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Half Jackson-type clasp: Objective: An acrylic partial denture is usually retained on the teeth with half Jackson-type clasps.

They are bent to the shape needed with special pliers ( i!. A". Half Jackson-type clasp provides reliable retention of the denture if its ar# e#braces the crown directly below the survey line (the line of the #ost bul!in! part of the crown". $lasps are constructed fro# round or half-round wrou!ht wire %.& to %.' ## thick.

(e)uence of construction of the clasp *wrou!ht wire clasp+: ,efore clasp adaptation- block out wa. is used to obliterate the pro.i#al undercuts adjacent to the edentulous area. A piece of wire /.& to 0.& c# lon! is held with the fin!ers of the left hand and the ar# of the clasp is shaped by usin! the pliers to fit the undercut area %.& ## away fro# the !in!ival #ar!in i!. (,". Then the pro.i#al part of the clasp is bent by !radually advancin! the jaws of the plies. The pro.i#al part should lie on the #ost bul!in! part of the crown surface ( i!. $". the re#ainder of the clasp is coiled upon itself and bent so that the coiled or acrylic resin portion will be sli!htly out of contact with the lin!ual or palatal surface of the cast. This will allow the acrylic resin of the denture base to flow co#pletely around the wrou!ht wire and lock it securely in place. After for#in! the clasp- it should be attached to the tooth surface with sticky wa. applied on the buccal surface of the tooth.

i!. (A" 1liers used for bendin! clasp

i!. (," Hand position when bendin! a clasp

i!. ($" (ta!es of clasp bendin! Jackson-type clasp: Objective: 2n a unilateral free end saddle and absence of a distal abut#ent- Jackson-type clasp is constructed on one of the abut#ent teeth on the dentulous side of the dental arch. Jackson-type clasp is #ade as follows: The clasp is bent fro# a sin!le piece of wire. The buccal ar# is shaped first ( i!. A- ,". The ends of the wire are bent over on the occlusal surface and fitted into the s#all depressions which are usually found between the occlusal surfaces of two adjacent teeth ( i!. $". The clasp is finally shaped by bendin! the wire to e#brace the undercut area of the lin!ual surface of the crown ( i!. 3". The fabricated clasp is attached to the #odel with #elted wa..

i!. (A" The buccal ar# is bent

i!. (," buccal ar# is co#pleted

i!. ($" The pro.i#al parts of the clasp are bent

i!. (3" The clasp is seen fro# the lin!ual aspect

i!. (4" A unilateral free end saddle

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