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My Wishes in 2014 God gives You.. 12 Month of Happiness, 52 Weeks of Fun, 365 Days u!!

ess, "#6$ Hou%s Good Hea&th, 526$$ Minutes Good 'u!k, 31536$$ e!onds of (oy..and that)s a&&* +

My Wishes in 2014 God gives You.. 12 Month of Happiness, 52 Weeks of Fun, 365 Days u!!ess, "#6$ Hou%s Good Hea&th, 526$$ Minutes Good 'u!k, 31536$$ e!onds of (oy..and that)s a&&* + ,efo%e the go&den sun sets, 2$13)s !a&ende% is dest%oyed, -nd .o/i&e net0o%ks get 1a..ed, 2 0ish in 2$13 eve%y .o.ent is en1oyed Husband asks: Do you know the meaning of WIFE. It means, Without Information Fighting Every time WIFE says: Ha!!y ew "ear #$%& WakeUp DudebecauseHereis MorningCoolness,RisingSun, SingingBirds, MeltingDew,Alongwith this little heart WishingU A Very GloriousFirst GoodMorningof Year 2014. Tuk Tuk Tuk .. Tuk Tuk Tuk .TukTuk Tuk .MayI come?.Whatdid u say ?.MayI come?..Whoare you?I am your NeWFrienD... Whatsyour name. Oh no!YesI said whatis your name?.RealyYouDont No Me?.Yesi dont.Oki am..:*2014:*comingafter 2 days Niceto meetyouand i wl comewith peace. It will be my promise if youdont forget ur Allah Advanc:) HAppY:) nEw:) yEAr:) 2014:-) o, it means With Idiot for Ever

'h my Dear, Forget ur Fear, (et a)) ur Dreams be *)ear, ever !ut +ear, ,)ease Hear, I want to te)) one thing in ur Ear Wishing u a very Ha!!y - EW "E./01
Each moment in a day has its own value. Morning brings HOPE, afternoon brings FAI H, Evening brings !O"E, #ight brings $E% , Ho&e you will all of them everyday. HAPP' #E( 'EA$ )eauty Freshness *reams ruth Imagination. Feeling Faith rust his is begining of a new year..

A New Year

A New Challenge A New Goal A New Optimism A New Aproach A New Mission A New Resolution Wishing You a very Happy New Year

(ish 'ou A+,reat, Pros&erous, )lissful, Healthy, )right, *elightful, Mind )lowing, Energetic,

errific - E.tremely +HAPP' #E( 'EA$ /012

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