "a#gh.A A3e is f#nny!A Binny agree$. A*n$ 16+e ne+er seen s#ch $eter%ination an$ strength. &hen we got hi% bac' after8A /iri#s cho'e$ #p a bit an$ ha$ to stop. Binny reache$ o#t an$ p"ace$ her han$ on his ar%! no$$ing her #n$erstan$ing. A1 was afrai$ it wo#"$ brea' hi%!A he sai$. AB#t it %a$e hi% a"" the %a$$er! an$ %ore $eter%ine$ than e+er.A A*n$ he $i$ it!A Binny sai$ thic'"y. /iri#s no$$e$. A&e a"%ost "ost hi% that ti%e! b#t he p#""e$ thro#gh.A

A&hat abo#t gir"s(A Binny as'e$ with a s%i"e! trying to "ighten the %oo$. A&hat 'in$ of gir" $i$ 3arry fancy(A /iri#s s%i"e$ gratef#""y bac'. A1 $on6t 'now. 3e $i$n6t ha+e %#ch ti%e for it growing #p. *n$ e+en if he $i$8we"" he $i$n6t bring the% ho%e. &e8er! ta"'e$! genera""y spea'ing! yo# 'now. B#t nothing specific.A A5othing serio#s then(A A*re yo# fishing! =iss &eas"ey(A Binny "a#ghe$. A=aybe.A /iri#s st#$ie$ her for a %in#te. A5othing serio#s at a"". 1 'now there6+e been a few. B#t he rea""y ne+er bro#ght anyone ho%e. *n$ 1 'now he6s ne+er been in "o+e before yo#.A Binny s%i"e$ an$ fe"t her heart f"#tter again. /he $i$n6t %o+e as /iri#s stoo$ #p an$ began c"eaning #p the 'itchen. E+ent#a""y! she wan$ere$ o#t to the e$ge of the property an$ sat in the wi$e ha%%oc' that stretche$ between two trees. /he "et a few %ore tears fa"" for a "one"y yo#ng 3arry! who %ay ha+e spent a "ot of ti%e right here. *n$ then she a""owe$ herse"f to $ay$rea% abo#t what "ife %ight be "i'e if she an$ 3arry were to be %arrie$. /he $rifte$ off to s"eep with +isions of $ar' haire$! brown eye$ chi"$ren being ta#ght to f"y by their parents. /he awo'e when 3arry6s han$ caresse$ her chee'. A*re yo# co"$ o#t here(A he as'e$. /he b"in'e$ herse"f %ore awa'e an$ g"ance$ aro#n$. /he6$ fa""en as"eep in the ha%%oc'. A&hat ti%e is it(A A*"%ost two!A 3arry a$%itte$ sheepish"y. A&here $i$ yo# go(A Binny whine$ a bit an$ p#""e$ at his shirt #nti" he ga+e in with a "a#gh an$ <oine$ her on the ha%%oc'! ca#sing it to swing peri"o#s"y. A1 %isse$ yo#.A 3arry "a#ghe$ again an$ wrappe$ her in his ar%s. A1 went for a wa"' in the woo$s!A he sai$. A1 #se$ to $o that a "ot when 1 was yo#nger. Try to fig#re things o#t where no one co#"$ bother %e.A Binny "oo'e$ #p at hi%. A*% 1 bothering yo#(A A5o!A he proteste$ an$ 'isse$ her hea$. A5ot at a"". That6s not what 1 %eant. 1 g#ess 16+e <#st been thin'ing a "ot "ate"y.A

/he sett"e$ bac' against hi% an$ ease$ her han$ #n$er the e$ge of his t9shirt to where she co#"$ to#ch his bare si$e. A0ots to thin' abo#t!A she %#r%#re$. A=%h%%!A he agree$ an$ she grinne$ when his fingers began p"aying with the b#ttons on her b"o#se. A&hat $o yo# thin' abo#t(A he as'e$ an$ "oo'e$ into her eyes. A=ost"y yo#!A she a$%itte$ with a b"#sh. 3arry grinne$ wi$e"y an$ threw a "eg o+er her bo$y. AThat6s goo$!A he sai$ as he contin#e$ to "et his han$ wor' the b#ttons thro#gh the ho"es. A1 thin' abo#t yo# too.A A1 'now!A she s%i"e$ as she n#$ge$ his hip. /he co#"$ fee" his aro#sa" growing an$ for a secon$ won$ere$ how he p"anne$ on $oing this. They were in the %i$$"e of /iri#s6 bac' gar$en! in his ha%%oc'. 3e co#"$ "oo' o#t the win$ow an$ see the% at any ti%e. 3arry grinne$ as he finishe$ the "ast b#tton an$ p#""e$ her shirt open. The whiteness of her bra stoo$ o#t star'"y against the night. A3as this a"ways been a fantasy of yo#rs(A she gigg"e$ an$ 3arry presse$ his face against her c"ea+age. A*"ways!A he agree$ an$ shifte$ his weight onto her. Binny grinne$ an$ fo#n$ that the tho#ght of being seen $i$n6t $iss#a$e her as %#ch as she6$ a"ways tho#ght it wo#"$. A&i"" this o"$ thing ho"$(A she whispere$ into his ear as she gro#n$ her hips against hi%. 3arry <#st groane$ an$ r#bbe$ bac'. A n"y one way to fin$ o#t.A The ha%%oc' $i$ ho"$! an$ 3arry transfig#re$ their c"othes into "ight b"an'ets afterwar$s as they c#$$"e$. A/o! what $i$ yo# thin'(A 3arry as'e$ as he p"aye$ with a "ong en$ of her hair. Binny grinne$. A f the se:! or8(A 3arry snorte$. A5o. &e""! yeah! of co#rse. 1 %ean! if yo# want to te"" %e that is.A Binny gigg"e$ an$ %o+e$ to "oo' #p at hi%. A1 thin'!A she $raw"e$ as she ran her fingers thro#gh the "ight $#sting of hair on his chest! Athat the ne:t ti%e we %a'e "o+e in a ha%%oc'! yo# get to be on the botto%. 1 thin' 1 ha+e rope b#rns on %y arse.A

3arry "a#ghe$ "o#$"y an$ Binny trie$ to sh#sh hi% by co+ering his %o#th. This %a$e the ha%%oc' roc' %ighti"y an$ they a"%ost $#%pe$ o#t! ca#sing Binny to screa%. This ti%e it was 3arry sh#shing her. A)o yo# want %e to 'iss it better(A 3arry offere$ with a pre$atory grin an$ Binny s"appe$ his chest an$ sett"e$ bac' $own into his e%brace. A;o# weren6t co%p"aining when 1?A the rest of his state%ent was %#ff"e$ as Binny %o+e$ %ost of her weight on top of hi%. A1n fact!A he contin#e$ when she fina""y "et #p! A1 rather re%e%ber yo# screa%ing so%ething abo#t %e being?A Binny "a#ghe$ s"a%%e$ her han$s o+er his %o#th again. /he grinne$ se$#cti+e"y an$ wigg"e$ against hi%. A1 wasn6t co%p"aining! <#st pointing o#t the fact!A she sai$. They stare$ at each other for a "ong %in#te before he stro'e$ the hair off of her chee'. A&hat $i$ yo# thin' abo#t ear"ier tonight(A he as'e$ as if the "ast few ho#rs ha$n6t happene$. A*bo#t the schoo" i$ea(A 3e no$$e$ an$ she sighe$. A1 thin' that if that6s what yo# rea""y want to $o! then yo# sho#"$ gi+e it a shot.A 3e st#$ie$ her an$ then got a strange sheepish "oo' on his face. A1 a% intereste$ in it8b#t on"y if yo# were there with %e.A Binny s%i"e$ an$ ran her fingers o+er his chest. A&here e"se wo#"$ 1 be(A A5o! Binny!A he shifte$ an$ "ifte$ his hea$ on his e"bow so that they see each other. 3e tang"e$ their han$s together an$ stare$ at the% as they %o+e$. A1 %eant 1 want yo# there with %e! as %y wife. &i"" yo# %arry %e! Bin(A Ti%e see%e$ to stop an$ a"" Binny co#"$ fee" was the gent"e sway of the ha%%oc'! the fee" of the bree2e as it %o+e$ her hair against her face an$ 3arry6s heartbeat against her sho#"$er. A1f it6s too soon!A he starte$ an$ Binny p"ace$ a finger against his "ips. A1t6s strange8b#t it6s not too soon. 1 want to be with yo#! 3arry! as yo#r wife! as yo#r frien$! as yo#r "o+er! as anything yo# want %e to be.A /he tho#ght she6$ seen e+ery "oo' that 3arry ha$! b#t this one beat the% a"" as her fa+orite. /he co#"$n6t $escribe it as anything %ore than p#re! #nto#che$ "o+e. Fina""y! it fa$e$ an$ he grinne$ wi$e"y! "eaning $own to 'iss her soft"y. Then he c#$$"e$ bac' into her an$ c"ose$ his eyes. Binny was besi$e herse"f. /he watche$ hi% fa"" as"eep an$ beca%e a tiny bit annoye$. 3e6$ <#st propose$ to her an$ she6$ accepte$7 he sho#"$ be screa%ing an$ $ancing. They sho#"$ wa'e /iri#s an$ %a'e hi% open a bott"e of so%ething to ce"ebrate.

/he wante$ $etai"s7 she wante$ to 'now when he wante$ to get %arrie$! where an$ how. /he a"%ost wo'e hi% as his breathing $eepene$. /ighing hea+i"y! she g"ance$ #p at his face. The rea"ity of hi% peacef#""y s"eeping Ghe6$ ne+er f#""y $one that e+en when they6$ worn each other o#tH as the s"i+er of %oon"ight p"aye$ on his face hit her strong"y. 3is %o#th wore a contente$ s%i"e. 3is brow was straight an$ not f#rrowe$. 1t was then that Binny rea"i2e$ she6$ %isse$ so%ething. /o%ething ha$ been gone an$ #nti" this +ery instant she6$ not e+en tho#ght abo#t it. 3arry wasn6t wearing his g"a%o#r char%s. 3e ha$n6t worn the% the entire wee' they6$ been here. Tears poo"e$ in Binny6s eyes an$ she sn#gg"e$ c"oser to hi%. 3arry ha$ the right i$ea. They $i$n6t nee$ to sho#t their engage%ent fro% the rooftops?yet. They $i$n6t nee$ to p"an e+ery $etai"?yet. .ight now it was eno#gh for 3arry that she6$ sai$ yes. *n$ it wo#"$ be eno#gh for Binny that he6$ as'e$ in the first p"ace. /iri#s staye$ awa'e "ate the night before thin'ing abo#t his Bo$son. 3arry see%e$ to be getting his "ife in or$er an$ he owe$ it a"" to the sp#n'y re$hea$ that ha$ capt#re$ his heart. 3is i$ea abo#t the f"ying schoo" was a goo$ one an$ /iri#s gen#ine"y hope$ that he wo#"$ thin' abo#t it f#rther. 3e "o+e$ that 3arry s%i"e$ a"%ost constant"y now. 3e "o+e$ that the other $ay he6$ hear$ hi% whist"ing whi"e straightening #p a roo%. 3e "o+e$ that a"%ost e+ery ti%e he wa"'e$ in on the%! they were to#ching in so%e way7 nothing too forwar$! b#t ho"$ing han$s or "eaning against each other. 0i"y an$ ,a%es ha$ been %#ch the sa%e way an$ /iri#s was s#rprise$ at how %#ch he %isse$ it. .e%#s ha$ stoppe$ by <#st yester$ay an$ the two ha$ ta"'e$ for ho#rs whi"e Binny an$ 3arry ha$ been at the beach. 1t was .e%#s who pointe$ o#t the si%i"arities with the co#p"es an$ /iri#s ha$ to agree. *n$ /iri#s co#"$n6t be happier for his Bo$son. Binny was a won$erf#" gir". /he was +ery pretty in a gir"9ne:t9$oor 'in$ of way. 1t %a$e /iri#s thin' for a %in#te that %aybe he6$ $isco#nte$ a"" those gir"s "i'e her in the past. 3e6$ a"ways gone for the f"ashy bea#ties7 the e:otic an$ st#nning "oo's that t#rne$ his hea$. *n$ "oo' where it ha$ got hi%. 3e was fair"y sha""ow! an$ he 'new it. /eeing 3arry ha+e so%ething so rea" an$ won$erf#" %a$e an ache sett"e in his chest. 3e shr#gge$ it off >#ic'"y an$ sippe$ at his c#p of tea whi"e g"ancing o#t the bac' $oor to the e$ge of the trees. * s%ir' bro'e o#t on his face at the sight in the ha%%oc'. 3e6$ seen Binny roc'ing o#t there "ast night an$ wasn6t s#re when 3arry ha$ <oine$ her. 3e $i$ re%e%ber c#rsing the% both in the %i$$"e of the night an$ casting a si"encing char% on his open win$ow. 3e6$ "ai$ there in the $ar'! eyes sh#t tight! an$ trie$ not to be en+io#s. 1t wasn6t that he "i'e$ Binny in that way. B#t he was a"one! an$ 3arry wasn6t.

1t was probab"y best if he preten$e$ not to ha+e seen anything anyway. Binny b"#she$ easi"y an$ it %ight #pset 3arry if he e%barrasse$ her too %#ch. *"tho#gh there were ti%es when she ga+e bac' as goo$ as she got an$ that %a$e /iri#s s%i"e. * wo%an with that %#ch fire in her was goo$ for 3arry?it 'ept hi% on his toes. 3e6$ <#st s"ip away to the shower an$ forget that he co#"$ see a thin s"i+er of 3arry6s bare bo$y showing o#t the si$e of the b"an'ets an$ see Binny6s pa"e "eg thrown o+er his hip. *n$ co%p"ete"y an$ #tter"y forget the sight of the white bra $ang"ing off the en$ of the ropes! bare"y to#ching the gro#n$. &hen he $i$ ret#rn! he co#"$ hear their +oices ta"'ing soft"y in the 'itchen. 3e %a$e s#re to %a'e eno#gh noise so that they 'new he was co%ing. A=orning!A he greete$ the% an$ r#bbe$ his eyes preten$ing that he6$ <#st wo'en #p. 3e was s#re 3arry $i$n6t b#y it as he raise$ an eyebrow an$ then s%ir'e$. A=orning!A both 3arry an$ Binny sai$. They were wearing their r#%p"e$ c"othes fro% the e+ening before an$ "eaning against each other as they sippe$ c#ps of coffee an$ tea. A5ice o#t "ast night! wasn6t it(A /iri#s co#"$n6t he"p hi%se"f. They were sitting there so innocent"y. 3arry bro'e first! snorting into his coffee an$ then cho'ing a bit on the sip he6$ ta'en. AB"orio#s night!A Binny ret#rne$ an$ /iri#s grinne$. h! this was going to be f#n7 she was in a p"ayf#" %oo$. 3e g"ance$ to fin$ that it was 3arry who was re$ an$ Binny who wore the satisfie$ s%i"e to$ay. A1 was s#rprise$ that o"$ ha%%oc' he"$!A he co%%ente$ cas#a""y an$ 3arry $roppe$ his a"%ost e%pty c#p. Binny <#st gigg"e$. A1 was too!A she sai$ tho#ghtf#""y. A1 tho#ght for s#re we6$ en$ #p on the gro#n$.A /iri#s watche$ her in appreciation. A1 ha+e to say that 1 thin' 16% <ea"o#s. 16+e a"ways wante$ to try o#t that o"$ thing! see how %#ch 1 can get it swinging.A Both 3arry an$ Binny "a#ghe$ a"o#$. A&hy ha+en6t yo#(A 3arry as'e$. A1t6s been there fore+er.A /iri#s appreciate$ that for a %in#te before wagg"ing his eyebrows at Binny. A=aybe 1 <#st ne+er fo#n$ a ha%%oc'9'in$9of9gir".A Binny %#st ha+e ta'en that as the co%p"i%ent that it was beca#se she grinne$. A;o#6re not a ba$ sort! /iri#s. /o%e$ay yo#6"" fin$ that gir".A

A=aybe 16"" <#st stea" yo#!A he grow"e$ with a cha""enge at 3arry who on"y %oc'9g"are$ bac'. A3%%!A Binny consi$ere$ an$ then shoo' her hea$ sa$"y. A;o#6re rather a"right in the "oo's $epart%ent! b#t nobo$y can beat 3arry6s fine! shape"y arse.A 3arry a"%ost $roppe$ his c#p again when Binny t#rne$ aro#n$ an$ stare$ right at hi%. /iri#s ha$ to ho"$ onto the tab"e to 'eep fro% fa""ing off the chair. A&hat $i$ 1 %iss(A .e%#s sai$ as he ca%e #p the wa"'. 3is eyes bo#nce$ bac' an$ forth between 3arry6s re$ face! Binny6s satisfie$ s%ir' an$ /iri#s6 "ac' of breathing. A=aybe 1 $on6t want to 'now. Especia""y since the "ast wor$s 1 hear$ were so%ething abo#t 3arry6s arse.A That set /iri#s off again an$ 3arry wa"'e$ towar$ Binny! a pre$atory g"are on his face. A16"" get yo# for that! yo# 'now.A A1 "oo' forwar$ to it! 4otter!A she sai$ as she feigne$ in$ifference an$ sa#ntere$ o#t of the roo%! g"ancing once bac' o+er her sho#"$er. A=er"in! 1 "o+e her!A 3arry sighe$ as he fo""owe$ >#ic'"y. /iri#s grinne$ an$ shr#gge$ at the conf#se$ "oo' on .e%#s6 face. A;o# ha$ to be there! =oony!A he %#%b"e$. .e%#s shr#gge$ his acceptance an$ sat in a chair. AThey6re in a goo$ %oo$ this %orning.A /iri#s no$$e$. AThey were #p rather "ate.A ABa$! eh(A .e%#s gri%ace$ an$ /iri#s shr#gge$. A1t wi"" $efinite"y be >#ieter aro#n$ here after they "ea+e.A .e%#s no$$e$ an$ sippe$ his tea. ATeste$ o#t the o"$ ha%%oc'! $i$ they(A he fina""y as'e$ an$ s%ir'e$ when /iri#s6 hea$ whippe$ aro#n$. A1 thin' they forgot so%ething.A /iri#s "oo'e$ o#t thro#gh the screen on the $oor an$ snorte$ with "a#ghter. There! hanging <#st as it ha$ been ear"ier! was Binny6s bra. 3arry sat bac' on his han$ an$ "oo'e$ o+er to where Binny sat on the b"an'et! her face t#rne$ towar$ the water! where she watche$ a few sai"boats $rift a"ong the Co"#%bia .i+er. The win$ r#st"e$ her f"a%e9re$ hair an$ the s#n shone <#st right?showing off the go"$ high"ights in it.

3e s%i"e$ contente$"y an$ t#rne$ his face into the win$! a s"ight spray of %oist#re sett"ing on his s'in. AThis is what 1 ha$ in %in$! yo# 'now!A he sai$ >#iet"y Binny ro""e$ o+er to "oo' at hi% an$ he co#"$n6t he"p b#t %e"t <#st a bit at the open a$%iration in her ga2e. /he "oo'e$ so contente$ an$8in "o+e?e+erything he fe"t. A&hat $o yo# %ean(A ATo propose to yo#!A he e:p"aine$. A1 was going to $o it to$ay! instea$ of "ast night.A 3e shoo' his hea$ with a wry s%i"e an$ p#""e$ at a "ong piece of grass that was tic'"ing his bare foot. A1t wasn6t e:act"y ro%antic how 1 as'e$ yo#! was it( 1 %ean! 1 g#ess e+ery gir" o#t there $rea%s of how a boy wi"" as' the% to %arry hi%. There sho#"$ ha+e been can$"es or f"owers8or so%ething.A 3e tosse$ the grass in his han$ an$ p#she$ his toes off the e$ge of the b"an'et so that they co#"$ to#ch the war% earth. A1t was +ery ro%antic!A Binny proteste$ with a s%i"e! "eaning into hi% a bit. A@n$er the stars in the war% night air! after we6$ <#st %a$e "o+e.A /he c"ose$ her eyes an$ sighe$ happi"y. 3arry s%i"e$ at her an$ reache$ o+er to br#sh a piece of hair o#t of her face. A1t was a"right then(A Binny sat #p abr#pt"y an$ sw#ng her "egs o+er his so that they were resting on his "ap. /"ow"y! she "eane$ forwar$ #nti" her "ips were <#st centi%eters away fro% his. A1t was perfect!A she whispere$ an$ then br#she$ her "ips on his. /he a""owe$ hi% a %o%ent %ore together before p#""ing bac' an$ "aying her han$ a"ong his chee'. A;o#6re not e+er this insec#re abo#t things!A she sai$ with a %i"$ scow". A*re yo# changing yo#r %in$(A A5e+er!A he sai$ an$ 'isse$ her fir%"y. A1 <#st want things to be right for yo#. 1 $on6t want yo# to fee" press#re$ into %arrying %e or?A A3arry!A Binny sai$ as she "ai$ her finger on his "ip. A1 %eant what 1 sai$. 1 want to be with yo#. 1 want to %arry yo#.A /he 'ept eye contact with hi% #nti" he no$$e$ an$ 'isse$ her finger. 3e f#%b"e$ in his poc'et for a %in#te! at "ast p#""ing o#t a s%a"" na+y b"#e bo:. 3e he"$ it #p to her. A1 sho#"$ ha+e at "east gi+en yo# this!A he sai$! sheepish"y. Binny grinne$ at hi% an$ "#nge$ for it "i'e a 'i$ at Christ%as. 3arry p#""e$ it away with a "a#gh. They t#ss"e$ for a %in#te! whi"e tic'"ing an$ "a#ghing! #nti" Binny p#she$ 3arry onto his bac' an$ stra$$"e$ his waist whi"e he he"$ the bo: away fro% her.

ABi+e it here!A she $e%an$e$ in a p"ayf#" +oice an$ 3arry trie$ to wigg"e o#t fro% #n$er her. Before he co#"$ %o+e far tho#gh! she "eane$ $own an$ 'isse$ hi% on the p#"se point be"ow his ear an$ he sti""e$! chi""s sh#$$ering $own his bac'. AThat6s not p"aying fair!A he proteste$! an$ he co#"$ fee" Binny grin against the s'in on his nec'. /he contin#e$ to 'iss an$ "ic'! an$ e+en b"ew hot air on the area. 3arry fe"t hi%se"f %e"t. ABot what 1 wante$!A she cheere$ as she prie$ the bo: o#t of his han$. 3arry grinne$ #p at her! co%p"ete"y content to be pinne$ beneath her. /he s%ir'e$ at hi% an$ then foc#se$ her attention on the bo:. 3er %o#th fro2e in an 6 6 shape as she crac'e$ it open an$ "oo'e$ at the ring for the first ti%e. /he contin#e$ to stare at it an$ for a %o%ent 3arry was worrie$ that she $i$n6t "i'e it. A1s it a"right(A he as'e$ as he grippe$ her hips an$ sat #p! p#""ing her to hi%. A5ot big eno#gh(A he <o'e$ an$ Binny shoo' her hea$! swa""owing thic'"y an$ b"in'ing away tears. A1t6s perfect!A she sai$ in a cho'ing +oice. /he a"%ost proteste$ when 3arry too' the bo: fro% her an$ too' the ring o#t! s"ipping it on her finger. A4erfect! see(A she as'e$ again an$ 3arry ha$ to agree. 1t wasn6t an o+er"y "arge ring7 on"y three ro#n$ $ia%on$s e>#a"ing <#st #n$er two carats. The setting was in p"atin#% with the "argest $ia%on$ in the center an$ one on either si$e of it. A1 tho#ght abo#t gi+ing yo# %y %other6s ring7 /iri#s ha$ it an$ he ga+e it to %e when 1 was yo#nger.A 3e gri%ace$ a bit. AB#t 1 tho#ght %aybe yo# an$ 1 sho#"$ ha+e so%ething of o#r own. The three stones are sai$ to represent the past! present an$ f#t#re!A 3arry e:p"aine$ whi"e they both st#$ie$ the way the ge%s spar'"e$ in the "ight. A1 tho#ght it was appropriate. 1f yo# want so%ething $iffer9%%ph.A 3arry stoppe$ ta"'ing beca#se Binny ha$ wrappe$ her ar%s aro#n$ his hea$ an$ 'isse$ hi% $eep"y. They contin#e$ to 'iss as he san' bac' to the gro#n$ an$ ro""e$ so that they were si$e by si$e. &hen they fina""y bro'e apart! Binny c#$$"e$ in c"ose to hi% an$ "ifte$ her han$ to stare at her ring. A1t6s not going anywhere!A 3arry tease$ soft"y. The tr#th was he "i'e$ seeing the ring on her han$. 1t sett"e$ so%e pri%a" nee$ within hi%. A5o!A she agree$. A1t6s not going anywhere.A

Bi"" watche$ fro% the $oorway as =o""y an$ 3er%ione f#sse$ aro#n$ Binny! #sing their wan$s to c#r" her hair an$ attach s%a"" f"owers here an$ there in the g"orio#s tresses. Bi"" ha$ a"ways "o+e$ his sister6s hair. The to%ato re$ sha$e "oo'e$ f#nny on a b"o'e! he tho#ght! b#t it was a%a2ing on Binny. The gir"s chatte$ nonstop #nti"! fina""y! they both steppe$ bac' an$ Binny stoo$! "oo'ing into the f#""9"ength %irror in the corner of the roo%. 3is breath "eft hi% at seeing the entire +ision. /he was %ore than bea#tif#". The si%p"e white $ress g"owe$ against her s'in! %a'ing it shi%%er in pear"escent g"ow. Brief"y! he won$ere$ if that was so%e spe"" witches #se$! b#t it rea""y $i$n6t %atter. The $ress she wore wasn6t "i'e nor%a" we$$ing robes7 it wasn6t e+en what he6$ seen in the a$+ertise%ents for =#gg"e we$$ings. 1nstea$! it a si%p"e c#t white "inen that see%e$ to f"oat a"ong with her! "ea+ing her sho#"$ers bare sa+e two thin straps. 1t c#r+e$ a"ong with her bo$y an$ en$e$ <#st abo+e her bare feet. A h! Binny!A =o""y breathe$ as she $abbe$ at the corners of her eyes. 3er%ione sniff"e$ too an$ Bi"" s%i"e$. Binny <#st st#$ie$ herse"f an$ then fina""y no$$e$! a p"ease$ e:pression sett"ing on her face. A=#%!A Bi"" fina""y spo'e. A1t6s ti%e to get yo# two seate$.A 3e %otione$ behin$ hi%se"f an$ =o""y no$$e$. AFre$ an$ Beorge wi"" escort yo# both $own the ais"e.A A&here6s .on(A 3er%ione as'e$ as she >#ic'"y fi:e$ her %a'e#p. A&ith 3arry! 1 thin'!A Bi"" sai$. =o""y "oo'e$ #p fro% her f#ssing! a concerne$ "oo' on his face. A1s 3arry a"right(A Bi"" s%ir'e$. A;eah! it6s not hi%. =r. B"ac'8er%! /iri#s8was hyper+enti"ating. 0ast 1 saw hi%! he ha$ his hea$ between his 'nees an$ 3arry an$ .on were ho"$ing hi% #p.A A;o# 'now!A Binny %#se$! Athat tr#"y $oesn6t s#rprise %e.A A.on was the sa%e way!A 3er%ione sighe$. A1 was s#rprise$ 5e+i""e $i$n6t ha+e to $rag hi% #p the ais"e.A A3e6"" be fine!A =o""y ass#re$. A*t "east it6s not a re"#ctant groo%.A 3e steppe$ bac' as the two wo%en passe$ hi%! his %other patting his chee' fon$"y. Fina""y! when it was on"y hi%se"f an$ Binny! Bi"" t#rne$ to his sister. ABinny! yo# "oo'8bea#tif#".A

Binny6s eyes %et his in the %irror an$ she sti""e$ her han$s as they a$<#ste$ a c#r". Their ga2es "oc'e$ for a %in#te before she began %o+ing again! fi:ing a hair there! s%oothing the $ress here. A1s e+erything abo#t rea$y(A she as'e$ an$ Bi"" was a%a2e$ at the ca"% tone of her +oice. 3is e:periences with we$$ings! an$ grante$ it ha$n6t been %ore than a han$f#"! to"$ hi% that the Bri$e sho#"$ be a ner+o#s wrec' right now. A,#st abo#t!A he sai$. /tepping c"oser to her! he s"ippe$ his han$ into hers an$ gent"y t#gge$ so that she was facing hi%. A*re yo# s#re abo#t this! Binny(A he as'e$ soft"y. A*re yo# s#re abo#t hi%( Beca#se 1 can ta'e yo# ho%e right now! yo# 'now. &e can "ea+e an$ yo# $on6t ha+e to $o this to$ay.A ABi""!A she warne$ as her e:pression $ar'ene$. A1t6s <#st so fast! Binny. 1 %ean! 1 'now 1 sai$ 1 was a"right with the who"e engage%ent thing an$8b#t it6s <#st so fast.A * tho#ght poppe$ into his hea$ an$ he scow"e$ at it. A;o#6re not pregnant! are yo#(A /#rprising"y! she s%i"e$ at hi% an$ shoo' her hea$. A5o! Bi""! 16% not pregnant.A ACo#"$ yo# be(A he grow"e$. Binny bro'e free of his ho"$ an$ t#rne$ bac' to the %irror! straightening a go"$ chain that h#ng aro#n$ her nec'! s"i$ing the tiny $ia%on$ pen$ant bac' an$ forth. A1 $on6t thin' that6s any of yo#r b#siness! Bi"". B#t if yo#6re as'ing if 16+e s"ept with 3arry! then the answer is yes.A Bi"" gri%ace$ at the %enta" pict#re an$ then shoo' it away. A3e6s not forcing yo# to %arry hi%! is he(A Binny sighe$ an$ t#rne$ bac' to hi%! straightening his robes a bit an$ br#shing a bit of "int off one of the sho#"$ers. A)i$ yo# 'now that the Bat9Bogey he: can co%e o#t of any orifice(A /he raise$ an eyebrow #p at hi% as he swa""owe$ harsh"y. A*s' %e so%ething that #tter"y prattish again an$ 16"" pro+e it to yo#.A 3e sighe$ an$ fe"t his face heat <#st a tiny bit e+en as he no$$e$ his #n$erstan$ing. A;o# $o #n$erstan$ what "ife with hi% is going to bring(A Bi"" as'e$ soft"y as +isions of $o$ging press an$ other #n$esirab"e peop"e f"ashe$ tro#gh his hea$. A=ore than yo# thin' 1 $o!A she sai$. AB#t yo# nee$ to #n$erstan$ that 16+e ne+er been one to choose what was easy o+er what was right! Bi"". *n$ being with 3arry is right. That6s a"" that %atters! Bi"". 3arry an$ 1 ha+e each other?the wor"$ can go to rot.A /he finishe$ with a feisty s%i"e that Bi"" ha$ seen a"" too rare"y o+er the years.

*n$ it fina""y con+ince$ hi%. /he wo#"$ be a"" right. /he an$ 3arry ha$ each other an$ the rest of the wor"$ $i$n6t %atter. A*"right then!A he no$$e$. A0et6s get yo# %arrie$. ;o# $o 'now that =#%6s $oing her n#t right now(A 3e shoo' his hea$ as a s"y grin sp"it Binny6s feat#res. A;o# two ta'e the ca'e! $on6t yo#( E"oping?yet not.A A&hy wo#"$ we want anything nor%a"! for =er"in6s sa'e(A she gigg"e$ as Bi"" opene$ the $oor for her an$ her father pace$ on the other si$e. 3e wasn6t a"one! howe+er. 4ercy stoo$ with hi%! "oo'ing pri% an$ proper in his $ress robes. ACan 1 ta"' to yo#! Binny(A he as'e$. Bi"" "oo'e$ o+er at Binny! who no$$e$ s"ow"y. A16"" see yo# o#t there then!A he sai$ soft"y. Bi"" 'isse$ her chee' an$ %o+e$ o#t the $oor to ta'e his p"ace. 1t sho#"$ be interesting watching this cere%ony! he tho#ght with a wry s%i"e. Binny was ne+er one to fo""ow in another6s footsteps! b#t this s#rprise we$$ing was rea""y so%ething. The on"y peop"e in atten$ance were the i%%e$iate &eas"ey fa%i"y with their +ario#s partners! 5e+i""e 0ongbotto%! Co"in Cree+ey with his e+er9f"ashing ca%era! /iri#s B"ac' an$ .e%#s 0#pin. They a"" stoo$ in a se%icirc"e aro#n$ an archway in the %i$$"e of a beach in the Caribbean. 1t was c"ose to s#nset an$ the s#n cast a g"orio#s go"$en9re$ "ight o+er e+erything an$ e+eryone. Bi"" too' on"y a %o%ent to g"ance at his fa%i"y before 3arry appeare$! his ar% he"$ by /iri#s. *"tho#gh! Bi"" tho#ght with a s%ir'! it see%e$ that /iri#s was in$ee$ "eaning hea+i"y on 3arry. They stoppe$ near the e$ge of the circ"e an$ too' their p"aces! /iri#s $irect"y to 3arry6s right. 3arry "oo'e$ goo$7 incre$ib"y re"a:e$ <#st as Binny was. 3e was wearing tro#sers an$ a t#nic of the sa%e co"or an$ fabric as Binny6s. The %ateria" see%e$ %#ch %ore sensib"e than the hea+y robes Bi""6s %other ha$ insiste$ he wear. 3e sho#"$ ha+e fo""owe$ Binny6s e:a%p"e an$ ignore$ his %other6s insistent p"ea$ings that robes were <#st the proper thing to wear. 3e s%ir'e$ to hi%se"f when he notice$ that 3arry! an$ /iri#s! were barefoot as we"". 3e6$ $efinite"y ta'e that bit of a$+ice! he tho#ght as he str#gg"e$ o#t of his shoes an$ reache$ $own to p#"" off his soc's. 3e sighe$ in re"ief as his toes sett"e$ into the coo" san$. 3e pointe$"y ignore$ his %other6s g"are an$ wagg"e$ his eyebrows as a"" of his brothers! t#gge$ their own footwear off. /oon! there was a ripp"e of "a#ghter as a"%ost e+eryone was barefoot aro#n$ the circ"e. That a"" stoppe$ when he g"ance$ #p to see 3arry6s face fro2en in shoc'. Binny an$ her father ha$ arri+e$.

3arry ch#c'"e$ as .on han$e$ the paper bag to /iri#s again. 3is Bo$father began breathing hea+y! inf"ating an$ $ef"ating the brown sac'. A1 wo#"$ ha+e tho#ght he wo#"$ be %a$e of sterner st#ff!A .on %#se$! ignoring the g"are that /iri#s sent his way. 3arry "a#ghe$ "o#$er an$ raise$ an eyebrow at his Bo$father. A3e #s#a""y is. 1 $on6t 'now what6s gotten into hi% to$ay.A A1t6s not e+ery $ay %y Bo$son gets %arrie$!A /iri#s grow"e$! resting his e"bows on his 'nees. A*re yo# s#re yo#6re rea$y for this(A 3arry brist"e$ at the >#estion. A*re yo# s#re we nee$ to ha+e this con+ersation again(A /iri#s pa"e$ s"ight"y an$ shoo' his hea$. A16% going to go fin$ =oony!A he %#%b"e$! stan$ing with on"y a s"ight sway an$ %o+ing fro% the roo%. A&o#"$ yo# %in$ ha+ing that con+ersation with %e(A .on as'e$ hesitant"y. A1t6s not that 1 $o#bt what yo# fee" for %y sister! <#st8A 3arry s%ir'e$. A&hen $i$ yo# fa"" in "o+e with 3er%ione(A he as'e$. .on b"in'e$ at hi%! probab"y not s#re how the con+ersation got t#rne$ aro#n$ onto hi%. 3arry watche$ hi% p"ay with his we$$ing ban$ for a secon$! spinning it aro#n$ his finger. A1 $on6t 'now!A he shr#gge$. A3onest"y! when we were yo#nger! she was rather annoying. B#t then8she 'in$ of grew on %e. *n$ after the thing with Binny8we""! 1 co#"$n6t stop thin'ing abo#t her.A 3arry no$$e$! ta'ing the chair that /iri#s ha$ "eft! right ne:t to .on. ABinny %a'es %e s%i"e.A .on ga+e hi% a bit of a ha"f s%i"e an$ a no$. ABefore her81 <#st sort of wan$ere$ thro#gh "ife! yo# 'now. 1 ha$ no i$ea who 1 was! or who 1 wante$ to be. B#t with Binny81 fee" "i'e 1 wo'e #p! to this a%a2ing wor"$ that e:iste$ between she an$ 1. /he $oesn6t gi+e #p on %e! e+en when 1 gi+e #p on %yse"f.A A;eah!A .on sai$ soft"y. AThe first ti%e 1 saw yo# two together81 'new.A 3arry ch#c'"e$. A1 wish it ha$ been that easy for %e.A A1t ne+er is!A .on "a#ghe$. They sat in co%fortab"e si"ence for a few %in#tes before .on c"eare$ his throat.

A1f things ha$ been8$ifferent! $o yo# thin'8A 3arry "oo'e$ at hi% tho#ghtf#""y! c#rio#s as to what was getting .on f"#stere$. A)o yo# thin' we wo#"$ ha+e been frien$s(A he as'e$. * s"ow s%i"e sprea$ o+er 3arry6s face. A1 thin' we wo#"$ ha+e been best %ates!A he sai$ soft"y. *n$ it was tr#e. 5e:t to Binny! 3arry fe"t the %ost co%fortab"e aro#n$ .on in her fa%i"y. Bratit#$e for Binny! an$ her fa%i"y! washe$ o+er hi%. The ho"es that were in hi% fro% so "ong ago! were fina""y starting to hea". * 'noc' at the $oor start"e$ the% both as .e%#s po'e$ his hea$ in the $oor. A1t6s ti%e! 3arry.A 3arry no$$e$! a grin stretching o+er his face. A3a+e yo# seen?A A/iri#s is c#rrent"y st#c' to a chair o#tsi$e!A .e%#s s%ir'e$. A)i$n6t want hi% wan$ering too far.A .on "a#ghe$ an$ 3arry shoo' his hea$. A4robab"y a goo$ i$ea.A A;o# rea$y(A .on as'e$! s"apping 3arry on the bac' "ight"y. A;eah!A 3arry no$$e$ enth#siastica""y. A16% rea$y.A 4ercy "oo'e$ e:tre%e"y ner+o#s! Binny %#se$ when she too' his ar%. 3e "e$ her off to the si$e of the ha""way! g"ancing bac' at their father! who watche$ the% both c"ose"y. ABefore yo# $o this! Binny!A 4ercy starte$. ABefore yo# %arry 3arry81 <#st wante$ to te"" yo# 1 was wrong.A Binny ha$ been +ery ca"% a"" $ay! s#rprising"y. =arrying 3arry was <#st so right. There wasn6t anything to be ner+o#s or worrie$ abo#t. The fact that they were $oing e+erything precise"y they way they wante$ he"pe$ a"so. B#t now! with 4ercy6s wor$s! Binny fe"t e"e+en again! "istening to her o"$er brother6s a$+ice abo#t going to 3ogwarts. 3er chest tightene$ with e%otion. A1 ne+er sho#"$ ha+e sai$ 4enny6s $eath was yo#r fa#"t. *n$ yo# an$ 3arry816+e ne+er seen anyone who sho#"$ be together %ore than the two of yo#.A AThan' yo#! 4ercy!A Binny sai$ soft"y. A1 thin' of 4enny e+ery $ay!A she a$$e$! hoping that he wo#"$ #n$erstan$ what she %eant. A/o $o 1!A 4ercy no$$e$! b"in'ing s#spicio#s"y bright eyes.

Binny s%i"e$ soft"y. A*#$rey6s here with yo#.A 4ercy6s ears f"a%e$ bright re$ an$ Binny grinne$. A;o# "o+e her!A she g#esse$. 3e g"ance$ aro#n$ the ha""way! as if waiting for his brothers to <#%p o#t an$ ta'e the %ic'ey o#t of hi% at any %in#te. A/hhhh!A he hisse$. A181 $on6t 'now. =aybe.A A4ercy! can 1 gi+e yo# a bit of a$+ice(A 3is eyes %et hers?the sa%e brown eyes inherite$ fro% their %other?an$ he no$$e$. A,#st "et yo#rse"f fa""!A she whispere$. A1f she6s the one! she6"" catch yo#.A /he patte$ his ar% s"ow"y an$ %o+e$ to her father! who grinne$. A.ea$y p#%p'in(A *rth#r as'e$ an$ Binny no$$e$ as she too' his ar%. *rth#r &eas"ey ha$ to catch his breath when he saw his $a#ghter for the +ery first ti%e. /he was pin' an$ wrin'"e$ an$ abso"#te"y perfect! e+en if she was screa%ing at the top of her tiny "#ngs. 3a+ing a gir"! fina""y! after he ha$ "ost hope of ha+ing anything b#t boys was8in$escribab"e. Binny ha$ a"ways been feisty an$ hea$strong. /he6$ ref#se$ to n#rse for the "ongest ti%e #nti" =o""y ha$ a"%ost gi+en #p! then the tiny gir" with the bright re$ peach9f#22 hair ha$ "atche$ on an$ g#"pe$ h#ngri"y: as if it ha$ been her +ery own i$ea. &hen she was on"y eight %onths o"$! she6$ stoo$ on her st#bby "egs an$ ta'en her first few steps! ear"ier than any of her brothers ha$. 3e6$ 'nown that she ha$ sn#c' o#t at night e+er since she6$ been si:! nic'ing her brother6s broo%s to teach herse"f how to f"y. *rth#r hi%se"f ha$ p#rpose"y %a$e s#re the "oc'ing spe"" on the o"$ $oor ha$ been rather wea'. =o""y wo#"$ probab"y ha+e his hea$ if she e+er fo#n$ o#t that he "eft his wan$ in a p"ace that Binny wo#"$ be ab"e to reach it. /o%e things %others <#st $i$n6t #n$erstan$. 3er fo#rth year at 3ogwarts ha$ a"%ost bro'en *rth#r6s heart. 5eg"ecte$ an$ ignore$ by her o"$er brothers! Binny ha$ t#rne$ to an enchante$ $iary. The $efeate$ "oo' that she wore s"ow"y ebbe$ away in the years that fo""owe$! b#t it ne+er f#""y "eft her. The carefree s%i"e an$ persona"ity ha$n6t f#""y ret#rne$ #nti" a $ay ear"ier this year when *rth#r ha$ seen her at the boo'store an$ seen her s%i"e at 3arry. /o%ewhere $eep in his heart! *rth#r ha$ 'nown then that her heart be"onge$ to the other %an! b#t it too' seeing the% together at .on an$ 3er%ione6s we$$ing for hi% to f#""y accept it.

*n$ now! here he was at his $a#ghter6s we$$ing. *n$! once again! the scrappy fire9haire$ wo%an was $oing things her way. A;o# "oo'8a%a2ing! 4#%p'in!A he whispere$ #sing the o"$ nic'na%e that Binny c"ai%e$ she6$ o#tgrown. B#t to$ay she $i$n6t protest! on"y s%i"e$ in$#"gent"y at hi%. AThan' yo#! )a$$y!A she6$ rep"ie$ an$ it bro#ght a tear to his eye to hear that tit"e #se$ again. They contin#e$ to wa"'! ar% in ar%! thro#gh the s%a"" b#nga"ow an$ o#t onto the patio that "e$ onto the beach. A*re yo# s#re abo#t this! Bin(A he whispere$! whi"e searching her eyes. A1 can ta'e yo# ho%e right now.A Binny s%i"e$ an$ g"ance$ to where her fa%i"y stoo$ aro#n$ the we$$ing arch. 3er eyes %et 3arry6s for a %o%ent an$ she then t#rne$ to her father. A)o yo# see hi% $own there(A *rth#r g"ance$ to where 3arry stoo$! han$s c"aspe$ in front of hi% an$ ha+ing eyes on"y for Binny. A;es.A A3e is %y ho%e! )a$$y!A Binny sai$ soft"y. *rth#r "et her wor$s sin' into his heart a bit before no$$ing. 3e6$ 'nown that wo#"$ be her answer! b#t fe"t he nee$e$ to as' a"" the sa%e. AThen "et6s ta'e yo# ho%e.A Binny6s war% s%i"e bo"stere$ his confi$ence an$ he "e$ Binny towar$ the arch. &hen she stoo$ <#st inches away fro% her soon9to9be9h#sban$! *rth#r stoo$ behin$ her an$ no$$e$ once towar$ /iri#s who ret#rne$ the no$. The officia" began the cere%ony b#t *rth#r $i$n6t re%e%ber %#ch e:cept the +ows an$ the "oo's e:change$ by the co#p"e. /iri#s6 heart po#n$e$ as he watche$ his Bo$son! a %an who% he co#"$n6t "o+e %ore if he ha$ been an act#a" B"ac'! co%p"ete a %agica" transaction that wo#"$ bin$ hi% to another person. The officiate as'e$ if both fa%i"ies ha$ consente$ to the %atch. *rth#r ha$ +oice$ his consent an$ /iri#s ha$ no$$e$ <er'i"y. 1t was si""y to be this wor'e$ #p! he 'new. B#t $eep $own! he co#"$n6t he"p b#t fee" horrib"e that it was hi% stan$ing here an$ not 3arry6s rea" father. /iri#s ha$ fe"t that on %any occasions in 3arry6s "ife! an$ he was s#re there wo#"$ be %any %ore.

A)o yo#! 3arry ,a%es 4otter! ta'e Bine+ra =o""y &eas"ey to be yo#r wife(A A;es.A 3arry6s +oice was strong an$ confi$ent an$ /iri#s b"in'e$ bac' %oist#re to foc#s on the co#p"e in front of hi%. A;o# are e+erything to %e! Binny. For so %any years! 16+e been so a"one. B#t then 1 %et yo# an$ yo# change$ a"" of that. ;o# are %y best frien$! %y cheer"ea$er! %y confi$ante! an$ %y "o+er. 1 pro%ise that 1 wi"" "o+e on"y yo# fore+er. 1 pro%ise to ta'e care of yo# an$ to "et yo# ta'e care of %e. Than' yo# for changing %y "ife. Than' yo# for8%a'ing it easier to be %e.A /iri#s6 throat c"ose$ #p an$ his chest hitche$ at 3arry6s heartfe"t +ows. 3arry reache$ #p an$ with a >#ic' s%i"e! wipe$ away a tear that ha$ tric'"e$ $own Binny6s chee'. /he ch#c'"e$ an$ "eane$ into his caress a bit. A)o yo#! Bine+ra =o""y &eas"ey! ta'e 3arry ,a%es 4otter to be yo#r h#sban$(A A;es.A Binny6s answer was <#st as fir% as 3arry6s a"tho#gh it he"$ %#ch %ore e%otion. A3arry! yo# are the %ost a%a2ing %an. *n$ it6s not on"y what yo#6+e acco%p"ishe$ in yo#r "ife7 b#t how yo#6+e $one it. ;o# are co%passionate an$ caring! "o+ing an$ h#%b"e. ;o# %a'e %e fee" "i'e 1 can $o anything in the wor"$ as "ong as we stan$ together. ;o# are %y best frien$! %y hero! %y partner! an$ %y "o+er. 1 pro%ise to a"ways "o+e on"y yo#. 1 pro%ise to ta'e care of yo# an$ to "et yo# ta'e care of %e! e+en when 1 $on6t rea""y want yo# to.A * ripp"e of soft "a#ghter echoe$ aro#n$ the%. A;o# are %y e+erything! an$ 1 wi"" $o anything 1 can to gi+e yo# as %#ch "o+e as 1 can.A The officiate he"$ o#t his han$ an$ 3arry an$ Binny reache$ forwar$ their right han$s! c"asping the% together tight"y as the o"$er %an he"$ onto the% a"so. A3arry an$ Binny ha+e %a$e their intentions 'nown.A /iri#s saw both 3arry an$ Binny no$ their agree%ent! witho#t %o+ing their eyes fro% each other. ATheir %agic wi"" co%p"ete the bon$ once 1 begin the spe""!A the officia" sai$! re%o+ing his wan$ an$ wa+ing it in an intricate pattern. &hen he was finishe$! he s%i"e$ an$ no$$e$ towar$ the co#p"e. A=ay 1 present! =r. an$ =rs. 3arry ,a%es 4otter.A The %an6s +oice bro#ght /iri#s6 foc#s aro#n$ an$ f#""y bac' to the Bri$e an$ Broo%. 1t see%e$ that they were in their own wor"$: intertwine$ in each other6s ar%s! 'issing for a"" they were worth. The f"owers that Binny ha$ carrie$ o#t ear"ier ha$ $roppe$ to her feet! forgotten. /iri#s s%ir'e$ an$ c"eare$ his throat se+era" ti%es! b#t the co#p"e ob"i+io#s"y contin#e$ 'issing. 3e an$ *rth#r tra$e$ s%i"es an$ the &eas"ey brothers began c"apping their appro+a".

1t appeare$ the app"a#se was a"" 3arry nee$e$ to re%e%ber where they were7 he p#""e$ bac'! re$ face$ an$ grinne$ $own at his wife. /iri#s <oine$ the c"apping an$ "ai$ his han$ on 3arry6s sho#"$er. 3arry t#rne$ to e%brace hi% f#""y an$ /iri#s ha$ to swa""ow the "#%p in his throat. 3e he"$ the %an who6$ once been the boy he 'new! tight"y to hi% an$ ga+e a few %an"y sho#"$er s"aps before being re"ease$ an$ then ha+ing his ribs cr#she$ in as Binny h#gge$ hi% as we"". AThan' yo# for e+erything! /iri#s!A she6$ sai$ soft"y. /o%ehow he 'new e:act"y what she %eant! an$ it ha$ nothing to $o with he"ping to arrange the cere%ony. They both g"ance$ o+er as 3arry shoo' *rth#r6s han$ fir%"y an$ then ch#c'"e$ as the %an ga+e hi% a fierce h#g as we"". /iri#s co#"$ on"y no$. 3arry6s hea$ sp#n <#st a bit an$ he wasn6t s#re whether it was the g"ass of war% r#% he6$ been $rin'ing a few %in#tes before or the fact that he was spinning on the $ance f"oor. *"tho#gh it co#"$ ha+e easi"y been the fee" of the re$hea$ in his ar%s. They were %arrie$ now. 3e was hers an$ she was his. 3arry sighe$ $eep"y an$ c#$$"e$ his face into Binny6s nec' as her fingers rhyth%ica""y stro'e$ the bac' of his nec'. A1 "o+e yo#.A 3er soft wor$s echoe$ in his ears an$ he s%i"e$ before p"acing a 'iss on the p#"se point of her nec'. A1 'now!A he answere$ e>#a""y soft. A*n$ 1 can6t >#ite fig#re o#t why.A Binny sighe$ $ra%atica""y an$ he swore he co#"$ fee" her s%i"e. A5either can 1! b#t it6"" co%e to %e one of these $ays.A 3arry snorte$ in "a#ghter an$ p#""e$ bac' to see a s%i"e brea' o#t on her face. A;o# 'now!A he sai$ tho#ghtf#""y as he trace$ a "a#gh "ine near the e$ge of her "ip. A=y face sho#"$ rea""y be crac'ing fro% a"" the s%i"ing 16+e $one to$ay.A A1 'now!A she grinne$ e+en wi$er! A%e too.A They both sighe$ at the sa%e ti%e an$ "ai$ their forehea$s together. 3arry fina""y p#""e$ bac' a bit an$ g"ance$ aro#n$ to see that se+era" other co#p"es ha$ <oine$ the% on the s%a"" woo$en p"atfor% that acte$ as a $ance f"oor. =r. an$ =rs. &eas"ey ha$ the si$es of their faces presse$ together! their eyes c"ose$ as they wa"t2e$ aro#n$ to the strange %#sic

%a$e by the stee" $r#% ban$. .on an$ 3er%ione were near the e$ge an$ both see%e$ a bit p#t o#t at each other. 3arry on"y s%ir'e$! 'nowing that this was %ore than nor%a". A16% so tire$!A Binny sighe$ as she "ai$ her hea$ against his sho#"$er. /#$$en"y! she see%e$ %#ch hea+ier in his ar%s an$ 3arry s%i"e$ $own at her whi"e caressing the s"ight"y fra22"e$ c#r"s on her hea$. A/ha"" we ca"" it a night(A he s#ggeste$ soft"y. 3is eyes once again $arte$ aro#n$ to fin$ that %ost of their g#ests! the few that there were! ha$ %o+e$ off in se+era" gro#ps an$ appeare$ to be en<oying the%se"+es. C#ps of the sweet r#% that ha$ been pro+i$e$ see%e$ to be pre+a"ent a"ong with a few %ore co"orf#" $rin's. 3arry s%ir'e$! thin'ing that there wo#"$ be %ore than a fair share of hango+er potions brewe$ to%orrow %orning. 3e raise$ an eyebrow at the gro#p that inc"#$e$ /iri#s! .e%#s an$ the twins. 3a+e to watch that! he tho#ght to hi%se"f. A16% rea$y to go!A Binny offere$! sti"" c#$$"e$ against hi%. AThin' we can s"ip away witho#t anyone noticing(A Binny "a#ghe$ "ight"y. A5ot "i'e"y!A she sai$. A1t6s not as if there6s a crow$ to get "ost in.A A1 co#"$ <#st *pparate #s o#t of here!A 3arry s#ggeste$ soft"y. Binny6s hea$ pic'e$ #p an$ she see%e$ to be act#a""y consi$ering it. A3a+e yo# war$e$ the cottage(A 3arry no$$e$. A;o# an$ 1 can get in! b#t no one e"se can.A A&ise i$ea! =r. 4otter.A AThan' yo#! =rs. 4otter.A 3arry grinne$ chee'i"y $own at her an$ was rewar$e$ with a fir% 'iss on his "ips. A1 "o+e that! too!A she sai$ once she6$ bro'en the 'iss. A=rs. 4otter.A A&e""! =rs. 4ar'er for a bit!A 3arry raise$ one eyebrow. A*t "east #nti" we get the co#rage to $ea" with the press.A A3%%!A Binny answere$. 3arry g"ance$ $own to see a co%p"ete"y preocc#pie$ "oo' on her face. 3er fingernai"s gent"y scratching the bac' of his nec' raise$ the hairs on his ar%s. &hen she $i$ "oo' #p at hi%! her eyes were $ar'ening in that way that %a$e his breath hitch.

A0et6s go!A he sai$ soft"y. Binny6s eyes crin'"e$ in a s%i"e an$ she no$$e$ once before "eaning forwar$ to 'iss hi%. *n$ they $isappeare$. A/N: 8nly The %!ilogue left to go on this one. Than s to everyone who has rea" an" reviewe". An" than s to &eb, %lla an" 'el who ma"e this story so much better.

*Chapter 1+*: Chapter 1+ ,pilogue: One 7ittle 5aper

)isc"ai%er: *"" stories in this archi+e are base$ on characters an$ sit#ations create$ an$ owne$ by ,.ow"ing! +ario#s p#b"ishers inc"#$ing b#t not "i%ite$ to B"oo%sb#ry Boo's! /cho"astic Boo's an$ .aincoast Boo's! an$ * 0 Ti%e &arner! an$ ha+e been #se$ witho#t per%ission. .ights to these characters an$ their i%ages is neither c"ai%e$ nor i%p"ie$. 1t is not en$orse$ by any of the afore%entione$ parties. *"" recogni2ab"e characters! song "yrics! settings! an$ i$eas not associate$ with the wor"$ of 3arry 4otter re%ain the property of their respecti+e owners an$ a"" origina" characters! sit#ations! p"aces an$ i$eas are the so"e property of their creators. rigina" content +iewe$ here %ay not be #se$ witho#t their per%ission. This story is inten$e$ for entertain%ent p#rposes on"y. 5o %oney is being %a$e an$ no copyright or tra$e%ar' infringe%ent is inten$e$. Chapter 1+: ,pilogue: One 7ittle 5aper * %#sc"e in her bac' twinge$ an$ Binny graspe$ the co#nter! ta'ing a $eep breath an$ pressing her other han$ into the spot where the baby ha$ <#st 'ic'e$. A0isten here! yo# "itt"e8A /he b"ew o#t a sharp breath an$ stoo$ #p straighter as the pain ease$. =aybe c"eaning the 'itchen ha$n6t been the best i$ea to$ay! after a"". /he sh#ff"e$ towar$ the tab"e! her worn ho#se s"ippers sc#ff"ing on the woo$en f"oor. AThis is a better +iew anyway!A Binny sai$ o#t "o#$ to the e%pty roo% as she san' into the chair an$ watche$ o#t the "arge win$ow. 1t was a bri""iant +iew. The who"e c"earing behin$ their ho#se "ay in front of her! the broo% she$ off to one si$e an$ a s%a"" copse of trees on the other si$e. They 'new the %in#te that they saw the property that this was the p"ace for the%. 3arry ha$ i%%e$iate"y f"own o#t on his broo%! %apping o#t the gro#n$s an$ $eci$ing the perfect p"ace for the% to ha+e the training pitches an$ broo% co#rses.

Binny ha$ been perfect"y content in watching hi% f"y whi"e $eci$ing e:act"y where their ho#se wo#"$ sit an$ what it wo#"$ "oo' "i'e. *n$ now! fo#r years "ater! here they were. 4otter *ca$e%y of F"ight was a h#ge hit an$ e+ery session was f#"". That %ight ha+e to $o with who was teaching! Binny %#se$! watching as 3arry6s $ar' hea$ rose abo+e the s%a"" crow$ of parents who stoo$ watching their yo#ng chi"$ren ho+er on training broo%s. This was 3arry6s fa+orite c"ass of the $ay. *n$ Binny "o+e$ watching hi% with the 'i$s. 3e was s#ch a won$erf#" teacher7 patient an$ 'in$! whi"e not "etting the% get away with %essing aro#n$ too %#ch. *n$ the $e"ighte$ s%i"e he wore a"%ost constant"y <#st confir%e$ that he6$ chosen the perfect thing to $o with his "ife. Binny caresse$ her be""y gent"y! wincing when the baby shifte$ insi$e her! grin$ing on her p#bic bone. A3e6s going to be s#ch a won$erf#" )a$$y!A she pro%ise$ their son. The first year of their %arriage ha$ been a whir"win$. They6$ on"y been gi+en a few wee's in >#iet! new"ywe$ b"iss before the press ca#ght the first r#%or of 3arry 4otter being %arrie$. /he an$ 3arry ga+e their on"y inter+iew on the $ay of their one %onth anni+ersary. Things ha$ gone a bit insane after that! b#t they e+ent#a""y $ie$ $own. 3arry went on a few %ore assign%ents for the 1C& before resigning. Binny contin#e$ to wor' at the boo'store whi"e they %a$e p"ans for opening the f"ying schoo". Binny f"ew with 3arry e+ery $ay #p #nti" she fo#n$ o#t that she was pregnant. 1t was bittersweet to ha+e to stop f"ying herse"f! an$ on"y $irect her st#$ents fro% the gro#n$. B#t it was we"" worth it! Binny %#se$ as she r#bbe$ her be""y again. *n$ in a few short years! they6$ be ab"e to ha+e their own son o#t there on his first broo%! racing aro#n$ the pitch. 1n fact! in a few years! the "essons wo#"$ be o+err#n by "itt"e re$hea$e$ &eas"eys. The tho#ght %a$e Binny grin. Fre$ an$ Beorge ha$ fina""y sett"e$ $own with fa%i"ies of their own. .on an$ 3er%ione6s "itt"e gir"! .ose! was <#st starting to to$$"e aro#n$ on #ns#re "egs. 4ercy an$ *#$rey were e:pecting their secon$ chi"$ in a few %onths. E+en Bi"" ha$ fo#n$ so%eone. The "ast ti%e they ha$ a"" gotten together! he ha$ bro#ght a "o+e"y French wo%an na%e$ F"e#r with hi%. 1n fact! she6$ been the French Tri9&i2ar$ Cha%pion $#ring Binny6s thir$ year at 3ogwarts. They6$ apparent"y %et whi"e wor'ing

for Bringotts. Binny wasn6t positi+e abo#t her! b#t if she %a$e Bi"" happy! then that6s a"" that %attere$. Char"ie was sti"" sing"e! b#t he a"ways sai$ he preferre$ it that way. A&hy sprea$ %yse"f so thin when there6s so %#ch 6Char"ie "o+e6 to go aro#n$(A he a"ways as'e$! #s#a""y earning hi% a s%ac' to the bac' of the hea$ fro% his %other. /iri#s an$ .e%#s ha$ %o+e$ bac' to Eng"an$ two years ago. 1n fact! they "i+e$ <#st $own the "ane a bit. /iri#s was at the schoo" %ost $ays! he"ping where he co#"$! b#t %ost"y getting in the way. 3e an$ the twins ha$ beco%e especia""y goo$ frien$s an$ %any $ays he he"pe$ at their store! ref#sing to be pai$ for any wor' he $i$. .e%#s ha$ been a "ifesa+er in getting the schoo" starte$. 3e an$ 3arry ha$ staye$ #p %any nights "aying o#t a"" the financia" p"anning an$ str#ct#re of the act#a" "essons. *n$ now! to e+eryone6s s#rprise! .e%#s was act#a""y $ating /iri#s6 co#sin. Ton's ha$ st#%b"e$ into their "i+es! >#ite "itera""y! by assign%ent fro% the =inistry. )espite being a high"y ran'e$ *#ror! she often ha$ prob"e%s staying on her broo%. /he signe$ #p for a$#"t "essons one $ay whi"e .e%#s was he"ping in the office. The ne:t thing they 'new! she was ta'ing pri+ate "essons fro% =oony?so%ething 3arry an$ /iri#s snic'ere$ abo#t for %onths. B#t Binny tho#ght it was sweet. Two #n"i'e"y peop"e! bro#ght together in a #ni>#e way. A,#st "i'e yo#r )a$$y an$ %e!A Binny r#bbe$ her be""y again. The c"ass o#tsi$e bro'e #p as parents began to co""ect their chi"$ren an$ %o+e off to the *pparation point! or the f"oo connection in the broo% she$. Binny watche$ contente$"y as 3arry ho+ere$! banishing the s%a"" practice broo%s an$ other training %ateria"s bac' to where they be"onge$. /"ow"y! he c"i%be$ off of his own broo% an$ %a$e his way to the ho#se. 3is chee's were pin' fro% the crisp fa"" %orning air when he steppe$ into the 'itchen. A&hat are yo# $oing $own here(A he as'e$! bea%ing when he saw Binny. A,#st watching!A she shr#gge$. /he trie$ to stan$! wanting to wrap her ar%s aro#n$ hi% an$ s%e"" the fresh air on his c"othing! b#t it was <#st too %#ch. 3arry ch#c'"e$ an$ %o+e$ forwar$ >#ic'"y to he"p her. A/top "a#ghing at %e!A she sco"$e$ soft"y. A;o#6re the reason 1 "oo' "i'e a beache$ wha"e.A A;o# $o not!A 3arry "a#ghe$ as he 'isse$ her hea$! his han$ a#to%atica""y going $own to caress her be""y?as it a"ways $i$. A;o#6re bea#tif#".A

A&hate+er!A she gr#%b"e$! wrapping her ar%s aro#n$ hi% f#""y an$ "etting hi% ho"$ her #p. 3e s%e""e$ won$erf#"! "i'e broo%s! an$ "eather an$ fa"" "ea+es. The scent in+igorate$ her an$ Binny $ran' it in. The baby %o+e$ again an$ 3arry ch#c'"e$! r#bbing at the spot. A3e %isse$ yo# too!A Binny sai$ soft"y. A*n$ he wants to f"y.A A3e wi""!A 3arry pro%ise$! 'issing Binny6s forehea$. A3e6s going to be the best f"yer e+er.A A5o $o#bt!A Binny proteste$! "oo'ing #p at hi%. A3ow co#"$ he be anything b#t(A 3arry "a#ghe$! a so#n$ that Binny co#"$ ne+er get eno#gh of. A=aybe he6"" be a Chaser! <#st "i'e his =#%%y.A A r a /ee'er! <#st "i'e his )a$$y.A Binny "a#ghe$ when 3arry bea%e$ at her. A r %aybe we6"" both be s#rprise$ an$ he6"" be a -eeper! "i'e his @nc"e .on.A A1 tho#ght I was a 6'eeper6!A 3arry <o'e$! %a'ing Binny groan. A n"y if yo# ne+er %a'e that <o'e again!A she "a#ghe$. A;o# "o+e %y <o'es!A he po#te$! roc'ing the% a bit si$e to si$e. A1 "o+e yo#!A she proteste$. They 'isse$ se+era" ti%es an$ then t#rne$ to "oo' o#t the win$ow together at the wor"$! painte$ in bright fa"" co"ors o#tsi$e. Binny sighe$. A1t6s a"" so won$erf#".A A;es!A 3arry %irrore$ her tone of awe! sti"" r#bbing her be""y. A1t is.A Binny no$$e$! her eyes wan$ering o+er to the firep"ace where a fra%e$ piece of b"#e paper sat! right ne:t to their we$$ing photographs an$ +ario#s fa%i"y %e%bers wa+ing fro% their fra%es. Wante": clean an" res!onsible !erson to share a three be"room flat in "owntown #on"on. &ho 'new what one "itt"e paper co#"$ change. The ,nd A/N: A huge 'than you' goes to &eb, %lla an" 'el for their ama$ing wor on this story. When this thing starte", it was, *uite literally, a mess with a few scenes here, a few

scenes there an" no connective tissue at all. 8nce again, when I let %lla into my 'rubbish fol"er' she foun" something there that I coul"n't see an" hel!e" me bring it to life. 'el -um!e" in !art way through an" hel!e" me to fin" a few holes that nee"e" fi1ing an" have those characters believable. &eb, as usual, !olishe" everything u! goo" an" even hel!e" me fi1 the mess I'" ma"e all over Western 8regon. +, 0he use" to live there, while I've only visite" a few times. In the en", it was a very fun -ourney to ta e with everyone. A "efinite "e!arture for me from what I normally write. An" I thin that's goo". :hange is goo", even if I have to be "ragge" into it. ?Cisuali$e claw mar s all over the !lace as %lla tries to convince me that this story shoul" be !oste" somewhere., 0o, than you to everyone who rea" an" than s for telling me what you thought of the story. An"i

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